TCtv u Aj ," v,ys V ... 7, .. i - tv ,,.' v,- V W V- ,,t u'5 7 ft5. y, is,j ' '1 ''A ay ', H ! I If' TTptp rANTlfeMAI.B . . .--na W 'MXSonK H-hour i- : ..- ..... SO pints ntt dy. BO cmli par ndlttona? Apply to ..... ..wwi working P mions. rtupiy id nd Palmer it., Kir"& -" --.Twaritrd whit" or coiorea- long whit" or colored- Ionic job, Kr r Sm'miT Roebuck Co., oper f'!" P,Cln A Ltlfhton cotrtrclrt, noose, atlan.lrwin -, Allium Pike, Take bouievsru - U.-vfnrd me cur, transfer to No. 75, W.l i.nd Cemetery. TATtlE MEN . , , . . .. .leady work for mechanical d 2frtmwtWin "wallP?tr manufacturing von- ' i?:KKtl. BMITJI A FAQB Water and Snyder ave. LAUNDRY MAN T6 OPERATE TUMni.En t APrltT MARKET STREET ItAUNDIlY J30R FILI1KRT STREET JSllllS -"T.ttiQT nlanera. horliontni. verucai horUontol. vertical ,.. ,-.--.,,.-.. 1 tatri at.. ...ouis'i' HANDS, bench hands and help MW1 i i nlanln? mlll.hlhet vragesi steady ,0," U? good men. open JW Oth and Tioga. rrr...TrK HANDS wanted 25. on Interior JiAi",""k,"n0 in Mr ner f .T."f.?w,;'k,i--PnuVai mull lie hours ini general an ..i ... ''. . .. .i mun ti Ih.irti n lN-Wjinieo ."".loess tntonnlvn tralnlnir .-".".It.matihlO Bl": hDU,d o able to In " Tnnn if convinced of excel ent on 'n''?.l...,,:!n?rlr.'rMti. roatoffic. Ho 100.. tond e.nriuntlle for carpeis. i . "f.v ist middle-age. fur llahl bench work. S,ArPl? IluSi i A Diamond. Jasper and On- tsrlo t "ya'N.f 'u,nb"r lumber yard, light warehouse, 'ranklln at Hrmvn nallev men wantkd to dm im: telephone directories must hi: iNDiisTruoua AS ol'I'Hini'NITY TO MAKE GOOD MONIIT Ari'l.V 7 A. M THR 1 KMirilONK CO. OP PKNNA WAIIKHOUHE ir,i,wAni: avi: and pinj: st. MKV IKV MKN Tir rtnlril rtallro.l i'n of N J.riy best Mist, utrHlkhi time, rain or ahlne. lm and half for .nertlme and Sunday work (!rM-cln linardlnir acrttmmodatlona. nn monex raulred. free ehlpmtnt. Aonlv all dn at eompany Freo Kmployment llureau. .'.'I .N 15th it MEN to iiwdi.i: iiui.kt noons IS" SIIIPPINd DKI'AriTMKNT rPI.T HL'ttEAl! Or' EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'R PArKtcns KxrnniENCKD WANAMAICnit S runNITUHB WMlITlIOUffE I2D ST AND VPHINHTON AVE. nKPIlESENTVTIVi: WANIJBD 'i bnnille our complete line of Ore protection d i wh aa AJiix Are englnea no uhetli hand fire extinguisher!, (Ire iiurkeii and txnka. hoe iar(n larkt reela and hoe walchmrn'a rlui la ludderv, cp lmia tip everv factoit mill ;mra nre department en Is In the msiket it our evtensltn line reprenrntatlvea intl capable of tarnlna inntiO upward annual! n. rirtE knuivk uoijui Hutti Terminal lllilg llrnoklMi Y L.,,-c.,r ... . : . - vi.r.-,iiA.- vvanieu. voung real estate sample merivan i-rouui-'is i. o ii-i Amr e esinan In M Hu ,ln, real ealato office, Icin Hide I'lmlnnatl o Vntinnortuiiltv P 1117 Ledger Office A,BN Pf, Wonderful aellmg iulcl."7ilsdbv SALESMEN everv one sells on sight, free samples and .i.. ' .""estniiui munt. house tcqulres ' partlcultrs t) D P Co 1,1 E Saratoga Ihoroughlv expeileiKed stiul, salesmen, with st Halt Inline Md . ".""" " "iisnose in e . iHHteirfil Indus iiisi vv mi i uuimiiii etui I. 'minis This oni Mnv nisnufiictures the best machine of its kln.l todav and la used mil indomed bv bun oreils of the largest IikIusiiihI nliints ihinuch n. . . i ' nu",,r l.xiellent oppiirtunltj for me wire prndui era to sn ure periiiiiiicnl con r'llliin , 1,1, ..lul. I.I....I ,.u.u.l ... . .. - ,.. ...... rnin ri ,,, ,1 (II Olie .11 Neiv I ibtr ifi,....?0" " ','n'.""E . 1'ianilnl liistlimlons I tneral lommlsslon bus s l inj i-inii.ic rulldlng S.M.E.SMA.S ESl'KRIEM ED IN HAS'PLIMI SIIEI,ES HARDWARE. CI'll.KHY, HOl'.Si: KUIINISI11.SOS sPPI. lll'UEAl! OP EMPLOYMENT WA.SWIAM-.RS S!:K?yl:-r". "H roofing specialties '""'' ('e Ine ailesinrti profitable, leads fur ',!."' liberal drawing ac ount to producera, l... ? nfea n. pes.n rv will arrange perannol ,.V, T"'. ,h0"' ouallfvlng. applliallons lr.'edslrlellv mntldenllsl Ad tress Pnlmie lib. rrn lucts i o si i.oult Mo "Vtv'nrKi'.-t"0" '"A!. INVESTMENT 1 Ppitt!V.TL?S I.EDS FURNISHED Id iK!iSAlll5!'rifiV,,,,CAN" " 0U'V t.s.VreJf.'.JiB.V.. ' VNTKP POL'R iitV -.v.,v. "i."' " '-I' .imn lks nK,ir""Eas p J0X 3pnoner;xa"5n y?or;,,le:,lrl,e'rf,,,',Ty,.,.v,c",'l.'. ' ' - tip joi rii-i comtnor "V.SJlrA fT dlitoginph sjal . ''''Phones who luvo exprrlen "rvi, e t0 evecutives Write irrinre lie tn 101-. --i.i Tlll.l,. em iif luti rlor ence In seinH I sm'ksmen wanied P lad! i..,,;pSr.l.-in '.r.'-'.'V. '" """I In linn . ., ' " VI'lllV u 111 Mondav. I .noma I lie 4 711 Walnut at s(,S PMsrP.lisnVT Mrst-tlasH sign Mutnhv Ha van- nth'!'"' Xl'dress i hi la I 1' nOH -VeiVSnuner n,li..,l.iK ...,.... Hill lnt- .. ..I. .'':'.." '"' ."" cuiiu all the ,f, ., "",.', irpoiiing experience a desiranf. I,",'" ','R R.ood cn nlht And n-tu-a m. P0n , ,jy ,n Kai) , '.il Walnut si Mondas June 7 ifpoitlng experience and lnd a ivuoni (,-.,. ... """,nj .fllllO V7. V" n-MAS A1IOUT 51 YFARS l'Atlli ,'.'- ' .' ' . lliAUS EXPERIENCE. IV "..'. ....".IHl OI'PICC Vliynmnvi i ii. i'J.V'UI ItfltlTIV-l-. Since i..,,"1 "., 1 1 i NH DETAIL CAPARLe: "rsr trice in .,,... -sM.nee ,.l.rj etr leplv stating age ti i' 1,11111 .sduer OfOcM "IOAII I'Oil L rt ... . ' ' ' rhs.m.-j;:.,..." J" 'ar.g" manufaclur ng re tn ........ .'.?".'. "'". In ll.llln,nra 1,11..' ''I'luriunity for a a-ooil mun I,, vA. rijinr mctea air.,. , --,.'. ' .j,..:; ... """"'."-e. .no .aiar ex- hiring c . ii.il7-""rr,W5 "ro- Manufac ..,'- "--uiiinir, .-ill. TANTCD--A rennrai g-nxi- ..;r.,.. .. rAnr,Bdi,,K B-wB x-s?... trifv. irs-S-i--. -."lo In'or?" iVeS.."" .'".. r!",""'Pd 'JJiokibi a( """ e. nsiiej iiu N, Srl&S-'W SlW ent of enmaii, SSwr&SS .':." ' i.'ip k r "M ii t vim m u i i itu i ....:" v.. ..l.i; i.i-li. . s-i-v t(i u nut i i nou in it iiin-rj nniiri i a iitii it.n. nntri -. i. ...,. . nrsm.niTi -ci.k . --.. . r hi hk "' M,i,1,r.t.,".'.,'s"' M'E NnoFPliMlHllPi:ri .VJOtl Pllbert Phone Ilelniont 1070. S!-7.. -.'... '."' V" " , , . . .0 .1 we buv Plants Ye'ir.leACo JJ S .1 1 .,.-1. .. ..,,- khai u. ifn 5M1! an.i i. .' mv,,,;,; ., , "ill rwtV.i V.?.'Tl'KS'(KI"AP""'TOl "T "! " l"ce-.vIr,.w ,nns , " Viet in, b rbnrma. v A Pti v M, y v aTtERNVI LNH and dire, t , 11, lent m re ,'IUNfM I M J"07-D7siTaT.i7sl7lgle aiPrl " Rl i PS 1 M '' I'll! - I H PIN. I roii.ll. I vv I M.V. ,s ".'.r.1' nBITVHI! ADVANCE ' CONCRET E IHeproof building, well ventllat- .. 1.".l,:n.n.' Il..rlln,r,m.''-' . .....r,"f Vi". . h ." AIL. ,,.,.i 11...1 Mln'e t l o 'JJ7 N 4lh 1, , - mt aiiam single ano '. , .--... .7 ... I P, 111 5 "WSl 1u"i':N,.!c.,e'e.:.,Hng WWX ,1 maTe, , w II, 1 -- - "'..i . 'VT&ffl ' 65'000 S Ft- f F' '"V M' "SA?U 7&jB rMKftJilnV VtV'Pt','-,"1:LI,-hJBh-',h,b-', Purk "' "nn vh1 "'"8 " '""' ' J"cn" , RANTED be.h,Ue .,... . ",, , , ,ilng . V WW" .V, ,o . "p. -lSLi . -L iBd w&S1? n'WOTAw,,,M "ikraiavw sell your diamonds '-y vr ,y .Jvi i ';v' ;;" ppgg - ,"mpri lyr,& $l?)r?A nmnT.r,. Mffi,t,,,S.Hr-SrBiH; 'Sonr'prW'ilOo "TrW ". " .uM a'ls'we havele nb n-ilb,, -on., sand vMl -'" , . . . DH IV nil ihi.stlan . ., p ," C '.1 '....). '. . ' Uiyal? "M PA'iTrDI.TA'llOy"'' ffffl ... nTC?w'N , P P ,.,- spiel, g&ZW evv YnrL .1... ' "v - t.V7Ullsril HELP WAKTED MATtB . , 'wrai ArrTJ?8 WiV'B C0'i 1WI.and Title. i p iVirr"1""!' ."T' (travelliiK). tdOOO. Ifrvl'IIH IHl f'A..I tit- 1 t t..Aj I'f Mnir"'Ar,,.lroJ 8l"'1 oroductt. tan 'w-K'ilJUy18. InuMrlal Efflrlencv, IJ0O0 1'..EJecl ,r?'i . famlilar wltVauto HTlS.Tr7lllet!!fr"...,,', "Itory, 3f)0rt. ST!nTUa,Ar"K"H PrU Secy. .'B to $30. HHPT Aaat Chem , nef naini. iinnn ' .il'i1? T'AFFK" INHPECTOnS wantccii ..JIn ,ronl uo ,n "0" Per month and eipenaea. ahnrt houras travel, a months' D?.t "'Unv under guarantee: we aet you KS,l,!s 1 llmlt ! ' booklet N ?.. U..SU1rt,rA 'lutlneaa Training Institute, W!N-.AND "itAniBfj n.t.. u. itBAnN iiAnuKniNb Mak h(r moneyj big demand, quickly learned) day or nlaht rlaaa Write !12.N mh m.. Phlladelnhla. Pa. . SEItW'B-Hom. and foreign -.ISSSL'16 --n,fn '".whole and part time. rrolng nppor , appllrnnla ithout aervlca ff-iti 'rln''l bv wnrld'a expert Aalntlc I'arlflo Aaencv. Hnx V"7, M.n Kranelaco. i.aiin i-i weekly, ana re time, writing for imwapapera mjFaxInei, etner. unneo., de- talla free Treaa Kjndlcate. 333. 8t Ixiuls.Mo SITTTATTONS WANTED FEMAIiB TEACJlErt. Noung lady hltheat reference!. ..h-'' W0!,,1" Ptlvata family during summer Write Mint l.otdi 4?1!7 N Tront at, or phono Wyoming 217 SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE XfiST. IN EMPLOYMENT DBJT, bv young .K5n.who ih.n mBd1 "ludv of employment prohlems. wide, exp.rlen In handling men 1"? ,Z'1XJ V"P? ,0 ''ln "mailer aa. ary than receltrd In prenent poaltlon, apaks aeeral langiiagea C .'..til ledger Office, UOTKKEEPEIl Atrountnnt detlrea iinai tlon at aeaahorc, preferably Atlantic City for autnmer or longer Heat ref I' (llf). I, O. HUOKKISBPKK Young man. 2t desires on't alllnn na hkpr aeahtantjil2 ld Off. CIIAUKHKUH, mnrrled. 31 pj eara' vxo desires pna prl fiun fount ry with Hit Ing quartera pref , ref C r.'.'7. I.elrr tn"l lNHIMJCTOn Exp teoM ordnance Inspector wishes pos , one nhere reliability and ateu rary will ho appreciated y -'. Ledgar ()fr. POSITION wanted by catniTio" nTn'nTnifg or aalea: 1QQ weekyc7nTj .!.,' c)(t?p BTBWAUU Man and wlfo desire pTa"ln a tounlry club aa ateward imrt rook, heat (f EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES '' ,' "AltM;Y. 1IIIH nittcnhouse Hnuare I Iral-claaa waltr-sacs cooks, ihamher mnld.. Protejlnnt lady's maid buners. tounles, chauffeurs footman, wanted clt Mane, seaslinre mountains. 1st "d 3,1 inoka, waltrcsees Suit.h Pnittstunt parlor, kitchen maids ladv's mnlds nurses, laun-d-eates. general Haalatamjrnrdener MflH N'lfllOLI.H. 21(1 ,S 20th ..t V.Ir'anciTa rouka. aeiond (Oiiks XVi.almi altreia chamborma da par or ,,,,,.,. ..... maids houaev orkers , nimi.v ....i,.. THIIBE OUU.H Cook waltrea"; nun c,7nT ..J"!m"l'', "'"" '" K" together Call lit.iit t hrlstlan POSITION ant.-d by upata(0 Protestant Tn ill m 'nih . ' uv'r,'rook r Pain. MHS S'lt'HOI.I.H JHII S 'JOIIl Pril-ta' he'lTi supplied and warned Phoni Locust 2130 itti vi i't . tt. ."r...r: : I.. v.lll-r ! ,t I.lll COOkS. , .n.ri.o.-n miiff-t Itlirnep mams MH8 HOOKUS, 31.1 S 20th. aJnSliV and wants reliable help; fry t.apaclty. AGENTS AT 1.AHT (IrealeHt low -price,! washing ma. ihlne Invented 1.10 weeklj demnnstratliiit t.-w marelotta Caacadc Washer Presto dirt la drlvin nut of clothes bv lle steam In h few minutes without labor, bolls washes at same time nn pounding nn rubbing (hlld con operate ireatci blr excitement ecrwhere demand enormous Write quickly for demonstrating mn.hlne II .M Sheer Co.. 121 Hampshire t Qulniet m au i it ra iuu weeniy, auiomopiin owners everywhere wild with enthusiasm, mnnel. ous Invention, doubles power, mileage effl. clenci , eaves Its coat first da sensational K.ilea eer where terrltorj going like wild fire. $2(1 sample outfit and I'ord car free. Write quick. Ovee Co . Dept (103 I.ouls- lite Kv WANTED Live apcrlalt) salesman to sell our line of high-grade temperance drinks tn small town trade, full time or M line; commission 23 per tent, full commission on mall onters, nil weehiv urawlng Hiiount Red Cros Mfg Co Dept (I suj Tit e Ouarartv llldg St Louis, Mo IBOO MONTHLY selling new patented fuel vaporizer, saves up to 30 per cent gaso line. Id miles per gallon made v Ith Pord sold on monev-baek guarantee, one sample free Stranskv Vapnrlxer Co , .173 Pul. wana outh Dakoly TAILOUINU agents Sell men's speclal-order . suits, overcoats best vnlues, lowest, i want big producers, stale experience write i for fall.wlnter aample line Leeds Woolen' Mills -jin t i TanKiin. i nirago DEMONhlRA'IORH taking In ovn lluti dallv passing out 13c pkga. Ko-Ka Po dellctnn. , Homo ouveiHHC reu-uoi rener, wonueriui re neater Wi lie or vvlrp Immnllatelv Unlvprvnl 1 Products Co Minneapolis Minn ' NOVELTY agents wlieless umbrelli, new In ' ventlnn great summer seller 2 venr guar, antee 12 JO in hour eiav. no dellveilng oo caplliil stnd Parker Mfg Co JJ7S ne , st Dav Inn O. I AOENTS 200 per cent profit wonderful sum- j mer sellers, something new sells iii.e wild Ore carry In nniltd. write ill oiw a for r, '- :----.---.-,, j.... ,. . -.-..,-. -,- Id .10 PER DAY pi hi one bull In i icb luwni 1 tn dlstilluile free iln ulnn for Kiononii i N hi Miohnlli (la v or Ink' peimnnent pntitlon ' K E IiTrrio Chlinao i UK) Kill-- open sojr cltv niut hHv. men, i 111) diili miv new method reflulehltig . . . .-. .,n n'lmnietHi Co PJJ Elm Othiui III i .. r . r- : liIIBS l,e .IS Illlll.S C 11 1, n II C I e I S UlllR ,,',-, ,., - f.'n. t ..... in. -r ... iiiHiuir, till lommlsslon, high grade men onlv no others. need miplv Adveitlslng Novelti i'i .Sew Ion In rd in exucilen, e,i I o for lltl , I n . ' ess National Sale. ChteVJo tit , SALESMEN -Inexperlented t it v in traveling, vvrno and full pnrtlculara Addre , llieil Ir Ass ll Dept 431 Chlcaao SEND fot free toilet soap imiup,,' iui.1 siri i ash tefund offer Lacasti ( l)ept, roo hi Louis Mo STORAGE AND M0VINO Estiibllshcd IS7J CONTINENTAL STORAGE WAREHOUSES 20TH ST. ab. CHESTNUT i Mmmr. QTfiRAr.r Prvwr. Household goods and personal effei is pai ei and shlpp d to nnv part of the world Telephone LOCI SI IIHlu TERMINAL WARLIIOI SE ASH TRISSPER l O Columbia ave west of lllli at loial and long dlstiinie moving by inurtenus expert em ed men clean dustproof room, for furnl tuie, In us estlmati Phone liiimoiid 1172 Pllinie eveolni,,. NVvollllllg .lie, i I Dougherty & Sons Storage 1124 N 20 111 HT fin our speciiil mle for mining In our reli able and miefiil men Call Poplar I "ill Kev atone, Prk 11J7. night phone Dlanund 3H1J Return Load from Boston or vlrlnlt.v (till liiitnrdliitd) D.hiihhi I mil . O K Warehouse 2031) Itldge av. W TSOV SIORAflE -I ocal and long tame haullna tn li-ltcs Wash S llarilsburi; all senshoie points would 1 Id lo Wllkes-llarri or from Hallo HI ; 17th at Phone Pop .1,11 ills and like 7-411 Miljer, North Broad Storage Co. Hroad above Lehigh Phone Diamond 740(1 Mm inu bru Ii un,l 1 lenioof shims- larklnx ;- " T- - V C I ORY UKAGE SMALL LIFE Pbo.Ki Kens RAM'S and Jlfe preoervers 071 C. tner 1010 llench al CAKPET CLBAN11V0 CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE U0TJI HT A110VM CUES I NUT Orlenlal anil Domritlo Catp is ,u,s .(una Cleaned Scoured SUMMER STORAGE FREE , relephom Locust 1001 OLP GOLD i a i.i i i silver plallnum falsa teeth, l vn U bioken waichts. highest rlrea paid, fine watch repairing. eysipnc jewetry -cnine. si o. nm ev. OLD gold, sIver,,rtUtlnum. pleled ware. old. .- H,!t'i'l'ei lih teouht for cssh. V!t. 1SU, J, t, Crtrk.,raAn,ri 80T Binfon, - . - - - ranipn pai iiniriru -- ' niaiii nv ...- .. .. .. 1 . ----" 11 . 1 . rewi i-tnnt vn i. a. . . 1 . .. - .-, aiiiii- 11111 ihm nm t ... - r . h EVJsyr-Tq PtJlC PU8INESB OPPORtPNITIEB FAirtKlELD HYDnATKD OnANQB iiiij?iA?.rlnk ,rom fr orangen.ths big irniI,,.-n.amont "0It drlnkersi everybody r,ec.!,',,tJ. !". machlna working ami buv .t.IUt.e lh' dr.lnk I" made right before their B? i i1? J?"1 orangesi only a few of typa lnWm?Jcn""',! " Immediate delivery! get inrormaflon quick on big profits, ho agents, i-oi t,PAinFIBr.I MFCJ, CO '.21 Itanslesil m . Phltsdalnh a. P. ild'hKN. Tenlng In reliable, expanding .2h ''.". f.or, R Christian man, with lofam P.imJ" on. t0. m"" nd essential Id all mi tuJiF. - Indusotrlal plants; attractive re. I,VI2-."tP ""necessary, mechanically Inclined man preferred, state age. former occupation, i.?n.' numb" etc , In first letter, don't its V)y unless ou mesn business and can fulfill all ahoB requirements C 711. Ledger Off, Ater'1lr P.nUATI!. csrpenler shop, good location, tools, equipment, good will, Thla IT-SS0'1 """""unity for live man to con. tlnue a good business 0. 2(), Ledger Office;. IAtIii'hU,iVN0.,N? n5(1 Minting contractors ii Si",""? of 'he be,t stands snd e'tnb. Ilshod businesses on the Main J.lno. doing morn work than cspltal allows, will coniTd.r tak ng In a. party either active or silent, who will invest sufficient funds to enlsrge the bus ness Do not answer uriess jou mean business and stato the amount you can ! eal P 11VJ Ledser Office. DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS P. () 1! (1 11 T VnOM PltlVVTP PPOPLR TP.ANRACTIONH CONFIOENTIAt, FOJ.T. VALUE PAID roicONIAI. TItllST HANK 111,1)0 . I.1TII ANI MAHKBT IT! rtOOM 2fl, HOtlHB 11 30 A M. TO 4 10 p M A WONDKriFt'I. opportunity fer a vnuns physician Just graduating, a erj tine drug store, together with a fullv equipped physl clan a office. In a aplendld residential sec tion of the city, established for the past l.", eors, being sold owing to destb of doctor. don't Pass this b. Glass Uoldberg Lo- CUSI .U 1 I t nu.uf,iii ui. opportunity ror a oung phslclsn Just graduating a drug store in M yriy line lOCStinn togeiner with a physician's office, established for 11 jears, must be sold owing to death of doctor store doing a verj fine business, office full) uquln ped illnss Ooldberg l.ncutt 21111 LATKIE corp wanla live dlst !. mgr to open nffke and manaa- salesmen ,,, rapid selling uto necessity thousands In ' govt use no competition sells to evety csi, i truck, tractor gsrage: should make tin noil, nrnOt fltst ear. fMln tn t3liOO mnlini r ' quired Hcolt l.orp , .1(1 N Michigan I'Mca ro oppurtruNrry " " If Jou haven't "made good vet bent Is vour opportunltv I vvxnt nn nssoclste In ronducllng the affairs of an organisation now derating no atock fot site, w anion ll" ap plicant for stock and membership C Nil Ledger Office, MODKItN daylight InKerv prominent down town corner for sale, un-n.fte equipment ERIE REALTY CO. 1 IVl" rillC, AVE THKlx ",I2 WB OI'FBfl wonderful opportunity to re-1 liable, man to make from ") to lino weekly at home In spare time, dlncl bv mall proposition, no experlenco needed rapU tal required onlj 1120. Mutual Co Mln neapolls. Minn i IF YOC are u msn of good business Judj moot ntid lan flnsnra nutaelf fur n short I t me I offer voj u buslneo proposition based i on a division of piutUn which will make vou I Independent. In u few mouths 1 14ui, I Ledger otrice i 1RINTIN(1 PLANT for sale owner retiring from the business vveekli nroOts exceert I20O will sMI at Inventory or rcsaonithle price, ir,0"O cash requhed balance irm. to ault M IH2 Ledger Office vVXN TF.D STATE AOENTI wldelv ndv.r tlssd proprietary picparatlon, househo il necessity enormous selling possibilities in vestment I100O leqiilrrd Ozenn JI0 llrosd vva. Now Y'ork I'PLLY equipped machine shop, building machlnem formerly Imported with to connect with reliable parly, active or rllent to finance some in enlarge ous , par at loi v crv hUhesl ref furnished C "10 Led tiff HAVB YOU EVER WISHED for the neces sarj' capital to start In a business of voui own? I have 113 Dim capital and 3 years ip '03 nun aaveruaing experience r .,31 I ir Office. CAPITAL WANTED Huv.' villi till 000 (O tJO.OOO tn Invest h mttiufai lining business' Htrlctlv -busln-ss I nronnalllon C 703 Ledger Office I HAIR-UnEHHIMl establishment In .Main,, aummer camp, good opportunltv for i hi i ropodlst, referenie required llox p 13m l.edter Offlce ELECTRICAL with plentv i Willi 1301)1) fni E.SULSEER and rontraitor f work vvlahe.s to meet a man half tnleresi P 13HJ Led oir KXHHIITION HUQI-H 10x34 fl 111 Cllrtttt llvln.5 station on uoarowatu t . ,UI rein Curllss 1'lvlng Station. Atlantic Cltv N .1 IJ.'i.Ooo will seiure Interest of a retfrlng memoer in a Krowing iiiKouisciunng poni panv Addres ej ' HI3 Ledger Office MOSEY sale MAKIM1 lloardwalk business for Mlil Hoiirdvvalk Atlantic Cllv N. .1 I l'linvtOTKrt for a vvell.lmnroveil tulklnv inarh with an unlimited field C 31.1 LO - , RADIATORS Hot Water and Stam Boilers Pipe and Fillings, new and toiul liHml BATH TUBS yinkn Tollln ntiil othrp I.niiri.H Wnt .heap , 1420 S. 8TH STREET Phone Dickinson U74 Kev stone Main 30d r" TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVISIIILE 3 MONTHS I'i VINHILE 3 MONTHS V r,n Fnctorv Roliuilt Typewntors "Seo Our New Machine tho rcntury" American Writing Machine Co. 02 ciiEsrs'i t sr Walnut 2410 Ms In .120 l'RI 1 E frtiiillv vv .11 eel dpi grade biass h"' walnut bed end bureau ml. slnxl. .'""'"'e large rrftttel m rrnr electll. par ior 'omP 1 ysrds hall runnei oil palntlngt laoestrv uirliilns n the house and all the nit i 'iirnltu.' extent ()'e ebove luv. ben sold these will be offered at barssiii prli en I'll 1 1 3.IHI X 11th .1 Philadelphia Pn Office Partition, Railing & Furn. Partition SR a foot an 1 un railing I" a foot nd up both In stoik fiiniiiij'o hli seieriion, vve nuv sen aii ext iiaitvje I'enna ' I'nica Kii'i'ittire Co on vilnul ' Vi I Welnu' 41PI ,r 1h1ii .ie,."'l 'Z ATTENTION Ill'II.DERS- Demollshlnz Hog I Island s f-inious hotel of nvei moo moms nizii-graile Diillillne timtprial at bnlf ores nt prlcei lumber windows doors screens nUs tr board toilets wssl basins slowers pipe valves and rndlnto,-s . lenrt flx'u-ea batlleshlp linoleum al.e outbivetiern or Vo 37 suhivav surlaie cars Penn salvage Co Phone Tlnlcum 100 extension 101 OFFICE PURNITt'RE Large lot desks ssfes files caiunets and general offlco furniture store Oxturet ' We Huv Sell snd Exchange PATTEN PPRNITPRE CO LOPPST 4070 1127 ARCH ST Rice 2008 Rl lis 3011 WlltOIl x llllistr lllll.telt Isnestl all loom slre 20 Innds furniture of sll kinds In ftlllllsh vol tone t nip ' o r ti onf n the tpv Ing of Ml pel i ei i K,n si Hie ot.iu,. - - ' -- ! rl (lllVERS'VEST.ivirpiis g Is Inugl.t ; bv us and tn be sold til hulk til bargain PI '0 null" me i i vv aum prli 's. iron iois matiresas bimlieia sheets p'llovv onset tow 's Uiti hrri uieustl.i dishes eli almost niw i ha r Em h inge B B ror Oth md Vine Ms LA ROE Mar in PHILIP fltipinnf inlie sleel CIDDI.rv 1 to Do k safe I TYPEWRITERS, all makes sjo un venr gitarnntee, ft dava trial llundy Tive writer Co . 1003 Chestnut st TANK" Two , -Inch tsnks sire 1x12 ..r .1 I ...... I. ...a .....I nl.. .,., r,K U.I, , .11 nit.iii, iiiriiiviiin ..i'. ,".". ;,' , between fi and 7 n m nl 10 J7 Mt ernnn t 10 000 p'lECKr, wallpaper must be sold nt si (lrocer store 1010 Spring Harden 8APP.S. fireproof closing" out loo slightly used, modern makes,, cheap 7J .N r ourt h PHONOORArilS rep'd rjcorSs 7t Phonos'li b'gt t exch Wrc1ioff H05 Walnut st Klh INSTRUMENTS LLr-TKU MADP plsier '"shogin"se ex iellent ( ondition ujed denmnn rating lint; eas teims i an be arrnnyel I ,,nr"1 Co IS11 E llrgl- n Ken.illgjoo UJI t PsTiin MADE ol.i4i lil u' I'Kellenl Irfsltr player for sale cneP r , Nneth, 118 B. Allegheny ave, '" vi ",."- "",,.'-, 1 u.) ,.'.., "JJIj f, . .. SUt $, ropl ,t, ri nrsisr aHn i iinnu inu i hi iei innii. .- -- .... .. .. . -- . tun rnnnii - . -i u i --i - " ' "oir ......i.e ihpji . . ' :' ' .. ' i IT7.rv.. ..TTTT ... i worn lip'iiiii- '"- """" "- itiipi imi 1 ." "-j. .' .in ".?":" ""., u iwn '"'V. "."' "."i'i mi' rtiFiiititrn 11 1111 u 11111 mi nr re nit 1 h . . 1 , u 1 (iiir ciiniania 11 -.. 1,. t... .. .1 iiiiiim-.., ,..',is mm i-niniinr nt-rtrsi mv 1 LT)&IJBHlEADELPHiA; MONDAY, USED AUTOMOBILES Special Body Sale 100 FORD BODIES SIX-PASS. SUBURBAN B0E)Y SUITABLE FOR MODEL T Also immediate deliveries on fore-dooV panel bodies cab and express; Six-post express cab and combination p.atform. Jennings' patent dump bodies suitable for any chassis up to 2-ton capacity. Furniture Bodies Panel Bodies Platform Stake Bodies Suitable for Any Chassis XARSON 0LDSM0BILE CO. BROAD & BROWN STS. I'ark 1291 JMACK TRUCK Used Less Than 200 Miles 5-Ton Dump Body Immediate Delivery Price $6500 EQUIPMENT INCH-!)): VAnnd hvdrnullp holsl, electrli lighting equipment, special ". ruble vatrN dump lo,ly, with hlneeil trmovahle nldtt In steel bed. Address P ,"lt l.idgcr OOlce. foil SALE Pilgo 0-10 7-Passentr touring lar. lust been completely uverhnu'eil in I llr.l class shapo, oversize cord tlnn seal t overs etc Price $730 Phone tprui ji in I S.NTBIJ PI20 roadster Uulck or tn,w , must be n A-l condition StUte loest cash prhe no dealers Write Ledger Office P I. Ml M.l'nit.7 11110 aport niodel. (he lar In Phra . lust overhauled nd naleie.i in im a . iu nveriiauie.1 una palpteil ip. Rudge-Whltconil) wire wheels, con Phone Plihert K0J1 or N'nrb-rlh 1711 m vv top ird tires II FOR S'LK One 3-ton Packard irmlc." linn I ..rial n .,.. ..... ........ .... mnll P 1111. iit.'tv,, .,",; ,,-1,'u .icireoes iruik IllIJ I.eilger nfflpp 1 Oil SALE One Packard n otor 3i ion truck I Packard motor 1-ton chassis vn oil tiniiirin nvetng t'o Ontario and D sts I 1 OR SALE Pord touring (at Oral class con ' llergeiOiriice p.1, 7th So. a.nliti s , i FOR HALE, WHgon 0 pormuii' garage ; nr Pol rest road Merlon Ph Stel I. ttr.i- . . ,, I,' -Strntford .-pns Win wire wheeln k'H IW 111. i celient coMtlit on ex i - .... ..... ,,r , . I,,', , HROCKWAY 'J-tim llnSsIs A FUELS TON' I 31 1 Walnut st Lonibard NS2 CADILLAC coupe tvp tiianinii nl londltloti. 33, 4-pise , perfect win iiemonsii i e l.r' t 13000 1C 71H LeilB.I unite CADILLAC No 37 In A-l condition new cord tires- rnetitlv repainted must be. seen to be appreciated Phone Wyoming 312 CHEVROLET I'.MIY HR.SII 11(17 Tlrsl class running order, this n- Is rpil vnlue price 1S", R ERWIS' 1)311 Ilusilelon live Rutlleton Pa I HEVROLET sedan 102(1 m dol exiellent condition, run leas than 40(in miles bar gsln can bo seen at American Tin Tcrne Pale Co 'JUKI Vine st i HEVIIOLBT roidster $'l(m As' foi I'CPk Alllo Alipr.llsela 14PI Ituie Ml i HEX ROI.ET touring bargain 221'J Park -l shape HM'S'ES 7 touring all Hies i lariinleed nn honett In .In owiierCnll is-ih Locust ,t LBS SEiHn I0JO 7 passenger cor I 'ires abso utely new, nev r run dl coun. if pill 'no d'alera Call Mnndav U v jsij IM DSMOIIILE Model II ci.nvertih' nnd slei first cl tea meihirrirai i mditi n u i"d Hies Phone Kensington 07 ' MACHINERY AND TOOLS Dynamos and Motors of any size ;eorge sachsenmaier&co. Office: 926 N. Third St. WAREHOUSE A SI) SHOP 1128 30 3J NORTH THIRD eHIKIir ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS I I 1 I 'I llt MlllllKN It! I' V I ill DELTA EQUIPMENT COMPANY Phone Msrket i. hi m ii n h i loll ,SIE one tnr'tss ritiilpntitu sieiin engine In good condl Inn sIJ vvltii I. foot balanie wlieel hi t pn t. . n I., n eral Elertrli Co gene-atoi II" amp .nn stntage batterv with .10 i 'lis COLUMBIA LACE COMPANY rill. I MHIA PA MOTORS and DYNAMOS M,l, SIVKS M.I .1 URESIS IS SHllK R. SCHEINERT CO. I21J1 N .III 'I' ROCK CRUSHER I Hie s I ' i lumplon lit V lil"ill, 1 ell Bi,nse tier k 1 1 licks i otnpii te w Itll eli ,' ""'JS" 's,v f.-i i s 117 S .11 st - -- with eli vntoi Hn.J II ai EPS .as engine Kboreepowir go.i running vundlllcn be si ii uinnimi I x 11) no leasoriabl. oil ir tafusul 11 sTiecker JilOO E Tloua n PPL .EYS HAS'O'JRS SHM-llS'd I M I. KINDS Al I, siKFi I Ml) I OH I.XCHANOi: ,IJ7 MIR I II ID E.KCi'Rlc"MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS miVVEll EQUIPMENT I f) I1R1F.N MAI lilNEllV CO Mil S' 3D s vi"vr nni'j.l html tnaihlner bought sold -h ii aiua " i-'ii,,,,,,' ', ',,,., ,". . .... . ,..nn ...i. ,i ,irA.. WE IIL'Y women s men s nun children .In, LIMIT Unil SIIOSB tie. I nrll Mim ...,. 'our autoa can i.i;i wtiinoirory in cilv I ,,,'.'. ... .m.H ...,.. ..,.... . . ,T - ountry. noiioi or I'nwn' aierirs nargaln House H1Ti ' !. . U " WE WANT at once housshold furniture Store fldiures off c furniture, pav ,Dot cashlhnn'''1?'(eo,o,,V.,JA - tlllt w',, - -- ncry .B furnlti re entire households vvan'C'l wi" ""'u'"l """ price sll anvwhsrc, any, ,lm''.H outhivaik lutnlttiia Co .110 S Iflll al PI one nilkmson IJ0.1 isTiHNT I i'RE ruipeta, highest prices iul,i Flii'.,r B'JIB Market st llelinonl 280, "07J LLOrill'-M Pas;off shooa bought wF.t. , Iihoii. sneldmaii IIJ2 Poplar Pun 7111111 carni'ia iiignest or pes nbi . rrr.r,,,.-,, ,. naumle .. . :".- Js,nrTs:n.llAND floor, counter and .-.i... .MV-"1" - -. T. ' ' ...t..B., . -"v."' v, 3 rases, taoies, tt.rn.iiiiin, tig, ihj m. ja - -- ,-- r v- ' " T, USED AUTOMOBILES 100 FORD BODIES I I'oplR r 4897 Automobile Painting While ur facilities for strictly high-grade reflnlhinss Hre perhaps the most complete j an I largest to lie, found, the strain In keep t Ing leluerj ptomlaes Is gnat, It will prove havr,u',;heV;v.,".ln..,h,ei,row,;r, r.:n',,:irarr7nr!!';d'.tn,bn,"pnsCr"; N? Jt'K out of nt- ror any lennth of tlmr M. bake each mat of finish aa applied this Insures longer wear and far handsomer flnlh Come Hiid see for yourself Mar tin-Alexander Co. UTOMOIULB nKi'INlMIIKRH 120-12R-130 Reed st 'lnnn JJOI daln 17 til nn: srvrt m'io e.vciianoi: bus upenni a n'w branch, earning a full and c.'ni pie e Hn. of, parte for all makes of curs i jit,, d'si ng In first-class used , are we he I s im i hoice bsrgalnt come and see ns open I uiidivs M W. cur. 11th and Christian st TRUCK REARS C'lKIIIBR .IITff ND MARKET "VEIILANDS Rll models. 3 and 7 past" louring 2 and .1 paa roadsters I pas. I uinnu roadster, all other makes and mini l! special basement bargains everv iln t me piivmenta open evenings Overland i lliirner Co Hl.'ll Arch st POR SALE " 'i'n passenger Sillnder Oldsmoblle moibl I 41 has been run onlv 14,000 mll"S vnti ihoroughlv overhniiltd this spring and Is in One condition price teas . terms cash demon stistlnn nrrnne d M 01 1 Ie.aer nrp, n llll'i'K U M C Hj.K'n truck .mTicd bodj , Just been thoroughly overhauled, ej, ndlent condition pnrumatlP Cres on front n birgnln Oreenebatim Pros &. Co ,i hii i r,h Lnrkln llldg ' MAXWELL touring car splendid (ondttlon Hem, r (InrHe 7th and Hnrlm. (I.inlen .ft OVERLAND Rl touring; good condition: nrne J410 Regent Oarage. 431N naltlmnr.'.t. IM r.lll.A,li I'loiiei ill,, ll,, r,r snle, ex- lelbnt inndlllon new Xnit-Sui,) tires ran be seen Supdiiv fternnon Robt 1 1 Oveiland Expert 4 it i Lnncaster av e OVERLAND roadster mod. I si."" ncv'tlres In ivtra good inndlllon liarsaln for Ini. medlato sale Inj t Citmai st 'Iclephonc 1 vo Jl , , W PFi:ill,PJS t ton slake 111 Walnut st Lombard N Pleeston IPlll CHI MMY STEAUS'S Mr I'tleraon 117 S si must sai rin e I'd hpiuce I inn S I'I 1 -. lOJTl roadster driven Lion miles . Kiinnint'cd same n new Id igest Imi sum In Phllmlelnb'-i Mi ll'in'er SU1, Hnisd Ag op not s- "111. We overhaul ninl rellnlsb ii our usnl Sluts nira nil n oil fui lm deiiverv buv dirt of from il'strlli itors n.i n- ,,lr,. See Mr Illtllttr Nl'ilx A-encv H' Hriiid VVIH'IE tlUlk one tun good mll7"on llerger flnnige Cor 7tji and np tiinlen WIS'IOS H-liiiiei diiwi'i toililmt in ill mi in lion miles thnrmub.i ,. Hi u Utl I rrpiliud nd gtiainn ed mite simm i , 'Vint, n ii inn s iiiouo si Ph ' Peni i Iv mm ,i AUTOMOBILES TO HIRE In HIRE 'Iwo-lmi nuik laiae Isidv bv d.iv will, ir v ii rl v iMisoiiHb'e rules V .. Y our i, 'i S 17th st P in in i iisji iii lii ,1 I i BUSINESS PEnSHN A Ivfl DIAMONDS BOUGHT" Positively highest tnih prices for v vur dls """"!". " '" " ,s 10 in iRrnts nne i.av higher al told, platinum A allv r sought Lstnte. i (pru , r:M , ,;, TlieDiamon. bhop ,?.-.,VbuMtrrr't"t diamondsboDght sNY SIZE PRICE NO OHJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Rough! KELLY t CO 1)32 CHEfefNUT ST ikiLySlirVv.,. Puite 21.22 Over Chllds' .HelurantPrlvatii Rill M. PLEAT INO CO Pleating and Ii insiltc'iliiK billions and butlcnhiil e yp il i diictlin first vv 'rl, II u skin i i, iibaieil sl.lrts plealoit In iUv n,,ni oiilers -' ' '"II. IIS S' II 1 st "diamonds bought HVRRY W SMITH 717 SNSO! ST H p inn old babv ne Slandaiil 11 ' rnmaire in. Siaiiilaul llulft Ciirrlage -Mm s 7t st Phone Main .1111 A MtMil'llS maihliiu anon iipeu f, so n I i out ra eta 2 1 It S Pront la rae Rl P.i rRK treatm-'nt nnd manicuring Room Itll Heed Hldg . 1213 Fl'beit stLoc 31)0 l III lllll'.R HOOPS of all il.s.7l pi lT7t re mired Andrew T lllrchett r.iil s j.., ,i I WHIIF.W VSIIINO low ralea HunCo"".1o Oulnce st RI Ml D S'TS outdoor ski tch ,lu rti 1 t. till! ir Ikfllll IflVAS 1 Lfhll a .t --' . ,'r ".. '' mil lPfJRCr llff JUL j n f it'tn n.M Jl , HRis HIT)'' in u I 077S fo etlnlsli-4 estmile like new Cn ni rt Metm ned Co STAMPS AND COINS fl UIPS PVCKETS, Albums and supplies for I'HII.X STAMP CO ROOMS FQlt RENT ' MH II l.ini- large fin nlshed room house keuiinc ass rtiino electric light 13 ., week its Utge room and kltihenette 7 per neeti lR(TCl s .tut FurnlrhcTl rooms for light hou ting running vvater I r I SI I s' 2"1R .Sovvlv 2120 N 1H1-I1- sullitU for J Diamond ID II I l.aiie srrond floor room! or 3 nurses or gentlrmen JJD S' JJ.I7 I urge furn mi tlrst-flour front aunt lejim 11 or woman employed IrtTH ST mar llaiumoro ave One or two unfurn 1110ms somlnrlvato bath for bus woman convenient and attractive surround- lots Owner 1 730 Ledger OfQee ROOM AND HATH also single rodin rust BIOS J, Lo DESIHAIILi: rornsr room, Ihnrntiohlu fn nlshed adlnlnlug P.athl good elevation: puol snd ulrv plentv nr not wrter apd lrgs 1 iwreh splendid s 1 ommodatlona for business I man or man and wife In refined modern , home select senusuburban neighborhood near Was tie junction ami trolleys nod table board nesrbv Phone Wyoming 2101. J1ALA Large unfile, room,- ktlrheneTie and bath, heat and light; 3 minutes lo tra nil reasonable. B nll. Bala, Pa. , ""insi FHRNI11IBD room for genllsman. -.; " ' - Pbpn jiariru.- Atov, DIME SETS " i.m i i stamp collector! pi w'e batl !?l S IT.k a. " 4011 llSHISi. s 1 1IHI .- ;i(i .tttt : - - - -. ..-... . 12120 N lliTII l.aiie srrond floor roomi I -V TONB ,7, ,192? B0AHDNO BPItUCB ST , 3901 0B Tlevlsci 3 cool, com forlable room s, with boardi porch, phone IB-Ill ANIJ WALNUT 8TS Overlooking Hll tenhouso Hnuare, comfortable rooms, with or without board Horace 401 PENNSYLVANIA SUIUHUIAN UTN. THE OIlETNOrt 102 B Walnut lane, delightful accommodations, nenr train and Irollev excellent tablut Individual service shsde grounds convenlolu'ea. rates resann able flenllleaohly Otn B2R7 Mra Franklin Comlv m:iv .u.nsKV huihiiihan sTitATiimn OLD OIlCIIAltD INN STHATroniJ. N I Near alatlon lake, good tablei all coin a APARTMENTS FOIl nKNT Unfurnished Biarlmenl. nn' and bath lest section of West Phlla also several five room-and-bath furnished apart ments nil ihese upartmenta have porrhes alo furnlshrd anartment In renter of the cltv 4 rooms and bath can be had for three months Hee OLABt-OOLnilEHO Loc 2IM1 llAVErtl'Oltl)- Fine furnlsheit apartment 1 rooms and 2 baths. Piano nnd shower, lune IS to October, $143 Per month. 403 I .anraste r ave Phone Ardmore till liTrit, V 1744 Third floor 4 rooms and bath unfurnished, hot-water heat Kas light newly papered;, continuous hot water X0O owner llANntOMBttY furnished apartment sixth floor sitting room, bedroom and bath now I until October 1 nnd posalbly longer. I MMILYN. 40th and Walnut ,1111 N l'ril ST., Tioga IMP. third flour I 1 rooms bath and kitchenette tlpjht and gas Includ d KOBEICr J NAHI1 1001 Chestnutst I " ""APAIlfMKNT IIBADQUAUTEnt .Central apartments a specialty Sheiwood Apt Agencv. 221 H. llrood at some veiy i good place to live while In I'hlladelnhu I 'I ItKIA AIT Two minutes to station fur nlshed or unfurnished 100 per month all modern Improvements, veorlv lease Phone To 14nH W , HCllLEP. turn,. 3 rooms and'batii fo .' or 3 months Apt 22. tlladslone II th and Pine I POPLAft ST , 1429 Furnished rooms and I unfurnished apartments with urlvate hath electrli light and hot.water heat I Jt'.ITI'.ltNON 8T., 1710 'Ihoroughlv mod up-io date housekeeping apt . 3 rooms and bth cor pro'iertv, nevvlv renov excel U.p I Ml s 20TII ST lfachelor apartment at tiartlvelv furnished! single room private hath central ,lFl)l)KK Nlcly furnlahed (l-room hath porch apart, conv. to train and trnllev f, summer months. Tele Ardmore 711 It urrr r Won -riir nn? 'tt lLZiV nil PINE ST. Two large rooms prUute nsin open iirci'iivc er-,,,,,, uuui ,-, month I HOfHRKKEPINO apt sublet summer J1"i 1 itll in in, . I " 713 PINE IT I Plve rooms unfurnished MIWT I'llll.ADFI.PHM POR RENT, furnished, apartments 3lh snd Chestnut, from June IR to Sept is j', mrnt!v ." rooms nnd bath gaa snd electric light Janitor services Phone after 3 o clock Raring 1073 M ' ton HAltlNO and 4010 s tnth One snd J rooms end bath: also with kitchen will i furnish Preston --Tit w i ni-.HMAvnm s I CREIIE1M VALLEY PRTIES'T n- I potlte Mien Lane Station (I rmantnwn ItcHUi ifnllv furnished hniiseecninB pirt ments 3 large rooms lmlh and maid snuir- its June to Octoby moderate rental ex elusive house, select section i hesMiui HIM ,?", I or Hasehow 14'JII I'icstllll' st I 1701 WAYNE AVE lleaullfullv furnished tool apnrtment 7 rooms apiemiii) train and t ol'ev servile bargain to lUht leisoii pi...nt Wv online I'Jf W I'CRNISIIED apartment Urn fleor .'iin!at n i ,1 September Ph German t own l.lsi R PF.NNHVI.VA I rKM. HIOIII.AM) PKK PPRNIHIIED apartment , fn- Julv nnd All $73 i eor lan. Highland Park rooirs ind bat i i month 200 Pi Liu r.jft M SF.W IKRil'l--.1. -IHIft I I TjvN ri( iti PI IINIHEP llOU.ek, enllni ,l it Is., ,n traillvely furn looms til mites IPs ew- 'eee eve lune I to s, 1 1 11 Open for inspetllon or phot e Spm.e ii.-,( mm m, FURNISHED APARTMENTS HPRPCE HEI.OW'UTIl M'a""rttnent : hiind somclv lurn'soeri rooms w ii) oain, aeiuvnil floor finiii lune 1,1 to Snot I", Locust ,n.f W befnie 10 in .1U7 WALNUT SI theluthMl7n) Hand sonielv appointed 1 and 'J mom suites with private bath garage , t it 32O0 ARCH Three iurnllied moms klti hTn. I tie pilvHte bath 2 bedrooms pj per1 vek I iTnx APIS icnt lOl llV Week f ,ee I She-wood Apt Areni-j , i Itrond st SPJtPCE SI' 1010 Elr-me v di s roi ma nnd suites hand furn prlvvte loths I APAIITMENTS WANTED Col PLC d"sre smo I furnished houseu, epinC apartment foi sutnine or will hssjui tir sent t e till high t'uss central hous. p 1 1ll Li direr flffli h APABTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS nier.caii Plnn V.HEI.TPS' v; ivn MIPRls ,r GEKMANTOWN VIISPIES to IIROAII sr I'uin't'i, d nod unfurnlsh j N v I SIll'tB put: hotel spsses Ml J WM.NP'J sr In, i up id, I A most i annum nn.l ., feu unpointed small hotel llispe, on s i.iiiiuilv iiivlicd and n visit win ,,,, vou i hiti mi have dlnovcied a most sstlt faiiorv answet o the question of n., t Iv. when stopping- in I'hlliiijelpliln THEGLADSTONE 1ITH ND PINE INK ss FIREPROOF ABSOLUTELY HOTEL COLONIAL spri i i: AT I Pill -I (.r i apartment family hotel In the center if iiie p'tv operating on the American pin mi t,ii! w 111 please the most exacting i PITM'.S" HMvER 111 Mn linger -v v I i II V HI I, i I Ii. llHrvHrd" mi r p n ,ie r 'n suite Phone Swimhnmre j t.t in 1 1 1 1 1 .."iioi'ki j'j". s " i7 ri s." .i ii I ' IP ,i'le In P i';. il .i, I,,,, H0USEICEF.PTNO APARTMENTS Housekeeping Apartments uijhu modern I moms and U o mis nnd bull W n I'hild ,u I i.nirallv In, nlci tun nth nnd upward ii i i h Sinuil ii ,1 lb n & Bam 'IPlll I ibei Uili and llutitlngdnii sts .,, ileum, nt t rnnrna bath an I w ter llrst ln. ' i all or phon. D'nmond 0U7 'i'T""'"!"KePi)ig an itin ti t0 and un See Imiiln- tild IJ'l s tilth ,,n. ,. .. I "''Tfl'w" "Uh Mwh'n "' ' PIIILXIEMHI Hllll (p, S 4llth .,,.1 nn lliinl ois and tirttli nrlvn,. ' TAYLOR L SOS .'il imr, h --ouili 1 1 Oil an I Hull si Mill l.lil'sl I ,1 iwti .1 KKVNKD1 14 HOI SI.S IMIu '..ll r. Watlb a 3 ,. hrlik again enia.aiii)p 1,'Hl l)kki,10n 181UI s intm iv 1 1 11 is limn 7,o,t iTL Hon 7'. i IAN 1 1 1 7 C..ljjm,ul('t JOOd PV11K. 13i h w ht eie,- iu rTT. 11,11 rh perfict innil (lleno J5PfPnJjiinlIi, OPRRITT s"i 1'iov, JJ.I 0 ,,,,, " .- drained SMITH If.'ls I" llree-, uml,r" 2304 DI V.MOND Por. h .''lie bainsii':: trlpJijKhlaa,anl 1IU:S'N IM7 i'oliiml,,; 2010 WALLACE ST SIMIIO ifesr Ij'room. 1 balh side vanl vaeant rooms GEO. L. PARKER 1731 '.Inn unt eie into S' I3TH ST -IN looms J batli, h tt heat UH h halt. 2SM72 10 tlleu 1 l",i; I iiluiviblH noj AN,.W5,J.I,5I r;',,,c?,s,,'t'ldiiion iiq-r iv"hm , ini.iHi v iiro't, a JU fl 11th st. 4- 14'sVfl, SITJJ frh.rHimi, eleclrln -- ugni, porcn. wsinats, .a ana( jf M&ir, S V i HI, ill' r ..H Mil I l'l, 171 in Mnnd.iv tl t ' f Ills I I I fin n th Piesi in Hlsl vv v iiui;n n , o u i o, tu HEAL ESTATE -OR BAL, CITY Hibberd B. Worrell & Co- N.E.Cor. I91h&Mt. Vernon tl rooms, 3 baths, Oflxps. est: garage, 20 1 3 Mt. Vernon IMS ;.bch? 323 No. 1 9th 3 story, 11 room a near I'ai trkway 1530 Green 4 stories 1 4 rooms baths 1528 No. Broad 2Vnlofrty,:!rll?r Ml N Oth IS rooms 1HI2MI Mt Vernon 28r 1017 Mt ernon 12 r 1020 (Ireen H01 N 24th 10 rms snnfl 70 K Arlrona 2tln Callowhlll cheap 1R27 Mt Vernon 3 b K01 N 10th I17K0 342H N IJtll 2I2-1V N 16TH HT Two modern 1 1 room dwellings, central Improving locution 2181 Vine st lnr Parkwsv) Thirteen, room dwelling, bargain Mtore and dwelling N E err sts good business locillon Mh and llrown 2120 flare at Nine room dwelling. Im proving location 0317 Norwood st flerrjantown Htort and dwelling business neighborhood .1 EDWAllH LI'TZ Jin N 7th I te 1! Member Phl'odejnhla IteHl Ksta ard HOME BUYERS, READ THIS Are vou going to be taught In that ruah for homes next fall? Do ou reallxe that now Is the best lime to buy. If ou buy now jour settlement would be due In the fall Huv now and vou buv-wlselv. If vou are looking for n home In a tertaln part of the iltv let inn lnate that home foe. vou If I haven t what nu want nn mv list I will trv nnd get it for vou. Let me know how much inh vou have and I will see wliat I tan do I hsve them In all sections and all price. Write or coll BELMONT REALTY COMPANY HEED HlJlLDINtl !1.1 riLllEUT HT. I ft J". Iliirlat'si S rooms, nice route t etT to Di.1,1 Cabot ea rooma nlci, 241J 14 Ingeranll en II rooma, cheap I IJJJ J4 Pnnnock 2Hth and tllrarill A rmunit 2317 in 2317 N llthgovv at. 4 rooma rent at I4 I 2704 Thompson H rooms, moilern conv i I orner (oral and Letter!) 4 rotimt nl.e home i lies p ' JIH1 Irf'ilerlv s rooms big ard Ml V Intllini corner II rooms EMERSON CONRAD, 53 N. 10th FOR SALE 121-3-5 NO. 8TH STREET 729-31 APPLETREE STREET .111. IT FRONT OS' Kill sr IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WILLIAM C. BENKERT '4'J1 CHESTS I "P T PIIRCII 11(11 Hi:X senilililathed Hsh liofin ( amac st n rooms nm win r neni Msiilne st , li rooms noi waier tiei Jth and ( hamplosl vbrnei lot s rooms Marvlne at . sulld stone 10 rooms 12th nnd Nedro dwelling store anj. To home builders t. fevv aitrs,-tli. Hihuriau houses for sale new hotisee musi be Imi ' or bungalows' therefore h'v lots n in h, n cheap tvnd obtainable tul lit p, r cent of price rHal'a 111) house bunt HOPE Sr 1.1 'I Nedm Wvnm n ttl 1 t7t.'i COLt'MHIA store and dwelling I70J V 18th 13 rooms iHiaseaainn llll .".flu ll non onil I 001) 1 000 3 JIM) I 11117 N JOth slnre -n.l divelllut 1210 N Kth store nlld dvrliltig i 21.10 N. Till. II rooms , H E. cor tlratx and Somereet X d I 204(1 Woodstock 2001 Tu'ner R rooms 2014 Nlrholas h rooms 2127 Herks 7 rooms .ludsun st above Montgomerv Ingcrsvll east of 21th 0 ro imis emb WILLI l I. i RUES oN i'OIH i'o in hi. ave ,,. - 1 SOU LEWIS COHEN, 2d 17TII SII IIVISIIRIIKIE 1111) 1 A I TVPnt ! DI PIP 1 i. Jl J Al UlllUVLIlV uuuu, ,3112 II 10 S" Philips st ij rooms bith, femnpi and stone uorrh i .173H 30 tl 17 Prdnr ave t iH-drnotus porch fronis .ten iirmiiri'ii .- .,j. .,.,., For Quick Action List Your Properties With Us. INVESTMENT lsih t near Market st degliable invi stiiieut location ste,i, irnrigs lug In value laah XI I (nut subleci to moiigitup nf 1,1 000 will pa IJ ptr in' I, Pl'l I ER 10 s isth it Sp-uie 4130 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION S' E ("OR MRSHALI SD (1RE1.S M'S IIIOROL'dlll.Y RESOV VTQU 1! rouil brlik 4inuse PHOTOdll PIIIP SKT LK1HT rrciniv SIDE YARD on (IREEN si si I I'AIII.K FOR UF.SISr.SS I'i RPDS s si', if li iboill 2.1x30 Redm e, trie M pv hi W underle Candv latioiv 1.10 Pcgg st iijppnslte 440 N 2 d st I 1JH7 tHRARU A I- J.1VJ N FRs.NK'1 IS J00S N MAR INE .1717 HROOMAI.l. U h 1327 HOWARD .NT 1.141 EMU SI' HARRY G. C.WILLIAMS wxl S1 wn rnoMiox i mi- IT'inn 1hi N lith l iitort Hnd flw-Mllnn T U nt dlnre ti iear xtrf Hl iiit, nt nultbte for Hiiariiii nt Inj s 1 i 1 nt IninitsliiUe ooh. 'tidin VI ill. wCivJiv-i a uviij 'Olllllll, .oi r Sl'ELl.s. A E I ixljo ft 3 in room hot-watir heat eleurc Ln -Ule lawn garage privilege possission u. , , r I30UII cash balance muitgage 1 1 . Kensington 481 lo i nuns and bath possession idtniii 1303 QREEN STREET M.lltlll IIQSWKLI. 23.1 Sorth 11th si II Mill MS TO SETTLE ES I T E S I an il,i. Ji inn ll cKinsou els entire trl , ., ti Dli klnsnii and W II. lei sts luiut an I slines vvl'l sacrirce I I L m i in in tun ut HI I ,ii7 i.IRMtD WE . .",',11 s IT'.VMvl.lN .nils MtVINE .7 1 T R.iilM.M.I AVK i ij: ii ii id 'r 1 III K VRI SI Harry G. C. Williams W M S V I SIRVMIII Itnl MISSION 1JJ.I Suaiiuehiili PH tie Sstroon st lliltldsonie 1 toi , sii., . bt is h il w in r Ilea' , , . , ,9 i ose I 00 ill half tqllllle fiilui lei. 1 ".On - ept lo I tlnn loi lllofesslon- u, in. n III 'Mir I s vsii mm i hestnm n I.tilll, is v I ' ' I S I - III, Itll .11 el i ..e,iti. r IT. mn I t- iigur. g ,!. n . hi i . on -ou b st 7 M lixdl m lit is R I Si l . 'i 'i I hi, Un i.r.nn Hsli In linuiKlu , tl In" si I MV .i I S-i i tl . .1 Ii i nt in foi ph I I to ip. olfu Hiid w i. ting ll in Jt" Ill ..! ,e will) ,xtia loi Njltahle for il 1 r. II 1' lilt , . lit 11. . .. .1. 11, "another In us. garage enana. it near JJd l"Min rlhnr llosw. J3J S 1 IMl " ., , ,- (tu i i n1 - s II , or 23d 11 rooms ,, n,l lmlh um o s IHHS It "VHEE 1 III ST HITLD'SH I V I n HI POR SALE I sioiv 111 d b.issin'n loft liiil lug th SI above Mi. PI, ill,,,, 11 .'1)11,111 niuurs feet lirniiilMiidJUie I 2037 OKFdHD ST t.bree stor-v 11 rnotu I dwelling, Imniedlali misseaslini p ir I 3100 Estate nf David M HesllO Waltlul MODERN OARAHE and show rooma nig 180 C-slorv splendid Iocs tlnn -OltIANJ5 Walnut st , 1214 N 10TH BT Desirib.e dwelling va cant will soirlflce $5000 TAPHNE BOO Walnut st 19200 Four stor resident a 13th below TATlItATNB. . IMMKDIATB lbs., SIIO. 20lh at s XiIrThTr pariimiiar. uses tpaucsiion 10 tiunnri C, Simon, rT no.sessloirt Arthur lloswell 231 S' l.ltb .1 ' T Wo story 7 r'jmi lorpert suit iajlor , iiTMrFB-nV siniinn iTm..i.... -TTTr.TrLt II'IIOO hr., nnaiipe Fi.s PJOQ If gllih al.' prices I20IKI to 11,10 0110 each Wi N rI,oN l'l o rms, and ihedt prlesj THOS T T. VI III I L 3PJ Libert) Rl.Jg 'T"" 'J'".'r W-p 'J3T7 TV. lfilif , SiaS.N.lTTH BT -Modern L'-ilorvUome, M. J,,AnM,,iiV,'i,l hi 'rSia' irriT,T.i "''fW'1 rfesdrahla. aanrlOca for 011 ek ! ' lights, vacanl, HLKNN, 1317 U(duin,r 1 vVl " I assyunn ave. t t"i REAL ESTATE TOR SALS a i CITY te Biggest Bargains '-, 6 Rooms and Bath -. Porch-Front Dwellings " Financed; Easy Xerrrts AHENT OS PRRM!HE"4 ALL PATV MAMPLK HOUPB I814' RJtner St. b. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. Three-story dwelling lot 21x1031 cloae, Parkwai, possession September I, jAMhS D. WINCHELL 17TM AM) SAS'HOM HTB, , Jlj Mdlng Lola, Factory Ultra, mt. . I32H-30 IIIDOE AVE extending to "Watt I and Lemon is jo tiuu squaro leetr C 1 blocks from Cltv Hall only 17.1 feel front 'corner Ilrnad and Mount ernnns a splendid 21 I site for fartor garage or other business; 'Si low price WOltltELL t. CO Ho.1 N" 17th. I yl ln'b a lil.M if it. wtiK pet.H,.t r,Mti, a ' aa iinHh.i.i iin.nt. VI P ll n v,a ImL 1.1 i dlsna st , 2J 300 nrmar fret, suitable far atonejard coslisrd atoragt or Ira plant, I It RIIOADH 1.11 1 Mh at. IHTII AND MAIIKKT lot 1.10x214 in Ludlow Ft garage or manufacturer Charles H. Buckley HTM. suitable far 30 A. 4 OTH HT. Iliislness Properties and Slnrea " 260 South 17th St. 2 Stores and Apts., 29x75 , In - la. h real bsrualn for the person itejtirlng to make few Improvements; only J-.llllO iash r.itulre.l KOCIU.Ert i CO, I IJii i lifstn- a' ,, P X DELANY, We.i i:nd m.tvr 1' Spruce '.w. KIR MALE 1321 N HROAD 8T,t LOT 30 IT HY 2IH1 FT TO CARLISLE BTt PPLY 1(1 M.FRED 9 MILLER, 142Q i HF.sTNur sr ,,. .T.I II mid tn-ke 40 Ixlil 0. garage or nv Pair shop 8I3J34IU1 Ludlow st 3. story ihvgs llr Maver Oroskln 2213 N. 10th st. i 1 1 IRK Double bulk and basement. 101 r illierl heat electricity llMirimaji( i. I.'itl Chestnut emeterv Lots 14x40, tlarlnr FF.RSWOOD chsv terms -Pour-grave lot with Inclosura) PPHH 121 Filbert st. . I'nrlorlfs) FUTUHIKH AND WAREHOlIHEtTT lino 1C 200. 000 HUt'AIIK KKKT P()'JSEHS,1()N HVII.ROAD D1KTF.RICH 737 WALNl'T i MlTTTs" railroad Penna and Reading; $JO.of per .icre and up, accorllng to loratloiu ln 'iulrevJrrn DIErEHICH 717 Walnut. Inetorles. Manufacturing Floem , lull HAl.K for alxiut HO rents a square foot O-atorv brick factorv building farina; I siresta; nUnt of M'shi good laiwer plant tnd elevator nbout 3 mil) so ft building. Pan le reen unv Hire t Hill to 41 N, Front i t piillmleiivvs , v INDUSTRIAL PLANTS warchousea, rail. p.,nH and river fronluire JAMES I, STEVENSON! A HON 8JJ Land Title llldg Oarages TWO ISARAOP.S or guild fur mfg terms FOX. 1202 n 20th st site, essy Stores and Dwellings Dinrr; avc ?qia T.onBAND 1 lllU !-..., ..'l- DWKLLINO I Desirable location for unv bus ness, modern. I 11 rooms priced lahi possession I EM Ellens i OS'lt Mi IIS' liith st Store and 10-Room Dwelling 1123 COLUMBIA AVE. Ml convenn npes UnmeiliHie laissesslon. POR SALE cheap Immediate possession, must be sn'd this vveei corner atora and iiweiting iioseniu mm Momeraei sts. ili.ll- phy & mcclphkly 337 1: Lehih v. ilAiuvt.l bit cne-tij. mug., nxii.. um. VV. Miller. Inc. lfOl Chestnut. Wal. fttm. 112 N 3D hour-atv. bldg.: early noig, eVt W Miller. Ine 1001 Chestnut Wal. . ( ORSER atore nnd ilwg , ,1-ati property, nr, Oliniduv on lot h Smith 1,1.1a l'l, llreese WEST PHILt-)i:i PHIA tmwM wmn mm mmmmmi bflinnaiwiiii I 435 South 46th Street i uhif i muilMrri h mi ft fully ti.i t b .! inMO unutual f hiu- tr ii (I noi-rh t r tiaiif1 illiiins roiim it a fnit room oon - r ' i ( i iii h ii Jit 'Tt llunr 4 r.1,! .e Hrirt htih 'I r nun ml Imth on thlr.. flour i k flnnrn .i'n Imth Hjid m n-uHMi'f ho"'" s rm. itnmnian ti mi ui 1 Wm.H.W. Quick & Bro.,Inc. (tt Sl.l I'll 10 I.I , . aw iiiwuiiiiiiii iiLViiiiriwini'if eihi wrmis WBiwrniiMn 802 S. ST. BERNARD STTT senildeta. he.l i 'sideuec HI room mid bath hot wai-r heal ei cirlc -llghtaj Iv tig hal1 expe leni . ondition most con i en en t loiiitl'.n tllti. as r mti Is the owner EUGENE L. T0WNSEND - K OR I'M'll VM) I 1 riMORK AVB, 1648NEDGEW00DSTJ 1 . lrn - eiitr 7 toii..- u' h hhl Atr hn' lc. iilclt tiant kpv uiMiif... r tul tlniitlnl (lnostlt rrttl . rlir i k .IIMrut isirut moil pri e onlv I -J1. , rX B.CASPARl1,'!!! I HMKIALS N": 1 ORST'.R PROPERTY A1 i ,". WILLOWS VVE M lints .le, trl light hoi wt I I AD0LPH Hill tw,; ll i ' ti.. is .le, trl light hot watt . ni ii , i itn. uteii porcn i I l.elrooiiis bath has liulll-i w III s w ' tpre I i, id Willi, sill 1 j (ion l.lftll i v-.l .. , i .. l. aiHinm aiimlrv ..i ,,, ,i i.iti,?c Iti basement , I . , in, lows will be Inrlui'.ed, . mim. 1 UN Walnut jt ,i in m n, I oapered and P n'il list Olllllk Pas, ' I , I, p. i i move in. .inn i. in end bath whit plumbing alum CARPENTER 6 WILSON llJJUMMlkEI -I 111 1 MONT 10BV 4908 Walnut Street I J I, Is li w doors possession Charles H. Buckley nil IS r niTll STN"., Ylll HMI tr I N silIK nr THE RKrtT v.ivv m'I SuMI OP Mil IIF.'T si,,i,i.'iiv lliivils IN HINT rit!I.ADKl I'll' in uniri it , ii-. -i.i,n I'viv JM.I ti i -J i in ii IN ttl M HSTATIV 1(1 TH Nil I VPillW.lllI' WI . 4331 PINi' ST lure. sn. il inched IrpU ilenie III i nuns .' lm l lie ." 'r c llghjst I'vcelleiit i mis. nn ilnn nn I I ' iiion lot IJig Hn) owner, ii i ut ii i 'fawn .' ml E i nt net -lliili inl I' liimore a PliTl'yTTCK Sl.l'TIIMINI ilinh lirfe Purkwav Mod rn a rooms i I d balh. and kit. hen hai k stnlrvn ui os, i nor h .eacrt. Hi, ff,iiiul k ail i IIA1H I' usl J'I4I UN' -.Jl .SEAirSPRlSiHTI I 1 1- Smo room and lm Hi bu"K iln 'ii "i a ( ll Mil 1. 1. ut '1(11 iini.i)I H " M:ll (IllMTlt ss rooma, bnib mill on .mini nm , in any tltnal iti.ilern i IIAUI I'l.usi JUI I 1MMP.IT PliShENSHiN J1I s ',3th st "5 11 W ni eie, "IKIli 111. POIcn, i O itth ,v Lain aster ave. I'liu i ' ' stori H 111,1 'Li i.i JlxlJI VM l mi", s I7ii i.lO ei in live 7 i in. Id ninl Knu'cseing ave n 'l Mod I IMJW ' ii; flj.1,1 I liorouclily moil. i i is, i .1 i oijue crerk 1 1. - (In nargaln HMO I 3 atorv. o.'il i ro mt enlences, ei, 11 possess o 1 ,11 ,J, a KT.I.i.V' 'i. oliiniliia ivi Diamond I4lff ', rNIi Vl. Inline llf is pose I Mk'i Dili, I. buwr i a I or phone. ,J l k .! I. I Fs u'n Tru f . 5050 CAST I. r)2.".i) Noiitti 1, 1 ti .' 1 I .".l 1 1 its d l.le M't. Dl.T VI f ATJ'H C"' i ,11,1,111.1... Kl , ",,. n 1 , 10- .1 lu deooraatAi .J ' ni vn premiers j. (l I PiUIlOilK eeillon 1 hi 1 oi'iri, v trJO i I .niulltlm stilt 1 v Hi'iiii rn 11 rttll Jl Imth I. ne - f. Vilnius 1111 suit Arch s" it 33" S' HIRSI si irrnis ballu nf L ' iiapsird ami psli,le, shades nnd llnol . bargain l.lnalev dams (IHd and A 01HT ST, JO" hlo, k 0 rms V lis tin r 1 ,' tut lolio ttoss sslon 1l11ns old and Arrb sts OWrNER vvii. as, run -UK for. quit vSsle homa oti t 1 a exieurni I'liitr. rvcluslls n4tJSri rev 111 ... .t.HI'K.H.m.tu. ' ..... Hill Chestnut duo walnut al. 1 mini HADDINUTON (alt Unsdawll ii. inn 1 una ) i I lOril. 'HlMMM MM 1 1 1 A i -rv ""St. i - i- MonT yj A DEL- ')! x,1 M j"T tiiuirr (W .1 V...i3.l.l V' .; .W., -., , ... "j-4? . .,-ti