HV'V, v ;.;'.", ,"-.' ,-!4V "" ." v"; .Tur:'i,"trt' ' 1 ' ' nv i TB'frT'-n i irr''s n it sbpi. jr. wn:-' wmiir i n i iv i . rJurr if sr flwurair -& n v 7 t . t w jvi i jr w rrm1 i' , ,v - rw . . j ir ." - - f - -.l ' ' .' i hr'j. ft v ' ' - . ; ' ' ,' ar 1 'A W-EHING lliO' ') BfeUGER-iPBiLAiDELPHJA MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1920 vj-- , . -, 7 i .t. it w - - 4-' '" "' ' H?ar'ripptikrtWiTiE8 w u a Jin w- . -- -- TMICAL PLANT S nrset CO for.ama.il ca"" fnr extrnc- ""S ftcM MuVd. and for re. ftftlan , of P a,JJ',wl"AoMiih up-to-date Prmltf ln,u ""quipm.nt for man- eirnn esl lfwr.i?JJJJii .Very ndvon- ''lurf "iffd S& ind railroad ten: wfA ,ec,ri powor' ' "rnV'Jorm.rlyoP.rft,,,?." Cfc""U S;?pa8ynllf from Broad Street county, Pnniii!iSphf, JUItlmor. and AltoS vision of' lb. Fenn.ylV.nla B,Ar0lhtr particulars-hav. rerr.sentallve "vanadium corporation OF .AMERICA PRtMOS. T"" lwt1"1 COUNTY, FA. . . inVURTISER has Proposition of 1,B iA,m which he has expsnded ome "i i'.'m M time, working It up J15.vlS po'nf. and lii now ready to to tb TV'n ?. lioWnir for a man who U2!!WEnnai grange teU?.'. neM TSt inter4- EJtlin quick en blr profits: no agents. Falr EflR, 1721 Itanst.ad st rhlla.,,Pa, fToiifin MEN TAKE NOTICE Why worry S ?rVflbI.bUaend"mor.h.tS ft, pirpoiij of tak'ng vr-two corporations -inuSeturlng a Una of chemicals In great 3KJ?S or the entire world: a chance to J!.rafn on the ground floor of on. of the best ' ' Sil. "nn, A 200, Ledger Office, tTibtiiICT MANAOKn for automobile aect BI"? corporation manufacturing In.trument akiolute ncMlty for every car, truck and SSfflf? WPPIM in thw..nd. to U. fi. army auto trm.niDorc ja now ruj uwt "'111.. S competition i live man.eho !2.ll tio.ooo Tear: capital required 1800 to I40OO, Bcott uorporaiion, 80 N. Mlchlcan aTt.. Chlotw.. CAPITAL. WAMTBU AtiliUnt manarer of ft manufacturlpa- con nmwlihti to atart In builnaas; would like HnUrvl.w parti., with IBOO to 120.000: aitk re latlye to " earnln and future JreipectiT alven at Interview only. A 110, Lii5lt- Office ivHOLESAUB elicar and tobacco establish, rawiti yearly bu.lne.a about J120.000 and avJr:lrie.nn .toekl about 2B.O0n raah req. DIAMOND REALTY CO., y MS Tarkway Dldr., llroad and Cherry . frH OFFER wonderful opportunity to re Ilabl. man to maks from '150 to $100 weekly at home in apara time; direct by mill oropoiltloni no experience needed! capi tal reaulred only 1120. Mutual Co., llln- nuticll.. CE CREAJl and confectionery, aoda foun- tilni eood builneia: Market at.: 14(100 llih: a emaller. fine place for $2200 caeh. DIAMOND REALTY CO.. $08, Parkway Dldr., Broad and Cherry 00 INTO BUHINESS, make big- money: we itart you manufacturing and aelllnE "Fa raoui Southern Frallnea": new bus.: enor eu profit.: tremendous demand: wonderful CTP. Southern Candy Co., B 422, Now Or lien La. , . JlErRESENTATIVB and salesman, formerly mechanical deslaner and draftsman, wishes io represent Philadelphia manufacturer In fcew Tork and vicinity. A. It. II, . C37 rnnlclln av... Ilrooklyn, ri, T. HEAT 8TOHE 7-room dwelllnjr attached; refrlreratnr and all tools ready for busl ii; eplendld location: northeistern section tt rllTi sale at 18000. CHARLES H. HETEK Hell pn ntistle'nn S10O. Ilustleton. fAHTT with $3000 to 110,000 to become executive with crowing corporation; do- mini for products unlimited; prefer man with nsles experience. A 101. I-edger Off. INCORronATflD CO. with good sales or ganization open for any flrat-class proro- iltlon (no stAck), Phone Spr. 6024. Mr. pullr. lOOO Finance Pldg. SO0 MAY make you Independent: rare op portunlty, gas business; Investigate, r. o uox eo, rniiaaeipnia JIE3TAURANT, main St.. Uno weeklv bust new 1900 cash. DIAMOND P.EALTT cu mn farKway ning., iiroaa ann.unerry. 112.000 buyn 11 o business of an established iloraso comnanv in Philadelphia.; splendid etrertunlty C B21, Ledger Office, CLOSE corporation mfg. patented staple irllAlft In fltrnltllPA linn, wanli MVlAamv . uitcsi nee,, nio is socurea, u oja 4ea, urr B0ATS.MOTORBOATS.LATJNCHE8 FIVE new government life rafts. Beach st. lotto FOR SALE PELSTRING'S SOLD PAINTS TO THE U. S. Navy Supply Officers LONO TJEFOIIE w..TnB WAR, DURINO THE WA?ANP IH STILL SUPPLTINO THE OOVERNMKNT. WHY NOT USE HIS PAINTS ON Tt-.m-.J0UR PROPERTIE8T BILICATED SHIP PAINTS. ALL SHADES, . , . $2.80 PER GALLON K .m 0 1-gallon cans In a case or B-gol-m i buckets ai d 30 and 80 gallon barrels. .;,i:ti lor eo.lor car''. Orders will receive no attention unless accompanied with check. Spar Vnrnlsh 12.00 per Gallon, 12 Gal. to a Case LEWIS PELSTRING 11th, Fitzwater & Clifton Sts. TYPEWRITERS RENTED Factory Rebuilt Typewitora See Our New Machine, the Century American Writing Machine Co. W.l, !?2 CHESTNUT ST. rTX ilM Main 829 1 hanAi!L..nllure,..r'M nd carpets except Jlin. " 5?h' ml!i!!i b.If vf Schomack?? fMce'i. T, rSu's't beVo'ld'e'dnJidanNR t0? Hi.NQLB FOLDINO COTi .V : SS.1""- R?ine & Fun,. feet iZi .... 1.i2B " 1 air, Rflan . lij&i1 . 1.1'i'uualM.. 1U18 model. . -J . --.. suimiuon: llln fnvmrA .. .. ? excel Ur, .?'. Wtitlnjrhoui. .noStf ?i!2. JiT rea, SsljlS mw m re; l. qpirjcE jrunNiTiinic ... iot cesKs. safes ai.. ""... .. "n,8Urffi! &WUir." .tnri niMS. ,no We riirV aV,V""'."viore fix . . PATTi'v iM,.T,V,'S.'t;cnanie1 kwt 4070 iiaVVT.y .V'iS va. Race2fl08. AW , .9n.lENTAIi TtUOB Ulsnc..n.V,!J,i.nV nd 0x0 !."'. n(l chain", i'r- ,Tr,.fcl blue -,.,.m ummonda $mmg jyie.,4o,iV,a,on'" .i.ipV.5!, ?J1- OLD H'iii.u. -- ii.nJ'l 'Yrnltur UnlnrT'iKii.VRE made new. W..7T C11I.I.I-L ' .. nrniuVw ' "" nnnrft I-ombarii moo Nombar -T- 'lAUL-WS Inline in'- "--" mmr "." .?Px28 ny:s. v'"i TTWfMtOOM rum.. 'ZM&rdfju .nV'"KltATOR8 anrt . .- TnYnini" 1 ypluVpS l' . ni ves jw-w...- ". atfBINEBS PEnHflTTATJ. DIAMONDS WAM,Z n-vw V-. i-r, S..(Lh.ftVe. diamond tliey BOUGHT ?iV; SfTiAu'TS; PRIVATE &nfl,ai.nLVo,S'.,n,s 1 " Chfltntl la Ti.1l b.1. DIAMONDS BnTlnHT i nmi jni yu feW'lo'V'?- Jne Diamond Shop "jfcSa, DIAMONDS BOUGHT amy flizrc rnicn no oiuppt t?AWTnvTi?l,tt f0.r. Diamond? naM 5"" "'?-, "wr p."MLJiJVantT AT;.t nOTAL i 3PMJATINO CO Tleatlnr and rial r,ducllon-nr.t"wSr$ a .kTrt o' DIAMONDS BOUGHT TTAnnT W. BMITir. 71T mn nT n r cT.t 8MIV,f1i8.0!,,,.byV,h0''uxv. 11(1 HAVI5 your old baby carriaite1 remodelM tiki ..Zlew- .?lndard Ilaby Carrlari aiio 7th at. 1'hnne Mn In ii4rA"mg8' 3S,B 8 7121 PIANOS, vlctrolan tANOS, ylctrolan md Playera boushf rn.h naldf. Btern.r, B24 N. loth " xRy 4c4",,0h "?.. t V V?"" er,"?I.l nw; entlmate ..... . .. .vtt.mil. rtiui iugiow it mJ3i S8SWW&H 'lk?Hvnsl-nn? ) --""", rc jimni ilfrt Co, IiyilUna aqOOH of nil deacrlntloh. r.I zx '.'S"V" w i.ircncti. nun s, 32fl ,t TtailfJkfl AMl 11 & m T1I1 . . . ' ---' . VI BWJS f&r,ffinJ?nnT-no5m EI.KOTKKJ TMKATMKNT. al.o mit,i,,,;J Office. 4H2 Market .t .c?nd f0,BC;'.,''', -" '" """ !. I JW HnRT WANTED DONT SELL YOURlLOTdiNDS gffi.nrleVyor"oV.' Vo"h,.n--80 rtara we have been buyfng d(anionSan3 other precious stonei from tho lorge Jewelry and department stores, and from their cus tomers recommended to us. Wo also huv nlil gold and sller. May we be of service to you? "-THoarnViVEBAcar-ia0!!.1'".; WE BUT women1., men's, knd chlMr.n worn ciuuiiiiH na noes; oest prices paid; cur autos call at vour convenience In city or Wn WANT at once housh!7d"urn"iturV Btor. fix ures. Office furniture: pay ,DOi cash; honest value; nhone us about it, Locuii 4214. Old Church Co 12th and Chirr JS1 hand aafea for export. IJowe Scale ?5i 808 Arch st. - CLOTHES Cast-off shoes bought Wrll. V.1 phone fjneldmnn, 022 Poplar. PnnTnnn OLD CIOTHEBt.hlheet prices Mid " Phoni Dick. 0188. Friedman's. 1444 South i" hai i.nii uiuru aiiiiiiHiiiMiPiv. nn FUIINITURE. carpets, highest Prices pnldj tiBrKer, tu.ii .MirHft wt. jieimont sgn-nnia. CABT-uri' lAjjiiiiNu Highest urli-.. paid. alpern,248 K nth st FlVpb" 2f?l 8 w OAKPET CLEANING. CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. AI30VE CHESTNUT Oriental and Domestla Carpts .i,, . ... Cleaned. Heoured "' SUMMER STORAGE FREE- Telephone, Locust 1061 STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS PACKETS. DIME 8ET8 bpT.'irA?dCTArl"cotrai,trpi7Suw ROOKS FOR RENT ALLEOHENT AVE., V 1200 Large third joofront.iofurni,hed: all conve'n'ienc'e'.l u"eD,,.Aai..:LN.tJ.J'rr?!' Apt. i-t m.r rates. j ' " "" """" """"''' tvm CHELTEN AVE., W.. 147. Oermintown Desirable rooms, large grounds, shade, no housekeeping: near good board, trains trni. iiuu,Avruiii, lie, leys, references. HAMILTON, 30t3 Large room, furnishings for 2 gentlemen. first-class w3F;.,i!ie'.,"..r?.?'n- '"! o' nmiiii tn unna nmi nri. :t.ril7liyi BPHVCR'Srr.. 1012 (Holmehurst) Two rms. & bath, alngle or communicating, beautt- fully turn., oleo. It.: other vacancies: nhones, 7TU Sf. N. 2318 Vacancies: furnished housekeeping: desirable; reasonable: Dnrch 10TH. N 130. HOTEL RURIC Reautlful 7 furn.: s nglo and double rooms: electric; dslly, weekly rates; conv. to stations; best accommodations for traveling people: mod. 10TH. N. , 1401 Room and bath, $7 un' room. Itltchcnette. 0. furnished, isultes." filer) Uiiarl 38'fU ST, H. ST.. S.. 220 Furnished rooms, single and double, for rent: all conveniences. 40TH ST -., u.u - i4ruiBiica rooms near L. 63D ST., N., Ill Two thlrd-Ooor ToomT. light htusekeeplng: unfurnished. DESIRABLE corner room, thoroughly fur nished, adjoining bath: good elevation-cool and olry: plenty of hot water and large porch; splendid accommodations for bi'Jlnees man or man and wife In refined. Modern home select semlsuburban neighborhood, near Wayne Junction and trolleys: rood table hoard nearby. Phone Wyoming 2404. HANDSOMELY furnished room In large modern private home; electric lights: 10 minutes to City Hall. Telephone Paring 418 ONE furnished room: all conxenlences: ad joining bath Poplar 2881 CHESTNUT ST., 2007 Desirable single arid double rooms CHESTNUT ST .2107-0 Large, airy roomT: semlprlvate hath, also single rooms, dec WKHT PHILADELPHIA 33TH AND POWELTON One larg. room and private bath: excluslvo npartm't house for gent eman seeking ftrst-class surround Ings; will lease. Phone Preston 4883 J. BOARDING SPRUCE ST.. 1032 Suite of rms. with bath' also double and single rooms BOARD WANTED DINNERS for 8 adults. July and August vicinity BOth and Washington ave. P 212' Ledger Office. ""' HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Housekeeping Apartments A modern apartment house. 2310 Pino at. Several B-room-nnd-bath apartments available September or W-.'U ,1 . .s,J West Philadelphia apartment, first mur porcn. n rooms onu bath, (0. omuiien oc carry Broad and cnestnut (Liberty Hldg ) 8TONELEIGH COURT Will sublet B-rnom housekeeping apartment (furnished), July 1 to Sentemher 1ft: nn i-htMp-n r,.u... $125 a month. M 023, Ledger Office TWO ROOMS, kitchenette, bath, all eonen .len?' ?lectr,lr, "A"1 .B5d. telephone: rent $88 Telephone Woodland 0314 J Sunday and evenings or write P 204, Ledger Office. 1'XJUR ROOMS, both, back porch, $78, 225 N. Broad at,: can be seen Sunday, Janitor Dauphin Apartments. OREEN ST.. 2020 Housekeeping apart ments; private bath, $40 and up. Sea Janitor APARTMEN1 THE DELM Ammric n r CHELTRN AVE. ND GERMANTOti 20 MINUTES TO BROAD ST STATION Furnished apd unfurnished suites THE GLADSTONE llTH AND PINE HTH. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF HOTEL COLONIAL ATT Select apnrtment family hotel, In the center 2,..,h.e . i,y' ?P,ratlng on tho American plan; our table will pease the most exacting, C. PITMAN'liAKKlt. -in .Manager. THE WINDERMERE BROAD AND I.OfilTKT STS EUROPPTN AND AMERICAN PLANS THE HOTEL SUSSEX. 1312 WALNUT ST A perfectly appointed email hotel Inspee tlon Is cordially Invited, and n IhIi will con vince you that you have discovered ii most satisfactory answer to tho question of "Whern to live when stopping In Philadelphia" FOR RENT Ono room und bath, furnished for 3 or 4 months Hamilton, 30th and Clisstnut streets THE LITTLE HOTEL. 233 8 nroad St. AJ good place to live while In Philadelphia APARTMENTS WANTED GERMANTOWN HOUSEKEEPING -r- Unfurnished, modern apartment wanted n qermantown , or J'0".1!' Alfy ,Tr. B roomer homelike: in liVJivrnfi " ''v"l. ."T ., i. null. uaiitriniinn nn n a iqripuon, ana pricts. 14' 3H, I TLtnTELS fflitRis i P&nsHs7 WWTlniJI ST. -, ,..uv c.iijeag.r WRWf. I"" i" ' . -?-- ,.... "ArAiiiijfl ' Automobile Painting While nur flllllv eHH ..-IaiIm klt.. rennlshlngs. are .perhaps the most complete ft,1d , M5i!l Kl.Mi Jbe strain in keep- .... ..v.,.v. ijiuiiiibvs .is greai; ii wuiwiwp 2'.fr!u",",l,tttn- i' P.trons who Intend "fvln .their ears reflnlshed will Inform us at their earliest convenience! ther dates can be arranged s? that cars will not be out of uaa for any length of time. We bake each coat of finish as applied) this Insures longsr wear and far handsomer finish. Come and set for yourself, Martin-Alexander Co. TOMOmLKREFINISHEnS Dickinson 2201 Main 170 . HANSOMELY furnished 7-rnem Housekeeping apartment. -July l to Oct. If $200 per month frolloy. 008 Morris llldg., or Ovsrbrook u".!i ;njf! Roceniois to train ana ton RENT, for the summer months. In tho exclusive Gladstone apts., 2 handsomely furnished toomi and ,tathi. reasonable. Phone Filbert 2700 J. or apply Gladstone office. FURNISHED AITS.. 0 rooms and bath; modern corner rtpta., southwestern expos ure; summer months only, June 18 to Oct. is Arplv 522-23 North Amorlcan Dlde. call Walnut 8430, I1ROAD ST., . N.. 3228 High-class apart ment, beautifully furnished, bedroom: sit ting room, dining room, kitchen, bath; use oiporcn. ATTRACTIVE 3d floor lipartment, 4 rooms, private bath, steam host; owner reason able to desirable tenant, Pieston 2737 Con venlent suiway. . , . JIROAD ST., N 1881 Elegantly furnished npt.,; 4 large rooms and bath on 2d floor; $180 per month; yearly lease. Phone Pop- Mr 1228. FRONTENAC, APTS,,1. Broad and Oxford trts.j for rent, new remodeled basement, will alter to salt permanent tenant: two -en- trances, llroad and Oxford sts . APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apartments specialty, Sherwood Apt. Agency, 225 B, llroad st, Some very attractive furni npts.t some housekeeping. FHONTENAC APTS. For rent. 1. 2. 3 and 4-room apis , $P0 and upward; maid serv ice and electric lights, " FOR RENT,J nt Pelham equrt, 4 rms. and bath apt,, furnj from Jul 3 to Bept. 28, Phone Otn. 4800. TIU3 COVINQTON, 8Tlh .and Chea'nut.aln,, npt. 80, Z rms. and. path; fufn.; three months. . -' - , DREXEL HILL New 8,-room. bath, kltch- Cnetto apt. Marge porch: attractively furn.j until oct. iansoowne ivbi j, a ix, u. ", GREEN ST.. 2133 Completely . furrtahed modern B-room apartment; private bath and kitchenette. ' 10TH AND SPRUCE, N- B. cor.. Pt. 10-A. B rms.. furn.. uuusuallv reasonable: June IB to ?pt. 13. or less. He janitor. SPRUCE ST.i -3iin Excellent corner, fur nished; hoUseKeeylnc apartment. Fllbort 2808 APARTMENT, handsomely furnished: .3 rooms, bath, kitchenette; centrollv lo- cntea: to Hfptemoer ntn. r xv. in. un. S. ' n. COR. VENANOO and 22d sts.. hlgh clsss n-room apartment; modern: garage. WEST PltlT.AnKT.ritIA 35TH AND. POWELTON Apartment, living room, bedroom and bath, furn. or unfurn.; exclusive apt. house, suitable for gentleman, or couplo seeking first-class appointment.:, breakfast If d.slred. Phone Preston 488ft. J. FURNISHED ur unfurnished, 4 rooms, vicin ity 40th a'nd Walnut sts.; owner. Call paring 74B4 in.. S AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS: oppOslto 00th at. t.rmlnnl; open Sunday. P. J. IM.WLER APTS. In th. finest locations In- West Phils. J W. PJchman Realty Co.. Filbert 3743. (lERWANTOWN $120 WISSAIUCKON (Queen Lane station); 6 rooms, 2 baths: refrigerator plant: va cant June IB. Phone Belmont 4001, Caspar, 0230 Hav.rford ave. PF.NNBYT.VANIA SURPnnAN ovKnnRooit BEAUTIFUL 3-room-and-bath npt., non housekeeping: modern refined home; owner P 107. Ledger Office. NKW .1ERSEY WEASHORB NICELY furn. B-room apt., tile bathroom, located in best section of Atlantic City; rent reasonable. Joseph Ellis 700 Lincoln Bldg.. Phlla. Phone Walnut. 102. APARTMENTS directly en th. Boardwalk. tin to $23 a week. Address Ocean Front Apartments, Stone Harbor. N. J. ATLWTJO CITY FIVE ROOMS and bath New Gramerc sectloni anlendldly turn.: 3 mln. to Board walk and besch. 113 N. New Hampshire ave. Phone Atlantic City 4020 J. E, F. Cochrane. - FURNISHED housekeeping apt.: also at tractively furn. rooms and suites: 11H S. New Jersey ave.; June 1 to Sept. 1ft. Open for Inspection or telephone Spruce 0334 EURNISHED APARTMENTS 10TH AND SPRUCE Furnished, 2 rooms. bath, kitchen, china, linen, to,'; June IB to Bept 1: reasonable Phone Locust 2038 W. i.107. WALNUT ST. (the Beth-Allyn) Hand somely appointed 1 and 2 room suites, with prlvatfc bath: garage. 1500 PINE ST. Furnished apartment. 2 rooms and bath, with board; also large single room suitable for 1 or 2 persons. wjSL.b-FU!iNlBliED, aeiigntful summer, apartment. 8 rooms and bath. Phone Woodland 1080 W. FURN. APT8., cent, loc: by week if des. Sherwood. Apt. Agency 228 8 Broad st. REAL ESTATE PQR SALE CITY ' 1718 COLUMBIA, store and dwelling. $10, BOO 1037 N. 20th. store and dwelllnir. . 6.000 S E. cor Grata & Samorset, S. & D 204O Woodstock 1 2003 Turner. 8 rooms. 2044 Nicholas, H rooms. 2127 Berks, 7 rooms.... , 2443-4B-47 Ingersoll, 0 rooms each.. WILLIAM L CRAVEN'S SONS 3.000 3,200 2.BO0 1,800 juiw oiumoia Ave ?S?I Kv LAMBERT. 2 story, il rooms, bath. i?i;12.? N. Mola. 3 story. 8 rooms, bath. 2121 Br.indywlne. 8 rooms, bath. 1624 Husnuehanna. store, 10 moms. FLOOD & QUINN, Inc. lflTH AND CHERRY ..- J5T-S5rro" AND HAINES 8EVEN ROOMS. BATH. LAUNDRY ELEC TRIC STATIONARY TUBS, ALL CON VF AlENCES; IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENT AND POSSESSION: 4B00. CALL sm JENSON. WALNUT 5477. SO'' SUBURBAN IIOML; Vl$ feet on Lincoln dwI.!fir.iy...22?mn"t doep! ";rS?m frame dwelling; all Improvements; frame stable n?. &a.rB!. P'ndld shads; $15,000. CHARLES H. HEYER, nustVton. Phlla. COUNTRY HOME, pear Northeast UouleVd" at railroad sta.j. 8 acres;. 14-room dwg stablo & garage, splendid shade, sold In set tl an estate; can take back mlg. . J25 ouo CHARLES H. HEYER Ilustleton Phlla. BU4D iilhbinoton AVI:., vacant. 3 story atoro and dwelling; big lot: price Juooo'. financed up to $0500 Apply to David Orntz iwner. S. AV, cor, 1Mb. and York, or any broker. nl?.& ArrH 8T '..7 rom" an(1 bRb. 13300. .-J?1?. NA Marshall St., Br. and bath, $2000, 2814 N. Orlanna at.. 8 rms. and bath 11730. 1-8-4-5 rear 1B1R N nth. 0 rooms, $0000 W H. RITTENHOUBE. 1787 N .Marshal at ATTERITtnv ..North Park ave. near" Diamond, 13 rooms s-patns; running water In rooms, newly nan...,, nln..j4 ,.!.. .. ... ' ' . . ' REESER 2201 N 7th. front, IBr., 2 baths, h -w heat, elec light, hrwd floor; lot 10x03 to Flora st , suitable for apts . possession Fasy. 18th & Stiles sts 8UTH ST. 7-room- house with bath, porch front, b.twe.n Locust and Spruie, win sell agreement at cost for good reasons. quick action. Call Diamond 8070 J, N. B. COR. Camao and' Diamond-Wonderful 3-story property, 18 rooms suitable for apartment or business corner JOSEPH LA OROSSA 801 Liberty Building SPEfifAr. W. Huntingdon near Germantown ave.: brownstone, 8 rooms, bath, good locality. REESER. 2201 N. 7th BARGAIN 8235 N. Warnoclc st . Immediate posses.: finished Ih white and mahogany. W II IUTTENHOUSE, 1787 N Marshall st 1715 BUTLER ST.t-A comfortablo home In fine condition: owner will give possession; Inspection at any time. 715 E. WILLARD HT. Two story7 brown, stone front: 0 rooms and bath: conva price $3400. FASY. 18th and Stiles sts. 1012 N, 17TH 11 r, 2 li . good onler:iot 17x110. $8300 no .harfea and 12 tot?i coal Qulnn. 11)18 Columbia ave J'op; 2020. 1627 CHRISTIAN ST. and "building In rear $8000, rlear: Immediate posnesslon J. II. JARDELLA. in.ia Chrlsllan st 1830 N. 15th, 12 r., bath, h w CJU1NN, 1010 Columbia ave. heat, $7500. Pop 2026. 1333 YORK. 7 rms . b.. h w heat elec. IgtT, ..n,i .,.....!.. .mmi, mm uiiniUlll UVO ARE you looktpg for a nice home? Here It Is 1200 bloc'c a. Peach, 3 r bath porch, Idea loo : pr right Ira F Thomas 2315 W Lehlgj HALE 1K3S N Lelthgo st $2000 will 1HSS nnanoe n srorv, rooms, twin open. GEO L PARKER 1735 FAIRMOUNT AVE 1448 8 27TII Seven rooms electrlo light. porch DB1BHKR. 22d and Tasker OEIIRITT ST. abov. 22d: 0 rm. , under drained, SMITH. 15SS P Rreeie, IMMEDIATE po.sosslon 1303 Green at.: 1U r, and hath. Arthur Boswell 2aa N 18th UOS HANMOM hT Store and dwelling, lot 20x110., to Moravian it. Joseph W, Fox. 411 Walnut st ' ' CENTRAL property, 121 N. 10th. 18x05. to reur sirvvi. miie.nuun virmur uojvwell 33 N- lth t. ' y 20)1 AMUER ST Six rooms and bath: lot, 16x1001 price, $2000. Qotwals ft Son, i837 Q1- '",''' s" 26TH ST., T rooms. rwi-,h. aleotrtil ana hot.wat.r heau Ideal loi-atlon, hot.wat.r healj Ideal locatloju .teiiWARTH, C6th above Lehbxh i4. I ifcBivAUT BEAIESTATE FOR SALE CITY The ONLY Solution of the Housing Situation Wo offer you the easiest and quickest method of becoming In dependent of tho existing condi tions and the owner of your own home, I can ptse. yn 'n any section yon like. If I bar. not ths property thst suits you I will secure others In the location deilr.d. I rLACB THE MORTOAOB en .properties which I sell, Yeu select a hSu.Ttbat iultfc I.wlll se. to the value and attend to all details. fluppoie you write or call. If w fall to m to an afre.msnt there Is no chsrge. com. W. J. GORSUCH 34 South 16th St. Name... Address, Call (- HibberdB. Worrell & Co. 885' No 17th rms 1812-1814 Mt. Vemon? baths aide yd Central 2005-2036 Arch Dwellings 2000 Wallace St.,cor.H rooms 2 baths 1820 Diamond 12 rooms 2 baths 1328-36 Ridge Ave. "; 3 fronts nr a 1 'o -i 1 lirownsu 2041 Sp. Gardenia Brownstone. 10c moo elec lights 5148 Wayne Ave. " 18 rooms llghM uu 1511 N. IRth. 8 baths na nranaywine, t.r. 1828 N, Broad, 20x200 832 N. 20th, 0 rm.. 1811-13 Thompson at. 1920 Green st. 1008.10 Master St. 1030 Green St. 2000 Wallace. 14 rms. 735 N. 17th, 10 rms 1824-20' N. 10th St. Cor. 18th and Master 2018 Mt. Vernon. 14r. 2239 Wallace, 0 rms, 718 N. 10th st 2832 Montgomery ave. SALE SALE 101B N. Broad st. 040 N. 18th St. 1725 N 13th st. 1708 Francis st. 1707 Wallace St. 1827 Pine st. 080 N, 17th St. 2040 Wallace st. 1820 Green st. 111(1 Brown st, 1487 N. 10th st. 1H18-20 Sp. Garden 1838 LnlthgOW, $2000 1001 Glrard ave. 2103 Diamond at, 1527 Pine St. 1707 Sp. Garden st. 480 N. Oth St. 2028 Swain st. 8iiO.fl Perklomen st. 2232 Brandywlns st. 800 N. 0th st. 2233 Falrmount ae. 113 N, 10th st 2013 N, 11th St. 1831 Diamond St. 1182 Pine and rear. 1880 N, Front st. 213 W'ood st. 1214 N.lflth st. 1707 Sp. Garden st. 1722 Folsom st. GEO. L. PARKER fairmount av E Speculators and Investors Real Opportunity for Quick Profits Nine new 2-story modern Boulevard dwellings. 8 roonvs and bath. Inclostd porch, tcrrsced fronts and garage; I bed rooms, tiled bathroom. ..hallt.ln tub and shower, hardwood (loom throughout: near Scars-Roebuck hew plant; double car lino ulthln block. And can be sold individually at $0000 with good profit ROSEN & RUBIN 003-009 Lincoln Bid DWELLINGS 142ft Glrard ave. 2122 Jefferson st. 0213 Larchwood ave. 2021 Oxford at. 1214 Somerset st, 801 N Uber st. 172B'Wlle st. 1327 N 20th st 2237 Thompson st. 1802 Marvine st. 230B N. College ave. 1321 Newklrk st 1800 Vineyard at. 1027 N. 24th st. 8TORES AND DWELLINGS 1118 Glrard ave. 2010 Ridge ave 101B Jefferson st. 1807 Glrard ave. 124N. 15th St. 100,-, Parrlsh st JAMES A. MORAN. 180.1 arRARD AVE. IT IS VERY CHEAP ROSINE HOME PROPERTY Corner Germantown ave and Westmore land irt.. right at junction with York road- spacious building and about 4 acre of ground: suitable for many purposes, great and valunble location JOHN P. ADAMS 2740 QERMANTOWN AVE. CENTRAL 925 ARCH STREET 22x105 TO REAR STREET Nahm, 2736 Gira'rd Avenue IMMEDIATE POSSESSION &? T0RR05rGA,YIALRrEN0V?TIS5nE!1N. room brick house) PHOTOORAPHIC SKY LIGHT, roomy SIDE YARD on GREEN ST BUlTAilLE foil BUSINESS PURPOSES s to of lot about, 23x80. Reduced price. Ap ply at VI undsrle'a Candy Factory. 130 Pegg St. (opposite 440 N. I'd st.) " SALE SALE 2828 Thompson st 1818 N. Parkav. 1027 N. 18th St. 2221 N. Woodatpck 1201 IV. Taylpr St. iu . juin st. Raymond M. Parker 17th ft Wallace sts. S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. KfiVa,y0:rypoa,?.e.1iliSI5!8e0pt.n1ier0V C'" ,0 JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND SANBOM HTH HOUSE. 10 rooms, porch, good condition on corner of 2 of the most prominent str'e.t In Frankford; ess than 10O ;. J" Oxford boulevard; ths is an exception.! V" cation and building to'be mide lntoPin aJart" ment house or store; a great sr!if e?."?.a.ri- mobile accessories, etc. p 202, IdB umce 1004 PARK AVE 1 nth & Thompson." fl", E." VoV ' V ' W ' '3 1025 N, 18th, linmedlato possessioA 2' $3,500 nno 000 Wm .nrllnr'a Qnn, ia2(l 6.000 . kJV,"a Columbia v. 120T OIRARD AVE 5717 RROOMALL AVE. 1827 HOWARD ST. 1341 EARL ST. Harry G. C. Williams 523 WALNUT ST BARGAIN TO 8ETTLB ESTATE N E. cor 2d and Dickinson sts : cntlisi triangle, 2d at , Dickinson and Wilder its dwellings and atnrea. will sacrifice lAuuAftiii immi wainut st. G1RARD AVE . W . 1225 IhTrgalnl SeTt business location, large store, pj rnnmi bath laundry, elec . $14,000. $0000 cash ??' .,M,,V.,. w..v.-.U), WM, 0, Vail 2n4 M 21st at . 0 to 11 m " o " n rn FOR SALE 8223 Turner st., 3AL,rs usxit Turner st.. corner NatrWWi I Turner: 10 rooms, bath, electrlo ll.hft ,ot wat.r. Price $7000.' c.i bet ana and hot Call between 12 und 1 any day. 2000 BLOCK N 27TH 8T . 7 rooms inin.Vj porch electric and hot-wate? heat p. ouetry floors, early possession; excellent J.- dltlon SCHWARTZ. 2flth ahola itfitf "2" J800 BLOCK N 27TII ST78roSrn7 lectrlo und hot-water heat, modern nlunVh modern plumb- 3fl SCHWARTZ 2flth above Lhlfh A..r 3815 KENSINGTON AVE 'Ihree-stor. .. and dwelling big lot. price i tnob8 fln.'i 2T5 up to uovti. appiv to iiavid Gratx. own.. S W ror. lftth anl York sts "Lnv brolcar niriwpv .r,lilQ n...MA.k. .. ' . .-.- 4.,-u c, "I'nueisi Jlouievarrf. all front on main street; ripe for d.wsiJS' ment; cheap as owner Is leavlmr cltv p CHARLES II. HEYER, Bu.tl.ton "mi. 440 N. AMERICAN BT.-'cior. Property Siiflft sq, ft.) 2 floors: price. $iB0O .uiuhi. 5,Rfr ..iff' or mfs: B" nm'h """"? van t n. T.. N.. 2000 I.ag dwelling, .v'r for aptuhousa: Pnartced; $8000. Jo.tt irni Sye,L. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rectories Siiiiiii Locust 295 Locust 296 JItotmiim C1TT SALE Modem Two-Story Garage Suitable for service station. Brick and concrete; modern in every respect. Large elevator, steam heating plant, electric lighting. Three streets, corner 21st, Brandywine and Wilcox. Pos session in a short time. John H. Sinberg 1218 Chestnut WHY DO YOU RENT? Do you realise that If you owrf your home, you can enioy real satisfaction? Don't get caught In that rush for homes next fall. If you buy now, you buy wisely. Wnateer your position or financial clrcumstarces may be. I will try to help you. Let me lo cate a home for you. Write or call BELMONT REALTY COMPANY 21ft HEED BLDG. 121R FILBERT ST. NORTH BROAD STREET Southwest 'corner of Elisr: a coming huslncss section $12,000 4030 Hurley st. . modern two-story dwelling, owner gives possession,. 1042 N Clarion at : $801 cash needed 5,000 3,000 1017 Darlen st.. heme ror coiorea buyer 2,000 NORTH PHILADELPHIA TRUST CO, Brood st. Germantown. and Erie aves 2000 N. 15TH 8T.. 10 rms.. 3 baths, elec lights, splendid rond , $10,000: 1722 N 18th, 14 rms.. 2 baths, lot 22x118, posses sion, price $0000. 2217 Parrlsh at , 0 rms , bath, good n.lghb'd. price $6800; 1030 Stilro 0 rms . bath, rent $22. price $2200: 1200 Har. tsln. 8 rms., bath." rent $20, price $2200. 1S15 Bucknell. 0 rms.. hath; price $2300. William S. Yardley "j.ygjftfe"" 5427 CATHARINE? ST. Bargain to close estate: 18000: easy terms; U atorv t.-r... mod Improvements, Hendricks. 1421 Poplar IMMEDIATE pos... 2115 S. 20th at i further particulars upon application to Burton C. glmon. N W. cor. 20th fe Paasyunk ave. Building Lota. Factory Hltea. Etc. 13JS-30 RIDGE AVE Extending to Watts und Lemon t.: 30.000 m. ft., suitable for mfg plant, commercial bldg,. garage, etc . il blocks from City Hall and but 176 feet from the cor. of Broad and Mt. Vernon sts . low price WORRELL f.B5 N. 17th .t. 38TH AND MARKET STREETS ' Lot 130x214 to Ludlow st.. suitable for garage or manufacturer. Charles H. Buckley ". .PnEoarS.Aa.tL?or1,eT'NWl,ph &&?&. dlana st . 22.800 squaro feet: suitable, for stoneyard. coalyard. storage or Ice DlantT J..H. RHOAD8. 135 S. Bth st " SITEy railroad Penna. and Heading, $toob per acre and up according- to kieatfont In. ntilr. for terms. DIETER1CH. T8T wJi'..'.1. Buslneea Propertlea and Htore. VALUE PROPERTIES, CRNTRALLY LO. CATED FACINO TWO FRONTS 1014 CHERRY ST. J. W. RANKTN. 20TH ST AND ERIE AVE. TIOGA 8800. 415 A1TLETREE ST Runs through to Cherry st. Ideal warehouse; can be bought cheap F X Delanv West End Trust Bide or Koehler Co 1420 Chestnut st 1'actorlm 65,000 Sq. Ft. of Floors 85,000 feet of land, with railroad aldlnr 80th and Master, possession: easy terms. WORRELL & CO . 555 N. 17TH FOR SALE, for about 00 cents a sq. ft . fl. story brick factory bldg , facing 3 streets plenty of light good power plant and ele vator about S5 000 sq. ft bldg, Can be een anv time at 1031 to 1041 Front at.. Phlla racturles. Manufacturing Wnora CAN FINANCE" COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FACTORIES WAREHOUSES 5000 TO 20O.OC0 HQ FT RAILROAD, POSSESSION- WHICH I HAVE FOR BALE DIETERICH 737 WALNUT ST. Store and Dwelling I HAVE A SPECIAL BARGAIN Dwelling with store corner property, and a separate dwelling house back: possession In 80 daya very- cheap REESER, 2201 N 7th 2429 N 8TH HT, Corner; 0 rooms and L "J.5: 2lV7N8t-haVl,c'rlelty"' " ' Wai-ehonsea INDUSTRIAL PLANTB. warehouse, rij. road ana riVr frontage. ka ana JAMES. REAL ESTATE POR BALE 1ITV FnriorlM iiiiiiiiaiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij'iiiiiiBfliiiiiiiiiiiM " FACTORIES FOR SALE AT SENSIBLE PRICES 1 40,000 squaro feet, sprinkler, elevator, power plant, three street fronts. Beautiful ntnrfght floors with excellent daylight. Proposition No. 117. , 12,000 square feet near 4th and Lehigh. 'Extra-largo lot, beautiful condition: Proposition No. 130. 300,000 square feet, powor plant, sprinkler, elevators, railroad siding, near central. An extraordinary bargain. Proposition No. 125. ' 100,000 square foot, center of city, suitable for clothin? manufacturer. Proposition No. 129. Tho June Issue of tho Federal Reserve Bank's report and the recent printed report of yhe Phila. Operative Bulldors' Association tell the story. The cost of building construction in 1920 is 160 higher than in 1914. Right now bricklayers are paid $1.30 an hour, as against 50 cents in 1914; carpenters $1.12 an hour, as against 40c In 1914; plasterers $1.25, as against 50c; stone masons $1.30, as compared with 45c and so on in all tho trades. Bricks today arc $22 per 1000, as against $7 in 1914; rough lumber, $05 per 1000 feet, as against $20; lath, $17.50, instead of $5; Jersey gravel, $3.30 per yard, instead of $1.70. On the othor hand every ono of our factories was built prior Jo 1914, and yet they are thoroughly modern and are offered at tho old rizat. Wc havo a dozen first-class industrial properties recorded in our offices for Bale at thousands of dollars less than duplication cost. May we ask your requirements? CHESTER D. MORRIS BLDG., PHILA. WIWT PHILADELPHIA YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE $2000.00 YEARLY conducting a high-class rooming house I represent an estate owning n few houses. IB rooms and bath, vicinity 40th and Chestnut Streets; very substantially built, but without frills and feathors, semidetached; slxe 28x100 ft each. THE ESTATE WILL FINANCE YOU FREE OF CHARGE If you are a home buyer, or wish to.make a living by r.ntlng six or eeen spare rooms or small apartments, possession being ghen in. 30 to 00 days No specu lators need apply. Apply In person to WM. LIPKIN 120S ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. PA PEACH STREET West aide, between Springfield aal Warrington aves Two-.tory porch-front house. 1214 S.Peach Street . Price $3200 WM. IT. LOWER 4 SON . 2518 Columbia ave. 5020 Cedar Ave. Immediate posses- j slnn 3 story, side jard, 10 rooms. 2 baths, electric lights, open hall, finished white and mahogany excellent condition: can be seen nnv time. IPS. ALLEN POTTS ZL 4918 Cedar Ave. Jwr,!.VnrrJidea,rcdk terraced front 12 rooms. 2 baths, electric light; large lot, 80-ft, wide street, conven ient neighborhood JOS. ALLEN POTTS 4005 Baltimore ave OPEN for inspection all day Saturday. Sun day and Monday. Immediate possession. 03 , Hampden road (00th and Market), 3 stnr I twin, hardwood floors, electric, hot-water heat, tile bath built-in tub. shower healed garage; price Includes screens, awnings and shades, nrlce 110,000. essy terms . J. HOWARD MECKK.?JR , B205 Race st Keystone. West 4318 n 447 S. 43d Street ftur - jtorv ri" ' k.. .. ,. . , . .dence, u rooms 2t baths steam heat electrlo lights; 13 minutes i ln0eSran,,nerpo.,i.,,!dnaCCn, '" p"rk' '" " EUGENE L. T0WNSEND i E cor, 40th st. and Baltimore avr 1118 8 BOTH ST. cor. of Elliott n un-- usually attractive home; roost modern In- ' closed porch: private garage: excellent neigh borhood, splendid transit facilities; would bn excellent location for a doctor, attractive price on account of owner leaving city In terior can only be scn by appointment "Ap ply WATERMAN & BA8SETT. 073 N lBth st Phono Popltr 227 or Overbrook 433.1 J COMPLETELY renoat-d 8-storv semlde- tsched residence, situate on excellent main I avenue. 10 rooms, 2 baths, electric lights hardwood floors white enamel finish vacant ' Immediate possession and settlement, prlco i n2'EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S E cor 40th st and Baltimore axe I 742 N. 63d St. Vacant modern well financed 3 story semidetached. Here'a a real home cheap. .out,,,--, ii c.i'u.uic, iu wUXlA. Lambert & McDermott ' "J-3" $18,000 4908 Walnut Street 12 rooms 2 biths h w floors: possession. Charles H. Buckley " Reasonably Priced Homes 5813 Alter street 1.17,10 1252 S. BOth street . . . ftiio 6712 Malcolm street . . f,.1(i() 1800 8 Llndenwood corner., . , 4.100 BAKER A SON B201 Baltlmnro ae 5700 BLOCK CHESTNUT Two 8tur s looms u lpn p aea3lon FLOOD & QUINN. Inc. liVTir AND PHBRRY STS. $800 CASH Vacant financed: papered and I painted make u deposit and move In. B800 I block Paschall ae . rt rooms and bath, whlto plumbing S4oo ""nc CARPENTER & WILSON ' 8228 MARKET ST BELMONT 10,17 THREE-FAMILY apargnent N W cor ' EOth and Powelton ave . slxe of lot Box 178 this Is a 3 slnn remodeled bulldlnc ' containing 8 apartments of B rooms and bath. For price terms rental, otc . aimlv ' 17th and Sansom sts' MUST SELL 4212 Lancaster ave. .' 3 story store and apartment. 5 room and bath on each floor all modem, will finance with little caeh good location for anv tumlm..." an nulck and give jff.-r Ham Pearl ipm N 41st at Hell phone PreMtonJt.in-t 1424 N 53T HhT Double front iillTuTS.u rooms, affording Plenty light and air i,, unusual for u city hums, 4 bedrooms ' tii.i hath $7000. $2000 cash needed. Imm nis. A., .wvp. . v.,-,ri ...,irii. ItiHUnp 5210 WALNUT ST Ripe for ImproTcTnenT make offer '"' D. F. McCONNELL Spruce 5725 4 S 1.1th t MUST SELI 257 K. Hirst..' tl rooms hih hot.water heat elec light, hardwood floo?; throughout basement laundrj exonllsnt !!, gs'llln", 18088. t0r ql"Ck '"" 'h"B "" "& FOR. BALE $6000. 7-rr.om moderrTmTirs; hot.wat.r heat electric light, po'ch front bedrooms, south side of A.pen. st west Wr i'ldg. C J' M'TCHELL CO ,,0 ffi 8 BOth Building, DK, f'ArlCEY' 62M Elsnt rool". elTrTT roof" ?4SO0 pprud and Wlntwl. new RICHARD P. TOWELL. 202 H .12.1 VACANT! NE cor B71B Klngsesslng ae beautiful home; .xc.llent location, $"000 cash; financed. Owner, B27 s, aath , Woodland B8U IV. ' ' "' 0B,n "l ..'.' Airripn'ivn J.il.. v:;Ar.riist:7ri" ? " i conv.ni. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITV rirlnrte R0TTNER Cilicntbcr Phila, WKtT PHILA I F.LPIIIA $52 A MONTH INfLUDINO GA RAGE CASH REQUIRED $1,500 or less amount of cash; terms can be nrranged. PRICE $10,500 69TH STREET SECTION Brand rrw 3 story, twin, all stone. 4 bedrooms on second floor garage. Mectrlc hot- iter heat, tile bath, shower. 1 blof-k to I. station Sprlng flelii water, fixes $80 for a brand new house on these terms this Is nn exception, m--' agent Saturdai and Sunday all da at the lamp's house U Hampden rnd (Oath and ' tiest nut its ), and i-t him take you t this unnderful horn- Tor further particu lars see J. HOWARD MECKE. JR. 1 5203 RACE STREET Belmont 47h0 West 4311 n Buy a Home That Pays Its Own Upkeep "ru p.iy rent or buv a homn witi "' ,, 'if urging exuvrisrs On,- ef tti.n- en 111 J-Ktorv Apartment II , men' , un i .mi mired to that vou will be .ibu- tn r m iip.irtmont for rnnugli h i c. rmg xpnsen of the whole M',,,.T. .''"I.VHIVE RESIDENTIAL --Kt'TIOVS OF WEST I'll I LA 121) AVI) SPRUCi: STS MTU AND WALNUT STS. r. ni ANyi waumt sTs 551!' Al I'HEbTNL'T STS A I Pirtin"iitH fontaln 5 large rooms ROBERT PATRICK ii nrvr, i:TATn trust bldg. Plli I v. WAI Vl'T 2031 AND 2701 0verbrook Homes NTW HMPR HOUSE OPEN iMARLYN ROAD JfS'.? ."luth nf Jefferson st ) r. .TJJF I.M"1 ' OMPLETF AND COM HMT TIl'IS ,,WK OFFE"ED TO 20 ft .-(,n. frinfs private garages, inrlm.l si J h.s'.d cement porches. Central Plant Heat "hat Insur s plnnt of heat and hot water' rr i-ic r im and minln room In lmsem n An alt lt bath with stall Moss & Taylor REALTY' READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 101.' l 1 n I- . 51211 ,1 1 1 -1 .11)30 'hnti'nn t 1M7 Thr -Mun ,t IL'.)", s -,t,h .1.1JS Ad hi. in n 5.1.111 AddHi.n 1 '.'41 V It,,,-. . 2li V i , rt u 1 -'lln 1 Mmi 1 3.1 N I'uii st 1. 1 15-51 N 1,1,1, JIT lisjo 11 'An It nun s non 7 inn Il OH') 1 7(10 4 .on 4 onu 8 i :i .inn fc ion BERMAN BROS. 0010 M IIKKI- .TRPKT Homebuyers' Opportunity Locust St.. 6100 Block All modern horn wnb gurag.. II targe cozy rooms, tile la'n ni,nt 1 inset apace, open flrt-rl 1 im, in now settle at jour mm Mil r Agent on premises nil di, suinnlr hou.o flua CUSKUR0W Sc DUITCH 80l R K THt'ST HI, DO Home Buyers and Speculators ;!iwiM!iiiifflin n 1. "... "" ao" cr m ,r' '" ln,t in a hnil.e Jt. wl P ou to ..e us befo,., acting ell! w1?,8. ,U." '""" " 'l"1 of 5110 h'us". for jour selection, well mrtgaguij Her" are a .522 M" Md xmnn 1400 block N H2d . lnnn 200 block S Hirst S n 100 block N. Itobln.on 70?. OTHMRtV FROM $2(00 IP T " LINSLEY and ADAMS SJ!ILANiWIUMiT8 Belmont 0-00 CORNER OTtFTnTfSbanon iSSfrSnl. splendid location to chang. to sti.il .n resfdences; vacaratjopejj ffgllfj. '"" nd 01?.N. 43D P.rch. 10 room'.,",h..k".'",T;V? REAL ESTATE POR BALB flTV Kartftrles j 'n Real Estate Board) WKHT PHILADELPHIA iBranminiirMiiiiwiii 0VERBR00K DISTRICT'-; J54,2 nrtffwnod, vac , 1mm pos fl flonV 178S KrtiSSEi i" w h:at elect BOON 1-29 K15WOOcl, own eav city 7o00.1 1.47 Edgewood. modern. 2 stv '-SKS'l 0028 Nassau rnni mj .. T,yoo. o. .."ry, garage "'" "" ?! n'h. semldet rms. I00'J N. 50th Phvs Cian' mr ti 8,700 - o.doa,. garage '. nnA, 0140 Lnnsdow-ne .v., '"Y.illS, 1 0202 iss: "? i-i'i" ., ia.6oo;l T." tor nn1 'Iwe ling .VlS.OOOt I-an.downe v corner; VomV. '! Adolph B. Caspar $ fe Belmont Jhi.-T. ' . . ..' M '" y "ujr.,.i .'jn.nnn- rAnqanm.onmintminuiii iui iiaminin ...:'..Y."' s 'iiiiiiiiuii,.iiiijiiiiiiiiiii,iiii.iijiiiwrikiiiii;iiiwimiiiiim)iiiiiwiiii.iiiiinii 628 N. 64TH ST. ?mJd',nch'd -l-Mory home, modem. 4" bi room, possession bargain for aulck'.AiST Umbert & McDermot't TiH', 1 1 Bel. 37T7 5000 Cedar Av WMmii;iimiMiJ flOTMIiiCT e o ' i'.L ' roosag, c- 2 baths, elerttln ... tront Rml back porches. 80-ft wM. '.Ti'l' Ka.ra nosxlbllltles " w,v JUALLEN POTTS 4003 Baltimore ay. Reduced 5!iLre5W'! "' modern. front oxerinnvi;'.'"". "."'""""f' Poreh cnrtl.lnn " """ v-K J-arK. good JOS- ALLEN POTTS 4003 Baltimore av. r" CLOSE ESTATE tlreat baTgaln. 0140 Mne st and njli CalloHhll at ? atnrv r iuin condition possesion 3() days KELCY -C2 LIJJoJumhjlKae Piamnnd 44 Ifl. : 2: , eF"" V7ul"'u" - &W '-"" W Refefence. -exrh.n-1" """""" changed ."II N '."'. inr- r. porch 7 rooms. ii iv neat nnrdwooil flnnr. in A..w. , '"? "" Empire Trust 14th t, Lancaster. il. I-. IiDr,UN Thorouglili modern, varantl i,t ItirH? boulevard, well financed CAR.' PI STFR A WH4Q.V 020 Market st. 0i.1l HfDINOTON ST vacant 4 bedroomi: I. ii. t houHw m West Phlla, $3030. lliislnem Properties and Stores N 1 OHl I2D AND RACE MTS Tw'ot. stor Ktnrn and dwelling, good opportunity f r Imprmernent, nrlce low ! D. F. McCONNELL ' . Sp rure 1 7J1 1207 Harrison ni.lc i MARKET S SIDE, WEST 4(TH Stor aid dw.llin stublo and dwelling in rear: J-, mi Tat lor Hon, 20 H 40th (IKRMANTOU'N , ' SEDGWICK W can offer you exceptional value in a mnnern. aeiacnea or semi detai hed hous, These dwellings are built of .ton, open flrepliKeH parnii'try floors, elec tricity good sized lots, several of tnese properties nae a garage. SedgwUk station Oermantown ave.. stores si liuol-, and country club wunin a lew minutes wuik Do not deln. In making an early In spection of these properties S. C. T0URIS0N 7011 IIOYER ST.. OTN Phones Otn. 500 or Gin. 4431 uaiTmmm'irK:iintJiT:iij;mnr:aini tnnjjju nuniminm am jti rnuti r h hhi uii 10.1 000 Beautifully located suburban r'sidence In 1 llnest section of West IVP.am near Wis ihii-kon ui- and WestviLw. .rmih-ra .. I 'fllT' 1 riiumovra linn t LsIIib. lot 224x280. to please particular people. JulIN It McCAKFEllTY. 5721 Utriuantonn Ave A Ii in If you will advise us where you care to locate and the price you wish to pay we will furnish the, property. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO.. N. K c-nit IIR(AI ft t'HHHTNl'T HTH,. SPECIAL OFFERINGS M.'7 Morris t 3 st, twin 10 rontns. elo ins lot 2.1x11111 111 K Washington lane, 3 sty , alnKli It rnm bath Ii w h .lee,,! il 3JxllO lull J.I U.i vn,. mt. ;.aty twlrli' II bedrooms. 2 baths h w h else light., riurwiiiid flno s convenient to Watne June'. THOMAS H. EVOY, w.."5?: 44 W wTvsiIINOTON LANK M.i'nio.t.chedi lot 25x110 3 story 7 rooms, Including bathi Imm.dlat. possession, $4000) llsoo can t maln on mortgage, must t sold to cloak estate WM II BTONE. to Pastprltu Sir. 'im Misilil"r' m i. ,in.in,niy a tj If V iimviwi t'liwi-idiw i xnrc Jlory. iu siuiio ciiiiuiTiaujivu j rooms, inciuilutf ! bath, southwestern exposure) rouni ml rarage, Immediate possisslnn! ll'oar lOHN W GRAHAM. Jr 7in"'Tll lldg Spruce 31)87 . "" ? tr.ne mtnilaaimlima. 12 rr.ntnm iH.r. .i. 1 !l nidg GERMANTOWN Speculator cuiatorg and .Invent and bslh, pdrchssi i nuuivi, u iiwnij ana natii para; l . I" . .. Tl"' m a Improvemenls $22JUrj,sachi 4ea ti'Wtl'A P.nn st JOHN LrV.TR. 4844 (5r.iv,'l.!f7 C8 I2 ft 04 W. and in. oatn plara mor'gage. HKRQiir, i;ia 'i r S-'.1 M j-i 1 A v! f)! I. ''l J c:i 9 al-. ' ,' hi. c v , r abln. I ... STEVENSON & PON 823 lad Tlt( Bid,, ; f m' rin."So.rw) h"$8o6. ' tffSnwVl0,i! :rp,nn, iTi U, 02d'U ure.nw.llft IUI87 NIlRH'IKll Ccrnan, , r'VH A.l. . . V. I i t a.lfty. SzraXS&vnF ino, iKtasessioni mk tpfA r iuZV&l fSfffrfWS mLldl:h,,, kJ.J, ... J&.M&HiMu.. 1 iM&&dti$M2teii 1 ' . . . . rLS. .u-j.i.-x, - , - - lllWMiIMli Ullur-.- '"" T,Ylll lJSll III -4Ar yiv ra