v m L" Rr B M W BlVi-. rv.i ' t' EPISCOPAL ACADEMY fv EXERCISES TONIGHT :l "4 , i ' Ven Philadelphia Boys Arts to Bo Awarded Diplomas at Graduation mm. . jMV01 Annual commencement nnd common- f iatlon day exercises of the Episcopal yt t"Acndemy, x Itt which vnn united In :s vlOin the DeLniieey School, will he held .thin evrtiincr In tlin nHit1nttn filmrtnl n n . ":..." ."" i ". V '""i"- " ,ij ' jjocufi nnn .lumper street. t-faV'1'10 1,)- urnduutinn clns Includes V AlnvnuiltiH 1.1 hs i P oicsliom . .Tr . I.sins Willlnm C Thru. Mor. cfaaulvllle, N. .1. Itciilniiiin l'nucptt, I Irtiti, (icr 'downc. I'n v' jPhllndelphin ; 'Th'omns &V?1 itv i EVENING PUBLIC tEDGEH PHiLADilttHt A EUfeSDA, ME f Vl'020, W .it-' i t1. ' "H r mnntown, Pa. J Stephen Greene, Thlla dolphin: Francis V. llnlsey, German- town, ra. ; Donald ii. lllrsch, l'liiia dclphla: "William .7, Jones, Jr., Nar berth, Pa.; Robert Pcmbertou, David 8. Polk, Robert W. Y. Scott, Edward A. Shumway, i7r., Philadelphia; Knrl Ii. Stclumetz, Norfolk, Va.; Harry S. Weaver nnd John II. Wharton, Phila delphia. lllfhop Rhinelandcr will lend the dp otlounl services. Robert W. Y. Scott will deliver the salutatory, and addresses will be madii .'. -'. tj. Allini till; I.IU1 I'lilULUli on "An American Triumvirate," nnd John II. Wharton, vice president, on "Faith and Enthuinnm." The baccalnurpntc address is to be made by thp Rev. David M. Steele, D. D. Presentation of thp olnss of '77 jirlao will bo miide by tlip president of tliat cliiss, (JporRo C. Tliajer. Presentations of nlumni prlzps, Rensselaer Poljtcehnie prize nnd com mendations, awarding uipiomas win follow. Thomas Allen Glenn vnlcdictory. ot honors nud will give tho X . W ' Rheumatism anrf Neuritis Why Suffer Lonfjer? Drink Mountain Valley . Water Famous curative water from near Hot Springs, Ark. ENDonarn tvr phyktcmavs g.lountain Valley Water Co., 718 Chestnut St. o .. . . .. . inonp. Walnut 3407 sM'hVai!?d,.ne C,ub"- Hol. Cifs ana P. R U dlnlnr can Sold by flrat-clBM uroeer drur,t, ,tc , or dlrrct t." ij" m till! 1 VII "l'il"'l,j'l.'l"i'lllli wmmm lllillSsBl Scores Hit In 8ong Recital Miss Eva Prick Ilnrbaucr, pupil of Professor J. Edward Crossley, scored a hit in her mob reeling before a large audience nt Yonah Hall, Twcnty-ctRhth street and Columbin nvenue, last eve ning. Mls llnrbauer in a noprano nnti ncr fingiug urougni generous np- n niifid. Aiiitti .iinriiin irnrnn nivtnM. paniel on the violin. Miss Jean Golz P? assisted at the piano. NORMANDIE STEWARD HELD Hotel Employe Arrested on Warrant Charging Embezzlement Frederick Schiller, part owner ot the Capitol Hotel, Johnstown, Pa., and dtcnnnl of the Hotel Normandlc, nt Thirty-sixth nnd Chestnut strets, for the lost fne years, was held in 10,000 bail by Magistrate Harris this inornlug for a further henrlng a week from Sun day. Schuler was arrested last night a private detective on a warrant lb Day ! CIXSmiC FIRST AND CLOSED MORTGAGE STEAM RAILROAD BOND mntarlnr In WBB. Th! bonfl ni iMnei! In 1001 nt 08 nnd lnlrt nnd I lnritely held by bnnkn, trunt rompnnltn and life Iniurnnce rompanlei. PRIC- TO YIELD $500 PER $1000 BOND Yearly Income $40 MrCown&Cq illcmberi 1'lilladtlphla Block Eicbumt LAM) TITI.K nUILUINO ruiuMiiaruu fjPUREI IFRESH PAINTl WeieveMe) A Word to Home Owners A small investment in good paint ing will not only give you greater comfort and satisfaction, but will actually increase the value of your property BY MORE THAN THE COST OF THE PAINT ING! "Save-thc-Surfacc" Kuehnle PAINTERS Vine 6c 17th. Sts. . spruce jW HAce'sos sworn out by tho hotel management, charging embezzlement and larceny. The detective .was tho the only wit ness nt Schiller's hearing this morn ing In tho Thirty-second street nnd Woodland avenue station, testifying that the hotel mnnnsement had found n shortage on examining the steward's books. Schuler said he would talk later, but made no comment when (ho magis trate held him, Wanamaker Cadets In Exercises Resplendent with the military and bubbling over with patriotism nnd en thusiasm, the closing exercises of the critlet boys' branch of tho John Wnna maker" Commercial Institute were held lnsf night In University Hall, In the Wanamaker store. Tho program con sisted otpalrlotlc songs'and short read ings nnd quotations by tho bov r tenant Colonel Georgo W. TinaL'f? made a' short nddrrM. Tho ..:", " of the exercises was devoted t .:..' made a' short address. nf HlA nVAfilfbnu tifnu bltlons of military nnd physical drip ., j 50 Cents Off I on Every Ton 4 for cash. Charge custom ers who pay within 5 days will be allowed same re duction. Don't delay coal prices are mounting. Heavy demand by Canada, Europe and the West will, make, coal scarcer and higher this Fall. Order now. jKunkel's for Coal hon Ildmnnt 1500 63d & Market 51st & Grays 9vie-&0m-40mm "EXTRA DRY" GINGER ALE Mv? snappiest tiring of its kind ri "V ' Wi'0wimiiiiJS''3JM'' M Tl -B i i I r II imr.TT. .. ..!' It leasmgBf&mzmr'''': - jzmiiiiwrntMf:4fsfm . t t yw'p--'-' ' ffiTsfeSJTfiTW 'A7; tf V ft "V u CI Did Nerves" Cost ovl a 2)7o Saving OnVbur Auto Insurance HIS car almost hit a man. He immediately bought protec tion, without any idea of what such protection should cost. Result: His automobile insurance cost him 23 per cent too much. He missed the 23 per cent saving Liberty Mutual policyholders got back last year on their automobile premiums. Buy your insurance at actual pro tection cost, in this strong mutual company with a record for full and prompt settlements. Find out now what such protection should cost you. Mail the coupon no obligation. LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY Establish! lQi2 ii J Workmen's Compensation.Liability and Automobile INSURANCE j SEND THIS TODAY - i M I I i mPUTV MUTUAL. 20 S. 15th St. Phila., Pa. A I -J PIcmc raU particular! regarding Automoblto Injuranea at coat. . Rtddence ........... ... I .... . ,ll, !. . .Year of Model? M 1 SPECIAL SERVICE IT is this company's policy to assist its patrons in every possible way. If any special service or information is desired, consultation with the company's officials is requested. Ash for our booklet ' Trust Company Service! Philadelphia Trust Company 415 Chestnut Street Broad and Chestnut Sts. Northeast Comer A Few Items from the Big Shoe Sales Tomorrow at All Three Geuting Stores The greatest of all opportunities to supply your summer shoe and stocking needs at a great price sacrifice. And remember all regular Geuting stock and every Geuting convenience in spite of reductions. Women's Low Shoes $ 0.75 $11 .75 15,000 Pairs to choose from at - and Including 500 Pairs of White Shoes Men's Oxfords $g.75 $ 1 O75 10,000 Pairs to choose from at ""' and Including Genuine English Brogues at Both Prices Children's Play Shoes $3-45 - $3-95 - $4-45 K 5 t bA i Nam Baalncaa Addreaa.. .. -l t (mry . ... a i ,-vu? Bought New or Uae? Do You Dm Car In Your Builneu? , . . . ,Clty or Town Qaraged Ml Women's Pure Silk Stockings Full fashioned $1.65 cotton carter tops J T . nnd feet. White nnd colors. Men's Silk Novelty Sox Variety of colors and 1 95c combinations plain and patterns. Children's Stockings Fine mercerized cot- 45c ton seamless, double j uv wear stockings. 1230 Market St. 1308 jfeoKuMCEDpnriNc) Chestnut St. Shoes and , , r . " -i onoes ana ?L for jThc Stores of -Farnous ihces Stocking8 fop all the family IJ w all the family Also a Quick Service Men's Shop at 19 South 11th St. Every Foot Profewionally Fitted Three Geuting Brothers Supervising tmfmfmmmnmmmunmMmm'mmmiimmmmim wwyjwflw ts&WAm-i w mi t&v&smtt-w. o,wt MitAr I?? i.S-.'Ilfctt' jtxmm ; -JV.V : 7TiiitfM y?-jm. fivpssm j'.?' JaaaaHX TaaV W" Ml ' ' aaai lSjP fwrjmmmMmMMm -. JXT ffm&mm InWMBrP1 ' aRaaaaaKaaaaaaaaaaanGBlffICaw3 HBawaMaaaaaawu9 Ift 2jFl?z3fEX&4l&Z V" LaaaaaaaaaaaaC- BiHH23SBaaaal Lav "aaaaaaBCTR KJBSMHRB3 V "lalBaaaaaaaawfda IjSiiSr JaaaKJgggiaaaaaaaaPly ,' "" !"!!"""aawl . WaaWSBVMaaBaaaaMBiaV Aglance aflipof ihefinger-andthereitis! THAT'S how easy and quick it is to get your facts and figures from Kardex. The name or title on each card is always in plain sight. No fumbling over a dozen or more cards to find one; Kardex eliminates oil that lost motion and enables any one to refer to cards or make entry in 50 to 75 less time,without removing. Thus Kardex absolutely prevents mis-filed or lost cards. The uses for Kardex are practically without Hmit, any class of records are accom modated. The very cards you are now hiding away in drawers and boxes, whether they number five hundred or a million, can be put in Kardex and made instantly accessible. Kardex enforces accuracy; encourages the use of im portant recorded facts and figures in deciding and plan ning; changes oversight to insight. It gives the exec utive absolute control over the activities of one depart ment, or of an entire organi zation. It enables the detail clerk in charge of office or shop records to do more and. better work. Kardex is recognized today ' as the successor tot the card drawer or box. It will pay you to give immediate con sideration to its many distinct advantages. Phone for a dem onstration. No obligation. AMERICAN KARDEX COMPANY Home Office and Factory TONAWANDA, NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE: TRANSPORTATION BUILDING 26 S. 15th St. Telephone, Locust 4591 ft Cards in Sights ..... J- a IJ (I aLlaaar Z CSSaakH 4 IW . J. CSMJISLr yEJiaaaMMBHaaa. ! .n rTif at mm lBBBBBBBBP!sXt 4rfrw&5L ilr'if aafflllllllHrBllllrBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH tat wsff niMHt j HfiPfHHaX7lr4 M In venfytnz ttwoxus tht Dollon mazes every mmtphaxHon and addi tion x and renders a complete physical audit, v America's Fastest Adding and Calculating Machine tl:. Hi .L. r .. . i jus ja uiu record oi tne ualton a record that is testified to by 65',0O0 users It is America's simplest, fastest and most versatile figuring machine. Simple because it has 10 keys only one for each figure. Column selection is unnecessary. Even persons who have never used an adding machine before can operate it immediately. Speedy, because it can be operated by the touch method "eyes on the work, fingers on the keys." "By using the Dalton, we save 25 to 30per cent of the time formerly 're quired by other machines," says R. M. Tennant, diief accountant of the Frank lin Automobile Company. Versatile, because it is two machines in one an- adding and calculating jnachine combined for retailer, whole ,saler and manufacturer alike. Being both an adding and calculating machine, the Dalton naturally adds, subtracts, multiplies and divides, makes out statements, takes trial balances, cross-foots, tabulates, figures fractioae and wages its usefulness for the figure work of business is practically unlimited. Phone for Demonstration Avail yourself of the efficiency the Dalton offers. Have a Dalton man work some of your own figure problems. Simply telephone us. We will be glad to demonstrate in your own store or office without the slightest obligation. Phones, Lombard 1137-8 IMain 59G2.D PERRY & COLLINS, Daltoji Sales Agents 125 S. Fourth SU Philadelphia, Pa. AUIn OOlce ana Kuctoij, OnUmmtt, Ohio )ja(mi- Adding - Calculating Machine 7, ! ... " " msssmmsza VMVMg rA ismmLtmm-,mn . 7. w: - ft X-iuaB efi'ff i-f" 'w ."Aa- "u..-j. ...! aiV!MI Tjrpa of pody? .' . i ." i