VM" ."MA ir r,'.r;u;n ;".,.. to ' m. ' s,w v?r"VfiAt 'i t.r-M.'"'.ic,..'.vr " v, m 1 aw 1 H' 4 ' "' '" - ' ,"" " ' ! I HI III! , va-Si- - . . ' PZI"""- . .4 1- -i. Pn, Which we tno dc i - Native Invclmcnt and Profit . . j - Now 7 R. " 5on28, old Wo n. R. loads' ComPrtIv .tudy ent on rcque.t MARTIN & CO. 1411 WALNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA ConjP" l ipiU.MAYBEmr R7AWALNUT . MINOBB! - .. i a v.i.rnTnin CO, UTANUAHi' "'..-. "" r-rtii fit Convertible. )?" ,. KinLlnr Fund Oolil nomls ....... . ih. srovliloni of the Collar ' EVfiftl PtfBld: LEDGEEPmE3OT5LPHIA FRIDAY ,1 JUNE j 1920 " ' ' , , i . - ... i , ,, i ?& SrifeftM ""V" .i rin December 1. 1P20, the un Hondt. maturlnr ,!, notleV that It now nlW4 hfP ium of evntyfour thou 1,ii on hnd the aum u. dollars anu iiiM two hundred ana iwrivr. . br lectrle MM tw in:3 0"BV In the 81nkln Fund " A' Mil fruit As-reement. and that rrovldl pv. !i ""i-Crj m sum. undr 1 " "MftX of .aid If Sat Agreement, to tni rrovtl"' of aw iru g,er 0, Mla tht pu'n,' P,' i "Li i price not to excess Hindi are Int '?',' ,tt J"m, per cent rir. .accrued lntMt ",,,",, dressed .?J.,?iM,l!..,.r.-?UT OMPANT, Trus- rBwu- vv-yonn c. WALLAUU .lune 4. IO20. tee. " -"- Treasurer. rMladelrhla "rrr "Vmivr-V 1'linMO HERVICE r,lr! .mninv ilrit" MortwiiMi Thirty xears U OTnie Fund "Old Uonda. Due June n.u.nt lo the- ?rm. o ! .rREJ (HIM June 1. J- n"L"d, T for aalo nnd n a r a nrirn iiul il 'flv per cent of MJ'rVliV ireVt'e"' of 'ISS2B.M. tho um now Underlying Bonds o Important Railroads In. the opinion of many experienced bankers, investors should con sider with care the ad vantages of buying now the underlying bonds of the great rail toad 'systems. It is generally considered that these bonds arc second only to munici pals with respect to safety. Write for our recommendations Hemphill, Noyes & Co. Uembtrs New York Bteek Etchanaf Franklin Bk. Bldg., Philadelphia Scranton New York Bonds tBALEfi m tinnoi rrora Openlnr Until 2 p.m. tN. V. Time) A noeky Ml 4al 1 6Vi Amer'n Ar A Chem Bit 2 83 4 Amr Smelt'c & n Aa 1..'... 78 1 TB 1 77ti 1 77'i 1 77!, 2 77U A TM i Tl Ba 1 7(IU 10 7RH B 7(llj 7 'id', A Tel & Tel n. 03 i SS'i 08 4 P3H 1)3 S 3 7A 1. ... 7S Penna Fl It B. n nHi 3 n S A3 n 3 to szn Penna II K 7a n. 1.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 1 .... . Amer tVrllln Paper 7a 1 78 AnK-French Ba New York Boston of to III.. "".. v. .- -- ,, ,-J nalKM.e in " "!.- --JL. nllmv,.r. ,hrrfJd'h addrej-ed SVk'lu Fund" V, Br CouMy Publlr -fl.rvlc. ' . "2:ii- n:""i.'n i. 11120. Wett Chester, T . mvr.i.TON COAI. AND coke compan ' rivi I'FR TEST FIRST MORTOAOK Sou. II0MSV Dl'l" 4UI.Y 1. 150 SINKINO FUND NOTICR 5 o Vlen (1 ffn...ld'boKndH 0, iiono ejeh. Sra.n for idmrllon by th Plnklne Fund n, and arcruM Intcre.t of July 1. wV-n ill int-renl! thereon will re.. Th aboa bond will b paid on atid after nlt dale upon rreenttlo with 'foupoiM lhn du and nil unmatured fpuponii at Srhed at th- oflloe of FIDEMTY TUUST mMPANT 3?B Chestnut Htreet. Phlladel. rhl In which trust company th money hi hen deposited for said redemption. riDEUTV TTtllST COMPANY. TraatM. Wm. P. Qeat. Prcaldent. ThlUdelphli ly I", 1P20. tii Till" llllinllK (II' TIIF. FIRST MOBT. nvoK nrrr.KN-YE.R five per cent SImIiMI FIND OOI.I) 1IONDS OF THE rOUIMAL COLLIERY COMPANY. Xatlfe la hcrebv nlven by The Colonial Truit Company. Truatee under Mortnase of the Colonial Colllerv Company to The Colonial TruM Company. Truatee, dated Janiiary lat, tin. that, purauant to the pro ilihna of eaM nioitcace, they will recelvw until June 10th. ll20. tendera In wrltlnar t the ofllce of The Colonial Truat Conipany. aituate t No 317 Fourth Re.. In the city (if HtKburKh and atate of Pennaylvanla, of bond, for purchns" and retirement out of the mone" of the sinking Fund, wliteh now amount" to JI9 430 Ki. The rlitht Ih re armed lo roJrt jn- and all tendera In whole ir in pirt No tendrrs will be received ufttr th 0th iliv of Juno. 11120. TUG COLONIAL TRUSr CO.MPANT. Trustee, rittabursh. Pa. Cities Service Co. Preferred Stock Dividend Earned 4 Times Over 9 Return pit Investment Monthly Dividends Circular P on Request Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Morris Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. Phone LOCUST 1410 68 PSi 08! P9 no 00 00 08?i 08'A 00 08 H 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Armour 4 lb a 1 70 2.... 70' A T A 8 F 4 72 H 10. 70.. 1.. 0.. 28.. 11.. 10.. 4.. n.. 3.. 25.. 1.. 10., B., .11., SB.. ., 37., 7., fOCAHONTAS CONSOLIDATED COL UERIES COMPANY, INCORPORATED riftj-Vear rite Per Cent, flold Bond.. Notice la hereby slven, purauant to the Ktmi of the Mortvace dated July lat. 1007. tnit th. undersigned, aa Truatee, will re itlta sealed proposals up to 3.-00 p. m. on the (th day of June. 1020. for the aala to It of bonds aa above described, aufflelent b tia. the aum of 134.104,81. The under lined reserves the runt to reject any or all if djrs THE NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY. Truatee. Ry n. II. CUUTS. Secretary. vw viu tiv in io2n Dlvldenda I1IF, KI.ECTUILSTOROB IIATTERY Allegheny Axenue'a'nd 10th Street Tt , . Philadelphia. June a. 1020. . Th Director have derlarcd a quarterly dhld'nd of Tno and one-half dollnrx (SZ.S0) F,r snare from the npl ngpninM r ft.. t'pmrany on holh Common and Preferred 'Vfrwu. nii.M Jul, 1 IMA ... . ... .. er record nt tho cloxe nf Iuh neaa'on June 11, IH'.mi I'h.rka will . mailed WAL'fllR fl lir.Nnr.nHON. Trena. The Philadelphia Electric Company I00O CHESTNUT HTREET ,. Philadelphia I'rf May IS. 1020. The Board of Dlrectorahave thla dav de-.','.'?-?. 1u.Vl.'rl1- J'I1"J of One ii nd three- Ih.rii ... .u"r !". ,Dn5 iii in conta a a;v".".v".,ii:",...",vi",.a5clt.i. '"'" .- Stocks and Bonds Bought and Sold Private Wires to New York and Pittsburgh MOORE LEONARD & LYNCH CUSHMAN NEWHALL MANAOOR 1340 WALNUT STREET . RITZ CARLTOM MOTCU t KEWVDRK M.Hn.t PITTItUKlH 111 ntnotK frick BROAD ..NEWYOKK. BUIUJInu, . HILADCLPHIA CPTTTIBURCH tTOCK DCCHANOCJ rny pajable June IB. 1020. to stockholdera :i II'.MI H C LUCAa, Trea. err.cord May : Tm.X . ,hKT!N,,u 0I T,,K HOARD OP Tin. .'."j ,f . ,h.? C'nntlnentiil.Eyultnhle Till and Tniht Compiin,. held Juno n. ";0. a ouarterh dividend of 2V4i ($1.2.', laVr ' ."V, l."lra.l. rasabli .lime 2.1. U.o. Check. tn b. mailed JOHN- y LOUOHNnT. Treaaurer. Sneilal Meellnta Gr a si-EiiAi. mi:etin(i of the ,1 nkholdei nf 1I10 IVderal Market m !" v") '"i '"i''1."' ''''"''wv'Jl! It- n tS- ,' l,'ral '. on M"loy .Line 8. .He"r .nnorf.'rJ s,T"Hl ''ualne.s nnd to con ri .?,h ? ,0.r1 ,h "1' uf ,ne entire prop, "i .nd to authorize the .ale if ih. ti. aeeniii boai - .. RUBLRT K. linNDnnsflN, uvnriTM MarunN"Kvdn, Jei'retjrv c.fn nm W.VJfPY.TSSvJSU.'S.ax,. llll,HU'V linv-ttc ..i ...".;"'. .....-I if,' IU413 ' To 1' iu K I m 1" frei of nil r.nS.fuW. ".1 Dmber r".M,An A?i"srK """ ra W0n etrh of He,I.L l''Jner '"' '"-1. wrv W v:.': ft8S0,00i. ?clu,r.: Merlon Tl le and Tr,iB , Tlnclpal by mere Va a Tru,t Company of Ard- 'lied .hecVfor fVniin,'omSnl"1 hv "r 'ymer Merlon u0 ,0 or5'r of Tonn.hlp llll'aii'pM""11 Tuesday. Jane 22. Ornri- ' C-V?n.S"W,Se,.rotarv. n. m. .1,, I .?. "?.' .' "t above addre.. ., i'opuaal blankJ in nil"1 ,ri,rk "mpll5 w:hadiVo.,".vrtp1r;.T1;ar1r.ri:'for'"''n The Time to Buy Larco profltB ara eurclv In More for those who purchaao norms at tna prevailing low level. We offer First Mortgage Bonds. (hat have stood the test of time. These lasuca which heforn the war told at from 95 to 10S may now be iniP'Jiiioed at from 0 to 80. Returning From 6 to 9 EDWARD V. KANE & CO. Morris Building iJ!rn and inoin.,..,.. -...-- o,n annllr.,!.- ,,. WV- OR thkT-S., :--. . ti "ih,v,Rarr," .r.vw. nd sv;;", nv vx Ifflas'Mrofl PMV,A',.C.IruM,9n: ', U..V.'t.!ih,n 0MI". for con.tnJJ: 7lCK ;r p i nil"! srati-inAal. -rlT ' 1 W&AMfo& l0 liSfeSS? ilHKajrVf '- '- ,& .v, hu : Every Man With a$500 Should Know The General Rules of Trading. How to Give a Broker Instructions. Brokers' Commisblon Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate. How to Use Collateral in Trading. How to Group Invest ments. The Deposit Requirements for Carrying Stocks on Account. The Rights of Stock and Bond Holders, etc. Our free booklet "The Investors and Traders Guide" explains these clearly. Edition limited. Call, phone or write at once. Ask for No. T.U.-903 JONES & BAKER Specialists in New York Curt Market Securities Widener Bldg., Philadelphia Phones Bell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 Offices In 9 Principal Cities Direct Private Wires l.. 10.. IB.. 10.. 3.. 0.. 8.. 7211 72 b 72 72V, 72'j ATl8Kll 1 ASH 4 05 'i 6 0B4 Atlantic Coaat Line clt 3 03ti, Atlantic Coast Ii rcta 7b 1 07U 1 07U 1 07 U 10 07a 1 07U 4 0711 Halt & Ohio ov 3...... BP'.j 7 BOW 1 00 1..'... Mlii 0.. .. BOtj n & Ohio 3'ja 3 KO nalt fc Ohio 4a 2 00 7 0k Halt & Ohio Bi 1 02' Rail . Ohio 0a 2 801, 10 SO 10 8S: 2 80 IHO8W11 Rly 34a 10 00 B Steel Sa '30 2 .... 70 V, 8 SO Rush Xldic S. 8 7 Beth Hteel fd 1 80. 2 80 B U'n das lat 2 oo; Cal O t E (Is 3 81 1 Cent of Ga 0s 3 88 Cent Leat'r Ba 1 00 Cent' I Pae 1st 1 08" Chea tOl'ii 1 71 H 2 .. . 72 C & O cv t'ja 1 . .. 03'i C'k fc O cv 3a 1 ... 74 4 ... T4 fi . .71 4 ... 73'a 2 . 71 Chlcn.o R'n 4 Qulncy 4 in 0' 2 0411 B .... 04Si S . . 04, It . .. HI'. 0 . . 0', Chicago & O't Weat'n 4 a 1. ... B ChlcaBO Jill i. St 1 4b 3 . . . . 02 ChlCHKO Jill & Stl' m 4a B .f , B3 Col A H'n 4'4 1 71Vi Colum'a & 0th Ate B. B.. .. 21 Cona'd Oaa 7a 8 .... PB'i 1. .. P0V4 Cuban C S cv 2 .... 07S 8. ... P7U 2 . 07ii Den fc n C fil 1 47 10 47H 4 47", 3. ... 47. 1... 48 3. . . 4B 2.. .. 48 Den UOII 1 . . . 02 D A n cm m 04 14 DlstlU'a Secur Corp 0a 1 88 D Can Ba '21 7... . 07 B 07V 6 07 D of Can '31 B 88U Erie R n cv A 4 3t 1 34 Erie R R 4 1 494 Gen'l Eleo Os 1 07 1 07 uen 1 Elec 7. 1 07 Hue & Tea C R It lat 9 .... 04 Hud & Man fd 1 B7H S B7ii 2 B7U Hud fc Man In 1 10 1 10 20 10 7.. .. 19H III Cent 4a 'as 03 III Ccnt'l BHs I 8B B . . S 3.. .. 8B 1 8BU III C Chi St L tNojtn 1 74 III Steel 44. 4 .. . 75H Imp Jap O 2d 20.... 74 U 0 74H 3 74S 1 . .. 74 Imp Jap U 4a 7 B0i 2 no. 3 BO', 1. ... BOS I BO'i R S7 Ind'a Hteel Ba, 1 8BU 1. ... 81 2. . . . 81 B . .. 83lj In'o IUP T fd 1 4 20 .... 884 20. . M', JO B3 V. 10.... r,3'i Kan C t R (li 1.. . B2i Kan C & H Ba 1 ... t.J',4 Klnva County Elevated -4 a 1 324 Lnck Hteel '23 I .... 03', L 11 . W 1st 3 .... 74 Lehigh Vy fls 1 1)3 L fc Myera 7a B.... I02H Ing Isl R, fd B 024 Lorlllard C 7a 17 ... 101 4 I .. 101 Louie & N 4 1.. . 7Bi II . . 70 I . . 70 Lou J S iHl 1. ..07 L & N rcta 7a RFninniiMT ratf BEING CRITICIZED 102 101 '4 ioi 102 101 '4 ioi n 101 ioi; 101 'a 10l4 iom 101'i 10li. 101 '4 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 101", 1014 1014 101 14 1014 1014 101 t 10ta, 101 4 Rendlnc 11 4b 70 Republic. Of C Ba of '04 4 . .. 00, Rio O fc W 4a 2. . BO 2 . BO Rock Isl A fc I. 4'ta 10 . 024 Bt I. I M fc a Rly ii 1 00 4 St L fc P 1' uj 1 ... 02 1 01 St I. 4 fl F In 4. 1.... 1.... 3.... 3.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 3.... 10.... 1.... 2, . . 2..I. 7.... 3.... IB.... 0. ... 2.. . 2 . 10 . 3. 1 Adjournmont of Congroaa Will Tond to Clarify General Situation X 1 i 10 1 1 7 1 10. 1 484 14 48', Ula 48 7'i 18 18 47 4 Sib i H Kiuii Serlea A :.; B4'i M', Bl, .14 4 .14 , Bl Mi, nt- 00', 00 00 '4 00 00 '4 00 '4 on 4 03'i oo '4 100 00 'i Chlmsu XIII t St r cv 44a B .. . 117 2 . 07 Chicago Mil fc StPfd 4 4a 4 . . . B8 1.. . B8 Clllcaeo Mil 4 St P cv Ba 1 00 B . . . 05 ', Chicago Rock I Pac fd 3 . . 084 1 B3H 2 . .-. , OS', 2 .... 03 r, .1... . 03'4 Chicago Rock I fc P 4a 1 .... 00 Clucueo Union Hta 44 2 70 Chicago Union Ma ct 04a ,1. . 1004 4 . . 1004 Chicago fc W Ind'a 4a 1 Bl'j 1 04 Chile Cop'r 6a 0 . . . 7R IB .... 7 111 1 .. 74'4 Chile Cop'r 7 1 08' Chinese Uov't H-K Rlya Ba 1 414 B .. UH 1 ll City Ljon.i 0a 3 . 8Bt. City Mara'B 0s 0.. 804 City NT4v-j 27 2 . . OBN City N T 44a May '27 1 014 City N T 4 4 Nov '37 0 014 City 1'arla is 1 .. . 0t 1 014 1 . 01 S City Toklo Be 2 B4 Manh'n E'd 4 10 83 Mid S fc O fis 1 . . 78' M 8 Tel Co Bs I ... S2, Mo Pac Bin 4 a 1 B.V, 1 .... B3t, 1 . .. .13 'i 1.. . Ml, Mo I'ao Ba ".'3 B ... 81 Mo Pac .la '0.1 1. .. 78 Mont Cent 0 1 HO'. N Tube Co Ba S3 New (1 Tex fc Mexico 4a 3 111 New O Tex 4 Mexico Ba 1 . 4 B.. 4. 1. i'.! i.. 2,1 . 1 . 10.. 20.. Stl. 4 fl Krn Herlee D f. .. 004 "8... . 084 StL fc S fian Serlea C 4 834 S 83't B .. . 834 B.. 83', St I. fc South Weal'n 1st 1 01 1 . . 614 Bt L fc South Weat'n Ba 1 B24 0 024 Seab'd A L a) 1 33 4.. .. 33 M Hell Tel Ba 1 804 1 704 S'n Pacific fd B 004 B'n 1'aclflc 4 2 004 B'n Pao cv 4. B 7.1 2 . . .. 7B4 1 . . 7B4 10 .. . 74 2.1. .. 7B 3 . .. 744 S'n Pac cv Bb 1 .... 00 3 00 1... . 00', 3.. . 004 7.. .. 00 S Hallways 4a 1.. .. BS4 0 BB4 I... . .1B4 S Ral!was Bs I.. HI Third Ave a) 244 Union Pao rv 1. ... 80 Union Pao fd B 704 Union Par 4a 1 .. 77", Union Tao Oa 1. . '! UKOB1 '2. 1 .... 04 14... . 04 fl. .. HIS 1.... 04 t I B- . 01N I) K (I B 1 I rcta '29 7... . 80 I . . 80 IS 80 U K U H I '37 B S I M I.. 81 2.1 . M 81 IB . Hl 8 814 U S Mexico Bi Ilcferrlne to the- nr-tlnn nf the Phll. delphln Federal Reserve rtonk not to lncrcai its rediscount rotM, principally on account of the Iriral limit of B per cent In thla state, a uniiker re marked tliat tho Mmo Inw In In force in New York, where the Federal Reserve IJank of (hat. district took the lead in ralalnt; the rates to 0t nnd 7 per rent. He said he wondered If the local re serve offlclnlB had ratight the New York Reserve Board impplnj;. lie r,nld In his opinion It will force business men In the New York Federal Reaerve district to go Into the open market nnd secure what money they mny need at usurious rates. The action of the New York Reserve Bank, lie snld. will have the effect of suspending one of the ohieets of the Federal Reserve act. as the rediscount clause was framed to rIvc facilities to member banks when the demand for money was beyond the capacity of their own resources. They could use their bills receivable ns collnternl nnd get ad ditional money to supply the demand. They mnde a profit through redlscount inR nt a lower rate thou they charged to their customers. It can be seen, lie said, that if n New York member bank send Its collnternl to the Federal Reserve for rediscount. It can lend the money so obtained nt the legal rate or 0 per cent only, while It pajs the Federal Heservo nauk 7 per cent under the new ruling. It It uot the spirit of the reserve net, he snid, for the central bnnk to make money In this war from Its members, nor is It to be expected tnnt tno inemner tmnks win be agreeable to any such trausnotlonH. Tho only object to be gained, lie said, is that merchants will be tumble to get the funds necessary to carry on their business. Of course, the open market with the usurious Interest rntes are open to them, but, ns the merchant will be obliged to add the additional rate pnld to the cost of his merchnndlee. It does not argue for au early reduction in the cost of living. Il was reported yesterday that of the SM.OOO.OOO Union Fnclllc equipment bonds offered on Wednesday by Kuhn. Iieb & Co.. and which were lnrgolj oversubscribed one hour nftcr the offer ing, allotments will hardly exceed 10 per cent. The Commercial Trust Co., of this city, is trustee for the new equip ment, which consist of 100 locomotives, two steel dining enrs. forty steel chair cars, twenty-five- steel baggage cart.. 11)00 steel gondola cars and forty-five caboose cars. There are two Important events, said a downtown broker e.stcrday, whicli tire likely to have a strong Influence on the stock market in the near future. One la the importation of gold, and nbout this there arc rumors placing the amount to be imported from 520.000.000 to $200,000,000. The other Is the action of Congress on the question of adjourn ment. If onlv n recess Is taken the soldiers' bonus bill it likely to bn token up ngnin. but if it is n real adjournment that mil W not nt nil Ilkelv to be reconsidered. Severnl important stock dividends, he said, are being held back on assurances that t he hill will not ger our. ni tne Senate committee. At the time he made thit veinnrk It was uncertain that Cflngrct would ad journ. Of course, he ndded. the result nf the Republican convention will nlo have a strong influence on the slock mnrkrt. The Brier Hill Steel To. and the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. were said to be among the companies con templating stock dividends, but had re considered in view of the uncertainty over the bonus bill. A banker, ivhen speaking of this, said that it is not gen erally known, lie believed, outside financial circles, that the latest draft of that bill provides for a tax of 10 per cent on stock dividends. "The Corn Mxchange," the monthly publication of the Corn F.xchange Na tional IJank of Philadelphia, says of the railroad situation: We believe (hst the railroad situation has reached, the point where r final showdown can no longer be postponed. We believe that the piibllc has become alive to the fact that, an average raise In railroad rales of 40 per cent, com pared with nn Inereas-e of 100 per cent In other lines, means Inadequate service aside from the fact that It Is not a square deal to the railroads. We believe that any fair man recognizes that thin Is not nn It- nnliut Villi that It. Is noor business and that It has reacted with disastrous effect on the whole business of the coun try. We believe thnt railroad regulation for yearH has been formulated too much with a view of satisfying a public that demanded low rates so long as the Indi vidual did not feel the consequences. In the matter of rnllroad regulation we arc going through precisely the same process as we did in respect to the public atti tude on great Industrial combinations, and the situation In each case, unfortu nately, has been aggravated, by n dema gogic appeal to the sentiment of a public that does not properly appreciate the consequences involved. Wo go along throwing a brick at everything that Hnrea tn mrate In lealtimatc enterprise on a big scale, only to wind up with the consclouf'ness thnt brick throwing, nnd business busting Is n boomerang. Tn Europe railroad rates since tne outbreak of the war have, increased as follows: . hot- 100H- 100"-. 75"-to 1-10 100 to 180 ...100 to 200 r.0'o 40 LIFEGUARDS WbiTT STRIKE Union of Three Refuaea to Become A. F. of L. Teat Case Atlantic Clly, .Tune 4. Beach offi cials jestcrdoy said organized labor's designs upon the control of the' clly corpt of beach guards had been frus trated when members of the force, who also are members of a lifeguards' union organized under a charter from the American Federation of Labor, re fused to obey "nalkout" orders. The order for the WBlkout, which would have affected three "union n.embert nmong the fifteen guards uow fm duty, Is said to have come from Frank lnrrlann. secretary of tlip Amer ican Federation, In Washington, through IicwIb Hermann, an ageul for the or ganised trades in the city. Hermann Is said to have been deputlssed to guarantee the support or every labor nouy in tne city lo the three "unlonlsfllfe guards if they would agree to make an Issue of Hie failure of llio city commissioners to recognize the existence of a union among the lifa-navera. City commissioners shelved one of the most effective of the picas Hie unionists had expected to uBe by ptlttiug the force of life-savers under eight hours nnd providing for morning nnd laic shlflt when the bathing increases sufficiently lo call for them. 3 NEW PASTORS SENT HERE Eleven Lutherans Ordained One Goes to 8outh Camden Wilkes .Barre, Pa.. .Tune 4. (By A.1 P.) The feature of yesterday's session of the Lutheran Synod of Pennsylvania was the ordination of eleven .oung men to the ministry. The ordination Mr nmn was preached by the Rev. George Oebert. D. D.. of Tamaqua. The Rev. II. I). B. Hkiebolt, of I'lillndelphia. reHd Ihe (Jospel lesson. The young men or dained were assigned ns follows: The Rev. Raymond Heckman. Read ing: the Rev. Carl II. Knrsh. Miners ville; the Rev. .lohn O. Mohn. Wilkes Ilstre. the Rev, Henry II. Mover. Ma jahmundy, India : the Rev. Kenneth Ot ten. Jr.. Church of the Incarnation. Philadelphia; the Rev. Bela Hhetlack. Zlon Church, Olney, Philadelphia: the Rev. Corson C. Snyder, Resiling; tho Rev. Samuel K. Klstler. South Cam den, N. .1.: the Rev. John N. Rellau. Northampton; the Rev. Paul Chrn pitikn, Kinoshn nnd Cudahy, Wis., nnd the Rev. Carl II. Creeling, graduate fel low. Theological seminary. Mount Airy. RECALL PILGRIMS' LANDING i Tercentenary Celebration Begun at Governor Island New York. June 4. The interna adequate return to the carriers and vlll , tionnl celebration of the tercentenarv of France Belgium ... Italv. nhniif Holinml ... Switzerland Sweden Nnrwny . . . Canada . . . nnd .'v0 to 40 additional proposed. In Spain Increases were small, but Increases of "i0 per cent nre proposed. We In the United States, with high wages nnd higher .standard of living, have gone along with 40 per ccut In crene. nnd whre have we arrived? We have reached Ti situation that iff really chaotic and which threatens the grent railroad interests of the United States with insolvency, n condition which, if It had been faced fairly and courageously, would never hnvc devel oped to Its present deplorable state. We nre rather strong on this subject bccnuie years ago we went nn record ns tintii'ipating just such conditions ns hnvc nrien if the powers thnt be did not stop pandering to the misinformed nnd prejudiced on this question. It l now up to the Interstate Com merce Commission, and the commission luis cone on record as being cognizant nf the situation nnd appreciating the i necessity for rates which will allow nn LONG ISLAND'S NET EARNINGS DROP OFF President Peters . Emphasizes the Necessity of Increased Rates Italplt rotors, president of Hie long Island nallroad, in a. statement isoued yesterday announced that the net earn ings of the road for the first five mouths of this year showed a decline of $2,000, 000. ns compared with the same period of 1919s llo described the situation- of Hie railroad as serious, and urged that there be an early adjustment of Its pas centrer and freight rates. "I cannot emphasize loo strongly. ' said Mr. Pefers. "wltnt nn extremely dnntferous situation It really Is vtlilch confrontn us. It ds a fact, of course, that Ihe leong Island nallroad makes more profits during the summer months than In the winter months, but since it artually showed n lots In 1919. how can we hope lo overcome n handicap of $2.ono.nOQ at the close of tho first five months of 19207 "Much a large derroase In net revenues for a similar period I do not believe has ever before been recorded on the Ixing Island Railroad. Several factors, entirely beyond our control, have com bined to brln about this discouraging result. Hor example our receipts from Ihe movement of ti'onna mid war freight. between Janiiary and May last year,1 amounted fo fully 1800,000, "The cost of maintaining equipment on the Long IMiitid for the first five months of 1920 whs greater by over $5,00.000 than for the samo period ln.it year. Likewise, transportation expenses on the Long Island, between January and June 1 of- this vear. have Increased over $7no,noo, compared with tho corre- npoiiuing period or ii. un top or an this the Lmig Islnnd, along with Other roads, har nffercd curtailment of reve line an the result of the recent strike of railroad employes. ' Strangely, though, Iu spite of the & steady decrease In our nerevemie,?! New TorK state Lgetsiature na )me6fd a measure, known as the I T'elle hill, which was hacked bv ceffr Interests In Queensboro. which, In if effect, not only alms to destroy jtl tiresent rate structure of the J0i island Railroad, but at the samo ttajte. will further reduce us earning capacrJf.,. "Naturally the application or sue law would rurtner cripple tne ereau; the railroad and reduce its ewji capacity to a pqlnt where good would tie Impossible and Imnrove would nton. Therefore. It Wilt bftjl ."... ....I-.. :..- . i , .'.a limy, which inn inanascmcnj. "t ;,(,. ..M..n.t mh .m ... nil t? tnw T1t '.UK .1 1. contest tho constitutionality df. itlh'rJ - JBBr tVA , w:. v Lower Price for oommedltle wilt prmtt large sum of money to be Invested In various channel, heretofore tied up In worklnr capital due to high price. Well-secured Bond of un questioned security ara sell ing at extremely low level and present an unusual op portunity to investors at the) present Urns, Baker, Ayling & Your 3. W. RVTAIN. Jr., Manager Land Title Bldg. Boston Philadelphia . i.KIIAI, ADVKRTiailMKNTS fCKPIWTATK OF CLARA V. hTONB, ileensed Letters teatamentary upon the estate of Clafa V. Btone deceased hav- lti hem granted to Kldellty Trust Com- ! pant all persona Indebted to the aald eatate are repeated 10 nia.se payment ann tnose havlni; clalma against the .Am to present them, wlthtout delay, at the nfflre of the raid conipany, 823-331 Chestnut at.. Phila delphia. WM. P. OBBT. President. endeavor nt promptly nt possible to ' the first American legislative assembly 1. With due """ l"' luiiums, u uv iiMiiiu i miiriw reach n determination whici regard to substantial justice for nil, will ameliorate the existing transportation difficulties. You cannot expect some thing for nothing, nnd it Is quite time to recognize thnt fact In dealing with the railroad situation nnd with nny other situation in which the progress and prosperity of tho country nre involved. wns opened yesterday nt Uovernnrs is Intnl. headquarters of the Depaitment of the Fast. 'Many prominent persons atl ended a f anion party given by the SnKrave nstltution and allied societies and the Army Relief Society. Features of the entertainment included athletic games, a polo match, exhibition (l.ving by armv and navy aviators, a drill and n concert b.v the People's Choral Union of 200 voices. Among the speakers were Mrs. (Jenrgc A. v uster. widow nf the geuerul killed in the bnttle nf Little Big Horn, and Alton B. Parker. J-2SWKNTATIS OT WILLIS 4. MOR8B, De- '- ceased letter. Teatamentary upon till Kstate nf Wlllla J. Morae. deceased hav. In heen ernnled to Fidelity Trust Company. I all perrona Indebted to the aald F.stal" are I requested to mahe payment, and those having I Halms' HB.llnat the same tn present them, without delay, at the office of th said Com pam, No. 320-331 Chestnut street. Phlla d. Iphlu. WM. P C1RST ' President KSp NOTIl'n l llERF.HV MVRX THAT 3 an application will be made to th Oov-en-.or of th Hint' of Pennsylvania on Men ilnr. June 31, 1020. by flenrae W. Llndler. .Inlm Wright, lintel !(. Mndley nnd Mnrtln : V. Wright, under the act of asntnhlv of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An I act to provide for the Incorporation and reg nliillon of rertaln corpnrxtlons." approver) i April 20, 1874. ami the supplements thereto for the charter of an Intended corporation tn be called tlermnntnvrn Knitted I'ahrlra Ctmiinny. the rhiirricter Anil ohleof of hl.h la to conduct the hunlnese of manufacturing I and aelllna: knitted fabrics and for thre i purpoaea to hAve and poiee nnd onjov all 1 the rlghta, benefit and privileges of the aald act of Aasembly and Us supplements JOHN OILROT Solicitor. I -Tfi GEO. A. HUHN & SONS STOCKS AD flONDS Member? ,f the Philadelphia. New lork and t'hlrago Stock Kirhante New York t'otlnii 1'iehante Commls.lon Order Executed In All the Principal Market , UELLKVUK COURT DLDO. 1418 Walnut 81. NEW TORK Or-KICB IU llioadwai. New erk Mt aa, Workmen's Compilation tUMJl Automobile Ituuranc '.-. At Actual Coit T LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ' ' SOSotuhinfttfnJiltrtMt aUadelttaJj 3 WANTED AM underwrltlnir company tn take the balance of an right per cent preferred einck l.aue cnrrjlne h common bonus. This la In a moving picture concern which can show erv good results in the paBt and excellent fuiuro probabilities. . , Box C 615. Ledger Office Vir. FREE HAND TO DRY AGENTS LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Pittsburgh, Juno 4. 11008 Receipts 30(10 head. lower Heavies, Il4,10if) 117." henvy yorkers. iriitpir.2.1s light urk. era. tin .lOdTl 4: Pigs. S!2M2.30. HHKKP AND 1.AMII3 Receipts, 300 head. Steady. Top iumba, $16,00. CAI.VRH Receipts. 200 head. Steady. Top, 17. r$iM5S:ao Rule- Patriot Attorneys Are! aSirro,iVve,,V:rdv08W.4,i7$H so rul"- A'r" I Not to Approve Warrants I l.'A,T-T-,nBVVll.R.,1i',,-'l,i?l, -W? i"1! ! Waslilngton. June 4. - enforcement Hlll.fcP-1-e.llmaledjraitlDi.. .000 head J o prol,hition wnH nln(,. nivr for fC(l. i:st Ruffalo. N. Y June i cattu: ' ,,,"n' nK0"1" l'.v Instructions sent to all Receipts. I'M head Stronr I'.iivea . ilUfrlnt ntlnrnevN hv A. .Mitchell eelpts, ,2000 head One dollar and fifty cents I'nlmer. nttorncv general. Inst nielit. nisiier: siiiTi' in i : - . . . -..-- -. IIOCJH Receipts. 1000 head. Steailv to m lower. Heav.i J13W 1.1,2.1 mixer) ami Torkerx St.1lnfitr.,."iii. light do. .113 sown so. nlas 112 r,0 13, roughs, II2W 12.2.1. stags :7fin SHRIMP AND LAMIIS Reielpii.. mini head. Lambs .10c hlgiier Lanibn. tfi'lH yearllnga. (inwin.nn. wethers. SHAM Mi, owes. flOfflO no, niliod sheep IlnnnQ'll Prices Steady on Paris Bourse Tarls. June 4. Trices were slcad.v on the Bourse today. Three per cent rentes were quoted at 60f; exchange on Ixmdon. Blf; B per cent loan. 87f 95c The dollar was quoted at 13f 1c Hint their approval is not required for the issuance nf 'varrantx for nffendera under Hie prohibition enforcement law. Some iiinfiihion lins nrisen because ivarriinls chnrging offenset ngniuit the internal revenue laws must be anurovrd !) the United States attorney of Ihe l district before Issuance, but Ihe pro- hibitlou enforcement act. the aitorncy-l general said, is not nn interim! rt venue i lnw and expressly authorizes prohlbi- ' tioti itgents to swear nut warrants for offenders. $50,000,000.00 Kingdom of Belgium Vi Gold Bondsprice 97'i and interest We solicit orders for the above issue subject to allotment at the above price. The bonds yield nearly eight per cent on the investment and through the drawing of at least Two Million Dollars of these bonds annually at 115 r afford an opportunity for a possible profit of nearly 18',' in principle. NEWBURGER, HENDERSON & LOEB Members Nciv York and Philadelphia Stoek Exchanges 1410 Chostnut Street IN .IrTl ifr,. i N T C & II P. 1 32, R It 3Wa u UK in i uo i. . . 5 of s r on KYCtlin '-' " R R 4'4 uni o u nan 1. . . . 72 V unct 4j N V r H H II 3 2, R R 6s 1 .. . 88 21 . . 88 N T Cent' I M Cenfl 3's 1 3 . 23 j U fi Realty lis 2 . . 7P 1 .. TP'j 3 . 7fi IV.I's.U S Rub'r S. 1 70' -O'i 70 1-, Suel .13 S V Cht tt St I. Loula I. t a. . . 70 1 N V Conect'KI 1 n n 4'.,b u 1 . 70', N Y Dk Co Is, l . nil New V N 11 i llartt'd As . 1 . 70 I 1 . . OD'.i N Y Rys ct .is s . . . 4 ; I N Y Tel l'jVlr-ii Carolina 1 . . 7I', I hem Co 1st (1 . 70 10 0'. N Y V O L II Vu nail a ni R 4'ia - '" 2 ... 40 ,Va R 4 P n K"n Pacini- 3' ,1 OS t 70'j 1 r,s do i, HO. nn 00, ikii. pn'v oo'i no s CO' a $10,000,000 - Union Pacific Railroad Company Seven Per Cent Serial Equipment Trust Certificates XgD, Dated June 1, 1920. Maturing iu npproximatcly equal annual instalments on June 1, 1924 to 1935, inclusive GERMAN SECURITIES CITY BONDS MORTGAGR BANK BONDS SAFEST INVESTMENT IN GERMANY Descriptive pamphlet and prices 6n application F. B. WARREN & CO. 708 Denckla Bids., Phila. I'honc: Walnut .68 New York: 15 Maiden Lane Cincinnati: 408 Glenn Rldg. Milwaukee: 912 Majestic Bldg. Bearer Certificates of $1,000 cacli. with privilege of registration as to principal Warrants for the semi-annual dividends at the tale of 7Tr per annum, 'payable June 1 and December 1 in New York City. L!I Principal and dividends payable at the agency of tlic Trustee in the Cit of New Vork.in gold com of the 1 United States of America, of or equal lo the present standard nt weight and fineness, and without ss deduction for any tax or taxes (other than Federal income ia.ts) which t lie Union Pacific Rail- IS road Companv or the Trustee may be required to pay or retain ihcrefiom under any I present or" future law of the United States of America, or of ,m Mate, County, rs Muiiicirflii. or olhcr taxing authority therein 1 jj'ii Pacific Is 10. . 70", North'n States Power Co B. 1... . 74H Oregon S L .is West n Md 1. 1 60 Wi'fcl Shoi Is lf fl"'i Weal n U 4'a 1 .. 70 4 TO I . 82. iW II l niOli ns Pao a L K .1.1 8 7B'i 1 73', Pn, R en 4's 8. ... 83 .1 ... 83 Pa R gm I'js WUaon Co cv 1 . s,-i .1 . 86 V 2 . '1 2 S3'. 7t"a ,MIiin Co 1st 71 'a I 87'. Liberty .".'.is ... Liberty 1st -Is. ., Liberty 'Jd If-.., Liberty 1st His. Liberty Jd 4's. Liberty .'Id -I'iS. Liberty Hh 1Vs. Vie Notes .'l,s.. Vic Notes -VS.. nigh 1)1. ,-o M. Ill .".'.TO R7.I0 sn.r.11 110. Ill ST.fMl o.i. no Dii.riO V V tllllel I 1.1 p m fll.tM Sll.10 Vi.70 Sil.lltl sr,.im 1MI.UI fill.flll O.VJl! O.'i.'JO oi -:o Mi 10 ...-.. 10 Sll.0 S.-.'lll SO Ml Mi '.Ml o,-i 10 or., ii The Certificates arc to be Issued under an Equipment Tiust Ari cement by the Commercial Trust Comnanv of Philadelphia, a Trustee. cocring the leac to ihe L'niuii Pacific Railroad Com pany, at a rental sufficient to pay principal and dividends nf the certificates as they bc crally mature, of new equipment costing approximately io.uuu.uuu ana inciiiuiny: 25 Locomotives and Tenders, 2-10-2 type 19 Locomotives and Tenders. Mallet type 16 Locomotives and Tenders, Mikado type 10 Locomotives and Tenders, Pacific type 30 Switching Locomotives and Tenders 2 Steel Dining Cars 40 Steel Chair Cars 25 Steel Baggage Cars 2,000 Steel Gondola Cars 45 Caboose Cats lljilYD) y BUTTER, EQQS AND CHEESE Ivew York. June I -BUTTER flnner Re ceipt. , O.'IO tubs Creamer' liUher than extras. 35 , d ft6c . extra 0.' si arc ,Vc Or.ts (88 to 01 score), .im.il'f paclilii Btock, current make No 2 40'i'4'41c. Eliaa steady Receipts 31 ' case.. Si'orae pdeked. extra Orsls l74TI8i.' do. tl'.tB, 43tMOt,c, freh-athered extra flrsta, 4347'4C. do. first., 42(4 41c tate, Tenn svlvonla and nearby wilern li'nn.-r htte. firsts to extra., 47(31 3c Hate ''eniiavlvii U and nearby hennery, brown, extras. 03J; do. srthered,Jirown and mixed tolur., nrata 10 extra.. i.l ivc. ClIBKHK weaK, neceipi" 30,18 boxes. State, wboje-nillk, fiat., hold, whllf i ann coi. nrerf. tnecfa a. SDoi do. nvcrCtt" tUll, 21 ' state, whole'inllk flat., e'lrrent nuke, andVloted. aKltl, SOUtSTOi ! tuo. Pending the delivery of the equipment, cash equal to the face value ol the certificates is to be E deposited under the Equipment Trust Agreement to be withdrawn from lime to time as equip-1 mem is delivered, to the extent of two-tliirds of the cost thereof. I The undersigned will receive subscriptions for the above certificates, subject to allotment, as follows : r; Certificates maturing June 1, 1924 at 100 " 1, 1925 " 100 1, 1926 1, 1927 1, 1928 1, 1929 100 100 100 100 Certificates maturing June I, 1930 at 100-V I " 1. 1931 " 100, I 1, 1932 1, 1933 1, 1934 1, 1935 100J lOO-V-i , rtt y nt JUUJjj"0 I 101 all and accrued dividend payable in New York against delivery of temporary certificates if, when and as issued and received by us, and subject to approval of the issue by any necessary public authorities and approval of the proceedings by our counsel. New YorKS June 2, 1920, KUHN, LOEB & CO. $ 7 "-' ','- muM.I, jt-Aau.' , -vll. .Hit.- f Equal Freedom: b reedom to Work ae Well as to Stop W'oik "If the workers have not the right to stop work, then we are SLAVES," says (Jompers. "Nobody questions the workers' divine right to stop work," replies Governor Allen. "Whal we question is your' divine right tu ORDER thein to stop." There in the case in a nutshell. Have some men the right to stop other men from working'.' Whal all the world wants is more produc tion. What a few men want is the power lo slop production. Like the baby reaching for tho soap, they won't be happy till they get it. Evi dently such men don't feel that they arc free if men who want to go on working are also free. Wo stand for the "open shop." Let any man Mop work if he likes, we say, but let him not stop other men. Let all men join the union who want to but let them not force any man to join who doam't want to. A long ns sonic men have power to stop others from producing lumber and buildiiig.s, do you think prices of lumber and buildings will come down? Wc want to see more production, more lumber and more buildings ut lesg cost. Rome duy you'll build. IT you want the work fin ished on time, see that the lumber comes from LLOYD. William M. Lloyd Conipany TUB LUMBlill CENTHK 300 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia ESTABLISHED II , OUTIIr,lr UKFIOri CIIAKLOtTB, N. O. J. II H C3 V',:I M Jhjj .above terUfi.cat.e3 having been aold this aWtseraent arrears ; a roattW Vrojd only, ' Hl!llllllllM te.. m i " j y , s It m :tM, . i 'jfi .'