u,i0' j . . tt .,V'i 1 " A" " ?t7"! V t GNAMBER HAS PLAN TCTPROTECT PUBLIC 'a : tV Otmmerco Body's Industrial Ro- Jations Committoo Aims to , ?, End Labor Troubles EFFICIENCY ALSO SOUGHT Tfrgtectlon of the public in iwltitrliil warfnro nn.l bringlni: nLout nf rflirlMic nri nninns: tlir mm " the primary duty at the public au thorities: to nmintnln lnv nml order In the community and to nfford the Indlvldunl full protection for life nnd s 'ironeny. Ninth. The public Interest re quires thnt the hlRhest degree nf effi ciency nud productivity In Industry consistent with the health nnd vT?l- I fare of the worker should ho main tained. There should be no Inten tional restriction of outnut hv either employer or employe. In order that the worker may develop his full earn ins capacity and command his maxi mum wage. It x the duty of manaRc incut to assist him to secure employ ment suited to his nbilltlcM. to furnish him incentlv and opportunity of Improvement, to provide proper safe guards for Ids health nnd safety, and to aid him to Increase the value of Ills productive cffoit. Tenth. The paramount luterct of the public in the operation of the :'u tn ' nrnclupt! vwe,i Industrial relations committee. ' agencies of transportation and other .'Qflilclt has ifrrlifrli has been cstabl s icil l me, t ChHmber of Commerce of rhlladelphin i, 'Jibe platform of the committee foi , lowsj . . Ttm irrnnrnl nnrnntn nt the industrial relations committee of the Chnmber of Commerce Is to unite the constructive elements of the community for the pro tection nnd promotion of the public Intercut and welfare in the Held of employment relations in the iit's in dustries: , (n) Hy the endeavor to bring about n general recognition and ob servance of certain essential princi ples. (b) By the use through co-operative action of the moral and material resources of the committee and its representative interests in defence of Mich principles when uc!i action is deemed necessary. Principles to be Defended The principles which the Industrial relations committee of the Chamber of Commerce of 1'hihulelphiu is cnateil to promulgate and dcfeid in the public interest are as follows : Flrct. Employment lelations should recognize, and conform to those, principles of Individual liberty, free dom of contwt and equality of op portunity which form the basis of our national Institutions. Second. The right of open shop operations, that is the right of the Individual to enter and pursue any .lawful trade or calling and to con tract with others ns employer or employe upon term- mutually accept able is an essential pai t of the per sonal liberty of the individual. Third. "While other employers or workers in the furthrt.iti'T of legiti mate self-Intercut bine the right to combine for roller tixe ac t inn or deal ing, such combination liti in right to compel other- b int'.mulntiou or coercion to iicrept it- rontrnl. Fourth. Coll'vilie nsrienieiit- be tween emplojer1- and cmploc-. vol untarily entered into and not ng:iiiit the public iiiterct. -hould !' nb-erved nnd performed by the purtie- itli the same fnith nml uedlt a- applies to any valid contract. Fifth. The power of Indu-trinl combinations whether of emploers or workers Is rightly ncfnmptinii'd bv corresponding rc-pon-ibilitv. Where there Is a lnck of full IcgAl responsi bility on the part of sin h combiun tlonR for breach of agreement or violation of the rights of others, it Is essential that they be held b the community to a higher degree of moral responsibility for their conduct. Sixth. Combinations to c-tabli-b n monopoly of the production of lubm "ml to bnr the competition or nle nwny the opportunitj of livelihood of those outside the combination are ngainst good morals and the public Interest. Innocent Parties Hurt Seventh. The right of an indus trial group to u-e its economic power for the benefit of it- members i- re Utrictcd by it- obligation- to re-peet the rlcht of others. The use of the V nympathctic trikc or lockout or of MC boycott HMoives an nuacK upon 'Innocent third parties and the publi . and is Indefensible and intolerable. Eighth. The fact that di-ordcr or violation of personal rights grows out of or is connected with an indu-trinl controversy docs not affect or lessen Iirnmhes of public utility service mu-t be asserted nnd maintained ngcin-t any nttempt to bring about nu interruption In the service of any public utility In furtherance of nny private purpose or interest. Eleventh. Public cmplojcs should be accorded fair and generous treat ment and adcipinte nienti- to protect their interest- -hould be established, but the i elimination of such employes to Intel fere with or pi event the ad ministration of any branch of the public sen ice is a violation of their duty to the public and the state, nnd cannot be justified by any possible consideration. The membership of this committee shnil consist of individual citizen- and companies of the district of Philadel phia and of representatives of trade, commeri inl and chic organizations. METHODISTS GET FARM 4 teVENIffg PtdBUp. jf.EDGER-HvfcLADBLI'aiA, rtt" j r "?!.'' ' .. r. ' & v v .ft; w SBA.il JUtfE' 16, A,t920 UWXF; ft is it 1 J PARK TROLLEY LINE SEEKS 8-CENT FARE Fairmount Transportation Co. Pleads Increased Operation Cost in Asking Permission COMMISSION WILL DECIDE On account of the high wages of car crews and the increase in the cost of operation generalh the 1'nirmount Park Transportation Co. will Incicnse the fare on Palk trolle.xs from five to eight cents, if perniis-ion can be obtained from the Park Commission. The mntter was brought before the commission ntits monthly meeting es tcrday In a 1 ominunicntlii from N. S. Alexander, president and general man ager of the company. In whlcli he said : "You will note this provides for nn amendment to Section 11 of the license from your commission granted to "Wil Ham Wharton, .Tr., under which wo arc operating, this amendment granting us the privilege of thnrglng a fan; on our cars not In excess of eight cents Instead of five cents, as set forth In the license. "This change In rate of fare Is abso lutely essential In order that we may be able to meet our obligations, on ac count of the greatly Increased cost of rendering service. Wngcs nnd costs of materials have risen to such nn extent that we cannot longer sustain ourselves on a five-cent fare. "In order that this rate of faro may be mndc effective before the end of the present summer season we are es pecially nnxioiis to hove action taken by 011r commission." At the (oncluslon of the reading of tlie communication n motion was made thai the matter be referred to n com mittee. "Why not take action at once?" said Theodore Justice. "Cnlcss some relief of this kind Is provided, the trans portation company will become n bank rupt." "This will require a modification of the license," sold Ell IC. Trice, "and should bo considered bv n comrnlttec." "I think this matter should be fa vorably acted upon by this body, if our counsel approves of It," snld T. De Witt Cuylcr. "The company Is certainly entitled to the change," said E. T. Stotcsbury. After further discussion the request was directed to be granted, providing the commission's counsel. Oeorge AVharton Pepper, approved of the same. A request from II. T,. Oeyelln. chair man of the citizens' commltteo appointed to consider the erection of a stadium and field of honor as a memorial to the men nnd women from Philadelphia who served in the worftl wnr. nsking thnt a plot of ground In Ihc East Park be set aside for the purpose, wns referred to the committee on superintendence nnd police for consideration, j. AID LAUREL SPRINGS SCHOOL Proceeds From Reception Dance Go ing to New Building A reception and dance will be con ducted tomorrow night nt the llltz Carlton for the benefit of the St. Lawrence School nt Laurel Springs, N. ,f. The proceeds will be used for the new hulldinB. The Ucv Matthew Lavcy, pastor of St. Lawrence's Church, Is chairman of n committee thnt has for some time been working hnrd to raise the funds for the new building. Among those who have nsslstcd on .the com mittco are Mrs. Harvey Urandc. lt.V .Tosqpb Stclber, Mrs. Frank CacelJ' Mrs. John S. Ullson, Mrs. Jnmcs IImVi. ' tou nnd Miss Marlon Council. sl" The reception committee William union, Waller Ilaffcy nnd 11m ttce consists of Y ,an Mtehcll Arthur Gallagher ' Nominated, A Alexander Simpson. Jr.'s. Gift Will Be Used for Poor Alexander Simp-on. Jr . Supreme Court justice, hn- presented to the City Mis'ionar.t and Churrh Extension So ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church, a faun of ity-tive acres, one mile from Willow (irovc. which will be used a- 11 recreation place for members of downtown Methodist churches and mis-iou Sunday schools. P.i-hop Herry will dedicate this fresh -nir farm on Saturdnv afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Hi-hop (George 11. Ilickley and P.isliop Charles We-ley Hum- al-o will deliver addresses. T:ir farm lontaiiis :i lug barn and other buildings. alo an on hat d. and lias cows, pig- and chicken-. The Itev. Ir. John Wiitclioin. -icntan of the City Mis.-inuar.x Socictj, i- aiiungiiig to take hundreds of poor mother- and hil dren to the farm, tinting- for Inldreu from the mission Sumlai -elmoN of South Philadelphia will be nmluctcd cerj week in summer. In the winter' the farm w ill be used ns ,1 home for 1 on- ale-cent working girls. Tnis and other vehicles will be at the Willow Grove railroad station Saturday after uooti to take Methodists to the farm. Clergy Won't Sacrifice Tobacco Atlantic City. June 10. The u-e of tobacco will not be sacrificed for the chinch by the ilergymen of the (ieuernl S.wiod Reformed Churches of Amcihu. the ministeis decided at the clo-ing e- 1 -ion of the -j nod here ,c-terdii. A 1 re-olutiou. introduced by the Hey J. 1 liarland Hammer. Jr.. of I!elleile, I . .1.. proposing that the clergmen I -i up the weed in order to make their I 1 hiirch lontributions more liberal was 1 ilef.ated. til to iTi, Is Your Hair Stagnant? Dandruff, thin and falling hair and the other diseases of the scalp which lead to baldness arc due entirely to the stagnation of the hair roots. They need energy, activity and exercise just as do the other organs of the body. vtedtog HAIR TONIC is more than .1 mere tonic. It contains nature's own energizing force, a force, found in no other hair remedies, which goes straight to the roots and provides the massage-like crcatment nccessarv to revive them and about the proper tioninc. bring func- If your liver is sluggish your whole body suffers. If vour hair roots arc stagnant baldness follows. The radio-active properties of Radior Hair Tonic have the endorsement of thousands of English men and 'women. For rears it has been featured in the best London shops. THE RADIOR COMPANY LTD. of LONDON 235 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK Philadelphia Dittributon: R. R. Boggs & Co., 1011 Cheitnut St. I The People's Choice! T'S a landslide on the first ballot. Hero are the winners: i A Pare, Lithitted, Healthful Beveurt DRINK SPARKLING WATER There IB a reason Tr a b 'via Ak jrnur drucKli" Orrfrr u i r -ow. rhone or write uf Ga n r Toe .."SPARKLING WATER CO. iTiJOt N llroad Street .n- -p ir,t mimuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiintjiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiUHi HOTEL I ORMANDIE 36TH AND CHESTNUT EUROPEAN PLAN Come nnd ee our roij" Rose Room A In Carte Service Table d'Hotc. $U5 You will rnju) nur pastries. nandnlrhPH or cold dishes, ulth n rup of our sntsrlnl blend rolTee. In the Pastry Shop Dtnlnc Itooms open from 0:30 a. m. 5 until i l. m. S Roof Garden Open for Our GucHtH Special intention then to lunimets at iinu entitle KNTi:nTiNMKrs iinuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiiitjiiiii!iiiiiitiiiiiiiii:5 tgjfjfcUgJBBBJgf Vtmmur' wAiElluW w "IrgJ&fgtfrgJrjJoiJoja AriTTTlWf ruu I?T.'! Virk.4&jfA I O , K fc afcLV Kp JW J M I 23 The New Edison, Cheney, Sonora and Columbia Phonographs Not influenced by "moneyed interests," either, for you can buy them on our Budget Plan.. Atk About It Today BLAKE- &BURKART "The Phonograph Shops" Eleventh & Walnut Sts. H I ' SEsSiSiL EPERMA.mCMfGCO. WlKI3-BAfiPE.rca3s' How Much Will This Cost You? Mechanic's time and the 8-mile trip from the garage and back. Not to mention the fuming and fussing you went through to get him there. You could hive fixed that trouble yourself in five minutes with a set .of Perma-Loc repair necessities. The cost would have been ten or fifteen cents. Now it's nearer ten or fifteen dollars. if you carry the Pcrma-Loc line of necessities for Road and Garage. A leaking radiator can be stopped at once with Perma-Loc Radiator Cement. The same with blow-outs and leaks in a tube. Make up a kit of PcrmatLoc Road Necessities and the ordinary break downs will never bother you long. Ask your dealer for the genuine Perma-Loc. You will never get caught like this PERMA-LOC MANUFACTURING CO. WILKES BARRE, PA. PERMA-LOC BUILDING Also Perma-Loc Catbon Remover; Valve GrlntllnK Compound;Rellner for Cosiniis: Patch ing Cement: Body Pollth; Rubber Putty. m'mmLoe NECESSITIES FOP ROAD AND GARAGE wggm lisslss m ". "TwvtKt IFSWfwV IAGARA FALLS 1 EXCURSIONS THURSDAYS June 24; Jul 15, 29; Auguit 12, 26; September 9, 23; ind October 7 Round $14.00 Trio Good only Ineotchta From riilladrlnhln Tickets kooiI In iiarlor or fleeplng rata 18 Oo extra in udclltton to reiular Pulliimn ihnrceH AH fre utijert to wur tax of 8""'c. TIIIIOVUM TBIN Tarlor (,'ra and t'uachei I.etueK llroud St. H.'.'S A. M. ir7Tlie lilrul Uoute to the I'all". (tUlnx n l)IUIil Hide thru the lleimtltiil HuMinelmrinH nlley. Ticket Kood for 1H dn S(oi oer alotd at lluffalo, llurrnburt; retunilnK- Vor rirtalliU Information t'oniult Tlrket .tientkl Pennsylvania ' System it w,r;HBHHB(63H 'isjafiflgfgfa.'6iJ5jfjiscjfejf fe m Cost No More Than Ordinary Makes TIRE and tube construction, in the modern Pennsylvania plant, has been advanced to a science by skilled, well-paid, enthusiastic workers. Great production impetus is achieved by every practical, up-to-the-minute time- and labor-saving device. This ever-growing volume is marketed under a zone selling sys tem which combines the utmost efficiency with the greatest mer chandising economy. Because of these facts, tire and tube users can buy Vacuum Cup Cord and Fabric Tires and "Ton Tested" Tubes with the positive assurance that riiey cosr no more than ordinary makes. Your local Pennsylvania dealer will gladly prove these assertions. It's Adjustment basis per warranty us attached to each eating : Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires, 6,000 Miles Vacuum Cup Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY, Jeannette, Pa. i i j i ... 1 1 i .ii T7T. i -2 m -, u". toa LUCKY STRIKE-it'sloca. Our advertising gives you a definite fact about Lucky Strike a reason for buying this cigarette. Surely you like reasons. Toasting Burley tobacco gives it a delicious flavor. You get this flavor only in Lucky Strike. And there you are 1 ' tr Are you a pipo Bmoker? r Then try Lucky Y Strike pipo .tobacco Made from the fineit Burley tobacco that money can buy. The loading process teals in the Burley flavor and takes out every bit ol bite. It's touted. sted ( lllfiSsIl Guaranteed by O CAT r. BPtvaRATCb zJ? TT 14 4wfk O -hF-ujq 9 7r,faJkr' " -which means that if you don't like LIIPKY ctdivh LfllijylaV.-i'.wri "l-.-.'lJirW-ifV e, vd.v'trjr Wi i ftVWirvA'.in'?-'S!i'J T 'Ml