Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 10, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 14, Image 14

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,Widow of Banker Blames So
ciety Gambling Ring for
Erie Railroad Accepts Palmer Ruling
lor Port of New York '
Wiwtblnfilon. Juno 10. A. Mitchell
tFnlmer, attorney Krnernl. hn received
Indirect noMirnncci from the Uric Itnll
mini Hint hi rullnc iinon tlir nnnllrn-
Ltlon of the eight -hour law to Mik nnd
imrprn in npiv nrk linrbor would he
accented. Department of Justice of-fli-InU
snld that notion ntcnnt Hip "no
ceiful adjustment of the mnrlnc strike,
an application of the eight-hour law vn
the main contention of the strikers.
3ML J . i ' i j , f r j 4 u . !! --' M ' " lt
New Yorli, Ju'ne 10 While an
nouncement a being made here
that the cittern' transportation com
mittee, organized to enforce the "open
shop" principle nt thi pttrt, would lie
Bin moving freight next Monday unless
the liihor situation here showed n
marked change. Supreme Court JuMlco
Knncett in Brooklyn was granting a
temporary injunction nhich restrained
various labor unions nnd steamship
companies from all discrimination
against the llurgcs Brothers Co., lum
ber denier.
New YorU, June 10. Mr.. Kvn
Glcason. widow of n prominent banker
of the Middle West nnd well known o
'clally in Chicago, according to her own
fitatrmrnt, was arraigned in West Side
Court yesterday on n charge of grand
The charge df made in connection
with the theft of a diamond harpin
worth $1S00. from the- home of M.
Josephine Curry, and that of a diamond I
"barpin, worth SloOO, from the home of!
Mrif. Grace Claik. j
According to statements tuade bj
Mrs. Gleat-on. after he a sent bark
to the jail in default of the 515.000
ball demanded by Assistant District At
torney Hognn. who look charge of the
CtseJor Uistricr Attorney Nwnnn. )ic . burn. W tllinuispori. junior vice com
-nt tntrnrlnro.t m tl.o ",nA,ntr nnVor mHiidci Dr. .1 h. Killimnn. Erie raw
...... ,. ... .... .,....,. ,..... . .
D.. chaplain
Ruhe Heads Penna. G. A. R.
Indiana. Pa., June 10. C H. Wil
liam Itulie, of Tost Xn. 3. Pittsburgh.
tin rliosen denartmpnt commander of
the I'ennstylvapfa (. A. H , nnd Allen
town va "plectcd a the plnee for hold
ing the 1021 enenmpment at the busl
nesn meeting of the state O. A. R , in
joion heie esterday. Other offlcers
elected wptp .1. M Marshall, Indiana,
senior w- p ommnnuer : John K. I,len-
ring," a he called it. late lat fall
6"he haK been playing almost continu
ously since then. he told the detectives.
On May 15, according to Detective
Devaney, who arrested the woman. he
played in a poker party in Mrs. Curry's
Vest Seventy-eighth street home. Dur
ing the evening, the police were told bv
Jim. Curry. Mrs, Oleason left the room
nnd retired to a bedroom to powder her
nose. She had been iibed for the shlnt'
on the tip of it Mrs. Curry held that ,
an ,shp was the only onp who loft the
tabip slip must know somcthtng about
the dinmoml pin nnd. accordingly,
when she made the rcpnit to the Aetna
Casualty nnd Surety Co.. she mentioned
the suspicion
The insurance company nsigned
Charles 11 Leonard to the ease, llo
followed Mrs. (ilcason to the Shelburne
Hotel, at Atlantic Cit. according to
the police, and there obtained from her
the admission that she took Mrs.
Curry' pin
Leonard returned to the citv with
the pin and nitrified the poln e. The case
.was immediately put under investi
gation. After her nrmignment -ho un
quoted by Detective Dpviinpt us sav
Jng: "1 as cheated in the society
roKer game and I took the pm nnd
pome money to get square
To a reporter, who interviewed her.
Mrs. Glenson declared she whs a victim
of gambling.
" "Yes, I took the pin: 1 look the
none, but they'll find out later wh I
took it." shp said. "I wn introduced
to the contemptible fcamo of poker bv
one of the so-called socien women anil
I have lost heavily. When mr case
comes up there will be more smndal
for the N'ew York newspapers. I in
tend to implicate others."
Devaney said Mrs. Gleason described
tho game her friend" played an hav
ing "the skv for n limit." and thnt
he declared a white chin could not
he bought for leu than So
Youlhful Captain Faces Court, at Dinner in Bride's Honor,
Charged JTith Marrying and Deserting Her Corps, y
but Escapes With Bridegroom-Elect
More than 100 Salvationists gave ni
dlnnpr last rvenlng to Captain Violet
McAllister and Captain llnrry nooth,
of Des Moines. Iowa, who will be mnr
rled tonight, ltoth joung persons
served in Prance with the American
vxpcditionarj forces, and became no
Mualiitcd while waiting nt an embarka
tion point to sail for home." Captain
Booth Is chief divisional young people's
secretary of the Iowa and Nebraska di
visions, with headquarters in Des
Moines. Captain McAllister, who has
had charge of the memorial corps, Hroad
street and Pnirmount nvenue, since her
return from 1'rnnce, is reputed to be
one of the best women pieachera in the
Salvation Army. In nddition to being
onp of the mn attractive.
Colonel llirhard K. Kola, provincial
officer of the Atlantic coast province,
will officiate nt the wedding nt 8 o'clock
this evening, aided by Colonel Walter
Jenkins, of N'ew York, who has known
Captain McAUiter since her hnbyhood.
The. wpdding will bi oppnlo the public.
A hiimoroti" turn was given to the
.farewell bnnqiiet last evening by thp
-,"nrrest" of Captain MrAllmer at the
I f conclusion of the dinner on a charge of
"getting married and deserting her
corps." The anet,t was made by a po-
' ' ' UTT-I
- '11
How to Re-fill Your DUO
EVERY container of DUO LATHER
CREAM has about sixty good
shaves' worth in it a two months'
supply, figuring a shave a day and a
half-inch 'of cream to a shave.
You can buy the metal re-fill from
all DUO dealers. Price 30 cents. Look
for the maroon-bordered, white box
with the DUO trademark. Use DUO
LATHER CREAM regularly for a
fragrant, fluffy lather necessary for a
first-class shave. If your dealer is
temporarily out of cream, send us 30
cents in stamps and we'll mail it.
2517 N. Second Street Philadelphia
1?- -HH
Actual Sixc
of R-hll
"Americanization Movies" Planned
Cleveland. June 10 -iHj A P i
Tentntive plan to pioduce fifty two one
or two-rrel picturps a vear in the in
terest of Americiiniatinn were agreed
iinon at the convention of the motion
jiicture thpntre owners of America The
scenarios will bp written b welt known
authors and acted by sfnrs One nil1
be released to theatres cwh week
IkJA "(' '"bS I Iff Jb1
Fuel Waste
How to Prevent It in Your
Power Plant
"DOWER plant fuel waste is the result of imperfect combustion.
You may be using tho best grade coal and your boilers m.jy be in
the best condition, but unless nearly perfect combustion takes place in
the firebox, a large percentage of your power is going up the smoke
stack into thin air.
The Automatic Combustion Control (Gray System) supplies at
all times just the right amount of air to the fuel bed. It makes every
pound of fuel count. Result: yearly perfect combustion.
The Automatic Combustion Control (Gray System) is guaran
teed to save from 5 to 20ryc of your fuel bills. Many concerns have
lound that a much greater saving is effected. This expense-culling
apparatus has been tested in many of the country's leading power
plants for the past eight years. In every case it has won an enthu
siastic boost.
Find out how your power plant expense can be lowered without
decreasing the results you demand. Send for further information or
make an appointment for one of our Combustion Engineers to call.
This will obligate you in no way, but it will give us a chance to prove
what we say is true!
Automatic Fuel Saving Company
Bulletin Building Phone, Spruce 5874
' Ki.
l III Jll llll I J I
Herman in uniform, who la n member
of the provincial staff band who
marrbed up to little Captain McAllister,
revolver in hand, after belnc informed
that he wag a "desperate character."
The bride-to-be. who l about five
feet folir Inches in height, offered no re
sistance, but Captain Booth, her
fiancee, jumped up nnd tried to protect
her. A feore of members of the Boys'
Ouard surrounded Captain Booth, over
powered him. and held blm in his chair
during the scene which followed.
A mock trial wn Immediately or
ganized, with Dr. William Bcnr a
judfie. Major Oscar Haag and Sargeant
Major Harrv Wlliner were the prose
outinf attorney, nnd Captain Violet
was defended by Messrs. Thomas Wat
son and George Honeyraan, members of
the memorial corps.
Nearly a dozen witncsie were called,
but (p-eiit difficulty was encountered in
Rotting the Salvation lassies to tell their
nges. Iiieu tenant Jessie Quirk, one of
the attractive officials of Memorial
Corps, had just declared that she
"never, never would tell her ago to any
judge," when suddenly the lights wore
In the confusion that resulted Major
Villiam Quirk Jumped to the stage,
grabbed Captain McAllister' nnd hurried
her owny to the Fnlrmount nvenun en
trance. Simultaneously Captain Booth
Bhook himself frco of thp Boy Guards
and escaped from the building. When
the lights were turned on both Captain
Booth and Captain McAllister were be
yond the- jurisdiction of the court.
The jury was Instructed to bring In a
Scotch verdict of "Not guilty, but don't
do It again."
Captain Booth and his bride will en
joy n short honeymoon In the West,
after which they will continue In Sal
vation Army work ns young peoplcTs
secretaries in Iowa nnd Nebraska.
Lays High Building Cost to Men'
Refusal to Do Fair Day's Work
Clm eland, Juno 10. Chief blame
for tremendous Increases in building
costs Is placed on lnbbr's rnfusal to do
"a day's work for n day's pay" In the
repoit of tho county grand jury on Its
investigation of the housing situntlon.
delivered to Judge Kennedy In Criminal
Court. The report followed n three
months' Jnvestigntlon.
Workmen employed In building oper-
npeciai train leaves Head
atlons rcudolDB less than one-half the
work tncrlld In prewnr times, tbo
jury charges, nnd Arc receiving twice
the wngcsv ,
Spain Gets German War Relies
Snnfnnder, Spnln, June 10. Two air
planes, forty pieces of "artillery, nm
chine guns, flame tlnows, howitzers,
hand grenades nnd other implements of
war. presented to the Spanish Govern
ment by the German cabinet, arrived
yesterday from Hamburg. They Avill be
taken to Madrid, whore they will be
displnycd In the military museum.
riuM ruMMA Liu r(t .i.
rnuiti wnniuco riQ oioip M . i.."
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Savings of $1345 'n
I'lltsburgli, June 10. .Tame, g.,1
., son of n blind vendor of newsn.n,, )1
wns nrrcsted In thn nrm I.. ,"e"i
...... .......... . ...v ....,,. virrHrkt I
Columbus chargfd with boint? ......
' lUEITtv
from justice. V, hen the father nrtfl L
nppenred In Mornls Court the father. t5 &
how his son had taken SIRtn &'$ J
savings, from the snfo deposit vaiilt , ill
Young Gee was held for court on . ll
chnrge of dnrccny. a 'f
Wr T too,
Inor Termlnnl 8.00 A. M.. ston-
pine nt Columbia Ave, Hunt
ingdon St., Wayne Junction,
Logan nnd .Tcnkintown.
Returning leaves Wcw York,
West 23d St.. 7.47 V. M
Liberty St., 8 P. M. Standard
ia &
EfflkamEKm Philadclnh
n jciim bbjsqi ssHHifti ri 'I ,J
Whole Soled
7 With Genuine Neolin p
i and Rubber
Men's, $1.75
No call nor delivery, but
hoiifM value and good
nvp ciinpc
. IJ uuvuu Ni
V. j:. Cor. 8th & Filbert St.
9 jfT ii i n
Clearance Sale of Used Cars
Various makes, attractively priced and
sold under our 60-day service plan.
Lexington Banking Tlan, covering twelve monthly payments,
extended to renponslblo buyers.
Lcxfngtdn Touring Car; 7 pns
8 on get-.
Lexington Sport Model; 4 pas
senger. Lexington Sodan; 7 passenger.
Lexington Club Roadster; 4 pas
senger. Buick Sedan; 5 passenger.
Buick Roadster; 2 passenger.
Chalmers Sedan; 5 passenger.
Maxwell Sodan nnd Touring.
Stearns-Knight; 5 passenger..
Cole; 7 passenger.
Reo; 6 passenger.
Many other makes in Touring,
Sedans nnd Roadsters.
An opportunity to .secure n used
car which is a good ine?t
ment and which is hacked by
a reliable company.
Three days only, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Lexington Motor Company of Penna.
W. A. KUSER, rre.ideot
Lexington Bldg., . 851-853 N. Broad St.
tke Perfectly toned
youthful Stigure
EAR LA RESISTA and keep your figure
younc SPIRABONE stay placed at the
hips, combined with LA RESISTA designing,
mold the figure and create, as well as preserve,
exquisite lines of Youth and Style..
Adaptable to nny type of Figuro
Prices, $4.50, $5.00, $7.50-and up
Spirabone obtainabls only in La Refills
An excellent impertinent of La ItfolFta Corsets, and
experienced fitters to srivo caroful personal servlco to all
customers, at
And other (irit-clan ttoret
The Men Who IVfefce
the Cadillac
ThcgDonp'of men 'who have made thcrkd3kw&afc.?aB
today, have "worked in silence and almost in obscoritytbr
seventeen years deriving their greatest reward fzamnfaei
endorsement "which their endeao8 have -wonifcom-tha
whole "wodd.
Their -greatnessr-lias'1 been manesterl'-tihe'fect that-fliey
hae4i)eenKX)ntentutoiemain hiddtrfroinjtheiMAHcueye3anid
cxmjinc-their abifity for,the-a3mmonoo6WdiearfiDac.
No one of them wonld dreaan of cootending?'thafc'tihe
Cadillac is his creation he would feel ashamed tmflch
from his fellows the fruitaof seventeen- years-of .doeestnd
friendliest coordination.
They have had, all these years, aXHmflmonam1asbJd5fia
common.siandaTandall'of them share and. share aliko-Tn
the pride ana pleasarev.of maidngthed31acumci,wo
of the wcdd'sppreciatlon.
The-CadtQac hasgrrwn and'-developedSn goodnesaasrsa
man's character grows and develops with the years, when
he dedicates his- fife to'honor and integrity9.and. declines
swerve from thahignstandard. '
When another gronp, equally gifted, have appEed -theisamQ
high principles over a long period of years; when those
principles have fastened themselves like a lifelong habit on
the rank and file of a great organization then, and not
till then, can there be another car reraotcly comparable to
the Cadillac
h VI
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