'V. . V' ". Kw, w r.r i t. ftfir .V' 1J 1 . 7- rr F i Bf. ft- C ft I Wf v iyr '-?;, r . t, , TOtnins JJubltc ffic&aer PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY CtMJB II. K. CUnTlH, PnicMnKNT fie It. T.udlnnton, Men President! C Martin. Heeretnry and Trcnimreri r. wcnunii, John U, Williams, jonn J. on. Directors. wnrrnntAt. nn.inti '"-ijgPflN i v (3L..,..P,,,S " K- "l'RTi, Chairman ? HAVID H, SiriLKY Editor aOHN"C MATlTtN ClencrM Hulness Mer. . . t'tffe-ltj.'l.ftrl flaltt. t ttiti,. t.i-ruirn tlilll.llnr. ,';,. IridVpnn.Mnco Ho.unrr Philadelphia, IV itf.NTio CttT. ... I're-irtiloii llutMlnr 'r'gw Tonic 304 Mmllsnn Ave. JTAbTrmt i .701 Foril HultdltiB '' A T.i I.OUIB, . 100S Fiillorton llnlldliig ,' CtltCAOO .. . . 1.108 Tribune Uulldhis "M Jv,MINtOM IICDPAU, t I V. El fnw T.n.t.l .... 1.. ...1 tllh Hi 'u , -fiKyr Toiik Hcrrao The sun Hulldlng , '. .C. . Hutiscnii'TioN n.vrr.s . . .s4 riA lvwwft.. t,.,n. . r f.u.M. I. r.ifl in f.. fubecrlher In Phlla.Miihln nnd surroundlim !J M' nbl to the rnrrlor r OVBr mull to points outnlrte t.f 1'hUidMnliin, lit lfi'h trnltrd 8tatr Canndn or t'nltpd i"iw roMtiiions. posiBRr ire nny .m"i nti i per month Six (Itl) dollars pfr er 2abin in dvnf , , ,, To I1 forclKn rountrlns ono (JO dollar I rr- month. ' Notio ) Snl)crlhri wlhlne address, hnccd mu.t ivp old a well a nrw ad REIL, S00O TALMJT KrTONV. MAIN 3000 VT Adttrras nil cnmmtislrotfut' to r.ituing Public Ledger, wiftiftirfr ner Square, rnttoifrfpMa. Member of the Associated Press THD ASSOCIATED PRESS is fxolKsifcj entitled to the me for republication of nil tictcn dispnlchei credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the local ncics published therein. All rights of tepublicatwn of special dispatches hetein are alio reserved. Phllidflpliii. Thuridij. June 10. IMd A FOUR-YEAR PROGRAM FOR PHILADELPHIA Thine on which the nunilf xpect the new nilmlnlstrntlnn to conrrn- trate Its attention: The Delaware river bridae. A drydock bl iiionuft ' oceommo rfoto the latecst ships. Development of the lapid transit sys tem A conuenttott hall A buildinn lor the rree Library. An Art Museum IMJaracmcnt a thr u (if rr supply Homes to accommodate thr population. A NEW NUISANCE WITHIN the hist few mouths u par ticularly detestable tpe of petty criminal has appeared in tins city. Slnco the first week in Mav not fewer than thirty false iire alarms have been turned in by mental defe.tU.-. who i Kccrn to believe that t men f the nervicn haven't enough to do in assum ing the risks and hardship- of their dally ork. it was n false alarm that k cost the life of Milford DorlT. a hose- man, whose machine wiik struck l a 'strain the other night while it was b. mg llrlvcn at full speed in Kensington. ' v. J . .... i :.i...u .. itli it nn BV "V AUtOUlODlie ju.iriu.-i.-5 """ " . Terted sense of Humor nrc uuiui-.i UIU.".... ".- .. , . , nnthnritles for the increasing num ber of false tire calls. To provide a moment's diversion for these idiot-, men in various tire statious who mav have Nbecn overworked all day are deprived of an opportunitv to rest: the tue seiv ' Ice is confused and the city has to pay the cost of unnecessarv wear and tear on valuable equipment. If n few of the criminals arc caught and properly railioaded tlie practice can be stopped. Citizens everywhere who appreciate the work done bv the men of the lire department ought to do every thing possible to aid the police and tlie mini themselves in the effort to jail "th'ose who seek such n costly form of amusement. THE CARUSO ROBBERY PITY the sad plight of an unfortunate tenor who pays an Income tax of only about .$l.r0.000 a vear Knnoo Caruso, the leading opiratie male of his . 1. .n.n linnli tint 111 tllll nf i-M nine, huh uKuin u. ..... V thieves, this time to the tune oi .vhhi.- 000, if the imagination of the reporter who "covered" tin- sensational news tidbit Tv'as not working overtime 'This is bv no means the tiist ex perience of Mr. Caruso with thieves, not taking into consideration the well known and often fervcutlv ,)ies-ed Fcntiments of the average musical artist. as well as those above tlie average, toward the whole tribe of managers and impresarios. Three times his villa near Florence in Itah lin- been rnn aacked and everv tiling that was not nailed down was taken Then a jcar .ago came n most distressing experience with a "work lommittee" which "com mandeered" from I lie hapless tenor thirty barrels of wine and an automo bile. Mr. Caiusn has every reoson to believe that that committee was fullv living up to its name, at Wa-t in the way he was "worked " He may get the auto back, hut if the Supreme Court ,ot Italy has followed or intends to fol- i' . n.1 i.. ..f ,v.i- htii,m i ,u United Stat.B thr liquid portion of the, foramandeered good- has long Slnrc irrigated arid traits of various Italian , " "J ,,., unaiomu . Not so long since jewel rohhenis were tlie BtoCK ill trnue oi ine cin-rgeiie I)reN igents for prima donnas, espe.-iallv at a time Wlien luscious .ou.ui. is ming in ho hnlmice Tint Mr. Ciiniso needs n,, the bnlatice. jlut r n i- n . -Is n Mich aid. His .ontrmts ne nlrcndv ..IsanAfl onil ii r tlttll f nj t llli Ii mil. n k . make the hard-working iKnisehi raker lick bis chops and wonder ho soon he can find tlie strong box again inade quately guarded. However, tlieie will uiidoiilmijlv he come low brows who with it siothng li regard of tlie high o-t it t.nnr will Insist that Mi Cmimi Im- himself pointed the wav to In- own undoing. Three thousand dollm- n peifonniim . to say nothing of Hn '-I'lOnii n ioihmi which our Cuban tiiotlieis are now pitying (again if Hie pics agent s nn Agination iegistei- noiiiuili. does wm (1 bit high. Nevertheless. Hie getting is gpod for the gieat singer, and no ono cau blame him for taking advantage of it. And it must be con. i dec! that if npy singer in the world h worth tins money, Knrico Caruso is Hint person. WOMEN AT CHICAGO ANV ONE who piefers tu be inter- csted in politics rnthcr than in poll ticlnna-r-and there is a vast diffcrem e 'liptwcen the two could do worse than ntudy the alms mid manners of women vho arc in Chicago as othcial or un official repri'seutntivcs of the siiffiiiKe nrlnciple. If is clear that the suffiagc lenders nrc proceeding with viiuli.ni. The ate nqt very definite when they speak of u familiar issue like the League of Na tions. Thev (lie obiiousl uncertain about a good many things Hut about oue thing they are Mire and decided They want good labor laws to protect .11 ..lkllflAn nml thev wilflt women ti-irl X) .m. In ull ttwlntttrien tirnnerlv nmim.tt.ii -, ITB ... a... .B.H...,r- ...w.-.-j .... ss.su, 's . A .1.... ... .ttl (In, 1m ........ .. iVHHWI fVJ JB .,niiui ill vrii) wnj tlicy know Jo linvc n plnnk In tho 0 O. P. platform Hprcssivo of this Itrncral itini. Women Imvp not iiccfi mnkliiR any "IiIr" Hpppehri nt t'liicnpn. Tlipy may nricr make any. The.v linvo keen In stincts imtl tlicy mny distrust n tnctliod of ppi-viiatioii tlmt is notoriously tip pptidptit mi votiml rather limn on IorIi1. Yrt uonipn nrp making their Influence fplt. mid thorp enn be little doubt tlint tlie plunk rut to meet their denmnds will lie inserted somewhere in the new ''hictiRo platform. And why shouldn't it he so inserted V Ale children less lin- i (itutiuit than the tarilT 01 innne.i V Are , Ihey less nlunblo. een an a national 1 asset? The rare of life is (lie tirst con- eem of all women ind tliev never fail to use each new weapon somehow in that ervic( Tijr WAnrc ADC UAMP.tMr. ... .....H'W ...... ..... .. ov l, , rvrnnnuic ON BY THEIR EYEBROWS , , ,. . Yesterday's Victory In the City Conv mittcc Disclosed the Weakness of Their Position TUT. oiitideut belief that the Vnre polilnnl mitchitip had been destiojed, entertained us n result of tin eitrlj pri iidi i x leiiirns snnip weeks ago. is not wlioll.x jusiiiied b. tho o'ltcomc. It was tin n said tha' the anti-Vaic forces Inn iiiiried the city committee and that Oniric. Delany had been nominated for Congress in the Third district in opposition to Harry Hanslej. These things snenud to be indicated on the face of i lie returns. The olln ml count, however, lias given the nomination to .Mr. Ilansiey b. a small mnjorit The con outness of this count is disputed and ariatigements are making to open the ballot -boxes in cer tain illusion- in order that the basis for the charge Hint large numbers oftvotes for Mr Delanj wie mil counted may be investigated. Hut ci'ii though Mr itnuslev should 'lnull reeeivi th rtitieiitc of nomina tion, 'there lm been a victory for the opponents of the Vare macliine. .Iildgp l'atteisoii can led tlie di-liid in the mnjornlu primnrj last jenr by 10.IM)0 votes. This pro-Vnre majority has been re duced in the space of a few months to a paltry hundred or two. Thin should bo cneoiiwigiiig In every opponent of the contractor leginie. and it should impel nil tho-' who wih to free tlie oit fiom the disgrace of con tractor domination to keep up the tight, whether tlie tinnl count gives the nomi nation to Mr. Hansley or to Mr lelan. Tlie contractor macliine ninnot work , . If the were compose! .rclv f , -, .. """ ' "'"' "" "'""' : reform, the prospect for a .nnliuminee of the tight would not be brilliant: but . . ,. l,.ll mere uic -,,. ,.All ....,,,. , ,..,.- ticiansnrra.vou against m- -- l". tic.ans who play he game twentv .four I Hours a iav nn.. ... ...ii- .. ,.. , . x tlie ircum-ianccs ine lures nan iieiiir get all the comfort possible out of the situation tin- summer. The success of tlie Vines in mgan i.ms tlie ltipubliiiiu city committee vcstcidn.v was won b.v mi narrow a mar gin that the.v were do kering for luir monv before the meeting was called to order. Tliev found themselves ion fronted by a solid block of representa tives from twent.v -one wards determimd to tight. Hut thej were aide to elect the chairman of tlie committee. It 1- veal- since there was so Inige a number of anti-Vare men in the com mittee. The dominant ton in the orgnuiiitinu have in the past been in the habit of putting ever tiling thinugh anv nnracr ncxi nine mini '' '" humanit as well. The other features this spring, but its opponent- are , pa ()f li(l ,.,.,., srl . ,,, ,.,.,, f ble of much greater effort than tin- ,,.,.,, ,,,.., 1)nsll, P,1K,, of have vet put forth. .service, the sale of farm land nnd the oi irn.wuK .-....... oi, .....-.... M .iKwni.L. intiiig president of Ittee bv stliet-roilei methods I , .... .... direction of the commnnd. r ' f' "."j lul ".J""1 "W" " '.n alion of steam ,oliers. Ann- , . k1,,l ,'" ' h,PI,,K" "'"i T. '' the comin under the of n buttal Vine representatives ftom two or three winds legallv elected to the committee last j car hnve not leu allowed to take their seats and I lie f w independents on the committee vxeie ignored as com pletely as though tlnv did not exist. Keoignnirntion of tin parti- machin ery has renchisl that stage where the men who nie in i ontrol in the city committee dare not puiue their former tactics. Thev iiiniiot silence twenty one wards, and tliev are dependent for the i xtension of their lease of power on the -upport of three men with inde pendent b linings who are liable at any time to swing oei into tue opposition. The virtm of tin- situation lies in the fm t tint it forces the majority to re spect the rights of the minority and makes the lommittee a representative ImmI'- for the tu-si lime since the con tractor macliine ot it- grip on the city organization The., Vine organization is holding on (o porter bv its ciehiowH. To call its i succis, ot vestPKi.iv a victory is to mis- " ''; I-uslisti language. It was the kind f j i.-topv that w worse than n ,"''p" 'J' '""" f',r " l'biti the weuk- li'ss of the iniiclnne and reminds every ic it i(, ln,PIPSr,, , its rnmplete w t(in thU n th,lt IlP(.0Ssar, ,, ; (n ri .H.r. ,,,,. ,. the tight with vigor and i n!irM,, ,s more than three venrs , , ,, MX tllol),,s vet to serve, and during , , r,lfl,p XPnr, ,,, fontrnPtor organiu - . . . tion must starve save as the county ue- partmetits may be abb- now and then to ilnow it n nit ot sustenance jiut long In fore those three years and bix months have expind there will he an other election ot members nf the city ominittee. 1'iepaiatioijs for the cam paign an- even now under wav The twentv-one wards now held bv the iinti Vnie fon es will lontinue hostile to the contractor oigunizatinn All tlint is niiess;n is in rani four more winds. Then when the committee or- gniH7.es next ,'mi tin defeat of Hie nie- will be iiimpleie. And it w ill Imvi been acconiili.slied w ithin less than I two nars since the tight began i The iirnspectH are certninlv good. There i- no icason for any one to be disiiitiinged And theie is no dangei rl..i (In. vir'ilnnee of the lenrler i ttm tight will be lelaxed foi an instant duiing the cjiniuB months Thev hove set out to free the citv from the dls ,.,..,. ,.f domination bv a mmr,,.,,, oigniiiyation and thev will not let 1 .1 1...... L..n. nml.,1 11 II 1 1 1 III', ,H,' "II. ' ,,, ,,!,. THE DECLINE OF ORATORY ALL speeches delivered thus far at tin- Chicago ((invention have heen in on'' way or another disappointing. ,- a v.ibnl ntta. k in force, Mr Lodge's kenote speech had some of Hie quali ties of giiutness It was nrdenl in its w-iiv Hut 11 vvii- not 111 the tine sense a keviiote speeih lieiuuse Itepuhlicaiis throughout the tounti.v liave more to do than continue temperamental cpinr rcla with a President who will goon i-ve office for private life. One miisht I rt , w" . . m it'll...... .in " -jf sk wnat " " "ou" ""iings, ucn EVENING PUBLIC ns tlicy nrr, mnttor nov7 Thry nrc in the past. The mind of the Republican party ought to be on the future. 01crvers who have been listening to Senator .lohnsou nrp not disposed to consider him a crcat speaker. Itorah is regarded as a far better man for the plntforin. He is nhlo to get along with out the help of platitudes and be hns the ability to reach behind the mind of a erowd and touch the spilngs of Its emo tion. rt llorah has not yet taken the convention or imj of Its groups by storm Tliese are times when grent speeches might be expected. If a mnn hns nn ministration, especially in adjustment nbillty to feel deeply he can find moving! to new social and llnnncial conditions, inspiration on every sid nt home nnd the piesent pressure for nn ever more abroad. Is it noieWy ,to believe, popular education, the development into then, that oiator.v is going out? Is the I "" '""",'; '"l'lity of schools am ... , . ....- r.n...o !- 'courses, he question of keeping good race of Webster- cone forever? Cer- . ,. ',.., f .'i,i',1i tnlnl the political method of the times , does not emetirnge It. Ill earlier gen- (rations men who could master great nudienccs were powers in affairs. To HWny a crowd like that which Is assem bled at the Coliseum, a speaker has to have nn agile mind Hint keeps always n lean ahead of the minds of Ills hearers, and he needs, besides, quick sympathy and drlviug lomiitiou A i toll vocnbu lar.v will do him no harm Nowada.vs his triumph would be for a moment, for it is the thinkers in the game, who seek victor rntlier than glory, who rule. They surround tlie delegations with safeguards and haribrs to make stam pedes Impossibli Even since llr.vnn appeared with the one great speech of his Kfe the methods of conventions have changed. Political leaders of the first clas do not aluu.vs take even their own speeches seriously. Thov prefer shut and subtler ap proaches to a given end The last four years were such as should inspire greut speechi.s. There was bitter lighting in tlie Senate ami hen debate, and the Congressional Record wi.s fattened by otig addris-ts. Patnotic conviction was not bv an.v means lucking in Con gress. Hut in all the Senate record there wus not one speei h gieat enough to rank with those that were commonly henrd nbove the stonns through which the nation moved when Washington, Lincoln and their associates guided it on the wa.v to its vtiength and its glory. THE LEGION AND THE BONUS THK high patriotism of the Philadel phia posts of tlie niericiiu Legion was strikingly shown in the decision of two of tliein to oppose Hie proposed cash bonus nt the coining state (onclnve. There can be no possible objection to the federal government doing every thing within its powers for tlie ex service men, for tliei dcsciip all that can be done, not onh at the hands of till!,,. .,,, (Tnl n.liliii.itl Ki, C...... nil ....... .,,,11 1,,,-IIIIIK-lll, I'll, ll,ri, ,1 plr,.,m f ,lnm,s (n'v ("in III-" "l I I I I UK -s (1 1 ( I I I (....I proper Minn deserve general siippoit , p .,,., of ( ns) ,inmi u ' nffrnli.. ifl , .,, ,.. ,, , ' .....v. fos(1 um mn 1(,tho M,n(i ir )( (,)(, pumie. These men gave , n iocs which , ,,,,, n(.vr ,,. ,, ,,, ,, . if tll),n, n)i, nn ,.,, ,,., s there are pitutical difficulties in tin iiij which niiike the bonus plan nlniosi mi possible at this time It is gieath to rtie iiedil of tin American Legion Hint the bonus is op posed hi so mini of those who stand for iiiiiih. both in tlie legion itself and in i ivil life. As for Hie assertion that tin plan wns suggested for political purpose-, the politicians might hs well mulct stand once for all thai TIIK AMinilf'AN LLOION IS NUT lTlU SALL The same high motives which actuated its (onduct in war will hold it in safe path- in peace $2500 FOR COMMON LABOR rnilwav labor boind award- a minimum of SU.'OO n eai to Kinimnu labor on the railroads the union will not try to pre vent Kx members from sinking. Mr. Jewell would do well to remember that no strike i.m Minerd unless it is bucked by public s,vmpnthv If he be lieves that the public will support the demand of inmuiori labor foi SUoOO a year he is suffering ftom i.n overdevel opment of credulitv and an atrophy of common sensi The aveiage inioiiK f professional men the cnuntiv over -the law.vers. the doctors, the dergvmMi and the school touchers is less tluin the sum asked for the railroad laboreis. 'these men, who hnve hnd to -pend -everal .venrs in preparation tor their professions, vvjll certainly withhold tlieir support from the strike. The bank i lerks. tlie small nierehantc. tin indlev iar conductors and niotorinen tue printet-, the farmers nnd tlie fai in Inliorus. to whom .S2.100 would nn nn Iiimim me iI;pj to say to themselves that lime should be an ill ciease in then income before the mil -road woikir- an- nested as genciously us the.v nie .ukui; to be treated. The movement by A (iiarrful the alumni of the Tribute I'niversity to pre sent to lrovost Smith n portrait of h mself for which lie sat last winter is ,i becoming tribute to notn ine pcrs.iniiin v oi uoctor nmiin I nnd , i,,. Wlllk allll lovnltv t0 thp i r n,Versiu ot I', nnsvlvanin for fort I ... .' both the pcrsiiniiiitv of Uoctor Smith enr- lime i little doubt Hint the opportunitv to partu ipate in this grace- fill n.t vvill be seued hv those who hnd the adiiiiitage ot .ontiiit with the prov ost s toripful but genial personality Theie is boon to be Id eiing n great conference of the allied miners nt in'' uiin ii )nnisini li.-inise of ihe failiiie of the .1.. i-..i,..i si.. ...., p.i treatv ll.-f il II, I lull s ini- , in in, iiuii'i will In i niiipelli d to as-iime the position ot a helpless lookei -on And who will .1. in Ki tlmt ilwie will be n cleat deal , , ,. ,n u0t i. permitted to sec' i We lin e .xT.'O.IKJU.llllO I war duiiuiges to worn about, among other things. v, ei we innnoi i ven press that claim as iniiiteis stand and we mav even be asked to waive it altogether! Sharks, -ays the A Difterrnie headline over a ili- ' I""' ' t''""'!.' of Hie ' ""' '" ",,",-, ho ro ,"',1'!? "''' , ich-s in . il and things out of the deep l " .. t.t nw. ' i.wi II linn k ol mini IlriM1 up' ' Ull'r " " 'T " . '1'ini me ait' nniMi iiiiMfuiiiuK- wnr inigm have -imposed, after a first glance, tins install, c. that protileers weie te forming, though the reference was to the relatively gentle and amiable shark thai swims in the sea. Political poker has Still In the Deck its own rubs. "Piek an 1111 111. ihle pair." phones Penio-e Not cwn Hie Hlg Three can beat 1 lint hand Ilul wh.re i- it'.' ' I want peine, ' siijh Oh, t'ertalnlj I Mr are He wanla the sort of nearc Hist the cat enjojs after it cats the canary . I : ." . uuc 1 iLEDGElPHiLADELVHIA, iHBSDAlr TONE 10, i92fO THE GOWNSMAN An Epilogue for Collegians TIIK fiownsmon heard n man whose opinions he respects: declare the other day. "I would rather nccept the presidency of the United States than risk becoming thp president of any ono of these greoter institutions of learning which are now seeking n head." Ills remark was bnsed on u recognition of the difficulties attending ".diversity nil- ,,, unmf. ,cn f nromj,p , venture nto jti nui ,mny m0rc like problems. That then should lie nearly n score of universities and colleges the presi dencies of which nie now vncant speaks for the reality of these difficulties. It may be easier to find men capable thun men willing to undertake such burdens. Politics i- easier, for whatever their Im perfections both the states nnd the na tion nie poissed of constitutions, if not nlwii vcr.v sound ones, ltusiiiess lias its procedure nnd its rewards for talent, ns have thp protcssions. i.vcn scholniship hns its rompensntions, if no inoie than in the excitement of snatching time for it between class looni and clas-room. The college pres ident ha- onl honor, and not nlwa.vs that nt home. IN THK old days the college president was n dignified elderly gentleman, more or le-s of the clerical type, pos sessed of the graces which adorn the dinner table ami able to discourse edu cational platitudes offhand with charm and effect It was he who represented tlie college in its outward aspect to the woi Id, the public aspect which was ll-.il -ailv an intenollegiate f unit ion Involv - Ling the wearing of a gown. It vvns he. too, who lepresentcil ine conege in us business relations, socially tempered through a board of overseers or trus tees, and it wns lie who vvns always ready to meet admiring visiting uliimnl, whether the come individually to see the old place and chat over what it was In the time of Doctor Wank or met collective! nt commencement to tell wherein the College of Wlierevcritis bad the lead in Creek or "the bulge" In athletics over this or Hint dilatory lival "no more, sir: over even Harvard herself:" To his faculty the old-time president was a bit of u martinet; for, after all. it was onl through him Hint the (otihl exist, much less enjoy nny contact with those heads of letinement and icvenue. their governing bonrd o overseirs. And the president wns jenl ous that onl he should charm the funds out of reluctant pockets wherewith to build a new dormiloi.v or found a pro fessor.slnp of ornamental uselesness, let us Mi, of (il.vptlcs. WITHOI T pursuing this pleasing poilinit of a gentleman of the old school anv fiirlhei. it must be obvious, even to little .olligian-. that these are not preci-elv the circumstances of today. No universit presidency, not even the president v ot that darling of our dreams, the small college whiili we arc nlwa.vs 'eekiug to make bigger is a sinecure for a dilettante to pla.v with. The inii versitv has become a great and complex mechiiiiisin. bigger and inoie complex than a battleship and quite as unlikely to run snfel.v and without accident in the linnds of amateur ignorance nnd ex perimentation. It might seem obvious, but it is a point which even no needs emphasis. Hint vou i hoo-e n lnwer whin voiir pleading i- in court and n surgeon when Hie question of being cut up becomes a personal one. There nrc even some of us who prefer, ns at least safer in the event of contingen cies, n piofcssional guidance on the wuv into the next world. The why run a universitv as bus often been done by an amateur hand? When n railroad president is in que-tion. do its owners ordinarilv seek the foremost admiral in the niiv.v or look for an eminent I'gjptologist'' Or do tin prefer Mime one bred in Hie railroad business or nt least at home in tho-e stupendous piob lems of finiiuie, which, to the unini tiated, seem closely akin to tlie problem, how lo urn two trains in opposite di rections nt the same time and on the i-anio truck. Till, flovvnsmnii is willing to giant that the financing of a university is no menu subject on which to exercise the ingenuitv of tlie fiunm ml mind. The philosophei might find tin niohlem in the nroverb ft nihiln nihil fit. Hut finnuce is a generii matter, as applicable to a railroad as to a universit and pos sibly not moie nmpli x in the one case tlinii in tie otlu r IMiuntionnl prob lems nrc the real university problems, nnd educntionnl problems ore specific, that i- within Hie piovinee of the rx peit and within Hie province of the edu cational expeit alone TIip Gownsman still avows his inipnrtialitv and renffiims hi- statement that he lias no candidate for anv one of the -iore of college presi dencies which are now going begging in the mints of the woild. The fitting of n head on even ilie smallest of our freshwater collegis might well be a task to puzle the best nf us Your humble Onwnsninn leaies n to lon-tituted nil- tlioiit.v with all the o.s that appertain thereto. Me nn- no hankering to go out into the world ii liiad-liuuter A FINK Hung was said the other day to whii h the (.owiisnian gives his lietntv approval And it was this, that when we know who is to be our guide be it in Penusv Ivnni.i or anywhere else let us give bun our unqualified support And when we know what I to be our path, let us proceed along it unitcdlv ami m the harmony of a per fect lo.wiltv When the great ear cif the universitv shall move forward ngnin on its progress for the Oownsmnn does not believe that we shall hnve to throw in the reverse -win n we pass on to Hip even Iniger and truer usefulness, let theie be no dissent among Us. no repin ing It wus pleasant traveling in tlie duvs of stage i .inches nnd there vvns I lime to make inunv lasting friend-hips along the wav (tin travel is swilter. harder linstiei nml some things we unve - - - - - i ,i I'd; (sue. iiillv m the amenities on the road Ilul thoiisnnds can tiavel now i i r i t 11 1.. Wlieie onn ine iiivokii lew coillil ;n i"-- tore and ivi not onh coier moie ground lis cfie. tivel It not mine so, but VI e arrive at oui icspective destinations with a sientei n guhirit and success. In all the .Images and adjustments of life theie hi loinpcnsiiitionH, difficult as It is for some of us to accept them. All change is not for the wotse. In the chance- of . Iiange there is life. In the eternal il rio there is but one thing, I and that I- death , The clcrgvman who n-ked the invocation at Hie Chirago (on- dust a bisp.r Itejthes Heaven I vention rehearsed Hie in Pr,1NPI '" lllP ll"11 "" In,"'y ln or,"pr as lie explained, 10 nun oui now lciudlv it would be necesary to speak to have all the delegates hear him." To make some politicians hear a prayer it would be necessary to ask assistance from Stcntor himself. An Albany (N. Y ) 11 ooi 1 1? Ouili! inn n who attempted to transport 100 gal lons of whiskv thioiigh Pennsylvania was not mil fined WOO by n Williams nnrt court, hut Hie whisky and his automobile weie confiscated. As he was net back ntiotii $.iim, it win on au mttted thnt there was some kick to that ioMslcv. i" 'A" SHORT CUTS The keynote, ni it were, goes to protest. Already this year summer lias come about three times. Hut perhaps it Is tho strong arm of righteousness, Mr. Vare. Wood continues to gain strength in the New York Tribune. Yesterday vvns Announcer Doorkeeper Flnley's busy day. nnd Johnson, having enough rope, Is doing what is pxpreted of him. Kverythlng a politician avoids, Hoover palnsfnkingly performs. A recent decision assures that the nineteenth will eventually be a dry hole. Most nf thn nfrtttnrr nnlnta In HlP Lodge keynote speech seemed to land j on the President. Therp are -planks nnd hammers j cnniipii. i-ernnps tlie pintiorm mnKcrs ran out of nails yesterday. Director Furbush would have us believe that local rats are as destruc tive ns dishonest politicians. Mr. Johnson has ngnin proved him self a pnst master in the nrt of nying nothing in mouth-filling phrases. Sherlock Holmes dopestcrs iu the Wood camp are convinced Hint Watson hns come forwnrd with tlie needle. Why not let Henry Cnhot Lodge nnd Woodrow Wilson go behind the burn nnd fight it out between them selves? Delegates ma.v have spent the night wondering whether tlie League of Na tions plnnk would bo solid oak or weather boarding. Penrose's remarks concerning nn "invincible pair" aic causing the elect to wonder what kind of political poker the "old man" is pin.vlng The Old (Juard now has its big chance to elimlnnte Ilooier. He in so little of a politician that lie won't take the nomination if he doesn't like the plntforin. Another gratifying test of the in telligence of Hie delegates was its henrty applause at the declaration of Senntor Lodge that the permanent ihairmau would make no specdi. The Internal Revenue Department is preparing to send "ll.ving squadrons" into nil the lnige cities to pursue delin quent taxpayers. It would be interest ing to know the amount of Hie tnxes collected ns compared with the cost of the "squadrons." If jou would know what a ical dilemma can be like don't lo k to the iniitiiigers of tlie Omagn convention. Take a moment to consider the opti mists of the brewing "ndustry who have been making oceans of rcnl beer for New York, New Jersey and Hhodc Island. "(ipimnny." sunl (ienernl von Kliick. one of the mot Prussian of I'rus-ians. in a bitter good -by to the fatherland, "is intolerable!" It will be a better land, ot course, when the general gels out of it. And for that rcn-nii one is foiced to wonder why lie didn't leave before now. Iteports from the great world eon- feience of women nt (ieneva suggest tlint the women of the world mn.v find a wav lo compel rational understand- ings nnd n fixed peuce between nations while the JIi .Inhnsons of this world are still sternly refusing to think that such tilings are po-sible. Not enough critical attention hns been given to Hie formal announcement uj riuucis i iisoii. me ucior, tllllt he will not go to church until ministers coiiieiit to. attend Hie theatre Some bod ought to ask Frnncis whether he is beginning n new habit or seizing on u handy justification for an old one. The Usual Thing Euj RE this short week has taken flieht ind hurried onward to its crave. We'll see n certain well-known knight Who beais aloft n banner brave With strnnge device nil mortals know: "I told ou so! I told you so!" Miles Herbert Hiram Leonard Wank Mn.v win the prize. And then again Frnnk William Warren Calvin Hunk Mny lie tho favored of all men No matter! Siiturdn.v will show "I told ou so! 1 told you so'" The unexpected nlwa.vs Imps Which is Hie reason pl.im 'to con Why scores and scores of ckv .Imps Will know tlie answer later on '- And cry with faces nil aglow. "I told you so! I (old ,vou s0!" When doughfv wrestlers qi,,r tlr mR, And when the big steam roller's parked. ' I'erchance we'll then r member that A wise old Preaiher nn.e nninikecl- "All men arc lmis' Sure! We know' ii' ,!,! .-,.. c,, ' it-. .,, ' ".now. We told you so We told you so! :. A. What Do You Know? QUIZ 1. Where did Minnesota get tn name" 2 Who was Ihe Post setr-tmj of state. of the Inner! States.' t0 .1 When was .loan of Ai,. !lurllcd, 4 W!oao. Iowa"' ,,onuli"' - ""rung G What Is the aiea of .ill the l.in.i ihe face, of HimcimIi" " fi What Is lust ic ' 7 What bird Is known to imik.. the Which was Hi. His, of the ten oriE. Inal amendments made to the c'or,.' stitutlon ol the fnlte.l htut.s' .....r, . .w.iiiiii;in IIIK'IIH On what occasion ami ...... ..... de1lveru0",'1, ""'J"'" '"1" cell ! 10. Wof0Hi,M-n,Ue,e,h rr'""''" Answers to Yesterday's Quiz !. The deepest place n the ocean so. ,.; ,1 i ""'" on .vimunn.-io. I'luHlipIiit islriiidH, with a ii,,,,.. of ,12,08R feet "'"ll 2. Ttu. I'rst serr.taiv of the navy ., Henjanilti Moddait, of Marvl.in.l ,t. Metamorpliic locks nre derivatives of limeoiis or swllmentarv locks' produced ihroiiKh mechanical or clunilcal iiLtivltlcs lu tho earth's, crust. f Itomo wns founded 776 n (' 5. The census of 11J0 gives the, ponu l.itlou of Meilden. Conn , as 2!j n fi Iron Tail, a Sioux . hlef on the p"P Uldge rtHeriatlon in South fld- kotn, vns the model for the in. clian bend on the Murrain nickel - The hiipeillelnl area or the earth in 190.910 000 souare miles g King .lolnr of Liighinil grantid Magna f'harta May .'10, 1131 0. The Hlblo was first printed In Htraas. liurj; In 1466. 10, Members of the l"resldcn,t's cabinet receive 912,000 a year. "DON'T GET IMPATIENT; YOU KNOW UUJN ml iivirv jmp'ortANT!" 1 I""'-fcMl VAMPS AND MOVIE ACTING ADD TO CONVENTION JAZZ Lodge and Mrs. M (Carter Stage U'.'cdding in Coliseum 11 (LINTON W. OUiHKKT htafr forrfspondfnt ef (lie Kicnlnc I'lilillr l.pdKrr Coiturloltt IiJl. hv Vnblle !-lPrr C". rhlrngo. Jun 10. Public singing i- n forgotten int. if it ever was known by the American people. The cheer leader of the Hcpiiblieans. conventions are urn like college football games colled for Hie singing of the "Battle IIviuii of Hip Republic" N"t fifty per- p0,w "' """ """' -" . ".. ,.... voiinger man. There is none of that alternates knew the words, vv m ii m ' quavering qunlitv about it usiiallv found j had got through the clioui-. l,lor in the voices of Hie old. His strongest .. . i.. !. ...,;. '(! ill i ip eg lies nim (llor.v. Ilalleujah" ! the same animation ii sung wit n nuoiii s the childien sing Oats. peas, beans nnd bnrley grows the cheer leuder nifisteii nun u-. ' - " - . ,. i I sing the chniiis like this : ""ry.ti(ii ' HnlleluJAH'" The delegates reiing it (he tu -t word- with dismal indlffeimee and the last syllable like the run: inn. of n college cll. i Delegates nie automaton- I.ong trn.niiig in politics ha- ni'ide Hi-in nil .nmi.m.is. Thev sing like automatons, i And when some lender tells them to inteWcl M, JAH like n college C, ,,' the midst of their nutomatiej..., they utter the ,l.ll in pein. i ii"i.'"'" t of their leader. , , , t When Senator Lodge took hi- place I a permanent chairman he announced ( that be would spare the conventloii one speech. Kverj body thought of bis hot-1 tie and figured that with two ho..i--HWM. he could afTo.d to take one mi... dunk, The convention vvns that much -lioit-iT. ened. The supply would not have to hist And tlie person who was .onsidunte of Hie bottles and .if tlie ndu - whos, smi.lv of gowns will no. hist, one fo, each anneal aiice be.vonil --uitiriiiiv . w.is ewiuuan speak.;, in , .he Coliseum. Mrs. Maigaret I ill Mttarlri. ol Kan- Mrs McUurUT imitR' w wimiih peeel, ill less than five ............ - 'The business of nom.n.it. ng P.i.j dents might wen oc iiiii.c.i ...-. ... women The men have got the fun. lion Vo cumbersome with ritual thai ,t takes fu-i, i. us long as t ought in. Un' women mWi't shorten it up Thev 'tiut'womer'rut nine ,ig n J .Incpction. Mrs. MiCnilei was in vitcd to biicak uuioiig tin supei .mis saries the old men like Chauncev De- , l.n jli.tiurn ti.v I'riml liitmiii. PCW', WHOlll l"V "" "" ' cdlv'nre pleased to hon.ii. bin who take no ical pint in the pro... ding-. As VOU IO0K l.UOIIV I"', hi ii i'" - ie ind tlieie a woman h face, hut not -o many 1" proportion ns ou see at a lir-i . . lass prize fight. Women have lieeti ad mined to the plivilege of smoking, ot "oing it M-rnps, lut r i ven nn amend nicnt of the federal constitution maili ratified has not put them into politics. 'I'heic is no piciogative men ai" inoii iealoiis of tlnu . oming to Chnag.i won Iimns who in thunder to put up foi the pirsidotie. One ot the wonileis o f the coiivention EITH'S AHlttd b ASM. M I.I.IV AN MACY RALPH HERZ CHAKLLY GKAHEWiN VVrlKhi WetrU.li I onle (. Slieehaa, l",llffnnlJlvVllll J our A.f other. What l ho lure as a Hat in Junn WILLOW GROVE PARK Willi llm Adiiel Aiini.il.rn nf CONWAY AND HIS BAND tluin at i''..rjcMl'iu- Platter limicri Unity liiiovi) .s'n.wr.1 rii.;,iHK Thurc'liiv MkIiI Jun. 17m rilU HAVOV COMPANY PrrsentB i.lllieil nii'l SullllBli 1'ntorlle On'ru ' Till! MlkAlm P I'or the hen, at nf 'I hi- Heainen h Inmliut.- S. aid on Mid Ml the II (lfd, -. ni. , lenrllntr lu.telH PrlcBtl 00 no ,, lf) Broad "Nothing But the Truth" IramoiM Comedy. 2th fiueeefu fteanon nf iJItn of Uoo4 Mieplwrd, Pergonal Inanar.. meat and U direction ot Jamea J, Skolly, IF hat Looks Like Informal as Cameras Clielc wns Chauncev 1. Depew. His speech with Hint of I'liele Joe Cannon vvns one of the regular formalities of Hie convention. Depew spifkc four jeari ago. And four vears before that. If be is able to mount the plntfnrm in J-J. lie will ll.aKe alio her speech Mis- address is just as much n part of the , ritiiul as tlie leiiiiioiai' i hniiinan's ke.v ..... , I...I. ........u L.. . note, or the convent ion tla-bllght. Mr. Kepew is oiglitysi .veins old. He is feeble, but his voice rang out clcur. It was stronger than Hint of Mr. Lodge, the temporary chairman, n much organ lias icslstcd the ravages ot time, There is a new formality added to ine convention ceremonial the taking of moiies Lights are placed around - nun mi', iii'ii i ni', llli' turned on they arc ns blinding as the nie nail at interval-. Wlien tlicy art Market at a loth 11 A M. to 11 V. it NA2IMOVA " .n . 'diV7:kJOI,n yAynvaoi.K, . D A I A C V K S 1- A V U A m..1, v.lt NJorma Talmndge ' " m. , , woman ciiv i..s .-.. . j A K C A D I A cilHSTNfT HEt.OW lirni ii a,, ua . j.ao r. Ihe Butterfly Man Nt VVIi vvnncM llnulei In "Mim llolib- - . . , , W 1 C T O R I A V Murkrt blet Ah0 Nnth t :t im A M Ut 31 .in I' WM. FARNUM ' 7"1..-...,,-,,.. Nru Wo,K nANUKIl0I'lV,N1.lll'iL.u p A P I T O I . I , . I ,Vv m . 8???? -o p t "ON WITH THE DANCE" ' l.'t...lnc MAi: MunilAY G A R R I C V -d I'OL'It SHOWS UAII.Y 1 ArrnnNoo.vj! i -in a-io-..-, -,n i:vi:n-i.ncs 7 0 -l'.v, in.- 7-, SfNSATIOVM. I'KTI lll.TION Ol' JAMi:s A Hiyt.NU'S Clebrtt..i Drum.. I SHORE ACRES The ilr.llll.ltle Hi I u.i I mill. f ihe plv iM,, L7.:,,,'c!,i,iM,,,,',,,n,o,'w 'ui,e" NEXT WEEK Mite Murraj nml lnlMri Huxunrth in A MORMON MAID A Gripping .MIoUrania AttmKmic rnKgHmv .YV'1,' ' l'Tr' VV,1 GEORGE WALSH mam,sItt,n KMCillT MAIlM r RTIIIJKT 11 M to 11 . m CONTINUOUS VAT'tlWVTT.T r.y iserni i r . . Jz. '2. t(JJJ jvjoiirn is.. WAIbON "Thu Mglit Clerk,' Jack .yjfirl,. oth.r. CROSS KEYSii''"Av ma'iuTEt I "OVERSEAS REVUE M' , BROADWAY llr'' h...i Hn7.ie7 Av.. nun: .I..HNSV V.V"U '' M iLw (.rifr.ii,. n uV,.Kyiltlnn . TUB JANE V V, MILLIE " oAHONs ? CONSERVATORY I02S CIIUHTNUT dT. Walnut i!7 linvAiB i.t-nau.-sM nAH.Y WPmmt THIS IS DARNED headlights of uutomobllcs. Tou cannot fnee them. When n button causes flnm to flash on jou know that n movie is being made. After Mrs. Mcf'urter had spoken these dazzling headlights went on every where, enough to knock jour e.ve out. Cabot Lodge wnlkcd formnlly from the back to the front of the pint form with Mrs. McCartcr on his arm, went through tho motions of introducing lnr to the delegates and walked back again to the rear of the platform with the ladies' niixllinry speaker on his nrm. All it needed wns for the band to strita up the wedding marcii from Lohengrin to leave tlie impression ot nn informal wedding, but the woman voter is not wedded to the man voto yet, only ru , or p)lpIl1,s ,hov (),v ,,; . r.fnn,it' - v- r.,,lrr' nn v,. McCartcr's acting was for the movies. . ...., 1t CHESTNUT ST. llOUM I.AST .1 NIGHTS Final $1.50 Mat. Sat, CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD In Tho Hecinon s licit Sluslcal Success Linrror Loncror Lcttv Tarcwoll IVrformanco Sat. Eve. lleulnnins NEXT MONDAY Afternoon At :.K' 7 SHOW J DAIL ws Y MATS., 2:30 25c. 35c. 50c EVGS., 7 & 9 25c, 50c, 75c rvrrrKMnNT' Timir.i.s' nuvtAVCK' DAIIIM! DCEILS' HIJNSATIO.NS AND smPKN-fti:' in n Vl.lil Sirnri. ol II urn. i n l lash Ah' "''" Un Orcal.'si PhiitiulruiiiH Uv r -i .- ' Lomeit tiiclinsliii of .Seli'.txl Mu" ""' ILT Conilng THi: KOUTUNi: Tl.I.I-hlt fVr ol Mb2i r l P1TKIE I EUDr LYRIC Last 3 Nights at 8:15 LAST $1.50 MAT. SAT. WII.t.lAM C0URTENAY In the Sclnilllatliif huit" CIVILIAN CLOTHES METROPOLITAN ? 3 Shows Daily :tfq0sV oo, DORIS KEANE ROMANCE rim inodt colorful, pldureMUe ' pliiiMlhl of plcturce clcrvci pll t'"z2 whltli marlca unotli-r UP In IhJ Jff"i .Ivo development of tin alltnt dram. KVC1. Hm,l,BTJr. &,io,,DouBlsa."rbank In "THtf- MOUIcYCOPPtE" A . ' ' ( " 'is. V?w ji .-..-T;w.rv.M, ,y V't.,-'il.i.VV. t.. . M . ?.yt: r,-xsi.',t.. bjw. ,i,-v,i