Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 15, 1920, POSTSCRIPT, Page 15, Image 15

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Comedy and Music of Season
able Kind at Keith's
and Elsownoro
jrfttl,' Harry Cnrroll. singer unci
composer, nnd His company of ten hetul
..fumnur" show of much merit ftt
Keith's this week, and the performance
Is stretched lone past the scheduled time
"WHct? WStlS" of 1920." ; present
ah irrnv of pretty Rlrls, fetchlnu cos
fum" really catchy pongs nnd excellent
ianc'lnc rnrelv seen In vaudeville. Al
though the 1IB feature of the act. Cnrroll
.im.elf Is the hardest worker on the
SJSrrarn never desortlnc his piano dur
Tn? thb half hour the Feature runs.
ln '". m.ir. a dnlntv sine nit comc-
.,rtu.e "." .. .. Mill n rlnnnt
with India rubber lesfl,
inn tuiri i,n.. ...... ..-.
head the sup-
r ttlWa Clark, the "Klassy Little
Klwn." offer a single act that fur
rtishe" a real rival for Carroll's nrcsen
tatlor Her original songa nnd Imper
5nn nni are put across with real
Imi, try l"arry Harklns nnd his Mon
arch of Melody, all Phlladclphlnns. fur
Slsh some excellont music nnd character
Jongs "When Ho Came Back." an
Bfter.thc.wnr. sketch deallns with tho
return home of a soldier with his French
kriitn. eves Sirs, ucno jiukiii.:i m uii
p"...' .v.. . .hmv nhn In a real nctress.
P Harry f)elf. occupying the difficult j
rflinliv in
Harry Delf,
place on the progrnm bonina uic iairoi
Ert, manages to hold his audience, and
the Knur neadlngs perform feats of
Inlnnee and Rtrength out of tho ordinary,
ficne Mason nnd Kay Cole get some good
laughs In ".lust for n Kiss, and Cor
riell Lenna nnd Zippy, In "Variety n la
Caite." do likewise
llrglirnv A bright collection of wit
Ami philosophy offered by Joseph K.
Watfon kept trio nudlenco In hilarious
mood MacCarton nnd Marone delighted
with the latest dnnccs. rtoblnson, Mc
Cab ntul lloblnson scored with their
iin-lo-the-mlnute songs. .lack Levy and
Olrls were a vocal and pictorial delight,
sml the Seven Hrancks thrilled acro
batically "The Walkoffs" proved an In
teresting photoplay nttrnctlon.
dlnbe Walter Law, the movie star,
appears lo advantage In n drnmatic
fkrtrh Imuel nnd Hlchards, .In n
blackface offering, wero one of the
fomedv hits. "Oh, Teddy!" n muslonl
tabloid, has n good supply of summer
pirl Hits were also scored by Helen
rrimrose, comedienne: Al Lester nnd
company, I'ngnro Itomany, violinist, lind
IViez, nnd Mnrgot, dnncers. A photo
play and the news reel complete n good
summer hill
Hrnndna.i "The Overseas Revue." n
iclntillntlng musical comedy offering,
was the chief nttrnctlorr. Other nets on
the bill which pleased woth Lnznr and
Pale In nn amusing skit, nnd Stafford,
Pe Ilose and company In nn enter
taining revue. The photoplay, "The
Woman dives," rounded out the show of
more than usual merit.
Crni Keys rp-to-the-moment rom
ertv Is featuredbv Hlbbltt nnd Mnlle.
Rlaltn presented some new Ideas from
Panreland, nnd tho OillleH troupe offered
new nciohntlc stunts. A novelty wns nn
avlatlorr playlet presented bv ltontiunn
and Harrett Van nnd York dispersed
comedy, nnd the Four Amerlcnn Beau
tics uere nM that the name Implied.
William I'enn "Follies of Song nnd
Pance." n musical comedy offering. Is
a splendid fenture. Other acts of renl
werlt were Bradley nnd Ardlne. In
catchy songs, .toe Brownings, colnediau ;
Frank Peck nnd .Inck Mclntvrc. enter
taining performers, and Klutlngs. nov
elty entertainers. The photoplay, "The
Woman Clcs." proved highly interest
ing Muimlanco of good views marked
the ne8 111m.
(mini Mnrried men. both newlyweds
nml elerans, can learn a lot from "The
Four Husbands," the musical sketch on
tl' progrnm Any contemplating mar
riage should see this little production
rhaH,. c.atcs and Marlon Flndlav, In n
pood Mm , William Cutty, a versatile
musician, and Black White and Cseless.
fmimakpis, complete an excellent pro
gram The pictures are up to grade.
Mxon Matilmonlal relations furnish
the, theme for n renl domestic comedy In
'The Four Wolfa," a good skit. Bnrtrom
and Sexton are billed ns entertnlners,
and thev aro all that and then some.
The (.lockers, water Jugglers: Star, and
Mac Laurel, In odd conceits, nnd Ittrliv.
Qinnri and Auger, melodists, make uu tlip
good nrst-half-of-theweek bill.
Uiilton Itimf Florence Andrews, the
glad glr' - delights everybody with her
up-to-date song, program. Other nets
that contribute, first-rate entertainment
, ''l,llt, 'joforth, nccompllshed song
,ZZh JlcKlnnon Twins, songs nnd
dances , l.uplla Lloyd nnd Babette Rstes
cornet .st vnnd singer; Jean Tennyson
with a novelty, nnd Pearl Ryton.
Chestnut Opens Movie Season With
Harold Bell Wright Story
rhe.tniit "Tho Eyes of the World"
re now upon th opening movie attrac
tion at this theatre. Just how long they
will feast upon this cinema version of
inusinstle nudlence greeted his Initlnl
r,o"erLh,!:r?n VC h.n,S yolne" the nun erous
jnvelists placing their writings upon thn
reen nnd with much success.
l-ew mnyle fans of tho Kast know
of the work thnt W H Crane studios
'I'll U 1iI,iV I--I.1 .. . .- '
Rlnnrln wlu
vhen thn henutfuu
"tsiih r ,1. 11 i1" W,U1 such
for thV L1 ? s he KWutator Ioiik
VWs 0P0n country nrt the high
corniiU.,rr.:.h!?-,,cc" widely read, hut
aiiforma are
unfolded with such
for it
...." " "" screen nan n t,... ii....,
m,nilr.rnutlV? lrT celluloid
. . .. : - "v... .iic-iiicim
a oman Mhnhni '""o a rno son or
of her iiiinP. . r4efuse'l to marry one
noel, J ?iLro'",.n: Tho man Is a
Tho son or
vioimist n.vi V"1"" "n nr'lt. A Klrl
ipiio, .. -1 .: "':"" .mo
vathin. , i .1" '"". I".c"
""man W,ua jnpi: ",':"" '" 'e marr ed
hwtMnil iVurllno 1 w "Cl nna.1'1 Is ""
,E ''"runt. ,jns 1, ,,, wnn,
u' pfi1JU..!,'"'h"!frB nml that beau
a.,i.' J, rlo"ionn." are recalled It is
"ehnm:frs,r, l,ow ,.hi" p,av! h "S'i
fup"rvlP; .hi'V, n'n"""nr. The author 1
rame, fli .i1 ,llr,'tl0'- which was done
pd eveVin" n"Ra , The Production is
-...., uu iiiu ill rn 1
'" artist nn h ,,i . 1" c" winuow of
msrrl i 0,1 ?,,' al,f'1 ,no Portrait of a
lrs .Vn, u fn1,1,,T,h0 mu8ldan dlsap
m nd taken i5T u"BCru"UIous
mountni t Th l,?e.ly, Bnack on tll?
antl .1 torilHo nX a.rtlRl lw,riw of th
f 'Innnx " . f '" ,aueB- which forms
l'R tnd mm", ,L" exclt nB Rtory. with
hn tr.Tu,,hlnd?rrni,RB t0 "!" wo"'
ir'lsi ihi ,. nintier the work of thn
Vn ""r i!l0',lrl "ould once mow
"orlil "eiore Tho Uye8 of the
r'an"hfch 'affordJJ l!r '"n1' of tllB mu'
'how bhe nB w'jfL'1 "naPortunlty
mar K-,ui"'.. . 1Pn "1" Picture wn
Why Suffer Longer? Drink
Valley Water
eamom curative water from near
Hot Snrillna Afl.
.Mountain Vr&Ti ,,V "YH,:kN3..
d W
n 111 1 Vn" wro:"'J dr""'
Photoplays Elsewhere
MKTnpPOUTAX"nomnncc," Kd
ward Bheldon's love story of the
prima donna nnd tho clergyman.
Horls keene, who stnrrcd In It on
the stage both In the United States
nnd Great Britain, plays tho diva's
role on the screen.
fM.i?"7r.h.Henrt ot a Cnll(1"
rentures Alia Nnzlmova, the distin
guished emotional nctress, as tho
heroine of Frank Danby's story.
Hno appears ns a wnlf of the Llmo
Houso district In London nnd then
'". society. Favorably reviewed
this week at Stanley.
UA'iii,''- "Tne "utterflv
with Lew Cody. A prettv
Of love mnklnir
,Byj.ll.h..rnu,,no Frederick.
8TR,P. "0n Wlth thn nance,"
r AUt,ht,S?no..urray- 1'tcellent play.
LOCU8T "The Silver Horde,'' by
o,R,!?,l5en.c.h Klne'y ncted
n,VRljt? ;vhj' fihnngo Your Wife."
.wLli Tnon"1" Melghnn. flood story.
WEST AUA;ailENY" Daughter
of the'Gods," with Annette Kel-
JUMBO "The Woman In the Sult-
case," with Enid Bennett
ItniMONT "The While Dove."
wlth ! ..? wfner. A story of
mar tal life.
Mickey," with Mnbel
COI.lSF.Vit "The
with Hoy Stewart.
Walkoffs," with
May Allison
"Thn Hour I nt n r'Viil.i i.-o,.-
nhly received
ver Horde.
Bench's "Tho Sit-
A1.1IAM11RA "The
with Enid Bennett.
False Road,"
Gives," with Norma Tnlmadge.
the artist loved and Monroo Salisbury
enncts the novelist.
Sidney Lowcnsteln was In chnrc-n of
the fine orchestra. His selections wero,
appropriate ami wen received. The
lobby of tho theatre was tastefully dec
orated. "A MORMON MAID"
Mae Murray Star in Garrlck Photo
play (Inrrlek "A Mormon Maid" Is a play
of pseudo-religious nnture thnt holds tho
attention of the audience from the start
until tho end. It Is a beautifully mounted
production, with the plot laid In country
thnt might easily have passed for the
original, nesplte tho, warmth of last
evening n crowded house ngnln greeted
the flno acting of Mne Murrny in one
of the leading roles.
Miss Murray and Hobart Bosworth nre
the featured players but only the first
stnnds out prominently because the
make-up of the latter fs such as to dis
guise too much the wonderful strength
oC his nntural face The youthful Miss,
Murray, however, shows her versatility
by enacting first n girl of the open
country nnd later a young miss who Is
gowned In the costume of the late
forties. Compare these roles with her
work In "On With the Dance." lecentlv
projected upon this same screen, nnd
she tit .once stands nut as one of our
best players. Edythe Chapman as tho
mother docs some flm- work with a lot I
of emotlonnl nctlng that carries Noah '
Beery gives a portrayal stern nnd severe I
ns the five-times wedded Motmon leader
P'rank Borzago Is the youthful lner I
The story concerns a family which Is
nefrlended by Mormons when the In
dlnns ntlock their home. After a few i
years In the midst of this religious sect, I
tho newcomers nre nsked to Join the I
church nnd take part In Its polygamous
practices but refuse until made to do so
by force. It Is when the leader tries
to marry the daughter that the cllma .
comes and with it a flight and the I
chase by the hooded sentries, kpown
as the "avenging angels."
Cuticura Soap
The Velvet Touch
Sotp.Olntnent.Ttlcnm Stcertrrvhare Ferumplti
7HE Old Reliable
Pearl Borax Soap
is now obtainable in
chip form. G. Ask your
grocer for Pearl Borax
Soap Chips -one pack
age will complete a
large family
With Cut icura
Bathe With
Dry and
Apply the
These suner-creamv emollients uiu-
I allystop itching, clear away redness
ana rougnness.neip to remove dan
druff and scalp Irritation and heal
red and rough hands. If ued for
everv-day toilet purposes they do
much to prevent such distressing
troubles. Use the exquisitely
scented Cutkura Talcum to over
come heavy perspiration.
liaiikSukrmbTUill A!iw "Ottlctr
UVm.MctM.Dtpi W.Wilfea.iUji " SoW.Ttry.
yhr Bopag. OtntroDtand(r. Tilrumae,
uuacvra Soap ihnH witbovt mug.
MS.; or rtlriVt bv V"
1. j-j1j 'm
Seen at Stanley in "Dr. Jokyll
and Mr. Hyde" Other
ftfnnler "Dr Jokyll and Mr. Hyde"
Is a masterpleco of dramatic nctlng for
the screen as portrnved In character by
John Barrymore. It proves that this
player Is equally fitted to this Btyle of
play as to tho lighter forms of comedy
with which hn hnB been provided In the
past, There probably han not been n
better characterization portrayed In cel
luloid than his remarkable transforma
tion from one man to nnother. This
change Is all the more vivid in the fact
that the movl camera records it Instan
taneously, while orr the spoken stage
thcro could not be such readiness In
This In tho season when, most film
companies do not put forth their best
efforts, but this year there has been no
ticeable a decided trend for the better
ment In, productions offered without re
gard for tho warm weather. This picture
should be seen by nil lovers of the best In
photoplays because It Is a standard by
which manv other phitodramas may bo
judged. Were It posslblo for nobert
Louis Stevenson to have seen tho coming
of the movies, ho would no doubt have
written his famous story especially for
their use. Surely no better production
could have been made than that tils
closed. John Barrymore holds tho center of
the screen nt nearly every scene, nl
though somo excellent plnyers are in his
support. Mnrtha Mansfield, the chief
feminine player, has risen to stardom
on tho Selznlck program by reason of
her work In this play. Brandon Hurst,
Nltn Naldl, George Stevens nnd Charles
Lane also have Important parts,
John H. Robertson directed this piece
with skill nnd fully understood the mag
nitude of the dual character played by
the star. The screen shows how a man's
evil self, triumphed over his better na
ture In nn emotlonnl drnmn of weird
Arrndln "Miss Hobbs" Is not the
daughter of the celebrated grocer In
"Little IJrd Fauntleroy." but the
heroine of Jeromo K. Joromn's delight
ful comedy of fads and mannorlsms once
played by Annie Russell. This screen
version marks Wnndn Hawley's first ap
pearance ns a star under the Realart
banner, nnd her enactment of the un
usual role proves her right to her newly
enrned distinction.
MIbs' Hobbs Is an ultra-modern young
woman of beauty and charm, a man
hater ami devotee of all the Invest fads
and "Isms," physical, splfltual and men
tal. For nil her mnn-hntlng. however,
love comes to her from nn unexpected
quarter. In the person of a young man
passing himself off as a chauffeur with a
weak heart. Mr, Jerome's original has
been very much amplified and mod
ernized. ...
The photography particularly where
Interiors aro concerned. Is exceptionally
beautiful, nnd tho art of up-to-date house
decorating is found In nn outre, though
nlennlnir. estntn. Those In the support
ing cast aro Harrison Forde Helen i
Jerome Eddy, Walter Hlers and Jack
Victoria "Pangerous to Men" Is nn
npproprlnte title for any picture In which '
Viola nnrm mav be starred, because she i
has tho faculty of making her male funs
nil ndmlra her In this tnlc. nrlcinnllv
Krst Taste
Makes You
"Wcoxt More
" 51
tiy .
Safe and Sound
with Dr. Lyon's '
SOUND teeth by safe means that is the
story of Dr. Lyon's. It is an old story
now mothers have been telling it to their
children for oyer 50 years. But it is still as
true as ever, and as important.
Dr. Lyon's cleans and polishes the teeth
thoroughly it has never pretended to do any
more. But clean teeth are sound teeth, and
polished teeth arc beautiful teeth and that's
all that is necessary. More and more people
are realizing this every day.
JZetyontifrico ijai ' madajina haft 3asftor)ahl&
(fortder Cream
Approved by the best dental authorities for
over fifty years
I. W. LYON & SONS, Inc.,'530 W. 27th St., NEW YORK
kUu i k i i m j.. .
written as "Eliza Comes' to Stay" by
H. V. Esmond. Is disclosed a plot not
entirely new to the screen. To be fully
appreciated this little movie Bhpuld be
seen as a light comedy nnd Oh, so light,
for It Is about n girl who tries to fool
n guardian alio has never seen.
When the heroine Is Informed of her
father's death she goes to her new father
a la guardian. He Is expecting a child
of about twolvo and whlle'the heroine Is
a grown-up lady, she deems It beat to
represent herself ns a "kid," The kid
stuff Is worked with much gusto, oven
to tho point of making a slap-stick com
edy of the tricks Jho does with her
"gunrdle" and his uncle. In the end,
to save him she confesses nttd tho cen
sors happily place their Beal on a, fair
One of tho outstanding bits of acting
Is that of Milton Sills as the guardian,
whllo Miss Dana does effective work ns
the girl. Others are Helen Raymond
and James Barrows.
Itegent "Tho Dark Mirror" reflects
In a, way the ability of Dorothv Dalton
to portray a dual role. First she Is the
daughter of a wealthy socletv leader and
then the girl of the Chinatown qunrter.
wno in jovea py a .-Spaniard, iouis Jo
seph Vance wrote the story, which had
wide reading while Charles Glblyn did
the directing In a very creditable manner.
Romance Is n good thing In the movies,
but when It Is coupled with a lot of
thrilling episodes there is added Interest.
There Is a touch of tho psychic In this
leading lndy'8 role, for she sees In
dreams tho characters who later take
part In reality. Tho wealthy girl tells
a physician what she has seen, not
r Bold. Ilouaht nnd Kxehanged
Al Cleaned and Htoulrnd.
H. TERZIAN & CO. "jr-j.
" R. VT. Cor. 18th A Walnot Pit.
Special Sale
Gas Ranges
Wt art eff.rint thU wtth, thrtt
Hit .Tint ttyl.t of "R.lltble" g
range mt gr.mt rtdnctient. Thty art
molt unaiual valuta at th.lt prictt.
Wo. 733 "Bail
able" baking and
broiling ovens,
10 Inches deap.
WhiU porolln
pans, . panels,
top and splasher.
Fit In 40 Inch
pace. Speolally
prloed for this
ale only 849.60.
No. 703 "JUlt
abls" large
q n a r range,
baking and
broiling oTens
18 1 n c h a
a.nar. White '
porcelain pans,
panels and
splasher back.
Specially priced
for this sale 'only $39.60,
ITo. 784 "Rait,
able" Hake oven
18 1 n o h e s
square, 4 burn
ers on top,
white porcelain
panel and pan.
Fits In space 34
Inches square. A
flne small fnll
size rang.
Specially prloed for this sale only
Tht above pric.t include prompt c
livery and tree connection.
The "Reliable" is one o'f the best
gas ranges on the market. Made by
one of the largest gas range manu
facturers In America.
Headquarters also for Gas
Water Heaters, Refrigerators
and Kitchen Cabinets
We invite companion of quality
and value with any other store.
West Philadelphia Store
263 So. 52d St.
PMla. Btore Open lion., Fri. C fiat Era:
ltu.u I .l T
y5S5M I
(vi 'bKlW ' '
h Jk&i 1 - rQ.
m l vjn y
knowing that It la telling nbout her sis
ter, who In the daughter of a wife or
her father's by an earlier marriage.
When n murder of a girl In the China
town district takes place thn wealthy
girl nnd her physician friend aro In
volved because they seek to unravel the
mystery of tho drenm which foretold It.
The close resemblance of tho society girl
to the murdered ono causes the crim
inal to drown himself ns he has drowned
the girl. Tho end Is a happy one, with
everything sot to rights. Huntley Gor
don, Pedro de Cordoba, Walter Neeland
nnd others participate.
liss Minnie
13th ibore Cheitnot
Take elevator to Mil Floor
Han-dressing and Manicuring
For ApDAlnlment I'hone Walnnt 1820
Stops Hair Coming. Out;
Doubles Its Beauty.
A few cents Imyn "Dnnderlne." After
an application of "tlundrrlne" rnu tun
not find 11 fallen hnlr or any dandruff.
lienldrN every hair ehowns new life, vlnor.
lllitnfta m. A Milntf mil 4tiltfnMia '
Drops of magic! Doesn't
hurt one bit! Drop a little
Freezone on a touchy corn,
instantly that corn stops hurt
ing, then you lift it off with
the fingers. No pain! Try it!
Why wait? Your druggist sells
a tiny bottle of Freezone for a few
cents, sufficient to rid your feet of
every hard corn, soft corn, or corn
between the toes, and calluses,
without soreness or irritation.
Freezone is the much, talked of
diecovery of the Cincinnati genius.
.. ts&fatt
,'W ..
Down Stairs Store
The Newest Hats
Reflect Summer Herself
Men's Caps
at $2
(Less the 20 per cent
Good -looking caps,
every one the sort that
men want for sports wear
and motoring! Of course,
in a special lot like this,
where every cap is worth
at least half as much
again, there are not many
caps of a kind, but that
adds all the more interest
to 'selection. Suitings,
tweeds just about every
thing in the way of caps !
Tubular straw hats are
$2 light and comfort
able. (fJnllery. Market )
Hair Brushes '
Special at $1.50
The bristles are exception
ally good either all-white or
white and black mixed. The
red or black wood backs have
slight defects that are mostly
20 per cent deducted at time
of purchase.
What an Array of Women's Cool
Summer Frocks And How Low
Their Prices Are!
jt 9
jiSi pit
Bathing Caps
at 20c
(Less the 20 per cent
One-piece rubber capK have
defects in the molding that
will not hurt thoir wearing
Qualities. There nre vnrinnn
(Client nut)
Women's Umbrellas
Finished With Bakelite
(Less the 20 per cent deduction)
Tho umbrellas, in wide-spread
shape, aro of fine tape-edged
American 'tafTetu (cotton) and
havo white bakclito tips. The
handles, too, aro trimmed with
bakelito and have dark or white
aakelite rings,
V Cei.tm!)
r A,, tvt"'-''.'...',,ji v. ... ' . TyT!rt,,mt'mlml'mmmmmwmm!1,,'',1m,'fSi
ft " T1 ' TitflMBriiiMlitir-'iii'ii- i '
$3.85, $6.SO
and $S
and they arc cither organdie or dotted Swiss,
or both! Colors arc delectable no other word
for them palest pink, cool lavender, light blue,
white, buttercup, etc.
Sortie of the hats aro of checked organdie in
pink or bide, light and pretty.
Others, of soft dotted swiss, arc faced with
taffeta, and the effect is quite individual and
Then, again, organdie hats are bound with
dotted swiss or dotted swiss hats arc trimmed
with organdie and so it goes!
20 per cent deducted at time of purchase
Women's Long
! 16-Button Length
I Silk gloves, with Paris-point stitched backs, are $2.50 a pair.
Chamois lisle, with plain stitching on the backs, at $2.50 a pair.
j Glace lambskin gloves, of fine fresh skins, beautifully made, arc
i $0.50 a pair.
j And then deduct 20 per cent from these prices!
I (Central)
Imagine Taking 20 Per -Cent
From the Prices of
Tub Skirts Right at the
Beginning of Their Season!
There is a long .season of wear ahead of
every skirt, yet you can deduct 20 per cent from
its price at the time of purchase.
This applies to every skirt in stock, from a
simple one of rep at S1.25 to the finest sports
silks at $35.
The skirt that is sketched is of cross-bar
white poplin with large pearl buttons for trim
ming. $3.25.
Other wash skirts are of snowy white cot
ton gabardine, poplin, surf satin and linen at
prices which range upward to $8.75.
Skirts of Sports Silks
start at $7.50 for silk-and-cotton poplin with a
satin plaid. These are in black, taupe and
At $13.75 the crepe de chine and Georgette
skirts' begin, and at $15 there are gleaming
skirts of 'baronet. Delightful rough silks with
a shimmering plaid are in white at $17.50.
The organdies are among the airiest and most
charming of the Summer dresses veritable billows
of color you'll find them. They're in all the lovely
pastel tints and there are plenty of white dresses for
The organdie frock that is sketched has navy or
brown figures on a white ground ; it has a big, fluffy
sash and three-quarter sleeves. $16.50.
Other organdie frocks at $12, $15 and $25 par
ticularly lovely are the organdies with embroidered
dots of color at $15.
No End of Charming Voiles
at almost any price you care to name. They're printed
in all sorts of designs and colors and are often trimmed
with pleatings or bandings of plain-color voire. Inset
bands of net and silk sashes are other charming fea
tures. $-1.75, $5, $7.50, $7.75 to $20.
Ginghams for Practical Wear
$6 and $7.50
At each price there is wonderful choosing among
checks or plaids of all colors. Many are trimmed with
white pique or organdies or with plain chambray. The
colorings are fresh as morning sunshine.
Of course, 20 per cent is to be deducted from each
Delightful Summer Frocks
For Junior Girls
have just arrived. Styles of the sort
that nre youthful and becoming to
girls of 12 to Hi years.
White voile and Japanese crepe in
maize, light hlue or pink make a pretty
combination. A little jacket is of the
crepe, hand-embroidered. 12 to Id
year sizes nt $7.25. One is sketched.
, A charming brown, blue or pink
chambray, bound with white, is fin
ished with big white buttons; a pretty
gingham and chambray combination is
in pink, blue and green. 15 and 1(1
year sizes. Both are special at $0.
Very simple is a middy dress at
$6.75; tho blouse is unbleached muslin
and the button-on skirt is cadet blue
Rose, .blue or buttercup figured
voilo is simply made with a ruflled or
gandie collar, cuffs and pockets and
a big sash. $6.75 In 6 to 12 year rizes.
20 per cent la to be taken from all
these priced, of course.
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Net Corsets
They arc coolest for Sum
mer nnd nt $1.50 to $3.40 there
nre, models for the slight to
average figure. Most of them
are lightly boned, some are
topless with clastic insets, nnd
others nre medium bust styles.
20 per rent is deducted from
their prices when purchased.
Pretty Voiles
at 38c a Yard
(20 per cent to be deducted)
38 inches wide, they aro in
blue, pink or lavender figures
or flowers, etc.; nil light Sum
mery grounds.
White Gloves
m ' l
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