SISTERS By KATHLEEN NORRIS Author of "JosBcliria Wife" (CopyrUht, 1019. by Kathleen Norrl) Ann eon "What did lie say . TTtfK HTOnY T".IS -j.ii,j. Jil two rfntoH- ' . doca r, mid Cherry, nnd Mt niece, ' '"' Al lootther in tho Cat torn la Annt, Hve top ""' j. e,r ,tr phbor, . redwood. a if'Wi ''iimwIii Lloml. cornea am it,(-r. jirojiosos tnur- " JS set 0 hi l0HttDet daugh ,imc ''fM ) Lloyd in the morn "" "L At more than ordinnru inp. Anne ftM more J(JJ ANND aided and nb.tted .net" Bald "A the doctor ncclly. .5 SrttDaM, no, u"",:. .irt littlo crcaturo to oo er , a. J''!W el, Jally. "You might hiitr' Alls said muBicniij. J"1,1 7 another doub 6 banks a." Bnd. p4Vh.? thought that Lloyd might "I rather lnu,K"t,npkieor a derrick LeYhlng '' -ubmlttcd nor rather api?i.- .. ....wlv ran wen, " ' " , rded, laugnwij. :'"".... hm.t coming over. Chro 7 ... ?uiroMratlonwa reviewed for " " VhS rimarltcd. between two l,.r bencnt. She ren. wnH c n'oer tomorrow at 10 o'clock, and reter. too - . much goodt" Allx 'Wir"rl hen looked at her re- CommPnic". - proschfully. . ,. ran t0 reter. r.rjh.. Her father gve phr7mmedlateTy n ' eBrward both klrs, nd immediaieiy wu) the ounscr .." ud to bed. . i....,ro Vmrn. woody- Allx ana -nerry o ' under brown .melllng room t eked away unu r avei. The wans '"'Jr,inw fmion. ,atllc.in50 the ffaerant darkness of the as? Sf ihpm. saw.? TVSnS W acUrn, t The ghds Sfe t? '? tSaVd villaKO that amonB r j , lne ind, ,, mio T o f?lr like all their ftihSSS war? hardy, bred to cold Pe E "ii walks simple hourn, and shin bath. long yalKS. Biimno rllmnte tlWTd .h?.rUbed wl"dow open th. year round: tnw "",,:; Mnter damp ami iub. ..- -rhiitriiitt- hlth blue nnBe i-yw ""-,,,,: u. beeth. to warm inemeivo ...v.. . tut and. the fire. r-wrv SO Allx Ba u nuu ... - . rv - lnglthMoredwoo tcW?hetSr, -Id fcdr.fteT.n.frrithoforcn Hit had oeen " " f -. ,"ht EX the door of Hong-e caWn. .a .hut,. MrM vards away; uwm, ..' ft a8 WackncM unbroken under tho "fh'o season was late, but the girls felt ... . nih of dellsht that summer was .:'... . i..t thft nlr wnn BOIt m..-andJhVre wu8ia .cne,,. wnse of b"ing irecu iiuu. i.. ivetneps nnd heaviness. A'1" ". l; In Inmn Hlxv Mi: ButVucfrrrflt that o tnntlnir In seas of new Joy nnd utter IWIglit and that she would itecr ue weepy agan. . , ,. . . .. I Downttairs Anno a..;. n- ..".wi n-. fctaldly on. the man dreaming with u knottea. roreneau. .",",'?: Presently ne ran a iierum ."'.. " I i. ... ...Ab M.ltt. MVfln 4lnv RtltChPM. folded It, and put her thimble Into a iiLse lhat nung ironi ner orucny iwm lac will a long ribbon. toctor, she straightened herself to flse. "This young Lloyd, now what do Irou think of nimv She widened demuro mue eyes. Cknnlrl .ml Via unl'rv If 1 liked him. uncle L?" she sinll'd. The old man rumpled hla silver hair eitlessly. ".no-o. ne Bain, a nine rueiuny. i mppoto It'll be some man some day, my jr. 1 vo uoen iiiuuvii.ftv vi.-.. i.n.i; Cherry seems to be growing up!" Inn n'lin niftHalftrl Iiai HAnnrlmnt LrtmuVint nnnn this rnnrillnt of Katllor 111 'Bleak House," camo to tho hassock ftt his Knee, and sat mere. looKing up pt htm with bright affection and ro- "Chcrrv s orrly a child, " nhe assured l.l. .. 1 111.. 111 ..I U.k m. .1.. A ii.tiii 4iuu .u.x viii uui uq uruuj. (U Che her hart to any man for eais lo com' But I'm twenty-four, uncle Ana sometimes I foel ready to to try my own wings'" tie smiled nt Iit aosenllj , lie was thinking of her mother, an articulate, 99 ml. ra.nlllla .Amai. t i.'lir.ii .... K'iwullll im'lllin I.WIIIU.,1, UL I, IIVIII I'Q hud ner hon fond. ii.ub uip way ina wmu mowa, en , he askfd kindly Anne widened her pretty eyrs. ...ii .ivh 3j iiui IIIUI..I fir n nni' Tou pee th tlouors and booki and notes. Jm not the sort of girl to wear tny ""u un inv nippve, Aline, nun was fond of pniall onnservntioniil tags, an wred him merrllv "But thern must ho tome firo where tliere's so much smoke !" he ended lou're not surn, my dear?" ho asked, Mter eom thought alio nnswered. "Jt'H JiiBt a nney that persists In comlngf and koIiir lou i know, Inrlo le," Anna purmied, ""' '"""ttiij, rvo always nnd ratnci a mgh Ideal of m.irrrlaire. I've always --.. mat be a blR- too gravely yet. n was only that I wanted to be open and nboveboard with j oil, urtolo from the beginning. Thatls the only honest way," "Thai's wlso nnd right!" her uncle answered, In the kindly, absent tone he Imd used to them as children, a tone he J.ah.I.PhiJ- ? t0 ,Mmn. when 8l18 w l1.,JSr.2lBhet lnood' and on6 ha rather vAZZXtiMnk ,hat pcrh,4PS 6tom,thiniln1rnn0 CChCd a'nn"dly. .rd V1 h .W.W orwo'uld1 nrot"dT. Peter faiFln'gTn lS!lca 0f c'"y and "w!ll.e.!iOW' ono doesn't think of Peter StllMK SnL2n-7;' 8h.e "ld slowly, sin. trying" to grasp tho thoimht "iii nVhead""- Bhfl B?rt d, shaklnS Uncle?" you wouWn't like that. nusert "lint n?Inr r""'." the doctor Ighteen ! Hn"ernTJ,y' 8n6' b,irel' ifitan nrtln V7t Tho old- mfln hesitated. T5".nnJn I suppose t hera'H no run.. THE GUMPS Oh! Those Men! -: suppose tli(t'o no rea- ild that the man I woulI marry must ni,.., .7 """'. i "uii t only M Ifl Vl 1 ,.,..,.11.. II.. ...ecu iiiuiiiu, il.c:i..4l...:v a man ainonc men !" it... . 1("' "1lllK J"ng Lloyd answers IBM dncriptlon, eh " "I think he docs, 1'ncle Lee," he (?..,.."". "''ouHly And Immediately Driihtlj, "Well! We mustn't tako thla "Peter mused. eight bega K ". ' ,'!wr shouldn't kiss her. In a Tn?hVr ?r.y sort f wnyl" he submitted "Pit,!,1-8. U,hg ,,cfJ" Ann exclaimed. fathIerU0na'(,K,Ja0sVtl.tvhat "C 1W" Chcrr)'"a heBgr.Ve?s.s,t1ed,i05'OU '" o dldr n ii'?tea..ran.cyr no assured her. "Just up ?oo fasti"" Bho '8 growlns .ln ei0nur.8 .wo all and you especially, ?.?.-. ,Anno. reminded him. Bmlllng. reter, she added thoughtfully, "has KlEned us all, now and then !" h.lte stooped for a dutiful good-night kiss, and wan Bono. And as she went, lightly nnd swiftly across the hall, up the stair way with her shoulders erect, and methodically and prettily moved about her brushing nnd folding and disrobing. ho raw herself engaged to be man led, saw herself veiled and mystical In white, on her uncle's arm. heard the old neigh bors nnd friend saying that little Anne Strickland had gone to her own home, and had won the love of a fine, man. Downstairs, the doctor sat on, think ing, and his faro was grave. Ho was thinking of little Cherrv's good-night klFS, half an hour ago. She had rested agnlnst his arm, and he Imd held her there, but what had been the thoughts behind tho bluo eyes so near his own' Perhaps Anne was right P"rhaps Anne was right. But ho rnllied with a great rush of fear that some man had kissed Cherry tonight had held her against a tobacco-scented coat, and that the girl was a woman, nnd nn awakened woman at that. Cherry kissed a man ' Her father's heart winced away from the thought. Young Lloyd and Peter had walked home with her. But If Anne was right In her maidenly suspicions of Lloyd a In tentions, then It must have been Peter who surprised little Cherry with a sud den embrace. Lloyd had been hurry ing for a train, too ; tho case looked clear for Peter. And ns he came to hla conclusions, n certain relict crept Into the old main heart. Peter was an odd fellow : he was ten vears too old for the child But Peter was a. lover of books and garden nnd woods and music, after all. and Peter's father and this old man musing by tho Urn had been "Lee and Paul to each othtr since boyhood. Peter might rln Cherry a kls as Innocently ns a brother; In any case. Peter would wait for her, would be all consideration and tenderness when he did win her. "But I think perhaps she might go down to the San Jose school for lml r a term." her fnther reflected. blx mouths thero did wonder for A1U. .o use precipitating minisn i..u ..j - - " years are pretty Important for all the girls. Wo mustn't let her fancy that the first man who turni her head with com. pllments Is the right partner for life 1 Allx. now somehow sho wasut like Cherry, at eighteen." Ho smiled at a sudden meniop of Allx. who was chlckon-farmlng at that age, and generally unpleasantly re dolent of Incubators, chopped feed and mire. Ho seemed to remember Allx shouting that If Pe'er Joyce was going to live Irr their houio. she won d moe .,.,.v,r eUe ! Cherrv was different Cherry, he reflected fenrfully. was ns pretty as ner momer nnu u-rn m cn,n. cen. with the samo rounded chin and apricot cheeits and tho same shadowed Innocent blue ejes with a film of corn coloml hair blown across them She had the strange the Indefinable quality that without word, almost without glances, draws outh towaid youth, draws admiration and passion-, draws iifo nn,i nil lin miln Her father for the first tlmn tonight formulated In his heart tho thought that sho might be happily married Married nonsense' TVhy. what did she know of life, of submission nnd rour n r. nnd miprlllee? At the. first strain, nl the llrst real test, sho would want lo run home to her daddy again, to "stop pla.lng" "'. It would ue years, nianv ears, before the snowy ft tils, and the pale gold head, and the firm, brown littlo hand would be readj for that Not many hours after he went slowh up to bed morning began to creep Into the little valley The redwoods turn'd gray, and then dark green, the fog stii red. and a llrst shaft of bright sunlight struck acrosa a Shoulder of tho hills and pierced tho hndown nbout the brown liungaiow. iux at ner enny iuui, heard quail calling, ami looked out n. see tho last of tho fog vanishing at 8 o'clock and to get a wet rush of fragrance from the Persian lilac, bloom ing this year for tho first time. At s 10 she camo out Into tho garden, to find her father somewhat ruefully stml lug int. tumbled ruins of the yellow banksl.i rose. Tho garden was still wet, but wanning fnst; sho picked a plume of dark and perfumed heliotrope, nnd began to fnsteit It In his coat lapel whllo ahe kissed him. CONTINUnD TOMOimOW) DREAMLAND ADVENTURES THE FLOWER GARDEN BALL n- DADDY A COLUMlV ANDAHAt-P OF sucicares today TUey SHOULD PUT THE WORSE. RACING, STOCK MARKET AND MARRIAGE LICENSES ALL ON TME SAME PACE.- CALL IT THIS. GAMBLING SECTfON- . AND TUG!!? AQES- THERE'S AN OLD GiPL PORTY FIVE. - YOU CAN BET THAT'6 NET WITH ALL THE, widi-uunto ORP - OLD Of? XOUNG THEY FALL BOI5 1 "g iTtrs rr Cs WSLLJ - MAYOE. TMCY GOT THEM TH& SAME WAY YOU GOT ME, WITH THAT MUSH - TW.O&E PROMISES -IF MEN USED THE. SAME. TACTICS IN BUSINESS THAT THEY DO TO WlN A WIPE THEY 0 BE ARRESTED POfc O3TAININ0 rnONEY UNDER, RALSE. PRETENSES YOU WERE GOING TO TREAT ME UKG. A MTTLE ANGEL Bit Sidneu Smith '' 1 '1; '. ; I I t ...... .1 I LU n 1 1 W AND HAVNl WAVE. I TREATED YOU l fNUrHIIMC TO tiAT ( I UlfcTE AN J JESf ) k..tx ri V TO WEAR J j - rANUtZ.L . J fi --v ""'-" C V'' MRJk i y I H JTT HI SIDNEY. ; . 'MM -m PETEY Another of the Evils By C. A. Voight ' !i-??iS llfllANMCrv. BLAUfc.- Jij..-"As j1?.!! T31AWV1 TomBatova. AMVHOV !' : w mt pf mi whiii ' ii m i I iw' p- """ " v v ii a iirr a " , - 'x. w i t I J V 1 VJ f 1 mm 1 X ) RANIMC ATJoutPRO-j ---peRHAPS "S Hlt3T(ow UlE r ' HE'ICH ot- T fia HasTurweoHis J5 - y 4$Sk HEAD-MV, SUCH - .j w LAr4CUAre ) U OOD HEANEVIS-VJHATS ALLTtS r "tOU AV.VA'ANi SAID ?R0H5UI0N VfOULD KEVGR HUPTOU " T1 NAH? V4EU- 303A EVETl SEE So NtAKV SttoKEW Bottles arouwo BEfoiie ?? (n 12& The Younrj Lady Across the Way iSP& J Mr The young lady across the way says the bbould think tho men nho must drink would lenrn lo leave, wood alcohol nlonc nmj stick lo the bottled goods. THE TOONERVILLE TROLLEY BU rONTAINE FOX Ha'i OOMMA KiCl UH A SAtU AMP MAKL 50Mit f -j r J ityS GOrlMA DO A -rSHT0Pfi sronr yoR. J vlti O0C.HTA Clf . 'r ,! r. 7l , ir lit i ! - .. i . i 111 VlalMWH.K nX to l5Z&2S&Ssb S 4k - ii .Ti w-".jLTiCT&,'i s-rs .? . - - ..ll..M',SSsi .? 8. yjci-f -" ' --Via .'.k .'lu' e"?rt&CZir fLV l . .. Z WBS O v HIS GOHNA Jl . PWufi, oV . "V. . 4 1 jrs s.'j it r."e 4f J'l .-- " -l I sw .. 4 'T '. J . a W vL))J IT'5 AVlltft.iiS& T!) ' i Si' z y TtLttCRAf OOTflT 1 JJEYCHA V i'0"iri r !Vi US', iiSro - . ij" zxiri IWthA TJS &W JJ d Wf SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG ' When we, tkollY pole smiHQ SfsOK6 AND THE SKlPPCR K6Gtt UP YrfAY 3UBSflTuT HE KNCW THEKC WoOLO 5 A 'SCrie.s AT THE CEMBRAL 5ToRE 'ffai. MHtK Ht 5T0PPB0 THE CAK THCKE. - OH! tf I "Mr vWM Htr Wrtfirt ttt,-cotAe vVsMtl fiHE ociock! IU TeAC Mim A lom we wowr foCET BBBBBBJBBVS -P -sBBBj ' BBBBBBfBBKSf ' w jmib . mMMmmmMmmMwmmWrnrrrEr'iZ wiwllilv HZl bz PT". "WmmWLWLmM'L J . ;r .i bW gggg itStMBBBBBhBp! Ai; vBKBi mii l it vouvo d& jo ffBWBwsB- 'i ,"' 'i:BBP ga..-'S crovioco ih ,-i:w,Bri PpbBibBBWBwESlLJLmmmmmPjB vnw bota or- or, 9BBBB2BvBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBj 3&sSy7iK3liSiS Trte Cmo of a VWecT D SOMEBODY'S STENOGMary Doodle Is Sad Over Winnie's Wedding -.- (Prntiit miaJI.,hi.. ii.. flS.'i,;,' ... ; '. '. "v."r' f.nM itnnii ;."" "' ",B 'lower ua ?e,F.i !'' V ,' ." wlftM fine ai r. Hi'"' hollyhock leal, bcarlny an "ialloH, lulfers (i,(0 her lap ) CIIAI'TUR II Tlirnnrli .!.& n..t.i... My-vlf "union innic Q't. irs an Invitation to the. null'"' i-egtry nappuy. "iiumblo Busz must ha heard me unv I'd ...j ' " w,,,lt ca" "e mean by ii " M ".eir?! f "?ht?" '''W" r"rlo,", farlhf,, ,'"1 !lin R;,r,"!n In I he h 2 J,1!"1 ,facS" ,"r,,,' towaid Th .il8lm ""'' '"nectlne lin beauty -ring '0f ''Li loug !' . '"'elit form ino It ,.B "."'": " "I? hrvltntlon . p'rg lav i,Vi. B ' ".tirl l0 rPlul " flnlly ahouiy ..r '""" onelerlnB ound nan i hm ,y,'!, ,?l0H,,a '" mO-o "P W " " '"," 'ir-ipllttlnir hlstle JlfTy and rJieai1 uecl her Irr a K'vlns hw'.uT m'nB nilJ' nelBlum for mil wag rat, ,in 8C',rr Bllt ""'Vb fron anlh,Hh,ntr, nVcl soon P'BKVii Mly "whed, aird bIi0 luuchcd mcr- ''e'Tn.1".1!!.: 'wrt Hilly. "You'd our own earc en iT. ' . " . '.,Hr,y ,n "lonjr ' b",rcin. if i hadn t come I'M ZihulZtf.llSr WW In is. '.:"" hand m rn tn ,..i,... nf..'"flWrlnVh0 "aa BCCn """ l Short lJh1,.,''BKy In illamav. Ktonnln crN u. .",.r.? K"i-s r-'7t ' ,U'HI fiVTrt r "S0'". Plrplo or Rolden light that Bumble Dee Buzz spoke or in his note," regiry waned, erv oiop to tears "And now theie'H not one left and wo can't ko tn tho ball." Trto enough, not u tmnflower was In Bight Tho btalks soro there, but tlm flowerH nnd seeral Inches of utem had dlH.ippeured. Thero wasn't even the tiniest snrrlt of cold to be seen. "Why." cried Illllv. who had been looklnir around tho enrden "Theri' n not uny flow em at all hem exi'eptlnir a couple of faded bachelor buttons The othoiH must bo at the ball and ."Yep." Interrunied IVckv "And c can't, go to the ball, Our ring of Uetit i gone " "Hut tho moon Isn't shining orr the applo tree Ikn It said In the note, fniu nilly, hopefully. "Tim Bunllowcrs may return"' So Peggy and Bllh" sat down In the swing to wait for tho time when the moon would shine oer tho annle tree Ab they wulted they wondered what the ball would be like, nnd how It happened mn Humble, nee nuzi had nv ted them Blltv told I'cggy how his Imitation had been wrltteir on a m.iple leaf which had blown right Into his hand Ilefoie they knew It tlm moon wns oer the apple tree and lo and behold -In tho ery center of tho garden wan a ring of gomen light rant by tho moon, and an aiuunti was snadow. "Wa nin.l l...n ..!..! nni. Hi... .w llliinv .114.1, Lliru tillli .11 moon moves so swiftly that elide will not b$ there long" .lumping up, he and Pfggy ran to tho renter of the g.iruen unci stepped Into the golden I InK JMV. what n ftmnv fee 1 1 ne.' orlen Peggy, au thoy set foot Into the muglo tune, "We're shrinking," answered Hilly In astnulshmnnt. And nine enough, the, wein inpldl) glowing umallei The trees and bushes seemed in shoot up Into the sky, tho enrth rushed up toward them, tho clrrlo rcemrd to grow tn a huge slxn. and then tliet thrrmeleR V el rt littlo doll-sized creatures about eight Inches high and before them stretched a inoorroeam path, sprlnuita nr una AtARY, WHAT Do VOU 7H IMK J 1 HOI V WIWWIE ASKEO MILTo BE 3 BUCKWHEAT? ncyvjois Jrjm W AJWIP: AT MCO t i - -. VNEDDIM6 feryrurhl. 1018. br Tublle 1&MT Co By Hay ward JOBODY AJEVER AKS MB. Jo BE Mo - Br?lDESMAIDt I-I G-SUESS I J AIMT PRETTY EAIOU6H ! AlOTTHAT X WAMT TO SIT 1M AT THEM 1 FUNERALS An' HOLti bECORATIOAlS CPVEK IHE CORPSE'. IHET KlAi have eaa '. ohm What hurts is THHJ HERE WIAJWIE OWES vlE TWO BITS FOR SIX MOMTHSAH'' MOW SHE'LL AJEVER BE ABLE TO PAV IT ! r tt'i r li r GPF T 'AriT To flF.r A t:: r 1 " 1 V COSTUME AAU ALL Too! fe nn if .- -- . i . . f k. . t k ff " 1 - " - V Vt Tn "m-oii WIMW E h.i infti wNCKruLft dear;; - f,?, -NfFe.eilEA PSij o T Kajfvw Hat Kimo of Flowers a. 7 . LM.yBM , rSHP WAThPwu,' t0 I CARRY' I GUESS 3"T S X Tl !p J Saturday: Lrr.PSLJ.i have a vEbb.AiG - S? ' ... c i r ...ii uui i il.i i ua u. uuc a t f . I . r. I jijf i i j y -r ."w.iwvm ii iuu t y- V v JPtoJ ' iT?4l -Jfi&l icf; V7 - J 1 - VVTt -inilyI U . " l &. fi4 htBMAI- i. i Jl f V - 'lf X. ,'-l 1 ,7 1 I I J ft I rrr mjt&rr, wfc..:".v.i . l - i i vjti x u : a i r a v --v i - v t?v p, i l&'i W w $ml -tEK rTT ,: mtmmVJ'iitwiii .A i jr.H . i-L-r ,, mNhjnrrs" uhmi.ii n ', 'r , ... . , '-. - . . .. . . , u.Jiw;.cvin.ii'. - t .- t wjinmniniiwr, nwfimrni&issz.nvk immmwans - m-is rawsn" ) v, ttk- .lassauB '.jLi-ousaaas -w -v. -- "' - ISiM'W.WM'itl.UIMWOaB " 5 'jMmmmm.i&fjjr t . t.lJfcJ-...K -- t e ?.f -MCrCJ? ' . - -- t 'U nATWAWO Afc - " ! N- H i " - i i , t III II II , - '. "riP" st f runs ivr if,., if ,.,. c ,.. x . 3 . j . .. .. .www.. WWfWg rttat ... ... . . ByEdwina if WtUU CjtP V0H1X! CRLL.TWftT . ... I n ; ' ' - r A "PICTURE OP MyRTLC! WELL I OH'CAP', LE rUIE 3)RWVM t,-tmt, vm -r... "" N. -Zc i ,r-.i rr-r- . u. i ? & I gee wht.'.- whoever HrVwiEnJ J0 IP w" 7 S Vthat op niRrC; MilSF ) 0" GeVt-lr T-T? ; rT jjnnwtit. inru - nLUi . f t- V "ot ""'"' jf T i -, . s -a, sfc L 7ff c. Y'v) ww -sF vl v r -.Kj v n-.-'' v .so -iX-sv Tii' .sL drttD BPvy5 t'.-r -fti rx r-v", o i, slwyvw?' Affli j(A ii vr-s rv Svry i j . w . w ra. a HliBBBBR . I Aw v vil. HBBBBBBBBBBBBT .J jBBBBB L U a s C jbBBBBBBBBw v. lAt 'r a a. liBBBV r . 4 aBKs m BBBBBBi Ttaii3!LL Jri '''mm. .1HP'MI, nBBBv t . i ." 'At L B'V"- V mj-ij- -u-. f 3fT . OS . ... , VCk ' 9 )". vin fvoo loarps, A 1 fcT.4feAJ BUirdi - '""-w nv llll 0 lx , " j ' "l m' s Z "rr . uJJFv rM ItJ-IStA " aHag r, , -r -T li-il V t ! - NJt-uCJMiiliHBiBMLLAl.tJiiiKriiMlS.,ftlr.IIHHHU&UMiridH . -rA "ii"r.i.V.v,-'TlM . iB.iiHiiHiiin.iHHOHiH