rffr t(r7f "'$ . ' BI'0'BV t trunws i fi- i' ... y . - . K1 ' ' BfcBS' '-Ptlfc FE1DAT' JUNE 18, 1920 15 fSpt ; CLOTHlNff ciolhci lor inB-w"'"? '""' jy Solicit Your Account Hv-Gradc Clothing Co. J827 CHESTNUT ST. , 2d Floor. yii'"', RIE-MUR SHIRT CO. MS Chestnut St. OSKm . . WTtwkM HMnm '"""'" nru' --- Paint Your Old Porch Chair! Bjing it back to life again and banish the weather stains of winter with PHOENIX porch chair paint. Glossy, hard finish. All colors. Non-sticky. Phoenix Paint and Varnish Co. Manufacturers 124 Market St, Philadelphia Mm Victrolas All Styles Immediate Delivery $25, $35, $50 up Easy Terms G. W. Huver Co. 1031-33 Chestnut St. PIANOS PLAYEtlS An Opportunity is yours if you desire to ob tain photographs which ap pear in the Ledger, or any we have on file. The Ledger Photo Service was recently estaousnea (due to many requests for Iprints) and rates may be had by writing or phoning. LEDGER PHOTO SERVICE Room 311 Independence Square ct" "v r 'ont let a pool skin employment nKt skln ouble on y face, iiV. . i. """us y not he so of buv' U, Btands ln tho way cc huslncsn nnd Boclal sue- ,j ;,, .,', ".-iiiik ointment It ii pure ami hnmi... ..... .. m ,ta mnrxnii 7wfit.. jcesinolj Attention "AS BEEN CALLED TO BRADLEY'S XEW PRICES od when we deliver meat mm be m you want it irom quality tip. FrlT" ' '""' f N I Bradley Market , and 21st Streets V -'vuijob (55? Great Organ plays at 9, 11, 11:55 arid 4:50 ' Chlmei at Noon WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S WEATHER Clearing Thousands of Inexpensive Dresses, Gay With Summer Loveliness, Are Fresh and New for Saturday in Wanqmaker's Down Stairs Store See How Low the Prices Are, Then Make a Further " ' Deduction of20 Per Cent You'll Agree That Dresses Like These Are One of Summer's Best Points Gingham Dresses Are $5, $6, $6.25, $7.50 and $10 Here are small checks, club checks, plaids and overplaids of every size and color all of them fresh and sunshiny! There are square necks, coql yestees of organdie, tabs of. braid, pleated frills and white pipings by way of trimming. ( New Voile Dresses, $4.50, $4.75, $5, $7.25 and $8 . Mostly in dark Georgette patterns with plenty of black-and-white and blue-and-white combinations. Some have puffed overskirts ; another model has four tiny pleated frills on the skirt. A dress at $8 is sketched; it is in tan, blue, pink or lavender figures and is trimmed with hem- X i Tricolette Dresses, $17 These dresses never stay here long, so wise shoppers will come in the morning. They are braided or em broidered or trimmed with bands of self-material and are to be had in navy, Copenhagen, brown, black and reindeer. Georgette-and-Silk Dresses, $16:50 and $25 Most of them have overslips of printed Georgette in navy blue-and-whitc over skirts of navy blue crepe do chine. Others have plain color Georgette bodices and skirts of figured foulard. $25. The $16.50 dresses arc in light Summer shades, of plain or figured Georgette as well as in navy blue and brown. Many have accordion pleated skirts of foulard or crepe de chine. Paulette Dresses, $25 and $30 Three delightful models in theso pretty dresses, which women like so well. Some are beaded and others arc embroidered in gray wool or self-colors. In navy, black; taupe and brown. stitched bands of plain-color voile. Finer Dresses of Voile $11.50, $12 and $15 At $11.50 and $12 there are twenty, different models in beautifully colored Georgette patterns. Many have ecru embroidered collars and cuffs and all are of fine voile, suitable for women wearing sizes up to 46. , The $15 dresses are embroidered all over and have deep hemstitched hems. In Copenhagen, lav ender, peach and white. Silk-and-Cotton Crepe Frocks, $10.75 Figured Organdie Dresses, $7.50 Veritable Dolly Varden frocks are these gay and dainty affairs of flowery organdie. They are in blue, green, pink and lavender. Another model in flowered organdie, trimmed with ruffles of plain pink or blue organdie, is $8.50. Many very lovely organdie dresses in plain colors Nile, jade, orchid, flesh, rose, white and light blue are trimmed with deep tucks, pleated frills and' overskirts. $12, $15 and $16.75. The patterns and colorings are gay and youthful and the dresses are sure to appeal to all young women. They are in Copenhagen, rose, navy and laven der combined with white and often have wide sashes of contrasting satin ribbon. (Market) Fine Sample Dresses of Dotted Swiss and Organdie, $22. SO and $25 Exquisite materials are used in these delightful dresses. The organdies are in plain pastel tints and in flowered designs developed in Delft blue, amber or strawberry on white grounds. The organdie is very fine and sheer and the dresses are marvels of daintiness. The Swisses are in brown, pink, Copgnhagen and canary, or there are dots of color on white grounds." Women's Gloves of Silk or Chamois Lisle $1 a Pair They are all two-clasp gloves, carefully cut and finished. The silk gloves are in white, black, ponges, gray and beaver, with, double finger-tips for service. , , , ... The chamois lisle gloves arc in white, mode and beaver with embroidered backs. Or in white, pongee, tan, gray or black with plain The 20 per cent deduction brings the price to only 80c (Central) Now It Is Vacation Clothes for Young Daughter Many mothers wisely choose them in the Down Stairs Junior Store where the clothes aro youthful and becoming. Pretty Dresses at $6 to $16.50 $6 Plain color ginghams in green, brown or blue aro prettily bound with white; in 14 and 16 year sizes. $6 Plain color and plaid gingham combined are in green, blue or pink; 12 to 16 year sizes. - u $6.75 Flowered voiles in buttercup, pink and blue have crisp organdio collars, cuffs and pockets: 8 to 14 year sizes. , 59,50 pink or blue dotted organdie, hemstitched and tucked, is charming; 12 to 16 year sizes. , $12.75 Sheer voile in peach, Copenhagen and coral is in an attractive style, adorned with hand embroidery; 15 and 17 year sizes $16.50 Novel gingham and organdio frocks in dainty styles for girls of 15 and 17 years or for small women. Regulation Dresses, $3 (6 to 14 year sizes) They are in rose and blue linene, braided with white. (Market) Need a New Bathing Suit for vacation or for week-ends at the shore or lake ? , . , . The Surf Storo will provide you with a comfortable, good-looking bathing suit, no matter what you want! . . .,- Hathing Suits for women, young women and children aro $.50 to S28 50 There are plenty of attractive safcin and taffeta suits, principally in navy blue and black, at $16.60 to $25. Tights of cotton arc $1.10 and $1.50; wool tights are $3.50. Accessories, such as caps, shoes, etc., aro all here and all moder ately priced. (MBrke0 Summer Suits That Are Cool and Washable Cool affairs aro of rose, tan or Co penhagen linene with white pipings at $7.75. Racquet cloth makes another model that is trimmed with largo pearl buttons. Theso suits have jackets of tan, rose or pink and skirts of self-material or of white. $10. Ramie linen suits are in lavender, whito and a few of green or black. White linen collars and cuffs and pearl buttons trim the Norfolk jack ets. $12. All e l.n .ulte .m rnmfortablo and very smart looking. Tho 20 per cent deduction lowers inu jhu m each considerably. 71 Lu'I. wr'Lv 'ni (if K Ui L V $7,75 $10 Summery Hats One might as well try to list the flowers in a huge gar den as to try to list the visions of loveliness that are called "Summer hats" ! There are roses and there are daisies and there are light hats of organdie and tailored hats of straw or silk. Ribbon hats, $3 to $7.50 Organdie, voile or dotted Swiss hats, $3.85 to $8 Sports hats, $3.75 to $6.50 Large un trimmed hats of puffed rice straw in all of Summer's shades, $1.85 Among them there are surely the two hats or more that you want for vacation and the Summer season. The charm and smartness that fill the many rooms of the Mil linery Stoxe are all yours to choose from. (20 per cent deducted from each price at time of purchase.) ' Market) 100 New Skirts of Gleaming Baronet Satin Special at $12 Delightful sports skirts of plain or figured baronet in white, enfo au lait and in several shades of rose and pink. They have inset pockets trimmbd with small pearl buttons. Just imagine a baronet skirt for $9.60 for that is the price after the 20 per cent deduction is made. Pleated Crepe de Chine Skirts, $13.2$ They are made with narrow box pleats and can be had in white, flesh pink or navy. Pleated White Flannel Skirts, $12.50 Creamy and soft, these skirts are ever so lovely with gay sweaters. They aro knife-pleated and quite full. Fine White Gabardine Skirts, $6.75 The material in this skirt is worth close examination, as it is of remarkable fineness. Big pearl buttons fasten it from belt to hem on the left and there is a pocket on the right side. , 20 per dent comes off the price of each skirt at time of purchase. (Market) 2000 Cool Corsets at $1.50 to $4.50 (Less tho 20 per cent deduction.) ' Corsets of many kinds and for all figures are included net corsets, corsets of cool batiste, of light-weight coutil and of broche many models. Bandeaux and Brassieres, 50c to $2.50 From the light bandeau with tape shoulder straps to tho stronger brassioro of heavy batiste or of satin and lace, tho styles vary greatly', - (Central) Women's FlesMPink Crepe de Chine Nightgowns, $5' and $5.50 less 20 per cent deduction. Lace trims both of these pretty styles. Envelope Chemises of Crepe de Chine, $3.85 They arc cool and dainty, with lace-trimmed tops and ribbon shoulder straps. Camisoles, $1:25 and $1.50 A variety of pretty styles at these prices; of Japanese satin or crepe de chine in flesh pink, plain or lace trimmed. (Ontral) . Men's Ail-Wool Suits at $32.50 Are Special (And 20 per cent is deducted from the price at time of purchase) The Facts All-wool, splendidly tailored suits of cheviot. There are various patterns .and styles in the lot, but not every size in each pattern. The styles are conservative and semi-conservative ; regular men's suits, and there are all sizes in the lot. Also, Suits at $37.50 are about wholesale cost, yet the 20 per cent deduction comes oft just the same ! (Gallery, Murkrt) jEN'S tubular straw hats are $2 less the deduction of 20 per cent. (Gallery, Market) Lovely Colored Organdie, 75c a Yard A sheer quality, 40 inches wide, for women's frocks and blouses. In orchid, flesh, pink, buttercup, light blue, Nile green and brown. (20 per cent deduction, too.) entrM) More of the Good Summer Neckties at 50c Men bought them by tho half dozen last Saturday some men got their Summer's supply. It was no wonder, when they saw the splendid values. More of the same kind of open-end four-in-hands in bilks and silk mixtures arc in hundreds of patterns and colorings. 20 per cent is deducted when they're purchased. Fine Summer Shirts of Percale They're well cut. nicely made shirts of fine striped percales most of them have soft cuffs, others have stiff ones. S-'i. 20 per cent deduction lowers their price considerably. ((iullfr.v, Mar lift) White Oxf ords9 Pumps and Ties Mean Light Steps and Cool (20 per cent deducted from every price at time of purchase) The Down Stairs Shoe Store is equipped to be of great service to women and children in the matter of Summer footwear both from the viewpoint of economy and that of fashion. Women's Canvas Footwear $5.25 to $9.50 a Pair Plain pumps with high or baby French heels; One-eyelet ties with high or baby French heels; Oxfords with medium heels; Instep ties with high or baby French heels. All of them have turned soles. White Leather Pumps $8.90 to $9.90 a Pair They nre of whito leather, like buckskin and have imitation wing or straight tips, welted soles and medium heels. White Leather Oxfords, $9.90 Thoy hnvo welted soles and medium heels and aro quite smart. Whiteness for the Children Lace shoes of leather much like buckskin aro in sizes 8 to 1016 at $5.25 ;Ml to 2, $5.90. Oxford tics of white leather aro in sizes 8V& to 10V6 at and 11 to 2 at $4.50. White canvas nnklerstrap pumps with welted soles aro in sizes 8& to 2 at $2.50 nnd $3 a pair. Plenty of shoes for sports and vacation wear for every onol Children's Roman Sandals , Special at $2.45 Of white leather or of black patent leather with white or champagne tops, they ,aro in. sizes 8V4 to 11. White leather two-bar slippers arc in sizes 8 to 2 special at $2.45 a pair. Women's Brogue Oxfords With full wing tips, welted soles and medium or low heels, they arc of black calfskin at $8.00 and of tun nt $0.90 a pair. Tan. Oxfords at $7.50 They have welted soles nnd Cuban heels. Special at $6.90 a Pair Black or tan calfskin pumps havo Imitation wing tips, woltcd soles nnd medium heels. Pumps, One-Eyelet Ties, Instep Ties $6.90 to $9.90 a Pair Of black patent leather or black calfskin, thoy " t4cit uvvo uiiu ntfci ui uhujt IUJU,U IIGCIS, i - n ;Wa 'j - fci AA" A" 1 ,,& - ,,'ka v. fc ' ? rm - v y . "H 'Jii s n v II M i m " H n u .v,. I 1 .41 VA TJ a 1 M,i A -., :: ifii 9i yl s -" (Ghfctnat) tmi . t bl. . . 1 V r. . . 1 , -. 4 & V AiitAtl't.:l,, r . " ,'"'. '.'''. '.' 7JWWI'P""W"WPj T-" l" 'IJ y-i -L -' -r-- Air.. irTf t r.r. i ... -..,..'f., .' ' ?fc;i' aU7 mmi ai&wsi WAly -iSkiiiSliM vn P-i. ,'-;., AMWji-.L:J i'Mi ' r .(MiirU.t) I y nil ill i""" ifriiiii'J'; i - &uWi ft ;.,,. . ik.v;,