Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 10, 1920, NIGHT EXTRA, Page 12, Image 12

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' h
iSugorcss Gingerbread Is Delicious Various Tasty Kinds of
Punch That Arc Easy to Make
8 lly MKS. M. A. WIUSON
tfCa'purtohl llfo bu 1r. it. 4.MI'IHoit. -Ill
Jv rloitu inrritif.)
f Iy drnr Mis AVINnn A liltli- Inter
ntt T nut going tn linvo n fresh -iilr fund.
"rind tliouglit iiih.vIip ,oii could imblWli a
i icv reeiprt for the enke mill enndy
'table, nK linvv to ninke n good nuni'li
"lind n fen flnvoringi for tho novvlmlK
jpspcrlnlly flini'olntp. I would 1ikr to
make these with at lift to expeiine ns
)1wmr1I1p. I'linnkitig ou cry niudi. I
remain, o.
SiiR.irless (itiiRerlirrml
I. Tln..n tn n mlvtiif linn
I? Three-quarters cup of molasses.
C Mil fififBitrmii fiii'fn inf
I ' i Our nmf nnr-lialf tiasnoons h elii-
One teaspoon of flintier,
I Onr.Slinlf teaspoon of allspice.
f 7'iro ch' of flour,
I Tico 7tcl tablespoons of baking
OnC'half cup of iralcr.
tlent to mix nnd tlirn bnki in wrll
igrcnnod mid tloiirt'tl baking iim in 11
niodprnto ovpii for thlrt minute".
I For variety tr nn.v of the following:
"One flip of rnisiiiM or tvvo-tliinli nip of
finely phoppi'd ppaimti, two-thirds nip
mf finely chopped prunes or I'vuporuted
npple.s. pcnelios or nprlroN or oiip nip
of eoeonnut.
, Hnkp one lot in u dppp Imer-enke
pan nnd then tho M-cmitl lot on sponge
enko pans, nnd then bakp n third lot in
muffin pans. If joii will M-lfrt a star
tlinpel ian with n tube in thp renter
unit iio iliis for niakinc mioiicp cuke
'the follow ins rwlpp can thus lip
to make two cukes. Tlic.v will
Bell for twenty -live tents apiece.
In n mixinc howl
Thrccauartcis cup of
Yolks of two mar.
Tco tablespoons of iratcr.
Our cup of flour.
. Tiro lexel teaspoons of
'' ltent hnrd to blend and then cut and
fnM In the stiflh beaten whites of two
rRgs and pour into the
Grease and Hour the pans
ml then bake the cukes in
OTCli for thirt.v minutes.
? SiiRarlevs t"aml
Tilt throusli the food chopper, using
the finest knife,
One pound of shelled piniiuls.
One half packaar of cwnanut.
One pound of stoned pi lines.
v One pound of dried aprvots.
Turn into a bowl and then add jut
enough (sirup to enable ou to knead
the mass like bread dough. Now form
Into small balls and then roll In ninei
finely chopped peanuts or coeo.inut
i l'ol Wulkl
' Try this, l'liico in a saucepan
Tiro cups of irnfr corn inup.
then cook until
This iiMiully
This gives ii
easily '
in...... I
irnc corn
two pans,
ii moderate
Cook It until it forms a "-oft ball in
cold water and then add one pound of
brown sugar and stir well to dissolve.
Cook for the minutes longer and then
pour in a tine strenin upon the stifllv
beaten whites of two eggs. Heat until
stiff and then drop from a spoon in lit
tle lumps yn wn- paper mid let cool.
Dust lightly with cinnamon.
Many varieties of fruit punch can lie
made with fresh fruits.
Hawaiian I'iiikIi
Place in a saucepan
7'iro pounds of sugai .
Three-pound can of irlule corn sirup,
One quart of iralei.
Ilring to a boil and
the sugar is dissolved,
takes about live minutes,
stoi k sirup.
Plate one ipiart of the stock simp in
a puui h howl and add
7 ii o iunrts of K atei ,
I'mr of ic ,
I'int of lemon juice.
One quart of crushed berries,
Nit bananas, at in slices.
and thru tir to blend thoroughly,
(irapejulrc Punch
Our quart of stock sirup.
Our quait of nrnpcjuiie,
7 no quart of iratcr.
'I luce oniuars, ml in thin slices,
I'onr bananas, sliced thin,
Lai lie mer of ift .
To piepaie the ihocol.ile sirup for the
snowballs, tij tliis: Plme in a sauce
pan Tiro cups o simp.
One cup of neon.
One and one half tups of iralei;
Sit Iriel tablespoons of cornstaich,
One teaspoon o) innamon.
Stir to dissolve the starch, then bring
to a boil and took slowly for live min
utes. Kcuinvc from the lue and add one
tablespoon of vanilla extract. Place in
n pitcher.
This is n rich, delicious sirup, nnd it
can be poured over ice renin as well as
over the snowballs.
StrawlMrrj Crush for Snowballs
Place in a saucepan :
Wo cups of ir'iir turn sirup,
four cups of strait In n irs.
Tiring to a boil and then cook slowly
for ten minutes. Pom into a ldtiher
and whip Willi a vvne whip to Mend the
i bei ries thoroughly . K.iphcines or
stoned cherries uin be nsid to icplaee
the berries. '
To mnkc the orange fl.ivm. grate tiie
rind of one orange .ml then ue the
lineij chopped pulp of si oi tinges, mi.
dium-sizcd. L'se in place of tin- straw
Biuintui simp: 1 se two cups of
rushed banana pulp in pltii . of the
A 1115 YOl on the honor list of the
Prize Menu Contest?
lie sure to join the rnnks 'soon.
Time imp three prl.es offered for the
best menu for a dollar mid a half
dinner for foui people.
i-'iit.sr. S'-'.r.o
TllllCt). SI.OO
Utiles -The foods used must be
staple ami in season. The sales slip
for all materials must be Included.
The u.inie and address of the sender
and the dale must b" clearly written.
Write all menus and price llst on
one side of tlie'pnper only and nd
ilress all im tins to
Mm. Wilson's Menu Contest,
ErcniiKj Public Ledger,
Independence Square.
If you don't win a prle you'll to
reive a friendly iillleistn of your
efforts. In the meantime you'll be
cutting the liitth cost of living by
your cat efiil planning.
If i end . . .
lluttrr . . ,
(lelatin . .
Lemon . . ,
Sugai . . .
s is ven tin e
Mrs. Jeffrey Stewart
252-1 South Cleveland Avenue
Orange Salad
Veal anil Kite (eu ra.sserole)
Fresh Peas l.einnn Meringue.
Ilisriiits and Hurler
One oinnir .
One small salad
Our pound lean i rul
OnC'iiunrlrr' pound nrr
One-quarter pert. 1 r i pen .'.1
7'iro lemons !i
Tiro eggs . It)
One-half pound sugar I.
i Itisciiits
llultcr, milk, tea
'if A '
I r,,,7 i
l ! ui' 1
t w
.' ' !
s- Jiir-
fvf5 7 ) !
rn . i II
.", toy !
.in ' ry
Please Tell Me
What to Do
Ask Mother
Rlnck Kyea Ask your mother , ex
actly what you asked Cynthia. HobulnB
tho hair Is going out ot style,
"Bon Voyage" to "De Jure"
Dear C.vnthln Just n few lines to
"Do Jure, ' nicniic. I would Just ,1Iko
to say, "U. J.," that I think jou have the
right Idea when It comes to n car being
paramount to w union, theatres, cafes,
etc. Next to a high-spirited hoise, nnil
pretty clothes, nt Hint, Is m "III ole
roatlster." After n hard period of worlt,
when one, needs nientnl ns well as phys
ical relaxation, my advice Is to Jump
Into a car (If Dosfdhle) nnd drive, drive,
I drive until jotl nre ready to drop, Thcie
nro many good roads nnd beautiful
scenes nnd not so xnry fnr from I'hlla-
i dt'lphla. nt that. Ask any successful
I business ninn how he miilinccp to lake
his mind from his work jiml nine-tenths
of thoso who drive will recommend It as
the only thliiK. Good luck to you and
yours. "Do Jure." and when you are let
ting her out on n straight stretch, please
think of a girl who would like to race
nil nnil nvpn If rnit ,11,1 itetit Vr. help
I would clasp your hanll and ''
Shcs Been Going Everywhere With the Same Man and the
Same Happy Look for Months, but She Never
Thinks Anybody Suspects
SI. ',2
The Woman's
' - Exchange
Mrs. Wilson's Menu Contest .
My dear Mrs. WiNon-I am sending
the following menu for the i-outiM:
Tomnfori Rtuffrd With Chicken, on
' Lit luce
Potatoes . L'",r",
Snnmii tVrrtin lop o .univ
liriad flutter
Chicken breast
TlireP-tpiarters can of corn
Spanish cream
Top of milk
Sugar and seasoning . . . . .
Our 'lyr qrlatin
.. .in
.. .It
. . .1"'
, . .07
, . .7
. .ill
. .0.1
Madam, where, oh where, can we
ret real breast of chicken for thlrtv -live
cents.? There is not suflicient potatoes
or their cn.utv.ihnt in tins tasty meal.
Mrs. .. . Adams
330 1 r oodland Avenue
Tomatoes and Itaeou
Irn casserole)
Itniled ICiee
spai.igus Willi Itultcr Dressing
fettiire and ICgg Sal.td
Cranberry Pie
Remedy for Red Nose
7'o the l.illtor of 11 on il" s Page
Pcnr Mail.un I ,im .1 te.ulcr tr your
rnliinin and I wuiild liKe to Know what
would lie good to use tn ci I rid of n ret!
nose My nose is .ilw.ns led It Is
a'wavs tho same, cummer anil winter.
It No 1 that 1 e.it i.iiulv .1 el too many
wets, for T don't, but I .in t under
stand why it is so i.uay i:yi:s.
If this does not mine finm Indigestion
It must come from poor in illation. If
ou cannot see .1 physician about It try
in m.iko t bettei vouisilf b getting
plentv if flesh ulr and iegul.it cxerclso
In the upon all' liet plentv of sleep and
be sure that there is a wide iircuUtlon
of all In vour deeping 10010 I3.it good,
wholisoiuo food and eat plentv of it lit
regular tunes Drink lots of water oil
1 e.illv should see n doctor nnd find out
siirelv lust what this condition eomes
from, but the exercise and fresh all will
I help vou In the meantime
mil Ilutter
Cuff re
!.' sl.lf
I omalors $ ,lt)
.1 spnrnnus Vi
K'ins in
Ciaiibi irrii pir ;;
Bread and Ilutter ,'T
tnjfic nnd iiiam
My dear Mr. Wilson Please accept
tills menu for consideration.
( u. .xi.
. .in,
, .in
Heel Itiounrd 1'nlaiOCS
1 ir (1 recti I'eas
t'lirumliti and ttiium naiad
Hot Appli I'n lliti mis and I'offce '
This tan all I"' punh.ie(l for :?l.."0i
and will certamlv feed lour people'. ,
I (don't know vvneie vou could get
a roast of In 1 1 and all this meal for this
money Uoal lm f i verv expensive,
you know.
My deal Mis iUnn-s.1 would like
to tmtiinit the f.illowing for the menu
contest. MS. K. H.
linked lUmis and I'ork Chops
llaked I'otatoes
Chu'olalc I'udihng
"Bread Ilutter Coffee
One liulf pound of beans. $0 IJH
One pound of pmk idiop '
One quart of new potatoes l
One hum h of riulislie" "'
One small luC of bread 'M
Coffee and iop of milk '
Kugar J;
Ilutter . .;, .',
One nnd one-half pints milk.. . 1-
Chocolate '
Cornstarch, pepper and tnlt n 1
Molasses for beanc U
Miss Elizabeth Davis
Morchanti illr. ". J.
Salmon Ixiaf it It I, eg Waiter liar-
nished With W.itrmcss and Slices
of l.rniop
Frrnrh String Iteans
It.iked A Ititrx Potatoes
lltiushed With li.iron nil)
Slaw on leltine Leaves (Salad)
Lemon (el.iiin illi ,sii etl Ii.iiianas
.s.t '.s s.ll
1 Snliiioi , .
I r.il'n
I I'ntntnrs
I Wall icrrss .
I t'nbbane
1 f! 1 1 iw) lira us
ha .
The Question Corner
Today's Inquiries
1 What can he dotmwith a pair of
faded, sunburned, silknline win
dow curtains?
' In what attiadive way can an
ordinal y pair of tin book ends be
covered for the summer porh?
.".. Desinbe n dainty, novel way of
trimming shoe trees
1. What patent leather article is
convenient for the ihild who loves
to write and dinvv?
.", Is it cm reet to intioduee each
guest who enters to the assembled
1 ompntiv al a paitv ?
Ii. What coloi lombination is pop
ular for stun suits and dresses?
eslertl ly 's Answers
1. In piei mg I. n e put the pieces to
gether a. if fci a seam and have
them lienisttti hid Cut the stitch
ing in half ninl the rrsult is firm
nnd hardlv ni'in cubic
-. A diutitv gift fot the booklover is
a hand paintnl vase of jiaper,
made ilouhlc and left open nt the
top tn hold ,i bouquet of flower
book minks also of stiff paper
,1. Hi taking g.itlirring stitches over
a fold on the outside of thill
mateiinl. n tit m foundation will
he g.nin d fm llie stitc lies.
1. All nttiintive ilium! wicker tray
is of dnik In own with spray of
flowers and terns, two butterflies
and a km v dnl under the glass in
plate of 1 I etoline
.". A man should tnise his lint on
performing am little courtrsv to n
nidv vv In tin r he knows her or not.
fl. A taffeta iibbon snsh is trimmed
vvitli einhmidf red wool flowers.
si IS
This is a poorlv balanced menu. The
lieans nnd chops hot Ii contain the -mm
food value and how that one is cheap
JUid the othet expensive. Theie is im
milad, which is ueiessurv for the propi r
To Mrs. H.. Mrs S A and Mis, M
No criticism could be made of voui
dinners, bemuse vou suit in only the
price list and no arranged menu The
VUlrs of the lontest say "menu." not
price IK. although the price Hat must
ulbo be included.
Honor List
Mrs. R. F. Rut!
930 Mansion Street
Bristol. la.
i- Potatoes Meat
Itre.id and Ilutter
Tomato Sulad Gelatin
,S.I-:.S' SUP
aund . .$
Our pound loiind steak.
One rap
One onion
Hall and pippci. about
Ciackcr mal
rte nuart iirn niilatot
Tiro tomatoes "
lettuce leaves, about 10
I)reiino ; '''
Kmnll can evanaiated milk (
nmt.auarfrr iioumi! sugar Ofi
One eighth pound butler 70
Better Quality
And Worth More
Toasti ES
TKe supf iority of these
improve'd corn flakes win
immediate recognition
because ,of more attract
ive flavor, firmer texture
and greater satisfaction
in nourishing value.
"Ybu'll like these best of all
corn flakes and
ATry Tells Why
Oder's? jyPostum Cereal Ca.Inc.Battle Creek Mich.
'I he side "panels" (hat aro featured
in Ibis dainty dress are nut panels
:it nil, but illusions achieved by
chain s! Hcliing. The broad collar
and cuffs are made of white or
gatidio like the dress. The hat is
also organdie, but the color is
pink, and it is trimmed with a
wreath of flowers
A Daily Fashion Talk by I-'Inrciicu Hose
WOM13N mav be told as often ns you
please tlint wlntp is not actually the
coolest tone to wear in win 111 weather,
but. you inuy depend upon it, as soon
as summer comes the fancy of vvell
dresed women turns to thoughts of
pure-white clothes, ami the shops, re
sponding to that fancy, show windows
and sliovvuises filled with frocks and
accessories of white.
There is something to be gainetl by
the frock that is all white that is
really better than can be achieved by
the frock that is white with some col
ored trimming, and this is a something
thnt no one knows better than the
smartly dressed woman.
Organdie is the chosen totton fabric
for the fastidious woman this .season,
When TariH launched the new fabrics
late Inst winter there vvns this much to
he said about tliein all, voiles, musliik,
organdies or Swisses; They nre unu
sually thin ; bheerues.s was nn essentinl
qualification. Now. of all sheer tottons,
perhaps none seems filmier thnn organ
die. Theie is an niri'ness about it t lint
makes it look even thinner than it is.
And this reiommends it especiallv in a
season when sheerness is nn essential,
(t uArfK'u IP'Jfl by J-'lornce Hosr 1
"Happy" Writes to "De Jure"
Dear Cynthia I nm very much Im
pipsscd by "He Jure's" letter I feel a
veiy Uncn delro to cmucss my view of
tho whole Hltuatlou In the tlrst place,
our young friend provoked the young
ladles alnjost to the point of distinction
by cruelly condemning the wnsie of time
and money spent in cntet tabling them,
stating nn automobile would serve with
so much better satisfaction toward
ninuslnir the vouns men themselves At
1 least that la the gist of his remarks
That Is Ills opinion, nnd siiiclv he Is en
titled to his own point of view In tho
second place. It would seem lo 1110 the
voung women have been bitter and
harsh In their JtidKinent of ' Uo .line'
,nnd have thrown restialnt to UicwIiuR
heaping their wintli upon his head In
hasty defense, foi gating that n soft an
swer will tin 11 nvvay wrath and win "le-
0rllltt', ltMfti- tlmn nm nlher Will'. XVe
ate all entitled to our own opinions, mu
sometimes we aro Inclined to tesctit
some one else ,i tf his does not agree
with ours. That Is where the mistake
has been made Perhaps "Me .lure.'
you will ease up Just a little and meet
me half way. because I honestly believe
that underneath your contempt for fe
male associates tin re is 11 big licuit
waiting for tho right girl to come along.
You love children and llowers. I won
der If you love music and animals r
ask, because It has been said, "You
never need fear a man who lovca flow
ers, music and animals" Xow, frankly
nnd truthfully do you" Aren't you Just
a bit Inconsistent when you advise tho
boys to save their monev until tho right
girl comes along, hv devoting their time,
money nm! attention lo nu inanimate
nutomnhtln? With the lllull cost of ens-
ollne and the hciivv expense of a car'rf
upkeep, it .seem m illiei piactlcnl nor
possible, unless, of couise 11 oung man
has money In his own light 01 an excep
tional salary. l save verv much with an
automobile for amusement And how,
unless xou associate with oung women.
do you expect to find the right gill?
flow lo you expect to uunw ner wnen
she does nppear ' Have vou ever stopped
lo consider the rt lining innuence or a
good woman upon all mankind If you
linmiened to n.irllcllialt in the Hie Klcht
you mny have re.illzttl that young men
become a little caieless tn their remarks
and dress, and peih.ips .1 lilt crude in
their manners, when thev are denied the
presence of good women, and the cour
tesies which a girl so admires slip nviav
t'nless you keep up to the standard,
do you think your tduil girl will over
look all these tilings, whin you lind her"
Suppose all the men In the world fol
lowed your advice nnil chose automo
biles. Wheie would we find little chil
dren to love" Helleve me, I am most
sincere There arc good and bad the
world over, but there aie Just as many
good women as there are cood men Per
haps you have not sought In the rlcht
place, l'on't look in the dlstnice; the
most beautiful llowers are close nt hand
I hope that In the near future you will
meet n cood. sweet, senslhlp clrl. miod
to look at and vet 0110 whom you inai'i
lenru to love for her sterling qualities,
alom with whom you may share vour
nil. eien to vour beloved automobile In
exrb.inco for true love, comradeship and
ll-applnecs, IIAPI'Y
Till) girls were ndinlrliiR lather's
engagement ring nnd exclnlmiiiK over
tin announcement which had nppeared
In the papers that day.
"I think It's perfectly lovely." one
girl rrled. "I .always sntd you were
just light for each other."
"IJut wcien't you surprised?" nkc!
IMher, 11 bit wistfully.
"Surprised? The only thing I'm sur
prised nbnut lshnt it wnsn't nnnounced
long ago."
"I don't see how ou knew." IMher
said In n disappointed tone." "We
thought we'd surprise, pvprybod. Why.
wp didn't toll n soul except the families
mid I know they didn't tell."
There wns a shout of laughter at her
rcinaiks. The engagement had been Mi
niored for months. Esther and Harry
hod been going to dances, to pnrties,
for long walks and everywhere together.
Wlien tlie.v were seen together tliey both
wore the most contented expression, tme
time when Esther went nway torn suou
visit Ilarrv was discovered wnlking
away from the station Willi suen a ioiu
doleful face that everybody knew with
out usking what the tragedy was At
one of tiie .lime weddings Inst week
Esther caught the brhlr's bouquet
She turned n face of childish innocence
toward the laughing cioivil that ones
tinned her. "Who is lie'
Whv don t
It going to
about a month ngo. J
every body should think
don't see why
that because n
g'rl looks twice at n ninn she's in love
with htm. I thought you'd nil be stir
ptlsed." It goes on pvpi'v ilny, this pntliptlc
hope that everybody will be surprised.
Ami nlmost every day It's: disappointed.
It's all just ns much a part of an en
gagement its the ring and the rosps nnd
the violpts. An engngcmpiit wouldn't
hp n complete engagement If the bride-to-be
didn't remnrk In n wistful tone
nfter flip niiiioitiiceinent : "Hut weren't
you surpilsed?"
With a Purse
TMEirE nre, ot course, many kinds of
Incense, nnd 1 nm told thnt all kinds
of incense are very popiilnr. "Everybody
buys it," s'lid one shopkeeper earnestly.
"Young boys and girls, grown women,
old people, rich folks and poor they
nil nsk for it." Wfth Incense so popu
lar, then, it really resolves itself into
a question of what kind is the best to
buy . Xow there is a shop in New York,
on l'iftli nvenue, to be exact, where Is
made n delightful IncciibC
subtle and fracrant odor.
fur a 'minute, remind one of the , "i
Hint does double duty for Yom1
July nnd mosquitoes. This has a gii,?
Hess nun irngriiuce mat j )inv f-.
In .... other kind, nnd h njT
ovely. toti can get a gct.croi.s . ' J
box for seventy-live tents. flzc
When you arc wearing n nCP nii,
skirt this Hummer, and a bloime, 111
anil white, how much more effective i m
be your costume If jou wear n innt '
lug black bnrpin nt your neck, an, n l
Imps a black ribbon with you? tern-
one of those butterfly lockets ic '
now nre not necessnrily expensive n ' '
shop Is haying n sale ot gunmetnl Cl ',
pins for fifty cents each. And ii,!'
you will not lind just the rceulntlor. '
of straight bars, A spray of fiovvrr, .
queer nnil-slmpcd pin these ami ,
eral more designs you will fln,i ZJ'
collection is n particularly good otic.
And the same shop is having a M i
inivy nine mucin, Ttlirtv-siv 1..,-
''he quality I,
wide, for J?2.8." a yard.
excellent, and you would do well in i l
at it If you need a taffeta dress 7
lo have the shopkeeper nRsuie'ine tl?
there would he some left when vou !
see It. 1 could not get his wold font
but T believe there will he tome f vll
see about it at once. ,ou
I'nr names of Miops mlilrrx ..
rnen l!illlfir nr nlinnA Wntnt tnA"0111
Burned by Gasoline Explosion
Leslie llerger, service manager fornn
automobile company, nt Hii x ".?
Ilroail street, was seveicly burned nn
the face yesterday by the explosinn 0,
a gasoline tnnk. He wns tnken to s
.loseph's Hospital. ol-
you anhouuee 11 .' nen s
"There isn't any lie." replied Esther
demurely, blushing desperately. I
don't know what you mean."
Nevertheless Harry appeared Inter in
the evening, with one of the bride's loses
pinned carefully on his coat :
THEY'RE all nlike. these newly
engaged. They think their secret i
snfe because they keep it behind their
lips. They don't renlio tliar their eves
tell more than their lips would ever say.
They go nbout for weeks vvitli this satis
fied look when they ate together, and
the drenmv look when they're not
and then thev expect people to lie sur
prised when the "news" is nnnoiinied.
It isn't news by that time. It's nn
established fact.
You can't keep n secret like that
from the world. All tho world does un
doubtedly love a lover, ami it's always
on tho lookout for 11 pair of lmn tn
love. It finds them out lnanv times
even before thev lind themselves out.
It flings their secret nt them before
they've confided it to each other. Thai
makes them shv sometimes mid the
"news" that everybody knows is long
in being made public. Then there 111 e
unions comments I knew you vieie
crnzy nbout him."
"Hut I didn't know it mvself until
No Sugar
Required for Jiffy-Jell Desserts
They come ready-swcctcncd.
They come acidulated with pure fruit acid, made
from lemons or from grapes.
A bottle of liquid fruit flavor comes in each package.
We crush the fruit, condense the juice and seal it in a
bottle. So Jiffy-Jell is a real-fruit dainty, rich in fruit
Simply add boiling water as directed on package,
then the fruit essence from the bottle, and let cool.
If you used fresh fruit, plus a lot of sugar, you could
make nothing more delicious.
it, i units vii:itii,!.i.n
and vimii; into xi.xi rmissr.si
mix m-kim.s ni;t rii(iisTi:ni:i)
37 jr. rvprrlrnrr Insures entire satisfaction.
.11lo cult flTrrulirrr. Ktil. .'17 jrnrr).
riinur, Imnlnml 470U Urltr
Serves six at trifling cost
One package of Jiffy-Jell serves six in mold form, or twelve if
you whip the jell. And the fruit alone which we use in it would
cost you more than the whole dessert.
iOafoA Qafvti
Rich, delicious, selected cream, prepared by a wonderful
new process, one-third richer than ordinary dairy cream,
put up in cans ready for instant use for every table and
cooking need. 24 Butterfat.
Pure Cream in Cans for Every Table and
Cooking Use Always Handy
Use it with fruit, cereals, beverages and for delicious
salad dressings, ice cream and dessejts. It Whips when
cold. Two sizes, 7i and 15
ounce cans, 30c and 50c.
You will like it. Every
good grocer keeps it.
Rico Milk Product Co., Inc.
Extcativ 077ce-Bu.h Terminal
'Building, No. 10. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Nothing new! Only one of the Rood
things of cMcrdny brought buck
I' butter ninde the old-fashioned way,
clean, fresh, jiure and with a flaor
that has earned for it the name of
"Philadelphia's Finest Butter."
H7iofcsae Butter, Eggs, Margarines
l'.'B N. nrbiiTorr Ave. riilln.
Real-Fruit Desserts
Ten Flavors
in Glass Vials
A bottle like this tn each
Mint Lime Cherry
Raspberry Loganberry
Strawberry Pineapple
Orange Lemon Coffee
tfwcjf C!c.E rV
Be sure to get this package from your grocer, for Jiffy-Jell
is the only dessert with these liquid fruit flavors in vials.
-f -
The Sweet
Girl Graduate
Every good wish you have for
her as she steps out into the
world from the schoolroom, you
The florist in your neighborhood will make
you up something fragrant and beautiful,
and send it direct to the school on gradua
tion morning.
The Florists of Philadelphia
and Vicinity
KnrV?J .
T I . VrS jKWl ?1
-l-r,vv ;ttlW'-V
i m
I i llF un
Never a corn
on millions of feet nowadays
Do VOU UnOW thnt millinnn n( n.nnI.
who use Blue-jay keep entirely free from
If a com appears it is ended by a touch.
A Blue-jay plaster or a drop of liquid
Blue-jay is applied.
The corn pain stops. Soon the whole
corn loosens and comes out.
ure. Old-time harsh treatments are oup'
planted by it with everyone who knows it.
It ismadeby nworld-iamed laboratory,
which every physician respects.
It is now applied to some 20 million
corns a year. You can see that corn
troubles are fast disappearing.
wT why pare corns and keeP them?
Why use methods which are out-of-date?
lry this new-day method. See what it
does to one corn. You will never forget
qu '?. S!-d Ecnl"e action, Your drug
gist sells Blue-jay.
ue iav
Plaster or T.;n..:
The Scientific Corn En.der
M.k.r. C fa Sou.., nSjI'i a iS
Coffee, nuoiii .;l
,PwlooJ biad 3 sff"H