Vl fori -". .! T i T, l 4 -?" t EVENING PUBLIC XEDGlQR- PHlLAllELPHIA, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920 zo Vf -(LiJ. 45 ARE GRADUATED I AT CATHOLIC HIGH pirst Commencement Hold at Nixon Theatre With Sul livan as Orator The firot nnntinl commencement of , West Plillatlclplila uiunone i.... J r0r Hoy wn hdil In the School '"""J "tlli, mornlnK. torlnn. The vnlfdlctorlnn n .lowph ,lJre.1 by John J. Sulllvnn. The graduates nrc : aut3 counnn n.mililn Thomns K Haskell Pran .JT Kin iowPh A Kane. Fr.nrl A. 5)".,-.n tohn J l.ehy Thomnn J Dana ""hony !.. McCarron Johrr James Oris ". 4J1..M T Mangan. William r Dunn. tf.U ' Stafllin? WA. Toery. John g'ffJrrW. '" M NUge" ariRNon rounsR .,i, a Hcrrct Thomnii A noylo. Wll. ., i nnuaherlj I'ranels .1 "uane Fran. Hm J "ri, Jo.nh J real. James J PENN EXERCISES START Dental Alumni to Hold Annual Ban quet Tonight Debate to Be Feature Many festivities hnvp been planned by students of the University of IVnn nylvnnln In relrbrntlon ot commence inent week. The firnt of t!iee bcRnn tills morning when the Dentnl Alumni Society met at the Kvnna Dentnl InMltute. Tonight the society will hold Its annual alumni banquet nt the Ilotol Adelphln. At tho same time alumni of the S. i. I'iirrner SI Hae. Mark I iiib 1 ,,"1l! i J IIUBhciv James M Hughe-, sins H,n.cl" rcrAin T homas r Kelley. 7h V KlnrtreSan. Howled C. Kllen J.?J nanlVl I Llnnunh Vincent P Mc- - t Mfiftnpv i rtinvin !. iiiiiui- ffl' Henry J Murray. John J Naught War I T O nouke. Illchar.l Qulnn. J V . n...n Hollls A Hnaxey I.mmert .hn'R.nr" H WM. nobcrt J. Writ NauKhion lr J. right. Seven Nurses Get Diplomas Diploma of grndiintlon were nwnriled t Volrn mil ses of tho Children's Home tn?.. it -nUnl Trninlnc Sc hoo for Tho exerelies wcte Skin Troubles 1 ' Soothed "" With Cuticura ?'eap( Ointment, Tftlran., S1V fivarrwW Bamp.M reo of CiUcvri. LtbtntWrUt, Dipt I, Mal4n, Maii j RIE-MUR SHIRT CO. 908 Chctaut St. "JSiIBJf.tot I I flnmplr Kent Upon Rrqnest ad tindergrailunto department will meet In Houston Hall. One of tho features of this meeting will be n debate on the future policies of I'otin between rep resentatives of each group of the nlumni, , Or. Cheesmnn A. Herrlck 01, presi dent of Olrartl College, will advocate state support and control and Isaac A. Pennypncker, '(), will support the policy of private support. Trior to the debate n review of the situation nt Penn will be given by Dr. A. II. Qulnn, dean of the college. Tomorrow nftrrnoon the exercises of nlumni dny will be held nntl the under grnduntcs will be the hosts. 37 GIVEN DIPLOMAS AT FRIENDS' CENTRAL Clinton Rogors Woodruff Deliv ers Address to School Grad uates Essays Are Road niplomns were nwnrded thlrtv-seven grnduates nt the commencement exer cises of Friends' Central School, Fif teenth nnd Rncc streets, nt 10 o'clock this morning. Hssnjs weic rend ns follows: Oracc Iilpplncott, on "I'rogr'essUc IMutn tlon": Marlon Noss, on "I'eter Illch Tschnikowsky." (Jeorgo Ilowgntc dls eused "Nemesis " Following nn address by Clinton Hog ers Woodruff, chnirman of tho Civil Senile Conimisslou, diplomas were awarded the following: Classical course Howard llnrnes, Sophie Ilelber. Alice HInndy. Iltitli Con rad, Mnrcln Oluik, Doris . Hawkins, fJeorge W. Howgatc, Anne M. Jones, (Jrace I.lpplncott. Dorothy II. Mtcli field, Kntherine Mooic, Mary II. 1'ortcr. Mnilelln .1 Illglij. IMIth Itoberts, Clara A. Shciblc. .M Kllwibeth Hblnn. Knth ljn Thomns, Alice M. Tledemann. Scientific course David H. Darling ton, John F Kndlcott, Ilenona I-nucett, Oracc (Jembcrllng, Knthrn Oross, Itlchnrd M. Ilearn. Mnrgucrite .M IlnlilKrelliriiTer I Ifl7cl M. i It'll i Ham II Ucllcrinan. Jr.. t.stner iius . t PVcniue. ton. FoMicr Minster. Marlon 13. Nass. ln" ovcn" Mildred Palmer, Albert M. Parry, AVI1-1 llnm II. Pearson, Henry F. Hollman, Marlon C. Starr. Carroll It. Williams, Jr Mildred I?. Wolfendcn. Policeman Robbed While on Duty Heading, Pn., June 11. David De hart, a special polltemnn nt the Heading Hnilwny'a Franklin street stntlou, was Hcncock, 'lobbed of a gold watch while ou duty PJ m Ml Surses Inst night. The exercises eie held in the Temple Prcsbvtcrinn Church. Dick. Dnrnthj Mary Mowl, Ttuth Naomi Smith. Kntherjnc How cr Crane, Mar Mrot Mulford. Clara Pauline Hesse nnd Kthrr Mny Knlpc. M PJtfri;l MB W',niTL C lv GALVANIZED, COPPER AND ZINC SHEETS L. D. BerKcr Co., 59 N. 2d St. Hell, llarkxt BM. Kei9(on, Ualn 400 Safe Milk , For Infants f & Invalids No Cooking A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes; JHaMISaiMiiyQSflMiMiiU'jtyii $50.00 77i( prqutalrr plat inum top srttinp ran tainjt a diamond oj I are brautil ami n qucstional ivijiie A Gift that dcficH comparison CHARLES MUTH The h'nmilii JrvcUr lfi32 Columbia Ae. nnd 5 South 8th St. ffj'tfriiirfB'ig Clearance Sale of Used Cars Various makes, attractively priced and sold under our 60-day service plan. Lexington Banking Plan, covering twelve monthly payments, extended to responsible buyers. Lexington Touring Car; 7 pas senger. Lexington Sport Model; A pas senger. Lexington Sednn; 7 passenger. Lexington Club Roadster; 4 pas senger. nuiclc Sedan; 5 passenger. Iluick Roadster; 2 passenger. Chalmers Sedan; 5 passenger. Maxwell Sedan and Touring. Stcarns-Knight; 5 passenger. Cole; 7 passenger. Reo; 5 passenger. Many other makes in Touring, Sedans nnd Roadsters. An opportunity to secure a used car which is n good invest ment and which is backed by a reliable company. No Profiteering! II. This Sign Is Your Protection IfMilHWJiliMll This Sign Is Your Protection Three days only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Lexington Motor Company of Penna. W. A. KUSER, Pre.ident Lexington Bldg., 851-853 N. Broad St. We have always sold standard quality merchan dise at FAIR PRICES. Every Timesco Dealer is bonded to charge no more than our established FAIR PRICE. THIS PROTECTS YOU Every article purchased from a Timesco Dealer is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Safeguard yourself from profiteers by buying your auto supplies from an authorized Timesco Dealer or from any of our direct distributing branches. TIMESCO Dealers Are Everywhere Send for Our Catalog It's Free $ j& 4-ov - Qjbdxure pZosz vh nckmmm mm chddiu ta WORLD'S LARGEST AUTO SUPPLy HOUSE 260 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. TIM THE Celebrate Arrival of U. 8. Shl(TJ Hticnns Aires, June 10. The arrlvM of the United Htntcs shltininir lwr4. ' steamer Huron on June 4. after ""v5j: voyage of Hi Mi 'lays irom rsew ort ? ti nn nnlnki-ntnil 4wln.V t 1 1 M lllMklinAM j' y in i riiuiaiiu n'wu.i nitii ft lUMVMVWtl J by roprcHontntivos of the North AmeJtX!?1 Itin1iif1ttip Mu nr Pit lit tin. nf TtnnttAB I AlroH, nnd rrproKrutntivcH o Uruguay V IU.-EIYD) N ' l Passenger 40 Horsepower lit" Wheelbase The New Mitchell is Not Assembled M IrliHI bulldn hat oilier Hiitnmnblle muniifni turrn bio Wli n sou purrhnnp h Mltrhfll sou irct r car mnde In ll intlnlv liv one mnniifHiturpr prlcod to Klvo lino irnt. ou ct uniformity of opTTtln boauly fonpnlcnct mm fnrl ind rrllnfmpnl In h deitreo unimlb found onlj In murh hlRhr ptUfd inr nen m w, cini1 sou a cipmonMr.iuonf riinn.. .fprure "J120 Dcfrrmt vnvmcHt If irruirrd McFARLANE X WEINSTEIN f)H(r(bn((irn 232 South Hroad Street, rhiladelphia tet,,' i ,jf A-Iv-n UA W'Ha Protect vonr Ife'- ipitf II investment The Reason: Why we say, "Buy lumber now." If you are buying silk stockings or fountain pens, you needn't worry much about getting them delivered but with lumber it's different. We can't send joists and flooring to you by parcel post. The greatest demand for freight cars is always in November; the least demand is usually in May. But this year, instead of idle freight cars in May and June, there is a great car shortage already. It takes the closest watching and best management of our traffic-men to get cars now, but still they are able to do it. If you buy lumber now, we can deliver it with reasonable certainty and promptness. But if cars are scarce oven now, when the demand is usually lowest, whnt will conditions be a few months later, when crop-moving begins? Nobody knows but neatly anybody enn guess. And we are all guessing nt this moment. Now is the time to make contract's for lumber, especially with denlers who have strong traffic and delivery departments. Some day you'll build. If you wnnt the work fin ished on time, see that the lumber cornea from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Company THE L.UMBEK CBNTRB 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia ESTABLISHED 18G8 soi tii r kn orriri: iiaulottk, v. c. 31 E E rs STKAMsllll NOltCl.s s n:M-iui' mitic'ks United States Shipping Board's Passenger Service New York to Rio do Janeiro, Montevideo and Buenos Ayrei I S. MAKTIIA WASIIINOTON, 15,000 tons (l) Jun 2B.I s s minis. 17.000 tuna (c) .. .. July 17. H AKOMS. SI 0U0 tons (c) .. ...July 814 U) Klml llais IU) Ktmt and ttecond Class Ic) First. Boon and Third Class. j For prusfiflc ra.fi and other particulars applv 'r tiny I'msenncr Anencu or to . MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE raorncrr Drp't h;-02 llmvrr !.. .N. Y., lo al (Iir Line's Drexel Uldg., . nidt.. I 418 OII strwt. I Jloblls Philadelphia Hiltlmorr. I "' l-"ii. $&$f I Alnhnma "INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. z miUE STAR LINE N v. Oltlr Wo$mn& IT is altogether fitting that the Chicago Coli seum where national history will be made is covered with a Carey Roof. Carey Roofings have figured in our national life since Grant was president. They abound in every State in the Union and on every type of building. They are daily being nominated for the biggest jobs and the most important roofing services. Headquarters tor tho Building and Insulating prhducta of Asphalt ASBESTOS magnesia A Roof for Every Building AMERICAN INSULATION CO. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS OP CAREY PRODUCTS SUNOCO is sold in any quantity. The IS and 30 gallon drums are recommended for private garages, and the 1 and 5 gallon sealed cans to carry on trucks or cars. Longer life and greater efficiency are assured by proper lubrication If you are simply using "oil" in the engines of your trucks without knowing whether it is the richt lubricant now is the time to stop. SUNOCO the new scientific motor lubricant makes accurate and efficient lubrica tion certain. SUNOCO will show you the dollars-and-cents value of proper lubrication by the increased service and longer life you get from your trucks. With its six distinct types and exclusive qualities, SUNOCO guarantees a perfect lubricant for every truck and car made. Begin using SUNOCO today. Drain and clean the crank cases of your trucks and then refill with the proper type of SUNOCO. If desired, we will be glad to examine your automotive equipment and give expert advice on lubrication. If your truck is not included in the above list, ask any SUNOCO dealer for a free copy of the complete "Sunoco Lubrication Guide" or write to us. N V. Chcrboursr soillliiininton New rk . .lurir- 3 I .lul 1" ub. Ii xi. I'mil Itmp JH .lull U Niik -'1 I lilliiflfliihiu Julj II) Auk. 1 "oMit. 4 NH1V YOKK HAMUUnO Miinrlitirlu . Juno ll)'liil 31 rpt. II Mongolia July SIAue. MIScnt. S3 iMiir.Ainn.iMiiA i.i i.iii'ooi. II'bIiib lunp 14 nttr u rt ccli-ron duur ., Iluvcrford July 10 I'll 1I.ADK1. 1'H IA Gl.ASHOW l.alnliitil . . Junr I .' I itt'rn xoii June ?i IMIII.ADCLJM1IA 1IAMHU1K. Ili-llt ni".!- . .luiif 14 Mot l.Unnl. , . .luiif l'l Mrnnier . Juno "0 V. T. Chetlionric Southampton Ailrlutlo July SlAuc. UlSept. fii OljinpU July SlAus. tlAui.li QUEENSTOWV MVr.nPOOT&. .lunp io.iiilTi4iAuir.f8 Junr 21 .Inly 3l!8rpt. ' .M"Mlr ... .Julyl0Aui;.148ept.ll Munnerly Cleveland. f $E Sim Li$E N T. SOUTHAMPTON 1NTWKKP I Inlnnil Itnif 1(1 Julj !4 ne .'H hriiiiiilunil Jlll 10 nc. 1 t sr,, K 'iitilnnil Julj 17 iib II "'111 .'"i eeliliul . Jul SI N'il. 4 piiii. vnnu'iiiA antwkrp W utlii mi . June ill H..I Tin noli .llinr .'R i uoiirlle . . . .Illl I I ! llt-ron Psncnjtr Offict, 1319 Walnut St NT.IV VOIIK A70KE1 JJ lilllHALTAR NAPLES GENOA Canonic Jnlyf Cretlo July I ATUNTIC TRANSPORT LINE' PHILADELPHIA- n III nnilil I ii-.li rn lui ri- -I.OMJON June 19 July 10 HOLLVMl-AMEIUC. LINE PHILADELPHIA KOTTEHDAM fnthlvk June ! Iul n viiUl, .... Jnly 3 Pbils. Freight Office, 405-414 Bourse Bids.. PU1 Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christians. GothenV '-g, CopeV -en KeEouar oe ze V. 5. Snipping board sle tcamtri SS "FORT ARMS rROrAj". Loading SS "ORONOrit". .Juno 15 A Steamer July 10 (From Pier 78 Stwth Wharvet) The Charles T. Megee Co. Agtnls lor U. S. Shipping Soati Drexel Building PHILADELPHIA Bell lombard 5100 EARN-LINE Inrornomlril 101 "" U. S. Shipping Board Steel Steamer General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS 'D Moines Bridge". Juno 2S . Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Fluvanna". . .Sailed S S "Lake Galera" . . . June 20 !ror rates and particulars apply to carn-Line ateamsnip lo. . 139 South Fourth St. PHILADELPHIA. PA. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE FINANCE BUILDING Mare than a million gallons of lubricating nils per neck. Boston to Liverpool ao-ao ROBERTS AVENUE AND STOKLEY STHBET PHILADELPHIA I4w MolTn Kntish rwm : S.S Fort Victoria WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 JULY 28, SEPT. 1. OCT. G Iflrat CIiim rntscnstnt Ouly For rates and full particulars aprlr rUUNEsS.MARKEN L1E VUKNLSS. ITII & CO.. U4. I-UDtM IIoiim. blleliull HI.. N. or w lOUltl.sT AOICNCV T. GREEN STAR LINE MONTHLY SERVICE Mediterranean, Adriatic, Greek and Black Sea Ptrti Trieite, Flume, Palrai and Pirttnl Sailing From Philadelphia U S Shipping Board Steel Slcamtn S S "Zarembo" . ..June 30 S S "Jomar" . July 15 I or further I'lirtlrulars Apply CREEN STAR STEAMSHIP CORP. lOUo Dmel lllils . I'hlla. Phone. Lombard SI 04 Matn 1520 MOTOR OIL BARBER STEAISHIP LINES, Inc. I'AK UVT hi: It VIC I! Front Philadelphia Yokohama Kobe u. . . ,l-JiyKs,TluN'RY ti:kiis nKOIIAIA IUIIir. HlIANdHAI V. ti. a. U. 8 H hlrtTKUN PLA.NET JUNK ISTH For Rate, do,, Apply Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. n Only 2 tUt frm Km UeA. -jf JL i ol Arnia Hummer Tempsratura T0 SUMMER VACATION TOURS? tnuudlnu steamer, hotsl and side trips. 8 Days $87 0 Days $91.80 and upward accordln to iirroiamoilations . Kffecllie Durlnc the Hummer Neasao Safe, Swift. PaUtlrJ S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" " ealllna- frorn Nevr rorlf t"ry 10 day,: pie iiawn rrquirru tor nermw, EMMUDA fl 41 u H i i i. llllliM n iish' ! new niK ci end (of dscri eltou i eltoulir to i, OA1LEV. 1A R & t'CI.. Philadelphia),, J FrBM Briim trmuds awBir, tfui., wvi4uua 1 "' i I j iH"'- - ijMJtli it ft J JhMf-iiH gL,:.. HE22 i . .il. ,K . kAy.'.V 'iymmhiLL