ji.. -V i- r - h . -, .', ' "i '4 " IV.. ' 4 ' !""; - , wr v ,.;,,rvT) ; rh 1W -r, i i , ' v ', 'f. kJU - M I w w n Ij n LY A w e A f v r...f& HHHl il m h-F:Mm f 11 EG ) J3sa estate -pn sale - ii i i rKNNHYI.VANIA RUntmHAN BWawjiygjuvwiianm Wo Ilavo a Large List in All f Philadelphia Suburbs Pcnna. Mnln Lino ' Bala Wynncfield Cynwyd Gcrmantown Pclham fchcstnut Hill Mt. Airy lj i Reading Main Lino WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 Morris Bldjr. Hcmbtri Phlla Real Estate 110 a HI SUBURBAN HOME PENNA. MAIN LINE) A fine horn built to order for present owner beauli fully finished throughout. tl master s chambers with 3 bathi separate servants' quarters; garage tar sv eral cars 12 acres nf (round with beautiful lawns shade anil shruhberv. 4 road front .iUth ground: offered at a flifflr much be low present value. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 oi.02 morris bldo Members Phlln Heal Instate Doard SSES HAVEHF0RD Detached slono residence containing on second floor 4 chamber-) und J bifhs third floor 3 chamber bith and atoreroom lleoutlful cor- -ner lot of oer 1 acre with a number of old sh ido trees This Is one of the few desirable properties contenlent to the Penns 11 R sta" on and In -eel-lent resident al section Can be seen onb through WM. H. WILSON & CO ?nn ni 02 MORRIS RLDO Members Thila Real Lstate lioani J 16 ACRES .MAIN ROAD HI rwt.'-N N .R. TOWN AND imtiM r HIL.I aentleman s mwlerit ir J sub urban home with air k- . ' vel Ings. mntn house ln un- n m with nrenlnce llbriirv lin ne ' om etc.. 0 bedrooms anl nil ' 1 ,m -baths hot-w liter heat parquets floirs stone farm, r h i f arm barn ununalU One sh . 1 ' in try club and trollev ii ;ri 'ri about same ns a"m of '" "r,, rade semidetached houses nil i elpliln arc selling for BROWN & CLOUD (Succeed, bcUMo.n I vnro,n J alB'QIQMIMBlilUlllWtlllllCliailll I! J m NEW 1 OWN IjUUAKL ig 44 ACRES $10,000 1 Attractive stone firmhnuse contain- B lng 10 rooms nnd bath, open Are g places, large barn spring house old g shade, several running streams, one g deep enough for b-ithlng and boating, g 1 mile from West Chester trolleys. 80 minutes o 6lth st SlOim cash required, sold to tattle un estate 3 Herkness & Stetson 1 LAND TITLE DLDO . Philadelphia. ranHHUPxmiHuunniiiinnOTrnariiratcninminmmnjjni,mmmniiT WESTCHESTER PIKE NEAR EAGLE ROAD 1rVonf?,leroo'rn2'nCp,ant,r1y 'IJSnkrSoln! rinuhle hardwoo.1 floors open fireplace, hot?vVat"r heat , electric light tile baths. - toilets laundri 3 statlonar VVhtt porches, best built house on HD: .-;."...- llf Irt, inilv.lllO far. wii liicm" k., -v- .--''- r- 1 ..., nl.ntv of fru of fruit trees also .Yiimng suitable for krage 1 fare from tlttth st termln-vi EC von HELFENSTEIN 1734 Real Estate Trust B dg I FOX CHASE Huntingdon Turnpike Homestead, 84 Acres Old Coolnlol house, large barn spring house, stream running through property; a few Improvements would make Ideal country home for gentleman. E. C. von HELFENSTEIN 173 REAL ESTATE TRUST BLDO. EAGLE ROAD Aft ncres of very desirable land de " opm'nt lust starting on adjoining tract attractive price If taken at onco. plenty of wood oVrTrrMc-rtriM E. C. von HELFENSTEIN Filbert 3711 173A-3i Real Estate moeri -''Trult uulldlng r.xrrcriMir. modern summer residence Owynedd vnllej Montgomery counts 1 tnhiutes' walk t stntlon 20 miles to iiti i . 0 acres larg- lawn tillable gar len I 12 rooms and bath porch on two sides elee iZiJ, T o.stori garage for 3 cars large i hi ken house! artesian well, with electri pump , ?T, nurchased at a substantial reduction I ??om 'nuYsputablB value of $40 000 App". , "r HARRY JOHNSON. 1420 Chestnut st Horace" 4fi0-00 "" J""? . mrELVn rooms, modern conveniences pr -"rl. IiiAi larire 2 stor" -arage t 1 i vnViaa chicken houses all kinds fruit and vkSrleg beautiful shade und shrubberv luld TW.ikv landscape architect onlv il miles out IUt DV '""'St " w Tlu.aell SOX He.. r,l,lu tiarcaln -uin v. . -- -.... Hldg 12 ROOMS, modern convenience private sta-j-ilT targe 2-story girage tool hous nhlrk'en houses, all kinds ,t fru t and ber Ties- beautiful shide and shrubr-n laid out by 'landscape architect. onl 0 miles out OHAb'V Rt'SBELL 101 Real Estate Bldg BTONE 1IOUPE 2 story and attic. 10 rooms and bath hot water heat 3 open grates, O.U acres excellent soil short distance from linsdale. 20 trains 42 minutes IflOOO laOOO cash. J300O mortgage J L bTE "itNHONftSON 822 Land Title Bldg. ACRE with old snaqe line nuuaing site 2 squares to cars Ledger Office only 11400 P 1413, LOT 60x180 with line spring of water flows hirrel minute fronts on West Chester -llSonlv 1750 P 141.1 Lerta-er Office nun! nrre with old snaoe, nn DUjiuiug sit" ONE acre. n "" . 11400 P 141S Tdaer Office t uti t. sail my lot 00x130 for onlv 1400, t 1 tStira , rrora car.. P 1414 Ledger Office Building Tits 00x200. IN IMPROVED street iere. onlr 00. easy terms ledger Office about P 1413. AMBLER MODERN factory property In suburban rnui. uficturliiB town of TOOO population. 17 mils. Phlla.. mixed labor market, 44 acres Si.! .tnna brick and seel factory bulla h heavy 'instruction. 20.000 su ft floo, iSE'ee. built U'1'.'. excellent condition, long 5?5r:. .; ii.thiehem branch p. A It .11 irsf nOOMB bath! hot-water neaii a-is", BIS mw. """ '...,. ,ess on. well financed! 70. Ca 18 Anderson aye. J SpC or h74Q Albert st., Philadelphia Ard- COrXlNODAM? LOTS. 23x100 and 0Ox, OBO) rejvkonanie yncss. 6. 1118 Walnut at. S jiil'flJjl KM"? ' N$V O.N -- s$r yW " uS I I 9 W f, ini aiding instaiied, price 188.000. Includlng tSVti motor, Bhaftln. pulley., hangers. Sit ...p'or.n etc 1 for further detail, and .offimnTtb T-.Si:reon.ul XI. J. D.g.r, Ambler, P ARHMORK , HEAL ESTATE FOR AXE .rKNSVI.VANIA HUHARUVN OOLLKOKVILLK Five acres, main nlke anil trolley; Collegevlllo section, large stone dwell ing 2 hnthii 1 lavatory, heat, eleo trleltj. laundry etc , farm barn fruit nnl ahndei attractlvo price and Im mediate possession BROWN & CLOUD (Succeed,! by Clavton 1. Brown) NORirisiOWN. l'A crf.scentvilli : -- BARGAIN PRICES Eight of the most desirable artistic and substantial Colonlnl-deslgneil liotnea 0 room tide sards Just com pleting nt Creacent the Id al suburb. Oar No CO on 8th at. to ."00 Wain Sun nve and OoOfrcy nve , walk 1 block west TRAIN AND TROI LEY -' MINUTES rnoxi operation LOTS 28 BY 130 Prices $10,000 & $11,000 Equal to houses In neighborhood for which US 000 la being asked P. J. BRANKIN RUII DV n AND OWNER 6700 JII'.INCI SUN AVE DION uiiiiMiiiui,in'iiiiip "I IT I One of the Most Beautiful i Country Seats on the Main I Line 100 Acres, 2 Large I Lakes, Woods, Etc. Large Colonial House S Garage for 7 Cars g Apartments i rh il firm barn I Stable for Hunters, 7 Box 1 Stalls and 6 Single Stalls p cow rarn nr. n nr,AD g 2 TliN'NT II tl t-.S Mtlkhouse 3 Mirlnghouse t h i Hovis-s etc S The main houi- Is 1 cited on ft H hilltop faring the uth surrounded 2 by old shd and uiiple on hard to S rear of house The li u-e 1 i rcently S had S3." 000 spent urn i and con S tains First floor lu is h il lUlng h room sun Darinr nreihn-i room dlnlneroom billiard om music rnnm Ith Inrffrt ntn organ lntor pantry kitchen ervaiit dining nsnm and laundr tol1 roo n etc second floor 5 large masters 1 ed rooms and 2 baths and In separate wing 2 bedrooms und bith f r sr ants third floor 2 bedrooms Kith nnd storngo rooms ho'-water hent electrlo light numerous iren fre pluccs Tho grounds are unu-utl Ttirae. tle. Fifteen ncres of wnMs in si -is running stream waterfa cu hti, elevation, rolling countri HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITI.K Bl D'T 4 bi ! 1 i "rTIMM'l ITIISflUHMinailillhlllCIIIB 1I1IIIHL Hi Lll1 " ' il'li U ini IKiiS I I iHIIII'UWIIIIIlll'i'ii il'HIII One of the most benu'lful country ' seats on the Main Line LARGE COLONIAL HOUSE lft loomi nnd 4 baths, on hilltop oM Hhfld" upplv orchard. '2 tenant houe. Cirac-, T cars barn 1IV horats and 11 own sprlnKhoupe etc 100 ACRES OF GROUND 1" acres woods, 2 lariTO laks 1 of Hferii. n res ulth waterfall; meadow p running stream Hulldlim in -perfect order. 13 010 recrntly halne been spent on the mutn residence best section. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDLNO uimmiiB PEN.N st LVAXI Sl'lH'RllAN PF.VON session at once stone huse good condition 14 rms 2 baths, ga Devon Bargain pos rage, fine grounds, 14 acres shade trees, chicken house 110 LAND TITLE RT DO IyQCfST 170S DRKKL HII.L DREXEL IIILL-Sa or r-nt, beautiful lit tle gray stone 7 r ni house and garage. 2 hatha arrd ever impr tments 75-ft front uge. rent part fur 11"' cr whole J1BO per month, furnished i H i iuIk 27 Forest nve KAST LN-.IX)Wrc 220 PENN BOULEVARD Large 24 storv dwelling S rooms'&nd bath second floor, newlj renovated, fine, wide sret good surroundings hot-water heat, electric light JOOOo i lear WM. L1NDEK. 1828 Chestnut st Walnut 179 nnniNr.TON mvriii.'nni.T i'htitr 1 acres l"loo waterfront 17-room mansion, hot-water heat leurlc light, garage, mod ern barn greenhouse, tenement house. V H18 Ledgir OITIre , IIIKINS PARK NEW Colonial st e 10 rooms, 2 baths, hot water heat hnrlwcod floors McCormlck L Met ormtck Llntoln Bldg or Elklns Park tiLcviini: v. detached stone and shingle suburban realdsnce i ontalnlns 6 chambers, e ectrlo light. hot-water heat Oarage for 2 cars. Lot 180x200 with an abun dance of fruit trees, shade and shrubbery. .Highest location In Olenstde. WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700-01-02 SfORRIS BLDO. Members rhlla. Real Estate blenside lVlanor On Way to Willo-V Grove Take car No 10 running west o'n Erie ave . lravs car at "Wharton ave and Jenklntown road. OLENfllDE walk west 1 lilock to Ardsler Station and south 100 jards on Edge Hill road to ""ik our property over on our way to Willow- Orove Representative on ground every day from 0 to (l OLENSIDFJ MANOR REALTY CO Suite Hid 37 1011 Chestnut st Telephone Walnut 0781 OKATKitronn r AROE o-room bungalow well built, with all mVrfJrn conveniences: garuge with 4 acre rrrounil large lawn, with rose bushes etc 1 fmiat ha seen to be appreciated reasonable l.1Ve"i for Sulck sale -'hone Kensington Hi 1 tielee for quick HIOHLANH PARR nnsn-ieqfllON JULY 1 -uodern dwelling, 8 roSmi laundry and attic I0S0O QEO L llAIlNEa. 1201 Chestnut st Wal- .., iflHR HiMfit 11 dwelling, 8 rooms, lot 60x120. 17760 OEOL. BARNES, 1201 Chestnut .t Walnut 41186 LANHDOWNK HELSENl Jf iT,y . GLENSIDE j vsk. Board. J&ir 1 Ta AT BRICK HOUBE In excellent condition: good .lied lot. convenient location. Immediate possession: price $0000 DAVID C. COOK ,.,. R827 Colonial Trust Bldg TWIN lwuaa In .oo. conv. neighborhood, wnue nna manog any vvSodvvork. room for a.eage. price 18800, DAVID C. COOK v I Locust B8ST. ColoUI Tnwt BlfJC EVENING PTJBLIO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PF.NHVI.VAMA HlUlAnnATS Coit With Improvements Over $tU,000 Will Sell loi $30,000 Because of Death of Owner 127 Woodland axe , Wncote. Three minutes trmi Jenklntown Station: f" trains da i od sKnd" shruhberv nhd tennis court, rlctnched dwelling, glassed and screened iwrchcs 10 'ooms 2 baths 3 lavatorlea. 4 Ilrepiaces. electric lights hot water hea 1 r t,Arat. tnd quarters with bath. Immediate pos-esslon. 201 feet nn U'AnHiunl ,i li th Irreirulnx ilenth. Therp In nlsn an the rear of the lot a 2-ston frnm .ottjgc containing 7 rooms electric llghis ,, .. .-. . i . W. ri. BALL rnoNE srni I "00 iaii!!irM!rTUii w! i1!1 ii ii n i iiu'iBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiUBiiiiiiiHiii'iE'iiHiiraiiiiwiiiiii 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i wnin jiiuh Bitwiirainiiiiii muiiug SUBURBAN PROPERTIES . I SALE AND RENT j Main Line P. R. R Bala, Cynwd 1 Central City, Business Locations - fi We specialize in suburban propcitics in above loca tion. Athise us of your requirements, and we will be pleased to send you a list. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr. ,!U9 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. Locust 2870 I IIIUI HOLMPxRI 110 HOLMBSUPRil .onier rrpeit 11 rooms, hot-water heat ms nt il rifitric room for catnge and gard n .IJi'- Rhawn mi:ih FOR QUICK SALE ' MODERN Still I.IUN HOME Handsome residence 2 n i old shtde hot water heat Inclosed in i. I I'irnainr parlor hall llbrirj dining r. ni i ji trv ird kitchen on tlrst floor l ronms t I bith ill tccond floor 110,000 For puHIlu ars Hpply AL11KR1 H Mil I S Wet Knd 1 rut H ,B A OEVTLKMAN S cnuntr pIslc of 3 acres on the PR. W i .If iqiir" nearby, dwelling nnd 3 car sarac old khade and fruit trees, for nartlrulir and price apply onli to owner, i m 1 m run 032 Land Title nidg MKI.I'0-.r I'MIK . IIJill'ltraiBUEIIIIIIIBilJI! reiillli IPi ' 1 1'. 1 MELROSE PARK PI Ten rooms bath thoroushW modrn i old shade, lartre lot Kara?" $15,000 Herkness & Stetson LAND TlTf E RLDG Iwirnnra iwiiHPiiiiiiirraB'ir ra,iiiniiiiiiiiiiiKiiii"'ri'T"iiS MERION MERION A flne home at a moderato price, one of the best corners In this daslrable suburb. Southwestern ex posure with beautiful out look, All-stone residence containing 0 chambers, open fireplaces, electrlo llghtsi exceptionally large lot with garabe. Immedi ate possession Convenient terms -ull be arranged, WM. H. WILSON & CO TOO-Ol-ce MORRIS BLDO. Members Thlla. Real Estate Mara. n Miiii-rrii JIB, BOO THREI- NI- W HOUSES nnd two bungalows n Arlni. mpletlon. exceptional value, splendid 1 atmn near station, all have 2 baths and hiragA this opportunity will not be avallab e f jr the fall Investigate. ROBERT J N H 1001 Chestnut at. NORLE yTf i';j.y f-iTifry-sfr" NOBLE A comfortable suburban home with beautiful view over Huntingdon Valle, Living room den eto ! 0 cnamrrs. eiectrlcltyi excep- tlonally largo lot UIII-1.1 witn beautiful shrubbery! slao ir a r a ir e nwnup in West Ion prlis for quick sile WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01 02 MORRIS BLDO. Members Phlla Real Estate Hoard BEMIDETAUIED HOUSE. 0 rooms, bath. un, and et r , steam heat. J82B0. WALTER D EASTBURN Noble Fa. OVETinROOK "t n- English-style resi dence rtntsljed in white throughout and In perfect ndltlon large enclosed porch, open fireplaces, cen tral Plant heat, electrlo light largo lot. This Is an unusual opportunity to buy a desirable home In, the heart of the best residen tial section of Overbrook, WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01-02 MORRIS BLDQ. Members Phlla Real Estat jioara 0VERBR00K shade treLa and shrubbery: house con- link bedrooms 2 baths and bll Xu?X -a will as wall-planned first floc-r c"rn P aStheat. ilectrlc light. 76 feJt frontage, can be seen b ap pointment . . SAMUEL C. WAGNER, Jr. COMilERCIAL TRUST BLDO siiiiDTiioniiiaiiniiiniiiiiwii'iirniii iiifWiniiraiiiraraiiwiiiMiiiiiiiiiiinr'ii ,--" '"i"1" ' 1 I vjk J i ft M 0VERBR00K 5 VfSr MARLYN RD Bemldetached. fl rooms, tile bith with built-in shower, central heating, JiS nossssslon. cn bo seen bv appoint- gVSlT McCormlck Lincoln Hldg onoNTZ TiiTJOAIOW. fl rooms and bath, gas and eleo. 16400 building lots 1260 'up WALTER D EAHTI1URN Noble. Pa. ,, ROHl.t N - CLAB8IEST BUNGALOW BITEH anywhera ariurid Phlln . 2.1x12... only 18 downi p ant or "Slid at once- Wld'. Dure.r water, eleo.1 big bldg. atarud: get in on ground floor. t " LEDGEPHXnADELPjaiAV "tfttESDA REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PENNeU LVANIA .mifllfrWAN and bath, laumlr, slecplns porch, . ., s & iUIN 4 , VND T1TLR ntjD0 iioMiount (.ii BARGMN To large hldg lots, 100x400 nnd 30x2'J7 one blotk from trolley, .stores schools etc small pavment gives possession to build I' 1'iJo ledger Offlce niTl.l.DOK SArmriVi: liullding lot "SxlO.-i; also 05x ir,3 small down iiavmont near stores, trollev schools iti. Ledger Oftlre build at once. P 1GJ0. K1l)L iiuiiiTHiiiiiiiiiiai'iiiiiii ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY SEAT Modern houe tnrage and 3W acres, high clevatinn few minutes walk from Htitlm and overlooking gol links shad hou'e contains Urst floor, living hall living room den. d'nlntr room breakfast loom pan r kitchen laundrj scvond floor. J muter'- bedrooms 2 bith. nnd largo servants' b.droom and bath over kitchen third floor 4 bedrooms, bath, nil moleni convenleni.es. nu--merous open fireplaces Herkness & Stetson ISM LAND TITLE BLDO. iiMini KWARTHMORE $10.500 EASY TERMS 11 rnom house Int. noxlho n. Well-shaded, "rj good 1 loc . photo ii"IIIFflS ill 010 SI J 00 $22 BOO. PETER i?ON .'wcllE''TNrThT.P111LA JNlRRUyVLK Tnnnr'-inALK Klshtroom 3-story frame ThoSse and barn, lot 30x220. Mill road. 2 blo-ks from Frankford ave . cars 111 minutes Torresaaie eiaiion, i-" 'v.;;!, m . THOS KILHY SMITH 711 Wltherspoon Rid . , WYNNEFIELH Srg- Desirable corner "!'"" contalnlm; 7 chambers! Sectrlo lights hot-vv-ater heat: exceptionally large . lot with 2-car caratt. This W worth vnur con sideration, as It is one of the bist properties In this convenient suburb WM. H. WILSON & CO. 700 01-02 Board WYNNES OOP WYNNEW00D All-stone Colonial house garage and about . acre of well planted ground: house contains center hall, living room. Inclosed porch heated: dining room pantry kitchen, laundry: sec ond floor. 4 bedrooms 2 baths; third floor, 3 bedrooms 1 hath, hot-water heat, electrlo light can be Inspected any time by appointment. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDO. I TiORK SHUMAN ISLAND FARM DESCRIPTION Consists of two tracts Tract No 1 contains 104 acres admirably adapted to fruit-growing. Tajfrnty acres of western exposure and ten acres of northern exposurs, 230 apple trees of choice varieties were set out nine -.ears ago and will come Into bearing this present summer. There are also 76 bearing reach trees of standard varieties While these 80 acres grow good crops of corn wheat rye, oats etc., they are splendidly located for the small fruits and berries In addition to the joung apple ..,....., thr ! i.ir iLnnthep orchard of 60 older trees also plum, pear and quince trees nna pienij 01 irne ..,. -.--a truck-patch of two ncres of rich river bottom sultablo for all kinds of vegetables The remainder of the 104 acres Is forest land covered with wood second growth tlm- eTha Improvements a're Large 8-room house. with out-kltchen In good condl n h ,""" Mew of river, mountain und hills than from the front porch of this h",A1'1 "ec;?05S out-bulldlngs large new bank barn 70xJH feet, with slate roof, running water In both housa and barn. . . Tract No J Is an Island of llu acres in the HusqUBhanna rlver-flOO jards from tho It-.. r,,i farm buildings, and connected uith the shore by twtnty-ton wire rop cable and flat . . By more could be Sdded by clearing and fu,.rnb.u.hNow. ...ten. here Ispo-I- little Jiori iwenix acres tlvely. no more fertile W WYNNEFIELD 1 pi uf f H 700 01-02 MORRIS BLDO. IS IdL Members Phlla R al Estate & NSs. Board ? Mill II ,l,""l"li,'f,l!i:,lli.Sfiry 4 "is Especially adapted I to growing corn", t year 80(0 bushels were harve.ted wo'rt.oC one.man There ha. not be.n and Last fillure of corn In ten '. "."' ;,u"a ub level as a floor and not a stone tan oo tntk war oi one inii -- -r -- j . found upon u Harrl.burg. ra . iw. 1,. .Bi. and 20 m les of a thriving highway lV'J'"nZMn&,iSt0nd tti.s mv irui'Hiiig, abiu "----.--..- ,c-. " "..-".""- r..,-ti-ii fir inuii dpooip one-hu r mill w ," "J".hlDDlng faclllt es to borouKii lih ulnr.i -'.. i -. mnrn ihttil T,',..'nPhl0haught lor 18.800. which Is fcr'if?n filler acre. The barn alone o"."t M0O ' Perfictfy .atlilactor, reasons tost jauoo '"i"":" mure given to any for selling i- -,-:-', , in per cent nVVh.i. nrlM to be paid when agreement purchase price to uev ,0 it con Is lgnd. 6'nh"" if purchaser desires renpnyCBca.hriO pVr-c.nt discount will b. allowed. 112 North Ily" st. vriflK l'A. MAIN LINE J8:,,lotJ70 f ru t tr'e..'. 8 . bartr. chicken : 1 !. . nniawiran nt v w .w f 1 X . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE nfw jkrhet suburban CHOICE UP-TO-DATE COUNTRY HOUSH FEW CHANCES OFFERED LIKE THIS Consists of substantial 10-room dwelling, with bath and pantry, hot and lold water, electric lights over the entlro property) hot water heating riant. In first-class order! front and side porches, cement walks In front and nround tho property, California privet hedge, flower garden With (-hole nlutita nt rail varieties, about nn aero of itood land, unuer man sim-f oi ruuiaiioni suitable for all crops, plenty of fruits and grapes, rhu barb and cultivated blackberries. nlr tnn garage, with cement floor, lighted, bv elec tricity, with work bench. nerythlng In flrst tlass condition. Located between Woodbury nnd the Delaware river, on llelmont nvcnuei short. walk to rler. Camden trolley runs directly by the property every 20 minutes to cr ter nn, I'atnden rrrrlex Icrinlhus at Federal and Market sis., Camden, fThls Is a ihance seldom cor offered on an up-to-date , property which can bo furnished on ery lib eral terms. Three-fourths of tho money may remain on mortg.tgo If so desired, lor In- I specllon call or write I D K. IIRNIUUCKSON k CO. 14 Oooner st. Woodbury. N. J, NOTICE TO THE WISE INVESTORS WONsPiAN0i1B8,'.Tnron OF A SUIT OF CLOTHRS Toms River. N J.. Ruhgalow and "onie BUM, ranging In aim from 40 by HO ft to 40 by 230 ft. In this country's finest section for gunning, boating. Ilehlng. chicken raising and vegetableraising. All lots sold ou easy terms 10 per cent down and the balance In fho mrnths. Prices range from $23 to S10O TOMS RIVER LAKE REALTY ASSOCIATION Phlla. branch MIS Angora Tcr. Phone- Woodland 7770 W J Rrown's Mills. N, J. Two Iots near lake prett furnished bun galow, boat nnd large tent, also 10 lota for sale, cheap, owner going south, no agents It. T .Marshall. Urowna Hills. N, J. 1'INH suburban residence 0 rooms and bath, garage, all conveniences, largo lot, conveni ent to .trolley and station Owner, lion 0. Vlnelana N J .NoR1HFini,D N I 3 deslr new bunga. tows, adjoin, irolf clilh. nil eonvs , Mnaw terms Irrge lots Kennedy. 400 S Van Pelt. CAMI1L1S MARKET ST property, business, receipts over IL'O.UOO n eat Hujette, OSS Federal st Camden roLLIN.M()On 1KN-ROOM house, moikrn conveniences, cor ner lot 100x171 bargain DM Llnwood ave . Colllngswood IIKLAIR LOT, Imgard nnd Ilnlman cornr opposite to school, good location price right. LKVICK . WOLDOW 707 Walnut st ii.niiovi'iin.i ON THE IbT UP JULY c will take the Illrdwood tract lots off the market, onlv a few days left to secure one of these beautiful plots. UOxlSlI lo an acre In size ra pn ments. will build when paid for S.ViO up, nil city conveniences, near train and trollev Get book 38 todav. OILHERT . O CALLAOHAN 701 Walnut s. . Philadelphia HADDONF1ELD At'ractlvi houe. lot 120x 200, Immediate nossesslon, till 000 ill Washington ave Tiomas K Dunn, 183 S Bth st J'hlla, Lombard .117K MERCHANT. ILLK SEMI-BUNGALOW Thoroughly up to date stucco over tile- large living room with fireplace, dining room kitchen pintr 2 bedrooms nnd bath downstairs: 2 bedrooms ami bath on second floor, electric llchls hot water heat, laundry, gis kitchen; hard wood floors, lot 70x1.10, only 2 block, from P. R. R. station, 112,000. HOWARD S. STRAUB 12 S. CENTRE ST. MERCHANTV1LLE. N. J. MERCHANTVILLE, N. J. PHILADELPHIA'S High-Class New Jersey Suburb We have a list of Very Attractive Properties for Sale At Consistent Prices HOWARD S. STRAUB 12 S. CENTRE ST. MERCHANTVILLE. N. J. $18,500 Large, well-built house with all mod ern conveniences t? excellent repair; frame, with Bliite roof, 2 living rooms dining room, brcakfiiBt room kitchen and pantry on first floor 4 ledrootns sewlrv room and up-to-dato bath on sec ond floor. 2 bedrooms und store room on third floor, plpeless healer, with special bathroom: heat, gas and electric lights throughout; hardwood floors g-vs and coat ranges, cement cellar with laundry and statlonarj tubs combination double garage and stable with electric lights, large lot. 12ix.'40 on our beautiful main street: convrnlert to Imth train und trol lev: there are manv other thlncn tn rn- ommend this propertj . come out and see it ior yuuiwi HOWARD S. STRAUB 12 S CENTRE ST . MERCHANTVILLE. ii J. NINE-ROOM suburban property, located- squares from station and trolley; propertv has 2-car garage all Improvements In house; Immediate possession: price $6,100. Jessup i. Son ti13 Federal st Camden, jf. j bNAP Large building lot. 123x170, near ever thing mall payments. Immediate pnss , can hulld P 114 ledger Of nee MtKHtESTOU N COI.ONIAL IIOLUE IJ ROOMS This very attractive home Is located to command an extended view over the valley to Mt. Laurel, every convenience stable and ga rage lot 00x2", 1, shade and shrubbery PETERH & SOV 001 Chestnut St .Phil a NKW JKltlEV SEASIIOItn ATLANTIC CITY COTTAGES Beautiful Newly Built Detached Cottages With Private Garages BARTRAM AVE NORTH OP VENT NOR AVE CHELSEA KINGSTON AVE NOflTII OP VENT NOR AVE . CHELSEA Containing 8 rooms and 3 baths pan trj hot-water heat eleurlc lights hard wood floors throughout. bst of plumbing stationary laundry tras shower and lockers tn th basement, spacious porch tsrracid lawns modrn In every detail' Immediate possession Thorough lnspec' tlorr Invited Mampie nous. -.;: .-; nartram ave Open dally and Sunday. A LIMITED NUMBER TOR RENT GEORGE W. SHISLER f- 22 N I1AI11TUM A A TLAM C CITT Or Your Own Broker ISLAND 1IKKIHTW Will sacrlflr0 room cottage furnished gas lot 80x215, JtSOO half down balance on easy terms ApdIv !Ullill!" AVALON N J Only 2 or desirable fur nlshed cottages still unrented, act aulck If you want one. E O HOWELL, VIS Wal" nut st ATLANTIC C1TV ONLY A FEW LEFT Alrllts house solves the housekeeping problem ull,ar house built of brick, 10 rooms hot-water heat, L-aH and electrlclt, root garden, Windsor ave, north of Bentnor ave prices JU100 upward, suitable .terms J STANLEY WMITH, 31 Stephen lllrBnl Itldg , after II 30 p m Call Overbrook 71H0 J Jft fll'RI CITY of ( - SIX miles at sea, ft mils, north of Reach Haven, your opportunity new bungalow.,3 bedrooms bath living room nnd fireplace; combination dining room and kitchen: screen frame entlro house, ard porchi lot, 6Oi1O0 unobstructed view of ocean, price, 11800. cannot ba duplicates under 12500 Agent on premises, Surf City Realty Co , Builders. 470 W HOTEL. 35 rooms, completely furnished lot 100x150, Including tennis murts, uiluuL able to apar'menti or clubhouse, finest bathlnjr. fishing, crabblnr. gunning on the N.w Jersey coast; free of all Incumbrance; mft.V. BUr' '""W . ";si V s, , " ' i V . . , , JUtfE 8;M-92(T ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NKW JKBSKV MSASIIORW AVATX1N SrLKNDIDLT located, furnished "tlage, nuusnie ior larso kiiui . ." - O. lIOWni.L. 410 Walnut rt. , OCKAV C1TT. rURNISHKD COTTAQB, 6 rooms, bat h, liv ing room, dining room, . kitchen, large front and side porch! also first and second floor porch In rear of cottage, with unob structed view of ocean 1 open 1"rJacoll.i,i dry and maid's room! located on Mornlngslde road, Ocean City Gardens! must be "Oifi! price nnd terms reasonable Ask John J. Foster, Realtor, 010 Slh St., Ocean City, PAIR OF STORKS on Asbury nve . between 0th and 10th! brick construction! In one of the best business locations! Immediate possession of one store) the other rented at 130 rer month, price for quick sale lOOOO. Ask .Vihn J Foster, Realtor, 010 8th St., COTTAMB on St. Charles place, completely furnished, 0 rooms, bath, living room dining room, Kitchen: lot 80x100 ft ! newlv papered finished In white and mahogany ana ncl painted on outside! price, $0000 Ap ply John J Foster, Realtor. SIB Mh St., Oiean City. N. J. west Tina iiARnon RiilUIng Lola IOR S ALB One-acre lot located at West Kgg Harbor. N J., on Pittsburgh nve.! 17 miles from Philadelphia, ft miles from At lantic Cltyi gocd location and good drainage Price 1500. easy terms. Wrlto The llornor Heal Kstate Co , Clarksburg. W. Va maini; CorINIAL 1IOUSB. with all conveniences situated on Tenobscot bay. Me. M S33. ledger Office. riyNSYLVAN 1 V UMS . COUNTRY HOM-E AND FAR.M Nenr Hrlstol . 01 acres! modern mansion! gas lighted, partlv furnished! 24 rooms 2 baths, 2 tenant houses-, extensive greenhous. unfailing water with electric pump; farm equipment! abundance small and large fruit, strawberry and nspangus beds, peach nnd apple orchards, truck garden planted- 20 miles from Cltv Hall will sell all or part of farm J LEE ,1'ATTON LINCOLN RLDO, onit ruiM5 STEWART ISLAND FARM DESTRIPTION Like the Shuman Island Farm this farm nnn consists of two tracts Tract No. 1 Is an Island of B0 ncres In the Susquehanna river., level and veiv pioduc tlvc. Trucking facilities are Just as fine ns on the Shumnn Island Farm! no flrer water melons or cantaloupes are grown unywhere than on this island. Tract No - consists of 120 ncres. of vvhlcn 10 acres arc covered with virgin tim ber white pine yellow pine white oak rock oik hcmlocK and other hard woods Heventv acres are fertile nnd devoted to general fanning purposes There Is n trunk pitch of flvo acres of rich river bottom land, on which good crops of melons are grown Improvements consist nf all nenssary out buildings In pood condition There nrc fruit trees of all kinds Tho barn was built In mill It Is 37 bv 70 feet slnti roof nnd cost J3BO0 The dwelling house is large but old and must )on be replaced bv a new- one if fivorably managed the timber tract will net sufficient revenue to pay fur this farm and build iv new bouse This splendid opportunity within 10 miles of c'tv markets and 2H miles of churches schools et can bo purchicd for JS100 or f$S0 per acre 10 per cent of purchase m " lO U'V Paid CHSU HUH M1H r'MIlUI'llT IU Mill convenience of purchnson. Ten per cent dis count If entire amount lspald In cash Special offer Shou d the same pirty de slrn loth farms thev can be bought for tin 000 lest in ner rent for cssh 112 NORTH nEAVER ST YORK PA. N KW JI'IfiEV rARM s . SEVSHORE TOTATO rRM-l Fine fruit nnd potato farms, some with all modern Improvements, near si ashore mar kets E O HOWELL 410 Walnut st BEAL ESTATE WANTED LARGE CORPORATION desires to secure stores In the business districts of Kensington Frankford Rich mond Brldtsburg nnd North Philadelphia for rotall nurposts, all communications strictly confidential. Apply P 1410 Ledger Office WANTED Factories and warehouse, for sale or rent, give full particulars JAMES L STEVENSON & SON 832 Iind Title Bldg WANTED TO BUI. homo with conveniences, ",no0 or le'S nlv or Hllburlmli ddress giving exact location description and terms, M 214 Ledger OffUe WANTED, to rent or lease, nrst floor for" factory, with not less than nnoo square feet or more than 4000 square feet for ma chine shop and warehouse. C CO'J. Ledger Office. COUPLE would like to know of a BUNOA LOW or small huuhk with some ground In cr near rhlladn : price must be right to receive attention Price, terms and general description desired. Will ACT IM MEDIATELT on worthy proposition, it 008. Ledger Office, Factories "mihwyl. 10,000 to 15 000 sq ft. building for Iron work. 1 story, built on ground, nn cellar 20.000 to 30.000 sq. ft. for elect b-ltterv NIELSEN Offices, companj. rallroaa siaing on premises, , or Lehigh, from Kens ave. to 2Jd & Allegheny "5 000 so ft . east of 0th between South st To" Cnllowhlll require basement elevator, electric lighting, front nnd back entrance 11 if. LAND I I TLB HLDU liOCUHT 1708 WEST PHlLADiri.VHM Your Real Estate Sold M ? FITZPATRICK. 1B41 N I10TH ST BEAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY liraiUlllllIMB FOR RENT ATTRACTIVE HOMES Fairview, Camden, N. J. Trolley service direct to property from Federal at. ferry FAIRVIEW REALTY CO. 1827 Colllngs rd Phone Camden 31(10 Office open fiundaj. 10 to 4 lllli ATTENTION, HOME BUYERS! Why trust our Judgment' I will supply the house In any ioi'ltliin desired without run nltig ou nil over town I will also place mortgages on houses I sell 1-t me show ou Gorsuch Realty Service Room 300, Ludlow Bldg. 34 S. 16th St. Why Continue Renting? BUY YOUR HOME nnd And out what real latlsfactlon means I bavo them In all larts of the iltj at nil nrlces. Can place mortgages on houses I seM you. aORBVCH RKAI.rY SERVICE Room 300 Ludlow Building, 84 hOL'TH 1HTH 211-18 N WATER HT Two .'.-story build lngn. running through to Delaware ave, OOLDMAN 721 Walnut st ' 1120 H. BROAD 10 rooms Apply James Wilson 1114 N. American Hldg Business Properties nnd Stores FOR RENT AUTOMOBILE SECTION 77x130 631-3-5-7 N. Broad St. WM. C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST 032 RACE ST Four-story building, J7 bv 04 elevator, possession ' MYERS ft JIAIiril Ridge ave nnd 10th Factories 600D HU W , 1 slorj J-ear railroad siding, 7000 en ft ,, 1 story railroad siding J ALAN MlDDLLTON faciori speclnllst and Industrlsl engineer 002 Wldener Bldg SIX factories, Kensington, different suit uny buHlness, list on request., KENNEDY, 40ll S Van Pelt sizes, Iloor Hpnce rLOOR SPACE, 1700 to 6000 square fee Apply Room 200, Parkway Bldg,, Bros ana I nerry ni. Professions I Offices lR J SPRUCE BT 20SS SPRUCE HI 2017 WAL.SLT hT HI.MON 112 H KITH BT li- orririw. ruhiness rooms, etc. 1-rvMPI.li.TELY furnished ' cttirm I1rt. i.i'I. stenographer In building to dellv.r and reA csive inaii.vu.1 .u or iiiumu. erjrer ulGg. ear, 7th wld Oprtrur Garden t.. J-bl. V HEAL ESTATE "FOB HEKT CTY , F-0-R R-E-N-T Directly opposite Wanamaker's 1307-9-11 MARKET STREET RETAIL SELLING SPACE GOxlGO ft. Jr Basement ifi the most congested men's retail section in Philadelphia or the world. A five-foot entrance from Market street is rcscrvcd-for this basement space and tho retail value for Rtrcct frontage in this section is estimated at $2000 a front foot. If you can use this spot in your business let mo know. LIONEL FRIEDMANN LAND TITLfe BLDG. F-0-R R-E-N-T Directly opposite Wanamaker's 1307-09-11 MARKET STREET FOUR UNUSUAL UPPER FLOORS Approximately 75x180 feet Airshaft for light and ventilation on two sides Street frontage on both ends Each containing 13,500 square feet POSSESSION JANUARY 1st, 1921 Especially adapted for tenants who can uso to advantage one entire floor, or for one tenant who can use the entire four floors. LIONEL FRIEDMANN LAND TITLE BLDG. nrFicKa. nusiNKsn roomw. etc. For Rent OFFICES DENCKLA BLDG. N. W. COR. 1 1 tli & Market Sts. APPLT Heymann & Bro. WIDENER BLDG. Locust B025 Phones Race 807 west rmi.AnKLPiiiA RENT 10,000 Ft. Near 52nd Street Two-sty. huildin'fr. Light or four sides. Elevator, spriRkler system, heat and electric light furnished free. One-half block from trolley three blocks from P. R. R. passenger sta tion; four blocks from P. R. R. freight station. Immediato possession. John H. Sinberg 1218 Chestnut I HAVE A NUMBER of furnished houses s Jor lloo, rent; tneso nouses rent irum iuv to also 2 houses uniurnisneu. J. M. C HMD! IDO 6207 .1IDUIU BALTIMORE AVE 570.' WALNUT HT 3-story house. Turn : 4 bedrooms, modern Improvements, telephony; gas and elec. , June 2" until Llbor Daj , rei, sonnbl- to small family Phone H, Imont fl.'TS CARPENTER HHOP. contenta and good lot of ground at 6IMh and Florence ave PE.M. HERION ESTATES S13 Harrison Rldg l'KNNSI I.V VN I sritl'RIIAN RENT FURNISHED SUMMER MONTHS We have a number of de sirable and attractive Sub urban Homes available Immediately for the sum mer months. H. WILSON & CO. 01-02 MORRIS BLDO, berS Phlla Real Estate Board. LANSDOWNK DELIGHTFUL CENTER HOME Suburban furnished nsldcnce Lansdowna June 16 to September 15. strictly modern, completely furnished, suburban residence, containing 11 rooms and 2 baths lurgn lot best location In Lunsclowne Applj on prem. Ises, 10 E Oreenwood live Lansdovvne Rhone l.ansdowne lion NEW .li:Rs, m-sOIIE CAPE MAY TWO STORES Liberty Theatre Building, Washington st ; hes business block desirable upportiinttv for up-to date confectionery, etc., or Ea!.e Rite business. Liberty Apartments V nsh'ngton st . ci mpletsly furnished S rooms and bath: select Apply or. premise, for Adim Buelke 14 B 6th st Philadelphia LAKE OEOROE. N. y. 2 FURNISHED homes for rent on Lake Oeorge 11 rooms, 3 baths nintorhoat ten nis court and garden, 8 rooms ".' baths sbep lng porrhos beuutlful loom Inn opposite Ha i. bath Day Point ill W 60th st . New Ttork. FOR RENT FURNISHED FOTi RENT, furnished for summer 12-ronni houso 2 baths, 2 ncres of ground neir train and trolley, iholce section of Main Line price I6U0. Write 712 Otis Bldi Philadelphia """ ' OERMANTOWN MODERN 3 story stone house semidetached! convenient to trolley and Penna R R i block from Falrmount Park, located on high ground affording it teautlful outlook, July 1 tn September 16 or Ottober 1 jltu month Phone Oerinantown 4(11 "loiiin J'OSHESHION AT O.Ni'il 13 rooms 2 baths, nil lonvs , h W exposure C. T. PETERS & SON. 008 CHEhrNL'a' S ?! Others $00-1200 mo . Mt. Airy. Chest. Hill! S08 MOTION 8T , l.-!ltNIHlMli. TU-isii.yv;- uiAiJujsj utn, ............... M ,' i. ----t- - sen J, i IS ires Y m i i i I WM 700 Mem V ii Jf K BEAL ESTATE TOIt ItENT C1ITY FOR RENT FURNISHED I.ST l'IIILM)PU'H DESIRABLE semidetached porch houo for tlon""B?c: 7liffrtynr'-' 1J'0C" fr0m h 8ta CHESTNUT HILL Very Attractive Stone Detached Property PIRNIBHED POR THH snvui'ii uo)Js oiqujisap ,k0iu iqi u pjj'iniiK ,Li 'if.8'""' '' ..-' minutes' wall, ift-WlSS! .-J"". "f -ron-l' "J" ""' "iKnianu atntion I" nail li Intr rnnm uiinnt; room nnnirv L lt-H- .i uunury SECOND FLOOR. .1 master Jl!',Jr'!0ms. ' -"" room. ' serVSms' Jiuirlers In rear THIRD rijOQH 1 largo bedroom nnd 1 bathroom Kino .nLv "hade, shrubbery, etc. Rental .200 per month, Joseph M. Jennings Co. CHESTNUT HILL. PA. Chestnut Hill 1337 Chestnut Hill 2037 JL T.OfiAN LOCJAN A nHvv. handsomely furnished J - $S'K a,"'hed home: copper screens, hard wood floors pluno. Vlctrola: summer rugi, Jun 1 to Sept 1: no children Ph Wal. 8JI OAK LNK OAK LANE -Modern 3-story dwelling 10 rooms, 2 buths, furnished June 11 to Yct. 1.11Jnno 0ft, Lll,,t "Tlioa. or H. C. Irwin 721 Walnut s t i'i.NNs-.i.yxisrm rrxn HAVERF0RD l minutes' walk to station. 3 C I lege Circle, nnnoslte crlrket n.hl or itavtrrord college, brick and shingle house: 11 rooms. 1 bith .1 chambers, gas, olectrIi.it , open ilrepiaces: will rent June 16 lo .--eiiieniDer L'T. sinil per month. uiuvnn mnger: exceniiit location H1KST 5c McMULL N . WEsl END TRUST DLDO CNT lo-ROOM Colonial house. 3 porches high ekvation -southern exposure 3 Imths Juno lo to September 13, 7 miles to 1'hlla KERSHAW & CR0WL 0215 CHESTNUT DREXEL HILL DRE.NEI. HILL Very centrally located nicely furnished home, 3 months from July 1, lot 100x100. flowers, shrubbery, vegetable garden, raragej $1,10 per month: adult faro llv onlv C HO Ledger Office or Locust 308i NEW Jl RSEV SEHH0RE VILLAS, lottnges, bungalows, apartments, any smson, nil locations, complets lists If O, Hurrlg Co. No A 0, Ouarantee Trust Bldg MORTGAGES MONEY TO LOAN With Life Insurance Protection For S, 10 or 1,1 years Secured by FIRST MORTGAGE and rentable In monthly, nusrlerlr, semiannual or annual Installments. t option of borrower Appl for further Information UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE 4 TRUST 1.0 UII3 t,ni Chestnut st . Phlla For Sale First Mortgage CITY REAL ESTATE 0 NO EXPENSE CENTRAL TRUST CO. REL ESTATE DEIT MARKET AND 4TII STS J10 NOTE ON MORTOAOES If) Immediato settlements $1000 Unsettled estate loans Building association funds Dl'MPSI'Y Si CO . 27 8 10th st. . irn Jtcul estate kacurlt) Immf S)DU tllato settlement. Interest II i Tf estates bought Cash at one! $2000 EDW.M. MOLL ??,"; MIO FUNDS for home-buyers. 1st sna -". builders' advances. IhlladelphlaHouiH q0 1804-5 Commonwealth Trust Ijlilg . lTvVE desirable first mortgage for sale, ln. "title and tire Mnsurnnce otc i al expenl ,l'i T.TCVICK & WOLDOW. 707 Wslnut s wanted Party with money to Invett la mortBOgea. no brokers. P 1420. Ledjer ornce. - TflCbr FUNDS for firm morlKBges not oifj r.o". of value J LEE PA1TON 100 401 : z : . a. Lincoln mug FlRhT-MORTQAUK for sale J("0O at J well secureu i'if--- Rldgeave I HAVE 150 000 for 1st and. 2d morttuf- i:" -...-. n -ii t.ititap urnc LOANB REAL 1'bTATE AND BSTAJfl DKLANY 34 B Rrosd (Wert EnI" MONEY TO LOAN -READY MONEY- DIAMONDS. WATCHES JEWM; United States Loan Society ggfl VarVft mt gYy ngrminfft i, rem , xvixtn frcVE W Nlttlnger. Bulletin HWg - iloiToob TRUST I'J'NDS. not over 00 PJJ cent of valuo. Apply 13. BLRRY. o" Mnnn. ifurnnrmiKii ..v .1