i '.AeX 3w,r .i,f.'?u. TffgT GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE , Nancy Wynne Talh of- Miss Reeves's Engagement. performance of "Mikado" to be Repeated for Seamen's Institute Tomorrow Night SntE of us have been suspecting n romance for some tlmo In the case of t tfeei. and yesterday our curiosity Jo lltSi,Xl by the announcement of S8cSgemont to Henry Walton. Jr., rrr?Mdalo. .To Reeves Is n most nt- Jtlve K rfand I hope she'll be very ir it in her ens-nKcmcnt nnd marriage. q'h5Pff t Oerm" ntSwn yesterday to Bo Sot to Bowling Green. Ky where w will attend the wedding of Mnry MacK Inzll Mom and Eugene H monlii. Thev ore to be married on Saturday, n know, and the members of the wed dlBKPartV started down yesterday to Join In the parties before the wedding difo neeves Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. French B. Reeves, Jr.. of Ocr mantottn. She and her sister Mary Eidcthflr debut together two years Sen Her mother was Miss Lillian Prlmrnc. and both Mary nnd Josephine hive 1'rlmroio for their second name, brands H. Reeves, 3d, and Johnson Reeves are both brothers. The Reeves live on Abbottsford nvenue in German town. Mr. Francis R. Reeves, the erandfnthcr. has that beautiful old place at McKcau nvenue nud Clnpler Henry Walton is a eorr of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry F. Walton, of Torresdnlc. The late city controller was his uncle. He Is a brother of Mrs. .Tames Adams, wife of Senator Adams, of Pittsburgh ; of Mrs. Thomas Aller, Mrs. Wllmer Mlddleton. Jr., of Torresdale, and Mer cede Walton and John Walton. He Is n graduate of the Episcopal Academy and of the t'niverslty of Pennsylvania, and he served In the First Troop of Pfnnlvanln Cavalry during the war. If I mistake not, he was made n meln ber of the military police about the tame time as Jack Groome arid kovernl other troopers, who were transferred fiom the Trench Mortar Hnttery. This, jou remember, was composed entirely of members of the First City Troop. Jack Walton was In the troop, too, nud so 1 may be mixed about the M. P., but I know one was in that service. I WAS so glad to hear yesterday thai Mrs. Tristram Colket. of Rryn Mnwr, ii recovering from her recent operation. I understand it wns not a serious one, but the mere fact of taking ether seems a dangerous thing, and one is always bo Kinu io near mni sucn an affair Is well over. MARY OI.EXDIXNING. Hope Cromwell nnd several others left yesterday for Detroit. Hope nnd Mnry will be members of the brldnl partv n't the Cromwell-Dodge wedding, "you know. Mary is to be maid of honor nnd Hope matron of honor. You know Dclphlne Dodge wa at school at Springside In Chestnut Hill for some little time before she came out. and it wns there that she and Mnry Glendln ning became cloe friends. It seems rather nice that Delphlne should know a Philadelphia girl so well that she would want her to be the closest of her attendants nt her wedding to a I'hlla delphlan. Mnry Glendlnnin1? Is ns pretty as can be. and will doubtless make n lovely addition to the wedding party. The wedding takes place Thursday, you know, nt the Dodge place nt Grosse I'ointe Farms. Have you ever seen Grosse Polnte? It's one of the mest beautiful suburban places in the country. All the places rtopo down on Lake St. Clair, which Is m wide you cannot sec the opposite rtiores nnd when the wind is high the lake is full of white caps like the great lakes or sea. It opens into the great lakes, you know. It is one of the show lakes of our country. T HOPE it will be cooler today for Marjory Taylor and Gordon Hnrd wlckes wedding. The marriage is going to he out at White Marsh nnd 1 am sure it will be awfully pretty. Bishop Rhinelnnder was to have mnr ried them, but Ills sudden decision to go to Europe nnd the sailing for England prevented his tnking part. So the Rev Henjamln HIrd nnd the Rev. Nathaniel Groton will officiate in his place. rjOX'T forget that tomorrow night -f there will bo the Savoy Co. In the Mikado once more, and this time for the Seamen's Institute. Among tlin.so vuio will entertain are Mrs. Alexander an Rensselaer, Mrs. Charles Henry Peott, Mrs. Stanley G. Flagp, Jr., Mm. Krnet Law, Mrs. Thomas Learning, Mrs. Robert Drayton. Mrs. Svdney ei'li. MrK Mnncurc Robinson and Miss Christine Riddle. TVTARY wns nsked out to dinner the 1'-1 other night, and came home in a '.e f utter pleasure and content. ell. Mnry. you seem to hnve had a Very good time." "Oh. I did mother, and wc had such good lings to cat, an I ntrjl my soup nnd I dried my plate with the bwead. and eated that too." 'Why, Mary," cried mother, aghast t daughter's dreadful manners, "what Jill they think of the way mother has brought you up?" "Oh that's all wight. Muddle. I told 'em I wasn't allowed to on it (it home so that was why I did it tte." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES . Mr Arrnitt Browrr. of St Davids, will cl. 2 dinner at the Country Club on rwld,uA ln honor of his brother, Mr fJ,Re nrw". whoso mnrrlage to Miss Mr. n T?Inl;rls' ,fl'Khter of Mr. and ,!; rJ,Io,l,lnKs0"h Morris, of Villa ? .V11 X1?1'0 I)lace on Thursday, Juno pLLthl; Chlrch f the Good Shepherd, tosemont Mr and Mrs. Brown will go to Uglesmero for tho summer. has TL?lUo H"1,'!1"' of New York, who rh, n7?pcmllnB some time .as the Si nr' W nnd, s'rs W S Ileldlng, hnn,. r" Mawr left Mondnv for her talnrt - ., '"" "eiamg enter- e'XVhn' or,lnnfr " Sunday haverRnnr!l MrR' ,DavW s T.udlum, who retnmr,?11'. a Vk nt Atlantic City, have Wt t Li n V wltll tnelr fa,"y I" Kl?rabetmovnfV v,0,r, ,,,lnBa.,ow " the autumn V t0 rema!n unt11 l?o'rha"i"a rVZl , nan1o'Ph P. Justice homehVii,m,',,i.AI'WS View, their C6 V 'f t las't'ekTo' eurnmeV ' ' llero they wl" eWl tho . ,, - " w.,u, I was civn"."'" "" i""1"' fie tinr o., :'. " "' iiiarriuKo Dv her f A antic Cl.v mY ' Blatchford, ?s ntt" 1I.1 fc olllclnted. The bride ?as noien iai(1 HiBS Elinor Krousc JtcCla in aHBln' ant . Mcr .William F'twlmrnoris f iffi" ?tr J Alexander t man a L A''a,ntl City, acted as F oMianW"" te' "tth Ctarln at 173V wi!" . ?vllllm W Sic nue. .!,":. l'?J "est Montnomerv nv. ho':f,-;lPr-0aeberrS1 VMt Wl" be ALONG THE READING t?n, wns held J.Bry 8. Academy at on Mi'Lnf'er, ' STMuitlnir ir'R'a, Mis ior' .:"" aiarguer te Jrsret mSmI" McQoveriT, Mes D.WV.. . Hiu sff 1 L'?-8.. Cathrrl.no ' Maoney nnd Vti.i 'v?"e,sn. M ss NnJhteTof'?0 .f uMif'3 drace B- a-t. I Htzslmmtm ;'.ohn S Ilan' nml Mf ?n Tuisai1 "",!, .McClnrln, took place home of i".n. 8' "' P o'clock, at the yri at .. nuet, held on the school lawn. Miss preilded! VOrn' ptMmnl ot "" ' whXS?" tpnrty,wl" b Riven on nf.hC8&& JlinS, 23( on tho grounds of the home of Mr. and Mrs John M Anderson nt Olenslde. "Tho Forest fiprimj" and ''The Masked Strnnger" will lift presented, under the direction of Miss Mnry Hrevn.nl Hobert , A nusl cal program will follow NORT.H PHILADELPHIA Dr. and Mrs. J H. Torrance nf North fihanV. IE.'1 ! M,P' &nd M William Bhnney and Mr. and Mrs AVII1 am D aSS g "nf1 TthClr dtt,uGhtcr, Miss Dorothy Aanlp, of Lounn, hnve oft for a tour through tho West to tho Pnelilr- COa3t SUA "..feU Downe-i, son-ln-law ...... "Lusmu ui mr. Rnu sirs Tor- Snic.T.n5'iSSIKnB lhe,r 8Ummer home Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Edward Hldenour fcBKhKc laSST C'"' l rc"' ThenstrCeAr?e tholtlfor I.os Ango cs, Cnllf.. where she will re main until nutumn. Mr. nd Mrs. John L, Zweln. of this fit?!'i!l!"0ll,n.?.e lho,encngemcnt of their Ktr"0!1 K; Sn'n'.of Wyncote, Pn. .A. nml Mrs'. Wesley H. Klanniran nnd their young dnimhter. Miss VlrKlnla Flanagan, of Jap North CirntzstToct. w i cWy l,K''r rummer homo nenr Beptcmbcr. "". jiu'u. ijiu inrK road, until MrB.liobort C Lnndls. of 1710 West Ontario street, was IiokUss nt nn alter- uuu.i iliv in minor or tlio lust uiuotlnir this season of tho Thursday .Sowing Circle. AtnonR thoso present wero Mrs! Alan M. Serjieison, Mrs. Oeorfrn W ljprd. Mrs. C. M. Spencer. Mrs. Walter Thomiison, Mrs. H. F. Howe. Mrs. Wll llnm Flemlnp. Mrs. W. S. Flanntfnn, Mrs. ;.St,crincr;. Mrs- ,." " "cnttergood Mrs. John Moore, Mis. Itobcrt (.'. Uon dls and Mrs. Hobert Speece. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sickles, Miss CJ,ftorJ?? Jf-nm.slr' Mr- Wlllard Sickles. ?,f 2J1i X'c.?i Tl.0Ba "'reel, nro tourlns through California and Alaska and ex pect to return In August. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tho mnrrlnco of Mk in,.i II.IhA.UI CJIb. ...... I. . A. ivuiiiuciii ociii, uiiumucr oi airs. 1:117.1 HP. els both Francis Selp, of 2.nft' Soilth Eighteenth street, nnd Mr Edward A. i nrr the Trinity Lutheran Church, centh nnd Wolf streets. Eight Mr. Albert Linton has returned to his home, 2022 South Garnet street, after having spent a week with friends nt Annapolis, Mil. Mrs. S J Blackwell, of Marian S C, Is tho guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Appleby, nt her home, 1412 Por ter street. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wllford. of 1711 .Plerco street, aro being congratulated upon tho birth of a daughter on Juno S. Mrs. Wllford will ba remembered as Miss Cecilia Burke. Miss Miriam G. Stelt), of 617 West Passyunk avenue, wns 1 the guest of MIbs Anna E. Sandberg, of Elmwood, over tho week-end. Miss Snndberg Is also entertaining Mr. and Sirs. Dietrich, of Chicago. Miss Madeline Dulbiow, of 150C Wolf street. Is visiting hor mother, Mrs. Mnry Dulbrow, at her homo In Parkcs burg, WEST PHILADELPHIA Announcement Is made of the mar riage of Miss Evelyn Drake, of 6010 Kingscsslng 'avenue, and Mr. Robert C. Rosen, of 6033 Helnhart streot, which took place today In this city. After :e turning from their wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Rosen will live at 2040 South Sixty-first street. Announcement Is made of tho mar rlago of Miss Hsttlo A. Plough, of 57.19 Christian stieet, and Mr. James W Fostor, of Greenvlire, Tcnn., on .Mon day in this city. Mr. nnd Mis Foster will be nt home nt 5739 Christian street after returning from their wedding trip. Miss Kdytho Zander, of 13 U Ker- baugh street, has left this clt for Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the summer wltn ner sister. Miss Louise bander. Kuenstle Hanaman The wedding of Miss Mnry Hanaman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Frederick Hnnamnn. of 2839 West Cumberland Btreet, and Mr. William Kuenstle, of 3601 York road, will take place this evening nt the home of the bride s brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Frederick Hnnamnn. Jr., 1533 North Thirteenth street, with the Rev. Doctor HInckT?, of the Reformed Lutheran Church, offlclatlsg. Tho bride will be attended bv Miss Mnrinn Ielnlngcr, and Mr, Frederick Kuenstle will be his broth er's best mnn Tho ceremony will be followed by a reception. Mr nnd Mrs. Kuenstle will leave on a fortnight's trip nnd will be at luime after July 1 nt 2839 West Cumberland street. L',k.niu..i.u ...t i. . hrAtimn Mr I'oiii j iinuann n iiadi ?."":'. B,i"""' r-?no nns recently- re- "'"""' .,"V,;, ,",,..'., i Y, ,L.i ,. n ..l 10 o'clock this lurueu irum overleap, wnere no served I """ l,Ji uoi.v.r. ...v.-.., ....... ;.-,! n Bvnie. of . with tho A. 13. F. will tnko nlar-o onlmoml Dawson, .another brother: Mr i ',' " "? ",,' Kntnrrinv nf,nrnr,n , a. in ., i. : i .Tnmes Heron. Mr. wiuiam uowo and "... i,: I - . - f 1214 Walnut St. j Also a Store nt Allcntown, Pn. Special Sale ot j Superb j Tricotine j . Suits $50 g Presenting eveiy plmso D I of fnslilon concaived by i 1 America's nnd Pnris's most H 0 noted couturiers. ' I Values to $125 J f Wk' W't U - - r j. MISS TAYLOR BRIDBOF MR. G. A. HARDWICKE Mr. Bullock Marries Dolawaro Girl Many Other Weddings '( of Interest Today The wedd ner of Miss Elizabeth Ann Taylor, 'daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Roland h. Taylor, of Willow Iirook Farm, awynedd Vnlley, nnd Mr. Gordon Al ward Hardwlcke will take placo this afternoon nt 4 30 o'clock In St. Thomas's Episcopal Church. Thetceremony will bo performed by the n0v. Hcnjnmln Ulrd, nsslsteil by the Hcv Nathaniel Qroton The brlilo will be given In mnrrlage by hec father, nnd will ho attended by Mrs. uii;!ii iiiiusuu, nn mniron or nonor, rrno . bridesmaids will bo Miss Rdlth Nelson ' Page, Miss 1 Gertrudo 1, rnncoast. Miss t mnr.irei j. iirmnK. .-Mrs. Tliomns It. Miles, Miss Julia ITamn. of Colorado Springs, and Mls Krllth Stelnmetz, of Iloston, cousin of the bride. Mr. Wllllnm Cbenoweth Griffith, of Chleano. will net ns best man and the ushers will Include Mr. John Murdock Clarke, Mr. Itobert Dechert. the Itev. Albert Ifnwley I.ucns, Mr William Lnwrence Saunders, 21. Mr. James Foeht' McClure. of Iwisburg, Pa., nnd Mr Samuel Merlin McClurn, Jr.. of Fort Dodge. Town A reception, will follow nt the home of tho bride's parcrjts. HCI.T.OCK COLLINS An attractive wedding will tnke place nt 4 o'clock this afternoon at tlio Presbyterian Church of Lewes, Del,, when Miss Anna Freeman Collins, daughter of Mr nnd Mrs. Wlllard Hop kins Collins, will bo married to Mr. David Jane Bullock, of Walllngford, Pn. The brldo will bo given In marriage by her father. Her sister. Miss Margaret Fisher Collins, will attend her ns tnnld of honor. Tho best man will be tho bridegroom's brother, Mr. Ailhur Bul lock, nnd the ushers will Include Mr Paul Tnlrm r nnd Mr. Udward Bullock. 1 another hrother. A reception will follow the ceremony nt me nome or tno urine n pnrents. t'pon their return from a wed ding trip Mr nnd Mrs. Bullock will bo nt homo nt Walllngford, Pa. DAWSON KCP.WICK Tho marriage of Miss Mary Irene Kerwlck, daughter of Mr. Henry A. was said by the Hcv. Laurence Wall rector of the church, who nlso performed tho mnrrlago ccjemony. The bride was attended by her sister, MIbs Margaret Kerwlck, ns maid of honor, and little Miss Sarah. Jane Pryce and Miss Josc- phlno Seward ns flower girls. Tho I) f."',iS!?.An"a,..?v".V"n.y'" r.?-!!.010" I Snnford nnd Miss Knthryn Mullaney , Mr- Dawson yns attenderl by ni Sir bSwsVn "ot mT JSm1? 'owed ImmrtljWJy lcr Church Holmesburp. The nuptial mass 1 P0(lsAcl"'of krncuse. .. , ueted Mr. Thomas Clark ,..,,. Anna Kennedy nttended her sister as fn&bcnfrnS,Ln, lXhTnr,mnnv br'?f'5 mall ofhonor. and the bridesmaids In fiYFPir -it2"oiS m 'n2 n,J,r, r eluded MIbs Alice C Snyder, Miss Mar whlch Mr. and Mrs. Dawson left on a ,., pnii.. misb Mlrlnm C Ferris weddln trip. They will Hpcnd the sum- ,ei. i?,,0",?,? ret v Brown Iss Mir e mer with Mr Kerwlck at his Holmes-1 'rConlan was tKwcr K?ri Mr nllrf? nnme. 1 . n ,.......-. 1.1.. i,.i.A. -iiriT c-rx' nnnri t WILSON 1'ARHELL Tho weddlnc of Miss Ann Farrcll, of 17211 Shnnk street, dnunhter of Mr and Mrs, P. J. Farrcll nnd Mr. Leo Wilson son of Mr. nnd Mrs Joseph Wilson, of Bancroft nnd Shunk streets, was solemnized this mornlw? with nuptlnl mass nt S o'clock In St. Monica's Church, Seventeenth nnd Rltner streets, with tho Rev Father Kelly oIllcintlnR. The brldo wns attended by Miss Mario Farrcll ns maid of honor: Miss Rosallo Murray, of Bryn Mawr, and Miss Inez Wilson, sisters of the bride groom, nn bridesmaids. Mr. Wilson had ?w2l Imrnidedr- 'L,?h iMlviil Vf Phc in.i'h vr ' J A reception nnd breakfnst followed the ceremony nt the homo of tho bride nfter which Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson left for nn extended wedding trln In the South. MILLS ROSE The wedding of Miss Mao Mlllc, of 1S30 South Elshtecnth street, nnd Mr. Anthony Hose, of 717 Darlen stieet, took place on Monday afternoon, at 4 o'cock, at St. Rita's Catholic Church, Broad and Federal streets. Miss 'Annlo Rossi nnd Miss Mildred Tone wero brldesmnlds and Sir. Louis Tone was best man. SALKNID CELIAN A pretty wedding which took place at 7 o'clock Tuesday, at Garrlck Hall, Eighteenth und Lombard streets, wns mat or miss i.ottie . eiian. 01 &133 Knstwlck aenue, and Mr Louis Salknld, of 1028 Locust Htreet, Rnbhl Winokur officiating A reception followed Imme diately nfter the ceremony The bride was glvt n nwav by her father, and was nttended by her sister-in-law, Mrs Herman Cellnn, as matron or Honor. Mer bridesmaids wero miss Bessie Sherman, Miss Rose Dltmnn, Miss Sara Dltman, Miss Sylia Holton nnd Babies' Ankle Ties Just in from first we have war. White, buckskin; and dainty! Sizes $3.25 y 7 'Boot Shop f U20 Chestnut St. "Where Only the Beit is Good EnouK. Shop (.'Io. Piilv nt 5 P. TKI.Kl'HONKi Fur Storage and Remodeling at Extremely Low Rates LUIGI RIENZI CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN 1714 Walnut Street CLEARANCE SALE SUITS CO A TS DRESSES SKIRTS 20 to 50 BELOW REGULAR PRICE DRESS SPECIAL COTTON FROCKS formerly to 37.50 JvJM Sft-pHffi j"yi "j ,J.i' . '"!$&? ? r, IXSX&jy&MW.-t..?y.'v.;f,r; M-ISS LILLIAN M. TRAYNOR Whoso marriage to Mr. Desmond Dnrclay will take placo this after neon at 4 o'clock Miss Lillian Barnett, Mr. Herman G. Cellnn, n brother of tho brlile, of Seattle, Wash., acted as best man, nnd the ushers Included Mr. Oeorgo Jackson, Mr. Myer Yoskln, Mr. Benjamin higher, Mr. Joseph Cohen and Dr. Lewis Binder. Mr. and Mrs. Salknld left Immediately nftir tho reception for nn extended wed ding trip to the Delawnro Water Gap They will bo nt homo nftir October 1 at 521 Pino etrcc IICLLDH FOHOY A nrettv wedding took place Tuesday evenlnc nt 6:30 o'clock, when .Miss MmlAllnii . Forcv. of 219 Smith Far ragut ten ace, was given In marriage bv her father to Mr. John F. Heller, of ihlcn. N. Y, The Rev. S. M (Slllln, of Indln, olllclnted A small reception fol n hnal mnn. Aftor an extended wedding trip Mr and Mrs. Heller will live In Utlca, X. Y. CONNOLLY' KENNEDY Tim mnrrliien of Miss Mareucrlte Theresa Kennedy, daughter of Mr and nue. nnd Dr. Bernard J. Connolly. Jr. was solemnized nt tho Church of the immncuiaio L-oncepiiun, ui'iniitmuHii ,u morning. The Hev. John slngara university, per monv nnd Mr. Kennedy .1.. ..l....a In mnlnmi Mlua I lerrencc .1. uonnony iiiieiincu inn wiuum , H nest man nnu me usiicra iiiviuiiru .n .tnseiih Monncban. Dr. Joseph Connol v Mr Paul V Waters and Dr Frank Ilntiirhertv. nf Wllkea-Barre. Pa. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony nt tho home of tho bride's parentn. After a wedding trlrl. Doctor nnd Mrs Connolly will bo nt homo at 916 East Chelten nvenue. KLEIN NAGEL The wedding of Miss Edna J. Nngel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Nngel, of 108 Olnev avorruc, and Mr. Karl Klein, of Tabor road, at 143 west jaDor loan "111 take place this evening. Miss Clara I N'aBcl will be the bridesmaid and Mr. William Lltzel will bo tho best man Jlr. Nngel will slvo his daughter In mar riage. A reception will follow the cere mony. After a wedding trip Mr nnd Mrs Klein will be nt hbme at 113 West Tabor road. OUaHTQXNAGLU A pretty wedding will tako placo H1I3 evening nt Union Methodist Church, Twentieth nnd Dlnmond streets, whin Miss Ddlth Virginia Nagle', daiiRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. NnKle 2120 North Twenty-second Btreet, will becomo tbo bride of Mr. Bertram K. Oughton, of Olenslde, Pa. Tho ceremony will ho performed by tho Rev. J. G. Blckcrton. nastor of the church. Miss Nagle, who will bo gicni In marrlago by her father, will be at tended by Miss Florence H. Neufeld as I maid of honor nnd tho bridesmaids win be Miss Murlon Nagle and Miss Uladyh I Naclo, sisters of tho bride Miss Mar-1 goret Oughton, a niece of the bride-1 groom, will bo flower tjlrl. 1 Mr. John Oughton will act ns best man for his brother, nnd the ushers will In-j elude Mrs. Charles Oughton Mr Robert 1 Oughton. Mr. Harry Chancy nnd Mi Stanley McCurdy A reception will follow the ceremonv . at tho home of tho bride's parents, after England the had since the tan, or fawn so fine and 2 to 6. JI. , Saturdajs, 1 P. II. STIIUCK 208 BHKHjiflBt7lllflHHiflK. 'my ' I Including Tricolclte, Crepe do Chine, Plain, Beaded, Printed Georgette, Satin Taffela and Dance Dresses. 39.50 45.00 49.50 formerly to iso.oo DOTTED SWISS, VOILE, GINGHAM 20.0025.00 which Mn and Mrs. OUghlon will leivd fdr nn extended motor trip. They will bo at home nf tor Soptcmbe. 1 nt Glen side, Pa, GESSKLMAN FAHHA I Tho mnrrlago of Mlns Lllllnn II. Farra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W Farra, to Mr Benjamin F. Ocsscl marr, of 4964 Baynton Btrcct, will take place nt fl o'clock Ihls ovenlng In St. Michael's Episcopal Church, High street, Gcrmantown. The Hcv. Gilbert Pember, rector of tho church, will perform the ceremony. , &TKVDNS TUCKICHMAN' The marrlago of Miss Laura Tucker man, daughter of Mrs. L, T. Tucker man, of 504 C Devon street to Mr. John Stevens, will take plnco In the Chelten Avenue Baptist Church this evening, tho Hev. Hobert Tumblcston' officiating, BARCLAY THAYNOli Tho wedding of Miss Lillian M. Tray- nor and Mr. Thomas Desmond Barclay will tnke plnco at Our Lady of Mercy Church, Broad street and .Susquehanna avenue, ai 4 o'clock tills afternoon. Miss Corlnne M Traynor, a cousin of the brldo. will act ns maid of honor, nml Mr, William T. Barclay, Jr.. will bo best man. A small reception vIU follow the ceremony. After a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Barclay will llo at Allehtown, Pa. HESSLER PUHISCH Miss Knthryn Purlsch, daughter of Dr. and Mm. Hnfrv Pnrlarh. of 2842 Diamond street, will bo married nt noon today to Mr. Herman Hcsslcr. of this city. The ceremony which will bo per formed by tho Hev. Max D. Klein, will tak place at the homo of tho bride. She, will be nttended by Mrs. Barney Shcstnck. her sister, as matron of honor, and tho best mnn will bo Mr. Harry A. Hesslcr. a brother of tho brldecroom. After a trip to Canada and tho Thou sand Islands, the brldo nnd bridegroom will live nt 2842 Dlnmond street. YARP MENGER Tho mnrrlnKo of Miss Ruth C. Monger, dnUKhtcr of rir nnd Mrs. A. C. Mcncer. of 1602 North Twcnty-nlnth street, and1 u. numer w, 1 arp, 01 ijioomingiuii, ji Well of Columbus, O., win inKe pince III., will take placo this evening at 7 I n (irnrt. Kpiscopnl Church, Mount Airy, o clock at tbt Ulrard Avenuo Methodist at 7 ,tn o clock this evening, the H v Chuioh, Oirnrd nvenue Above Flftcnth 1 Tliomns ( line officiating. Miss Hfln street. Tho brldo will be given ln mar- McFll.-n will attend the bride as brldeS rlnire by her father nnd tho ceremony t mi, ,i ,m,i Mr rinirn Well will net ns will bo performed by tho Rev. J. Sutei. miss I'.stner s. aicngor win no mniu ot honor and tho brldcsmalda will Include .mn inui'B .iunnur niiu .i iu iieuemann. Tho flower Rlrl will bo Miss Grace Rose MenBcr, sister of the bride Mr. Yarp will have ns his attendant air. Howard Hellcmann, wnilo tno u-h cm will be Mr. Charles W. Mann, Mr. Albert r Rtrohel. Mr. Carl Prelaendanz and Jfr. Frank Ulence, - r---.--. immediately foltow ng the ceremony there will bo a reception at tho homo of the bride's mrnnln tno uriue s parents le RAMSL PASCOL The marrincn nf AfiR I!llznbeth Marlon Pascoe. daughter of Mr. and '$:o:eo:o:xco&x 55 Weigh What You Should, Why Not? Our natural, drusless treatments under the watchful super vision of skilled women experts will reduce your weicht to normal and rid the body of all harmful acids. Don't suffer during the hot summer months with rheumatism and obesity. Absolute privacy. No classes. Arrange for Trial Treatment u- , m I 5 M Gram I Colli mis 1 Iiastilhatte v Exclusively for Women V ' Bellcvue Court Building I 1418 Walnut Street V Belt Phone, Spruce 5i8i !,'AV'.'li'',i'VyiV'i'4WVSWA'A 12 1122 Chestnut St. W 1122 Chestnut St. Quality and Standard Famous Over Half a Century EE 1 FINE LINGERIE WAISTS I I HALF-PRICE ' i June Clearance, $3.00 to $7.75 5 Ej Resular Price, $6.00 to $15.50 More than a dozen different models in fine French batiste and voile are found in this assortment of fine g blouses. A few are plain tucked styles, but many are E :' daintily trimmed with fine Val and Irish laces. There EES 3: are only n few of a size, but you will be sure to find your size among them if you come early. ' zzz FRENCH VOILE BLOUSES June Clearance Price, $5.95. Regular Price, $8.50 ES A limited quantity of these daint French voile blouses rE: r: specially priced for June Clearance. They feature roll collar and tum-back cuffs; ae hemstitched and trimmed with fine Val insertings and edginprs. The bosom is also trimmed with lace and is p MgS Mrs seer gj , fi 1624 Walnut Street 3 Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Will lake place Monday, June 11th, and thereafter Suits, Capes, Dresses, Waists, Sports (far ' r " wm i Will Be Disposed of Regardless of Cost Mi i ' A'o Alterations During Sale jtj filU, &tn-i; u Mrs. David M. J?asc0e, oi BB4S CMew street, and Mr, Oeorgo Kerr IXamney. will tnko placo In t the rectory of the Immaculate Conception Church aM. o'clock this afternoon. Miss Marie Ireland, of Atlantic City will be the bride's maid ot honor nnd her only nt tendnnt Mr. George Cohn wl act nB best man. A small reception will follow tho ceremony at tho homo of tho briacs parents. KLING MOONEY A pretty wedding will tako Place. ,t0; day, when Miss Anna Mooney daughter of Mr John Mooney, of 1643 North Marvin street, will becomo the bride of Mr Joseph Kllng, at tho Church of St. Malnchy's, Eleventh and Master streets. Tho ceremony will bo performed by tho Hev Andrew J. Fleming. The brldo will be nttended by her sister. Miss Roso Mooney. ns maid of honor Mr Charles Holbauer was ues . "' " rcceimon win iiiuwiu. "''.";- ti ir nnue, alter wnicn r. ""?-;- will leave for nn extended wcddinB trip They will ho nt homo after Scptemoer 1 at 2547 Silver street. ORLINEH BERGMAN BKROMAN GREEN An attractlvo double marriage will tako placo at tho Majestic Hotel at 6 o'clock this evening, when Miss """a Bergman, daughter of Mr. and Mis Adolph Bergman, of 305 East Walnut lane will becomo tho brldo of Mr. a J. brllncr. of Hoxborough, and Mi llnnnnt, Clrnfin il.alllfhtar of Mr lltHl Mrs. J Green, of 6126 Morton street become the bride of Mr. Ingram wan. The Hev. Marvin Nathan will riftrcrmnri -rt - -.-u '-"', rrU .... 11 will perlorm lie ceremonies. " ' be no attendants Mr. Df?"n''' oir i.reen win hivu .""' """"."-" .C. ' marriage. A reception for tne tnr-.e families will immcaiaiciy i" " ceremonies. After a wedding trip Mr i nnd Mrs Orllner will be nt home at I , J i East Tulpehocken street, nnd Mr and Mrs. Bergman will be at home at 1 1 1 East Tulpehocken street nfter July 15 WEIIy CORRY Tho inorrlni-n nf itlaBMvrtlO C. CotTV. dauchter of Mr. and Mrs. John L C'orr.v, 0f 11 Meehan avenue, to Mr. Raymond I I i,Pflt n, ,n for his brother. A reception! will follow the ceremony nt tne nome 0f thr bvlde's pnrents. After September 1 air and Mrs wen win oe at nam at Huntingdon, W. Vn. HEINHARD FISCHER The marrlago ot Miss Dclphlne Marie ,,"1h" ,-.,uK"tc "'J'r;"K JlZ, Zi nard Fischer, of Thirteenth street nnd i'ii, ina . iTaa trn m'v rni i ; irAinnntii ?f 681 1 North Seventh h street ,w. 1 1 take .lr litllUt lU ii. iMi;i"iiu v.. Mvitiuuiu ' l"ce at the homo of tho bride s parents lit S .o'clock, tills .evening, the R.. f'hnrles C.abel. of tho Melrose Lutheran I ('1Urch. officiating. Mr Flsrher will t eve hh rinuirhter in marr (IE'1 Mrs Charles Metzler will attend her cister a3 VK.V W, ,V,,WVV''.,.W. .." .' cluster tucked. V Clothes, etc. m matron ,a honor and tho t)Hfismald will Include Miss Lillian Hnckett and Miss Helen Bernnrd. Mr. Bernard Fis cher, Jr., a brother of tho bride, will not as best man for Mr. Hclnhnrd, nnd Mr, enborgcr will be the ushers. A reception i.-narjcs xuetzier ana iur. William west win immeaintoiy ioiiow tno ceremoin After October 1 Jlr, nnd Mrs. Relnhard will bo nt homo at C627 Woodstock street. ' SEIDEL GUETTER Tho marriage of Miss Clarn E. Guet ter, daughter of Mr and Mrs Julius auettcr. of 1201 Fisher's avenue, to Mr. Alfred IC Seldel, of 4238 North Franklin street, will tnko placo this evening at 7 o'clock In tho Evangelical Lutheran Church, Tabor, the Hev Henry Sooth meltr ofllclntlng. Mrs Kntlnyn Crap will attend tho bride as matron of honor nnd Miss Anna Kohl and Miss Mnry Kohl will bo tho bridesmaids. Mr. Wul- ttr Guetter, tho bride's brother, will net as nest man ana Mr, urell crnp and air. j.-red llelntzo will bo tho ushers A ic- ceptlon will follow tho cerei , Philadelphia Kino Club. A ceremony at the After n wed ding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Seldel will bo at homo at 1201 Fisher's avenue. KEELY HEY An Interesting summer wedding Will tnke place this evening nt tlio homo of Mrs. Robert Hey, Grand View, Hox borough, when her daughter Miss Eliza beth E. Hey. nnd Jlr. Edmund M. Kcelv. Jr., will be married by tho Rev. ''rnncls Barnett. reotor of St. David's Kpiscopnl Church, nsslsler by the Rov. Hobert Woodrooe. of Cleveland, O. The ..; 1 ) "' X& I no given In mnrrlage by her r Richard Hex. and will be hv her slstr Miss Mildred noy s mold of boner and Mrs. Richard Hev nnd Miss Emilv Itirker, of New ' lorK. hrKlcsmni'ls Mr Kcely will havo n ; "L Dr. gHiiiaiiPiiiiiiri3iairairaiHiai'ian w n 8 $ JUT George Allen, Inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 PHILADELPHIA'S BIG VALUE-GIVING MILLINERY SALE 100 New Summer Hats this Morning at $7.50 to $20.00 Hutu trlmniril with Ilultrri'iiim nml Ih1s1p. IIiiU Willi I.IIiii'h, UoncH or I-lllfs uf tho nlli'j-. llutx on the tct type- with w 'flo i-ott atin nihbon Bows. Hutu of I.pclinrn rose tnmmol with cklicu'e facings. lliit for nil Hliinmrr rriilnn You can choose becomingly, jour Hats at Allen's, for wear with your light summery frocks AT PRICES EXTREMELY MODERATE FOR QUALITY Fine Rubber Bathing Caps Specially Priced 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 M.mv iry nool styles ln the r!c!ust color offvtf ner produced - niM'r Superior quality, close fittine;, pure rubber Diinp; Caps 35c. New attractive styles in pure lubber caps trimmed with bows or losettes, in pluin or contrasting colors 50c each. Hea Rubber Diving Caps 75c each. Novel styles of Fine Hathing Cap.s 75c and $1.00. Sale of Dress Silks Four fpfclal numl m nt rf-m.irknblp prlco sivinRH. 3 '.'-I rich Tuli Mlkn in whit, irioiind with Btrlpti In to J -l JCL and ihren cnior effect t2 ."i ,1 i.- at ... w 1 I O rmiliird Irrh Mil.1, n a xi 1 ndld arlnty vt pau. ni". (SJO df Hopular $4 r.O at, a juir.l iD.OU I.xlrn II 'in j Trlmlfllp In .i full nKortmi'nt of sIi.kIih tfo 7Ct fortpit niwl sports ..ir Ilf-ui'ir $7 r,0 at u)J. I O Irlntnl (.i-orKrtto ( rrpi , "'H intiri- stock JQ (( to 0"3 df Is n'.w rid'j,-Pd, formerly jirlc d 1 50 tn $S00U.UVi OtJiDU yard, now $3 Chiffons and Silk Voiles, $1.85 yd. A M'fcla.' ptirihnsc In exifll'Mt rii.tlit , trc irp ,ont of tho wanted dnik Mucs and hlack Thi la 1,-ph than lh, wholesale price. Ladies' Full Fashioned Pure Silk Hosiery at $3.00 a Pair Til's 11 the riRiiliir 1 50 prtad, lisln n p-- nnd enrtor top, full faiililoncd liii. .1 ,1, p. n l.ih'p fiu.ilit for wear and m. i lor nldliiv TJy como In nii, r l. Lull or uhiu- Wo would atlvlsu llborul liuyinir .t tills upeel.il price Sale of White Muslin Petticoats nt nrpTH whdi e will li, nnnhlo to off, i niraln nn th-v reprrsmt a cIiiiTuiir. from uur iwn Hto, lis f seeral rll, ontlniifd Btylfn AMilte Mulln I'rttliuiitK In blzes SO In in lenaill , tut full: laca trimmed Sp-il.il l..' eneh. Millie Muollii rftlle,uU--timii.ed vllh ihe t,ettrr Itlnda of tm. broidery and Ut,, nnw pr ced at l.7. i.so and $s.7. Philippine Under Muslins All of fine quality nainsook with dainty deslgnn In band ombrold. jry- A Bpccially pnetd display now, in our necond-floor neftlon, prlcd 9825 to V5H.&0. VX for hfoWst mn Mr. Pauf ftfca, f , I'lttsburgrj, and for usher Mrf lvt ' iiey and Mr. David Hey, , brotWars, tho bride. Cnllowlhcr ih ntitet nrstnanV thero will be, a largo reception. Mr.' KOiiv nnn ins nrmo win leave on n ' extended trip nnd upon their return trsjy " ,H vjhuu ,mn, FREDERICKS HENNEY A wedding of Interest In this cltj nnl In Conovcr. S. C , Is that of Miss Care lino W. Henney, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Bernard iiennoy, or 4104 Novtjt Sixth street, and Mr. CliarlcH F Frwil c luno, u uivorui Ul Ult'illUHJ III UHl ' cord I a College In Conovor, which no noifimmzea inm evening ai 8 o cioem , ; in st Matthew Lutheran Church,, t6V , yj will tin performed by the nastor. . tM , , Hev II Brnuns, and will be foUowed'bf .' i .1 recentlon at the homo of the bride's , l nfirAnln ,m IIkhh.,, . 1 1 nlirA 1, f Jl 4t daughter In mnrrlago. Miss Armo. nenney, tne bride's sister will ue rnaia nf honor nnd the bridesmaids will bo Miss Irene Farrow, of Cleveland, 0.5 Miss Elizabeth Reich, of Cheltenham i MIpb Carrie Sehmohl. Mlsn Eleanor Hennev, Bister of the bride ! Miss Kath arine Burgner nnd Jtlss Pauline Brau llunn. The little flower Rlrl will bo Miss Esther Hennev Mr Fredericks will hav' for best mnn Mr Joseph Hnnnewnld, of Baltimore, who, with four of tho ushers. Mr. Clifford Hennery, tho bride's brother; Mr Henry Krntzke. of Wnl llnpford Conn : Mr. Louis Wagner, of New Britain. Conn . nnd Mr Georgo Miller, of Bavonne. v J wero gradu ated et tbo Lutheran Theological flemi nnry in Rt, Louis, Mo., the beginning Of tho month Mr Wllllnm Henney, of Tioga nr.d 7'r H"rbert Henney, ot Norfolk Va l.'-ofhers of tho bride, will be ushers also TIk hrldeproom nnd brldn will lr?e on nn extended trln and Will be n home after ugilst 1 In Conover, J l&SL fi YAY"GER S i 100 PURE NATURAL WOOL, 1516 CksstnutSt PHILADELPHIA Bathing Suit Days! JAEGER Bathing Suits are woven-to-fit and retain their shapeliness. The pure wool sheds water immediately. You'll like these unusual color combinations in their attractive styles; for men and women; priced from $7.50 upward and $12.50 upward. Let us send you a catalog we'll give your mail order most careful attention. cJaeg'ers Co. wmmawu mmmmmmmasx!: H N, 'X .i 2. '1.1 4' 1 1: . 1 I 1 ; ti i u 1'1 1 Vfl You Never Pay More t RIenzi maiiiivaiiiiv m.K "?.'.,J , iH 1 t,: " . . V -1 i A,4 '" niBWWww-wi M t'rf '