f i.- u (ill TOM'' I'ff , ' . r v 'v? hwa JP'StlMf 1 r". r' Lat fcff jJT . i JIX ,..""' CM- racs r;ri j "' V i' S SECOND WIFE By ERNEST POOLE Author of "The Harbor," "Ills Family" Cotvriaht, Hit; tv Public Ledtur Co, .-- ..-.,-nT-a rrtlV. BTOIIV Tills rjlvi" ..... . ci)iI KntoM is country 'bred, ideal- ?'.'?,?J i deotfc ores her o make her PZfuUKAmu Lanier, her sister. A Zth later AM dies of ptomaine "2 and Ethel keeps house 'for VSR' huTband, Joe, and the Child, iitte Ethel and Joe marry. She sHn!ls to take voice culture from 1nu iH,nd "Dioiaht." They plan to K'Jken in Joe Ms qenius at draft rtaicoKtn m DxoioM may he too M.?ted in her, she tells him "to be )b'e,etc-,"iftheu are to continue . ri"NI HKBK IT CONTINUKB CO SHE hud got out of that nil right, p,n(j jjad fell tremenuouaiy rcuoicu n. . i.. it.ni in llkiul llm lnun ! he was ws noi oniy li " - - . . . ut.i Iiaka 4 Via rrm tullA besides ner omy nuc, mu ... ..t ... i.l.M.1a n llAf "WrttMltn .tiM bring iritiiuo m ...... ..v. ...... could "".. ..... , ,. n. xii o,i. friends ! ii'alB " " - " . 's0 unsafe nt tlmcB. Her husband's Lines, his two sides. Fanny Can- and ;, scheming. Dwlght nnd Ills blue. twinkling eyes, Mrs. Qrewo nnd liar .millns good-fellowship wore, all very Ml1. n.nd exciting. But nafe? Oh. by jnv- t Mnutlonay as Ethel walked on through the park she smiled to herself oxpec tJStlv For Dwlght had promised the lanuj u-irnr Qnllv r.mthern In see MrH. .K, ?.r FaSy Carr. ' I want to bo nfyself. S,,rfs all" and happy with my husband 1" gne turned abruptly toward her home. "In the meantime i m ruwk ww ;, lh? baby Uls bath." she though. She, Sanced at the watch on her gloved Srlst And a man who looked like a dtcctlve. or a villain In the "movies." looked after her In an envious way. Who's her dato with?" ho won- dCTh days dragged by. She had nxlollS times. Wliai WOUIU oauy t-iutii- J?,be like? "And what In the world "ill she think of mo? If she doesn't ,,;'.' mevery much tho very first time, II have lest my chance. For phe's busy. tier life is lull oi wiih iu'"a " -i.ns and running about with her friends. And she won't so much as bother her head !" Ethel felt a dismal lnklni?. In aln sho strove to nssuro hfrself. .'oe, Nourse and then Dwlght, one after the other, had all bowed down More her. "On. that, wa3 very simple I" the thought "They're only men I" It would be a woman this time, and one of Ike most brilliant kind. "What a dull little fool she'll find me, In splto of all I do or say'" It would be all the more difficult because Mrs. Crothcrs was older "That will count against mo. No doubt s-lie's beginning to show her -., Mn.t T'nt VnlMlCT A T A ullA HftAin't wint any young things to come snoop ing about her husbnmj ! Then there's Ams1 ana tno quarrel iney nau, ana uno u mt rte and Amy In the same claas I I'M hive all thai to fight against!" Th Idea of settling everything all In ono brief encounter. Oh, it was too madden ing ' "Xow, Ethel Lanier, for goodness sako (top fldeeth IT like a nervoua old maid 7 This Isn't tho minister coming to call!" On the day beforo the expected call Ethel was Just on the point of going cut for the afternoon to do some shop ping and shake off theso silly fears, when the telephone rang and a few moments later the maid came In nnd told her tliero was a visitor downstairs In an Instant with n rush of excitement Ethel knew It was Sally at last. Dwlght, ui )iw ca.vi wu'Ma "ijr .u IIIIAUU ilia dates and was bringing Sally a day ihead! How- stupid cf him! "Wh.it have I rf" "Did she como up?" she breathlessly asked, "No. JIra Lanier, she's waiting below." "Did she give her name?" "Yes Mrs. Carr." "Oh." Ethel gasped and sank down m a heap. "All right, ask her to com.e up" she said. In a tone of Indifference. When the maid had none, she almost called her back." She" did not want to tee Fanny Carr. Still why hot? Oh. let hr come. And In tho two or three nlnutes that followed, Ethel passed frpm a mood of depression to ono of easy, good-natured contempt. She was no longer afraid of Fanny, for Ethel was lettlru Joo In hand 'And a soon as I do," she reflected. and my husband makes a name as nn jrchltect doing great big things, what harm can Fanny do me?" As she thought of the brilliant people who were to soon to- be her friends, she looked upon Janny Carr and her like with no S?r?Jn?,trt(1 lLut onl" compassion. What tupjd lives they wero leading. And.0 when Fanny came Into the room Ethel received her kindly. Kilt Wnnn ..U ii.j Z. - -.. lonkM h 7 ?r."" "S ""1"- "? ..V, C. u : '";C"J, "" i er ureas, ana Jrt she had a confident air. She took IQ the nnA rlnthAn nt vam t.nn,iAH.. Spung hostess, and Ethel's very graclouB VLlni "2e almost pitying tone of her jo ce and then with a hard little smllo, h- r iai a ehano." said Fanny hoft- ,.. : " i"iiru ai ner lone. inis wlRht be rather awkward. i inean tnia wa- of doing mv I Joe k,i,V.u J'lean ,hla wa.v f doing a h "e r'.Jolned good-humoredly. ,,'.'. "o u uuiu nonce u. " " asKea Fanny. What n .a.. . A. ...... u" Jiiennj un, voir, -e Il,llBht.' .my dear- Th hard ffi. ?, her -,vl8.ltor had become sud- ins woman then and slowly reddened bli.ihi-ars' , A,nrt the consclouHnesa of "ft made her all tho angrier. fminA. iK". you mean;- sno man(led. Her vo ce too w.-rn verv 1. m. . lr,b,,p(,v.111;: !i ""I: but'there nt. 7 .. . ' "rown eyes, fanny "J a tense little laugh. wi ;-. V ol" B'"'1' Lion i let's aIC time Joe mV hA mmlnv !,,. jot know, and wo must get this over 'W11 CAAn aI.Ji . ... as ihVv, brrl "ver- Kiners voce rnV'n.?.?"usly. Fanny noticed T.TVM ... . Tmv"' '"!,". ll J"" this." she said. frnm ii iYp y.0Ur mmd t0 cut Joe w from all his old friends, Including that -" l n,lgnt have stood for 1'owkinrl'" ' X ?i le,'?,r" LSi? r.aeal SfS anno? M ?r ukHhiS Ftnnt?"0'..' I.0"" help it!" Plainly tomatch,krorfXBrl';ot,lnt0araBO To.u.. b.etter bo very clear, Mrs. SlU"' i E.theI, exclaimed, leaning forward. Her -visitor looked straight back at her, and answered: "Very. I mean Dwlght." Ethel roso abruptly. :3Sf wm'itr cn0U8h' 1 thlnk-" "What a loathsome mind you hav ! "No, I'll show you this. And then WA II I7AI. in ttll.ln.aM jt-. TAUU.. ma duced a larRe envelope, from which she ivvj nut a. law lyiiawriuen pages, "just jok .it1"0 ,ve.r" ?h9 advised, "and Ethel hesitated, "you'd hotter. They're Ethel took them and read them, and as sho did so her rage and acorn cna.muu flrnt Inln h,u flApmA.i n.i u.. i..,. . slckonlng fright Sho felt all at once so . j .' """" .duo nan always neara of dptectlvcj nnd their reports of shad- OtVftrl tVIVAff ltllf lltn an 1 1. 1 .. . 1 7 ' - , "'--. .. ,...,. ouit tJi. ttllllK lltlU Just been In tho papers and had never nutiiiwi very reHi, -rnis is about me" she thought. It told of ovory ineoting she had had with Dwisrht. In hi Rtnnin and In other places, once at the llltj. wnero iney una cunea anil ffone to the opera, twico In tho park where they had walked. Such clean times, all three of them, but how cheap and disgusting they now appeared! For hero were bits nbout Dwight'H past, his record with women two wero named, He had been n corespondent once I And his studio was described In detail, with emphasis on a blp loungo In ono corner! Suddenly It was laughable ! And so sne laughed at Fanny I And Fanny replied: "You moan ho won't bellove it!" Ethel wont on laughing. Joe wouldn't believe It. She wished he would como and turn this woman out on the street. Sho felt rellof unspeakable. "You'vo forgotten," Fanny added, "that you lied to him about your frlond." "How daro you say that?" "Because I have tho facts. On the second of December Joe brought Dwlght to dlno with you, and you acted as though you'd never met. I gathered that from Joo himself when I saw him im, next day. Whllo tho truth of It .was you'd heon seeing Dwlght ever since tho first of October." "Yes? That will be easy enough to explain." .But Ethel felt herself turning white. Sho sank down and thought, "Now you'll need all your nerve. Don't got faint, you'vo got to think clearly." But she was not given time. "And nil that had been going on while you wore mipposed to bo home with the baby." Mrw. Carr leaned forward briskly. "Now tho thing for you to do Is exactly what I tell you. But before I do that, there's Just one thing I wish you to understand about me. If you want to keep Joe, keep him. I don't want him T li.V.r rllrt Yi,a lniif.TnA1 n. ,... nln nnd again for what you thought 1 was ujriiit, Itl uu, All 1 WUIll IS 10 oe let aione to go on with Joe as I always have. 'What I mcLn bv flint vnn u'm'i understand, because you don't under stand my life. A woman like me In thlo city needs one man who'll be her frtnnrltllA llllT.rtrttlt. Irl.fi.ln Trtnln anl advlso her. carry her through when unos aown a dil Ana joe lias always been like that. "Why? Because of Amy. When she first rum. frt TCaw Vnrl vam fAm.itH. It was on a visit to me. I had known ner Dacit in coaming school. Well, the visit lengthened out. I saw how crazy rIia U'flR fnr fh. Inivn anrf r tl.iln nl-l. well off then, so I let her stay and gavo her a home let her meet my friends, Joo Included. I had a husband at tho time who was In tho rcul estate business. Ho knew Joe. So I took Joe nnd handed him over to Amy. And though sho would have been glad enough to forget the debt. Joe wasn't that kind. Kn fhnf'n mv ImM tt Vlvt n. ... l clean and above-board. And I need him in my business. There are times when I'm down and need his money, ether times when I need his name. But thst Is all. And If ho has been fool enough to marry a Rlddy young girl like you. that's his own lookout I won't Inter fere. I mean I won't Interefere with you so long aa you don't Interfere wltn mer. You let me ec on with Joe as be fore, and he'll never see these papers." With a sudden fierce Impulse, In spite of herself, Ethel crumpled them up In her hands. "Don't bo a fool." said Fanny. "They're only copies. Give them back." Ethel did bo, meehnnlcally. "Now what will you do? Which way will you have It? He may be here any minute now." She waited, but got no reply. Sho saw tho girl shiver a little, 'What's the use of being so aolemn and scared?" she Impatiently asked. xOUrn rilnnlncr nn m.p. t.1.1 t.nn t. iOrA. &ft fflr AB T'nt Ann.M.4 n.. Jaa you can go right on with Dwlght If you Wish. All I m HRklno- In n snnni-o Honl 'But RhtVll nik mil nol, " k.,t.. Ethel. "She'll nsk nf mn nn'vthin. sh. wants. And she'll cet m nn inno-i.,! in other lies that then I wouldn't have oven a chance of maklnu Joe see how things really are." .tn.1B..ln?uE,n cleared her mind a little, .o "he said. "You can tell him." What? Ethel looked down at her hands In her lap, and noticed how tightly they we.r f.leDfhd- tSno mllod at them. Tell him." "You're sure of that?" Lthel nodded. "Very well!" x .."She s uneasy," thought Ethel, "and 3ilnpliuU.aT:nor.,,uro ot herself. I've done the right thing." -. ut ?.? In "'most perfect sllenco they ,,atiwaltln for Joe to coma home, her decision wavered again and ugaln, and It took all her courage to hold herself in. She made occasional trite remarks, and received replies of the same ktnd vn tnem both tho tenalon was growing. This means everything to you, too. fanny dear!" Ethel reflected viciously. Jf Joe believes me you're done for'" At each slight stir that Fanny made, Ethel hoped she had lost her courngs and was getting ready to go. But Fanny stayed. And as she sat thero motionless, what a strong flguro she grew to be, moment by moment. In Ethel's eyes strong, in spite of tho llfo she led. of clothes, rich feeding, drinking, dancing, old age swiftly coming on. Strong nevertheless, in an odious way, in the loathsome point of view of her world to ward loyo anrt marriage, tt had set her to prying nnd landed, her here with theseipaperB in her hands! That was her way of looking at life, and a mighty strong way it appeared ! (CONTINUED MONDAY) i -1 7 ; A , m -m ' ',c'i ' EVENING' PUBfcrc (LteDaEIt-.pHlUADiiJLtHlA; SlTUEBAY, " ' " ' -- - i ISTOTTO tt V V JUNE 12, 1920 Til rri." 'kV 'I ' THE GUMPS Carp Caviar Up to 6SVi - By Sidney Smith ' X NW- Kfc G,OrAP is WAtPtY Yo DAf- Ht'S PLAYmtr THP STOCK NSA.RK&T XOO KNOrW" N F'X. Ml A INC A. JLOY CSP AAONEM I- -"'Ll IJ ' Mii syock ousr WBAT or ONE- POINT Mia AOKNINCy AMDHE UF'tt1h rLUNINt ON A UCNCr Tiip nriooupAmcri; uitiEM i rc-r v- v crttAtA ti ra i vrfnii t -t: i i-f-w rnw" -vi SO I U A BUCrA.WWTW A AffACrC1- aiut fn ktkc- mvMu wivuaiki. ! -Ml. QrAVG HWTRETTr J ME.a wt-i M-u Mfi wunc TIED OP N TMt& THINC A" "' I ' I A HtAVEN bELWGR rAt FROM A Gr AA8l.ER. )P IT WASNT Fofe ACrAMBLER WoOLDNr ANE TO BESENN POR A MVINCsr 11V ID StA'Vjf -?Kl PETEY Never Let Your Imagination Run Wild -- -- -- - . By C. A. Voight . . 1 v "" icr..vif3v--' OK. omcle 1 (OH66VM rT -AVbrfcotcvA 1 . Tho Young Lady Across the Way r1''-- ' ' ' ""'I ON THE FAMILY TENNIS COURT By Fonfaink Fox AVc asked -the youue lady acro.ss the way If tho father of tho baby next door was dead and she said 0 yes, the poor little thing was a post-prandial child. DREAMLAND ADVENTURES "ISLE OF PLAY" By DADDY Wfa mn! ru9 carries Pegav, Billy, Ur'J.a.:a- Prie Daihur. Balku Sam. WtoSa J'Wr' Johnny Hull and I.OM. Jl! ' th0 rn". t" the "hoJJll", Thev "' ,r,e Pirates CrlkuTr "nd "'her maUlCna ( HAI'TKK VI Tl.- T,l . .... rn,. i irumn nee TtHK fat lt,,.i..u ...... h"'" "limn inraies slept sounniy. nrJllr.lU-s Angered their guns and hady fn ,,?. .2y ,n.at snowed they were '"ay to use them Instantly. Hi fficJ L. wero wooing fast. Bhe 'm tMi.n .a wn7 t0 rtrlvo t,,e ,lrat ws Hie best way to carry out the plan. fcreTOn?iilot ot.TtA herrles." she whls W fruit greyu.polnl,nK t0 bushes wnero in. it " not make m nir.i t ....... .- SttlM ?, ,-mS , tno '"Anders sick." ,hlt at all bttPi11 Sou,dn ' understand haS"mJie,,wondered if the oxc to .1o you ill1 e18 B0 ctuty, J'Pwpalr for fl'.l"1 bo. near the Isle tu"'J. noddM h,A' us.ke1' ni1'. still ""'w Whf ,1? hlH head "Well I don't ni ...na' 'he snottert .tin. Ti' .'Jl0" ' ' "n'B lift f1,,1"1 Wlt'Sj -.iiuers ook ii i ynueii una other IBflhr Ti. . I'iruits a ISsTthr.l ?Rrly s18'8".?- Tho LWttt'teH3tjl,V?Wfia themselves vlth big red spots that made them look as though they had the mea sles or smallpox. Astflrn null fnn TnMnu tntls.H .ti. ul.l- est of all. because tho thought of marry ing the pirates and made them very pnle, anil tllA retff nl,ttMiu utnfxtl mil .IvAnrrli, on their white skins. When everyone was ready, tho Island ers began to grunt and to groan und to wall. ''Oh, oh. oh!" thev cried. "We have me spotted plague. We havo the spotted plague!" The grunts nnd tho groans and the Walla nWfllll.n.fl tTnn T. r nlr.l.n In .. hurry, They couldn't understand what all the fuss was nbout. Astara and the brides rushed toward them with out stretched nrms. "Save us!" cried As tara. "Save us from the spotted plague !" The fat pirates took Just one look at the spotted faces of tho brides, then up tliev 1umnnH nn.l niv-iir ttt.,, rnr. n r... as they could waddle. uwi uw uw; rno spotted plague 1" they yelled. My. how they did run tastor than any fat mon Peggy or Hilly had ever pcen Aff AT thftm nriAl Tnltnmi TJ..II .. i J. I .. :" ."' witling uuiii rimy VnS .at til0lp I t0 hwrry them alonK. Ana In tho woods waa Lonesomo Wear, Cfttnhlnp iirni srmAviri(v nil .. A near hfin. the very first being the fat V,"" "it""' rtI,u Rl lno seasnore was Balky Bam. and ns each pirate camo wnoeKlnir nlnnv null,, Uo... ti.t. t.iM far out into tho water. ino pirate uhip got up anchor In a hurry, and away It sailed with its loau of seared and batterod )lrntes. In th rnt1l' ItlA lulnn.Uni ilmiA4 again, hut this time It wns'a dance of Joy nnd not of fenr. In tho center of the dance Astara and Prlnco Dushur, once more united, while Peggy and Billy, like a king nnd queen, sat In the neat ot the plroto chief. 4i wna nappy, nappy oay on uio ilia of Play, Vut what hipened further will hay Jo b oW in iwa wwlc' story. M aj ..., fjt M4 M A SL sv.f ' .-, ..... . -...:. : n nT oc. TJrtg.roM out THiSK YouR RtAU OPjnCTION IS THAT HE IS OOlrtG wQfA So EXCEt-OINCLy uwJU:itfc, Br? Sv ,. u JVR SEE A GOOD PIAYCR ACT THAT t i YihJ , r - - ' l .'HM' v. w - ..AJV .1 i - " uv yiL S11.laa . w yCmr.Jv 'sriiM ..i'i ' V -'MV "it Nrtl;WH0 15 ONe OF " Trie 0EST HITTCRS OK THE BA3C 13AU. TEAM, TbflK HJS RACQUET IN BOTH HANDS AND WAS SIMPJ.Y Murdering dad's service. i SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG 'L" I THC FlSHIN CLUB " . m The MEKioea. vio tkj t t-q SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Story of the Kind Cripple Copyright. 1020. by Public Vter Co HJ HdyWOfd " ' " : CHERRY ST. -CHERRV ST. -Y - T U6TEW, MY Fbop XivHi i - z? Sjr"l f m VWHERE'S CHERRY ST. ? f - M I'M iJowi foR Tk' fe " W llrJL 'TW - flOH . JI I KMOW 1 . I 1 -J I'fiOT TO 3ET TrlE.SE " FlSTATlOAlSaTJS BF $ltJt n J ? THAMK V- - Because Thats r ! - 1 g 1 . A-E-HAVtAP.O - ti. ) "71P" STT RRSnr. Jekull and Mr. H11J . . M , , . "'" "" "'" -- -:- By Edwina M AN'IlTpV THTREAaORKS f" V WB LL T 'C,A Cftljl--- f1VrTS3t? ( BNymiwJ.H,5J!cM A ) If jIl&z&&wm dtfZh&'J 2. .. 1. piPmnMMMma L,. ,.....,.. - -:j:.kmm& -- ""lyaTiPi ' MB.tv 7 . 4'xiH(Utl4iHMsraiBiIHIUiu&AilXTi.'"-,,tkijs ( 1 'J. A .. .-. . - ,l 'Jiif t -r. J 4 , t Jl.'W . .. iT.J tAiVt. - ----'-------------'-'-.-- .. , . w: ., .. ,x. , .-... ..... ,,,-u......v. . . . ., .. ,-JJ,.rty,,1i.t