WTTTiSW , AF'fM',"j.nii'awt i' t1' . - ' -n.MMfffl.'Wfmwii''Tn ni j!nT.'w'r '""vn-i'wifl "i w-y y ' ihw wjwu i -n wb.ihmjiiji im -'rai iwi hiii " j '' "A" Wi ?!' I lMl fctfO" ,! tf e " .- (,:H"mift,"''i ;2ribVstit K' ' r A rvi r ri -i raf&r . uy.t. DV K 'b'm 'txiB&d iM)GmkdAiMmmm-mrm V ,, , f SRMAN RADICALS ypNVIOlENTCOyP iT, jHtependqnt Socialists Would I W-?Size Covornment if Beaten trm In Elections kH i tms K-i'.K SXS wfci t- By the Associated Pres Jtandon. .Tunc 4. Orowins excite- II JIM t..f. ,--,-.! . ... I'ivvV' ' uc ricctmn campaign in iMbf""""? which will end .Tunc C. Inilc "TWUdeat Socialists report that at a 5a'"'f"n,f in Vfklcnlnirjf. the ?oner-n JSStH'C, When thev could nn lonccr mis- the debate, threatened tlieir nn- WPpj" with rcx-oher. Independent Socialist and their supporter ocajied death ouly hv the inter ention of Ma joritjr Socialist, neenrdimr tn it Berlin QlirMllcll to the Kxrhanco Tclcrrntili Co. Complaint waq marie to the tlcrmnn inlnwtr.r of home affair, the dlsnatcli Si iwd none rtrT'oiri fdrmor emperor's supeHdsion between 180S and 1001. The haughty Joachim, Albrecht and Ottos, In their armor mailed fita rrnspins huge cabers, look flnmitarly out of place under a So da iiruc rcRtnie. One writer Micpests that they should be chipped, freight prepaid, to Wll- helm's residence in Holland. ( Many Ocrmani still find difficulty In realizing that the imperial rcsime i a I thine of the past. SiRtibonrds in the Tierjmrten still bear the Inscription i "Royal Forestry Department." nud there are shopkeepers who diplar sijrnx tnat tney are "purveyers to. 1 1 Ji. the emperor and kiuc" or "court" pho tographers. It is rather pathetic nowadays to behold Mnall born In sailor Milts neuritis caps villi ribbon "It M.' Submarine riotiua. or "II. M. s Air lorces. ' NLJOVO PROGETTO L-i. W.ff 1"' l. 5 iaKlft i i" HISTORIC SHIP TO BE SOLD Vessel That Rammed German U-Boat Offered at Auction ZeehrusRc. Itelgluin. June I. (Nr A. I i rnptnln Charles Tryatt's liistoric fhip nrus-els will be 'ld at auction on ! .Inn" -'. it behiR rtlpulatrd that no bid" will lw acceDteil from auv but , Itritili subjects. The Hrussids. which , as npttirru tn .lum'. JJ'Ui, hv tlte fern l!.,Hin,ti.( mtri liPiiifli ( tn thiu hAii it a .ccinan Nntlonnl Land I ,oriv,,,,, ,ie UrifiMi durins n raid . ...... ..- l.lV-.INfc-. ,pr, An,, , IJI1.S. hiiIdii km Ud .Hiiiill. .... ... .. . XVm Z.i... . V . . yi ,, '""- when tin- liruoscis was nailed n a aatw maltreated and Its followers as- (-,.,., ubmarine carlv In mill Cnn. auirea. , ,,,.. ,.....,, ,......a v, ui.in .. n. ii in. rratt "lUl-tatM. bv tin KfiJSlfe. vnloti of Henso. BQSSK.V SS'Kteniatirallv S'TuVK l'1'.-l .. ...... $2A PERIMIAIICO L'On.Nitti Avrebbo Trasmosso alia Jugoslavia una Pro posta di Compromosso Publish'il mil rjlrlbul1 Undr rensttT no an. Authorized bv th r( nt O'" " 1R1 on rtl at the Tostofflco of rstllt dclphia. Pn a. p. rtunt.Ksosj. Pnstmawr Genernl. I j.j,. i. . u .. . . . . ' nil" I rjaii "ru'Tfij ui- rui i in nun independent Hoelaists are reported to t-.i,,,.,, t.,t.r. nhen Cnntiiln Tr t nin kp nn t hakav n -.., .- i..i.i . . . f the cteetiou result fail fclA& ftU AIIIjI hi. i(iui umu , wns Ri.i' opeauoim. tocy will not submit to KgS. , the new l'arllainent. Hcrr Koelitz. their X"i:Ji , Wiaely kuonn leader. deHnrpil rccMiitl W. r'ifii'J ' lit a meet In I- In Ttorlln llint in .v. flin f V.H9 T..Ml.n..4 .1- . .. ..1 . - .uiiiaiiirui livn.' Ulfl !11UAV II IUU jorlty for the radical Left, the Inde pendent ttaoaliftg nill seize pouer bv W canttired 1" the Hermans, he was tried for a violation of the laws of nr and later executed at Bruges upon orders from Admiral vod. Schroeder. RUMOR POLES IN r t-'- pe 1 VI, ft. lolent means Hcrr Daumig, another trader of th H partT His declared ererj member of the 'urbanization must underMnud street liglitlnt is unavoidable. "If th elections." h added, "do iiot give us our right, we will seize It by our might." Some days ago Dutch newspapers r ported tint the former empress of , 'j-ite-rmany nas uuuer tne medical care of I'rotessc.r llnians Vandcrberg. "f TTtrechf. It heitiff Riiiit Iia L-n run ilnun i.t.lu health as a result of moung from ..T- i.. . . n. . w' ,n .merongen to uoorn. inero imc as yet lrU UU WUIIUlldllVU VI 11113 ICflUfl. &U(C an Amsterdam dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph Co. The day after this report was made public two alleged x'ipicious characters were) arrested Inside of the gateway leading to the tiei bom.' of Count and Countess Hohriivollepi Uutcli author itles. the dispati b stnt'S. are ki-eplng Strictly silent about this happening, but a clos" wptch is bniiic t'pt. Counf Hohinzollern is not authorized to leave his residence without Itaviue first informed the commander of the constabulary, who genern'lv n''cnm panles the former emperor on his motor trips. Berlin. .Tune .V--iIU , p irvhat to do, with the marble statues of Williiui ITohuzollern's forefathers in the S;e gesallee. the famous Avenue of Vlctnrv in the Tlergarten. has' become a public question. They were erected under the FLIGHT Powerful t tr t m xt !V Copenhagen Hears of Bolshevist Drive Copenhagen. .Inn I It is rrported here tliHt the Polish army is in wild flight, pursued l an enormous Ilolhe- ist force. dispatrh tmin London yesterday, jent out tweUe limits prior to the above from Copenhagen. Aid : "Russian Ro!slirwt forces nre ad ancing ou enrh end of the Polish front, but nre being held along the l ISeresina river, according to an official statemeut issued at Moscow. Parlgl, .1 gttgno. In questl clrcoll politic! i asleitrB che l'On. Xlttl nvrebbe tramesso nl Governo della Tugo1avla tin nuovo compromesse per sistemare la quetione Adrintlca e tale progetto otntizinlmente egunclla quello originale del ptesidente Wilson con alrune liei moditlche Con tale progretto di compromer.o la ilinea fmiiota di Wilson verrebhe spos- tata in uuUa di nsicurare la dufesa di Trieste : Abbazia ad ovest di Flume passcrebbr s-otto la iorranita' deU'ltalla; ii porto snrebbe aimninistrato dalla So cieta' delle Xazioni. cd il sobhorgo dl Sussck verrebbe asegnato alln .Tuso-t-lavin. Ad ecrezione dellc isole dl Lussln e Clierzo. situute nel gnlfo Quarnero. tutte le nitre ifole snrebbero nssegnnte alia .liigoslavin. Audio la Dalinazla ande rebbe alln .Tugoluin. all'infuorl diZura che sarehbe erettn in governo nutonoino. noma, 1 giugiin -I. a riapertura della Camera e' statu ilelmitivaiuente tissata per II !l rorreote I. "online del giorno reca . "comunicazionl del (torerno." in quanto alia s't'iaziouo parlameu tare esn permniie aiicora iucertn. La costituzione eterogenru del uuovo (iabi uetto die comprende cattolici e mas?oni e il vizio prim ipale del terzo tJabi netto Nitti. A do" si deve aggjuugere la recente "gaffe" dl Nltll uel glustl Hcare gli nrreatl oneratl in danno dl riumani e ualmat ircsldcntl In Itoma, arvenuti durante la nottc del 21 maggio scorso. In quanto all 'Rnclcllca Papale con tlnua ad essere qfrgetto dl larshl com ment! da parte del princlpall giornali della penlsola. II "Tempo" dice che cssa segna una data storlca tauto per 1'Italia quanto per il Papato. II "Olornale d'talla" . dopo aver dato plauso al Vatlcano per la sua larghezza di vedute nel rllevnro l'av- venuto mutamentn, dice che la rinunzla papale e' eircondata da cosl' alto pres tlglo uella sua forma, da cosl' generosa solcnuita' da circonda re la Santa Sede da una nuova aureola dl grandezza e di gloria. . Rap Anglo-Japanese Alliance liondon. dune 4. (Tly A. P.) Re newal of the Anglo-.Iapnnese alllauce Is being sharply criticized bv the Aus tralian press, snys a Melbourne dis patch. It is suggested the terms of the alliance slioutd include a proviso nlilch would prevent (treat Britain from belug dragged into u possible war between China and .Input), and newspapers there arc insisting uncn the right of Austra lians to (onti-ol domestic legislation. Wwrfiwy. nires if you want the genuine in bottles for the home at soda fountains and on draught w I Open a Personal Charge Account Oi Mall Orders Filled trKW M a vniort M m mrsehs 925-927 Market St. , i IWj CHALMERS Sedan B-pass Lat mode), newly reflnlshed. new tires, JtlOO LEXINGTON MOTOR COM PANY OF PENNA. XV . Kt'SF.n. Tresldent 8.11 North Jlren.l Street. Thlla. EXTRA DRY GINGER ALE IE. sn&ppist tiling of its kind There are always men enough in and around Philadelphia who know us and the character of our stuff to appreciate the advantage of a revision they need only to be told about it. Revision in Prices SUITS & OVERCOATS $38.50 to $78.50 Were $45 to $85 Not only Clothing, but Hats and Furnishings, at decided revisions Ferro 0 Co. in Clothiers & Outfitters Agents for Rogers Peet Clothes Chestnut Street at Juniper. IPtKCHASIXt AdKXTs' onDF.KS ND LUIEHTV nOMIR ACTEI'TKn -V A SALE R a i V i h 'I ,h fA if1? '.Al V r & 'A ti $t 1115 CHESTNUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Announce for Saturday One-Half Price 375 Selected Fur CHOKERS & SCARFS taken directly from the Forbes Highest Grade Stocks and acting oti the Forbes Policy of Quick Sales with a low margin of Profit, marked at Reductions Up to 50o for instant clearance. Visualize for yourself our "always-lowest-in-town" Fur prices at an additional .'0" reduction and you will instantly appreciate what an exceptional money-savins opportunity this sale present-. Tile old prlre I Skin Natural Squirrel Choker?.. .$19.50 I Skin .hip Kolinsky Chokers 29.50 1 Skin .lap Mink Chokers JiO.oO 2 Skin Fitch Chokers 45.00 1 Skin Stone Marten Chokers 55.00 2 Skin Jap Sable Chokers 110.00 2 Skin Baum Marten Chokers 125,00 1 Skin Fisher Chokers 145.00 Taupe or Black Wolf Scarfs 24.50 Solid Fox Scarfs 34.50 Solid Raccoon Scarfs 45.00 Taupe Lynx Scarfs 49.50 Jap Cross Fox Scarfs 75.00 ii!illil!lillHii!lllIHiiilillilllHii I I I 1 Charge Accounts Opened! IMail Orders Filled Ton paj $10.00 12.50 19.50 24.50 34.50 57.50 64.50 74.50 12.50 17.50 24.50 29.50 44.50 Mason & DeMan$ 12 15 Chestnut Street Furs and Millinery Fur Repairing, Remodeling and Storage at Moderate Rates BUY Your Next Winter's FUR COAT NOW flSy" Old" Fnuil Clearance Pricen insure you a sauna of fiom SOec to "o''a nn next winter's prices. Pay n small r&?" deposit nou Ihr balance from time to time inrougiwu the summer. The mveji you save by ouytng nou prove one of the uiscst investments you ever made. will 68 Fur Coats Special Saturday llrilurrd from Nnw Marmot Sports Coat $155.00 $89.50 NTnfnml Muakrat Coats 245.00 145.00 Nutria Sports Coat 245,0rt Australian Seal Coats 250.00 Raccoon Coats 295.00 French Seal Coats 395.00 Australian Opossum Coats 495.00 Hudson Seal Coats 1 &so.uu tVf ;Wral Squirrel Coats. . , , , ,ff l& VVWUXSED OlV UVOUMi 595,00 145.00 149.50 195.00 275.00 345.00 375.00 445.00 f- lomorrow 1 "ALTERATION SALE of FINE FURS Greatly Increased Business Demands the Addition of Another Selling Floor, and This Sale Is the Medium to Create More Working Space for the Builders SAVINGS UP TO 50 PER CENT. Only one year in our new premises af 1215 Chestnut, but already far too crowded to accommodate the lnigo numbers of customeis wo liav Already floors. srainrd. And so another larpe .-ellinK Uoor becomes an impcrainc necesn. ihr hutlilfi-fl am tearinjr down and ercttmK nsain the girders that span out In the great importance of permitting them to pursue their u'uks. free from the interruptions of daily tiade, and with the object of avoidinc th" dust'that arinc from masonry and brirkwoik construction, wchavo decided to C LEA II LI DJACENT STOCKS, creating the STUPENDOUS VALUER as outlined below. We Will Keep the Deposit Feature in Force Buy Your Fur for Next Winter and Pay p Small Deposit, Our Plan You Free Storage, payments to ise voiuihuwi 1 nrougnoui ina Savings up to o0 Per Lent! Of)crs Summer. Seal Anil Molt Mink Hudson Seal Skunk Anil. Opoiiuro Nit. Squirrel Nutria Jap Kolinik? Caracul Stoles Formerly 55.00 .... 110.00 .... 120.00 .120.00 .145.00 .145.00 .145.00 .145.00 165.00 .210.00 Now 20.50 69.50 79.50 79.50 89.50 89.50 89.50 98.50 110.00 145.00 Fur Coats I i Formerly Now uClS Aust. Marmot 145.00 72.50 Formerly No-v Leopard Cat 135.00 84.50 Nat. Raccoon . 69.50 14.50 Taupe Coney 145.00 .89.50 Brown Wolf . . 74.50 44 50 Canadian Seal 225.00 11. ,.00 T,upe F (i9.50,4.50 Marmot Wraps ....225.00 14j.0O , , Hudson Seal 250.00 145.00 Black Wolf ... 74.50 44.50 Taupe Nutria 215.00 145.00 Brown Fox ..75.00 49.50 French Seal 245.00 10.1.00 Taupe Wolf . .75.00 49.50 PBo?! ?K i.?:'-SS Taupe L,m .. 110.00 69.50 J"" tM'nk Sn 5;5 Crou Fox . . . 120.00 79.50 Aust. Opossum . ...U'lB.oii .i.i.wii ,-.. Hudson Seal 575.00 395.00 Skunk 120.00 79.50 Beaver 125.00 84.50 Scarfs and Chokers '' J 1 Most Extraordinary Sale !1000 Men's Suits Tnmorrow's Sale I Special Fox Choker Scarfs 14.50 Reduced from 30.00 and 35.00 flioicn of Hmart fluff' Taupe or HroMi Fon Scarfa, til tho fMBhlonable choker "iyl. Oi&' a limited nuiin-tlt". Formerly Taunc Wolf 25.00 Black Wolf 25.00 Brown Wolf 25.00 Jap Mink 25.00 Squirrel 25.00 Aust. Opossum .... "5.00 Black Lynx 29.50 Taupe Fox 7.50 Brown Fox 37-BO Cros.s Fox ''.SO Natural Mink HO.OO Taupe Lynx 45.00 Stone Marten S0.B0 White Fox ........ 98.B0 Hudson By Sable. 08.50 Fisher ..". 125,00 KuBslan Sable M5.00 Now 12.30 12.50 12.50 12.50 12,.)0 12.50 1!l.."i( 24.30 21.50 24.50 21.30 29.50 34.50 49.50 49.50 79.50 '125.Q0 Tomorrow's Saler Special Natural Muskrat Coats 195.00 Reduced from iOS.OO and 325,00 Tlircp-nuarter lctiKth loose model or ery dark eklne. I.areo iihawl collar and dei bell cunH of Australian tjcal. Il lAlvvly Bods and l'urchasirt jaSEJgJ" Accteptedffl&JBH Genuine $40.00 to $45.00 Values Your Choice at Our Entire Fourth Floor Devoted to Men's Clothing Every Suit In This Sale Is ALL WOOL This is real bargain news for every man who is ready to buy his new suit. Not a screaming from the roof tops but a genuine offering of finest .f40.00 and 15.00 ALL WOOL Suits at ?25.00. The majority are from our regular stocks reduced to this low price, to which we have added more than 500 brand-new suits purchased from one of New York's leading makers at a wonderful concession in price. All in all, this sale presents to the men of Philadelphia A Genuine Saving Opportunity That Will Be Impossible to Duplicate 'or the suits in every instance cannot be dupli ated again to sell at this low price. The snappy fitting models, the 2 and ?, but ton models with the tapering, rolling lapels and double breasted models. Choice of finest worsteds, cassimere mix tures, homespuns, flannels and tweeds in all the new colorings and patterns that have found great favor this season. A size a model for every man. Xs"T JfiSr fl Swmmlm i vTC3?v w?-i7 ; i''"w si', Bt. 'M J" tBsii v,lm 1 1 aKK'ji . i. I'ilB. .4.1 ' I A ill " f . 1 111 W "" ' i SI I Il If h Il II Men's 11 $5.00 H Pants i .1 Most Unusual Saving On m Positively worth up to $3.50, at Boys' Wa si jrl 'A special purcha.".p makes this low price possible. Fins quality wash materiuls in plain colors or in two-tone color combinations. Popular Oliver Twist model, trimmed with pearl buttons, and neat pocket. All sizes from 2',z to 8 years. HinSCirS FOURTH FLOOR HM 1 Choice A -of -the-oouse Sale if-iwra 4TNI1M a In Our Stocks at h8 lUnSUrS-STKEET I'LOOR Withou t Restrictions This is a most unusual price reduction for shirts are embraced that have been marked up to now at $15.00. Men, don't delay. Lay in your summer's supply, for these shirts couldn't be bought whole 'salc today at this low price. The finest crepes de chine, broadcloths, and others you would expect to find in high-priced silk shirts. Men's Straw MllfS Extraordinary Sale, at A big Broupingr of our hiRhcr.prlced straw hats for this special sulc nl m Wl'i0- c" th,0JleJv Tl1 "'J'1 Plili fitrw8 in newest crown -t h, t" h-r.. 'in 7i;l' ,l ,nB,"B u, "oor-n" "'"-c you are. Great- IHRSCH'S-STnEET FLOOR est hat bargain in tlio city. 3nafi. ptSCH'SrAlarket St. OfLSbjrN i. i i j i ' i &n ' I ' j i UV ' ib I . . . .... .-. j.4 . .-.ti.