vi- K-w d m ') V'0s w t k t 1S .f r :, " .j.. a1 i iX . i .j. ,r rt- - V :v 'iW 7V ,:V . ..V rVfcvsrrt fA v'f f?-fvAV-- f- '0i V4 .'. A M '7t-jii - rr Fn M ' -L r I COMMENT t' ' ' ' SI M M, J "- V I IALLA ENCICLICA PAPALE Probabite Riconclliaziono tra la , Santa Sedo ed il Govorno Italiano? i . - l- ' v Fubllshul unrt Distribute) Under j PERMIT NO. 341. AutherUrd by the act nf OctoW 0. 1017. on HI at the Postortlce of Phila delphia, r. A. S. BUIII.KSON. Postmaster Oeneral. della confcrenza dclln pace a PariRl, 1 dclegnti dl parecchlo nnzlonl BUKRcrlrono prlvatamento cho uua soddlsfnconte snluztonc dovovn esscre trovata per venire alia conclusions dl un concordirto tra l'ltalla o la Santa Scde, ma tuttl I tiro no d accoruo cho la nucstionc uoveva esscre Insclnta alio duo parti interos pate, polcho' ognl estrnnca inscrenza poteva prcvenlre 1 buoul rlsultati. Sotto I'lo Dcclmo fu Biiggcrlto che la qucstlonc papalo dovava esserc sisic matn con un nccordo intrrnazlonalc, ma il Govorno .Italiano fece notarc chc non poter ncccttare una talc proposta, polclie' avrebbe rcsa posslbllo qualche Ingcrcnza ncgll affarl intcrul dcll'Italla ad ina nazioue llrmaturlo doll'accordo, ft O f.. T ........ .Atnllj.n rLA' 'lwinalc. una nnrte dclla nualc tosllp la .-.. . . -.. -i. ..I . X a "pronmone ni fovrnni cnuoun in viMiurri in uomn il no u nana, c okppuo ui ,,& conwrcntl dl tuttc le specie. SI dice cbc .' " alcunl scnatorl intondnno portaro 11 "ob- k Ketto innanzl al Parlamento c cog-Here I'occasionc per illscutere la qucstloni' della lcgge dcllc guarcntlgie pasnta Jicl 1871, con lo scopo dl stabilire lo v "status" del I'onteflce lu Itoma. Dettl senator! mlrcrcbbcro ad aprlrc la via ad una complctn rlconcillazlonc tra la Bantn Scdc p lo Stato Italiano. Al riguardo si rlcorda elic nil 'cpoca T Will clean any lacquered rSmSS surface from hand marks. -" " etc., brlnits out and main- Ta1 tains an Intensified gloss J3cQ and preserves the lacquer. T 1 U an 'where'" l'nl 00 PCf l:OllSnf.hTuilerpnla. bottlo T. E. MILLERSHIP 3237-3247 Oermantown Are. sottoM prctcsto dl violaztonl da parte dcll'Italla. TJcttl nrgomcutl symbrarono cost' rngloncvoll cho 11 progrctto fu nuoanuonato. La prlnclpale opposlzlono del Vatt cano fu pcrchc' la qucstlonc. papule doveva esscre regolata dn una lcgge pawata dal l'arlamcnto, 11 qllnlo poteva revocarla o modlflcarla. Vcnne 'pcrclo' l'ldca dl un concordato, con caratters dl rcgolare trattato die potc,va esscre comuulcato dnlla Santa Scdc al govcrnl cstcri, cd avcro cosl' virtualmentc una nanzlone intcrnazlonalc, senza oletin intervento da rtarte dl uualslasl nltrn nazlouc nellc relazlonl tra l'ltalla cd 11 Vatlcano. In Itoma si dlscutc la posslblllta' clic 1'ana Benedetto possa cscr vlsto fuorll Improvements 111 'aircraft del Vatlcano. 81 dice chc l'aoa i'io it Jr stated that Rlio could t... UCH1KU) Dcclmo in vnrlo occaslonl espresso 11 dcsldcrlo dl usciro dal Vatlcano, sped nlmcntc all'cpoca del torrcmoto dl Masslna c Calabria, con 1'intcnzlonc dl rccarsl sill luoghi dlsastrc. - BIG AIRSHIP NEARLY DONE Craft Building In Britain Can Fly Across Atlantic Barrow, England, Juno 3. (By A. P.) Airship Il-SO, built here for the admiralty, will be launched in two or thrco weeks. Sho embodies the latest and flv ncross tho Atlantic with cryBe. Tho vessel is G35 feet In length and seventy, feet wide. inircycignt tons, Hcrllftlng power Is tv-elrlit tons. I'our cngi of 240 horsepower, will give her a max- icach lour engines will cive her a 1 m urn speed of sixty-five miles an hour. Sho will carry a crow of fifteen. Orig inally intended for war purposes, the gun platforms and lighting paraphcr-, nalla have, been discarded that more' accommodation tnnv' bo nr.ij..l passengers. Bho may. bo used to mS tourists over tho battlefields of p? r,iA 1?1nt.1iird. rBI uuu i,-v.. LEXINGTONS , Our used cars nro sold under a 6Q-day service guarantee, and 12 monthly payments tho first pay ment and monthly payment can be arranged to buU purchasers. LEXINGTON MOTOR COM PANY OF PENNA. W. A. KUSnit, President RRl North llroad Street. Plilln. KS LEXINGTONS Sport model. 4 -pass. Maroon with whlto wheels, A-l condition, nowly reflnlahed. Attractive price. LEXINGTON MOTOR COM PANY OF PENNA. W. A. KUBKK, President 8.11 North llroad Street. Plilln. 1 UNEQUALEDTO PURITy A delicious health-giving table water PARADISE SPUING COMPANY Bruniwick, Mtine Cincinnati, Ohio Mitchell Fletciibh C . risurr Aesxm Co. L ASm tern AtZn m wiWts m HP Q ! '. t hf i AC?. . ASQ? , &co I STORES CO. SCO ASCO ASCO inijijMii '' i A. ' ' 8: Go To Hoskins Supplies i U&. For All Makes of Filing Cabinets . and Loose Leaf Ledgers Card Indexes of All Kinds O A SI c o i t Our Organization is at Your Service for Ideas and Estimates on Everything Your Office Needs WM. H. HOSKINS COMPANY Largest Office Sapply House in Philadelphia 902 to 906 Chestnut Street Prove Us by Comparison You Will Then Realize That the Road to Economy is Through the Door of an American Store You can easily prove our claim; your first purchase will demons'trate our contention that , Nowhere in the boundaries where our Stores are located can groceries be bought, quality con sidered, as reasonable as in our stores, , CM . ,. I he name AtitillCnll stands as a beacon light to safe and economical iruumg iiiiu u uunger signal to tne iooa gouger. , American Stores are recognized everywhere as THE standard for Quality and Fair Prices. r leliJdT8 Onions lb c8 umm l.w ..!. .. w m. k.i flu r -l. rZTr, r :. j inis is our price lor tho best; how much do you pay? -- it .ggaaaaaaassaaaaagKg! v. Lard lb' Best Pure Open kettle rendered, the best to bo -vnna. "Asco" H Dried 16 Selected Tenders trimmed of nil waste sliced on our own machines and nacked . in sanitary packages'. f A1 c A S' C o, !a 5 0 t c o t i A .s c Canned Fish Best Pink Salmon. . ..can 19c Red Alaska Salmon ... can 34c Calif. Tuna Fish can 21c Choice Sardines.. can Gc-17c Kippered Herring. .. .can lie "Asco" Beverages Ginger AIo ) 4 fir. Root Beer 12C bol Sarsaparilla ) ,A Delightful and satisfying tblrst quenchers the best made. 4: Ready-to-serve Ft Campbell's Beans.. can 12 'ic Heinz Baked Beans, 12c-17c Heinz Spaghetti, can 12c-18c Potted Meats can 6c-10c Franco-American Potted Beef can 14c I Iff i Sterling Silver Services v rMTm r3 To those who seek silver with just enough ornament to relieve it of its plainness, we recommend the "Plymouth" pattern made by the Gorham Co. The tea set, consisting of coffee, tea, sugar, cream and waste $320. S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS ILVEIISMITHS "ASCO" (Our Very Bes!) f .vitr; 5Sj?;rtf vzz Coffee 42 There is only one answer why thousands and thou&uncis of Housekeepers are using "Asco" Blend today: Quality. Every bean is chock full of an aroma seldom found in any other blend. Buy a pound today .nd try it for breakfast to morrow and we know you'll say it's The Most Satisfying Cup I Ever Drank. "ASCO" TPflC lh Ac (Our Very Best) M. CdS IU 0 Eoual to any 80c or 90c Teas you ever drank and better than most of them. We guarantee our Tens to be tho very finest grown nnd have just the blend you like Try our Old Country style, or India and (Jeylon lor icing. MlllliiMlllllllilllllllllilllllillllllllllWliim mis il SI II ij iiiMiiimiiiiiiiiwffliiiiBHHH itilllWHiiraiiii Oak Hall's June Sale! Offering between two and three thousand - fine, new summer suits in handsome worst eds, guaranteed serges, cool flannels and summer woolens in the Hew patterns which men are buying at reductions certainly without precedent since before the war. $40 & $35 Suits (Our own make) CJ J tjQ $50 & $45 Suits (Our own make) $39s50 $60 & $55 Suits (Our own make) (IM C QQ $70 & $65 Suits (Our own make) CgO 50 $85 & $75 Suits (bur own make) (ggO 50 $40 Suits (Other makes) , $45 Suits (Other makes) . $50 Suits (Other makes) . $55 Suits (Other makes) . $60 Suits (Other makes). $23.50 $26.50 $29.50 $34.5 $39.50 This great June outclearing of Wanamaker & Brpwn's "own make" of clothing is an occasion in the Philadelphia retail clothing field. Thousands of Philadelphia's men and young men look forward to it. . Here it is with every suit bearing the warranty of Oak Hall for goodness of fabric, for fineness of tailor ing, for durability of trimming and expert benchmen workmanship in every detail. Wanamaker & Brown Market at Sixth For 59 Years wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim m nil mm n i lllllUllllllUIIIlUlllllUlllllllIIUllllUllUUUIIUlIlUjlilUlElUlUlflUllllHUlIUIillllllUfUl axri Trtrrp r :sxn.::: ?m JLWiMiiihfcfflBB Tender Beets can 12c Sugar Corn can 12c-llc Sour Krout can 14c Tender Peas can 14c Stringless Beans can 18c Mixed Vegetables.... can lie Tomato Puree can 6c Table Salt pkg. 5c "Asco" Cornstarch... pkg. 9c "Asco" Macaroni., .pkg. 10c Calif. Peaches ....can 35c Big Meaty Prunes, .lb. 28c Butterfly Mints.. pkg. 15c Quaker Biscuit Flour, 12c Pat-a-Cakc Flour, pkg. 29c Best Lima Beans 15c Best Soup Beans 9c "Asco Bak. Powder, 5c-9c American Maid Catsup 10c Best Head Kicc 19c Crisco 1 lb. can 32c Mazola Oil pt. can 35c Wesson Cooking Oil.. can 39c Pure Olive Oil. .'j-pt. can 40c Pure Olive Oil ... .pt can 70c Salad Dressing hot 14c Sour Pickles big bot.ISc Mixed Sour Pickles. . .hot. 15c India lleiibh bot. 15c Salad Oil bot. 12c-27c J A s c rO A S c 01 A rS C o Poro Grape Juicfip-bt-33ci Made from the finest selected grapes grown It just touches tlio spot on a hot day served with some cracked ice. Big Juicy Lemons, aoz. ioc r j.. . ... rv im58r,uieese ,b35c Rich and creamy; very tasty for sand wiches. Fllilmrn TCrnff (71ipps ran 1Sn : r K-Vfl -siP You ask why I recommend this Side-Feed Boiler? Summer Cereals Puffed Rice pkg. 15c "Asco" Farina pkg. 10c Post Toasties pkg. lie Kellogg'o Corn Flakes. . lie King Wheat pkg. 20c Puffed Wheat pkg. 13c Shredded Wheat pkg. 14c Grape NutR pkg. 17c Peanut Top Cakes 32' A dt'llclous molasses rookie covered with peanuts pleasliiB to most every palate. Choice Tomatoes !inr9c l'lne quality Just the rlcht bIzo, for a sninll fiimlly. N. B. C. Cakes & Crackers Spiced Wafers lb. 21c Tokens lb. 29c Unceda Biscuit pkg. 7c Butter Thini ,. pkg. 15c Saltincs . . .pkg. 15c Nabisco Wafci1,.. pkg. 14c Ramona Wafers, .pkg. He Graham Crackers.... lb. 24c "Asco" Peanut Bolter i13c The best to lie had none better at any price and our price speaks for Itself. I -7C-13 What's, mare annetlzlnc for lirenkfHnt Umn portion of a nice veil-cooked mackerel? Almost 500,000 Loaves of Victor Sold Last Saturday n Average for One Day's Selling of One and r - -r i? T Il ni !1 une-nait L,oaves ior jvery rumuy in rnua. Could this bo possible if the quality was not better than any loaf baked in .rmiaaeipiiia t x Round, Side Feed Sec tional art amokeleM Boilers for heatinu with vapor, etram and hot water. Warm Air and Pipeleia Furnaces. Ojis. Coal and C'ombltiaMoii Xlanaes. Water Heaters and Laundry Stoves. Oarage' Heaters. At our Factory Show room you aw '"fl'S;: .tno enuro iuj.t. Ulno. tiinoo wo munu nea o iicawus uklnit apituiuii i" "Well, I don't know of a more productive, economical or .1 more sensibly constructed heating plant. "If necessaiy you can increase tho boiler capacity by adding sections, and if you add a dozen sections you don't add an inch to the depth of the grate. "That means easy feeding coal easily scattered to every irich of grato surface hence more and cheaper heat less trouble and care. "Since NOVELTY Grate Bars are en meshed in naits. I can rebuild the fire in fepots, or change a burnt-out bar without disturbing the rest of the fire." And there it assurance of longer life continuous service and greater resistance to temperqture changes in the Flex-O-Tuf Iron from which NOVELTY parts are cast. Abram Cox Stove Co. American and Dauphin Streets The oldest and largest manufacturers of high-class Heating and Cooking Apparatus in Philadelphia for 73 years. A ,'s- ; 1 yuHi V-' . I ' T . I A s rC o A S c o "A o 4 J 1 c CM Victor Bread i LC r Commercial Refrigerating Machines IBB 9 llPilSJswffl Ol iJxs-V A ) wff"M WM.. II !" These Prices in All Our 166 Sanitary Meat Markets 2S Roast ib !8( or Pot Fresh Hamburg b Steak Loin Chops Rib Chops . Rack Chops Lean Boiling !ce! 2512Mglc .lb. 38c) .lb. 30c , .lb. 25c) City Dressed Wether Mutton (Shoulders lb. 20c Breast lb. 12c (Neck lb. 15c iint-f- "''"'" mores conveniently located all over Philadelphia and in the principal cities and towns oi rennu., new .iw, v. .. .. .J... wr.,. . .. ,r i ' '" " ''''' Aero asp.o Asm ac ASCO Shrewd Business Men Install Isko Automatic Electric Refrigeration Large consumers of ice hotels, clubs, res taurants, markets and others are quick to see in Isko a solution of their refrigerating problem. They know that they can better depend upon a proven agent like Isko, run by electricity, than upon ice refrigeration. The fact that Isko runs by electricity, as sures constant dry cold, in refrigerator or storage room, as compared with the fluctu ating temperature depending upon melting ice and ice deliveries. With Isko furnishing steady, dry cold, auto matically regulated, all food spoilage stops. So business users of ice are turning to Isko for economical and efficient refrigeration. Isko also comes in smaller sizes for family use. See Isko at work today, and get your order in as soon as possible. rf i l tf,. in lie tinnn na nnoaihin i 2 1 . 1 . c , m Our illustrated booklet , "Electric Refrigeration," ' ,0, P telta the story of Isko. Sent upon request. ' '' I Domestic Utilities Co. I ic 1 1717 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 1 t: 1 ' rr . m.i , m. 9 19 vkw la unprejuaictu. ?rn asco Abuu ASCO 1 -' J MnFHiiiimiinmiimmii.m .....,-.. 1 Hiaxnrixtxri 1 il jf"St!il. U&AJ; t --$l 2WiilaadHHBBbilfi3jMfiHLH&JI & i,i n i. . .1. m ! "' "' f⋘:jmlKnnrJffi& fJf' -l:c;atfeaaMASKjaB .h ,,, j til -iKJfjjy whfWA.iS4y6te2ffiwti 'iI'iMii