YWTOrZ" V fv , . l 5 . ' ft V, tr'A A 1 i ku, i , ) y i I i ' " ' ' y " ' '' '" . " . ' i b v;t mi i. ' t.J.V ?' -; K?, N .v y' tr h, RM "VII y. I' IV, K -. f NEIGHBORS HONOR "CAL'COOLIDGE Northampton, Homo City, Turns Out to Groot Republl 1 can Nomineo GOV ERNOR MUCH PLEASED Northampton, Mum., June 10. TIip Citizens of Northampton, tlip homo oltj Of Governor CooIUIrp, turned out In ii body j-esterdny to greet the Remibllcnn nominee for Vice President. Amid the roar of milium nlutr, the cheers of the throw: that had nemhled in front of hi homo and tlio din of factory ,, whistle, and with airplane soarlnc overhead, the governor stood on th mil wiui uiriunut" Mmnu; 1SiMaL IiubIiIa IP his Wife and two l) 1I.."-wiuii r,pirm.ni v mri-ii, was plainly pleased and affected bv the , ;"." ..B',,hoP H!,r""- "h. wnf tftl rccentlon ' ,0 ,'" bishopric at Drs Molnc.s. has been 'The welcome home to the Rmcrnor , WnJJfc VTZTf,' came at the en.l of the mot Mrom.n.w M' '""l10 .' I'pn ' tLr' day he has had sln.e he becnm- the ' ,' .rn "" ?. .?? p,,t"r "Jathe Gfr' running mate of Senator Harding Hr ln,nw" l h"rrl' f?r f Z V chnttefl with Speaker Glllett. of the The Rev. Dr Kdward R. Nlnd" pre untlonal House of Representntlu's. nt j sided nnd there w ere addresses by Hnrlmrlirlrl in fie mnriillis null t len ent to Amherst to attend Hie class- day exercises of his alma mater. After the reception here ioprunr v..ii.t.. i...i i..,t i.n,.,.,- rfUn.i t.. ti,n privacy of his home to'pass with his markable memory in rceaning the names family the first few hours of leisure , f "'i"l.v 1000 of his former parlshion since his nomination He left North- . . ... . ., nmpton late at night for Worcester. I Preceding the reception. Bishop Rurns where he will nttend the Holv Cross h"M ,ho W1 nt n dinner attended by wnmrnmr todav -J0( Methodl-t lamen. The reception vlng'here'lnte'in the flfterno,-,,. rY'tAJl ' " the governor was met by a delegation h1"'1 "f Hr" rh,lrch headed b the niaxor His car wip . placed in line in a parade which passed l a rure l.lthlntnl Ilrnlthtal neTrrac iaiiruirganiS; A ! DRINK SPARKLING WATER cuv was represented. ' When he had tnken his p'ace ou hi porch he was welcomed by Judge John C. Hammond, his former law partner ) Mayor M. J Fitzgerald extended the congratulations of the city. At Ajnherst College the governor was WW Here 1 Uz. 11 1 .&1S:--"-"-"" 11 r-M Testimonial of Cleanliness to the rm Most Sanitary Barber Shop in Philadelphia! The Coolest Barber Shop in Town 10 Expert, Courteous Manicurists ROBERT KOCH, Prop. 1417 Walnut St. First Floor Stock Exchange Building iatoaMWrUg.w-&anHWi A Sure Foundation on which To Plan for the Future. Arc you Expanding, Contracting or Standing Still? THE BED ROCK on which the foundation of all business plans must be built, is an accurate knowledge of assets both tangible and intangible. j?orb. 23acon & Dabis Strbite by means of an accurate valuation, scientific analysis and disinterested survey of your business places you in a position to know your exact condition and formulate definite plans for the future. i I g oxb WLiSiSSmmlimvmi'iim'' ijMWWiIM enthiiiilantlcally grwted, and before at tending the clan day exercises hod an informal reception Ht the Phi Gamma Delta House. He was hailed by Lucius It. Eastman, retiring president of the povernor's elms of 1S0., as reprcucnt Ing the ideals of Amhewt. "public serv ice for public Rood." His classmates, RtrolHns wltli him about the campus, frequently addressed him as "Pal" and 'Coolie," his college nicknames. While" at Amherst the governor re celveil the folloulns telegram from Rob ert Lnnsliic. formerly secretary of state: "As on Amherst man I heartily con gratulati ou on the signal houor douc .ou hy ."our party. Governor Coolldae 1ms made no plans for his campaign. He intended to pass his vacation next month In Vermont IOuO WELCOME BISHOP Former Qermantown Pastor Is Given Reception by Methodists More than 1000 Methodists from all parts of the city attended n reception to i ,- ,- -.."....- -'---.-, ------ His hop Charles Wesley Rurns. of He Hiv..' ;lf" n" 'I-0?.1,0 n me first German , I mmiai iv. run. .pi . u. t. .uiiwri- RMiop George H. Rlckley nnd Bishop inienh Y Herrv. Following the an- dre.rs. Rishop Burns was gien a re- centinn mid Impressed all by his re Naturo't Remedy rlllnii inilcrntlon constipation, kidney n4 hlood disorder Osllon slifd bottle 75c Ileturn mit for !V refund. ASK YOm nnrnfilST. rhone or wrlle n.s. SPARKLING WATER CO, MOi jy. nnor ST, Wroinlnc 094 9 s a W 'hy not let us assist you? Consult .; 'Macon Si "m$ .it0tneer$ 115 BROADWAY NEW YORK PASS UP WEATHERMAN NOW IFLOOKINGFOR APOLLYANNA His Collection of Melancholy Data on Which He Bases Sum mer Prospects Will Take Question What makes hot weather? Answer (scientific) existence of area of higher barometric pressure over southeastern section of countr.i, with lower b. p. over regions to north. Answer (plain Cnltcd States) Not much wind movement, with the winds that are from south or southeast, nnd plenty of sunshine. The weather forecaster "delivered n classroom lecture to a seeker after knowledge this morning In his office in the Federal Building. He also gave a collection of melancholy data guaran teed to make even Poll; anna herself weep, and to speed up tho sale of palm beach suits in all our best stores. F'r instance. Did you know that the summers for the Inst ten years hate been averaging hotter than those for the previous ten? Well, they have, and by as much ns three degrees. During the period between 11)10 and 11120 there have been nn average of thirteen days each summer in which the thermometer showed higher than 00 d" srees. while previous to that the atcr age wns ten s(orcherH n summer. Big Buildings Ono Cause "Big buildings" wns one of the pos sible reasons adtnnced for tho change, PUBLIC SPEAKING A short i ource In self-confidence, self iMelonmonf unil Public HpenKlns, Mon ,s and Thurdi evenings beginning June 2S pnth sexes Orenlnr Lecture free to Publ'i- at rt T M Cull, write or phone Prrut 3.M for Instructive liter NdT College. 1730 Chestnut St. i f jd a jmi795 : i tffaw w wl j rvi. at Digging for Captain Kidd's Treasure on. Coopers Point "The Guarantee I the Bank for Me." GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT CO. 316-18-20 CHESTNUT STREET 1415 CHESTNUT STREET 9 SOUTH 52D STREET VUL-C0T Fibre Light, Strong, , Durable 1 Waste Paper Baskets jj SS They are guaranteed for five years. They cannot rust, corrode, splinter or warp. They are light as willow baskets and strong as metal ones. They arc sanitary, for they are smooth and solid no holes or cracks to allow smaller par- tides of waste to litter the floor. I YE0 & LUKENS CO. J E Stationers Printers Blank Books ee illllllllll 23 N. 13th St. 719 Walnut St.I More 1 "ITyHEN the business day ends next Saturday it will be no longer possible for you to take unreserved choice . from the entire stocks of our Store at One -Third Off Regular Prices! , No Exchanges. All Sales for Cash Only. 1 Alterations Charged for. William H. Wanamaker 1217-19 Chestnut Street the Cheer Out of Life v as they keep the wind from giving relief to the parched city folk, but the reason Is not a definite one. "It's Just heen that war. that's nil." The weather records show the same neciillarltv that athletics nossess. There liate been few records broken In recent vears. But there is one hoasted record of the year 1018 which is not likely to fall for some time. On the seventh day of August, in that tear the Weather Bureau'r. thermom eter pointed to 100 degrees, which, in the language of the common herd. Is "some hot. Jones and Brown and the seeker after knowledge mny have found their own pet weather machines pointing to a dozen Mich hot records, 'but the of ficial thermometer has only one other similar record of heat, that being last tear, when ou July 4 nnd ." au even century was recorded. lint spoils are equally depressing to regard, but 1001 carries oft the prize, nnirteeiir.asi Sibctietli Sreefe A luxurious residential hotel opposite tho Metropolitan Club nnd Fl'th avenue entrance to Central Park. Easy acceas to the theatres, clubs and hop ping centers. EAGER & BABCOCK tEV YORK CITY w Local legend has it that Cnptsin Kidd selected Cooper's Point on the Delaware ns n enche for some of his treasure. And for many jeirs this particular spot wot a favorite quest for those easy believers who sought n quick road to fortune. DigRins for ill-gotten gaina usually has only the reward of its own pains. At the base of every fortune we find the founda tion stone, not of spasmodic nnd poorly directed effort, but of Thrifty Opening n bank nccount ia the begin nine of most men's succesaea. But ays- temntic saving is the only kind that pays j Spasmodic thrift gets nowhere because what is a.ivcrl during economical atream ia spent during periods of extravagance. And Good Looking a Few Days! whatever that. Is, Tor twelve days', from June 2C to July 0, "tlie thermont eter reached ninety" degrees or more. Last year there was n similar pro tracted spell from July 1 to 0, nnd that's something else again. Thunder Showers Just Won'l Obey On the subject of thunder showers, the relish served Vlth the very hot weather roast, the' forecaster was par ticularly sensitive. They ore, ho said, the bane of his life, because they don't obey orders, nnd are always slipping up unawares. . "Usually underline that 'usually " he said "they ore the direct result of a decrease of atmospheric pressure, ami an Increase In humidity, but every once In a while they pop up suddenly In direct contradiction of nil such rules. A northeaster Is a 'regular feller' and we can predict pretty much what he'll do, but a thunder storm we can't." So far, oW 1020 has failed to break any hot weather records, but that's not saying she hasn't got a great chance for a rnlly along about the seveuth In ning, which is July, when the bases will be loaded with sunshine, heavy calm and low pressure, nil longing to cross the plate. If You Get a Job at Wanamaker's you can And no bettor business school, no better business home, no atmosphere more stimulating to the development of your business talent. If you work nt all, why not work at headquarters? This is the largest store In tho world, and many employes that came Into it straight from school, mere boys and girls, arc now at the head in their various lines. Pay and hours were never better, and tho Wanamaker Founda tion makes it interesting to continuo the business connection. Who Can Fill These Places Well? Women SALESWOMEN Experi enced or inexperienced. CASHIERS, INSPECTORS AND WRAPPERS Not under 18 years. BILLERS AND TYPISTS to learn billing. SEWERS, including fitters, dressmakers, hand sewers, fur sewers, operators on power machines and regulation work; steady positions. Applicant for the above positions and, indeed, persons seeking any Wanamaker employment, will receive attention at the Bureau of Employment, First Floor, Gallery. John Wanamaker's M IHMr IMB5!!aHFB THE JKOST JBEJZUTIFUL. CLR IJSC JZJKEHI CJZ Manv Patrolmen Resign During the last inbntfi ninety police. men have resigned, , tn"' to ,i...w. Cn iAf the service to seek higher pay In other occupat ob. "Wo rtgtcl to lose many of tnew men. because they are in mol,tJ,.ct experienced policemen. W ,cannot blame them though. We have every confidence the 'pay of the !"?" will be Increased early next year, bu perlntendent Mills said yesterday. V 1 Some of the men resigning re ellgi ble for tho pension, but many of e men have had 'n years' expeflwce on the force, and their loss Is looked upon case as a serious one to the torcc. Automobile Owners for tho repMlrman. Short practical courses besln ThorjJ'; June, 17. Ctesn. 1IM workrooms, rtitsjes open to men nd worn". YMCA Auto School 1421 Arch Bt. lt Ludlow St. CLBANERS Day or night work. WAITRESSES White, ex perienced o r inexperi enced. Men PORTERS White or col ored; day or night work. PACKERS, CRATERS and men handy generally with tools, to help in Shipping Department. 1 nh. TUST a few years ago the motor J car was the exclusive plaything of the very rich. Today it has become a vitally important factor in our national transportation system an economic utility that exerts a quickening influence in every phase of human activity. The motor car is no parasite. Its wide popularity is based upon eminently practical considerations. It enjoys uni' We are still able to make immediate delivery on several models both open and enclosed types. CUV A.WIUeVnwtfcnf lK$W-W!UV MTR 09 9fi,tlW:ztM0 STRCerJPHIUO&PHlA fai&d j2fon Silk Dresses, $29.50 Values $40.00, $45.00 and $50.00 Both Women 8 and Misses' Sizes III far iShSi versal confident sfl espett because it performs a better day's work than any other 'mechanical, product and justifies the capital investment every hour that it is employed. Therefore, if you are a man of action buy a motor car and buy it immediately. For your own personal satisfactfofiu invest your money in a thorough!y dependable, quality product such as the PAIGE. A special purchase of three different lots grouped together a't the one very low price of $29.50. Every Dress is ffeah and new and the silks used are of DEPENDABLE quality. Group 1 Foulard Silk Dresses for misses and small women; navy-and-white, brown-and-white; sizes 16 to 20 years $29.50, value $45.00. Group 2 Foulard Silk Dresses for women; four different patterns of navy grounds with white or tan figures; sizes 36 to 42 $29.50, value $40.00. ' Group S Misses' Light-color Georgette Crepe Dresses; several styles but only a few of each style; white, flesh, coral, cornflower, blue, peach, navy; just the Frock for afternoon or evening wear at seashore and summer resorts $29.50, value up to $50.00. -'" yi'i 4&J. 5n P2i K, " t, ,nfl Tourlia X?) i 7W0. J..L. I , VlSAf'tiii, 1 iiiSXAii : jw -i iiiTW Al . IVj.." , ..tjr i s'r ' .. ,l tRWi !faiiii S ;