( ' ' " "" ' ' mmmmmmmmmaimmimmmmm - - - - " " " ' wwiwrw " -. 4ia&( rTtfVtt4 IiHiIMIHMI m 1M1 iH'n M iiHWW d IW I ' 1- , JQ.v-L. idKUBHHBHBBDHHHHn Fr,JI.,Jtthbil MgiMWirr"vri.ivr f-i ift f " " -"" J'.t ft"n oauui LUUbt,, who made the "keystono" speech at the Republican con tention this morning. The photograph was taken in Chicago ' I.eilacr Photo ScrMce W'-v MRS. HERBERT HOOVER MRS. CHARLES E. HUGHES i'VT MRS." LEONARD WOOD w'-rr?wsw'','Ay: ,-... .:.r?!,;,.,vd j.,J.iaiA.!!S MRS. WILLIAM C. SPROUL MRS. framk' n T.nwnv.N '" " " " 5 WIVES OF SEVERAL CANDIDATES for the Republican nomination for President of the United States who are keeping a close watch on doings in Chicago. Each of these five women, with Mrs. Hiram Johnson, has a very good chanco oi succeeding 'Mrs. Woodrow Wilson in tne wmtc House. n w rfR&xTi Ty I ii iiiimiiii !!! i ii j.jmiuimJm SWTT ' r v -n v 7ay (tit t rS v- t fwwtv.-jmwiy;aqoegiy iii.inmw w4 JeBj W v . VWb H0Bk7?-Gt nuraHBBHHH S n t, t ts "yygy-Qjw-jMry . jmm T S-."V -?-m x St&nJr ...: .-:rv!.L.:., TJ uiAS?n?r:..- - x-swsssacstiwihr "- .'r .issHgafeH ' V !: 3 w-th ! M tOJwit Vwrt ' W Vl nil CRIPPLED CHILDREN WERE TREATED to an outing yesterday nftorno'on a.t Fox Ghasc by the Quaker City Uidies Motor Ciud. At the left Mrs. J. Hampton Moore is with Frances Kane, of the Meade School. The other photograph shows Katy Segal, of the same school, trying her wind on a toy balloon Leaser rhoto service. rarn-; 'j$n. . ijat Wk,v ,,, .,.'v' c& . - wiim &.'' r . ' . i,: -:'lfTwi5lstfc? 'rt-'-i mmt "- j ... 'jbt,3f , a jkbp sri -'r '?3 ' " A PHILADELPHIA AND READING TRAIN collided with Truck No. 2, of the high-pressure pipe line company, at the grade crossing, American and Somerset streets, last night. One fireman was killed and five injured Lcdcer Photo Scnlco FRIENDS AT THE CAPITAL Pals duiing Republican convention. They arc, left to right, Congressman C. Bascom Slemp, Virginia; Senator Charles Curtis, Kansas, and Senator Irwin L. Lenroot, Wisconsin Ledger rhoto Service. .UfbS ELIZABETH GORDON, WATCHING OTHERS PLAY as they await their own turn. Left to right, Mrs. champion of Rhode Island, tied George B. Johnson, Boston; Mrs. Chares F. Rowley. New York; Mrs. Edward C. Stone, for second place with Mrs. W. Boston; Mrs. John D. Woodfin, Philadelphia, and Mrs. Stephen U. Gilford, Winchester, A. uavin, Hflleclaire, u. l. mass. PHOTOGRAPHS SNAPPED DURING WOMEN'S EASTERN GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP WHICH OPENED AT THE PHILADELPHIA CRICKET ,CLUB YESTERDAY. MRS. DAVID FLEISHER, of tho Philmont Country THE SWISS ECONOMIC MISSION, guests of the Chamber of Commerce and the Engineer's Club, visiting Club, knitted as she awaited, her turn to go over tho tho Philadelphia Navy Yard, yesterday afternoon. Iheir host and cuido is Rear Admiral Huehes. course. Ledger rhoto Sen Ice. OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO VkgrnMSMMSS. m. 1 f bBb. '7ViM'4ttrK,M?BHfnuZ Hm.. brFSHltHM rS 'l'FfiBl " hfafjTgi JL Z- K VWtt--''Mf7'1'iS t"- mLIIJ' ujwjtintxfUM'v THE BEAUTY CORNER .,rAVIMr A eprTION OF THE SIDE-FEED BOILER at the Abram Cox Stove Co. American and Dauphin REAMING A SECTION Oliugj" House of 2&5& Nortfa Jessup fitrcet to tho workman. i I i " r it hi 1 irfiirWii ii ft wKSmtSJm' v . ! 8mF&mLJteSma , -"-wA -'i.; ..., .. ..:: MRS. SWAIN (LEFT) WALKING WITH MRS. HOOVER and Herbert Hoover (left) walking with Dr To.onl, wi mtco Tt a W" president of Swarthmoro College, during the procession yesterday. Tho conferring of degrees followed tho nroSnn wSln' MISS DELLA DERRINGER, 404 Carpenter iur..xiuuvcr was macio a uoctor oi Jawa qtrnnf Tlltlln Ia1h1.I. Mt" 1,1,0to acrv,C9' Photograph for this feature ehoM be .ubmtttti through the mail, addressed to the lieauty Corner, 15VKMNQ PUBLIO.LEDaEH s ,' teism 1xu 7' v 1, t I i I . 1 ' ', I -, r A-: p -'jaSiiv- Jttalfertt!? ,l.: ' 1 Ofl VWMyl I Aii'' .$iS nA