Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 10, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 17, Image 17

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' m -a i rnu -i v - ip. .j ji - "f - me. - a jk ' vi'r-.
r -." '. jfefl-" if , , ' . tv ..' i ; -"? '?
Convention Amused by Movio
Mon, Acrobatics, "Uncle
Chauncoy" and Others
rewhht. " r,bUc LtAoir Co
ClilenKO. .Tunc 10. Till national lie
publican contention remind me o tlie
IVimohnnln Legislature. It is nlwaya
read to iidjoiim.
Todnj. tbc third of tlic ieilon6, will,
it is itrnjcrfully hoped, sec the conven
tion set clonn to renl buslncHi nnd stick
l till now ,it has been frltterlnR
im tunc ns thotipli it unci wccks ui
ftrml ot diiji nt its commnnd. This Is
breathe the slate-makers nre on the job.
They "re working overtime, nre the-co
ncflt hieh nrieits of dicker nnd dcnl.
The are tryiiiK to briiiR some one of ,-
their fmnritcH to the front as n unc-
thine winner
lcn till this morning it wns still
flino". They hnve not completed their
job, nnd the' will not. Th delegates
ull do thnt with n bowl on the floor
of the contention.
Tnkc jesterdny ns n Instance. The
contention wns In session nbont nn
l.nnr then ndioiirned till today. Of
ttwt time less tbnii fifteen minutes w'ns ,
cien up to actual niisincs. inc resi
tut (looted to a couple of speei'hes
nnd n honcfet-t with a whirling dervish
Tiirle" Clinnnccy Does Ills BU
Theie was nn Inspiring speech, by
ppccinl recinesl. by "Uncle" Clinnnccy
M Dcpotv, dean of convention dele
sales nnd patrinrch of Republicanism.
Tor n-arly half nn hour he unrolled
the crics of n Republican pnst before
the c.ics of n Republican present.
Anil Mr. DtfW fully ilemonstrntcd
the point of his opening joke. He is
Mill the prime minister nnd high priest
nf Me. jo.sh nnd quip. lie told of a
mnn who. on being informed thnt be.
I)epew. was eighty-six cnrs of nge.
rave him the vitrous stnre nnd remnrki'd
he was cither n mirnclc r n dnmn lint.
He was the same Chntincc thnt
charmed conventions forty years ago.
.Tust as rotund, just as sonorous and
yet mclifliioug of tolce nnd just as
rrnceful and emphatic of gesture.
Of ' irs-p. Henry Cabot Lodge, in
rep On black, but today minus bis
whit iM, with his grizzled whiskers
and .Mnsnchu-etts nccent on display,
was continued as permanent chairmnn.
And he didn't use the Independence
Hnll gnvel which Mnyor Moore, of Phil
adelphia, had presented to the presiding
nflUcr to bring the convention to order.
He ued n carpenter's morticing maul
with a snwed off handle. At least it
looked and sounded like it.
Speech Is Beautifully Short
liming cjosed with one of his glad
dening perorations. "Uncle" Chnunivy
was led to the renr. and then came n
renl surprise. Senator Iodgc led out u
hid. A Kansas Indy, he said. Sin
hhs of graceful figure nnd demonstrated
the possession of n deep contralto voice
with n slight nnd occasional fracture
in the upper register. She wore eyc
glasfics, a brown fox stole and n brown
drcv.. Also n turban hat. Her name
wa .Mrs. iMargaiet Hill McCartcr.
Mrs. McCartcr made a good speech.
It had the superb merit of being short
Hid to the point. She nn the first
' 'i' " '""""MlBir11 ' ' ''"" iiiim iiwiiiii ' ' f ' i
?&MimKMMM& H '-'i .
! MKWxmtMBftW$!vMtiKK A WatK .? vl
I r MwWwmmmmr hi n ''l?im ; t
S r imjfr "t W.mXmmKKBmk lm&J jxmet 'Mm ., t
. MW?MHmikjnme ' Hk s
3 4BffinflBRFM7 MVM&K' VB V
'$& ': '
t :
Lutv of Averages Indicates Reign of Beardless Stalcstncn Is
Passing ami Forecasts Nomination -of Hughes
Copuriaht, MO, hit l'ubllo l.tdgrr ( y.
t I.rdv'r 1'hoto Snla
Attorney General SiltntTcr. of I'cniiH,lvanl:i (left), strolling on Michigan
ltoulcard, Chicago, with Governor Sproul
flipflnp or n back somersault, or hurl
his baton nt the head of Clnicnce I tain
lln, the big little end mnn in the Col
orado delegation down in fiimt.
If some wise mniiiiger of a possibility
would bribe thnt ginnnstic sonu man
to suddenly jell "All in favor of Sen
ator lUnnk-blank for President s.a,
njc," he'd stmnpede the conveiitioii.
After n sossi in of this -oit is It my
wonder that the tlinusnii Is li(, iacke'd
the Coliseum jesterdny nnd will jam it
agniu todny nre prnjing thnt the rein
vention gets down to brass brads nnd
does promptlj want il was sent out
here to ilo'l ,
I guc-s rather.
Mrs. Josephus Daniels Lays Pro
gram Before Suffrage Convention
Genoa, .lune III (Hj A. P. I 1iw
guaranteeing n living wage for till toil
ers, equal pay for equal work, abolition
of sweat shops, nnd child labor Icsi-Ih
lion, were outlined l Ml. .In-i phu--Daniels,
delegate from the luitul
Slutcs, today to the intoi tint lomil woni
an suffrage coiifeiencc, ns niciisines ap
pealing to the women of the world
Mrs. Daniels cotivcjcd to th" dele
gates the felicitations of President Wil
son and "his c ojifidenti belief thnt in
frnncliised wnmiii will bring freh and
Men Chosen to Make Noml-! !,l'irjt'"i1 .!(1T, '" l','1 i,l.,.'u' '0,,l,i"n "f
ii,",i.i v Dun fHiMMnii'.
"Ulint women did m wnr IinsLcucd
natlng Speeches
San I'YancLsco, June 10. (Ry A. P.)
Names of the men chosen to make
the nominating speeches nt eight presi
dential candidates nt the Democratic
National Convention bere June US. were
nnnoiinrcd last night at concntion
headquarters. Candidates whose spon
sors hnve been chosen arc William G.
Mi'AcIoo, whii.se name is to be lirc
hented by Dr. Rurris Jenkins, of Kan
sas City ; Attorney General Palmer, by
John II. Uigclow, of Pennsjhnnin
the conferring of the ballot," diehned
Mrs. Daniels. "In our eoitntn the dnj
of ngitntion for enfranchisement has
passed. The hour has come when we
must prove by deeds, nnd we accept our
new duties with n sense of our nhllgn
tinn to measure up to our new and high
"As we go into the political tunelie.
let us endenwir to he ns intrepid, aim ns
straight and keep our neic us stcmlv ns
our brothei s ii their gilm battles. As
AOteis we must mnue or nnd a n
Governor Cox, of Ohio, by Supreme fn (nrrv help nnd comfort to those iM
Court Justice James C. Johnson, of
Columbus; Governor Kdward". of New
Jersey, by Charles F. V. O'Hrien. of
Jer.seyCity : Senator Robert h. Owen,
of Oklahoma, by D. llayden Line
baugh. of JIuskogee. Okla.: James V.
Gcrnrd, by U. S. (J. Cherry, of Sioux
Falls, S. D. : Seuntor Hitchcock, of
Nebrnskn. by A. ( . Scbelleiibergcr, for-
of rsclimskn
live in want or in peiil."
Problems vet to be solved. Mrs Dan
iels said. Included abolition of the double
standard of tlie sexes, aid for mothers,
education of all children, old-ngo pen
sions and free hospitals,
Missouri Retains Babler
lllirngo. .nine in. me uissniill
w . .... I iiii-r iiiivi'i inn" ill .s I'liriisivii : i'T'inrr
. . '",' n"' . ."'""r ,,r '"" '.m. T. Meredith. Iiv Claude Porter, of delegnloH. in spis-itil caucus heie l,ist
iiii " " ' " ," S""""""' .""" Iowa. nighr. oted down. L'J to II, n motion
Ji'Vl1.'1 ,",?,' .r?5U " Jtosly rorapnribon It llls not ,-et been decided who It" rescind the election of Jnrob I.
... .win uuM,i, i iiiumiiini u .,, , . nnmlnnllnn the nnniea nf . Unhler as nattoiin conilll tteeinnn Ii
her name, of the old Populist days
wnen tne "i'op men ran tnc conven
tion and the "Pop" ladies ran the men.
Mrs. Hill made n good impression.
There wero complimentary remarks in
the blase press section, and that's n
pretty sure sign she vns n success. She
as just natural, not n bit selt-cnn-"toiis
and she was not seined for a
I neglected to remnrk tlrtit the movie
rutlemcn lire nlso an ndded nttrnction
nt this convention. I snid "added."
They've got the convention hall rigged
up like n scenario studio, minus Mnrv
Tickfoid and her last husband. Loco'
Jiotive headlights around the galleries
O'iru out into daylight rndinnee on the
slightest occasion, blinding everybody
hile the movin machines grind and
rnnd like the electric coffee pulverirer
in n busy Saturday In a popular chain
irotery store.
Lodge in the Limelight
. V'ter Mrs. Mc(Jruter had closed, the
Jjeadlights went on, nnd the dignified
eleher of Presidents from the state of
the venerated eodllsh, Chairman Lodge,
paraded up nnd down the speaker's
protecting platform with Mrs. Hill
ttmle the movie men ground nnd the
'ns u ngnts tnirneil. It must have been
a ' cr-r-a-n-d nml f.liirim.a rnnii
-- - - -- n . .mm i-,K
Mr. Lodge. He kicked. He told
James W. Davis, of West Virginia
ambassador to Great Rritain : Senator
E. 15. Simmoiug of North Carolina, and
Senator Carter Glnss, of yirginln.
cause of testimony befoie the Senate in
vestigating committee that be had
handled Lowden campaign funds In
that state.
thleago. Jtipe 10. The delegates
soon will be told w,n to vote for cm the
firtt bnllot. This first ballot wil) be for
wntmlng-up purpose- onlv. nud after
thnt will comn the leal struggle.
It Is safe to hock the fnmily jewels
nnd mnrtgngc the bushel of potatoes to
mnke n sure-thing bet thnt somebody
will be nomlnnted. Thm pnrt of it Is
easy. The difficult nnd iii-trickit stunt
is to guess the names of five gents who
nre likely to he imposed upoi
No mntter whut the committees do
about the League of Nations, the Mex
ican question, the high cost of living or
prohibition, the real purpose of this
vacation is to select a stnnilard-bearer
for the 1120 Derb. All of the other
stunts are trlvlnl mid can be classified
ns sidelights. True, n- lot of 'manual
labor has been expended for some rea
son or other nud the result Ims been
published, but only ns rending matter
next to u display mhcrtlsement. How
ever, these subjects will be taken up
As tlio balloting is soon to begin, wo
again must step" forward with some ex
elusive Inside dope on the candidate.
After interviewing -the principal per
sons vonnected with the G. O P we
have leurned thnt some gent wearing
whiskers will win by n chin.
Latest Historical Data
Ring W. Lanine", n close student of
politics, who hns been n keen observer
heie for n week or less, gave out the
following interview this morning:
"There have been tvventj-slx Presi
dents of the United States and Wood
row Wilson. Of this number the fol
itwinc had whiskers:
"John Qulncy Aelnms. Van P.men.
Tn.vlor. Grunt, Lincoln, Garfield. Chcs
ter Arthur nnd Harrison in the order
named. According to the figures, onl
eight of the entire list of Presidents had
win iters, and If the law of nverages is
to lie considered there should be n ienl
set of whiskers in the President's choir
this vear. I therefore predict the nom
ination of Chnrles Uvnns Hughes, of
New York nnd Washington, for the
above icasons nnd the form chnrt
"Mnrtle Vnn Ruren nnd Chester Ar
thur did not hnve what could be i ailed
henllhv hirsute facial adornment. Thci
wove things called dundrenries, vvhich
hung on the cheek bones like two flung
squirrels. Hughes is not wearing alfalfn
like that and vvoulil draw a solid wliis
kereil vote."
Mi. Lindner neglected to state that
a Mr. Carranr.n wore a tinning benrd
anil no longer is president of Mexico.
Rut tlieie nre other booms beside this
one The name of Philander C. Kno
has bobbed up again, but the Penns.vl
vania snntor has not been considered
seriously ns ct. He might be inserteel
In the picture tomorrow, but joii never
can tell.
Governor Sprout was running strong
Moiidnv. lost ground Tuesday, picked
up n little jesterdny and today is back
ngnin in the old stride. This is because
the delegates now know who he is. The
Governor has been a mystery here. His
nnme was nronounced in n doen differ
cut ways and one newspaper printed hisi
picture under the heading: "This is K.
J. Sproul. the chirk horse." Today I
the are calling him William, which
shows the value of getting acquainted. J
The other cnnelnlates an listing
easy. It is believed thnt Iliiam John
sou's beioni Iris been fmctured in n
different plnces, nud his eamp.11311 sin
geons hnve given up nil hope. Lowden
too. is on the rocks, so Vv ood is the only
member of the big three who hns a
ehnncc, nnd he has as much of a t-hovv
ns the Phillies without Raticroft.
An cMibevnnt delegate from Huston.
Vn . made an inteicsting spree h lat
night, which might nifnii something or
it might not. "Vip have 11 great bo-s."
he said. "Tells us whnt to elo ard
everything like that. We will vote
solidly for Sproul on the first ballot and
then switch to Knox."
We don't know who he was referriug
to ns the "great oass," but vvt know
who Knox is.
Yesterdnv the delegates struck for
ihorter hours and less work. Wc hur
ried to the convention hnll nnd got in
without sinnK 0,)r ticket or our
bndge, which hns been nt large for two
clnjs. The hnll was deserted, save for n
"Whnt. happened this morning?" vvv
"Nnthln' nueh." was Ihceply. "A
couple of committees wait npnointed nml
Charley Depew made a speech. Nothln'
uoini till tomorrow."
Thrre you hnve nil the news of yes
terday's session, nnd It is the real dope. 1
because the cop was there nnd snw I
ever thing .
Today n lot of -topics will be taken'
up before the orators Introduce the
nominees, and in order to avoid mis
takes, we will mnke clenr whnt each
one menns. v
Platform Something tliepnrly stands
on. Situated nenr the press box nnd is
surrounded bv n plush rope like the t Ing
nt tlie Ice Palnce. Good place for n
battle lp.vil. with Hen Lodge ns lcfcrcc.
One round to n decision.
Plnnk Will be snved from the
wreckage anil used to force thei fighters
back in line. No relation to Kddle. who
used to pitch for tlio Athletics.
Mexican question Every one is seek
Ing nn nnswer. nnd for thnt reason still
remains n question.
Woodrow Wilson Inserted nt oppor
tune times to learn, If possible, whether
the delegates are satisfied with ills dj
nasf. Has not made a hit here yet,
and that ain't nil.
Pence treaty Something to be, pre
sented to Hlrnm Johnson when tliev
tnkc"nvny his megnphone nnd hand him
a muzr.lc.
League of Nations The delegates do
not know whnt it is, either.
rrnliihition I our years ago tlie dele
gates could get two highballs for n quar
ter. Now they get onTThighbnU for S!.k
when they get it. The delegates nre off
I prohibition for life.
I John T. King Declares Governor's
I Friends In Good Position
Chicago. June 10. John T. King, ic
tiring national committeeman ftom
Connecticut, said today that triends of
'Governor Sproul were not niitngonling
mi other candidate, ns they wanted to
he in n position to mnke the het of
i their opportunity if n brenk enmc nmong
the lending candidates for the iiresn
I elentlnl nomination. 1
"We nre good friends witli all of
them, and if n brenk comes it will be 11
pretty piny." be said.
Treaty Disagreement May Lead to
His Nomination
Chicago, June 10. Herbert Hoover's
chances for obtaining the Republican
nomination for President hnve been
vastly augmented, It is believed todny,
by the crlticnl disagreement among con
vention leaders over the trcnty Issue.
If the Johnson-Rornh contingent. Id j
purninnce of its rule-or-Viiin 'policy,
bolts the convention or the ticket, or
indicates that it will nccorel the- con
venlion's choice only half-hearted sup
poll, it becomes plain thnt Hoover, ns
(ho candidate admitted on nil liiiud", to
be the biggest vote-getter In sight, is the
logical solution of tho nnsty problem
that has now nrlscn. I
The Republican pnrty, with n enndi
dnte certnln to make the largest inroads I
into Democratic strength, could then
contemplate nnothcr "ipl." with equn
nimlty. The votcc thnt it lost ftom n
Johnson -Rornh deflection, it is conceel
ed. vvoulil more thnn be mnele up by
Hoover's known strength not onlr
among Democrats, hut nmong liidcpen
dents of both pnrtics, nnd cspccinlly
among women.
Former Governor of Ohio Would
Succeed United States Senator
Chicago, June 10. Former GoverporJ
Frank It. Willis, of Ohio, announced
after a conference here with Senator
Harding that 'ho bad telegraphed friend
nt Coldmbuti to file notice of his candl-jt
dncy for tho Republican senatorial
nomination. There has been some
speculation nmong tho Ohio delegation
as to whether Senator Harding would,
file for renomlnatlon. .
Filing time expires tomorrow at mid
M HI 1
may sound like lux
dry; but actually, it
is economy.
Mens Oxfords
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'm m in m 111 im 111 ixx ixx rofS .&EII ll 111 111 111 lit m n r
inev nu audience it wan nn inllictiou
to he home- with fortitude, nr n-nnU n
'le!i I'ffeH't.
Then nfter Mrs. "McCartcr got through
"ierc was an interval for hong. That's
Getting to be the thing now. Han
I niticisro is going to have a song leader.
",?, Ml!.y8,;',i"An,1(Iitio,, to Mill nr.vai.
nil Mitch I'aliiffr to amuse the folks.
1 Ms one in Chicago's convention is
II robat. He does stunts. Whe,i ho
"'aits out one doesn't know whether he
1 going to do a cakewalk, throw a
Anoint Irritations With
ooothing Cuticura
hT water MiT, C,,tlc"ra Son nI
not water. 'Ib(.h0 mipcr. creamy
"iiolhentH not only Soothe, but jh
e ml other skin troub es. They nre
nho ideal for dally toilet use" Attlt
bath ug with Cuticura sVa'ust o
a few grn Ins of tlio exniiUiii.
"ted Cutleun Talcum. QUcly
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?mij&& m
mir.?! "'not sue ana snA' W-.II'.. "?
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