Jrtt !"".-- T, ' i. ' V '' ,v '- In. i fc -.. fc. ' P 1 i Y I, 1 tit i V w EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, .TUNE 8, 1920 - ' ' " . (V '! ' Expert Selection for the July Investor v m fl S, M CAREFUL selection , made by nn expert organization of long cx- rPiicutc ana nation - wiac JBcopc of the best first mortgage ovo real estate bond investments nvnil- TaV1i im iU iiiKn1H TTMttM,t i?;Statcs, is offered in $1,000 ftjynd $iUO denominations m fcjpwr July Investment Jjuigc, now in process of publication. Write for .'this valuable booklet to- , day. Ask for '' BOOKLET Q-412 SWSTRAUS&CO. ;tHJMll) I,, a lCOH0.ATtD STOCK KXCIIANOK ItDILDINQ ' rillUDKI.rilIA ThJrtr-eleht jenri "Itliout Ions to nnyl ' T inventor MARKET MERELY DRIFTINGAFFAIR Railroads Commanded More At tention, With Roading as tho Star Attraction NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS &fi- tft ; r 1" ' gpf a tr N III I jj .' Mill II Mkiii r Money Invested Now INI- !jlli 711 , in preferred stocks Is- I Wj J II sued by well established 'Uf-llll? manufacturing companies ft-''li,,j earning several times dlv- I fiw Hit' ldend requirements will I s?' W I carn substantial profits I W ' ml' when interest rates be- II E ffll ' come normal. I $1 1? Ail .Wli llll '''!' II I' ' have1 n cnretnllr I 1 V I KEI.KCTniJ LIST of III ,-' . I preferred stocks I I r i)V ' Yielding 8 $ .f ; Ask for Folder P.P.L. 357 i if- . Ii I fjSil' Holhster f White & Co. ' ' ll Incorporated II fe I Worth American Building llll W 2; r rniLADEunxi k; f in i v I'll I f 'i Kjl ' BOSTON NEW TOKK ?. 4-)' W I ii nl fl sir 8: ,K ft .SJ fl s I Years of Remarkable Earnings if. We offer on better than a vo basis the 3-year notes of a large corporation whose net earnings for the past ten years have aver aged over twelve times in terest charges on this issue. Notes carry common stock purchase warrants which .should prove valuable as " 10r cash dividends and lOo stock dividends have been paid regularly on this stock since 1909. Asl( for Circular 2424 Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street Philadelphia ' Mew Yorlt jj Ooaton Chlcazo Detroit Jt il Cti New Yorit, .Tunc S. Except In n few scattering spots the trading In todny's otock mnrkot wns again lifeless and gen erally meaningless. In nddltion to the restraints nrlsing from the uncertain ties of the political developments at Cliicngo. yesterday's Into flurry In call loans nlo put n damper upon specu lative nctlvlty. Thrre wan, in conse quence n general disposition to go slow until me rencwni rate Had been fixed on call loans. This was made nt 7 ner cent, as ngninst yesterday's closing rate ot 1U per cent. The Rupply. however, was found to be exceedingly limited, and in consequence, tho rate as soon raised to S per cent, Koine effort had been made to create the impressions tnat yesterday s late Hurry was wholly unwarranted and entirely n rigged op erations. The tightness of the market somewhat upct this foolish Idea. In betted informed circles ,it is gen erally recognized that market probably will have to tight a period ot stringent money until the end of tho current month. There has apparently been con siderable withdrawal of funds by the Interior, then again the banks arc neces sarily starting to make preparations for providing funds for the July disburse ments and settlements which arc usual ly the largest of the year. Tho second instalment of income taxes on June 15. and Victory and Liberty bond interest payments on June 15 and July 1, re spectively, will nlso serve to keep the amount of money available for call loans ut a low ebb. The convention at Chicago, however, continued the dominating factor, and. the proceedings were watched closely by both the financial and market com munities. As a mutter of fact, more attention was centred in tle various developments after the opening of the convention than there was in the mon otonous backing and filling of the va rious stocks. As has been experienced tor some time back in periods of dull ness, more attention was paid to the railroads than the industrials, but, aside from Reading, even the movements in that group were uninteresting. Stocks were inclined to react at the quiet opening, but the whole list soon ralld from this backset on the further strength of Reading, which rose almost 4 points. New York Central also de veloped a firmer tone with numerous secondary issues.1 These included Texas und Pacific, Kansas City Southern. St. Louis and Southwestern preferred, llock Island and New Haven at gains of 1 to 13 points. Other strong stocks in cluded American Sugar, Industrial Al cohol. Crucible Steel, Chandler Motor and Atlantic cGuIf. Marine preferred made up its loss, but paper shares for feited part of their recent advance. Dullness became more pronounced dur ing the mid-session ou call money's rise to S per cent. Asido from the wenknevs of Chicago and Northwestern, which fell 5 points, changes among representa tive stocks were Insignificant. LOCAL TRADING AGAIN LISTLESS Hair 100 100 500 10 ZOO 800 00 100 300 100 ooo 200 700 000 10(10 300 700 3600 600 3700 700 400 700 100 100 7200 100 3200 300 300 300 4C0 100 1300 300 700 300 100 100 100 190 100 600 100 300 200 3000 400 000 110100 100 8800 100 1000 200 1000 fiOO 100 100 00 300 1700 200 2300 300 100 It 00 300 400 1600 380 6iw Equipment Bonds Free of Penruu State Tax Free of Normal Income Tax To Net 7.10 and 7.S0 'Jg Townsend Whelen & Co. && 505 Chestnut Street Exceptional Opportunity for relUbla and capable Hfcurlty nalei rnen. Experience not necessary but preferred The most saleable security ottered for seeral years This Is an unusual opportunity for a. few good men. Itqply, clvln experience and rcfernus Box C 820, Ledger Office Further Dribbling Liquidation in the Utility Group Caused Fractional Shading Interest continued nt a low ebb in the local mnrkct and for the greater part of the session the dealings were entirely perfunctory. Price clinnges were ex tremely irregular, et seemingly carried little significance rxropt to further em phasize the extreme narrowness of the current trading. In view of the halting character of the other markets and considering the increasing uncertainties injected into the gcnerol situation by reason of the further tightening of money rates, coupled with apparent muddle local transit situation, there wni little won der the rank and tile of the lorn I trading element were dSpooed to .tick to jddo lines and look on until the situation1 be came clarified. Mkiipj. in b fur, as stock market accommodations nre. con cerned is practically unobtainable, nor does there seem to be much hope of any immediate improvement. At the outset the list showed n ten. dency to improve, but most of the guins were soon lost from sheer inertia. There wan little spiling pressure, but there was still continued dribbling liquidation in scattering purts or the list, notably U. G. I., Pennsjlvunla Railroad, Phlll ndelphia Electric and Philadelphia Rapid Transit. The absorption, how ever, was better and, in consequence, pi ice loss was smaller. I'. (J. I. seemed to be ppgecd at -12. Rapid Trausit after selling at 11) Hi, dropped back to 10. Philadelphia Electric shaded from 1 122r,i to 2214. Pennsylvania Railroad jiclded to 30't. Electric Storage Hot- I tery on nominal dealings swung be tween US and 11RH;. American Stores was nearly SI hiehcr at 4. Lehigh 1 Navigation, on the other hand. lost nearly SI declining to GO. Union True tion despite tho declaration of the rcg , ular dividend yielded Vt to U0 . 300 300 303 100 100 100 3800 800 6300 300 700 400 7330 9200 700 400 1000 200 000 300 100 l'O oco 200 1100 500 500 2000 1800 500 100 500 500 Dlv. In . , Hlqh .. Adams Express ..... 30 U 6 AJax Rubber , 67 .. Allls-Chalmera ....., 37? 10 Am Bosch Magneto ..110JS . . Am Can 30 1 Am Car & rdy 140 4 Am Cotton Oil 43 .. Am Hide & Leather.. 17J4 7 Am Hide & Leather pf 82 3 Am Unseed 80H 0 Am Locomotive 7J4 7 Am Locomotlvo pf ... D9M .. Am Safety Razor ... 15 i .. Am Ship & Com.,... 24 J4 4 Am Hmclt & Ret..... 50 H 7 Am Sugar Ret 12 (4 8 Am Tel A Tel Otyt s Am Tob Sea temp ctfs 8H 7 Am Woolen tVA . . Am Woolen Co rts . . . H 4 Anaconda Copper .... 57 0 Atch Top A Santo Fe. 80 10 Atl Qulf A W I S S. . .165H 7 Atl Rclmlng 7 pt.,.105 . . Austin N'tchols 24 3.30 Baldwin Locomotive. .11514 7 Baldwin Loco pt 7 .. Baltimore A Ohio,... 324 3.30 Barnadala Class A..,. 43 .. Bnrnsdall Class 11.... 37 V4 8 Barrett 175 !4 .. Bethlehem Motors ... 20H r Bethlehem Steel 87 H 5 Bethlehem Steel B.... 10 .. Booth Fisheries .. Bklyn Rapid Transit. 137 . . Bklyn R T ctfs of dep 10 Burns Bros 100 . . Butto Copper & Zinc. 8?( .. Buttcrlck 1J4 . . Caddo Central O & It. ft 10 Canadian Pnclfla ....lilt a Central Leather 63 U 7 Central Leather pf... 0BJ4 4 Ccrtaln-teed Prod .... 53 4 Cerro do Pasco Cop. . . 44 10 Chandler Motors ....131 .. Chi Mil A St Paul.... 331, .. Chi Mil A St Paul pf.. C1H 7 Chi & Northwestern.. J0J4 8 Chi Pneumatic Tool. . 86 .. Chi R I A Pac. ....... 37M 7 Chi R I A Pao 7 pf. 73J4" .. Chllo Copper 10 1 Coco-Cola 3SJ5 5 Columb Gas A Elec. .. 56 1 Col Graphophono .... 3t'4 7 Consolidated Gas .... &0 2 Con Interstate Cat M. 14 H 3 Consolidated Textiles. 33?i 1 Continental Candy ... 11 4 Corn Products Ref... 03ft 3.50 Cosden & Co 354 12 Crucible Steel 137 Mi .. Cuba Cane Sugar 48H 7 Cuba Cano Sugar pf.. 7Ji 7 Cuban-AmerSUBar .. S0J4 0 Delaware & Hudson.. 03 .. Denver & Rio Grande 4ft .. Denver & Rio G pf... 10' 8 Detroit Kdlson 9714 1 Dome Mines J .. Elk Horn Coal....... 20 7 Kndlcott-Johnson pf.. BSH 2:30 Net Txiw iNYtm) uns. TT.rln 1 .. Erie 1st pf H . . Erie 2d pf 8 Famous Players-L ... 71ft 3 Flsk Rubber 32ft .. Freeport Texas 24 ft 6 General Chcm pf M 6 Gen Cigar O'H 8 General Electric 144 1 General Motors ctfs.. 20J4 .. Ocn Motors Corp rts.. IJi 7 Great Northern pt... 72 4 Gt Nor Ore ctfs 355 4 Haskell A Barker Car 08 .. Hcndco ctfs M 7 Illinois Ccntr.il 83 ft .80 Indlahoma Ref 'g .. Interboro Con Corp... 5 Int Agrlcul Corp pf . . . 8-H tl lntl Har?ster new...!33J .. Int Mer Marine 32 e Int Mer Marine pf.... 'i .. Internat Motortruck.. 65ft . Int M Truck 25r0 paid. 10 .. International Paper .. 77 54 4 Kansas City Southern 17K 2 Kennccott Copper ... -'n 6 Lackawanna Steel " 7 Liggett A Myers pf . ; 2 Loewe Co -,4 20 M 67 37 118ft 38 a 138ft 43ft 17 J4 02 80 X w 08 15 24 H 50 ft 124 04ft 7ft 0ft H soft 70 163 105 34 H4ft 87 31ft 42 37 ft 125 ft 20 ft 87 89 ft 12 ft 0?4 100 8 13ft 10ft 11234 65 ooft 52 H 44 129 33 50 f 71 86 30U 73 H 15 J4 33 ft 55ft 30 U 80 l'K 33 ft 10 X 03 35 ft 136 49 ft 70 J 56 92 4ft '06ft Oft 20 08ft 12 10H 13ft 77 32 ft 22 ft 92 ft 65 144 20 1 71ft 35 67 ft 32 :oi H 67 37 - M 118ft ft 38 H- ft 140 194 43ft- ft lTJi- ! 92 80-2 sft 54 08 - 1ft 16 - ft 34- ft 8H .. 154 1M 04ft- ft 8?4 1ft 97ft ft ft .. 87 ft 70 J4- 14 U3 - ft 105 1 27" .. 114M ft 07 32 ft 42 37ft 2ft 125 ft- H 20 ft- 87K- 89 ?4- 0 - 12ft 0?4 109 - 8i "13ft 1ft H ft lft lft Bales 109 100 200 1700 2400 100 200 100 500 2000 1200 300 2700 100 100 200 600 3300 300 800 300 900 700 300 100 300 6900 200 100 1600 400 800 16ft-11,24- 65 ft 99 ft- 63 44 129 H 4- 33 5094- 71 -10 7 394 82 H 132 32 86 K 54 4 10 70 16ft 27 70 102 ft 28 ft 86 - ft 37 ft 73ft- 15M - ft 33ft . 56 ft 3lft H (iO - 1 1454 X 33ft- J4 11 - ft 03 - ? 33ft - ft 136 - ft 49H H 7o;( .. 66J4 H 92 H 4ft ft 8 - ft 97ft- Oft . 20 88 H 12 1014- ft 13ft- ft 70ft 2ft 32ft- ft 2tft 2? 03 1 05 ft 144 - Vi 2ft- ft lft . 71ft- i 35 54 - ft 07ft ft 32 1 81 ?- 2H 7J4 .. 3 94- ft 82?4 - ft 1S3H 3H 32 87ft H 64 ?4- lft 19 76 - 1H 16ft ft 27 - H 70 - 1 102ft ft 28ft ft 200 200 300 000 300 100 100 100 100 100 300 200 2100 100 100 too 1590 100 400 3500 1700 300 200 100 200 600 3700 4410 1690 100 10 1700 6249 800 8700 100 1900 2400 1600 200 1(0 200 400 2900 230 400 100 100 470 2700 11011 700 10 18'JO 200 200 9100 1500 000 100 2300 200 300 4C0 290 210 100 1000 200 3jI P'V. 0-n0 Net ln HUh lw (NTtm) Chi . 7 Louisville A Nnshvlllo. 00 ft 09 ft 19ft ft 7 .Mannattan Kiev guar. 44 2 Marlln Parry 20 H 10 Mexican Petroleum .-.170K 1.60 Mlddlo States Corp... 38ft 4 Mldvale Steel A Ord,. 42K .. Minn A St Ii now 13J4 7 Minn St P A S St M.. 00 Ji .. Mo Kansas A Texas,, 6ft . . Missouri Paclflo 36 .. Missouri Paclflo pf... 43ft 3 Montana Power 61 .. Montgomery Ward .. 35H .. Nat Anlllno A Chem.. 85 .. Nat An A Chemical pr. 87ft 1 Nevada Con Copper, . 13ft 6 New York Central.... 68ft .. New York N II A H.. 30H .. Norfolk A Western... 89 7 Northern Paclflo .... 73ft B Nova Scotia S A C... 58ft 4 Ohio Cities Gas 37ft .40 Okla Prod A Ref 4ft . . Ontario Silver Mining 7ft 8 Otis Elevator 125 4 Paclflo Devel Corp... 66ft 0 Pan-Amer Petrol ...,101ft 7 Pan-Amer B 96 4 Parish A Bingham... 32ft 8 Pennsylvania R R.... 39ft .. Peoples Gas Chicago., 37 .. Pcro Marquette 24 ft 5 Pere Mara prior 39 3 Philadelphia Co 37 ft .. Phllllpa Pet 39ft .. Pierce Arrow .49ft v Pierce Oil 10 8 Plcrce-Oll pf 83 7 Pittsburgh A W Va... 38ft .. P C C A St L cfd.'... 73 8 Pressed Steel Car.... 98ft 8 Pullman 110 U a Punta Aleirro Sugar.. 101 ft 1 Ray Con Cop 17ft 4 Reading 86ft 2 Reading 1st pt 43ft .. Readl.ig 2d prcf 43 .. Remington Typewriter 13 ft o Republto Iron A Steel. 8994 7 Republic Iron A Stl pf 94M .. Republics Motortruck.. 43ft ff.20 Royal Dutch Amer... 118ft ,. St Louis San Fran... 25ft .. St Louis Southwest... 13ft .. 'St Louis Southwest pf 25 .. Saxon Motor 10ft .. Seaboard Air Line. ... 7ft .74 Shell Transport ..... 70ft .. Sinclair OU 31ft 0 Southern Paclflo 93ft .. Southern Rail 23ft 5 Southern Rail pf 56 20 Standard Oil ot N J.. 601 7 Stan Oil of N J pf . . . .101ft . . Stand OU of N J rts. ft 4 Stromberg C'arb 72ft 7 Studebakcr 08 4 Tcmtor Corn A F "A" 43 47ft 2.50 Texas Co .. Texas A Pacific 42ft 0 Tobncco Products ... 70ft .. Transcontinental Oil. 14ft 7 Twin City R T pf.... 80 8 Union Bag A Puper.. 80 .. Union Oil 2734 10 Union Paclflo 114ft 4 Union Pacific pf 0ft 8 United Drug t20ft 12 United Fruit 201 .. United Rwy Invest... 11 .. Unl Rwy Invest pf... 13H 3 United Retail Stores.. h2 6 U S Food Products.. 63 8 U S Ind Alcohol .... 14 7 U S Ind Alcohol pf.. 05 8 U S Rubber 94 8 U S Rubber 1st pf...l08 0 U S Smelt A Ref.... 50 5 U S Steel 98ft 7 U S Steel pf 108 0 Vanadium Corp 75 8 Va-Car Chcm pf 07Ji 2 Vlvaudou Ino 20ft .. Wabash .. Wabash pf A '3J4 7 Western Union Tel... t3ft 4 Wcfctlnghouse E A 51. 49 ft .. Wheeling ALE 10 4 White Motor- 61?4 1 Willys-Overland 18ft 7 Willys-Overland pf... 70ft 0 Worthlngton Pump .. C7 44 30 ft 28 42 13 ft 09 ft 24J 42 ft 60 3H 65 87 ft 12 ft on 39 H 88ft 72 50 37 H ft 7 125 56 100 ft 90 8ft 39, 38 23 JJ 30 37 ft 38 ft 48 H 16 83 2834 73 9834 11034 101)4 17 8334 43 ft 43 C3ft HJ4 9434 43 1143 24 H 13ft Uft 10 ft 7ft 754 31ft 02ft 22 ft 50 661 101 34 70 ft 66 ft 42 0934 "ft 80 83 2734 112ft 64 129 201 It 22 3i 70 ft 62 ft h3H 05 93 ft 108 69 02 H5ft 74 ft 107ft 20 7ft i:3ft 83 40 ft 10 6134 1834 70 ft b7 ft 443 lft 201 17ft- lft 28ft- ft 42J4- 1 1334 VA 6834- ft ft 261 43ft .. 81 - 1 , 3534 Ji 63 87ft ft 13 ft ft 09ft lft 2934 ft 89 721 60 3734- ' 434 V 7 - ft 125 I 58 2 101 ft 96 32 ft ft 30 36 ?4ft ft 39 4ft 37ft ft 39ft- ft 49ft- ft 16 ft 83 - ft 2834 14 73 0834- ft 11034 ft 101 ft- ft, 17 ft ft 80 3ft 4"ft lft 43 3ft 63ft- lft 80ft .. 9434 . . 43ft 34 115 194 25ft 34 13ft 34 24ft 1 10ft- ft 7ft- 34 76ft lft 31ft- ft 9254- ft 22 ft ft 50 34 661 0 101 ft 34 .. 72ft- 2ft 00ft- lft 42 ft 4734 ft 41 ft 70 - ft "ft- ft 80 853 2734 .1 113 - ?4 64ft 54 CURB MARKET WAS STRONGJ SPOTS Island Oil an Outstanding Feat ure, Making a Now Top Prlco ' New York, Juno 8. There were many strong features on the Broad Street Curb today and although price movements were irregular, tho tone was generally strong and most interest was attached to the Issues which made sub stantial gains. Island Oil was traded in on a large scale, moving up to 0, a new high for recent trading, and there was a large amount of business in Met Oil. which made a fractional gain. Texas Pacific Coal and Oil continued in good demand, advancing about 2 points to 48 on sales of over fiOOO shares. Tho rights were traded In at 11 to 12-14. Simms waB steady and White Oil was also In fair demand but without special change in price. Carib Syndi cate showed a strong tone, moving up from 10 to 17. Submarine Boat sold nt 12U to 12. United Retail Candy was pressed on the market during the morning, declin ing from 154 to 14. Aetna Explo sives again sold at Oft. INDUSTRIALS 120 ft ft 201 3ft 11 - 54 23J4- lft 783i 134 62ft- lft 83ft 34 99 03ft- ft 108 34 59 lft Aetna Explosives .... Amer Candy Car Light General Asphalt . ... Grape Ola Grape Ola preferred Hercules Paper Imperial Tobacco ... Inter nubber Mercer Motors North Amer Paper.. Perfection Tiro .... Radio Com Itado Com pref.... Italnler SlnKor Mfr Hubmarlno TJoat ... Sweets Co Times square Auto, tl S High Speed Tool IT H flteum United Plct Prod l's United net Candy 15'i 8TANDAKD OILS Anslo-Amrr Oil 234 Standard Oil of N Y 385 INDEPENDENT OILS lllsh Iiw o; on ..6i fl'i t2 2. 00 0H4 2 m 23 22 S 10 10 im nvi 18 17 6$ ?.,. 2H -" 1 '4 1 ; 2H 2S 3s asJ 120 120 12'4 12'i 33 32 32 32 2tl 24 1. 14Vi 2.1 385 Last 0'i 0i 2l OH V, 214 23 10 114 is ! IT. 3S?i 120 12U IS 32 i 32 2H 1'4 3S0 92 100 74 34 107ft 20 ft 40 ft 10 6134 ft , 0734 - 34 ft Commodity Markets J COTTON MARKET New York. June a.-iu.uuSi Southwest and trade interests were buyers of cotton this morning, a marked improvement in weather conditions led to heavy liquidation of old nccounts under stop orders, and this produced a weak tone after the opening. From a decline of B to 2!J points on first sales, the market broke to a net loss of about 25 points on all active new crop portions by the end of the t twenA minutes. Liverpool also was a seller here and the New Orleans market showed healne-s m the early tradiug. Philadelphia Markets WHEAT Receipts. 171. Bin bunhel. I.niiir, Lar lolt In eiport elevator No. 1 July October . Dember januarj Muich ... Tet Todaj's clo open ;i t'l 31 TiO . 3.1 rt7 83 0 , at n 34 17 , st m 31 (in . . 33 f.3 33 J3 (N T. 11 10 a. m. SH.31 83.80 31.20 time) l.su p m. ns.an as.ti') 34.32 33.20 33.47 GRAIN MARKET Chicago. June S.-Traders applied ,. ti.n .irii mnrkot ill WC 'nnenlnc todaj and initial quotations MVre easier. The selling was mm ...l Kv onlnrced receipts, the am ,.,iW ln.re toda.. being 11 cars, influ - rri-and FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, June 8 With tho excep tion of German marks tho entire llBt . , .!-.,. aii-nni-tii in tlm onenluR snowcx "-- " - -yVxehanco mar. ' 'M Muter $3 i 13i No f.iard winter. 13 13; quotations of the foreign exenango mar Nq rrd ulnteri $3 ln. ., hllrd wJ,lter, ttet thla morning Sterling was up 1 :t uf: n.i. .1 ted winter. :i (i; No 3 hard point, demand selling for 3 00ft and cables for 3 lit. Other quotations were: Franc cablen 12.95. checks 12.07; lire -.,hi 16.05. checks 10 07; Belgian cables 12.46. checks li! 47; SwIes cables 6.51. checks 5 53; guilder cables 30ft, checks 36H: pesctai cables 16.40. checks 16.3?; Stockholm cables 21.75. check" 21.65; Christians cables 18.10, checks-18.00; CopeiihaRen cables 17.10. checks 17.00; marks 2 44 Sterling entered upon a rally In thu midday trading "V'1 .w"riUPmi .hles Demand was quotid nt 3 !W and cables at 3.U3. OthiT quotations w.'re: 1- rant cables 1 3.0(1, checks 13 2; "ro mblei 17.no. check-i 17 02, tn irltH. 2.4B. TODAY'S OPKNtV! JL STATIONS HKMiin. Irxiii I .lr Uull'lers Demand ... 3 f'V. 12 1;;. 10 03 30ji Caliles 3UI 12 Hi lo U7 JUrt YHSTEKDAY'K TINA!. QUOTATIONS Hterllnn Krrtn'S Lire Oulldera . 3SH4 13 02 17.02 BUJ. . 3 00U 13.00 17.00 38V NOON QUOTATIONS Sterllnt Francs Mre Guilders 3.92U U HO 17.00 .... . 3 03 111 "J 17.02 .. Allied Oil Iloston Mexico Notion Wyoming Carlb Sytdlcate Duquesne Knilneers Petrol Esmeralda OU Federal Oil Gtenrock Oil Oronada. Home Petroleum Hudson Oil Island Oil Kay County Gas lattice Creek Merrltt Oil Metropolitan Petrol ... Morten I'etrol North Amer Oil Ohio Fuel Pennok OH Plttsbunrli Oil Producer and Refiners. Red Rook Oil Roy de Franco Ryan Oil Sapulpa Ref Plmms Petrol Hkelly Oil Spencer Petrol Superior Oil Shell Trans rt Texai Pacific Coal ... Tcras I'ao Coal rts... Un Texas Oil Victoria Oil new V'fBtern States Whlto 2S 17 4; 2H 2 OH 3 -i iti Demand Cables . Demand Cables . tf An Unusual Investment Yielding 8.64 Circular Upon Request NAULTY & CO., Inc. Flanders Building PHILADELPHIA, PA. tf Pcnna. Co. 3',s, "B." 1941 V Savannah Gus 5s, 1923 v I'hlla. Kapid Tranhit 5s, 19.-.7 t v Lehigh Coal & Xav. 4';s, 1951 . CHARLES FEARON & CO. jpTSv 333 Chestnut Street imii Philadelphia Stocks inch I.", 22 Am Strs.. 45 44ia 25 Am f!as.. :1 IHI flOKlecStor.llR117 .10', 1 130 Net P. nl, rhp" " "M :to . . . m 1 30)4 a, 2DU M no T's r.in-., . 81 42 30 L.M I ! :iny. vt 42Z i's :io.. hS h T, fet '. ifi erlran Gas Compunr 100-Yr. 6s, 2014 lilKli t'oul NHYlcatlon Co. 4s. 1054 i!iiti liuii.vw M.ir, u... ... i,ii i ,. n. .i.i nl. it. ffiiiiiiuny Conol Ah. 10M ufayette I-naunsiiort Trur. .. ft. 1II3B !1.mI. Titles It.. IT. Si Tr. . fin, 10(12 'V.?ladel.l'li KrarUnr Ktendeil 4s. 1037 Mill.. Wl inliwtoii iiniii. ... . is. lu.-i ,"l ".." i.u.-lil li . I mini ICaiilu. .. 7h. Rerlul ; : York Peiilml Itallro'id Kq. 7s. Merfiil j ' - 1 T7" n L X 1 1 1 sr ri JP iO r DUmuCI IV. riiuiiuo ix vu. 607 CIIK8TNHT 8T. t Members rhllidelphl Jitotk Exchange foii Remington Phonograph Stock 5tiuiMl Iwjond snpjlr. Output contracted OT. special rirriiMir .. i...i .ww... .... iata on phonosroph Industry on request. O. if. IjAJNhiinuwk v uu. 1034 ("HEHTNI'T ST. Hprui'a XHIU ifl ''", fwpci jm l.. Will, Wilson & Linvflf Public AcciuiKb4i I Co N A KOVi 25 do repti . full pd. 2I)4 201,4 f,0 I.ch Nav. 50. 50 111 I.PII .M1V, HUM. Illl'i. nod ia n n.. 'wv-i .".nu 204 Phil Klec 22'iS .105 Phil It T. 10. 225 tKeadlng. mA- 25 I'n Trac. .'lOf 701 I' I... -12W 10 York II pf .Wj tNet chanee made by compirlson with last sale on New York Stock Kxchunire. Sales In IIONDS 1 30 Net $1000 High Low p. m. chee. 5 Baldwin I.o lbt 5s.... 04 01 04 -v, 15 Cong tm ctf COM- UOVi 00 ,... 1-5 Klec & Pco Tr In ... 50 5(1 50 1. 1 Key Tel 1st 5s 07 07 07 .. 0 Lehigh Val gen 4s... 01 Ms 01 Oil '.. OLib Ilonds 2d 4Vis.. R5.50 85.2(1 85.20 .01 3 7-20 3d 4Mb 80.50 80.50 80.50 ..10 02 4th 44.. 85.00 85.58 85.70. 20 1 Nntl Prop - . 4. Us .... 5 5 5 i 4 Penna Co temp cts..l0n, 101 Mi 101 CHICAGO BUTTErtAND EQG8 -1'TWgVR IIUW. Iti.i in it. -- .. by generalh fut.-rable reamer rou... ftous thrntighout the belt, u the setback there iwis scattered buying by com ll'lnn li.m".. ttlitrh caud rallies from the lowest. t1 7n, lulv opened at $1.71 to -"'i' ngainM S171 .it the end gMtfrday. and later sold at SlTlVfc; September was quoted at SI 50'j to $1.50 at '.... . .! u-iin iL.t m hW and later sold " There wax w.me local selling of oats nt the stall, but the market was not weak. CciimiN-inn houses purchased. The receipts hero today were Hbht. amounting to only 47 earn. .Inly op.'J it H0e to im',f. against OOVjc at tie close jesterduj; Scpteiuber started t 78-T4c to 7SV4c, ugulnst 78c ut tho end jetcnlaj. , Uecelpts of uheat here today were 10 cars. . . -. am fnllnns: i.ea'iinx luiurei rn" .n.in Test. tnhln. tlm) OPn lllah Lo,v a. m. close I 71 1 .-V3 .'',1,, T -TV 1 .17t Ort OT'i. BtV'i 78U 7S'. 75i 33 37 83.00 33.0" t.J ' 31 75 131.45 t34.4.1 34.70 Com (new delivery) MONEY-LENDING RATES s:. Verk. Juno S. Call money opened at 7 p-r ceni, but later advanced to 8 per cent In time funils there was no business, transactions ronsistlng of an occasional renewal ot moderate amount. Nomina quotations won 3 per cent bid on gpo'i mixed and 8's per cent on Industrials for all maturities For prime bank ac- A I. ...-.! nt. .r.mhPF lllllH. OU per cent was freely offer 'd The bidding rate was 6& per cent Locally, notninK Is moving In prime mercantile Paper under 8 per cent and some of tho nanus are asking "j per cem. niiL.MiKi.riiiA fail. r. per cent; time 0 per cent , commercial paper, three to six months, 0 per cent. (Xotc These are merely nominal quo tatlont), as the lepal ra'.u of Interest in the state of Pennsylvania Is fixed at o per cent Plus premium and commis sion time money for thirty to ninety days Is loaning at 8 per cent, while com mercial paper from three to hIx montns la being orcerea at 7 to a per ecu... LONDON Money 4 ',4 per cent. Dis count niH-H- Short bl.ls, 0 11-16 per cent; three months' bill. OH per cent. HIIK. rill'i, aft July .IT' J Vi ."O'i .HIV,.. tv.pt . 1 AU 1 "8 111 10 r',hei't 7si -oil l'nrk JUly t.1.1 40 Sept 31 75 l.ard , July 20 57 bept -1 50 Ribs July . . 1" 03 Hmnt . . in nif Uld. tAsked. 20 57 21.50 IS. 05 18.80 '0 35 20-37 t20.fl.-i 21.25 '21.27 '21.50 17.90 18.70 17.00 18.07 18.70 U8.8J DIVIDENDS DECLARED St. Louis. Iloricv loun.Jn nd rjeinr fo . rellar HUarMrW of 1 Pfflrrrcenl n common and I'i '',",,., Vord June 10. aide Jim. ,30 to stool of ritord rJunHery of T II "''"',,n,mn;nrun.l 2 per cent on I. .K' ." nm 'nmpHynBm? July 15. to stock JiTVeconl June' 15 ami preferred ..uiy do. not cioie ,,,.,acturna. regular. aV;fwSSh SSt"oanClprenfSrr.5eKda85 ?25S I'hll Luelon llontoll BANK CLEARING8 m.'o nun mis -,-ss,-,ii7 ;ru,ii:iii,,h3 $rj7.is2,3io iiii.on-.uu. 1.4. S7H 11117 U4 Sill OUT lialtlmore l.'i.iW2.ti4U III 42 Jill 04. 482.210 14.7N.M2U on w.. ....- -, i,,n. ib, common ijm. jlTni'l?.'.?" ?l?r.c0 kr,,rrr,nuarcr.v ,lr?en.,',oen,rlfe;!.Tyb.o 1 KTre. V'SSir i i fa wur'1 Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Oftlclal rediscount rates at the twelvo Federal Reserve banks are as follows: Treas, Lib. Com'l Ilkrs. Otis. uonos i aper vv;ili 5'A I fi'4 H . 7 5 5'i 5V4 5 n54 51 r. o.i-4 r,'l .1 cir.ii n'i .1 ire.iu 11 r. Tin rH 5 03U J I 54 5 llnnton . . . New York PhlUdelphU . Cleveland Hlchmnnd . Atlan'a .. Chlcatto Rt Ijtmls Mlnneu polls Knnsns City Hallux . San Francisco 6 II 5 r.V4 n Stt SHARP BREAK IN SILVER Rlumn Followed a Further Severe Decline In London Market .. ,. i... a -Ilar silver made nniiir. vininit riecllno In tho local ''..' ...i., fniiinv nhnut in rents to I "nlv ''.',rl '. ' ""'.'. '" A e.rll.er uliinil, will 'f.'enleinli. in 11 "!" .-,. .le-l'nr amount. .. ..' uMninr 1:107. No. I red winter, l.'l 03. No. 4 IihiiI lnl. i. .i n.i. No 5 mil winter J2.t)!: No. 5 h.ml Mint r. . I'll Sutnplc uicoid line to iiu.illt. COItN Un.-lpts. S33II bushelH Quiet and easier. We ciumi" as to auallly and loca tion 12. 0aW2.DII. the latter for No. 2 yellow. OATS Uecelpts, 20,301 bushels. Trado alow at former rates. Cir lots as to lo cation No. 1 white. $1 2781 28; No. 2 white. 51.25W1.20. No 3 whlto, J1.23& 1.24: No. 4 white. J121W122. KLOUIt Receipts. 2,227,5114 bushels. Dull and lower. Uuotei. Per 11)0 Ibo., packed In 140-lb. Jutn eacks-.Sott winter uniluht. western, n813.25, do, do. nearby, $12.75$() 13: har winter, stralnht. $1314: do. short patent. 114CJI.1, airliiK, tlrst clear. Ill .1041 12 .111: tin patent. M3 5OU14.10, do, short, patent 114 r.iifU.I .in, funcy sprlnu and city mllla putrnt family brands. $1,1 no (i 1U..1U Ite Hour. Jll .".iij Kl PUOVISIONH nulet but steady Tho quota tions follow, lleef In bets, smoked and nlr drled, Ale. beef knui.kl.-8 and tenders, smoked und uli-drli'd 52c pork, fiimili, 47c: hams. 8, P. mrtd. loose, 3ili!f3De; do. skinned loose, 37 6381. do, do, smoked, 3'J(iJJ 40c: hams, Inilled, lioncless. 54c, picnic shoulders. H V. cured loose, 2.IV4c: do, smoked, 244c: bellltis. In pickle, loose, 25c; breakfast bacun, 35i: lard, 23c, HUTThlll him and hlKhir The quota tions: Solid-packed, creamery, fancy, high scoring kooiIh, .ItliiJIllc extras, 5Sc: extra firsts, 53ii57c, llrsts, .10 53c; seconds. 44W 411c; ordinary Krlli.k. 42(4 43i sweet crivmery. eliolce to fancy. ilOenl.'c, fair to wood. 5ll!f5Iie. prints lebtliiu nt ()7(.tf lillc for fano and ut .lilfiiiik for fair to cholio KtlUS Hrtianed 1c In free cases, nearby llists, 4C,o per diu'n, nearby mrrnt re ceipts, 44c. nearh fair. 41ii?43c, western extra tlrsta. 41k. uestem llists 421144c seconds, 31V Id' sele.led fresh eegs Johblne afc IIIVtKIl (Tl llr ClUIKSi: In mini! supply and steady. Quotations New York state whole.mllk. flats, held fancy, 31(t32c specials hlah.r: do, uveruifo run. 25(3nc, Hate. hole-nilIk, current make. best. '.Oc eoinmnn to Bund. 24f2Sc: Jobbing sulei of fancy held goods. 33034c. 1.IVK I'OUI.TnV I"owts lancy. 380c: do. Lommon to good 3ff37c, brolllnc chick ens, fancy. elluw-sklnncd not Leghorns weighing IHW2 lbs i-plece, 7U75c; weigh ing lOl'i lbs uplece, (l()8i(iae, white Leg. horns, biollers, welglilna HjJl?4 lbs piece 306 53c; w Ighlnir Itf!1; lbs apleie VO04Sc old roo.t.rs 22t J3o dm k, 3njj 32c; pigeons, old, ptr pair. SOWOOc, do, younfr. 45e DUKSSKI) POI'LTIIV Miwts. fresh-killed, dry-picked In boxes, weighing 4JP5" lbs apiece, 43c; welnhlns; 8V4 lbs, 4142c. nelshlng 3 Iba . 87f80c, fowls, fresh-kllled. in DOIB., urriiivi.eu, wnantng 4VP.1 Ins apiece. 42c: welchlnc 3'4 lbs., 40Sl41o, welghlnic 3 lbs. 35irr37c: old roosters drv. picked, 30c: sprlnif ducks, L. I 3flc. KIlUSH FltUITS Apples per barrel, as to quality, WWIO: do, per box, $2 r0W4 ,10. Oranges, Florida, per box. 3 SOCtR 01. do, California, per box. II SO M 5 3.1. Orapcfrult, Florida, per iiox, iiiiew;i si) l'lneaiiplrs, Havana, per crate JBifi'll Penrliei, (irnrala, per crate, 1 0Rr4 Stranlwr-les, pel quart Jers-y, fancy lame ,tnl,3.V do, fair to good l.1ffJ2Se, snuth'.rn, lOvi'JIe VBtlr:TAHI.13.4 Whii. iMitiiines ii'iiillierii, per bbl No 1 $t(i 12. No 2. M .'I'd 7 .10, ro, a. .- i.i in 1'ano.ige. southern per bbl. crate 3H4. Onljiis. Texas, p. r crute, 5IIC&11 110. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Juno 8, The coffee futures market opened quiet thlB morning, but tho undertone was steady and first prices were 3 to S points 111 Eh Jr. Salen nn th call wcrn only ono lot cf December at 14.6UC, or a points aDove the nrnvniu nlKlU'a close There was no Hpeelal tradlnR feature In the coffee market duilm? iho early session The oinnlnc; lulvanco of 3 to 5 points was nom'nal In the caso of most positions, as the only salo on the call waa ono let of December, at 14,50c Later. July sold at 14.87c. or even with last night's dosing quotation, while Sep tember advanced to 14.65c, or 8 polntB net higher. There was nothlrnr, however, to In dicate any chango of sentiment and traders evidently found no fresh In spiration of confidence In the Brazilian rnuiiive 3 lR'i RH 3, 3 , 24 il'i 'Si? " 51. 3 S 104 0, 2114 in 211,4 48 12; " i . Eaelo 204 MIN1NO Al-iskn Brit Columbia. Arizona Ulobe Atlanta Ilelrher Divide Pelcher Extension , nig Ledgo .' liooth .V Iloston & Montana ' Caled Mlnlns 27 Culumet & Jerome ' Candelarla Mining S Cons Cop Mining 3S Cortex Silver Oli Cresson Uold JH Crescent MacNamara .... 1." Dlvldo Kxtcnslon 27 llmma Miter 8 llureka Croesus 41 Eureka Holly 1 Uoldcn Oale Lxp "4 Cold Cons !! Onld Development t tiMA Ivew-anns 1 Vi r. Oold siler Pick .'J Gold Zone Uroat Ilcnd Hccla Mining Jumbo Lxtenslon Knox Divide txiulslana Co MacNamara Marsh Mining Mother Lode Mother Lode new Murray Moc Nlplsslne North Star Rochester Mines Itope Croup San Toy Miter KlnB of Arls Filter Kin; Divide S Silver la?ad Success Mining Tonopah Cash Hoy Tnnopah Divide Tonopah Extension Tonopnh-JIm llutler Tonopah Midway Tonopah Mining Tonopah Mlipah Tonopah Montana Tonopah Rescue nula. .... U H Cont United Kastern Victory White Cops .. Whlta Caps Extension ... Wllbert Verrlnston iion n Allied Packers d ... AjiKlo-Amer Oil 7J4 s . . nclglan Uovt (is, ll'Jl . Helalan Oovt rts 1-'. llelglan Oovt 7Hs. 104.. Dela Hudson 7a Texns Co 7s . . West Electric 7a 18 l'i 1vV n o is r.'i -r, I;. 12 '4 r. no .1 7 l'i IS 10 0 1A 13 12 14 nu Wt H 7 ., ii 3 : "A 14 Vs 2'i 2H 0. 3 I'. '4 1.11 A 31. 3S 21 n 12'. 74 4 54 a 4". im; 20'4 IS', 214 11, 20-1 1H 1 5 G .H tl 70 27 3. BM 14 12 li 14 11 If 1'4 I A 5 I! li ,7 r.R ii m . 2 "4 n? 3 A 04 35 3, 21 0 12. 7H . r.' 3H 5 111'. im 20 '4 18'S 21 li 48 124 '. 1". i 20 '4 American Light & Traction Company Five Year 6 Gold Notes THE Notes upon issuance will carry detach able Warrants entitling the holdei' to pur chase, within the periods below fixed, Common Stock of the Company in the ratio of two-thirds of one share for each ?100 face value of Notes, at $142 per share on or before, May 1, 1022j $147 per share thereafter to and including May 1, 1924 1 and $152 per (hare thereafter to and including ' ' May 1, 1925. The range in 'quotations for the Common Stock of this Company during the past ten years has been from $125 to $450 per share. This issue of $6,000,000 Five-Year 6 Notes constitutes the sole funded debt of the Company. The equity is represented by Preferred and Com mon Stocks, having a market value, based on present quotations, in excess of $40,000,000. The fourteen operating companies have been in existence from 20 to 60 -years and show an un interrupted growth. Price 94 and Interest To Yield Over 7i Circular describing this unusual attractive offcringr will bo sent on request for PL-311 The National City Company Philadelphia 1421 Chettnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Block , 1225 Boardwalk The above Information la based upon oftlclal statements and atatlsttca. We do not guarantee but believo It to be correct. AMERICAN KARDEXCOMPANY (Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of New York) TONAWANDA, N. Y. 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock NEW ISSUE $500,000 i , 14 5 5 70 27 l 3S oo IT. Ill 2H I o l II i'i IS l's IA n ti r.'i 3 U r. ii : in 7 iA 13 12 14 II', ml H 7 00 ,.1011 H774 h7 ,. n-'i . pnH . ''Stl us ion I17' R7 07 PC 17 5S 7.1 l"i 12 mi 3 II l' 1, in s 13'V 12 14 IU4 R't R 7 r. :i 1011 Ii7'4 87 i'7't llll IIS14 3Ki Financial Briefs Price $100 Per Share Callable as a whole or in part on any dividend date at $120 and accrued dividends. Dividends Payable Quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 Current earnings and running at the rate of approximately 32 per share. Tho charter of the company prov.'des for a Sinking Fund to retire the Preferred Stock at $120 per sharo and accrued dividends. Knrdcx Common Stock is paying dividends at tho rato of 16 per annum. Ono sharo of Common may be purchased with four shares of Preferred, to yield 9.6 on tho investment. For Circular and Subscription Blank Address P. B. PORTER, Treasurer AMERICAN KARDEXCOMPANY Tonawanda, N. Y. Branches in Thirty Principal Cities ..n. in. lJ..!t f record June 21. . ... .. L Veil 1 In.e II MJ'SS I I Mr V II I'frt'i 11 i"' l'i 14 47 f III resssaM.K1':" SL nESS".aaK WMiTOiK .. PArt Dl UVBQ .r" ". -T.' .UlaWBih Toil !' ope 1 11 no inn 14 "0f,v 1 1 .".0 u -,2 I I .' II .12 Ohio Cities Gas Btocklioldcrs. mcct Ine In Coliimbu.i last Saturday, oted to clmnge tho corporato namn of the tompany to the Pure Oil Co., 1I10 namo of n former subsidiary. Inst March tho directors voted In favor of tho chanue, the reimon given at that time being that the oil bUBlnem conducted by tho com pany was much greater thun the gas business. The average prlco of twenty active In dustrial Btocks declined 1 12 per cent yebterday to 91.13. whllo twenty rail roads declined ft.27per cent to 71.08. New Cornelia Copper Co Mny produc tion nan 3,720,00u pounds ng.ilnst 3,oG0,000 In April. Money In circulation on June 1 totaled 10,102,162.244 .iltalnnt IE.834.2R8.212 on Juno 1. 11110, and 5,001.207,441 on May 1, 1920. Per capita circulation Juno 1. 1920, was $00,99. ' Tho subtreasury gained $512,000 from the banks yesterday, reducing the cash net loss since Friday to J9,196,000. Tho Corn Kxchnnge National Bank announces the opening of its new trust department on July 1 Tho department will net for both Individuals and eorpor- imoutt 111 un uuni inuiicrs. inciuilititf executor and administrator of estates, The Inability 1o market copper In solo reason for passing Islo Itoyule dividend Company Is carrying close to 6,000,000 JIUUUUO. Ryan 8ues Exchange New York, June 8. Allan A. Ilyan through his attorneys, Stanchfleld St. Levy, has Hied notice of suit nkiiliibt tlw Now Yorlt Stock Kxch.inge. Tho nctlon is believed to have grown out of the famous corner In Stum Motor iievernl weeUr. um Mr Itvan" ntlnrncya yes terday referred Inciu'tles nn to me nur poe of the Hiilt to tin Vow York Meek i::;c;hlWBt wlier ofdclalH proteased ur. prl8 that litigation wim to ho brought. ind denied, knowing, of. the action, WIN Kiw.?J Jlij'i.'irv"' r.l" OlOOK J&7"E recommend for investment the First Mort- ' gage 5 Bonds of a Public Utility Company operating in the City of Philadelphia and nearby territory. The Company now earns over one and a half times all bond interest und is installing improved equipment that should produce a large saving in operating expense. At present prices the bonds will yield over 8 on the investment free of Pennsylvania State tax. The issue i3 listed on Philadelphia and New York Stock r-xchanges. For particulars addreis HARPER & TURNER Investment Bankers 1000-1411 Walnut Strcat Scranton Philadelphia Reading tembera of Philadelphia Stock Exchange SILVER kM Afltt.A . wJ.7 ... I v .v ' For reign National Municipal Industrial Bought, Sold and Quoted ' 9,urF?rS'Bn Department olTcrs complete facilities for transactions in all foreign securities. Edward B. Smith &Co BANKERS IIHTAIU.lfiimn 1892 itiiitier New J'orfc nml i'illnilcfiiilii Vtark ;;rr'idnoe 1411 CIIKMTMIT r,T.. nU,AUKI.l'IU. NKW I.ONIION K.WT0.V rOTTMVlLLB. IA. , HKW YORK , .Atilomwll ' - VrVM&wMaTI " V-Vr Uvr 4,Ha, R,chan. W fiiiW'firtiK ' , ( LJ .I - - ' i vf" WM Q-Ut l9'-u' th ; L- li 1 I y C ' ' -- ,,.v ,,, V." ' . lotora itii win HHfek i'J. . . V. AiH, II III I il B&'kf . -t, .. ,-. .tmr't.i .i , ui I , V, t J firV ?' . .SKI "-' "il iMT - iMf .AVff f V"YIMh.. "m. 'i !Mi kLXLa,