tmnemtxam.. k-- tiHaiBHgnivsift vjvvmzmmMmmTwrw,ivrrs 'TJ , wh'WMmiw1. v '-&aMmmmtw& " '? 'i' r , ,ti A. r ' Tri ' S ,7r (' tx JtWCKVl : i, "r k L r " ' l it ; XXt''S -V'- 1 - -w MB KM BALDWINS FUtURE BRIGHT $50,000,000 In Foreign Orders Alone, 8yB Samuel H. Vauclaln fi." - idw,n rcomotlvo Works has '' ' " - - " " ' V' ' - i- .- '- - - - L . i - i - --- - - - . i i i i - Mmmmmmmm SBSm WBm&&lmJznBMa k I ' i ' ' "Hf -"V J PONV STARTS FUSS Now Oop Nabs "Mamie" for Blocking Traffic, but Finds Coll Can't Hold Hor "There will be no court today," sold threr Anderson, of Gloucester, N. J., Sta morSnfc when l.o looKed over the ScTEtat and noted that tho sole Sorb of law and order appear ln8 thereon was a pony named 'Monde. "Mamie" waa "arrested" at King tract by Tollccman Elchenhottcr. It J, Elchenhoffcr'a first arrest, as he b been a jicmbcr of tho forcer but ihort time. A telephone mcasago to Sergeant Van Meter that "a pollco officer was needed ,M awav at King street" led to tho SreSion of "Mamie." rollccman gffhSnoffer was detailed to tho scene ,'a ordered to move quickly. At King street ho found tho pony .ewnely but obdurately holding forth tatho middle of tho thoroughfare, blocking traffic, nnd everything else. Not being accustomed to handling mmlcs tho policeman rondo littlo head 5S In Inducing tho animal to ' move en" unUt somo ono whispered In his car that ho knew tho pony, that Its name m "Mamio" and that, perchance, it night listen to reason If called by Its Policeman Eichenhoffcr took tho nd Tlce and tho pony thereafter was obe dient and consented peaceably to ac company tho guardian of tho law to tho Gloucester pollco station. There "Mamie," being a little thing, was placed In n cell temporarily, but she did not tako kindly tp this form of duranco vllo and kicked up such a rumpus eho had to be led out to a eldo yard. And thero sho remains until the pollco can find her owner, who is laid to be William Marsdcn. claln said,. will assure steady work In the immenso plant and win l,.i. tain regular dividends on thl Sock th mllllon, of dolla?,thCa9tOC.kurffi Wre.r',tPr'" Convention crntlc National ConvMUonWm bfttek.' cted by women carrvlne bnnn.V. -p i what action tho body con??u.a8k,n gnrding resumption V SXV' with soviet Russia, relations 314 Chestnut Street for Rent Attraetiio Dulldlnsr, 314 Chestnut atreot, frontage 20 feet x 180 on slflo street. Suitable for down town home of almost any busi ness. Ileal opportunity to necure good location at nominal rental Can be Inspected at any time. Address Mr. Itleker, IT. W. Ayer & Bon, 808 Chestnut aiia H Distinctive Drop J II LIGHTING FIXTURES III ft.?v.rP,?Trcs?1-1 B1 eC..iy",rb!or k 1 Wedding Cakes Mado by Artists , 75c lb. at ffanscom's 3Te Tour Orders 1232 Market St. S2d & Market Sta, 020 Market St. 276 So. 02d St. 134 Market St. 10 So. 60th Sti 1 VAP0RHEAT1N6 I i s I' t, ' - '"" -! I'll-'....'. , mmm ',i,iMPZLG&&Kt-rimMi& yk. ,; jauMjuut. r"-j ?m&&tzzmt&m yrtniii y " "r- oi"niJi''a mill m flCTPUWUUKJ in iraMMM3umruiijr tun owfflim..r . J'W,, ff rA Drop in Suits Means a Rise in Values Revision in Prices SPRING & SUMMER SUITS. $38.50 to $78.50 Wcre$45 to $85 ISIsb-FuralsHing'Goo'ds and Hats at Revised Prices, Ferro Cam Ctothiera & Outfitter Agents for Rogers Peet Cldlles Good Jobs Await Capable Women at Wanamaker's T3RIGHT, ambitious business girls and women, and those just ready to enter business careers, keep their cye3 on these an nouncements from day "to day to see "what's going" In Wanamnker opportunities for them. Build for both tho present and tho future, In your choice of your businqss homo! Here, tho pay and tho hours aro satisfying, tho atmosphere stimulating to advancement. Opportunities open at Present include: 1 JL Selling Wanamakcr Goods Jf y?,u evcr havo Bold any thing ,f you think you can sell, H you want to learn how to sell St qfyoi!r nnce' in thc ereat est Store in tho world. Can You Sew? Sin!: i.def5 necdlewoman can di8ihBnd se,wer fur 8CWcr. PoukeL nnd Perator n pouer machines, regulation work and alteration hands. Per manent positions. Aro You a Stenographer? A good job has just opened for a competent young woman of tho not-afraid-of-work typo. Waitresses Aro Wanted nt tho Soda Fountain for floor and counter service. Dcsirablo positions for neat, refined, smart stepping girls; short hours, ex cellent pay. Women to Clean About aro wanted on 'short-hour shifts; 6 P. M. to midnight; also full- timo workers, day or night. AlLTenting. JPtotea i Mia :t It Costs To TTlalce The 73est Quality IccCrcaitO ' Tou And The Thotasands Wno Insist On Getting COLONIAL ICE-CREAM SkouliKnow These Facts "THE KigK-gra'de-cream used m COLONIAL ICE-CREAM costs 25' more today than it did eight months ago. Sugar, formerly priced at 1 0 and 44 cents a pound, costs today 20 to 24 cents a pound. Fruits, NutSjJcesand.Salt and Skilled Labor have gonenin price. Conditions beyond our control have forced us to choose between . lowering the COLONIAL, stand ard or raising, the price We Chosoto Mamlaln SuperioTTQaality. Theslightadvancepartly meets the increased cost of manufacture. Your confectioner or druggist now pays a n't tie more for COLONIAL ICE-CREAM than for xny tkerJce-creaifTionjhe maxhett He does this because he knows that COLONIAL ICE-CREAM is the BEST "that better ice-cream can't be made" and that you ap preciate its superior quality" and deliciousness. In a- recenfc'advertisement we pledged that: "So long as the Colonial Bellevisour symbol, will COLONIAL ICECREAM har monize 'with the ideal represented WitM AndthatffJeaislceCream: or JPtrrity Goodness, Happiness I , To the 1,500 Dealers Who Sell COLONIAL ICE-CREAM We aro grateful to you for tho splendid co operation you have given us in helping introduce Colonial Ice-Cream to the people of Philadelphia. You know how we have faithfully kept our promise to serve you with the finest quality ice-cream that can be produced. But to continue this excellent quality we are compelled by reason of the increased cost of every ingredient to make a slight advance in our wholesale prices. Aiinien of good bnalnen judgment, you will tpta tnat QUALITY it more important than tho additional few cent. Wo aro confident that your costometa who know and appro ciato tho goodnora of Colonial co-Croom will willingly aharo with yon and with ua this trifling increaae. For THEY WANT and wo MUST GIVE THEM tho nnett quality ice cream that can ho made. Wo appeal to you to continue to co-operato with ua ao that you and your cuatomora will never have revon to ay that Colonial le-Crmam ia akimplng on ita quality to meot the incT?aaed cOat of production. One word more if there are any doalera in Philadel phla not aerring .Colonial Ict-Craam, but who deairo to aerro their trade with ice-cream of tupttier quality. Jet them get In touch with ua by mail or by phono. TELEPHONES Market 5400 WE PLEDGE again our best efforts and all our resources to alwayymaintain the quality which Jias caused the ice-creameatingpublic of PhiladeIphiatoiagre-that: "Better Ice-Cream. Can't Be Made" "SfV i---,. .t-mS wV S Mr AH! SO PURE jf BBttMaWMaaaaaVn asaCSSaaaaa f 'T- eSSS3BmOO BaMaMa xpaaak jO. &Smm fe BgaffBBBBBBBaaaiavaHBBBiaaaBMawBr aaHsaSsW mmM aa""iaa BBaaBBaHaMtV aH Park 1465 Fourthi and Poplar Streets. Philadelphia. Pa. Joseph C. Trainer, Pres; A.-C,-Gruenewald,hVicePrescndfGen. Mgr; Henry J.-xTrainer, Treas; A.'J. Miller, Secy, "(tl' v 't ' l ttl' . . Ai f ,7' V j?1 M I w.J Q 4 St . H V yi Ploor!1Ga8llQ?yPly " PGrSOn at EmPloyment Offlce, First John Wdnamdker ' H amVF 'laaaMMHM mmmm N'BgJ W s M' K"y iStfl'i .fXtA,l 2BivAttSAflliS.i. j .