i ... rvv .TaB C!7 ,!-.',! ' ' '"! w!T "rWTfw's i fl'yn, u1 f If . f u r &t w. - - immm on roof 8 -jaaEft ' t'MBW n IT ' EVlING bUBUO XBDaEE-HiLABEiHIA; IteUftSBAtf, JUNE 10, '1020 V Mi Stolen Silk Said to avb Boon Found in Homo of Suspect mm. IKislWO OTHERS ARE SOUGHT is1 ( ft Cwo nllcgerf nilk tlili-vrs wrrr nip BRIGHT LIGHTS HOLD FEW JOYS FOR RUNAWAY GIRLS ' Frances Willis, 13, ami Anna Tally, 10. Find Arrival of Daddy Most Entertaining Feature of Trip to liig City "('nn j-nti (tiro ti n rnom for tlii'l until Frnm-i". wlin vermeil 11 trifle nn n 1 b h t ? NVvp trlnl ipvi't-iil nihnp plfirps) no.vnl to Imvc n MlrniiRcr bronk In on oti this street, hut tlie.v only linvp house- ,hr v.Milni:. . lii'PliiiiK npnitnipiit." "Won't ymi romp with mp nml hnvo In this wny .l,.r.,o.,eIlr.n1,l KinuecH ' ''ThnH our .li.mrr. Xnw. , illlo ntul Alum Tnlly. iikciI 10, of; we're fixeil up. we nrp roIiir to the En.xton. Mil.. crerteil Mr. Kllznbrtli j "movie." Norton, nroprietre.., f ,t,P WI.p,-. UO.Hi I "v," l,l.Mii''i-i-i.i!!r uH""'''.'''', - i iit-i'II i ip i it i mil' i mi i it it'i 1 II jni'tl MISSION HEADS t -U ....... !. .. 111! II !"HH' . i:i7I l' I'll 1 II II . la.... l.f...... I. ..,., wu (mill. I uni a. .... feKM. IVMIiwo RtriTt nrnr Twelfth, the "U h-v- '"-'tnliily.- r. plied Mr-.. Nor- "Hut wont irai fnthrr nnd mother BJ'ilii.i. -.r .i . . . .'ton "Strn vlalil in" worry hImiiiI ou .' 'IIip.v expect you MM" 'f Ikf mri, (! Ihrj fcn;'m ... ' , "' . . .. ... hnnie luiilgM." Midi cCrcndy In n m 5rfMl mlmlttan.e to .lotertivei.. " J" nnt m Mny fr Hip ulsht.i ,.,.,,,.,, .,,.,, ,S wfi'T'l.n .I- i..... .... .. ' for P tllllft tnKP Hip T o'plorK 1 1 It ill Tim ..Ml. Iron tinnai.il. A tmn 1i.nl.-rwl -..... uri.'iiuii. . .iiiir1..!.. in.. ... ... with the chlldrrn In the district (it otir mission, ii great many nhnmcful occur rniocK ncopoMirlly rome to my ryes nnd rnrn. I know Hint Hip nouUienntcrn eec tlnn of the city Is honeycombed with 'f.ocln.1 clubs' Hint arc powerful nRencles for evil nnd dehnuehery nmong the young men and women who come In eontnet with them. (.Hinbilni, nnd Dun re IlnlU "Some of these clubs are used for gambling, and ninny of them are dance hnlls. Wlmt the pffpet of this type of nuiusement on the youth of oi.r city Is needs nn comment. "Coenlnc ntlll Is being sold through out this part of the city, and there nrc any liumber of private stills nnd boot legging establishments. " "The way to stop this ort of thine A corroboration of the stntements of s nnt. ns Doctor McHenry pointed out. - . I il....l. il.n t..f rwnnnwi nf ll.. In... i- ti i-'...r... Mi.iienrr. cenern SPC iiuiihkh ............ .....uu Ui nn: inn rptnrv of Hip Kplwopnl flty Mission, CLEAN UP OF VICE S. R. Cnyton Corroborates1 Charges of Rov. Dr. McHenry on Conditions in River Wards j POLICE DENY ASSERTIONS, Wf. PTV to .' V WoA' .- V ?'Tll,,?c' Mrect near Twelfth, nnd Tony 'JtBet r, are accused of tnkinz S.'OOO in j'Hk goods from the torph.i. of tlie 'IMnghnru Motor Kxprcss (,.. I'erth and ' their limnp in Kaston Qteen strppf Tl.n r.lo.n.. i . -lr. ortnn (Mil n back to Kntnn in the morning." mi Id. l'tnucps. ii slip turiiPil to the iiilrrnr In th" hull The little girls uprp rnnnwnys from lot of lliink-- ,w..vM rurns. i iip roiuipcv occurred . , , . , , .. . k n.nn .... . . . i iub .1 "lie eil lier chnrcps up the steps. .i. ..ou o ciock .tPstpnlHj niorning. j she win't -lire whether or not Four men In a innrnrcnr forced nuishc he.nil n little sob n she nenred the entrance to the expres compnnv'u of- "econd tlnot . fico nnd obtained the kes fr tW nd-., ",11"''" '" ,n,,r l,,,1,h,1.,, n '"'r. 'T" "rP Inlhlm rir... .i ..;.i. '...." p nn ifiesiienins up a bit III sec that your ..,,., -......... , In ..Pfler." to the Hour nnd for the first . time Kmiiicpm lookeil to Anna for help. "t think mi would have 11 nice, hot dinner niid mi.d get home even to iiIrIi! if yon went uith Mr. McCrcndy." interpoed Mt N'orton, who had been standing b fiuiet'v. V. ine tllteves took elcvou luudctigpit of MIHCr. MIIK trniiil rnl.irt.t ., onon tntrrypignt dozen .lk shirt-, valued nt lntlnw Onieer to Door It -.eempil as tlmiisli Hip.v were wait ing just for th" p--cliolo(.icnI moment and without n word they followed the detect I vp to the door. Tlip Kaston police meanwhile notified f'lty Hnll that two children bought tickets for this cit and Hint their fathers were on their way to senreh for them. At Pity Hull ther .iff met Into last night nnd today the children are bnek in Knston with "h talc to tell." They if.... .i..i.i:..- I.... f ....:-... !.... .. . ..... in,.. .!.. i streets station, and Im.,i,w. c..,h , .. .V" ' 'V..1-. 'it" 'v. . " f. ""M,,c" ,'" u,h ,' ' "' .'' """ .. ... III! Ill,- liri'i IIH . .'.I-.. ...... I'll ... IU till. I MIIIIIIM'II II. I . IHI 111 I nil. I IMIIHC "'""ibnck to cet her new lodgers. 'change from their respective familv "There is : gentleman downstairs to pneketbooks. fee )ou." lic nid: noticing Hint the (alls City Hall Clw. I,.,.......l ,1,.tf. llin u..na ntwt rtnlt.wl AA i . , , . ti . ,"lir llllllic'l (H'l'll IUV ric n IIIU IMIIVtl JjCpO nnd a bundle of silk .loth worth Citv i,,. w-f- ii "'..'"''Wi-nwnx n small I K.-nring tlnit hnuld she show the Mfj. valued at N.. nnd which coi.tnincdl.liiiiire,, ., they would fnll fast f-r...!1 i m . . . . n-lccp upon il . hc wnited for Dctcc JlcCnrthy nnd Met ornnck. i tr ct . n. .1.. '....,. .. ....!.. ..n. -., ,,. ., . i, live .mci rcuu,. ii.i. iimirs. irvuirn 01 t lie 1 mi (l(l I.UMOnwood nnd C reednn. of the Citv Hnll xfno were invptitigiiting the mldieri , In I cated n molutcnr lal night in a enrage ;AM At,.!... mnnt ..n.. '!. ..I C I. , l: nnn-'n n.fr.1..,.,. ,v fn ' , !.' ..... ' -"l ""' "'"' '"id t)l)t llill tile tMCPS 'H.,.in ti.n ...... 1....1 1 ,' :.. 1 "f tears shed in her absence Miinivi.iiA .... n .!-.. .,.-. .1 .." in l 1h ilk robbery, the detectives lenined 1 regarding the amazing vice conditions i (j...i. iii.ii.wtnlnliln. nn L'lvrn today by ' S H. Cnyton, superintendent of the Itedford Stieet Mission, 010 Knterj street. "Kroni my persnnnl experience 1 know 1 that the Immorality and lawlessness de "crlbed bv Doctor McHenry exists, " 1 said Mr. C.ivton. "nnd 1 feel ns be doe that the people of the city should 1 awaken to the Hate of affairs and take Immediate steps to control nnd correct them. ... . . I "Although my work Is nlmost entirely ( alone, but by giving these yotins peo jilc n chnncc to find orderly nnd whole some pleasures. South I'hilHdelphla should have some sort of n community center within n rnditin of no many block, to give the proper sort of In terests nnd nmiisements to the young people of nil ages." Director Cortelyou explained tndny Hint the police hnvo been doing their duty In cleaning up the southeastern section of the city nnd that, their ef forts are being strenuously continued. "Conditions: In that section are stead ily Improving," snld.thc director, "nnd within the pnst six months (100 nrrrt among drug peddlers, bootleggers and lawbreakers of Hint dims, have been made. The pollen will see to It Hint no laxity develops In their work nnd Hint the Improvement1 will continue." I.ieiitennnt Simon Oreenberg. of the Twenty -fifth district denies flint the xtate of nffnlrR described by Doctor Mc Henry exlbts In Mr district, which Is In the heart of the "bad Innds'' nttneked by the rector. "There Is nothing (hnt could be called lawlessness In mjr district," explained the lieutenant, "nnd there is no founda tion for flic statement that It Is unsafe to Walk about the street In this part of the city after nightfall. ' There have been no murders or holdups in this sec tion for n considerable time, nnd nil the talk about Hie dnncc-hnll disorders Is exnggcrated. "Merchnnt sailor who come ashore nt the docks In this district complnin that they would rnther be nnywherc else tlinn Philadelphia, and that there Is 'nothing doing' In the wnyof the excite ment nnd plcnsurc they are ncciistomcd to In other ports, t think that sort of testimony spenks for Itself. "There nrc only n few dance hnlls In my district. I.nte Inst night I walked over the whole district nnd the people nn the Mrcets were few and far be tween. "My men are on their jobs down here, nnd we would be the first to hear of nnd put nn end to holdup's and other Inwlcss disorders." PLAN TO" AID UNIVERSITY 1 Recorder Nltische Would Don World's Fair Buildings Aft.r 1. A plnn whereby tho University It ' Pennsylvania would receive land ! '' exhibition buildings nt the end of i '. proposed world's fair In this i- . ' 11120 was suggested by Oe0rir ttltiaehe. recorder nt hn t'i. .. ' u -iiivcreity 91 i'i n luncheon nf the TlntnnM rn.. . ' " .1 .. ..... . ,... --.,..,, vjiiid Ib ti. ltellcvuc-Htratford yesterday. ' Ills plan calls for the condemnn. , nil property from the west si,i , Thirty-third street to the cant sir). , Thirty-fourth street between Fairmont!! Pnrk nnd the University cnmniu tv position buildings errcted on this i.lY J he said, could nftrrwnrd be n,JVld' part of the equipment of tho UnlverVu a , nnd nt the same time tho campus ,l. ft , bo connected with Fnirmount Kvou,s !. fA K 1 It' s V; s tnc name nt the owner nnd went to Itosn's home nt 11 o'clock lnt nichi. The detectives wimp rcritspit uilinil -tance. Tliey forced .1 door nnd found Ross nnd l.etcir hnd lied in the roof. M-Cnrthy ran to the rem- jnrd. . the "men on the roof and fired cvcnii slmt ntthem. Thn men lirrenilereil .. it hunt lelt - A vnce when Hie other ilitpctic rpiiched A ip roof. Police sin thc found the , major pnrt of the stolen goods in Kos iiome. CLASS DAY AT HAVERF0RD They seemed n tritle surprised but asked no iiii".timi. "(!ood evening, rninces nnd Anna. I liciird con wen- in town nuib thotilcht I'd drop in to i.cc mhi," was Detective McCrcndy's greeting. "IIn iln. Imt we don't know you." LEARN FRENCH rtllir MHirr iimm.nl ililllnc ,icn(lnn. tleetnners' elnsr fnrmlnic for .Inly mill Ancnst nt Atluiitle (ll. CniMeran tloiml niprlioil n, Interestlnir, rffre. live. Itntes i tt,v low V'rlti for nr (li'iilnr. c rinfi. i.i.ix.i.K nrrici: Let Cuticura Be Yonr Beauty Doctor HOME VICTOlt WATER HEATER I .Vw FOR COAT, orlnplple conitnn' mto- Dinner and Dance at Memorial Gar- - den This Evening All friends of llnverfoni College are invited to attend the unnnul "nunnencr- wient pxprcises tomorrow morning 111 II V n'rlnrt- nnrl to remnin fnr..i h'ticlicn littrrward. Kor the first time no imi ; nr tickets hnvc been em ont ; f if v5? f occasion and inHend evi-iv nn" I --Jted in Hie college is nsked in .ent. TSdsy is clnss dny. A dinner wi! he jilven by the cinss in the Mcini'i.il Garden nnd n dance tonight. The .in--reunions will begin this evening MUNICIPAL BAND CONCERT The Municipal Hand will pliu t.mgi,t In Jefferson .treet betweeti Sixtj soi ond nnd Sixty-third. N'pivCrmilnf Tunii inns fur Snip Old Panama Hats uicancaana kcdiockco - nr llleiirliisl In the Nmtl "tlr. I ;! it n I In New. i DlAlt II A I LL.E,AillU V-U f num. Filbert n -Ju clr: 24 to an callent. le lt.n radiators aln 1Tir I noth Inr Jutt at cnod Fr bnnk. Reeves Stove 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2d Vl"aca44V & FIRST AND CLOSED MORTGAGE STEAM RAILROAD BOND tnntnrtns In 1PM. w t.xiefl in inns This hnnfl nt 01 nnd Interest nnd ! tnrsely held by nnnlis, trnt eninpnnies and lit Inturnnr rompnnles. PRICK TO YIELD sy2 J500 I KR $1000 BOND Yearly Income $40 llMnbrrs I'hlludtlpliln Stoek Cxclmntt LAM) TITLE IIUILDUv'U l'UlL.ULLl'IiLl r KmHllimKIIIIIiiill!lll!lliiliiiiiliiu;iii. 11 , fliiM:illillllilll!llllll;i!;i5iiili.ar!!ii;fili!Mi'li '.11 'UlWilun erawiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiMiiiiif'iiiiiii. .." ' 'HtM'iiiiiiiii!iii:iiiiraiiiiii!i'ii!M!ii!iii,i!iiii!iri'in!'iHiiiii' 1 u , v 11 &a 31 . -mTmrr..TT. BYRON H. FELL, D.D.S. Pjtorrliea ind Orthodontia a Specially X-Rar Studio Denial Radiojraphf Mi I'enflrlil lllilc. I.12S Clirstnut St. Thnne Hllvft ;.1t H!iiuiui:iiii!:iiiiKr,i!iiii!iiuuiiiiiing H HHBn lHISWfS aw w j a s jb u A.m v a r i g m s sg 5 0 11 Once More 1 . KEENE&CO. OPTICIANS 1211 WALNUT ST. Bej: to Announce Their REMOVAL July 1, 1920 to 1713 Walnut St. UNEQUALEDJN PURITY It helps to keep the ayatem in good condition TARADIsn PIUNG COMPWY llrutitmrk. Maine Cincinnati, Ohio Mitcitell. FLETcnnn Ca Finujt Aovisa Co. IS and Moil nnrl vminir nipn lhrniitrhoul, ihc citv kx$ surrounding towns arc invited to select Sji from an oflfcrinjr of sixty to seventy new pat- ff terns of fine tailoring cloths including; navy blue & H serges woven from pure Australian wool, at KJ EmrteenEasi A luxurious residential hotel opposite the Metropolitan Club nnd FKth avenue entrance to Central Park. Easy access to the theatres, cluba and ahaiv. hplne centers. EAGER & BABCOCK WW VOHK C4TY II' Special GOOD ONLY FOR 2 DAYS 90' Stafford's Commercial or Carter'" Blue-Black Writing Fluid iwrumirt The Office Requirements Co. 1302-04 Filbert St. MM A .1 Ii. . rinvri.' fe. v. &1 II mm 1 a? Ei Is m $50 to $55 Fifty-five of these pntteni3 are distinctly inrli viduaal and new as fine summer woolens and unfinished worsteds as you have seen or will see anywhere. There are grey and black screes. From these you have unrestricted selection at $50. The pure Australian wool navy blue serges arc $55. Built to Measurement Examinatiton of thi3 wonderful presentation of fine tailoring cloths will prove to you that it is not necessary to spend $80 to $125 for a fine, tailored suit. Wanamaker & Brown Merchant Tailoring Shop Market at Sixth Street 11 11 Is il1 la il r as pa1 IS' ps a i ! g kiiiiwiibm wmwiiiwii'iraiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaraiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' in, u , i. HiiiiDiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiQi I II" .,,i. i .iMiiiiiuiihiiiniimiiii ..ii, iiiiiiiiiiiiwi,i!iiiii,iiiiiii!ii:iinii!niiini!iniii!Miiilin:iii!i!!ii:i:i!iiniiinii! m iihiiithiii i.iu .,i:ii',ui . huiujihui ,,, 'M , y 1. 1 I r.illilllll.lintll IH'nu.lI'lil hih ninmw.nuumn inii-u'iiiii.ii u".i -. - - u ' in. "Ili!lllli'lli:!tl!ll!li;iji " Jj - INGOT ALUMINUM FOR SALE , The Navy offers 70, 000 pounds of new Ingot Aluminum in 'vingots of two pounds each. 'The sale will be by pealed proposals, il kids on which will be opened June 15, 1920, at 10:30 A.M. Catalogues and other in formation man bv oh iaitted from the Board of Survey, Appraisal & Sale, Naw yard, Norfolk, Vc "t WE'VE MOVE Our battle against an exorbitant increase in rent, lost us our 1 3th St. basement, but we gained thousands of new friends and we vindicated our firm stand for low prices on Royal Shoes. We Open a Temporary Location in the Binder Building, 35 South 13th St. Tomorrow, Friday, June 11 TO MAKE QUICK DISPOSAL Of Our $300,000 Stock OF MEN'S FINE SHOES ' We have $300,000 worth of America's finest men's shoes to dispose of, Regardless of Profits. We will reward our 50,000 friends, who stood by us in our recent rent fight, by giving them the biggest cash savings of the year! See Tomorrow 's Papers for Full Details ROYAL BOOT SHOP fig TEMPORARY LOCATION 35 South 13th St. (Binder Building) Opens Tomorrow HI Wh ere th e sawing comes in A MAN does twice as much work as a $5 -a day man, is worth $10 If you get him for $8 you're making money s the same with Our clothes wear twice as long as the ordinary kind; they cost very little more T. i irs me same witn ciotnes Hart Schaffner & Marx M H '" .., ' i ... l Besides you get your money back if you're not satisfied Strawbridge & Clothier are the Philadelphia Distributors for Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing n ;i A T .'U J '.i...:.. WMinffiwMPiN" Ti' fcZtYStow., J . lwi Adsfciu i .-.!.-. .(''ili iis'C ., Mt -s