s?t y'iJLtouiuHM&s LM.V-r' i,fln AND .' - " t,e,-n AND' F ; PT-:r . I CAPADW " "" ' irrur BUBBAU Or EMTI-OTMINr " waitresses , (WIHtej IavjR COtWTEH Am -- ArTZ,T DUHEAH OF EMPLOYMENT '- WANAMAKER'S tbn5&w:saa,.SaT ask" i'rtrKr. 1 Chestnut et. Sert2E?li: laai ree- Com WOMEN AS CLEANERS FOn kit and night work ttr.T BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKERB hi Jvurv and girls wanted for elite mill: -ffieVhtnoi i and learner, needed! eteadV w! SSX waxes and bonu car route No, "JidTe J " "" Applr Qrlawold ,,?.. rv. Darby, Ta. , wits living in northeast ectlon of city B fielerr eleanln work. Wallher Jiff. "".ha K.nilnrton ave. TOUNO WOMEN g afHIERB AND INSraCTRESSES ! prtT BUREAU OF" EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'B HELP WANTED MALB LrPHALT msstlo spreaders, wanted: at.ady , r.'ir. 210 N Broad et. . klJTO MECHANIC for, prlrate garage; muit I u IhoroJlhlr experienced on all make . ,.... ai.ailif noiltlon ind nvrf ..t.M '- ..It V flSlh l. nttEPClt -A large printing slant it. eur el city If in need of a bookkeeper: lea tpportunltr for the right man: Pel re until pmifrrvui imvo mo. experience and n.iNrtid: addre In own handwriting lic. Uttr Office. ACCOUNTING A peilllen with opportunity li open for an accountant . Ihorooihly familiar with general meeountlnr and factory coat keenin.. IXiovlitfie and experience are neceaaary m in puatiign wilt involve Internal audltlnir work i Locution near Wayne Junction . , Apply by letter Statin; tralnlnir. experience alary deilred, age rtfinncii and how eoon available M 4. P. O BOX 3470 Srt! bass 'sa1 A?,ura.b,: uDBiSkmu: ' Publlc B?..V' Ji..?"!. fri' ducat,on. ir, aal.a SS'sSSSSSi "SiJier 8 i!T.an.y,'?cur,n company In itwif i.l..5 clty wnt a boy; muet BOTS HOTS . ..L . "OIB H opportunity wl'th ?hnU-"let.urln "!nti &wt: ivplr " one? chtno for advance. WAKT& m&l&SZ.. INO. "" """ AV12. BRAKEXIEN WANTED OUT OP THE CITY PENNSYLVANIA lUILnOAD 1M3 FILIIEIIT BT. PHILADELPHLV, PA nnAKpfw KriAKKMEN UUAKEMEN tSlvJ,S,,r.:rl!Krl. ". fh.nd.IU, umrai --AniNKTMAKEns Abound ACiiinb 11anm ai-UE IUNDS I -".iw 1-11-1712.18 ' reiV '." Inv'tlli. thuIrn,r'd to L'NIT C0NBTHU0TI0N. co " ana Qraj,, Me cSfl5Ms .X at once i.T"" prenf.rt H . "uny ..-.. Vls -.-..,. WU,. Kllilll ilM '1 ni, eiiiMlfiiKV -fl!t-124-4:!.niTINO PmvIou ax ZZsMOWZ OpE".Ti?! hourf are hortl It Va 'BSpfflSint. Public Mm iiJ , . viiiinr department: rnot P IlPirr S7ti Underwood machine. ItVfc' OlfmJ? Co.. Key.ton. and Vln- Hi rta. ""'r- ' 221-L ' . ,. bulldlnv department of TTP1BT w" w Eneerni one living down TlifIJ'inft.c'"rjnadIPhla preferred. Sddmrd(rVrl;;ema? 'o firemen: . f(t,PTrt.lcu,' cotnpliiv I V Jxrd- Kor SS?AKlirSli 'V -Jl -' Jf ?lv. MOLDibris BTXCKEn HANDS .OANDETtS ALIy.nOOND MACHINB HANDfl 4a PER HOUH n?in'frfeWSSuK5J;int. to. t81 mectienlct r.rflti'c.f.?sATbe.vL,io:?' 8.VovJ,Ta"r.C2v.. CAnPENTHRfl PATNTEns 8TBADT SHIP WOFtK i MACET WAQH SCALE n R?5?n.0 ,w- .SMITH S, 49th at. below Gray v. PPTIWHT ?Vtfw.. - - I TTIb., hu Si,- VS. W"I"0I union men: ei per nour: loner Jobt eteady work Annt L ".. "! wvunion. rnniMa)A inT,r0Vd"aTi'c.Yra"nVf,.rtoD,Vi IV& kVttlt tSeAitlaVFi t .m a f I ! "!, land Cemetery. cV?.Ri?rJ5uJ' men. experienced m a:nz. wgaiy'isas?.'' u- COPTHOLDEH There la a vacancy In proofreadlne; department of rutS ,a. .d,,.r f5r youn!' man who I IntellUrent and a rood reader: nliht work: 48-hour week: ealary lie) Apply today, after 8 p. m at flOS Cbeetnut at.. Fifth floor. doll, rtEPArriEn APPLT BUTtBAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKErt'H ELEVATpn, OPKrtATOn. colorec. Apply c II. lUed. 608 Cheetnut at. "T c' Enqin: neid. 1EER Steady work. iiteo. quo uneemut et. ESTIMATOn Experienced, on concrete ., bulidln and electrlo power olVnt Inetalti! N iw it eraBioxmeni department, 24 rnEianT elevator operator EXPERIENCED. TO HANDLE HEAY MERCHANDISE APPLT BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S FREIGHT HANDLERS wanted; ware BOo per hour rerular time: 78c. per hour nlahte' 8undaya and holldava; plenty nf work. Aol ply Stevedore. Pier SO. South Dolaware ave Verchanta and Minora Traneportatlon Co. FURNTTURB FINISHERS EXPERIENCED APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE. HARDENER Experienced fllu hardener; 483(1 Orchard !ir .""." " . -K a. iionman. t.. r ri frankford. LABORER8 SHIP CLEANERS No heavy llttlna- Apply CRAMP'S SHIPYARD EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT RICHMOND ABOVE NORRI8 ST. LABORERS wanted, whit or colored: Ion Job; ateady work: plenty of overtime: 50 centa per hour: Seara. Roetuok A Co. oper ation. Irwin Lelanton. contractor. Hooee velt boulevard and Aeylum Pike.. Take Frankfort ave. car. tranafer to No. 7B. Oakland Cemetery. LAUOIIER8 wanted. Joe. T. Cattle i3ioi.. eturly and Gaul a'.a. LABORERS, colored. Apply Mr. Haa. 003 cneiinut t. LARGE COMPANY HAS OPENING FOR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND WELFARE MAN; OIVE FULL DE TAILS. SALARY EXPECTED. IN FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS M 817. LEDQER' OFFICE LATHE HANDS, muit be flrat-claea me. chanlca; no other need apply: rood wani: . M-- 1.1. bsa1Ik... HIA.klHI. ..Hit I . Biviar jwjemoni vituniaiu t"iwi .vi.v.. tloni. Foe Huchee Co.. 21at and Market t. LAUNDRY MAN TO OPERATE TUMBLER APPLY MARKET STREET LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT STREET MACHINE HANDS wanted, 28 at S4c per hour: 40,82 wetkly foT 48 hour"; mut be eneral all-round men: eteady employment, Cramer Woodworking- Co., 8d and Cumber- lana ate, MACHINB SHOP foreman wanted, thor nuvhlv iindnratandlno' detail drawlnca. and competent to handle men: excellent op portunity lor ngni man: repori prepami to atart work at onoe. Kramer Woodwork- Inr Co , 8d and Cumberland f MAN, middle need, for light dutle In new, paper editorial office at night. See Mr. Hlckey, after 0 p. m third floor. Publl ledger Building, . MEN WANTED TO DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONET APPLY 7 A. f. TOMORROW TltE nELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PBNNA. WAREHOUSE DELAWARE AVE. AND PINE ST. MEN MEN MEN for Central Railroad Co of New Jereey; lel wngeBi etralght time, rain or eli'eie; lime and half for .overtime and Sunday vork: flrit-claan boarding accommodation: lio mney required: free ahlpment. Apply all ay a,t company' Freo IViiiployinent liureau. Si N. 18th t. MKN nn.l hoy wanteil for hath day and night v.ork In allk mill: ataidy work; good rraara Hnu oonuj cur rouie r.0. it ani nil, IS pa mill, App!y Grlawold Wuratcd Co. parhy, Pa, MEN wanted to hnln In lumber yard; light work. Call 1100 N. 8d at. nlftt lr-;rntj r ftdeiltV torui' m S,y?",R ,0 d0 ti tit.tnutet. 4 rli'- B- t- . 112i PACKERS EXPERIENCED WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSE D AND WASHINGTON AVB, PIPEFTTTERS AND ItELPERS WANTED Inr lK .-r"V'. """ i.,.Z'liluKFT WORK Palmer PLUMBBR8 WANTED Wui. it's;; nln' Michigan. fornai.rryJS annour. with doubt tire t?In,M?if ,'iirn3on " Sunday: IVtSSPIt"0.?? boara nl room ad vanced by the company: long. tady Miet party at Room 1. 1228 Arch at.. Tuesday and Wednesday. PORTERS, colored. Apply A. Haa. 80S v-nwinm ai. ''""-''"'PMa.Plant i ..iim. .i.. ""Vi ' "i'iV ??. expenenoeq &W&&&& .tr"''"?? "?. "i..,; .., -yv. Q. lv3QT1' T11T 'S'k3ylhrr connUor,VJman.re7. ofrr.oTAnc'e, ale Manager. Walnut i? en. ...J."." ment, ' "' """ "-SJffiSrSP11, VCAT. INVESTMENT rP-KPyTABLE APPLICANTS. D no Ls.uuu ojririCE. SALESMEN Any honeet, ambitious, clean". jui, muiii man may of com a nigh-grade aleeman under our plan and make big ...H..v n....a .vMi.tiiin (no Hivciunim DanKina bu1ne. For particular apply Gilliam Dro n A T.TTaf trxr -W a itTTvt-a POUU. KXPEIIIKNCKD HTOCK flALKH- CAL ENTERPRISE. ADDRESS P, O. BOX JUUI, llllbADBLrillA, STENOGRAPHER Experienced, for tx. department, 24N.22d;tf """ """"'"' WATCH REPAIR CLERK QUALIFIED TO GIVE' ESTIMATES APPLT BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'6 YOUNG MAN, etenographer, excellent op portunlty for advnncttnent to ealea force: taaty age, experience and alary expected. Write Box P 1808. Ledger Office. General ClREKNT.WAT.TVR A SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT BERVICE OFFICE mgT and ncct.. mfg.. exp.. 12800 STATISTICIAN and welfare worker (femnle) PRIVATE ecty. t atenog. (female). 11800. HEAD bkpr., atato and federal yeporta. MEN for claims' demurrages traffic dept FOREMAN tool. Jig. lathe and turret work. FOREMAN machine shop; toolroom exp FOREMAN familiar with aoup Industry, FOREMAN carpenter, exp. at the trade. ESTIMATOR, take off blue print, plpelne. ENGINEERS, draftsmen, production men. Other attraotlve openings for trained men and women, office and factory executive: applications from local residents only: no enrollment charges: no charge unless position la actually accepted. 2BO S, 11th. MEN AND LADIES? LEARN BARBERINO Make big money; big demand; quickly learned: day or n1ht class. Write TRI-CITY BARRER SCHOOL 228 N, 0th et.. Philadelphia. Pa. INCREASE TOUR SALARY Enroll Now New automobile day class atarts June I. N E. cor. Broad and Sprlnk Garden ins., Phlla. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAI.B WUNDKBS3, nrn class, wishes washing; to lane nome. punuira or namper. dick. OOHfl WOMEN Two huslneM women, executive auiuty, energetic ana capaoie, aralre pos. In hotel or apttyhouie. C 809. Ledger Office. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY. 1910 Rlttenhouse square Large supply well-recommended help, cou. plea, butler.' chauffeur, landscape gar dener, cooks, waitress, governesses, nurses laundress, general maid, for city; wanted large addition every capacity. MRS. KANE. 811 S. 18th St.. wants and uppnea nrst-ciaaa wnne neip, WANTED Laundresses, lady' maid, cham bermaid, waitresses, cooks ref, required. 1P10 Ilnlnbrldes. COOKS. chambermalas and waitresses, child's nurses, want positions with families going to seashore. Mis Rose Dougherty, 1813 N. Glrard ave. BUSINESS PERSONAM GENERAL nEPAIR MAN of all kinds of woodwork. restorer. antique furniture, wood carvings, inlaid work, also of ebonv, Ivory. bron glass, china, mother of pearl, moaalo and all art goods. Call or send postal CHARLES J. NAOY. 810 N, Marshall street Philadelphia, Pa, DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for your dia monds: any site, from H to 10 carats: none pay higher: also old gold, platinum & silver bought, Estates bought (prlv.) Est. 10 years 'The Diamond Shop Tioth .t!1 DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tickets for Diamonds Bought KELLY A CO.. 032 CHESTNUT ST. Bull 21-22. Over Chllds' Restaurant. Private WHY HAVE A BALD HEAD? when Crowning Glory Hair Tonlo stop fall ing hair, cure dandruff and make scalp neaunyr ei n pome, uib i.nesinut si. l.AWN mowers sharpened to a raior edge ana repaired: cauea ror ana delivered, 81.80: drop postal card. . W. H. Franklin. 1818 W. Olrard nve. Philadelphia, Pa. DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W. SMITH. 717 BANPOM HT. HAVE your old baby carriage remodeled like new. Htandard Baby Carriage, 2810 S 7th at. Phone Main BB41 A. , ASHES removed from cellars, all kinds of hauling done. 813 Buttonwond. Mkt, 4421 ELECTRIC treatment and .manicuring. Room 105. Heed fllrtr., 1216 Filbert at . Ixo. 3082 BRASS BEDS reflnlshrd like new. Call Dla. mond 0778 for estimate. Art Metal Bed Co RUBBER GOODS nf nil descriptions re palred. Andrew T, Blrchett. B03 8 22d st. ELECTRIC TREATMENT, alio manicuring, ' Office, 4142 Market st,, second floor. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Company Cloinff Out Bakinp De partment Offers 3 Barker Gas Ovens, Mixer, Troughs, Tans and Complete Bakery Equipment CALL MR. YOUNG Bell Phone Mairkct 2311., Philn. APARTMENT house. 314 8. 18th: U rooms. completely furn. : will sell at barg . owner leaving city: 11200 yearly lease from June 1: clearing 1300 monthly and apartments to live In. Bell phone.' Spruce 8474, WITH 81000 you can Join few well-knnn rartlea In purchase of large tract of and and subdivision of same Into building Ion, Investment safe: prospects ery large re- turns, C 407, Ledger Office. VULCANIZING shop (bad .health) estab- llshed B years. J. P. Gelsler. Airy et Norrlstown. ' SUCCESSFUL promoter for a well Improved article wmi uimimi.-i ,,.- .,...- wnrld iver. f 817. I.Jilgor Olflce WILL start you In arocery dellcateesen. meat business, furn. everything except stock. Store Ecu pment Co. 1004 Race st 'MACHINERY AND TOOLS i.Aluir. o .vii iv rebuilt and guaranteed, engines pumps. Mr compressors and machine tools, semi for complete catalogue of stock HERMAN I. WINTERER P3 N Front ( . w.m. uwM-rtir PUIXV3YH, HANGK11H. miAJJINU v VtMrU ATI Ui7Paaf .''t:'.,.'r.s"ii..ir"i', RUrrtiit r,.i iiA.jr.. .1,1 .. . .. . EL .KCTUIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS O'tiRJEN" MACHINERY CO 111 N 8D ST a 11. IV MOTORS. W. A Adams, 4th and Arch sts. Phone Market 2117 80 cimiiMVtn watilna nnufaa Hta a tiA Ir nrotoV."licinUh:"905Arch:"wlut433v; (W f r f 't Special Body Safe 100 FORD BODIES J& JL WA SIX-PASS. SUBURBAN BODY SUITABLE FOR MODEL T Also immediate deliveries on fore-door panel bodiqs cab and express; Six-post express cab and combination platform. Jennings' patent dump bodies suitable for any chassis up to 2-ton capacity. , Furniture Bodies Panel Bodies Platforni Stake Bodies Suitable for Any Chassis Jennings' Patent Dump Body Suitable for Oldsmobiles or any chassis up to 2 tons. Economy truck equipped with power lock differential. A most practical truck for contractors' work. Larspn Oldsmobile Co. Broad and Brown Sts. Park 1291 MR. G. J. FISHER Poplar 4697 MANAGER TRUCK DIVISION Special Sale used cars of the better grade Hudson Super-Six Limousines Speedsters Touring Coupes Sedans All in first-class condition. CARS OF OTHER MAKES Overland Sedan, $750 Dodge Sedan, $950. Velie Touring, $600 Maxwell Touring, $550. Moline - Knight Limousine, very special price USED TRUCKS Ford, 1 ton, worm drive, stake body Ford panel Vim i4,on pan''' '825 Vim ",on covered express Stewart &nc;"'"d Gomery-Schwartz 128-140 N. BROAD ST. A REBUILT VIM TRUCK 1107.83 on Delivery BALANCE A YEAR TO PAY Rebuilt, repaired, guaranteed by manu facturer and equipped with new tires, a body to ault your business. VIM MOTOR TRUCK CO. BROAD AND HUNTINGDON HT3. HTUDEBAICER doalsrs offer a number of used Studebakera and enrs of pther makes at bargain prices: terms If desired, we are equipped to repair Studebaksr cars on short notice; a most complete stock of parts on hand; we aro also equipped to repair other makes: alwnvs at vour servle. WEST PHILA. SALES CORP. BMh and Walnut ts Thnne Belmont 0430 I WE'lIAKB 'EM ! SPRINGS AND AXLES 1 Thousands of them In stock ready for de i livery for any ' I AUTOMOBILE Open Evenings and Sunday. ? ATTI PR'S lom J n I I U L. l iJ Eprin, a a rden Velie and Cole 8 Parts SCHOBER aJJAnTD Cadillac and Pilot Parts SCHOBER 84TH AND MARKF.T WILL EXCHANGE a beautiful hlgh-erade player, almost new. and cash for a Dodee Sedan lit good condition, no dealer consld ere.l M 002 Ledger Office. ONE rORD panel body and I express, with cab for Ford, nearly new. will be sold cheap. Apply Mr. Caple 3144 Passyunk ave., Philadelphia TRUCKS H to 3i fns. all models, to re duce stock; open Ifunday and evenings. 148Q yalrinnuni ae. 1-1 V4 -TON federal truck: very gool engine, special rear Apply Atlantlo Refining Co, 8144 Passyunk n., Philadelphia, Pa UATTKltlKB. volt, rebuilt for 110; equal to new. Battery Specialties Cu., 1804 Vln. et. ' STORAGE batteries for sals for .very make of car, 6-volt., $8: 12-volt.. 110: positively In good cond. Btarr Storage Bat.. 280 N.lBth OLDSMOHILE 1018 4.passenger sportster car in nrst-ciass running wru.r, price eiiuii. E, L. Blabon, Bryn Mawr avo.. Bryq Mawr, Pennsylvania e''nRI)AuT! i ' 100 FORD BODIES AUTO REPAIR PARTS PARTS PARTS .5rii"r.I0.H.nro1n Parts WE MATCH THEM SATTLER'S. Inc. 1801 SPRTNO PARPEN ST WE REBUILD STORAOB BAlltKlhS Gusran teed qual to new $10.00 fl.vnr.T miiu jour . old battery In exchango ... ..... SATTI PR'S 1801 bpwno " LA.IX O GARDEN ST. Overland and Studebalcer Parts SCH0BER 84TH AND MARKET AUTOCAR, rebuilt, repainted, all new solid tires, must lie sold: make offer: also Vim truck, panel body. WM. ME1RS 1403 Grays Ferry road ni'tn ana wooqiana ave. I Cars & Trucks Buy Direct From FINANCE COMPANY on extremely easy and your own terms: avoid exorbitant charges; stake, dump or express bodies Installed to ult your business requirements. Owners Auto Finance Co. WRITE 437 CHESTNUT HT rOR HALE me Packard motor 3tt-ton ply Ontario Dyolng Co.. Ontario and I) sts BUICK UMd car Wby not buy your .h i 1 . V W'V" tnm. U,T w are au. thorlxed Bulek dealer and the used Bulcks we fake In exchange for new car are abso lutely guaranteed by Mr. Wllkle. who has been ldntltled with the sale of Rulck cars tors Co. 917 N. Broad. Pop. 613. Park 207. MURRAY. IBID, sport model: the prettiest our In Phlla . Just overhauled and painted. nw top Rudge-Whltcomb wire wheels: cord tires , Phone Tllbert 862.1 or Narberth 1718 HTl'TZ--W overhaul and reflnlsh all our used Stut cars; all mod. for Immed. delU-. Iluy direct from distributors: cash or terms Hee Mr. Hunter, Htutx Agenc, CflQ N, llro"! CHEVROLET rhadster: il.Ml balance .sTy ,.iri,n.: r" Sunday and Memorial Dai. 1 inn Falrmaunt ave. " ItHEVROLET. 490: exeellen- shape; rare I bargain: $128. balance easy terms o?en I evenings and Sunday. 1480 Falrmount ave. I HENRY 3-ton dump truck: rebuilt and iruar. i , "ltV& "8 "" l" ' -Motor qI. FORD trucks, ail model, stake, platform! quirk sale, cash or termn: open Sundav an.i i.nlnia 14.1(1 Fairmont. ...i i"aay and FORD, with Hudford 3-tou rear; cab: excel- rill l-miuinmr, viicap. UlgelOW-Vniu Motor Co 804 N. Broad t """'w v'"ey VnKfiNn.8,.5". "odels. a and 7-pa.r iDur.iiH, - Ai.u d-iiiu, roaaaters 4 -chummy roadster: all other makes n models special basement bargains evTii OVERLAND touring. 1180. balanci"7nr terms, open evening and Sunday, ijin Falrmount ave. ..u. HJO rn-u-ni wr rrtftB.., ... . . " ' '""r.J ...:"' ','"-. oaiance easy ivriiii. teuuy niiit mm runner: OD.n qr .lav and even nas 14Sn ...'.. "?"' autl- ' .....i.,un, ... ' i-rw-Mir muring; 1200. balanc. easy 'erms: new paint and rubber tiin Falrmount nve. ruouor. H30 rk'iti k'vrnii-r. u..-.... ' rf Vitra' hn..-ijbft. balance' S?lt l.3 143ii Falrmount ave. " m'y 'erme. 1X)HI til' touring car with 31v4 tiT; '.. ri.nminijhi. rim., n.i-7 .!? "tlr and hon Brn Mawr qve.. Bryn lit'au,V" pn "' jiack tin'. ns-ton dump truck r77C hoist 'V Hent mechanical condliinn . k tires: reasonable Blwlow.WIM?y 0' 5; ?.nw 304 N llroad t MO,or Co-. NATIONALLY popular new cor? extr.r. eq.ytenri Cell person. 211B.N1 MarshaiL BOATS.MOTORBOATS.ILTJViq FOR SALE The well-known gasoline i.v,. . 8blll II 72 x 13-8 x 7-4." S.'ft electrlo lights searchlight: beauufui "fc mom 3 aiatrrnoms and hn.C,.u' ?.lnln Ish-d In mihouany. Just the boat for thi run races or l rul-e along the coaati can be bought at a 1 "fure If taken at once? F W l.ltrhncld 131. S 3d at. Philadelphia RTOHAQE AND MOVTVi TERMINAL andnWco Columbia ave et of 13th t. ;'ocl an UVdletance moving by courteou.;': meet! nrn i .-- -.-..-.-.-,. wuinr4 l0- fU I'nuiwr" " n fVfn'" ' - " -J- Dougherty & Sons Storage U2 r. iUTH ST. .... .nrlAl rate for movlnv v.w Get our id careful men. Call Poplar 4f.Xk, &"' ipie an J00 Fllb'rt Phone nelmont 4870 for .stlmile PlercArrow v-n. nDELITY FREPRIW VARBouSES ifOKAIlCH" BTORAOB O,, 97o lAInlm ll--l, i Trrr NinnviPv i?'CAl,. K.Na'IN6bISTWCB"M5vi,rAO,' PACKINQ. MOVING. STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS PACKETS. DIME BETS Albums and supplies for stamp eolleetora PUILA. BTAMP CO.. 21 B. 17th it? " WUtcnn Stnrace '. ."" long-di- ruiivii -- o '".'" nauing inn. i. Wash V Y and Harrlbur and all Lt0 ,ho?e fofi'ts wishes a lno.d f ron, a?e,r ihorf,' fff .-. to Wilkes tUrre. Pa. (H3:4og,'hr VILIUIM IIAl.K ti Central Hoiis Wrecking Co. 12th & Spg. Garden "The Place for Most Any thing" in Buying and Selling OFFICE FURNITURE STORE FIXTURES Complete Saloon Fixtures PLUMBING SUPPLIES BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds etc. etc. etc. Phone Poolar 1136 MIBIilllMWIMi CUT PRICE IN PAINTS oil and varnish, government spar varnish, 3..V?I "'on: battleship gray, IB per gallon: outside white. 13 pr gallon: Inside white, 88 per gallon! many other aolors; dllvery anywhere on receipt of check or money Older. Darby Paint and Varnish Co. 843.48 Main St., Darby. Bell phone, Darby 087 J. yyvit wTimnei. Keystone HO A DEMOLISHING Hog Island' famous hotel --!' Svf.r.. 200 room. 84th and Tlnlcum ave.: building material: million feet lumber and plaster board i thousand of window. Soreen and door; porcellan plumbing out t: hot-water radiation: aalesman on prem ise. Take Southwestern trolley, or No. 87 unwftv.Mn.r... . Office Partition, Railing 5c Furn. Partition. 48 a foot and up: railing. 18 a foot and up; both In stock; furniture, big selection: we buy, sell and exchange, penna, Office Furniture Co.. nil Walnut st. Phone ...,nu. .mi or Main imnn a. OBTtcn n.rtfiMrwt,nM -" l0.t fo': af. file, cabinets and general office furniture, store flxtures. We Buy, Sell and Exchange r.n.;..PyrrKN FURNITURE CO. IX3CL8T 4070. 1127 AnCH ST. Race 2808. NYE TREDICK knitting machine, all lies from 12 In. to 22 in.: complete with Crawford stop motion- machines are 8 and 10 cut; will aell cheap. Write The William Carter Co. Springfield. Massachusetts, CAHB Beautiful open-front oak display, to fit In corner 44 feet high by 84 py 13V1 ' Phone Baring 7278 W BEDS, bureaus, cabinet gas rar.se, ward robe, antique table, oriental ruga, ear pets, upright piano and other household goons; no neaiers. -eeuoi aiarq.t si DININO ROOM SUIT. O piece fumed oak, extension dining-room table, 4 chairs and buffet : bargain 218 Wayn ave,, Narberth, i-H. i-none jzio Jl. FURNACE for sale, hot-air Saxon furnace Apply at 204 lwl ave., E. Lansdowne . ., yr yior n. m.n ..iiwnm Sewing Machine Bargains New and used. Repairing done. 710 Poplar RESTAURANT and Ice creams chairs and tables, new and used; low prices. CHAIR i.Ai.i.rtft, n. i.. cor, nin ana vine sts. RANOE, Excelsior Fidelity, double oven, hot water boiler: good as new: suitable for kitchen or small restaurant. 1417 South st. CHAIR CANE, rushes, reeds, woven cane, U Inch flat Pitch ovals; try Brehn' liquid genuine glue ar.o nan pint, l.iun .Marsnau at. TiJIT ,l..tl.l ,t.h1 ... ...nil.. . water; rapacity about 2800 gallons. Apply py lener. J II Pleura... m i.ni.r.y i.iuw. 228 H. P STEAM ENOINB for factory and helt, A-l. Bin M, ntn. iiagen. EDISON AMUEROL rerords and machines for sale, Bvsnlngs. 8221 Spring Garden St. POOL TABLES. cond hand, bousht. sold, rented, exchanged. Keafer, 820 Glrard ve, (eENTLEMEN'H auto-valet, mahogany or oak, well made; a nonrs. v.- mo. i.en urr. SHOEMAKER Baby Orand piano, mating., perfect cond,: almost new. C 418 Led Off. MINERAL WOOL. 2800 lbs., also copper kettle learner a canvas nming. o-. .-sopie. PHONOGRAPHS rep'd. records rhonog'hs b'gt ft exch. Werchoff. 003 Walnut st TWO OIRLS' bicycles. $10 each: both ha.e nw Urea. Qnien. 2312 fedgley ave SAFES, fireproof: clcslng out 10O slightly used, modern make: cheap. 72 N. Fourth. WANTED DON'T SELL YOUR DIAMONDS until you see us We. are paying the In creased price for diamonds. For more than B0 years we have been buying diamonds and other precious stone from the larg- Jewelry and department stores, and from their cus tomer recommended to us. We alo buy old gold and illver. May we be of service to you? Our transactlone are alwave confidential THOS R. LEE A CQ.1 713 W.llnut at. WE BUY OLD CLOTHES Men's suit, overcoats, trousers, shoes, ladlea suits, coats, street and evening dresses; full value. Write, call or phone, Filbert 2171 or Filbert 2172 BELIOBOHN CO., 340 N. 8th St. WE WANT at onoe household.- furniture. Store fixtures, office furniture; pay spot cash; honeet value: phone us about It. Locust 4214. Old Church Co. 12th and Cherry sts. CARPETS. furniture. entire households wanted; will Pay you your own price; cell anywhere, anv time, Soulhwark Furniture In., mi" n mwi n. .-- ..Mcmnson ln.T SAFES Wanted Immediately, BO second hand safes for export, Howe Scale Co. son Arch st. OLD CI.OTHE.S; hlyhcs prices paid Phone HICK 'I1..J rcuwn . HI HOUIh at. CI-OTHES Cast-off shoe bought. Writs or phone Bneldman. 022 Poplar. Pop. 7080 W. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Hlghelt price's paid. Halpern.243 N.Oth et Filbert 2018 W MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HOWARD VINCENT. 830-838.840-842-84 1- Slit and 848 N Sixth st Plno-One Chlckerlng upright, $7B: one Emerton upright. $8B; one (!or Stock pianola R8-note. ery cheap: four Hardman uprlithts $130 up: three $278 table phono graphs JOB each: one Howard 8S-note plas n. $12.1 vo Knabe unrlghts $1,10 up o.ie Mason Hamlin upright. $183 three Eme'r aon 88-note players. $42.1 up, one Chlcker lng 88-note player. 2: three Howard Vin cent upright pianos. I22S up: one. Albrecht 88-note plajer $203: four Estey uprights $13,1 up nw SH-note player pianos, $88.1 up; nine Stolnwny uprights. fHIO up; one Storey & Clarke HH-note player. $37,1 five Heppe uprights. $12.1 up; one Ulnchum up. right. $.11. one Marcellue upright. $1.10; alx Chlckerlng uprlahta, $78 up, one Eduard Jules upright $18.1: two Chlckerlng Ornnds $185 up. new HR-noto player pianos $385 UD1 22.1 phonographs, regular $180 six. in cluding 3 ten-Inch double-faced records' $00 each, two Schomaker uprights, $00 up- on Steable upright piano. $85: one Schlrr up right piano $30, three Stelnway grands $27.1 up. one Regal player piano. $10.1, three $12.1 phonographs JB8 each; four Baby Grands. I201 up new upright pUnns J2r1 up: new plajer Pianos $38.1 up: six Cun ningham uprights. $181 up; one .Columbia phonograph an 1 cabinet. Including flvo double-faced records $Bi. two Victor phono grapha. Includ.nt- ablneta. $3S and $30 l"no new ten-Inch d' uliln-faced Okey rei-or.lr f,0c apiece, 2000 new ' onnorlied music rolls ".Ic each Send for atalogue. HOWARD VI v. CENT. (30-83h-MO-M2-844-84rt N Hxth ,,; ROOMS FOR BENT BROAD ST blo Erie ave. Attractive, va cqncles. reasonable rate Call Tioga my j REFINED prlva'e family offers deslioble front room "h bath to one gentleman only, vicinity of 4mh and Walnut In iC Baring BH7 ne IIROAD ST P 221 -Mo.-t attractive riurT prh Iwth If '1- excellent hotel ,."".' CHESTNUT ST apnoLarge coolun7uTn' rma . porches grounds: good residential section. ' CHESTNUT rT double rooms 07 Desirable single and gle or en suite ule bath and electflcll? SPRUCE 1012 "ll.. piehurt 1 and iTrooms with bath, beautifully furnished, electrl.. light, other .aran. les ' 'ctri. ..... i:nL a. . ..1,1.1 -ALT.rilV. mAn.- , SPRUCE ST l817-xecoii,.fln., fro'nT'roni and bath fum'elied ..r unfurnlahe.t aouth en exposure, also r " ni adjoining baih lec WALNUT ST Sinn Two rooms. iirTTnl,, ba'li 3 or A m-n e epllonal bnaril 1BTH ST S 247 Rooms, furnished. 2 nar- lora, kltch-n- hour, keeping; best jcenr i'.j.., 2 "ROOMS and bath furnished or unfuir! tl"l ' '."ui Pclham CoJrt. ail. mautnwn 4hl0 IdlH .N IJ'' lluil'l. KURIC Ileauliruli turn, single nnJ d. utile rooms, electric' dally. weekU rsts. conv to stations: beet eccommortatlon- for travellnr p-otM nind 2SD ST , N . '.'OJ7 Two furn rms for light housekeepln. cor li u". eleo. iihon. 4RTII. S.. 420 Second loor room. cTlvata home.femlprlvate bath elec porch THOROUGHLY furnlehe.l front roornT n.ijoin Ing bath and shower, modern corner house In refined nelghborh .od single nr doub!..' splendid for buslnra man electrlo lights' abundance of hot water Phone Wyoming ATTRACTIVE furn apis some""houskpg Sherwood Apt AgrnCT 23.1 S llroad st! WISSAIIH'KOS TWO large, beautifully furn. alttlnr rma A bedrm.. piano. Oriental rugs Phone lloi. borough 202 J TJOARDINO SPRUCE. 1082 Desirable single roomVand tabl board. ft t&tnmf&r b,iai aiVtp'.?;, fWOODLfttttH.'' 1waMa ha. ,vineiriq iigns. evainrwem: larm atiaenie. twe roovii owner irainea nurr.f aiorage for guest' automobiles: booklet. Mis Ellxabetb Lamb; , BOARD wanted for aummer with family. In country near Phlla, for 8-year-old healthy boy: state term and full detail. M 718. Ledger Office, APARTMENTS APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central apnrtmnta a specialty. Sherwood Apt, Agency, 228 S. droad st. Horn "very attractive furn, apt,: some housekeeping. . WALNUT HT, 2108 Entire flrt floor: suit able for apartment, phyalclan or atudloi rurr uesiraoie; aeieci location APARTMENTS, 8 rooms, all conveniences: rent, 1140 per mSnthi No. 814 S. Broad t. Apply to Janitor on premises or Charles D. Ptettyman, 1108 Land Title Bldg, FURNISHED apt,. 8 rooms, kitchen, bath! location central: 8 months from June, Tel. Locust 087 J. SPRUCE, 1337 Suites with bath: furnished or unfurnished single rim,, also hous-kpg. WBHT PHILADELPHIA FOR RENT, furnished, apartment, 38th and Chestnut, from June IB to Sept. 16: 103 a ii.uii.ii, u ruuniB u.u u.uii an" ana fi;ino light; Janitor service. Phone after 8 o'clock Raring 1073 M. SIX ROOMS, stationary tubs, electricity, con- tlnuous hot water: handsomely furnished; yearly lease; possession June 1 FLOOD A quiNN. inth and Cherry. . 8 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS; opposite 09th St. Terminal; open Sunday. P. J. LAWI.ER 203 N. 38TH Two rooms, furn., houaektep Ing; front: owner. Phone Bar. 7278 W. PENNBYI.VANIA HUIIUBBAN OERMANTOWN. BEAUTIFUL APART MENTS -Consisting of sitting room. 2 large bedrooms, bath, second floor: modern house; finest location, privilege breakfast; reference; owner, P 1802, Ldger Offlco. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FIVE ROOMS and bath, private porch, fur- nisnea apartment located at estn ana ?'hestnut sts close to elevated, will sublet rom June 18 to October It refer.nr r.. quired. Phone Baring 388 J or write C 813, ieager umce. FURNISHED aphrtment. 2 rooms, hath. kitchen, Jun 18 to September I; 287 S. 18th st. Apply superintendent or phone Locust 20B8 W. SPRUCE ST , 1010 Extremely des, rooms and suites, hand furn,; private baths. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE HTfl. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American plan, CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST ilWHMAn njrwn HOTEL COLONIAL atTitht. of thr city; operfttlnv on the American plan; Alia to. 1ila wit! I th mAlt Tt(lnn C PITMAN BAKKn, JIt, Manager' BARTRAM APARTMEiVTS 88RD AND CHESTNUT STS. A few large, cool apartment with bath for rent: dlnln room service. i;neclld. THE LITTLE HOTEL. 228 S. Broad St. A good place to live while In Philadelphia, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WARWICK Will sublet. . furnished, until October 1. 1 housekeeping apartment at 80. 1 alngl apartment at ISO. WHITESIDE I McLANAHAN. 18th and Pine. GREEN ST., 2029 Housekeeping apartm'ta; private bath: 140 and up, See janitor. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . CITY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 1214 N. Oflth at.; good chance for atore; will sell reasonable for quick sale, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2040 Kensington ave. ; modern store In a wonderful business location, will aell rea sonable for quick sale. ORLEANS ST.. 2143 to 81 Six rooms, bath and shed: best buy In N. E, section. FERN ROCK 1810-12 CHAMPLOST AVE. 2'i story, hot-water heat, electricity Janofsky & Granat Realtors 1414 fi. PENN SQ. OR 018 V TTH ST. THONES. SPRUCE 3448: RACE 228; MAR- KET 3284 HOME BUYERS, READ THIS 1 Are you looking for a home In a certain part of the city? If you are, let me locate that home for you. If I have not got what you want on my list. I will try and get It for you. It me know how much caeh you have and I will see what I can do for you I have them In all sections and all prices. Write, call. BELMONT REALTY COMPANY 218 HEED BLDG.. 121B FILBERT ST. LEWIS COHEN, 2ND 1118.14 LINCOLN BLDG. 8342-44-48 N Philips st.. 8 rooms, bath: ce ment and atone porch. 8730-39-41-37 Cedar ve , 4 bedroom, well financed. FOR QUICK ACTION LIST TOUR PROPERTIES WITH CS FOR SALE 415 So. 15th St. TOR PARTICULARH APPI.T E. C. Von HELFENSTEIN II? 4 REAL ESTATE TRUST BI.DQ . .. FOR INVKBT.ME.NT 1410 Alder rent 114. nrlc. tlinft 122 Ne. tarlne 18 '4 1100 1.100 2200 1100 140O icon 2400 1800 I .'.an Lab..' . . . 87.1 N Warnock 1811 N i' arlon . . 012 N Percv 08.1 N P-rth . . 1012 Olive . . . . 930 N Warnock . . MYERS, t 1IARTH, 20 11 1.1 18 O r 18 ldge ave. and loth 2413 TO 2423 "N nnoAn or 183 feet on llroad St.; 18(1 f,.,.t through -. 07 feet on Hoaton ave.. 80 feet on Watt at. For nartlcular Apply to INTEGRITY TRUST CO. ITH A ND GREEN 8TH, INVEP I M... NT PROPERTIES 318 1.1-17 rirown at. mi-ns-ut mt . "rlanna at INTEGRITY' TRUST CO. 4ti .n'l Ore-n sts I RIO HAROAIN l.ir.OO financed .'.irnor siore and dwelllrir- i room for gaarge. near 2 schools, . 8884 Hprague t flirmantown, cor Wood lan ave t suisre from Chelten ave Call Market 32"7 J t-for 9 a ni or' be tween B and 7pm for appointment. NINE HOUSES mortg.ged to $.1200- prlc. t.liion If sold to h irr. buyers, we will pUcs i mortgages to $330.1 0 roonui, bath, electric I ston porches ' ! WILSON REALTY CO. 112,1 LINCOLN H1.1V, Walnut 6421. 1 BUSINESS PRuPERTIES I 12th st 2240 S N w .-r 1JU, d Woir I sis 3-tnr l.rli.1 e'or- and dwelnnr re. ll ...,,v ufnpu -.. I.h-.. .. -. n.v n r ..... .,, wm ...... r .r..... -I., , - - -,1 v.-ars 'good order P'lc- $12S0'1 STRATTOV -01 Chestnut st Lombard 414T ' ' ' ' 3011 N STII.IMVNSr Ku n.om porch ' excellent rendition i ' .. 131,18 "'".n WILSON REALTY' COMPANY 1121 LINCOLN HI. 1X1 Walnut 0421 ii. i. i.e. .-.'!. -. -. . .. , utri st . garage tn the rertr n -ei .1 trolley iin,, tills proper!) can be arrnnged for 3 .,,!' ments, Apply P M 'lefubir 110 V.w Market st Phl'ni'clpMa ,T $8SI10 Oi'OD t.ulnas property 3-stv 7tZZ and dwelling f.ne 1.. atl. n for mmt .n huslness. t-illoi i.".. Particulars B piv HERO 7' 7 Walnut it r ,-- 727 GIRAIin AM: 4-i. brownstnne fr..i,- lilims ! U -w l.t.. . le,, "&,' arlwood floo-s ,ot lPtl!7 t. pi A ,, '", alii, for apts ' l'l l'h a Stiles N waiimii 'V near i.enin 2 tory. hrlc.7 near I,enish- cunvehlitu'es . in m.t in to i t and bjir ran Onan- 1 LOTIi 711 Walnul 1423-2.1 ctMitRinoE -f i4ooo" TT-h 3- Btl dwellings, ve.i c.Plrhl evcclhnt ron. p-u in WFSTNKY 203 Libert IIMk " HANSHM ST 471P ExceUeri condition i.T, vessl.m. ai. convenle ues. u th tr. i.ue ,i fl-innce W C linker 2131 E Cumlw .ai'ul (I KIIU'X HOl'SBH-t-S and II r..o ,., . Z.: ed, barg, in CHARLES F IUTk .' CO E Y.uk ut.d T'i mm i, ts B.STiiRY brick dwelling ,1074 -Fi"a7iVfo7S ave . 10 rooms lllimcdtat. ,......u... an.i if i irivn n.iio u.u......, ---i. .. .., . . --.;-; ..i. i.i-.i ave. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION f78 N. 2flthaT iv.iw :,';.- . Br "".". v rooms Strattun, BOS CheaTt st Ixmihard 4147 auui iii.oci: N si BT. ...... ' : ' fV;,r .' "5" rooms and hath. NEW mat.town ave. Ri. " 8,ou ufr- 1813 HKYIIERT BT s; rms bath.; Stllea at. conv.. possession 4T0O N. FRONT 88 atreet Imnrov. rnent. fruit. flonrT' egtlsblcs. SANDS. ffJWHFl WL New Homes We Can Finance the Pur chase of Any of the Below Properties for You. Off Lincoln Drive Philadelphia' most beautiful residential drive section: new home with garage: plenty closet room: 8 bedrooms. 8 modem bath room and a full unobstructed view of Lincoln Drive, A more complete and attractive home .no one would want. Price. 118,800: 84000 cash, balance can b financed, Autn along River Drlva to Lincoln Drive above Hortter st.; or Wayn ave, trolley on 18th t. to Wayne ve, and Hortter st half a block walk; electrlo train on Pennsylvania Railroad to Up sal a block and a half walk, Of fice at 883 Wayne ave,. Just around tho corner from these homes. Pulaski & Apsley Three story: eommunlty tennis court, atone garages, inclosed porches, front lawn: every modern improvement and comfort: only a few left. Price. 111. 000; 2Snn cash, balance can b financed. Take train tn Wayne Junction on Readlnr R, R., 84s train a day, or car 68 on 18th st to Va.ne ave. and Aplsy. 1 block to th houses, Pulaski and Apsley, Overbrook, $6900 New homes, with garages, on Atwood road, very attractive, modern: porch, tile bath ahnwer otien fireplaces, hot-water heat, etr Price. 10.000: $2000 Cash, balance can b financed. Take Market st elevated to 03d at . free pass on 03d st. north to I.l anon ave (1160 north), then walk 2 blocks tn 01th and Ibanon ae. ; one 3-cent far. Sample hous op-tr dally and Sunday. REPRESENTATIVE AT EACH OPERATION DAILY AND SUN DAY. John H. McClatchy Bulld-r and Owner 848 LAND TITLE BLDG. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. 9th and Callowhill Streets Desirable locatton.near 28th at. and Fair mount ave.: 2 8-story corner store and dwelling end 18 2-story dwellings: total rentals 1820: price $80,000. 1128.27-29 Vine at. and 1122.24.28-28 Pearl (t, and 8 rear houses; suitable for factory .."I".' lot 88x140 ft: price $S0.000. 2850-82-S4-BO-B8 N. Reese st.: 8 2-story dwelling: annual rental $24; lot 88x78; 4114-ltt-lH Kensington ave.: 8 2-story dwell- ...-. M.iuuai rrn.ais tovs; price SOUUV, "0' Master st., 4. story dwelling: 111 room: suitable for email apartments: prlc $12,000, 171S Master st., corner Bouvler st , 3 story. 12 rooms suitable -for small apartment; Srlce 80000. , 1 N. .Park ave.: 3-story dwelling. II 1783-3S-S7-8.4i N. Delhi st . price $1700 each. T1?.-F.".lr.mnt .lkvv ,tor nd dwelling;: .tnti' .aoi Pr'ce tBOOO. IO?.7n,rl,,,m8Ttpr1c;-,3too""n'- ' rm" 820N4; pMi'soo'1 "0"'' nnu" "oUl iZH9Nf, iianU" "' 8 "k0ry' frm" I0' 13 1834 N' lath st. and 1881 N. Clarion. IflBOO. 1418 TIOGA at Broad, suit apts.. . I7S0O V?ni 2?d tn.d Morris, suit apartment . 8&0O 252? ErftI!k"n ,n room... possession . 4nno 8J84 N. 2d, porch, 7 rooms 82Bi -Iia tfj 7,b- room . ... soon J22 V "auphln. 3 etorle . . 2200 178 Sergeant, cor. Sepvlva, groc-ry . tore 8S0A 2.118 Sepvlva, 12 room . 280O 2 Amber, corner Arlsona $300 2 ..S llT.M0t room, hot-water heat. 8200) ' 480 Wlnguhocklng. cor. Lawrence, porch 40OO .J.if Plaasant. otn.. 4 bedrooms, porch S800 4-31 Grlscom, Fkd , 8 bedrooms, garage prlvlege floe anttiwicrni. la.'H Chestnut. GROUND HOUSING & INDUSTRIAL SITES BENJ. GINSBURG ' 1101 Pennsylvania Bldg. Phones Spruce 929930 CHESTNUT HT store, suitable for women' and men's apparel of the better grade) modern building with back intrance on Kanstrad St.: all Improvements; hardwood foors, price and terms ndvantsgeous to Iro mediate purchaser. C 409. ledger Office I Building Iota. Factory Ultra. Ee. SCHUYLKILL RIVER WEST BANK 135 ACRES AT 07 ISO ACRES AT 77 in c T ST FOR INDUSTRIAL SITHJR CAN BE DIVIDED Price Acreage on Application E. C. von HELFENSTEIN 1784 real Estate trust bldo. 128,000 SO FT 2 8 and 4 story building. ' concrete ant brlcl, construction; heated. Mred. aprlnkled 1380 liursepcwer, 4 large 1 filters, sidings and dock site 4 seres: 800 ft 'ilverfrnnt we handle factories sites and warehouses exclusively from an engineering, I manufacturing and Industrial standpoint J ALAN MIIIDLETON I Factory sperlallat and production engineer. I 902 Wldener I.d . Philadelphia 'MODERN fa.-tory anil store building 1413-"tf j Germsntown ave lot 21x200. Business Proper I let d Store 1.110 TNE ST -For-stop. bufidlng lsTjl, to Winter at . suttabln for automobile or e','frlcnl at essurles. .-an be bought reason nblj 12H .V, FHf'NT ST Pour story commercial building for sale cheap. F X DELANY. West End Truat Bldg . or KOEHI.ER CO . 1420 Cheat.-.'.! st Phone locust 079.1 FOR HAI.U-'-f&SS N' BROAD" ST. LOT20 FT BY 200 FT TO CARLISLE nr. APPLY TO ALFRED S MILLER. 1420 CHESTNUT BT. ARCH HWL'IW 2D Four-sty business bldg., $21.IHI0. lirnn Wet ne) 2(18 Llhsrlv Bid. MMtKKT 811 Flve-ety. bldg., 11x180, QH W. Miller, Inc. 1001 Chestnut Wal. 88B. 112 N $D Four-sty. bid.: early bos. O.a. W Miller. Inc.. 1001 Chestnut Wal, ,. - I'uclorlra.Wre4iousi-s. Manufocturlng nrs) FACTORIES ANB FVCTOltT SITES Evrywher In Phllsdelph.a LOUIH S. OINSIIPRO 12U1 Chsstnut st KMT tUli'D0 OR PILK MiNUFAf TUREfTil. ATTENTION! " P-iipcrtv nvallalle Uiatlon snutheastern ICentuck"-: hrlcli und mil! . 0"atrurtlon 3 floora 00x1 Jo. elect-l. 'leh' and power, natural ira. water rallr-iad aMlng uullm Red. sstisiled. white lat.nr suoulv : Immediate nsaei'lor.. room for etnsrulon. rrasonabl price for m.l'k ea' no aieculstore ronsld rrd. A.1.'rs ' 410 ledger Office Fa.t r S W cor. It' and Ruttnnwood. I l.,oe' t Nob, at ficiaht ard. fiilxlOOr "ss1 naa inadng nlatfoni) i f siv.ile ii im no i,ncr4T nn. FACTORIES AND SITES J LEE I'ATTON, Lincoln Bldg. PACTOR1KK. ne.v and o d large and small, on terms to suit ru.rliseer: new factories hullt to suit. P. O. Box 191. Store and Dwelling 2428 M. 8TH AT CIEHMANTOWN AVK. . Nine room, hut-wnter heat, electric Ugh Gotwals L Son. 2J37 -S IClh st, NIELSEN t open 111',. !.. hi "fi .' V vf J, -,! ll m .,ii i I Vn-1 H :M S My vV i Si A 'm fyJA if Jl 1 !) .tri Ifcfeu,, Abiaj ,fi ..jJluAuf. td 'i'i, i: