r' ti?J "i jr.i v W"r The Marriage Trifler n.v iiazbij dkvo ijatchelou Cofurioht, 1H0, bu lh ruMlo Ltdatr Co, ffl&tofl pUfend' m&&- VjSaXtemX, TBttRSDAY, JUNE ' lK 19&) rr ;' 'In'. ' '7 I f ' ' "i 'V ' "' rifler - JT "IT III ?v" " " " wanamaker's downstah to I The Proposal . . tfninht. the acknowlfdot't 1arSiik vi'noVr m owt "?" fci(foA'ii,rruih(ff rom rMM S5Km 'M'YlEf mot MartM ,..,n. ifftliWll Rt twelve-thirty, BAhe car Into the hnn-ls ot the ?.Er . indVrted up to her room "" ihs looked closely m newm here m . cxpcotcl to tW fl M tfwifr. In nee eAm.thlnir strange had I Sw her last nlsht, Bomethlns K?chU Keith Orant from Ju.t fihi boy to tMma one iipeeM. e" L.mhered with hnrnlne cheeks SterJron Vi. vole In the last Tho allnincSnco about his in i'iVion for today. h; danreA iwrvwuriy over her vhSm- at the clock which pointed to 'h intile to 1. nnt1 tl,cn "." pu"S1 ttJw hat and hcKnn foverlahly to do ClhTlrorer wain, rtilllnc It Into little hf hair over . low on h0f ?jrdFhe tried on two other tinlm KPthM iuddenly decided to chansa M l2II. Ailored suit to ft dress and Ewi? ft r "oat At 1-20 iho atood tt.. ,t. .rM Mid n ho went JESSiWlM, h uttonlnc her glovos, wnlked ''ft. E,rner and took a bus. down- lth a dMIRninil iocnnK today, of Bhe play ""?. ftmnhnw. iJ2S:i to Tw entirely nlone, to with her haPPlneM. " ...'.-.ii ,n(nl near Wnshlnuton . frinatlmr hotel near WnshtnKton Sfutfi "w fd Uh! laughing-, chat tiriwr P0Pl when Barbara ontered. A linn t"" ,- , i,r. nrl she to IrJeUd him with her usual nonchalance ".-u.i.. hvtnulv avoided liln o.vea wited In a corner at a small table for fin and with the luncheon ordered. Bwbara small talk almost deserted jjtkddrcsalxrs anccesa iBwmtmtA wbcxi 700 uao Hnponxni POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL Stops Hair Coming Oatt Doubles Its Beauty. tw wnl bnys "nanderlne,M After pplloatlnn of "Dnnderlne" yen can lit find a fallen hair or any dandruff, faiMra nrtrr hair how new life, Tlfor, brilhtnett, mor color and thJoknesi. DOWN icith the u:u rt. of Dresses Co-operate With Us Clean-Cul SALE SPORT DRESSES ' ffpe d Thin A 0 j o r ri 1 1 e . AIo (,1;T1 j; DIIKSSR8 "Jd hrantlfiil VoIIm nd OrirnntllM. 1.50. $ 49 Qffflfl&i I J I A? ii ill r.s25 French Costume Co. $0r Chestnut Strct't iionSLrt w Kr,,,,h "fftnl'ii eyes thai .p,?!?-5,ru ''"'yi omethnK tha t-.wiiKUKcu iirr own eyes, it wan- a J. "yr"0!"'. ft d(th of purpose that e ! I"vcrJnll n'oro in the eyes or any one, nnd sho was amawl at the T.5?Sn. J.c Cftl,oa forth In hen Hhft avoiaed hie nvea and ii ninnr Sm hlH1, J3!!0 ,eUrrnoned evory bit of iv.i i ""u '" ,,nr ana Kept up a nirui oi nonsense. Then Anally he lean en across uio table and covered her ;..! Tr "iv palm "Pward on the wh to i cloth, with his. Barbara Koaced a iiiiio, nor eyes fluttered wide and uioi. 4nn. aim eno wan suddenly trembling "MaTDftra," h n tono urn tinf nulla steady. "Ijet's ro downtown this iVt- I'uiuun anu oo inarripil," "Why Keith"' 'Warm delicious flood or reellne were ilrlfilnrr u. v,- ...a.. on wavo. How splendid It would bo to '"'.,. ". .tflat tRther, oarlnK for luuiiiiK "i me world excepting to he llotro. Alonn ' Tim i.avm, . m...i ...i.i.4 ttie color to her face In wnveB; eho wns uiiALiuru ill may HIUBIOnS. you re ho nwcet," ho was saying Pass'pn'itely. "There's no ono In the wunu iird you. a wani you more than anything-, anythlnfr, do you hear me 7' His tono was almost rough j Jiln. cray eves wern dark vlth foellnjr. Surolv. thin cpulda't ho Barbara: they couldnt ua uiihuiit vogeuier iiKn tnin ana want- ma io uu iiiuiKH inai junc wcren t done! ur oourso it -wouldn't do to ko oft like that nnd he married, hut It was f4ro j7" Bl f Jxqduferetxt m I iroinihe ordinary I I Wilmar I I PEANUT BUTTEI? I 1210 Walnut Street Our Fifth Anniversary Sale Continues With 20 off From Our Entire Stock of Spring unci Summer Afternoon and Evening Frocks, Morning Garli, Exclusive Wraps, Suits nnd Sports Apparel. You Take the 2Q Discount Off These Reduced Prices Tricotino Suits ... 69.50 Street Dresses 18.00 Afternoon Frocks 38.00 CnmelVHair Polo Coats, 59.50 rilr- i? n?'1 drawn back. There were K ... ,w PtiislnjfRllenoo and then ;I?i--ero A,ono fl8ln. Barbara was looklnjr across tho tablo Into Keith's eyes. wlV4..'.?uMl,'.tJ,1, tnftt" oho -whispered. Wo Just couldn't " .2IIL dotir7 Why "hould wo wh,?) in': WOP'" In thin when it's what wo want to dor' Tln;l,ll(,ad'd.n8,' wn eomlnu back to Bnrbarft as Bho sipped her bouillon nnd 5fil nlL"i',l l0.0k awund her. Kor n it,. I?0!".6".!? ho had forKotten where she was: she had not cared, sho had ne.t.li0rly pare!(,!J o' conventions. Of sh ?.'J i T1,'!" b0 married llko that. r hiil,MKvt,..l,loro than anythlnK J,h.i but they must not do any- L ViS, eA..Thoy. mMi enenrrod for ?J!mo & c.1urD0.Lt needn't bo for two f25;ai"Il iin8n th?ro must be a bin o?rw,,n,!aan,rlWltl,, Eleanor for maid S.?nr,., Bar',ar'S thoughu. wero dipping into an entrondnsr futuro: n futuro in wlUch sho would play the leading role. Her cyra wer wide nnd ! . W 1 . a ftlmst forgotten the "l "WAcunwH sitting opposite to her, po absorbe-1 waa she in her dreams. "But wo can't Ignore olhor people." she aald. Her brown oyes met Keith's with an expression of bewildered naivete In their depths, as though she would have liked to do that"ery th?ng and couldn't , ' K His nycs searchlnfr hers, saw only what she wanted h m to see and at that moment he felt thnt hT.. .i2: nnd hn was solflsh to ask her to go oft wiui iijiu inni way. un look in the I hearf-Bhaped face under trmsses of honoy-colored hair, tho beauty of hor 'When can I see you alone?" ho nBked TomorrOCT Vnnng ITe WANAMAKER'S DOWN STAIRS STORE WANAMAKER'S Whk Wedding Gifts D istinctivc Superb A Special of Importance 6.75 ThlT-Artistic-Hnnd-Painted "Shldrl and BoacrComplcto. WcroJL2.50 Jiqysereih man t522rCHESTNUT ST, Poporhanginar, Painting, Furniture, Draperiet, Lamp nnd Shades, Art Object. Completo Intarior Furnishing WB-lCfOW-UOW blNrB 1871 Wanamaker's Down Stairs Store ! pnoToixAis FltOTOPUWS PHOTO nxxs THRU !& FyflMERICA TIio following theatres obtain their picture through tho STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is n guarantco of earl showing of tho finest productions. AsTc for the theatre. In your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. Allinmrtri 12;h' MotN & Taaryunk Av. "T;itK i)An7unn.' ALLFHHFNY ankford A Allegheny ,.V. Jr lN l Ml- D"v " Eves, ot ( "rn.i,iis' I'UNrTunHn noNrANCB" APOI I O 02D aND 'ntOHPSON STS. r-i vyvlv-r .fATI. DAILY l.tlttY COTTON hi "DIJND I.OVK LEW COIIV In "THIS HUTTSttKLT MAN- 1OTH r. Jt. BALTIMORF aui & haltjmork urL i. iiviwrvc, Kv, n 3o, Mat, Sat , OWEN MOOHE In "SOONEH Oil LATKn- RI tJFRIRD noAD btoedt and 01VJt-OHLf SUSQCCIIANNA AVI MARIf TU7AIV m "HuavLiffiJEany i'inn1 Ml ANN & DILKS U02 CHESTNUT STREET fill ( jiiJ 7TIU h f" On sale herrsonly Suits 1168 Ladi( Misses' Suits Junior Suits Also Coats 19 not a woo or n jersey wool. I jersey made of Colors wear. suitable for summer Also black, or white, nnd new light shades. Ladies' Shirts Collars attached or detached. Mann a Dilks U02 CHESTNUT STREET U BROADWAY W ""' " aniFFrri't'K ' "nra onEATE3T qi-ks rroN- r A DITrl 722 MAnKr.n KTtitrtyn V "' A M " t' -1 ''. M I KMD 11IC.VNTTT "THE FALSE IliiAD MODFF m SOUTH ST. Orchtr 4V1WIC.L Contlnuoua 1 to 11. ..nonnnr wauwh k in . 'HI MAN DIUFTWOOD- OVERBROOrC ,,1D AND tri. wrv HAVnRFOnD AVB "BACK TO UOD'S (Ot NT11Y" PALACF 12H MAKKET SniKHT ,5y?AMA, ,TA . I.MA PO r.' In THE WOMAN Q IVES" PK Ivr.FfiS ow SWRKKT - , -' h.:tn a i smrrcr 8. .10 A. M. fn ll'IK U M I "ffCSESKP "' TOLLYANNA- REGENT MAnKET T. nalow 17TI1 ,, 0:40 A- " to 11 P. M. "A MANHATTAN KNIOIrr" RIALTO "ratMANTOW.V AVB, . AT TULPISIIOCKEN ST ..3.s HA1IT In "Tim TOf.tOATE" RUBY xtAI"f sr. nm.ow 10 A. r. tn 11 13 I "MIRACLW OK Mo.vi:r- M rFNTIIRY KnlE AVIi AT 0TII BARL WILLIAMS tr "1TOKTUNE 1U1NTK1I PDF ONFAT G'" MaPlewooil Av. yjL,Jivit-L. 2 .'to. t n.i o i. sr. OONSTAXCR niNNr.'Y In "TUB dTOLEN lCfSS" SAVnV '-II MAI1KET 8TRMi.rr MnKVvAVN-'50,l'DN',0"r "Hi'CKLicnnnnY kinn" SHLKW(JOD Mt'.' 'ndun.tttm.1M "POLLYANNA 0 30 EMPRESS MAIsTf JIANAYDNIC MATINEH DAILY OLrVB THOMAH In "OUT TONDEH FAIRMOUNT 20th ft UlrarJ Ave. MAT1NTI3 nAII.V MARY PICICFOHO In "POIJ.YANNA' FA Mil V TIIEATn-131l Marmot fit. 1 AlVllL-i n A- j, , Mirtnleht FTIANK MAYO In the ami. IN NO 2U ' 56TH ST U. SWEKT TlinATlli: nlot Sprue MATINril DAILY in "Tin: pi Ariutri sr" the lost l ITV FRANKFORD 4"5 vV0KKronD v TW.MApnw In ' ist r; nr I'ovorrsT" KnANKKOUD MEMOni1 I'UtAOR GREAT NORTHERN u,r i ft' I1ERT LYTETI ir "the nionr op vv IMPERIAL 00TII ft WALNUT STS Mftti. a 30 Et. 7 4 0 STANLEY ?l?rp,rA.nlovn wtii "nra niBAitT or a cmr.n- STAR KINaTON AND ZH3 oV YOUTH- VICTORIA "Atwrn1 ST All OTl'l THE ADVENTUItlin wr "zss? BELMONT 5aD AB0V MAiutcT ST AH CAST lii 'MOTHERS Ol" ri3N" CEDAR C0T" Cf:DA' AVENUE Will ItOKvn In 'Wntfr Aililrd riMin fr' ml lift NllldfK Rinltnr,.. mi ISFf IA1 M.UIKET nEmvpw ,-N"'a-,w-wi nnTir .x.r.T.. Ifr. n. ".'.' "" hnu Uj ".ll ."IIH Hlld Clirlii Ray In. Flynn Hpoclnl, ' chn 'hn Imxt" EUOKNE O'nnirN In 1UM Will; S MUM-.il IRIS KENSINGTON AND ALLEGHENY AVENUES MARK TWUN -' lrUCJCLEHEltHY KINS' ' I AI7AVFTTF KENS1NC.TON AVE. LAI AYU. 11C AND C'AMimiA ST ANITA HTEWAI.T in f"LO ER'S l.rilEI r,ld ' AVE L" II IH1Dr FRONT T. A nimnn JU1IIDU JumlKi .lunotlnn on Fruikford ii'vb CArnicrj in rp l Y11.IY.I .1LRY- L0CUSTM0. .s?s2s DE MILLE s lo U "WHY CIIANQI1 YQPli WlIT?" NIXON B2D ,VND 1WRT STS. Jl MT HANSEN In i'ii ii-.i iii 18. 7 anil 9 r . . LEADER iai s "mv't-'CVe'daimi RIVOLI i it.ni FH nv i rvi r i' pvuif onr.i rnr JD AMI Cmnsom sis ln1l.... ..... rPI PF.IUl'tv'ln 1""" M 1HEII CASE I 1DCDTV BHOAD 4 f M MUIA AV Llljt'l 1 I MVMM F. DAlLi OWFN MOOHE "1 "soovrn tu i ait p 333 MARKET .TffSaTfiCT WE. VENANQO STRANDUB,,MANawA? in; aiii.i i h "WHY fHVNai'. YOl It WIPE WEST ALLEGHENY "' WALLACE BBin . THE DANCTN' FOOL" Comltoclirt tbowlsB rrcfiAOiH Xpr tb wlt uBetri Biturdty Yunirauailur, To realize the savings at Wanamaker's, subtract one-fifth from every price here quoted it will amount to quite a sum This Is Certainly the Place for Men tq Buy Their Summer Clothes Fine Summer Suits of All- Wool Cheviots Are Marked at Average Wholesale Prices Less 20 Per Cent 100 Suits at $35 100 Suits at 150 Suits at $36.50 $37.50 Co-operation brought about this sale of fine Summer suitsiat the very begin ning of the season. Eveiy one is a standard Wanamaker suit, pure wool and carefully tailored. They are in oxford and light gray, browns, greens and mixed cheviots in many different models. Coats are all half-lined with mohair. Fittings in all regular sizes. No need to pay high prices for good clothing now! Onllrr.v, Mnrkrt) Men's Lower-Priced Shoes White Oxfqrds at $10 Sports Oxfords of white leather have full wing tips and aro very Rood-looldnjr. Brogues at $10.50 Men's Bropruo Oxfords, of blnck or brown lenther with full winjc tips nnd all. aro sturdily soled. Comfortable Shoes of soft, pliable kidskin in Blucher style arc made with wide toes. Widths A to E, sizes 5 to 11. 512.50 a pair. (Uttller.Y, Market) Boys' Blouses and Knickers The Blouses arc S1.50 Sizes 7 to 15 years and they arc made of blue chambray, khaki color, or striped percale. The Knickers are $1.75 Sizes 7 to 18 years of black-and-white cotton crash which appears gray. At $1.85, they are of khaki color. 20 per cent deducted at time of purchase. (Oiillnry, Markrt) Men's Oxfords at $7.90 Enlish-lnst Oxfords in straight-lace style aro of ton leather Black lenther Oxfords arc in both Blucher and straight-laco styles. Boys' Shoes, Special at $3.50 Tan Blucher, wide-toe shoes with sturdy soles and low heels are in sizes 10 to 13"-2. 20 per cent deducted at time of purchase. ! Men Like These Tweed Hats for Knockabout Wear $3.50 Nothing seems to hurt such a hat, it can be rained upon or ant upon and thcro is nothing better for motorinc, Rolnng, fish inp, etc. These arc in four shades of gray and brown mixtures with Btitched .brims and crown, Venetian linings and half-bands of leather. 20 per cent is still to be taken from the price. (Oullrry. MHi-brt) Wi mm rrVrWw ''' j i gFmm . AM Ul 'I Chamois-lisle Gloves With Contrasting Cuffs Are a Pretty Novelty The fabric is firm and of a fine, smooth quality and tho cloves arc to be had in n wide range of colors white, cafe au lait, pongee, mode, beaver and gray. Sometimes the whole cufi" is of a contrasting color, sometimes just the lining, but it generally matches the em broidery on the backs of the gloves. At $1.50 a pair these are most unusual and then the price is further lowered bv 20 per cent at the lime of pur chase. (Outrun Five Styles of White Surf Salin Skirts at $5 (The deduction' takes off SI, jjmi know!) Gleaming, pretty material, the .-kirts fresh and white; most at tractive at. to pockets nnd he'ts can you imagine prettier skirts for hiimmer CMnrltrt) Here's the Best Sale of Handbags and Leather Goods That the Pown Stairs Store Has Ever Held Prices Are I'ery Loic and Arc Further Lowered by the General 20 Per Cent Deduction First Come Samples Some a Little Rubbed Toilet Sets for Travelers, $2.50 to $12 Coming just at the acation season when people aro seeking gifts for departing friends, these offer wonderful choosing. Here are cases of imitation leather and of real leather in various grain-, lined with colored silk moire or saffian leather and filled with imitation ivory fittings for women and black fittings for men. Also some military brushes mVather cases. Their prices are about half the usual ones. ' Men's Collar Bags, 85c to $5 Really there are both boses and bags, some with inner compartments for collar buttons, scarf pins and handkerchiefs. They are of real and imitation leathers, linedjf with moire, and in quite a variety -,f colors. Writing Cases, $1 to $5 Ever so convenient and pleasant to own are these cases of salHan calf, pigskin and pebble-grain leathers and imitation leathers. They are fitted with blotters nr pads and are beautifully made. The Second Group Is of Handbags of Leather or Silk The leather ones are in the '.orm of strap books or kodak bags, and are 'in pebble grained black leathers or lighter gra- s. tans and browns in wider grains. (Hi. to S4. The silk bags aro of moire, in black, navy blue, brown and taupe, fitted with inside frames or with small coin 'mr-es and mirrors. $2 to ?5. All of these bags are in perfect condition, fresh and new. They are splendidly made and prettily lined. They aerare a third under price. i ( mtfr llri " V2Hl it i-inrrrm ,1 liV B lii J Jl $10 $6.75 What an Array of Pretty Summer Frocks JL a 9 tMrfl.1 f3 J Ji-4S JV JL I a..H- 7 .n. here at thi inwpst pov- m made for anything like iliou-anii- oi inojie iicsn and charming iire-o sihle piH. In most instances ou couldn't huve the price-! ma'k.'d on their tickets. Tricolette Dresses Pin oe h itntrcd moie ot tlie-o have arnved an! vafo t htay will In fnls a matter of houis. Tlun aie in ll'on .til una hagen, llo-.h pink, naw blue, brown, champagne ,ind lil.iok Georgette Crepe Dresses, $13.25 and $16.50 -i .tyle that their in Copcn- 'Mm, Mm iminRb aro generously embiuuioroil with beadb in an ontneh m design. Polka-Dot Dresses in Extra Sizes, $10 These aie naw blue and black voiles with white polka dots and Inmr of white organdie. In mos 42'2 to fiO'.-. Regular sie in tin- same materials aie ST "0. Linene Sports Suits, $6.75 Itcmniknhh (.omUutaliU and ser icoable sports -nit-, aie these in pink 10 o or Copenhagen lie i.icktt- .no made with Tuxedo or tailored collnr, au'.l aie belted and podu-ted. (Sketched ) Linene Coat Dresses, $10 One of these is sketched, too. It is made with a lound collar and cuff of whito organdie, a silk tie and shiny black belt. In white, tan or Copenhagen blue lineno In an open, crash weave (Market) 1 i ; : . A $16.50 fit W i- V .3' n V. ' tV M ' .', ,.m i & t ?. J s,i m r IX T I iri St1 A - ,lf. ji- .i-Hiiaf-gsasav wi f - J ... - i ... M. II siia'i irti E23T