Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 10, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 7, Image 7

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i f
. &
Wynne Chats About a Number of Things Sea-
. i-..il..tn in Rnnofil iv Kv.tr n Pnt-tnt't.,.
mens inswu - j - " -
ance of the "Mikado" l)y Savoy Co.
a TON-0 ns thr weather remains
. g WM j rntipr cnjoy.
In? this JXVwm" to be going away.
w " can! u not n bit too noon to go.
And t really I nl lt emH if It
fwH ? "i of hot Uny.
b,Tc nao v.., t,)0S0 Il0t jinyB
So i"- ',ii. frnnitH nave
ki ..:;-".., nU
It as
" t Only at i'f, "'.' ,,. ncw summer
flare aecu
any of the new summer
niM.eiI to hear yesterday
5nvov Opera Company is
Ka.Li,o- i.prformnnre of
t WAS o
Ithflt V ninthi-V i.erformnnro oC
Pfot?, R in" ni t i night of .Tune 17 nt
',,;?,Lli Street'1 oatre. Tills time it
the 'rofl LPS ,e Heiietit of the Senmen h
j In be foj U1?, '" Vnd. and the men
n'lltute Uiii 1 n ") -, t oJp,t nrc
ni8mfnJl,,upnrt llo performance,
&" bf then, ente-taluing box parties
Ihat'evenhiff. b tc(,
Ll'n,' "s'J "viban" & nt Rorond ami
ihP old &t. Aiuan , or th(J
BSffiWe.t0lt is being reno
' nt JIT--'-' nuxlllnry of the work
T", a rV Kriest I-aw. chnirman ;
Includes Mr?". i."".;. , Mra
Mrc Charles ni.e,,t M
Sidney M. w ' V. treasurer, and
1. f...tultinr wocrn
,arV rl'hersnr- worUing'for It. too
w,rral "the M "" , , Savoys
t '111 (HI'S"" '"-', ".,., .,. ,,.
Martin, of Chestnut Hill, have Issued
InvltntlonB for a party at The Ilabtilt. on
r-rlclay, June 18. at 4 o'clock, In honor
of MIbs Kllen Ulcnrilnnlng, daughter of
Mr. and Jin;, nobert Olcndlnnlng, of the
Squirrels, Chcutivut Hill, whoae engage
ment to Mr. I'erslfor Frazler, 3d, linn
been announced. Among the gucsta will
be Miss Kllzabeth C, Welsh, Miss Peggy
Hosengarten, MIm Mary Dobsotr Nor
rls, Miss H. PRUllne I,, bell Mlrs Mary
R ,aicndlnnlng. Miss Virginia Uoberts,
Mr. John H. Wholen, Jr., Mr, H. Pcr
elval Olendlnnlng, Mr. Perglfor Krazler
3d, Mr. Edward Starr, Jr., Mr. Winter
Randolph, Mr. MqKonn Allen, Mr. Sam
uel Welsh, Mr, Jamrn D. Altcmils Mr,
Edward Drowning, Jr., Mr Buckley H
Wells and Mr. C. Paul De'nckla
Mrs. Isaac Clothier Jr. nf nmmi...
brook Farm, Radnor, will give a benefit
bridge party at her homo on Wednes-1 "
day, June 10. r
Miss edith a. siwions
Mr. and
Thayer, of
nunc mi 1 if'VJiinnii 1 t.
Springfield avenue, '(
Mtl performance. .... wom,prfll,
Tri .n 1 cor hW "rldlculum" little
MiUdo null em m p ))nco
he'Sl onS nose and ho is ho
that it s a real jo to sec nun
AF TniS vear's performance of the
0JHfcn.1o"' I have absolutely only one
frltlclm to make, and that is. 1 uo
fint It would be wl'e to have a person
,hl 1. p?if the wardrobe for the men
'" lll f'. L I wear the longer
tojwnuu....-." h. ",",;,-. nlll,M .he
Viir.onO'i ami I he
And that wild
v? ir oHn ''KVHKH
'?K 'KvR
Marriage of Miss Mary Colton
Steele and Dr. Leon
I'hoto by Ilaolirndi
Mrs. Crawford, mIioso home Is at
UJ21 Spruce street, moed last werl(
(o her country house. .Mrs. Craw
ford is prominently Identified with
various charity a flairs. She was
vlre chairman of the lecent Flower
iMarlict in IUUenhoitse Square
Chestnut Hill, are receiving congratula- '
tlona on the birth of a son, Joseph Tre
vanlon Thayer. Jr., on Mondnv Mrs. I
inuyer was miss Aimee Hutchinson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Peinberton
Mrs. John B. Thayer and Miss Polly
Thayer of Haverford. who have been lit
New ork for a few days, returned
homo on Thursday.
Mrs. nobert Emott Hare, of stony,
hurst, Strnfford, will leave on Friday
for Baltimore to visit Mrs. John Phcln.-i
until Wednesday. Junn lfi. .Mrs limp
will entertain hoi; bridge club nt a lunch
eon, followed by cards, at her home, on
Thursday. June 17. The members In
clude Mis. Paul Thompson. Mrs. J'eicy
.-iiiiiij.-iwii. Mi. ivmuriu vrier, .Mrs A
xrerrltt Taylor, Mrs. I-Mwln k Orahani,
.Mrs J. It. Hutchinson Mr. Ueorgo
Burton nnd Mrs. HmiV. K Je.ines.
Miss Jullanna Baker, of Bala, will
spend the week-end at Piinceton. uheie
she will attend the senior "prom."
Miss Lucretla Heckscher. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens Heckscher. enter
tained 11 number of friends at a houso
party ovar last week-end at her homo
in Strafford.
Mrs. Edward V. Beale of Strafford,
will preside at the tea table at the
the dansant which Mrs. Arthur Morton
Wilson, of Ardmorp. will i-u t u..,-,,,-.
ford Court tomoirow aftemnnn in hmnw nn Thursday next, from t until C 30
of Miss Alice Dale Gibson, who will bo The mairlage of MIsm Joyco to Mr.
ono of the debutantes of next winter. , Thomas V. Boig will take place on Vd-
Mrs, Francis B. Gummem Mr. i,v.n. nesdny. June 23. at a nuptial mass. 9
els J. Stokes. Mrs. Dean- V Ln.-lu-n,i o'clock. In the Transllguiatlon ("lunch,
The marriage of Miss Edith A. Simons,
daughter of Mrs. Mary Simons, and Mr.
Henry Eiben. 3d. of this city, took
place last evening In St. James Episco
pal Church, Twenty-second and Walnut
streets. Mrs. Henry M. Sellers was ma
tron of honor for Miss Simons "nd Mr.
Sellers was best man. The ushers In
cluded Mr Morris Price. Mr. John Han
son, Mr Arthur Gltmorc nnd Mr. Sher
wood Hall.
Mr. William M. I.yrctt gave the bride
In marriage and the ceremony was per
formed by Dr. John Mnckrldge, rector
' 1 of the chuich.
Mr, Henry isrben. .ir. miner 01 mc
bridegroom, came on from Seattle to at
tend the ceremony.
Miss Mary Colton Steele, daughter of
Mr and Mrs. Joseph M. Steele, of EI
kins Park, will be married at her home,
nt C o'clock this' evening, to Dr. I.con
nemmer of Oak Lam;, tbe llev 1- In-
In. Il'll.nn nn.lnr Of tllP Til ftl ChUrCIl
of the Covenanters officiating. The bride
will be given In marriage by her father
and attended ny ner Hisier-m-i. ..no.
William Steele. 3d, as matron of honor,
nnd two bridesmaids, Mrs r Brewster
Rhodes and Miss Jane McCleary. Her
little niece. Miss Betty Stee e. will be
flower girl ord two small roiislns. Master
Edward A Steele. Jr. and Master tran
ces It. Steele, will act as pages
. .. ... .... ' Dr James fpaeisman. 01 vt iimineum.
Jenklntown station on Saturday for the 1 ..-lit i, the brldegioom's best man. and
guests who will attend the innrrlage ot ' ", "H wm i,e Mr. Donald Steple nnd
iioii u....n..'-. ""'""" "" '"" 1 m,. inMf sioe p. nroincrs cu uif
l-lttletotr waller 'lazewpll Waller 1 ;'",'X; ...111 fnltow. Unon their return
... au1.. TAnnlnti nnrl ftu
Ham McLeod, of Oaklyn, nnd Mr. Mow
ard Gilbert Mactntlre, of North Twenty
fifth street, which will take place this
nfternonn. ol 9 nMnni iili Tlev. Ilob-
r6rt Wells, of the Columbia Avenue Meth
od st episcopal Church, officiating, ine
bride will wear an nfternoon gown or
dark blue beaded georgette crepo with
ft blue hat to match and will be attended
" Mlsa Anna Collins, Mr, B, Ilussell
will be the bridegroom's best man. Mr.
Maolntlre and his bride will leave on
an extended trip and upon their return
they will be at home at 1617 North
Twenty-fifth streetc.
A pretty home wedding will take place
at 7 n nlnplr thl. ..ni..- -t.lin AiIrh
Mabel Teat, of 634 lloydon avenue, will
lie given In marriage by her mother to
Mr. Bussell Weldy. of 810 Broadway,
Camden, the Bev. Frederick Blaser
officiating. A reception will follow Im-
inruiuieiy artcr the ceremony.
Tlio bride will wear a traveling suit
of brown and carry orchids and sweet
peas. Miss Edna Kaver will attend her
as inald or honor. Mr Weldy will have
for his best man Mr Bov C. Glbbs.
Mr and Mrs. Weldy will leave Imme
diately for an extended wedding trip
rliey will be at home after October 1, at
602 lloydon avenue
A pretty home wedding took place last
evening at c, o'clooh. when Miss Mar
guerite Clayton, of G24 North Fortieth
stret, was given In marriage by her
brother. Mr. Tlobert F. Clavton. to Mr.
Frank G Foltz, nf 4301 Walnut street.
Hie Rev. Dr Allen Bartholomew, assist
ed by Bev rjr Robert O'Boyle, official
ing. A leceptlon followed Immediately
after the ceremony. The bride, who wore
a gown of whifp gporgctto and carried a
Jnower bouquet of orchids, roses and
Hlles of the alley, was attended by Miss
(.race Bartholomew as maid of honor.
? worp " K0,vn of orchid colored soft
silk and carried pink roses and larkspur
and llUe of the valley. Mr. William
Evans, of Xnrberth. acted as best man
After an extended wedding trip Mr
nnd Mis Folia will live nt C24 North
Fortieth street They will be at home
after September 1".
Charles W. Hargers. Jr as matron of
honor. Her gown was of orchid geor
gette and filet lace and she carried
Ward roses. The bridesmaids were Miss
Louise Debley, Miss Marguerite Ginluini
nnd Miss Doiothy Dcnltz. Their gowu
Miss Ester French hns graduated
from the Centenary Collegiate Institute
at Hnckettslcwn. N, J.
Mrs. llcoigp Meckel, of Chelsea, was
were of apricot georgette and lllet incati vlsllor In Morreslown on Monday
and they carried bouciuets of 0'1l,l!,
Hutnphrcys acted as best man, wane
Mr. Charles Hnrgens, Jr.. .Mr. Arthvir
Lukens. Mr Charles Sutllff and Sir.
Norman Seabury, of New or. wen
ushers. After an extended wedding trip.
Dr. and .Mrs. Bromell will live at -B-Wpst
Hortter street, Germnntown. They
will be at home after September 15.
The wedding of Miss Edith Russell
and Mr Neale MacNelll, Jr.. whs
solemnized nt 7 o'clock last evening in
the Overbrook Presbyterian unuicii. 1 nc
Bev. Guldo Bossard performed the rtre.
inony. Miss Flora M Barnes acted as
maid of honor, and the bridesmaids In
cluded Miss Mildred Rule, Mlsa He en
Haydni. Miss Ella Falck and Miss Helen
Barnes Mr MacNelll had as best man
Mr. Richard Longworth, and the fol
lowing acted as ushers: Mr. Charles l.
Terry, Jr. of Camden, Del. I Mr. Lynch
Evers, of New York: Mr. Edward J,
Wnlz anl Mr l-'rederlck Mllliken. After
a short wedding trip the bride and bride
groom will lie at 912 Wynncwood road.
A wedilttig of interest In this Hv and
Mlddletown. N Y, was solemnized with
nuptial mass at 'i o'clock last .Satunia
moinlng In St John's Church, Colllugs
wood N .1. when Miss Cnroln L
Ttusens. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo
.1.. 11 t.,,u r,r 402 Lincoln nu'iiup
Colllngswood was married to Mr Roheit
F Cunningham. Jr. of Mlddletown. lie
Rev Joht? O'Fanell offlclalliie. Miss
Marie Trusens was her sister maid of
honor and only attendant. Dr. Mncent
D Callahan of Uiooklyn. was best man.
The ceremonv was followed by a brpaU
fast at the Hotel Adelphla. alt-r which
Mr. Ciinnmgh.ini and his bride left for a
fortnights . tiding trip ' '1-'.."",l ' ''"
ji home aftrr June 25 at 33 Washing
ton htieel Muldlelottti
Miss Helen Huirbps entertained the
Girls' Club at her home on Monday
Among those present ueio parties I
f -r
1 rri
Mrs, It. Pettlt, Mlsa Mary Itoger. Mlirt
Marie Snyder, Miss Emllle IsConeyf
Mrs. Tl, Longncrp, Miss Agnca Qrubtt
and Mrs. J, Powell,
Mrs. George C. Gillespie and Mr.
William F. Reeve are In Wcrtreravllle.
Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Maule havs
sent out cards for a scries of garden
3flhAvtnut at 46m Strtrl ,$.)Bt
rx - .. -i
that afternoon
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest William Tall
man, of Wayne, will entertain nt dinner
at the Merlon cricket Club on S.ittirda
oenlng. Covers will bo laid for twelve
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kondrick are
occupying their new home on Golf House
road, Haverfoid. and will open their
Cape May cottage about June 28,
A tea will be given by Miss Anna
Joyce at her home, B8&5 Walton avenue,
iuhi Mrs. Richard Montgomery will
... . . nn
.liorter gnrinen -. ."" v. ;: nhMll ,i10
kiroonns are put on -i.i..h'"
"Whatlnn would ever bother to have
the "ml of hl" ski,-t jUHt PVT
said garment roc from the ground
Lc eight or ten inches revealing
Zlb- U manly calf? And yet friim
naestheti." point of view, and me, I'm
alwais nestlietip. tne grni-iui "i"
the (hnrus would be more pleasing.
I vaw it the first night nnd perhaps
tlw little uneveiitips-es and disciepan
lf, were noticed by the performers
llifm'elves nnd made right, but if they
frrn't believe me. it would ndd inucli,
,f thoe little points were attended to.
Pooh Flail, ton. for instance could not
look 10 dignified ns his part required.
with n kimono tome eight inches from
ton cround. ,
Hut wlien it enme to the voices and
ihejieting and accompanying an' every -Hang,
it was ,lmply great. And I liate
lofvrn remark the costuming of the men
in flic chorus and of i'onh V.ah, lieimi.p
.rnrtiidnp eUe wim so snlendul. Hut it
votiTied that as it wns a fault that
miild he remedied, it might be helpful
rather than otherwise.
T J1KAR the Carroll Hodges have
Irenterl llieir country hninr. (iljnwjilil.
in F!ii(liinr for the summer and will
kie on Hie 'JOth of June for Keene
Vnlley in thp Adirondacks. where they
ll! spend the month of July nnd Au
sut and part of September. Muriel
and Dorothy are finite accomplished lit
tle murrain you know, and they nre
joins to keep up their music studies
while there. F understand there is a
line trnclipi' up thpre, so that will be
"find for tlipm. will it not' They are
both members of the Junior Music Club
which ha donp Mich finp work. 1 really
ililnk Hint was a ple'id'nl ideu. starting
that dill). For the boys nnd girls have
gotten eij anibilioiis to pxcpI in thpir
arinii mw-ical purMiils and thp results
have heen absolutely rcmnrkiilile,
ireslde at the tea tallies at the' reipp
Ion by the Campus Club at the 1 Liver.
ford College commencement on l-rldav
afternoon. No Invitations haw b.-en
Issued this year, hut It Is hoped that
many of the friends of the college will
Mrs. J. B. Harding, of 2215 Walnut
street hns left the Blttenhouse, nmt m
now In San Francisco, Calif, visiting
her sister, Mrs. Keeney. and will remain
there for several months Miss Jane
Harding, daughter of Mrs. Handing is In
Palenvllle, Pottsvllle mountains, for the
Mrs. Wilson Catherwood, of 1708 Wal
nut street, is spending some time nt the
Ambassador, Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Edmund Zimmer
man' nnd their daughters. Miss IlarriPt
crazier Zlimmerman nnd Miss Anna C 1
Zimmerman, will leave Whltwoith, their!
home at Rytlal, the end of June and go'
to Maine, where they will remain until
autumn. ,
Mr. "and Mrs. Joseph B. Godwin, of I
911 Pine street are closing their town 1
house and leaving for York Haibor,
whero they will spend the summei
Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis King Carey
parents of Mrs. Percy C Madeira. Jr., I
will snend the summer at Ontario N. I
Y.. whete they hap taken n house Thev
will have Mr. and Mrs. Madeira's chil
dren with them tor some weeks. I
Mrs. Irvin T. Bleter. of Merlon, has '
taken a cottage at Atlantic City for!
tho rest of the aenson Mrs. Rioter I
will entertain nt luncheon followed by
cards on Wcdnesda.v, Juno 16, at tho
Philadelphia Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Simpson, of !
Oerbrook. aie staying at Atlantic City
for some time
Mrs. Norman MacLeod, of 2003 Wal
nut street, Is staying at the Ambas
sador. Atlantic City.
Mrs. Stanley Babson nf New York. Is
the guest of her parents. Dr. and Mrs.
Joseph Fox, at their home In Andalusia.
Mrs. Bradbury Bedell will close her
apartments at Nineteenth and Walnut
streets this month nnd go to Cape Ma,
before opening her summer home, Jack
son, N. H.
Mr and .Mrs William Cainlll. of
Rvdal. will hae motors meet the I OJ
train from the Reading Terminal at
Fifty-sixth street and Cedar inenup,
Mra Edward C. Leeds, nf 2110 South
Twenty-llrst street, has returned fioin
Ijikewood, where she has been spending
several weeks
Dr. and Mrs Frankllir Evans llo"kins
of Beirut. Syria, have Issued Invitations
for the wedding reception of their
daughter. Miss Jeanette Ives HosUlns.
and Mr Donald Whltaher Cainuliell.
which will tnlie place this evening at
from a wedding trip Doctor nnd Mrs.
Hemmer will live In Elklns Paik
A large wedding look mace last even
ing at 8 o'clock nt the First Presbyter
Inn Church, at Mount Carmel Pa . when
Mls Agnes Renn Anten. daughter ot
Mr and Mrs.' Vnrls Auten. became the
bride of Mr. George SIgler Rohert. of
Merlon, the Bev. Harold Wolf officiating.
Mr Auten gave his dnughter In nn'.
tinge. The maid of honor vn" Mls
Maviriinriin Mnrtnn. Mrs. Irvin F. Guver,
of Sunbiirv Pa., was ination of
honor The five bridesmaids were Mrs
Lemuel Burrows, or Korcsi runs nai-.j
deii", L I ; Mrs. Caleb Burchenal. of
W'lmlngtnn. Del. : Mrs Edwin R. Snang
Ice nf Ephrala. Pa. : Miss Louise Xfnn 1
01 Stmhiirv. Pa., and JIlss Florence H
Iloberis. of rprlon, Pa. Tho bridegroom
hud Mr. Arnold SIgler. of this cltv. as
best man and his ushers were Mr Henry
Fndlcott Air. Paul Freedly, Mr. Fran
cis raev Mr Henrv V. Mnssey and Mr.
Paul B 'Renn. of this city A reception
followed at the home of the bride's
,T1W''fl'",1'; of A""" J'nry S. Gniinnn
.r..fi ,Soutli Forlv-flfth street, and Dr
Wlllard S Bromell. of 025 West Hort
ter streft. took place at St Philip's
Proteslnnt Episcopal Church, Forty-sec-ond
street and Baltimore avenue, last
evening at 7'. '10 o'clock.
The In file was given In ninrrlagp br
her father Mr. Ira D. Carman The
Ro Dr Frederick Seymour officiated
A reception followed Immediately after
the .ceremony at the Rlttenhouse Hotel
The bride wore a gown of white satin
and chantlllv lace and tulle veil arranged
with orange blossoms. She carried
orchids and sweet peas In her bounuct
She was attended by her sister. Mrs
Tl,o upildini: of -JIlss lillwihelh
Carroll, of 131
and Mi Fianl
North Flfty-lirtli streft,
XI. Morris. .Ir of :.C15
Market sliei t. took place ai m i.irgn- s .
r.i..,-..i, i,-ifi.aepond street nnd Lan '
caster avenue. cstcrday afternoon at 1
o' loci; Monslgnor Drumgoole ollli ,ated
A small leceptlon followed imnirdiiilely
nfn-i the ceremony at the home of tho
brides parents, The brides only at
tendant was her Bister. Miss Anna ( ar
roll. who acted as maid of honor Mr.
Moins had for his best man Mr Stephen
Burns Mr nnd Mrs Morris left 1111
mediatelv after the .reception for 'an -
tended wedding trip through r.ariada
After September 15 they will be at home
at 2r.1 South Slxt.v-tlilrd street.
the home nt Mr and Mrs; yllllam Lodge. parents nt 21 East Mount Carmel avenue
urccniiui.ii. n uii'ini, i. .1. . inn mi After a wedding trip Mr ana .Mrs. 1.00
Hosklns, the bride s bi other, will ni r ve crts w, 1)ve nt xnrberth.
In a few das fiom Beirut to gne his
sister In marriage ,.., ,,,,mn
Mr and Mrs George Fritz Chandler ! MacI.NTtRE McLLOD
of 1728 Rlttenhouso street, will close wedding of Interest In this city and
their homo the last of June and open 1 In Oaklyn. N J. Is that of Miss Buth
their cottage ai Jamestown. McLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WIN
JTjfafiri. J T. .!'j
1122 Chestnut Street
Special Reductions in Bags
Imported Beaded Bags Half Price
June Clearance, S25.00 to S35.00. RcRiilnr Prices,
$,-)0.00 to $70.00
rCmbraciiiK all the colors of tlio Orient, floral effects
and uncommon fantastical designs, these baps arc truly
remarkable values. Shell frames arc featured, while all
over beaded with drawstrings arc shown, and they arc
all beautifully lined and fitted with purse and mirror.
Moire Silk Bags Reduced
June Clearance. S4.95. Regular Prices, $6.75
Navy, black, brown nnd taupe moire silk bags are silk
lined, fitted with puie and mirror and feature secret
M nnd Mis lieorce Worthincton
Lawyers Hill Elkridge, Md.. nnnouir
'a rnc.igement of their daughter. Ml
Man Worlhlngtnn. to Mr. Edward He.--ilecW
Morris son of Dr and Mrs. Ellis
Inn ,1 Morris of 128 South Eighteenth
Mrfti Hns fitj
Mr nd Mis, W W. Atternurv, of
P"uHlnnt Farm, Radnor, will give a
"Inner iUni at the Merlon Golf Club
on IXd.ij June 25.
Im nations liao been Issued bv Mr.
and Mr. Herbert Lincoln Clark for thp
manlagp of their daughter, Miss Marys
Pmon ciaiU. to Mr (ieorgp Harrison
Vrj.ier ,li on Thursdav, Junp 24. in
're ChuHli or tlio Redpcmer. Bryn
Maur iii.,.ptin Wlll follow at t 30
';ro(K at the home or Mr and Mrs.
ivi'lce ,1 WililB Martin and
1214 Walnut St.
Also a Store at .
Allentown, Pa.
Special Sale
These suits are be
ing disposed of at n
great reduction to
make room for our
cxn.uis.ito summer
r. $9JS
mk SS.25
. v
Always Signify
Substantial Savings
and you have the satisfying
knowledge that the original
prices on this footwear were low
er than you could purchase them
for elsewhere.
Lesser Prices With
Greater Values in This
Fine Feminine Footwear
(A) Hand-Turned French I Iff I Oxloid, Black
Calf or Patent Coil, S0.75.
D) Gray or Ivory Kid, Palent or Dull Calf,
(C) Brown or Black Buck. Patent Colt, $8.25.
ID) Brown Kid or Tan Calf, $975.
IF. Tan or Black Calf, $8.25.
(Fl Tan or Black Calf, Pa'ent Colt, $8.23.
(Gl Brown or Black Buck, $3.25.
tH) Thro Tie, Brown Suede or Brown Kid with
Suede Back, $G.00.
mm? X1PW7 riirc; v u
1 fffl for m
M Fall and Winter, 1920 . 1
' IkM Advance and exclusive models in all tejl I
WM9M 1 for your approval. . il .
fgsk i M - ml '
ja m jummer mats Ml
. "ne Chertak-Wenscr Models this A0W
k Summer exceed all previous JWM I
v seasons in new thought w '
kvV an originations S
1 House of Wener
jjOMk l.,u,,.,ll,.,u1x, mt!uD walnut ot.
) jrjfk'' I
ilfjp- - -
to match or harmonize
'Tis a Feat to Fit Feet
The Big Shoe Store
1204-06-08 Market Street
The Store of Perianal Serrlci
1310 Chestnut Street
A Sale of Silk Skirts
$1 Sandal 9
S25 and $29.50 Values
The models:
Knife, box pleated and plain
tailored styles. All most vari
ously developed.
The materials :
Baronettc satin, "Fan-ta-si,"
tricolette, crepe dc Chine, Geor
' gette crepe, Kumsi-Kumsa.
The colors:
White and all of summer's love
liest tones. All sizes.
Special Sale of
Summer Hats
Values at $16.5075 Hats Only
Just opened, fresh from the de-
White and pastel shades in Geor-
gettes, and navy and light colors ,J
in foulards and taffetas.
igner's band boxes l Sports and ; I i ! A
Iress models of ultra mode. ' J , f '
i I
Of originality and superior workmanship, Clicrtak
WeiiKcr hats arc a supreme pxprpssion. In the always
interesting window of thi Hoube of Wenprer one iinaria
bly finds grouped sccral models of cxquiMlu distinctive
lines noi duplicated in any other shop, so that even ultra
fashionable women aie finding it quite as advantageous to
-hop for millinery at 1229 Walnut street as upon Fifth
avenue itself. That i.- one of the satisfying character
istics of Walnut htrcet its cosmopolitan taste. Upon
the second floor of the House of Wenger are those mar
velous Wenger furs. .lut at present Mr. Wenger is
taking orders for the coming season, at prices consider
ably lower than these anticipated for the latter months.
Many of his patrons aii' taking advantage of this oppor
tunity. That good little shop of Str-i !ing'., at 1210 Walnut
trcpt. is still celebrating the fifth ear of its entrance
into the field of distinctive icadv-mado clothing for
women. In honor of the occasion it has some pnr
ticularl; good values and reduction. For example, there
is a generous group of frock", mainlv satins, georgettes
.mil taffetas, i educed to S-ITi f , om prices as high as 5".'i;
.md another group, splendid nay tricotine suits at 00.50,
ictiuccd frpm original prices of ?!I0 to S12o. Then, atop
ir t hi.-, if you please. U a 20fc discount! When this is
tnken oir the gaunonts are doublv bargain, and tho
it nation is highly interesting, especially ulirn you con-miIpi-
that all tho garments arc in excellent taste and
made along good lines.
The correct gilct.- and neckwear add an imalunblc dim
inution to the costumes with which they are worn. In
tin "Paii- Shop of America," J. M. Gidding's, in the Ritz
Cnrlton. at Rroad and Walnut St-., there i- a collection
of gifu in which is shown the mo:-t exclusive models de
signed. There aie flesh, cream, and white organdie-,
li'my nrt- which add the la-t touch of daintine.-s and or,
nu -hould -ec the beautiful, bcnutiiul Intc- in them.
"Mostly real filets.. Irish, Valenciennes, etc. And tiles'"
gikt- aie made to fit most of them having well-made
sleocless hodicr- of -elf material. There are front fa
tening nnd back fa-tcning models among them and de
signs for both youthful and mature frocks.
Mai tens and Ru-ian sables are not the only small
furs being worn this -ea.son, fisher is taking not a few of
the lain els. lt htia the advantage, too, of costing less
than the sables and of being which some women con
sider desirable about twice as large. Most of the fisher
neckpieces for present and earl fall wear consist of but
one -Km. but occasionally two aie joined. There is no fur,
I understand, that wears so well except the sturdy mink.
The li.-her pieces are about 7 inches wide and come in
varying lengths. They tange in price from $150 to S.fJ.i.
Fisher raccoon, a very good fur, conic at K100 and $1 "().
Fiher fins at these particularly interesting prices aif
to be found at that good shop of Siefeits, M20 Walnut
stieet. Some women prefer a fisher piece to inaiten
because one fisher often takes the place of two martens
and co.-ts not ;o much.
TIipi-p is no frock coolei or inoie serviceable than a
'oulard and it i a wise woman who ha- one in In i ward-jtV
ohe for all-round practical wear ami comfort. L. Ston
t Co.. at i:!0i! Walnut Street, is having a mot surpiisi. ,
clearance sale of over two hundred foulard frocks, ma
of them one of a kind, at the ridiculously low pi ice of $2t
each. There aie frocks suitable for all types of women
nnd there are practically all sizes. The dresse inc. such
bargains that, in order to bo fair to his putinns, Mr.
Stone finds it necessary to sell but two of ihc-e frocks to
a customer.
Week of
V u
Values lo $80
An Extraordinary Attraction for One Day Only
f I .,
XP" t , dr&w
MTt , - Ktf)L