J '& Cl J i 'f $y v i- . i: lK ,r X !- F5 " 'At Yoi yhWatchinfi tyf The Oils? '1 A$Po you wish vou i; kjicw which shares Interesting Facts - IrTour new booklet, "In , dependent Oils." Observe H -hich of the 27 going con , ccrns it discusses are drill- rlij in rich territory or ", '.otherwise increasing their .profits. An impartial guide 'V for investors and traders. t' Cftll, phone or write at U-, ence. f j v , Ask for Booklet T.U.-907 ' JONES & BAKER 7 Specittiiits in New York s Curb Market Securities Wideher Bids:., Philadelphia f Phones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 ,, Offices in 9 Principal Cities i Direct Private Wires STEAL $16,000 IN RUM . Sixteen Darrels Taken From Qer mantown Avenue Store Sixteen barrels of whisky, valued nt $10,000, were stolen nt .1:30 o'clock this morning from the wholesale liquor store of Otto Zocher, 1434 Germantown avenue. Znrhrr nnil his. wife worn nsleep on the third floor when they wero aroused by noises on the ground floor. The dealer hurried downstairs and found a H.lri REPAIRS i Nw pistons and valves fur tsished for ice machines. Ex ' ert repairmen at your service. Phone Wat. 1814 und Main 3t4 Endl.ar.AMhln,t 212-222 S.DARIEN ST. An Old Brick House. npHIS Week the i- Friends' Historical Society meets at "Stenton," the beauti ful old brick mansion built by James Logan, Penn's great secre tary, near what is now Wayne Junction. Al bert W. Kelsey, the well-known architect, is to tell about the nvprnfppfnvp nf fhis h famous house. 1 It was built in 1728, 1 nearly two centuries ffl aeo and if vour modern house is in as 1 S good condition today yon are a fortunate i man. 1 Do you want perma- I nence, or beauty, or I safety, or high value, I or low cost in a build- 1 inr? 1 Build of common brick and get them 1 S ALL. NO SUCH OPPORTUNITY as the one now existing for the purchnae of high grade invest ment securities nt abnormally high yields hns ever before been available to the American investor. In the last two years speculation hns been rampant, nnd real investment issues, such ns long term bonds and good preferred stocks have been en tirely lost sight of, but a read justment of economic and finan cial conditions, which is now being brought about, cannot but redound to the advantage of the holder of SECURITIES of REAL INVESTMENT VALUE. May we submit a carefully se lected list to you? jAACKlEqCo. Invegtment Banker Members Phila. Stock Vxchange Real Estate Trust Bide. Philadelphia largo part of his stock had disap peared. Neighbors later said they saw nine or ten men carry the whisky to n motortruck. They believed tho men hnd been employed by Zachcr and did not givo nn alarm. Tho robbers broko a window' in the rear of the storo facing on Orianna street, where they had parked thn truck. They also took $13 from Mrs. Zachcr's pockctbook, which they found in the second-floor living room. TAItCELS TOST mkwm men REUPHOLSTERING OM parlor. Ilvlne- rnnm enA library .furniture at strictly ' wnoiesaia prices, we have, the reputation of , fifty-two years spent In wholesale manufac turing to oner a- a (Uarantes on an worn today. I,et 11R eatlmatit Dell. Market U22. W. H. GOSNELL, 207 N. 2d St. DAILY MOTOR SERVICE r-AnaEST trucks in Pennsylvania Ttt anil from New York, Blnrhatntou, Haiti. more. U'nhln(nn nnd Atlantic City, Uosten. Hurrliburr and Lancaster WK CO EVERYWHERE To or Goods Catered by Insurance MORRONEY STORAGE 612 UACr. STREET rhone Ilelmont 7040-1313 m !! PENNA. TAX FREE SECURITIES PAUL & CO. Members rhlla. Stock Kxthance 1421 CHESTNUT STREET Lawrence . Brown & Co. CMT1FIED H1BLIC ACCOUNTANTS tain KKAI. EMTATE TRCST I1LDO. ' InTeetlsete and adjuat partnership and remtenratlon nrronnte. AIM prepare V. a. Inoeme Tax Returna. F. SKITTEIVS SONS NIcatown Lane and O St. H. M. t C. U. 81NEH Church anel Taconv jo. t. nrr.NK est 20th and Clearfield JOHN H. EARLET Nlcetown Lane nnd E St. FltANKrORD nntcK WORKS Torrendale Aenue KKTSTONB RRICK CO. Godfrey near Second St. Plica NORTH ritlUA. BRICK WORKS Illslns Sun and Luzerne "OUILD WITH liniCK IT L8TS roni m FOREVER." rirawp.! BAR HARBOR EXPRESS Through Train to New England Via Hell date Rrlilse Route Brslnnlnc June 14 Mondays. Wedneidayn and Fridays Lv. Phlla. (Broad St. Station). 4.04 P.M. Wuat Philadelphia 4. (Hi P.M. North Philadelphia 4.".'0 P.M. Trenton 4..M P.M. New York (Pcnna. Sta.l. . H.4II P.M. Ar. Portland R.40A.M. Bar Harhor 11!.40 P.M. Roturnlnr. Tuendava. Thuradava and Sundava, btKinnlnvr June IT. leave nar Harbor B.30 P.M . leao Port land H.40 P.M.. arrive Ilroad Street station, t'nnadeipnia in no A M. Throntli Mleeolnc Tnrs Ulnlnc Cuo Brrrtce Jso Coaches Throuch Sleeplnr Car to Rockland K'elniUnr June 1. Throuuh Sleeping Car to Bretton Woods Wednesdaja and Fridays be-pinning- June 30. arrlvlnc Brotton wooos aoout i.ii A..M. Pennsylvania System In ran nation with Vtatr VavL. sw IIt4Tcn A Hartford R. n. Hotnn & Mnlni li.R. Slalnc Central R.R, V Buyers' Headquarters a 1 SiiiPiBil ill llllll v rl3jmWfll tiffin Mffllf Grand Central Palace Time ond money can be saved by foreign and domestic buy ers who visit this Exposition which includes Permanent Exhibits and Salesrooms of 300 Leading American Manufacturers and of foreign countries. Telegraph us for hotel reser vation, appointments, and fur office facilities. International Exposition gr Industries Grand Central Palace New York coo List of eihlbtls and available space sent oo request. MAN SERIOUSLY BURNED Victim 8aya Pasaersby Refused Aid In Extinguishing Flames William B. Mungcr, S Oreenway avenue, Darby, was taken to 8t. Marv's Hospital last night after the clothing had been burned from his body and he had been seriously burned himself. He was found at Oxford nnd Hancook streets, by firemen who wero responding to an alarm from a nearby box, and told them he asked several possersbv to extinguish the flames, but that they ran after tho engines and paid no at- FABM AND GARDEN "Once Grown Always Grown" is truly said of Maula'a seeds. 43 years' experience behind our guarantee. Stop In on your way homo. Open until 0 1'. M. Be ure to ask lor the Mauls Seed Book. It's free. .. yj'."!?!11 MATJI.B. ine. Slat Arrh Bt. Philadelphia. Vn. KHUCATIONAT. Doth Hexee Our araduatee are in constant demand for ood-paln positions, aresa shonhand. the easy, speedy system. Complete buslnees and secretarial courses. Day and Nliht Classes, intensive training-. Enroll any time. Call or. write for full particulars an eataloiue. phila. nimrNEBs cot.i.con .. nd College of Commerre 101? Chestnut 8U rhlladelpbla Banks Business College 1200 Walnut St. Bookkeeplnr. Shorthand. Secretarial, Typewriting Courses. Day and Nlaht Claaws. . THE TAYLOR SCHOOL Orecf Shorthand. Touch Typewrltlrur. Boost. iaeplng. aecretartal Cout . Day a NlibL lot Market Stryer Business College Ptlladetphla Greatest Tlnslnt flchoel 07 Chestnut St. rhone Walnut SS4 SOMMKIt CAMrS Yoona Men and Bore FOR YOUNGER BOYS POLE BRIDGE CAMP Offers an Unusually Wholesome and Attractive Summer TWENTY BOYS, 8 TO 14 Address, Tale Station. New Haven. Conn. sresic U. ETTOBB MABT1N1 Symphony orchestra and arand opera conductor; vocal, oporatto eemposltlon. Dlano. Studio. 148ft H. Broad Bt. tention to him, Jttsf how his clothing caught on fire, lie did not cxplnln. SytHZ WHITE IFORW00D-MEWL0RPLASTER ATM t torts or Thomson Wood Rnlahlnq Co. STKAMH1I1P NOTICBS HTIiAMHIIlP NOTICES HTKAVSniP 'NiftTICBW, Lv9V W M BV V A V "J savBassf kv KwV m Kftl J Virxlllit VIlelllA Varonln Vestrls. It. A. ' Sahara i ..... K, A. Victoria , Passenger nnd Frelslit Service , Philadelphia lo London i Phllailelphm " I.lvtrpoot .. . ,1'niiiiueipiun " (iinssow li .New Imprrnlor !' Anslo-lSSTPilnn vhnnlil 1ntinnnlA i.Nl Royal (leorse .New 3! Cironl.t .....New 1 Southampton rork' " I.liernool .......New York " tloeenalown and Mferpool ....tiniinuemniit nrisioi t;onmomiw ......New York ' t'liprbotire and Hout . iiiiiiKiripnin Antnrrp la " Mt u ri k qtieenstown ani K " Cherhnurr anil Hon u " T.nfif1nmierrv nutl tilAmtrnvt Phllndrlnliln Brlslol (Avonmouth). ... rvr jnrK " t'hrruounr and. Sonthnmnton ew inrK uneenstonn aim uirernool Junn ..,......,.............(,, , Jnn. i June in i.. . 4tlni i . .. V . ." ., ii - " - I'luiniieinnia " i,ierpooi . .,,.... .a. .. 1.um T.hI.m.. .! ..., ..,&.& riv .f,rfs r nuu.i uuiiiutniR hiiu . rir.11. .,,,,. ew rorK " 1'iymoutii, cnernotira and nouinampton oru ; uiiernsinwn anu uri l.. i.lvrniool 2.'""-. I. i .. ., ? i .. j .... ,.. ilianrriHiiiw ......oit J,urf.." vnrrinurK inn noiiLiininiivvn ......i..,. oinrnini, .. .!.i,.r- .'.,t Dnonholm .., Imperator . ., . . li. A. ICIUKIW JUH. I "''Uie IS June it June in June it y'v" ,Ne .Ne ..July ..Jn Vo VACATION TIJIPS ast the uraclnir ocean breezes, rofreshlns sleep, delicious .food and all other benefits ofWATItn TRAVEI, on thn well-appointed steamships- of this favorite line. Lot us help plan your vacation trlpl Frequent salltncs to BOSTON SAVANNAH JACKSONVILLE Uerclinnls and Miners' Transportation Co Katnbllehed 18154. "Millions of paeienrers carried Not a llfo lost." Pier IB H, Delaware Ave.. Philadelphia Telephone Lombard 1000. nincman'a Ferry. Pa. ,.,,. ...1..T f.irn iiiirrnniunn Run i,iTr,avi ........,...., t"ronii f, iirK iinrensiown nnn .Liverpool i. ...... t'aronla Cw JorH Plymouth, Cherliounr and Liverpool Colombia New Jork " 1ondondrrry nnd (llascow Aqultnnln ,..?jew York ' rhrrhoiirs ond Hnnthnmpton Mflitretanla ....... ...ew lork " Cherhourtf nnil Hfnithatnnfnn Imperator New Y'ork " Therlionrr and Southampton ror Later Hnlllnin Apply to 1300 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA Jn .Ju i . Jn .July ,aiy Auk, I a uly IS ; : '' it LUCKENBACH LINE Philadelphia to Rotterdam Amsterdam R. R, WI'.ST POOL (U, 8. fl. Bd.). June 4 A Steamer U. 8. S. Board) Jane 20 Rotterdam Philadelphia fl. R. CUfillNOO (C. B. S. Board). June S R.8. PLP.IAHKS. ..............June 15 H. H. WKST rOOl, (U. S. 8. Bd.). June 30 LUCKENBACH STEAMSHIP CO., Inc. GAILEY, DAVIS & CO.. Affcnts 403 Bourse Hide. Phone Lombard 2005 Lighter for Charter Jrun null,. Holster. Il'f las. tuln srrew .. 1A0O In 3000. Carrylne 1. W. HO tons on deck. S2A per tiny. Iinre boat. MS per ilny villi rrew. Crew consists 0 sklpiier, enslneer, deck hand. Cost of vessel, over $25,000. JOHN C. BOLDEN 100 VV. 21SX ST.. NEW YORK Philadelphia to Scandinavian Ports Christiania, Gotnenburg, Copenhagen Regular Service V. S. Shipping Board Steel Slsamirs SS "FORT ARMSTRONC'Xosdiai SS "ORONOKE"...Juno 15 A Steamer July 10 (From Pitt 78, South TVhantt) The Charles T. Magee Co. Aitnli tor U. S. Skipping Boati Drexel Building PHILADELPHIA Bell Lombard 6100 YOKOHAMA AND KOBE S. S. BRAZIL MARU Late June Loading; FRANK WATERHOUSE & CO. Agent 470 Bourse Bulldlnp; Telephones Lombard 8514 5515 EARN-LINE Tneorperatefl 1861 U. S. Shipping- Board Steel Steamers General Cargo Regular Service Philadelphia Manchester SS "Dei Moines Bridge". Jane 25 Philadelphia Havana SS "Lake Fluvanna". . .Sailed SS "LakcGalera".. . .June 20 For rate and particulars apply t Earn-Line Steamship Co. 139 South Fourth St PHILADELPHIA, PA. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE NEW YORK to ROTTERDAM Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sur-Mer Rotterdam . June 10 July 211 Auk. 28 Noordam June 26 Aug. 4 New Amsterdam July 7 Aug. 10 Ryndam ....Aug. 18 Passsnrer Oflloe. 1831 Walnut St.. rtiila. I - nv Nri.i. t a?TVTHK lioi.nras -"'oAofc viittkkn.' r MNKINO FI'NU TO THE HOLDER" Or CMMClicutRWer Power Co.of New Hampshire First Mortcace 50 30 Year Sinking jOfuiidCold Bonds due June 1, 1937 TSS; nnijersirnea nereuy kich nuticci irnii h ... in tha ainklnir Fund the sum of SI5.:iltf SV tor Investment In th abovo-mentlonjd bonds ai rtmvm nf hnnrtM n.lnrjKl "Tender of Conner- K . Bllv!. Pntrer To. of N. II. Bonds" Will S be received by th Truetee. at 17 Court Rtret. liosxon. Aiasn.. uni.i nunu li uiinr u. 846 at whlcli t'mc Miej w II b opnd The rlsbt is reserved to role, t ny and Mil r.ffM Interest on accepted bonds will ajaej June 33. 1K0. r bid rninHY trust company. Trustee lV. B r. D. HCMrilllET. Vice Preslde-it. ' u Pate, June I. 1UI0. . m .niais or thi: piiist iihit. rKKN.YK.R rn k per cent WKINO FI'NU CUII.I1 lIOMIs or THE COMKNIAX. t'LUli:ilV CUUI-AM. Notice Is hereby clven br The i-olonlal Trust Company. Trustee under Mortsaie of the Colonial Colliery Comnanv to The Colonial Trust Co-npany Tr'Js: difed January 1st. 1010. that pursuant t pfo vlslona of aald mortiai:. they v Ml !" unlll Jor.o inth. 1020 ter''rs in rlMie; t the office of Th colonial True' Company, attuete at No. 317 fourth n in the rlt of nttsbMrah and e'at of Pi i.j nl. M v, Donas ior pufnw ' r -. or . iV xnoneya of the SinKlii. 1 ur'l .s-h now ' tamounts to lift. 43" J T .- rteht Is re. aervsd to rejrt " "!- .-.., m whjie m in Mtrt. Nn teiid. t r.l-4 .iff.. I' Che 10th dav of dun", ln'u TUB COUJNLVL, rUl dT ro-.T VNT. Trust. I, Plttiburrh. Ta. Dltldends Notice of Annual Meeting of the Todd Shipyards Corporation The annual mcetlne of the Stockholders , 3f tUl" Company will be held on the ISth ' ar of June, lU-'O. ut 12 e'clork noon, nt , the oSlee of the Cumpan). No. in Whitehall ' Street. City of New Y irlt. for the purpose of rleetlne a Hoard of Directors, recemnc ' and eictlntf upon the reports of tlio officers aind for the transaction of aueh other bust M..a m timv uroDerl tome beforo the meet inB Includlns the ratltteatlon of nil action td of the Bourd of Directors and me uracers or , ' she ComDany i . CARI. n. nn7Tti:i4. eeeretary. NAVIO TION i Tbttt I I -asSsfll ( -''v :;:',;. m 'IliluytLuLsPW -rSSi e,B rfi irflssisrarst I h m h f HriirYEKII.T. w .-nT w HPI .'" nJrn.KO.Ml ANII COAT. rOMl'ANV !11.1 tl'iilnnt Htreet I'nuaueipnia, jure t. 1080. dividend or Our Hollar M) per hare peen doclrcd. payablo TburMloj-. Julj A fiKi heen rheVkf.' will be roallrd. Transfer books to t Tut. 21. at - o loU KTaa. Jlllv l!,l?t, rloM Mortp- ! P. r. and rfopen-fl I b. Ill nf.lnAT . , I PRESTON nRKAHLEV JTt " I ' --i,iijrr i 9UK r.i4:cTttio,sTOKGi: UATTEUJ d 10th Stref. Directors have dej-lared ....k.nw Avenue an ' puiladelpt.la. Jun i'. l:n o'jarerl V n.. nirectora nave oeiiareu . ellvldena of Two and one Hair tioiitiri is? .10) I- Sir sham from the net earnings of the k K,itiMnr en both Common and Preferred . S?.m,?f1H..5iK1 Joly 1. IWO. to stockholders business (i 5f T?rVd l".t"th. close of h 5ij Nqo Oticksi will p M.II.J NncnHfiN. on June Tr.ae. ""? Bourd of Ttlrrrlora of T. Trevor Ihin kJff hsmTlne,. has derlar-ii u. Ilie ner rent 'Tfiieidend. payable June ISth. 1SJ0. to stock " WyJiir. of rerord rv '.:.. in.'O - JlIAnilT W Kl'NKIfJ. Jr Secretary 'jr .. rrojKi5.iIa dktot omcr.K. 17TII AVD F nip ' mi ha ODnM at abov m.Attrmm iemerAlVSiSllB !! ' -":. m '- ..li." " " - m- Si mT. June lo. Iw,-. ior aenvry and In-lllnftolSdln'onVVl"'1?:' ,ir Rporoxluuitely 20'x1B'iiq Tflnlshed sides; S2' counter base r.t:i?. s.irtJ4 1. rinnifM Bind nciary lnformatiAr. . L ..n nnllrittlnn hart. riig uyuvr.'-j -""-- - - 6 plant. Ksmmsft iS $ Qlsplay cares: tO" of meat rack,' overhead meat track completi; inlts and necessary Information ipnn application here. nKTOT OFFICER. I1TII AND F DV." Washington. IK C Seal. J i . A-n A 1b,?4a! Mm Jnmi.lS. lOM. for rep.lrlna WiJeL roadi within Antletam IJaftlefleld HertiW roans Antletam Cemeten-. ' JmKi 5r2?tff" Pronosal blanks and anerll lyiKrS 'iv aU" ' I (isjei i ti. if. i nr vMiWrV, n : len SSJSr NC Proposal blanks and spec!. enure. . ,.ortn anpllcatlon h.r. iny " -..i.: V OK Till. uunninwiiiniCH . HT.-...1... .n Knil Mia nivl.lnn in Bulldlna-. Wasblnston. D. C, T...i. in duplicate, will Do re- ..I., until 11 a. m.. Jane Htb, 1920, toraishlrur all or any part of 125.009 is? isaitN.lt. HOTat. N. J ?".'-. 'asSfri'J "liT: I1U1I-U V",'T ssai manulfccuirinr nuiiainn .nu 'J 1. 1 e.. -.1a sintll t e'lAXill 7 r. -.-. I Will gm IDWIIPH W4t.lt vae se. . 5 E5"t. 130. Address Commandlnr Of. r '.- , Hperlal Meelln AK, AHJOURNED .3IKETINO OF 4 BtockhQlder..pf the,, Heselute AfflU aUSW.il. rtBWITIsi (' iv 4 i st se eelHi, June S. 1910. at Keystone Ford Owners here is the right oil for your car Sunoco "Light" one of the six types of Sunoco, the new scientific motor lubricant was designed expressly for the Ford car. It has the exact viscosity (body) and ex clusive qualities to lubricate your car perfectly, release the full power of the engine, save gasoline and oil, prevent overheating and eliminate carbon. Sunoco "Light" maintains a protective film of oil on , the bearings of your engine and in the transmission at all speeds. It insures a proper sctil between cylinder walls and piston rings, preventing leakage of gasoline and dilution of oil in the crank case. Sunoco is a straight-run, non-compounded, 100 per cent distilled oil. That is why it never causes hard, flinty carbon deposit. Give Sunoco a trial in your Ford and you will be astonished at the improvement. There is a Sunoco Oil for every car If the car vou own or drive is not a Ford, one of the other types of Sunoco Medium, Heavy, Xtra Heavy, XX Heavy or Sunoco Special will lubricate it perfectly. Any Sunoco dealer can tell you which one "fits" your en gine, or write us for the "Sunoco Lubrication Guide." SUN COMPANY PHILADELPHIA OFFICEFINANCE BUILDING More than a million and a quarter gallons of lubricating oils per week. " ' -.----.,nM-irwilirmilllJUll!rUinMt?lfl!)rtlil ST7',, tmmWmmwmmm is i m W (BHPBTjjRKv iEiBHlBj fWfffWrT siiisV'ffn nf 'HjnTCfV3SBQBapnsvwi.iAgBjgejtSHBj8V9BBBBB a aaW4JlUnalV IsawwafAPlsBrfnnBaTJIalssBBBBlsBBaBBtlellsassBBK IsMJLTMTstsUai sBsiBeBSaw.iAssssssnBssssssBBSsnssssBB . , ,m r" VWmVtflfN(K.mJM 'fUSJhMgijnwji-ssssBBBBBJssssssssm 'ttSsSSnUMBMai fvaKHiBBaeBHFBWaTBaTO 'fsMHiaKSBLi. I mWSnmVBmmmBmuWmmWmWBmfmf&KMZmKSSmmVS!! ' la. . Es HM l"i3naVWlHwreVPlas IPMBBHBgBBWWlrylWL'' ' u"Hhh -JBnl-7P;l&ii a livSlMBlBal s !- ffiS ssaaVH JK tuMSHJ WrKflHBnnKki4knVT!si HaXnCsaVasSBBsaSBKixPSL mMkmmmw KXlTe JiLfll nSlaWeUSBCjLB M, lEsSsuisnl BeiXCS3SlwwlSaeag?fJleSrsWtyaB . mtWWW9s aHaBBaaSsaWm hflT Its Soft, Cool Breezes Refresh The "kiddies" sleep comfortably even on these hot nights, when swept by the breeze from a silent Robbins 8s Myers Fan. Mother takes pleasure in this modern equipment in the home, the same ,as father does in his office and factory. "Makes everyone feel better these hot days," says he, and mother, with the picture of healthful, comfortable childhood sleep before her, agrees. R8sM Fans produce the refresh ing breezes so necessary in dog days. They are silent, economi cal, reliable and efficient. It's the motor in the fan its repu tationits reliability which makes possible such hot-weather service to humanity. Look for the R&M flag -the sign of a breeze on the guard of the fan you buy. The Robbins 8s Myers Co., Springfield, Ohio Tot Twanly-ThrtmYtrtMMk,,ofOuaIlljPMnmmndUotit, Address Office Nearest You 1418 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Room 420 E, 30 Church St., New York, N. Y. lobbin$ nn St Hvct$ -V hi Ma.atei mat tu take action on pro JM io thn lty-t.aws. I Eft tJ. NybnW., TsUry4 , A . i W.L.V i "' .y r ' ?: 1 I - J .w ' . 1 Jn4$ I l ft ...aic ' . . . j f ji m M ,- , t . ...! ifj..;2 .VI.; ' Ai.fW . kZzK v,sMVrli;Ti 'Kii, HKOS.2ii.rir-:M j. ... - - f'j e;!! n J- K$!W ; ,.t