?: o m v' tt ..' 1 I I ' ' flff ' Si. ? ' rt .'8 vt'fv v . ,: .- -. i - -" . EVENING PUfiLIO LEDGEK-tPHILADELPHIA, UE$JbkT JUNE lft 1020' . in ' V "I Tl4".rJari ' r m- i . k. ...." :, -, ' ,, f v SOU REPUDIATES OLD RUSSIAN DEBTS Will Demand Constantinople if Forced to Accept Imperial Liability TROTSKY'S DEATH DENIED By the Associated 1'rcss TvOiidon, June 15. Soviet Uuln docii not recognize IU llnhlllt.v for debts contracted by Ttimln up to Vnvcmbcr. ini7. nnd if compelled to meet them will have rnrioui ofTet!. n.v the Time in reporting conversation between HrltNh mlntstcrs and OrcRory Krnin. UoMip vlk minister for trade nnd commerce. M. Krnssin. when the mntter wn called to his nttcntlon. U nid to have denied the existence of any llnbllltv. but Intimated that if the force of circnm- Mnnces should make it desirable for the soviet government to accept "ueh tin WHtv, then the oiet envcrmnent wmiM n a counter-bnlancine factor. n-it upon Inheriting the rights nnd prlxileges Kccured to Uusvia by former treaties He laid especial cmphnK it Is declared. on the convention of tfll.i. whlrh awarded Constantinople to Kussin. i In addition, the newspaper nworK 51. , Krassln stated that if soviet Unssia was compelled to bear the burden of the debts of the imperial recline It would Insist on writing ofT ngaint that the debt Incurred in overcoming the attacks or ii.. lii. -.v.Ald In tn fnr 114 such at tnekR were dnaneed or suppotted by nn foreign power. Tarls. .Tune 1.V- A I'.V-Ttr-P resentntlves of ten tmlions attending the International conference for the protec tlon of foreign interests in Kussin have decided on the principle that nil states of the former Kuslan cmnlre must give ctinrnntccs that they will carry their share of the engagements of the m pcrlnl regime, nccording to the Matin. It hns been decided to oppose resump tion of commercial relations until an international agreement giving satisfac tion to holders of Kusslan bonds has been concluded, the newspaper says. Copenhagen. .Tune 1." lily A. V. Maxtor Lltrinoff. assistant commis sioner for foreign affairs in the KuMnn Bolfhevik government. trohn reecivril telegrams tnim l.en V't, 5, and Nikolai Lenine. miri-tltnh NdMiPYik minister of war and premier I his fact nppears to dispone of rumors originating In Tokio that Tn.tk hn.l been niiir- dercd nnd mat wnmp mm " i Moscow. , ,,,,.,. -, "This report, remarked M I.imnofT i today, "was somewhat exaggerated. As far as I remember this is onl the eight time Trotsky hns been mur dered." ITALY'S NEW MINISTRY i Glolitti Cabinet Is Expected to Take Oath of Office Tomorrow London, June 15. An nxehange Telegraph dispatch from Kome says the following ministry Is expected to take the oath tomorrow : Premier nnd minister of interior. Oiio Tamil Oiolitti: colonies. I.uigi Kossj , i treasury, Signor Meda: war. Signor i Itonoml; navy, Rear Admiral Seech i , justice. Signor .lera: iuduntr.v. Signor Alesslo; agriculture. Signor Michell gnbllc works. Signor Pernio ; labor, ignor Labbio: posts. Pasqiinlino Vns mIIo; liberated provinces, Sfguor Kai-aerl. GREEK PRINCE WILL WED Elizabeth of Rumania Betrothed to King Alexander's Brother I-nndon, .lime 15,(llj A. 1'.) I Princess Klizabcth, eldest daughter of King Pcrdlnnnd and Queen JInrie of Kumnnin, Is betrothed to Prince Oeorge of Sparta, brother of King Alexnnder of Greece, according to nowspapers here. When King Constantlne of Oreece nbdlcnted on .Tune 11, 11117, and quit Greece, lie was accompanied bv his oldest son. Prince George, nnd desig nated his second son, Alexnnder. ns his successor. Prince Oeorge was born .Tuly 7. 1SIK). Princess nilznbeth of Ki. mania has been reported to have been betrothed to a number of I'tiropcan princes in the; last two jcars. but rumors thnt she was to marry Prince George of Greece, have been the most per sistent of these reports. U. S. SHIP ACT TAKEN UP Indon, .lime 15, Premier Lloyd George has informed the House of Commons thnt the government has sent representations to the ambassador at Washington concerning the effect of the .Tones bill on the British mercantile murine LA LISTA DEI NUOVI MVN1STRI D'lTALIA L'On. Giovanni Glolitti Sarebbo Riuscito alia Formaziono del Gabinetto Publish"! n,1 mtrlbtitd Under rntlMIT NO. 341. Authority by th net of Octnh.r 8, 1017, on rile i.t the Postoftlca of Phtla dolphin. Tn a. p. nunr.KSON. rnntmatr Of neral. lmdra. 15 giugno. Cn dLspnccio da Koma. glunto aH'Kxchange Telegraph, dice che I'On. Giovanni Oiolitti e' riuscito a forniare il Gabinetto c che 1 segitenti mlnistri si nttendc prestino giiirnmetito di rito, oggl, inimnzl nl Kc: Presidena del ('onsigllo cd Intcrno, Giovanni Glolitti; Colonic, Lulgl Kossl ; Tcsoro. On. Meda; Guerra, On, llonoml; Marina, Vlce-Ammlrngllo Secclil; OlnstbdnOn, Lulgl Fera; In dustrlii. On. Alesslo: AgricoUurn, On. Mlchcli; Lavorl l'ubbllci. On. I'enno; I.avoro, On. I.abbio: I'osto e Tclcgrafi, Pasqiinlino Vnssnlla J Terrc Liberate, On. Italncri, Pnrlgl, 15 giugno. La rlchiestn del l'ltnlla sulle riparazionl da pngarsl dngll Imperi Centra!!. Incluse le nenslonl. c' stnta tlssata nelln mlsurn dl Lire (SO. UOO.Ono.OOO fnormnlmentc circa Dollar! 12,120.000.000) sccoudo tin dlspacclo glunto da Koma. Koma, 1-1 giugno. l'u 'comunicato ufiiclule nnniinzla che seicentn lusorti nlbanesl snno rlmnstt ucclsi e circa mille ferltl In un nttacco tentnto contro la suarigione di Vnilona. Gil itnllnnl rl portarouo died mortl c cinqunnta fcrlti. Ilopo una furlnsa bnttnglia notturnn Vallonn fu salva dalln cntttira da parte del rlbelll, per la vnlorosa reslstentn cd una cnrlca alia bnionettn da paitc delle truppe alpine. II movimentn degll insortl c' aiutnto dngll Jugoslavi. 1 ipinli proscguono ad occupnre I postl lflsclntl dalle truppe Itallane. Durante 1'atfacco soprn ul lonn, Kit itnlinnl, dopo la cm lea nlln baloncttn, fecero nlcuno mlgllaln ill prl glonlerl, trn ctil molt! ufflclnll .turflil e gcndarni! nlbanesl, e cntturarono unn natterin dl nrtlglleria. Ncllu fupi gll Insortl nlbanesl nbbandonnrono parco chlo mllrogliatrlci. dcllci quail nvcvauo atto largo tiso, lasclate da! franccbi coll'cvapunzlonc di Scutari c Korltza. r'ugatl git insoitI( gll Itnllnnl pro Itserttes gou right! 19 a S5fl ijj Bar Pins Pcautltul new d. alms In rr-en gnUt epen work effect. Ret ulth diamonds. sad phlrc- etc . at a price range of $22 to $100 line Gift for (Iraduales C.R. Smith & Son Market St. at 18th 2SI ""I u HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER FOR COAI '".'"SlP1'.. con"nt mite plrt J to 80 tallona. lo. HmIi radiators alto. Thr U notb Inr lutt aa road. Free book. Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2d friM-il cedereno nUnrrcsto del tradltorl, com prcso II sinihuo dl Vrtllonn. Aly llnu, c dl tuttl I resldentl del qunrtlere Ulan- mcttnno cue nirono pnti a nonui m vaporo e sotto se&rtn deportntl nel l'lsola dl Harena. La popolazlonc civile. Itisiemc nirattuaie prcfetto dl Vallonn, c stata tradotta n llrlndisl. Learn to Drive Your Automobile In nil sorts f truffle. Asold ncclilents save money, Kxpert Inatrurtlon rlren In modern citrs by nppolnlment from 10 A. M. tn 10 P. M. Call or plione for particulars. Auto School 1824 l.uttlonr St. YMCA Arch St. I4ZI ? because it is a clean White mrjer glass of Charming appearance me aristocrat among , sodaountain .'ym glasses. Vl ' - a?0. S - S - STAMMERING and sit defects In speech cured. All rnoon na oninK rinsnei. Tall. Wrltr or I'hnno Pnnlnr I3SI for Pr'ml',r THE QUIGLEY INSTITUTE For the enre of all deferts In sueMh 11JI .ll.4SII.lt rllllul.I Purttv Specialties Co. CMAJUJ LHWT. OWMU u Hat. Denckja BtDC. Philadelphia firr ibe Hamilton Watches Timekeepers o f un questionable reliability. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JUWKLU IS StLVCftSMITHS niAM'3 CROWN PRINCE DIE8 London, Juno IB. Prince Chno Vn Clirnk Unbonus TlniTnnarth, brother ol the king, of Blarn, (Shao Fa Maha Vail. rnTUiiil, ium ucir iirrnunipiire to fh. J Hlngaporc, 7' " Play Safe! FERRO Clothps arc absolutely worry-proof, SPRING & SUMMER SUITS $38.50 to $78.50 Were $45 to $85 Exceptional Value Panama Hata $5.50 Values up to $25, Ferco & Co. ic Clothiers & Outfitters Apents for Rogers Peel Clothes Chestivut Street at Juniper. JL The Biggest Sale of f A ' 9 aMlV VeVU WSS lH i1' 1 llv !"' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLaBBBBBBBBaf t 2 High-Grade Footwear Ever Held in Philadelphia BEGINS TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 When you want good advice If it is on a financial matter, you go to your banker or broker. If it is legal advice, you see your lawyer. Usually you select men whose experience is valuable and in whom you have confidence. When you want advice on anything that concerns iiling, we want you to call on Library Bureau. Your business maybe making shoes or selling dynamos. Ours happens to be filing. You know all the ins and outs of your own business because you have grown up with it studied it made it your life work. Our knowl edge of filing comes from the same source. We have been through the mill. We have rubbed elbows with every business under the sun. We have come face to face with practically every filing problem. The L. B. knolv-hohf is important. Perhaps your present need is simply a system to file drawings, blue-prints and photographs. Whatever it is, if it's films, think of Library Bureau. Write for our 64-page catalog" Vertical filing" Library Bu r e au WISHING to reduce in a measure the High Cost of Living, some of our manufacturers have volunteered to co-operate with us in a tremendous sale of $1,000,000 worth of shoes for men, women and children. Beginning tomorrow, we are sacrificing profits on our entire stock, with but one exception, our $14 Pe-Dom-Ics. WE HAVE always been known as a popular priced house for high-grade footwear and in this Million Dollar Sale we are substantially lowering our already low prices. The Dalsimer Standard of Quality, intelligent service and expert fitting are features that make this sale different from all other, shoe sales. Women 's Men's that were 13 JO and 12.50 10.85 O O C that were O.OU 12.00 and 11.00 7 O C thai were 6.85 4.85 70.00 and 9.00 that were 7.90 that were 6.90 10.85 8.85 6.85 PUMPS Seamleis Opera, Theo, Two-Button Strap, Cron-Strop, Vogue and One-Eyelet. High nnd low heels. OXFORDS Wine-Tip. Brogue, Plain and Straight Tip. Baby French, High Louis, Military and Low Heels. LEATHERS Black or White Buck- kin, Grey or Brown Suede, Black or Brown Kid, Patent or Dull Calf, White Linen or Nubuck. that were 16.00 and 14.00 that were 12.00 ahd 10.00 t that were 9.00 and 8.00 OXFORDS Brogue or Wing-Tip Effects, English, Medium or Broad Toes. LEATHERS Genuine Shell, Cor-2?van- Top-grade Dark Tan Calfskin, Black Calf or Kid, White Buckskin or Linen Growing Girls' 6QA that were VJ 10.00 and 9.00 5Ckf (hat were W 8.50 and 7.S0 4QA that were pol 7.00 and 6.00 PUMPS & OXFORDS LEATHERS Mahogany Tan, Black Calf. Patent Colt, White Buck or Reignskin. White Footwear for Vacation Now is your opportunity to buy at a big saving Children 's 3.95) o .- PRICED 0.45 (ACCORDING 2.90)ros'Z' thai were 6.00 to 4.00 PUMPS & OXFORDS LEATHERS Tan or Black Calf, Patent Colt, White Reignskin. Tan Barefoot Sandals 1.95 All Sizes 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET jBaLtiimjeSL THE BIG SHOE STORE 1204-06-08 Market Street Women's Departments Second Floor Third Floor Children & Growing Girls Downstairs Card and filing systems Founded 187 Filing cabinets wood and steel . M. W. MONTGOMERY. Manacjer 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Salesrooms In 49 leading cities of the United States, Great Britain and Franc Men's Department Main Floor Boys' Department Balcony .i EZTZSX3 o SMi il!fe