!3T?T-IFJ sr BMHWWWHMMIBIII I I I'WHWH JMUI ' , t Mv A i- c . !4 Euentmj Itobltc ffietrtjer ' PHirAt)ILPHIA';-ATUBDAY,JUNB12, 19201 M tmmmmmmw . ,w vni - .aww. Lt"iS2n"l2rJr: ." . ;.-.. ..V.tmi iii iin..nmnr?. 4 i MM ii' k . ummw hmhhv ..r"?r"i &K&&sa ZZnMKsnH&&. ,jl iv?iiv .. .... i- BILLY PENN, WHO HAS A STATIONARY POSITION on top of City OFFICERS OF NATIONAL LEAGUE OF Hnll, is being repainted, repaired and made to look his best. An Evening WOM r.N WORKERS, in nnnual session here. Misj Eublic Ledger photographer yesterday snapped the steeplejacks ns they Jcnn Hamilton, secretary (left), and Mrs. Bernard rested at Bill's right foot ior ri, ttitf. L. Pollack, Now York, president Viv.'Vvwfcji: ? VISITING MEMBERS NATIONAL LEAGUE OF WOMEN WORKERS visit Valley Forgo. Left to right, Miss Nellie Lynch, Pittsburgh; Miss Evcrctta Moorchnuse, Massachusetts; Miss Victoria Bernnski and Miss Alicin Kilman, Connecticut Charles jr. Clnrk. mdu vMir.n nARIISfl. wift of tho famous tpnor Heft), and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Park Benjamin, Jr., photographed at the Caruso home, Easthampton, Long Island, N. Y., Wed nesday moring, following robbery of jewels valued at $400,000. At the right is Gcorga Fitzgerald, uaruso's chauttcur, wno urea at oucgiur- international Underwood Underwood h i .inmii.ii I urn nini n in-nr immr iniiir tiiii iiihimh mimi OLDEST AND YOUNGEST SUFFRAGIST IN CHICAGO. Seated near the Coliseum, Mrs. Olympia Frown, 85 years old, of Racine, Wis., Is making a silent appeal for suffrage support. Miss Betty Gram, of Portland, Ore., is also do ing lirr bit Inl -rnMnnnl SAMUEL CLEMENT, of this city, has spent a busy week boosting Pennsylvania's favorite son, Gover nor Sproul Leaner Photo Sen Ice. PITTSBURGH DELEGATES AT CHICAGO Left to right, John K. Emge, John P. Harris, Congressman John M. Morin and Frank J. Harris Ledger moto service DR. WILLIAM WISTAR COMFORT, pres ident of Havcrford College, who conferred degrees yesterday Ledser Tboto Service. SPOON MAN and most popular graduate of Haverford's 1920 class. He is Gran ville Earnest Toogood Ledger Photo Service. HRATOR AT HAVERFORD yesterday. He is Dr. William H. P. Faunce, president of Blown University , I -, .. .'.. -. - - -J8IJ."..11 mum 1 1 , . .j:Miui&&ajL iu . """ "" " mi-m mi m " ti.)Un. Ot ' rvijwiALi.'-.i taw. v s. 'rt..VVi'i V M ...f-hsa.,. THERE WAS MUCH MERCHANDISING of goodies at the street frolic on Thompson street, bqtween Franklin and Eighth streets, yesterday. The pro ceeds will be used to aid sick babies during the warm weather Lcdircr Thoto Service. GETTING THE SCHOOLSHIP AN- THOMAS JEFFERSON GRAMMAR SCHOOL RELAY TEAM. A CARRIER OF CLUBS. NAPOLIS in condition for its long Left to right, Martin lirody, ADe Weinberg, Jack Goldberg and The caddy is Charles New- t n a, i n I inn ii VIAhM cruise, it is now tied up at rier ia, North Wharves LedRcr l'hoto Service. Nathan Schwartz camp, who was doing duty for iirs. n. u. amith Iedeer Photo Service. THESE ARE BUSY DAYS along boathouse row, in Fair mount Park. In the photograph joint owners of a gasolino launch aro moving the engine back into the launch, after overhauling Ledger Photo Service. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO "ZSETF1"' THE BEAUTY CORNER -TJ ?1 MmmmmMK&Frvmw"' ., i . , '-!M?y;SU,r "V ...'. -2RW2MTW-& "Kti'swar' rsy i - .Hw..nw.Wiwk,4 ISBBUnH - 'I'HK VANITIE. which was defeats! mm In vat. TURNING BORES ON RINGS nt the Hcss-Bright Manufacturing Co., Front street and Erie avenue, at the rate day, by the Resolute, but btill has a chance to com- Itespluto is m the background I .l . . . inierntonii.ulveril VI m. I, BOSTON GOLFER who played hero Thursday. She is Mrs. G. B, Johnson ' i fcedjer Phto Bervlc?. V MISS ROSE LIPKO? 1243 North Leithgow Street ,, . , , Philadelphia ,, a?i(!0ua?ia 'or .,'"' feature should be submitted, through the vwtl, addressed to the BeautU Corntti Eymwo Pvptiq Ledoeb "6 .. , Im W -y - K i r AikfettaListogi&j i.Wt.sliUf ' -rn .-'.rtr,v1!L3i,.i tij