m , 4,-u-AW iv ', iJJTK-, t, iHWi"i, " T-TB V? Hi iHf ffm m m m m ED 10 MINGS ty Committoo Boliovos TWork Should Be Told to Logion Men jfeLfeGATES ARE" ELECTED r Utn order that thr noventypkht posts f,.tn American Legion in rhllaucipnin iky. b6 fully informed ns to tho work Men in being tuvompltshod throuRh the bt" ontnnlr-ntlon. It hns been decided list. beginning with the September TiinRi the commnnders unci ndjutnnts tall post shall be Invited to attend etlngN of the county committee, nnu H have the privilege of the floor. .ftiat.. 1. I If 11 . t. j. A frVVt"! tf ' I'nvo ueen innirniiuun unit ffV?$ wc "of the post are not In proper f J' 'touch with the work of the county or- 'tA'' rtM.eatlon of the lecion. This situation l" ii '"" ,p'PlOPei a lack ot sympntny witu tx'Aflr thi, effort tlmr t holm nut forth hv the cflrtnty in behnlf of all .the posts & U bhi& L':W, '' One of the vital questions that will i J Mniv. ul'iuii' lilt' Miiiu i miiiimui ui in : Vi.f tAlkntown will be the scone of authority t.Vl nf;the county orcnnlzntionw. This will S a?ii wtodonbtedlv nrecinltnte a contest in the KsiVrfl "pMtbtitnent. narticularlv in Unlit of the. -.- -.. ...'. . - ;. K r - 5 ""'a' nnt lma loon assumca oy some tJ ttn- Ir. i' Tfolftfrntna nw1 ntfni'tinlna iinvn liftnn ! & 'd l'i - -i-1 , 'n "2 SV; ff.'- 7 olectcit bV Prlnctt-Forbet,' Post No.iT 8 follows: Delej-nles Dr. O. Cllftoh Oucst, Dr". John II. Becker, Edward A. Davies. John Oltchrlst, Qeorgo O. Stranahnn ', alternates William O. Munich. Jr., J6hn J. MelVetcru, Thorn as II. Morris, Raymond W. I.ockwood and Harry O. Wlndiuh. Matthew J. Collins has resigned as adjutant ot tho Lawrence R. Dclancy Post No. 1!0. and Elwood N. Uannon, Ol.T North Nineteenth street, has been elected to Rucceed him. Tho membership drive of tho David W. Jameson Post No. 183 camo to an end with n successful smoker. Tho program included : Miss Lois Chew In popular songs, accompanied oy Louis llucks. of Post 183: Comrade Vcttcr. of Post No. 3, In vloliu selections; Comrade Prendcrghest In n Hebrew monologue; Comrado Masscy, Post 277, In monologue; Post 1177 Jazz Hand; Thomas P.. Mcehan spoke on loyalty to the Legion : Major Conger. V. H. M. C. retired, addressed tho comrades on post development. MANY ARTICLES ON SALE Navy Yard List Includes Textiles, Clocks and Watches A lurce quantity of textiles, luminous clocks uiiil wntchcM with clock cases. were placed on sale today at the retail store outside the gate of tho Philadel phia Navy Yard. Among the articles are the following items : Canton flannel, 30 inches wide, at -10 cents a yard; special crash dish cloths, at IS cents eueh ; rope and wire doormats, at ?." each, and special rubber doormats, at .?."."() eacii ; bleached mus lin, 30 Inches wide, nt 32 cents a yard ; mosquito uetting, at 17M; cents n yard, and unWeaclied sheeting, 72 inches wide, of n special grade manufactured for tho navy, which sells at 73 cents n yard. FAMILY AT FIRE kU rk rv l.'i -V ri' . -r: E' I h KiTM Wtr. lY If Ohe Most Beautiful Car in America Uho Moat Serviceabl Truck in America, u:kcm -b i 1 1 fe'. n. IS", i It Is a fact that every great busi ness, or organization, hasacouir ed its greatness through SERVICE.. No befter proof of our effort to SE.RVE, can b6 asKed thn the consistent growth of the PAIGE car popularity in this territory. GUV A. WllteV Pmtdmt BlGaOW-MllEY Motor (& 7hiric "Distributors 394 WORTH BR9A0 STR66T, PHILAOaPHIA f s Open Every Evening Until 10 o'ClocU: -t. Store Orders Accepted "" ' J fi 1 I B JSmJJ Store Orders Accepted 1019-21 MARKET STREET Largest Exclusive Men's & Boys' Clothing Store Mr- Hill'Says- Why Be Uncomfortable, When You Can Buy Summer Cool-Cloth and Palm Beach Suits Positive $12.50 and $15.00 Values r'-WMrw mk '-S 1k ' r' Genuine Palm Beach Fine Cool Cloths Summer Flannels Summer Homespuns Arepore Cloths Thousands of men know Mr. Hill's prices are always the lowest and this special offer ing is the best proof in the world. Nobody can undersell Mr. ill ii. R i. tM K. "V SI :, " . T -.-- mim. &J-W m' vy $30.00 suits ; ' ptw Bf" E9 , IU' 4A.50 ...iLSf '23 $27 Load Parents and Girl to'Safoty While Brother Saves Hi3 - Sister Two patrolmen rescued n fnmlly of five from flames which destroyed tho homo and talfor shop of Frnnk David son, nt 1014 Poplar street, nt 2'tO o'rlocjj this mornlnpc. Davidson, his wife nnd three children were asleep nt the rear of the second floor. They were carried to n rear alley in their nlp;htclothes. Patrolman Samuel Tyme, of tho Kljihth nnd Jefferson, streets station, discovered the fire nt 2:30 o'clock. lie jLl. forced the, door of (ho fatlor iinop, over which tlnrPavidsons liVd, discovering it wns impossible to ex tlnguish the flames, Tyme nnd Pntrol mnn Madden t also of the T-wclfth dis trirt, gained n front stairway leading to the second floor. By the time they had Rroped their way through the smoke to the rooms In which the Davidsons slept flames were coming up the front stnlrway, Tho patrolmen flashed their pocket lamps nnd discovered a renr stairwny. Herman Davidson, n flftccn-ycar-otd son, grasped his cight-ycnr-old sister, Katherin?, in bis arms nnd carried her through the smoke to the renr alley. Patrolmen Tyme and Madden rescued tho parents and their twclvo-ycar-old daughter Ida, Hy the time nrcmen arrived flames filled the two-story frame building. Tho loss is estlmnted nt $5000. Man Hit by Train and Trolley Dies tidwnrd Itobsnn. thirty-two years old, 2078 Sixty-fifth avenue, German-" town, died in St. Mnry's Hospital Inst night from injuries received yesterday afternoon when ho was crushed be tween n trolley car nnd a freight train at Kielimnnd nnd Norris streets. i .;.. 'in. ijijin Jjg-jjrtj-rj4j -" ' '111. M HIM FOR THIRST AND HEALTH There' health In, Purook there's satisfaction In 1U purity. Satisfy your thirst raid forUfr your "heltu y drinking this pJatabl, dUn , tilled wter. Our deltvcrr wicon .tmsaea your door resularlr. To h&va it atop, phone or writ today to THE CHARLES E. HIRES CO. 3t0 3.341 St., PUU. DRINK m mw WATER "fortMntmdfnahh" IH.JJU1 vwv. j ..... And wnat a wonaerrui aispiay oi puiiuniB, tuiuuiiBa and styles and best of all a size for every man, whether tall, short, slim or stout. $25 Palm Beach & Silk Mohair jj - A Jg Summer Suits JLfJr Great Underselling Sale of 3-Piece Wool Suits Continues, Offering Big Values Save $10.00, $15.00 and $20.00 Choose, at $40.00 SUITS 5&U.UU &UHO SA.00 SCI 7. 75 liMMMaMH When you want to buy a diamond First, you go to a.reliable jeweler usually some long established house whose advice you can depend on. Few men know enough about diamonds to trust to their own judgment. Everything that looks like a diamond is not a real dia mond. Just plain wood or steel drawers, with folders and guides, do not of themselves make a filing system. It requires experience and knowledge to get the right system for your particular needs. We like the way an executive came to us the other day. "I know my own business," he said frankly, "but I realize that I don't know filing. You men do. I know . what I want you should be able to tell me how to do it. ' This man knewthat he could depend on Library Bureau. He knew that the problem which seemed difficult to him would prove easy in experienced hands. Perhaps all you need just now is a better, quicker way of filing credit information. Library Bureau has a system which will eliminate the mistakes and delays that now annoy you. Write for our 64-pase catalog " Vertical filing ' ' Library Bureau Card and filing rounded w& Filing cabinets systems wood and steel M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Salesrooms in 49 leading cities of the United States, Great Britain nnd Franco lL T .,r .JlflBMAjitW" 4JJ .it, 1,-Uvm; .- a MK.'. ,-,,. t ... -; R W: fei , -n,, , v, yjtofflM&JB' 'l.'"1"M3IBf,i.PaH , .W ff'J Vf 'www 1yFF; ' ' "' . . V- ," VA;;AVt.t Mi' 'SrK r,ji- i,i ., . i. T j V " "- ' ' "' -v 1 .i 50 Reduetidn On Women's, Shoes 6 a pair At the Becker Shoe Store 3 1 So. 1 5th St., 2nd Floor Every pair is of the latest style low cut Ties and Oxfords, of the highest grade for summer ' Take advantage of this genuine opportunity. Pick yours today. Don't wait. SPECIAL-1000 Pairs, Pat and Dull Pumps Baby, French and High Heels $3-85 at Were $7.85 None Charged : ,All Sales Final ip !iiif jipiir: aicaiaVJit air licairaiciicaifaigaii-JiE ngs.Eai.yii II MOTOR TRUCKS Owners' Satisfaction Proved- 1. By use in 38 foreign lands 2. By fleets that grew from one The International use of Stewarts is no less impressive than the growth of multiple Stewart fleets at home. Abroad, Stewarts are giving daily and profitable service to owners in 38 foreign countries. At home, the unique quality of Stewart service has caused the growth in hundreds of cases from the original one Stewart (write for names) to large fleets. But it isn't the size of a fleet that tells the real story. A big firm may decide to motorize its hauling may buy 20 to 50 trucks at once. It's the experience of a concern that started with one Stewart, 'found it a business-winner, bought more Stewarts one after another to keep pace with expansion, which is a real guide. Here is a letter from an owner. This owner-satisfaction with Stewart performance has made the'Stewart Motor Corpora tion a world leader in truck building in only seven years. THE freedom from trouble from every petty annoy ancewhich is one of the assured .returns on each LOCOMOBILE owner's invest ment, is absolutely not to be had in any product of less thorough workmanship i Complete reliability comes only by way of most pains taking methods. No manufac- ' turing standard lower than that of Locomobile ever has produced it or ever will. .'"" HELFRICH & BOHNER 734 Hnmilton St., Allentown, Pa. motorli.! nur dHlwry n 101(1, In the years ,iOa and 1017, w purchKieil a Ml-I 4 unl M1-l fl Mowart Truck: and In the year lUlH. va purcha-Ml a Moll 8 nn Model I) Stswurt Truck from the Allen Motor Company, Allmtown, r. , . , ,, The Stewart Truck nan proven ItBelf a leader by merit, and our deliv eries arn ileji.ndahle. vnenever wo nro in neea oi more vrutno ma voik " 'i canilderatlon. LOGOMO JliIJUJd The best built car in AMERICA LOCOMOBILE COMPANY ' 2314 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Chaasia priica f. o. h. Ifuffalo; -fon $IS50; S00O-lb. $1750; lVs-ton $2350; S-ton $2075; S-ton $3005; Sft-ton $3005 A Few Trucks for Immediate Delivery Ten Days Delivery on Any Model Gomery-Schwartz Moljor Car Co. 128-140 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. II U . ' " II B 2314 MARKET STREET ' . vl if - ah I IM Vl. u3AS:.,-t' HILL CO. 1019-21 Market St: '"?l i , t 'il m!1"' " r 'V aCam& .. .:-1 4:MdmmM - ' wit.',Vi