M L3- - ' WELP WANTED MAI.E NEW TOniC SHIPDVILDINO CORPORATION in'ortit. TAnD CAMDEN, N. J. MECHANICS HELPERS LABOnCHS The man who wants a: steady job In a permanent Industry has an exceptional opportunity with u. r,j Apply to tho Employment De partment at tho North Yard, or to our Philadelphia office. 1(100 Arch at. new rcnic smrnuiLDiNo conrortATiON north TAnD 'CAMDEN. N. J. iT.INTI.Na ESTIMATOR Philadelphia plant requires an estimator! ramt bo experienced In estimating on high-grade rAtnWne nnrt tiooklet work; wrlto fully, statins experience. re nnu rnmry pxneciPfl. - :wj. I.pflgpr ClfT. SALESMAN Wanted, experienced dyoetuff talesman to travel nut of Chicago, western territory! old-estahlls'ted house; good opnor- tunltv In rlcht man M S24. Ix-deer Oftlco. SALESMEN High-grade security anlesmen wanted bv n. local hrnknrn Mnm reclallxlng In dlvld"nd-paylng oil Issues; op portunity nftorded producers ot prmanent connection as managers of brar.ch offices; extensive advertising and clrculnrlzatlon cam pslgn to assist our sales organisation, rhone Biles Manager. Walnut 1233 for appoint ment. - . SALESMEN WASTTin Can usa four salesmen at once; those having litd road experience preferred. Apply 10 I, m Juno 1, Rooms 3-4, 711 Walnut st. IALESMEN Local Investment banklnK nouse renmrps ino sprvices 01 gent'e- inn. ,11 .. (twin -,in, iiuriib iti'rilil Clillipn- ration offerel to thoo who present proper credentials. Pall Spruce 1 130 for appoint. SALESMEN FOR I-OCAL INVESTMENT becuiutikh; i,i;aih fuhnisiied to RKI'UTAllLE APPLICANTS. B 0U.1, EDQER OFFICE. SALESMEN Any honest, ambitious, clean cut, younB man may bcomo a hlsh-Kradn salesman under our Ulan nnd mnke bin money whlto learning the Investment banking; dullness. For particulars apply Ullllam Dros. . i.t s inth t SALESMEN WANTED I'OUn EXPERIENCED STOCK SALES MEN! TIKlll (!ItI)U hT, SECURITY! MI- XL KNTKIll'UIHH AUDIIKS3 1". O. HOX ll'lll. PIIILADELPIILX. MLESMKN Unusual opixirtunlty In sea shore lots: experienced men preferred: com irlsslon only Apply 424 XHrlcnpr Hldg WATCH REPAIR CLERK QUALIFIED TO CHVE ESTIMATES APPLY I1UREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S YOUNO MAN for position ns shipper; cxperl enco not neccssnry, hut must bo a careful, sctlxo worker. Answer by letter only, stat ing axe. previous emplojment and salary ex pected, Quaker City Iron Works, Richmond and Tloaa sts. YOUNCl .MAN, stpnegrapher, excellent op portunity for advancement to sales rorcn: stale age, experience and salary expected. Write Ilox I l.'IOrt. ledger Office. (Jeneral PKCOME AN EXPERT AUTO MECHANIC ENROLL WITH THE LAROEST AND REST AUTOMOHILE SCHOOL IN THE EAST FULL COURSE OF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INSTRUCTION IN REPAIR- lH. AJ.IUHT N(l AND 1JIIIVINU ALL TYPES OF AUTOMODILES. DAY AND EVENINO CLASSES PETZ AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL . CALL AND SEE US :0TH & MARKET STS. 8 to II N. 20T1I at. Ht'SINESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 Ijind Title. ACCTS. Highest tvpe ttraxellng), JHOOO, C P A.'s (supitvIsc). cost It. gen., $7200. ARTIST Catalog, retouch photos. $40 up. I KPRS Coil, mfg.. general. $2100 IIL'YER Asat.. iron & steel products. $33. CLERKS Stock typist bill, gen., $20-$30. DRAFTSMEN Mechanical lines. $2100 up. I'NOINEERS Industrial, efficiency. $3000 hALES Elee, prod. famllltr with nutu nrcesnorv dealers local terry., $3000. STATISTICIAN Soft coal linos J2rto0. STrxonRAPHKRS and prl spc- $23 t.i $10. 1IAII.XVAY TRAFFIC INSPECTORS wanted, earn from $110 to $20u iwr month nnd ex- pnses; short hours: I ravel; 3 months' home Mudy under guarantee: we vet von Dosltlon: no age limit. Ask. for booklet N 38U. Stand- s 0 lluslncss Training lnitltute. Uuffalo, EARN $23 weekly, sparo time, writing for neWSnftnpra maftln-a nvn i.nnap rfa- tails free Press Syndli ale. 351." St.Louis.Mo. MEN AND LADIES' T.R1T7V llltllllMllv1 Make big money; big dmiand. tfulckly learned: day or nlclit class. XX'rlte .:i-i:iTY IIARHER SCHOOL 228 N. Uth st. Phllnileliihla. Pa. INCREASE YOUR SALARY ., i-urnii Now New automoblln ilav pas stnrts Juno 1. N " ccr iiroau nnu Mp lug UarIn sis . I'hlla SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALjtI 'AlNDIlESS. I.rst tliiss wishes washing to - ,ijj!n,ej.bmidb s or InmiwrH D'ck nuiid "'.'P Two Iiusiupvh wumeii, pxeruttvu aoillty ennrgetlo nnd enpabb'. desire nos. '" hotel or apt, Imuso C 500. Ledger Office. AGENTS m, h7a'l"t,', low-prlcd washing ma- .. iinpiueu, jao wpemy iipmonstratinB 1, j '"arveloun Oiihi nd XX'.iher. pres'o dlit is orlv.n out of clothes by live stenm In a lew minutes without ir.hor. bolls, vv.ishrs t samn time nn pounillnv. no rubbing ihlld i, oner",e createa big excitement pvery ,u dimand enormous, write quick fur "I'monsiriiinK maihinr II. M. Shver Co.. i-1 IlampHhIrejit Ijuincy III. AOENTpI--100 vveeklj. uutomobllo owners ;ePVWhnre wild with tnthuslasn., nurxrl ''" Invention, dnubbu power, inlle.ik'e. effi ciency, sitxes tH coit first day, aviiautiunul iVS''.''.'',Ywhvr'- tiiilmry going llko xvild u ;. '-" ."ample outnt and Ford car free, xlll K,ul-lc' 0vci) c' Dent- C03. Lul- "J. PTHLY lellliig new patented fuU 4ft l,'.?rl',ri uxc up to 30 ppr tent gasoline: inn, i p.,r aljn made with Ford, sold on Hi.51yV",c!5. suoriintee, ono sample free, r'rnnsky Vupurlier v.u . 373 Pukwana. S. "'i'f'.yM: SALESMEN Every person 111 iiii. . a." ' a Prnsppct for advertising pen ihIp"..',.1"". Ih' "" Popular line ut right Sis?!i.: "berjl iomnlon p.ild In full Imme .n.i vJJI"n aroeptnnte of oidera. Puramount Jencll Co . Cnnimprrlwl IIUIc. Nashville. Tenn. IIAn . ' ' iiii"' s-"u xxeklv tii man with own car; lnr i. mr 'J1"' 11"1 epvclaltles to consum tii?..rai,0i 0'1'1 re" bio company: manurao rrtr i 'fot Jobbers, established 1SS0. Car rara Paint Co . Clevelaml. O. iwil9.,JM """' '0,lr u tv "lust have men. V.,1.1 ,t .y Hl1y '"'w method rpflnlshlng ?,," ! autns, chaudllurs. Wiltu today. -"""n'al Co l.i.i i.im pecutur III 'i'-.v'-l MAIvE A DOLLAR AN HOUR tinen, . J1rf1cJet"' " Palent pn !mI2i . ?"", "i a I utensil. I il?jjej. Co. Amslerdnm N patch, Instantly Is sample nio v "A.LESMEN luexper enrpd or experienced. ,.i,3i.?.r trnVHlIng' Write for list of lines nd full particulars Address Nat'l Sulcs nun Tr Assn , Dept 133 Chicago, III EMPI.OYMENT AGENCIES "S. HARVEY, 1010 Rlttenhousa snuare T,itrgf supply well-recommended help, iou XL.', butlers, rhaulfeurs landscapo gar uS'lf coolis. waitresses, governesses, nurses iIS?fr'!l!l..,"erftl mald. for city: xvanted large addition evrv capacity. iyif!' chambermaids and xtnltiesa, s I rT-""." nurses want ncsllliinN wiui ramlliPM f1ln,,tOsashore. MUs Roso Doujherly Ij'a U. Olrarri nW, M,J,? ,!CAIiB' Ml S loth st , wants "and """Piles first-class whits helD. '. NICHOLLK. 230 S. 20th Private help wfina add wini.n l'nnrm iicuit -ina. ., . ., T.. i - -." . .' WMPT.rtVlVTWMli a aiivitW I EMPldrMBNT AOEMOIES MRS. MINZLAFP, J030 Christian at., has 3 girls, bo together soashorei Swedish roup o for small famllvl mnnl. .tiv .ui. fi..,."' ,"l.d,,?""'l?'SK,t".SH !? to Maine, I i ,u I i niwiniMri siswaru all other help supplied. WANTED Laundresses, lady'a maid, Cham. ioaTh."'."""' C00kSi "' '" FOR SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED nonvisirlh, a months. $3. VIHIULE, a MONTHS, $7.60 Factory Rebuilt Tvnewrltora "Sec Our New Machine, tho Century" American writing iviacninc uj. na CHESTNUT ST. Wnlnul 2ISI1 Main 820 DEMOLISHING Hog Island's famous hotel of over 2000 rooms, ruth nnrl Tlnleum nve.t bulldlnif material: millions feet lumber and plaster board; thousands of windows, screens nnd doors; pore Ran plumblmt out fits; hot-water radiation; nalesman on prem Ises. Take Southwestjrn trolley, or No, 37 subway-surface cars. Office Partition, Railing & Furn; rnrtltlon. $B n foot an I up; railing, t.1 n foot nnd up; both In fhclu furniture, big selection: wo buy, sell nnl exchange, Penna. Office Fdrnltura Co nirxValiiut St. Phone Walnut 4134 or Main t'i A. OFFICE ruilNITUnB Large lot desks, safes, files, rablnets and gencrnl office furnltu-e. storo fixtures. Wo lluv. Bell nrd Exrhnnco PATTEN FlinMTfnn CO. 7,OCU8T 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. Haca 2808. nuas 300 Wilton. Axmlnster. brussels tapeslrv; all room sixes; 20 loads furniture, of all kinds to furnish your homo from cellar to roof at the saxlng of BO per cent Ke J stone Storage 1320 Rldce aye , ;nr Walla-, at. FOLDING AND INVALID CHAinS for HALE A'.,!) TO HIIIB Theatre chairs. movlnstlct. machines, etc,- scbool desks, church pens and pulpit chairs. CHA1H DXCHANOE, M B. cor tlth tkVn". OLD MAHOGANY .llnniB-roem table, ma honrany library table, mr.hosany bookcase, mahoeany side table, nntlquo and rcprodue-t0Ti- mtiHt te sold at onpe. no dealers. I 1331, Ledger Office, , NYE ft THKIUCK knlrtlnsf mschlne,. ml sizes from 12 In. to 22 In.i complete with Crawford stop motion- machines r 11 and 10 cut; will sell cheap. .Write The William Carter Co., Sprlncnld, Matclnitts. ELECTRIC osclllatlnir fans. j nit new. ruar nnteed, 10". $31.50 2V. 27 (10; 10", St8.no; standard make. Electric Sales. 004 iv itrtn st. FUHNITUHE tlolden oak dlnlnir room suite, extra sldeh'd; child's tdroom furn., white, and other nrt., reas. Call Men., 003H Wash- lnet9n nie. HEDH. bureaus, cablnel rrti ranse, ward robe, nntiauc tames, oriental nurs. car- pets, upriKni piano ain tuner nouse;iold goods; no dealers. 40.17 Market st. DININO ROOM SUIT, (1 ples fumed oak, extension dlnln-room lahlk, 4 chilrs nnd huffet! bargain 218 Woyno ive.. Narberth, Pa. Phone I27r. . ELEfTHIC ficlllstln fans 'all new guar anteed, in". ?31 50- IT', J27.B0. 10". tlROO; stnnd. make. Eltctrle Snlcs, 004 N, inth st, . IiAnY conches, 2H: strollers t(t.60: sulkies, $0.n0; big collection. De Wnld, 2B40 Oer mantnwn ae. Open pvenlngs. TYPEWRITERS, all makes J20 up; vear guarantee: .1 davs' trial Dundy Typo- wrlter Co.. 1003 Chestnut st REFRIOEItATORS and fixtures for groceries and mpst markets; terms If desired RANDALL CO 331 N 2d st. TRUNKS Imps sullcncs- reasonable buy from manufacturer! sves you money; re- nalrlng none, an - J"in si, mfniii PIECES wnllpaper must be sold st sacrifice. Grocery atore. 1010 Spring flarden St. 1.ON0-ESTAHLI8HEO well-equlppea carpen ter shop to be sacrificed: good neighborhood and large trade C 210 I-editer Office. STANDS, cabinets. to Me bargains. I'hlls. dPlrhla Printers' Snnnlr 14 S Hth st POOL TAULES, (.ord hand, bought sold, rented exchanod Keafpr. 320 Olnrd avp SHOEMAKER iw.rfect onnd llaby flrand almost new. piano, m.ihng , C 410 Ld. Off. FOR SAI.F Solid mehoiany tnblP. 0?4II Larclmnnil . llxlng-roum PHONOORAPIIS rpp'd. records & phonog'hs b'gt ti exch. WerSchoS. 005 Walnut St. BUSINESS PERSONAIrS GENERAL REPAIR MAN of all kinds of woodwork. restorers. nntlnuo furniture, wood carvings, Inlaid xvork, also of ebony. Ivory. brown glnss, china mother of pearl, mosaic nnd all nrt coods. Call or send postal CHARLES J. NAOY. 810 N. Marshall street Philadelphia, Pa. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash irlces for your dia monds: nny size, frnm 'S to in carats; none pay higher: also old gold, platinum & sliver bought. Estates bought (p-v ) EsL 111 ears. TllC Diamond Shop lmh'nb.0Market DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY 8IZE PlUfi: IO OII.IECT Pnwn Tickets for Dlnnonds Ilought KELLY t- CO . Ii32 ("IESTNUT ST. i Fnltp -i--. vjver i-iiiiu. aimurnm. j'rivaie i ROYAL PLEATINX1 CO latlng and hem- stitching, button" nnd buttouhnfes; hpb- 'ilnl reduction lirit cek, 7,"c a eldrt to he plenteu. man orucra uiipiuea to. ua ,, 11th. CARPENTERS mnklnn fppclal prices on Inclosed porches. Dutch hnlls. colonnades, change of otalrs, alteratons of particular wnrki rensonahln C 331. Ledger Office. LAWN mowers shnrpened to a razor edge nnd repaired: called f.r and delivered, 1 30: drop postal card W. II Franklin. Illir. XV. Glrnril ne. Phladelphla. Pa. DIAMONDS BOUGHT TtARRY W. SMITH. 71'lSANSOM ST. haVe our old bnbv earn e remodel(t like nrvr. Standard Ilahv iJrrlage. 2310 8. 7th at. l'hono Main 3341 U ASI1EH removed f'i m celdrs ill kinds nf ' l,",,lngdon sia Huttn-vjood Mkt 4.421. rM "iCIMUC trestmont and lianlcurlng Room 103, Heed nidgjaiB, FlifTt stLoc MO); I1RXSS 11EDS refinlshed II npw Call DU ..'"ill I II7TM fnr estimate, .rt M.tal Red Co, FLECTU1C TREATMEN1 dlso manicuring, iinicp. 1 .- ..,-- ". j "w. UUIIHER GOODS c nslrpd Andrew T of alMdescrlottons DircKf t. 303 S. 22d at STOnAOE AND io VINO mt 1 WAtEHOtJHR 1LKIV111NML. AND T1ANBKER CO. Columbia nv'. west of lilt at.: local and : '""'.,. .npa nun ng by cmrieous. ,-,. i - cX men clean, dustproofrooin. iortnn I , ' tire let us estimate pho Diamond 4472. 3 I '"hnne eveiilngs XXomlngll8S J. Dougherty & Soj$ Storage 1421 N 20TLBT. rtpt our special rate for njlng by our rell hi and careful men. Call Vpfar 4B83; Key. .tone Park 11"7. nUht phoe.U amond KS.Xq Watson Storage ,1.,3,." Wash., N T and HarrlsUrg and all bps- ' VICTORY ST(ftAGE r 200 Filbert PY?n r.Tr retlmite Plerceii mont 4870 rmvy vans. WANTED, n load for Newfork or enroute: law. l'n0 VaI'rS' L V, '" cl& ."bout .luno 2. i'cKii"i, -.-- Inc., 2S3 Dyck. nan at . Nowiori, .n Milfer, North BroadStorage Co Iti oud nbovo Lehigh 'no "fnvlng brick andtj;eprout Dlanmnrt 7aa.v jtorMgei nanklim' ' nw-LiTT .HKPnom, VA""U3KS ..A. MONARCH SrOIlAGE COI3H70 LANCAft. MTFR AVE. AUTO SERtCE. STORAGE rACivING.JNO;pjSrANfE MOVING. H' oTll CENTURY Siorag. " i.hoIv ilrenroof si"' pla archouse. ni,. . painting f, , Ul. 3120 Market. rmslrce-Arri)Wyi.ns uji RADFORD 3310 N XV it'll t"lSJfi, atPaiate rooms for minim Wnntg 2303 J, MUSICAL INSTilJMENTS LESTER-MADE plajer m u-nt ptnltlon uiiddei logany case, ex- nstt-atlns: $100. easy terms can. be. urranrJ ;. I'., A. North Kenelngton J CtilHia EAIfn'"Vae Ll.'STER PLAYFIl PIANO brought hartc in StOtK, SJOU jjiiiw wi - ..-. ....... mirphnfK r r A I allow 1,11 itn',1 ,V rin VO , ISI3 t. xiieuhenv av Kensliiglni I J I .EhTiill MADE nljvcr new . lone. $300 bargain, term. -an bo V- A N'mlti I'n I'ml r-llirnrd n BqATS.MOTOKUOAT iTiVll RAl-T. new. f'XU f 1080 Poach. STAMPS AND uTUU'll PACKETS. Albums und supplies for tamp collector PHILA. STA1IP -' " "in st. OLD 001 nl.D gold, silver platinum 'laud ware, old style Jewelry t. "Hi phut-nought for rash. K11 inti. ,1 , t,.o . . .. . , .... . ......... .n. PKINTII Du!k.M- n,.od worki I 1 liuiiiv;. rmut deliver mate, MoGlNLEY W0H.. mcnslng ag,. Phlla. Hel, I : V .lW p AKtM PtTBLIO' A!DflEBi'MtiAbPHTA-: MoiTOAT, . : ' 1 ' -i ! ' ! s ! ',,',,. USED AtTlbMOBIMBB Automobile Paintihg' rWnl.hPnVs ''u 'ofVnctl hlch-n-AAa and i i.p,.".! Br P,fhp th most romplela Ini T dJnv.pl iS,t0Vn.a' thB "fm (n k.tW M great ..Pl'I".! '."" ?l,ProTt. havfrir it.i. .nc i' .natrons who Intend Ste.F-"'r4 ""-' not b4 BgflSKr- flh ?.VPh0.Ln,hi,. Com and see for yourself, Martin-Alexander Co. AUTQMORILE nEFINISHETls" 12-12a-130 Reed street -"'rl"nson Z2ni ,,. .- Cars & Trucks Buy Direct From . . ''NANCE COMPANY t?rmJ?tre?M "W "' Vour own sta?n ' rtmJ.old "0fbltant charges to ;.ltum..;r l bodies installeJ to suit yoUr nuslne.s requirements. VvmcTs Auto Finance Co. XX'IUTE 4flT CHESTNUT, ST. AUTOPARTS SCUPPER, SjTH & MARKET STS. WIpl.VerJ5.Cr"pA.n a beautiful high-grade & Blm?"t nenr and cash for a Dodge ?fe"dftn Ji?ogo'!!;'1r;?'t'o0Pn'cen.0 dM,M' cn1" 0;pShI'7iltr,r.pan,!, bodr Br1 1 ress. with ohe2S Ari'.r,'..n"Z,sn(w' w111 nold oneap. .Apply Mr. Canla. .1144 P..vnU ave Philadelphia. due0,".-, 'i to 3i tons, all models, to re 14?n fesfi...' .op,',1 "lny and evenlnrs, js.iii ralrmount ne. 1",.51"J?t:l. 'S".1 rucI!. vry xl engine. 1144 i....V. "PP'J, Aiianue iienniwr Co. "-' ",,fL ivr., 1'nwnnpinnia. l'a. 1"CJnH.A,''KTu.ulet ouf"g car or Ford ee TAAft-u W...iX; -' """ wnn conuuion. - " I'Miiiui. iiimi unestnut st. "S7riCi.J.9J!n.' "Tnssenger touring; guaran teed perfect condition; bumpers, extra tires ff'"'i run 1000 mlles: part cash, balkn" time .If .;eslrd. Add, owner, ft 323. Led, Off. ui.ji.iv touring car or Ford sedan, to prl- M.M.I.. "7.ij;,"."m conamon. James A. '" "ui v.iippinui st. mlc,K "OADSTER. Rig Six perfect cW dltlon; cxtrn equipment. Render's garage, Allegheny ave , east of Rroad St. CHEVROLET. 490 sedan. 1020 modal! run only 1800 miles; excellent value, par ticularly fnr nnv nim rnntamnlklln th. nt.. ehaso of a Chevrolet car. Phono Filbert 30ZB or Narberth 1713. CHEVROLET roadster: 1150. balance easy , 'r.' optn isunaay ana .Memorial Day. 1430 Falrmount ave. CHEVROLET. 400; excellent shape; rare bargain: S123. balance pasv tprma- nnti evenings and Sunday, 1430 Falrmount nvs. FOR SALE One Packard motor 3H-ton trurkl I P.ipknp,1 mn(ni J.lnn ,h...l. A n- ply Ontario Dng Co., Ontario and D sts. FORD trucks, nil models stake, platform. PXDress. nsnet nr 4-rmxt llpa. i.A,(fl-a quick sale; cash or tormsi open Sunday and r.MinnKw i.,i. riiirrnnunt nvw. FORD 1018 touring car with nix I tires and demountable rlmr: price $423. U. L. Illa bon, Hryn Mawr ave., Rryn Mawr. Pa. LEX Sedan. 1020. absolutely new 7 passenger, cord tires; never run; no dealers. Phone Wvnm'nr 2gfl2. MURRAY, 1010. sport model: the prettiest car In Philadelphia; Just overhauled and painted; new top, fix, Rudge-Whltcomb wire wnreis, coni urcs. j'nono fliueri 9023 or Narberth 17V NATIONALLY popular new car: extremely easy terrrs. Cell person. 2113 N. Marshall. OLDS.moiiilk ibis 4-passengor sportster car in urHi-cians running ororr: price 11100 E. L. Illabon. Uryn Mawr nx-o., Uryn Mawr, Pennsylvania OVER LANDS, nil models.' ft and 7-pass tourlnl. 2 and 3-pass. roadsters, 4-pnss. cnummy ronasier: an oinor makes and models special basement bargains every un i mi," i.?,t,i;,iin, v;ii evenings. UVCr- land Harper Co.. 1020 Arch st. OVERLAND touring, J 1 00, balance ess' terms: open ivenlngs and Sunday. 1480 Falrmount ne. OVERLAND roadster: $130. balanco easy terms: good paint and rubber; open Sun- iiiami '',riini,B .I.-,,, pinrmnunt n ve OVERLAND touring; $130, balance terms, open evenings and Sunday, Falrmount ave. easy 1430 PAIGE T-pisscnger touring; $200 balanoe easy terms: new patnt and rubber, liso JTJll IllirilllV r DiLAii.v.imnij wona-riui condition 3 fit B,,.rn, .vu. uittnve easy termn H.1D Falrmount ave. r lerm"' ... .. f ' yi1"""-' equipped with West nghousa shock absorber, n m,.i ,i... 31O0 ensh. " "'" PETERSON MOTORS Inc.. 010 N. Droad st MACHINERY AND TOOLS Dynamos and Motors OF ANY SIZE GEORGE SACHSENMAIER&CO. Office: 926 N. Third St. WAREHOUSE AND SHOP 028-30-32 NORTH THIRD STREET ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS ELECTRIC MOTORS REPAIRED DELTA EQUIPMENT COMPANY Phone Market 001. 140 N. 3d st MILLING MACHINES 1 No OVi "Cincinnati plain. 1 No. 12 "Keinpsmlth" plain All equlnmont In fine condition SEYFEitT'S. 437 N 3d st LARGE STOCK " rebuilt and guaranteed engines, pumps, air compresfors and machine touls, send for complete cntalocup of Htock, III.'IIMAN L XVIXTEREIt. 033 N. Front si THOMPSON spot welder, 3 K. XX'., 00 cyclp spot wolds from 7 to 28 gauio stock' Jf lnteresteil communleatp with PIERCE MANUFACTURING CO . 413 N. Fifth st. PULLEYS. HANGERS. BHAFTINo ALL KINDS ALL SIZES MOTOR EXCHANGE. 327 N. 3d ST ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINBT0OL8 POWER EQUIPMENT 1UUM O'HRIEN MACHINERY CO . llu N 3D ST NEW nnd 2d-hand machinery bought, sold exch,. plants dismantled Grow. 1300 X 3d. SAFES, nreproof: clewing out 100 slightly1 used; modern makes, cheap. 72 N. Fourth DYNAMOS, motors unil machinery bou.Tht " suld; we huv plints. YearspyfcCo..214 NSit ALTERNATING and direct current motors' nww and used. Mink A Co., 227 N. 4tl). WANTED WEUY 0LD"CL0THES Men's suits, oxercoats, trousers, shoes ladles' suits, coats, street and evening dresses; full value, XX'rlle, call or phone. Illbort 2171 or Filbert 2172 1ELII1SOIIN CO 340 N Hth st WE UUY wonni', .men's and children's worn clothing and shoes; best prices Midi our nutos call at your convenience In city or country; postal or Phone. Stern's Durgaln Housi. H17 N. 1th St. Market 244g. XX'E WANT at once household" furniture. Store fixtures, office fuinlture: pay spot cah, honest value, phone us about It. locust 4214 Old Church Co, 12th and Cherry .1. CARPETS, furniture. emlie households vtanu'd. will pay you your own price, call anywhere any time. Southwarlt Furniture C i , 3311 B 16th st. Phoim Dickinson 1203 MEN'S OLD CIXjTHING BOUGHT My prlcen beat them all, trj me before any one elie, we call anywhere. XVrlte or phone KMbert r,27B, M SIMON 24 1 N Hth a" I PAY highest prices for old clothes and shoes: send postal. Perlows. HOI Callowhlll CIaJTHES Cast-off shoes bought. Wrlto or I phone Sneldman. 022 Poplar, Pop. 7Q0U XV, CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid. Halpern.243 N Oth st, Filbert 21)18 W GASOLINE ALLEY Walt .J. J JL.'.U-' iUJiiE-eji v-rfaijr" V-i- I I " cMjALt sdiaifea&eH likiiiU-TTr m ''tJ Z f ... "BeVr I HAD 'FM NOT Vf DOESN'T TrlAT PCATVT' OblUU! DlDVfrrTl 1 wMCKt tv - uieMjtin.,.. I rue ifpv nif't-pwe'i You Give aie IT ' i II new. excellent -! . - N. ",wl V ftifi- jt, ,..,-71 I I UllUHKVd SP.'i'-l If --i -- V1-, ,-.-- ,-., ..tfv- 1 . -.ji-rrt.i 1 u -v. . f . -rf- I UHi. niv KTF, I is rf-rs?: 1 iir s t c"i-j yi I V .. jSRsar- tkM 3 rfSM ,ity k M rSkMt bVftv. r-iwM, m u Lek TMtfo vsm, m tysur &smm-m l iP,-sm i x.Mfi MMTj&.wt - rs mm$ m8km I - l IVV "-T JJei ", I e-e- 1 1. I S ri I A V. - t,"J I I "T A 1 M II I. ' tt a. e I'4aai 71 IV. A.:WJ iTlVfl ,?Jm.m kJxJXUL WJSmYML. W A'W&L SLJTSSm u.-5 we w ,crtne',l -) ' vv -f a vJBfc.v. wars v jh oskt' .iiWmz& Jtmrm I, ffl i "H. v" ..mTTL. VL'IUr . ' T "."! I 'il .TlWaW ' I7'jtrtl JeVttjB - -'w- ' -! I I iim'if .' '- " v m.Mr .h&A mmim?j vmSM- .Mmm. 1 sonabla urloes. MKLjCtfMVZ ' nimaMi sx 1 1 li J WKKmU'mW I aaHKM' e4-- AMjAaalJi'Fi iiVVo,.'. r 1 lilMriiF' 1 1 mwm mmm i i i wmmm i i , ' i' i j klnnon J78U W. I 1 ' .a r.)a 1 . . V , v.. is. T I 1 iinMM$2i JrtTSINBWS OPrORTTJNITnS PRIN-JINb PLAtiT,'s'miJ. located In Canv" den, N. J with established trade, wblfh can be controlled by purchaser; business -wll return from $30 to $100 per week clear, and can easily be Increased by praotlcal mani 5 not answer lhl unless you havo $1300 In Cash Ann tPASr,- M.alneaa. mA paL-a.. P.. selling. Address O 823. Lodger Office. A ' M M V MM A...- , ...M . .... Wi... " "" oauiO UJtUATJIiA'IIIJN vvlth central office) ln auto district, desires .,Jprt"?Jl "iH.!l manufacturing house,' Address C 430,, Ledger Offlc. v PRACTICAL candy maker -will be, given an opportunity to invest $2400 In profitable business; must have 10'yeara' practical ex. perlenca; references required) this position Is ono of responsibility and carries with It a gooi ealary, O 428, Lodger Office, WORKING FACTORY MANAGER, capable nf handling all details. Including office tor unoclaltv candy- plant; investment .required) only applicants Who can give references nmi are nolo to show 10 years' successful activ ity will be considered, G-427, Ledger Office. SUNDRY and machine works valued at $110,000 reaulrcs working capital to finance large contract; wining to give first mort ?!5"F5vrl!" Plant, stock and equipment for $30,000: will pay T per cent Interest, M 003, Ledger Office. APARTMENT house. 314 H, ISthf 9 rooms. completely furn, I will sell at barg.i owner leaving city; $1200 yearly lease from June It clearing 1300 monthly and apartments to lire in. ii-n pnone. epruce 0474, nirstnnns opportunity Splendid opportunity with small Investment for man who has had experlpnc In con-1 trading nnd estimating. Call Mr, Ring hsm. .Colonnade Hotel, between 1 and 7 p. m. GO INTO DU81NKSS, make big money; we start vnu mfg. and selling famous southern ,nrnllnes; new bus.! enormous profits: tremen. aous uemana: wonoeriui oppor. nouinern Candy Co , L 2S0, New Orleans. WE OFFER wonderful opportunity to reli able man to make from $50 to,$100 weekly at home In spare time; direct by mall propo sition! no experience needed; capital required only $120. Mutual Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. WITH $1000 you tan Join few well-known parties in purchase of large tract ot land and subdivision of same Into building lots; Investment safet prospeots very large re- turns. C 407. Ledger Office. PARTNER with $10.000 for manufacturing small tools and Instruments: established business; person with small machine abop and services preferred. Address A. O. ilia iler, Colllngswood N.J., R F.D. Runnymede. ENGINEER First-class engineer on trac tors: thoroughly familiar with quantity nroductlon nnd assemblvi unlou nnnoriuniiv. M 37. ledger Office. AM IN tho market for large machine shop, lathes, drill presses, boring mills, planers, milling machines, shapers. etc, M 828, Ledger Office. AM IN the market for about 3000 23 to 80 H, P, gasoline engines: will huv gg, pat terns of same. M 825. Ledger Office. AM IN the market for foundry and machine shop; reply Immediately, M 820, Ledger Office; MACHINE SHOP, fully equipped, for sale) doing profitable business. . C BOS, Ledger, OARAGES, repair shops and -showrooms. Call and see my list, Gwlrti, 1337 Chest' U DOGS, BIRDS, ETC. AIREDALES Two male puppies, first and econu viir-m m Acrun aiinw, iieimont 3013 PEKINGESE puppies, beautiful sable; supe rior pcumrrru, aiAi iironu. 1 loga S413 BOAKDINO srRUCB. 1032 Desirable single rooms and table board. PENNSYLVANIA SIIIHTRnAV OTN.. The Gretnor. 102 E. Walnut lane De lightful accommodations; excellent table Individual eervlco: gardens, jhade, other com! torts; dining accommodations for nonrej. dents; rates reasonable; Gentiles only. Oer mantown 3237. Mrs. Franklin C'nmly. tnWXEPP VAI.I.BY GWYNEHURST INN. directly at etatloVT; opened under new management; special rates to families for June, Phone Bar. 8118. COUNTRY BOARD VANTED itOARD wanted for' summer with family In country near Phlia. for C-yenr-oId health bey; state terms and full details. M 73.1 Ledger Office, " BOARD WANTED NEW JERSEY SEASHORE ATLANTIC 4'1TY BOARD WANTED at Atlantuj city by couple with one child, 4 years old, and maid; private cottage; good neighborhood: good accommodations. Including pleasant rooms.and prlvnte bath; from about July '3 to Sept. 7: best of ref. given and expected; state price. V 1233, Ledger Office. ROOMS TOR RENT BROAD ST. below Erie ave. Attractive va canclesi reasonable rate. Call Tioga 8332 J. CHESTNUT ST.. 3000 Largo cool unfurn. rms., porches, grounds; good residential section. CHESTNUT ST.. 2007 Desirable single and double 'rooms. LOCUST, 1033 Attractive rooms, stogie or en suite, tile baths, electricity. RACE, B024 2 large 3-Hr. rms., suitable for hskpg,; runn'g water: owner; corner house. WALNUT s'T., 3003 Two "rooms, private bathi 2 or 3 men! exceptional board. 11TH ST.. 8.. 322 (Tho"Carlton Apart- mental Str.gle and double vacancies, with or without private bath! attractively for- nlshed. Walnut 7140. " HTH ST.. S 303 Cent, large coul furn. front housekeeping npts.: summer rates. 15T1I ST., S 247 Rooms, furnished, 2"parl lore, kitchen! housekeeping; best cent. Inca. ItiTH N.. 1311. HOTEL RURIC IfaisuMfuiir furn : single and double roomx: plectrlei dally, weekly rates: cgnv, to stations) best accommodations for trsvellng people: mod 45TH. S.. 428 Second-floor room, private home, semlprlvate bath; elec. : porch. WANTED Young business or profeselonal woman, Protestant, to occupy furn. front bedroom In apartment with 2 other quiet,, ipiiiipu uusiiivns wuinon; urHuiiiiu location, overlooking Clark Park. 43d and Chester ave. : referenoei exchanged: moderate, p 1330. Ledger Office. THOROUGHLY furnished front room, adjoin ing bath and shower: modern corner house. In refined neighborhood: single or double; splendid for business man; electrlo lights, abundance of hot water. Phone Wyoming '.'404. ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN desires nicely furnished room, preferably connected with private bath; cultured surroundings; kindly state particu lars. I 1322. Ledger Office. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRIS American Plan CHELTEN AVE. ND MORRIS ST, GERMANT0WN 10 MINUTES TO RROAD ST STATION. Furnished and unfurnished suites. HOTEL COLONIAL SPRUCE AT 11 Tit (IT Select apartment family hotel, In the renter of the city, operating on the American plans our table will pleian the rnot exacting. C. PITMAN BAKER JR Manager. THE GLADSTONE 11TII AND PINK STS ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF TIIK LITTLE HOTEL. 2U3 S llrosd St.. good place to live while In Philadelphia. HOUSEKEEPING) APARTMENTS WARWICK Will sublet, furnished, until xjctooer 1, J. nouseaoeping apartment at '"" 1 single apartment at : .1 McLANXHAN, lflth and iou. xx lincailJK pine GREEN bT., 2028 Housekeeping apsrtm'tsi private bath: $40 and up. See Janitor. Almost Crawled in the jeAttijiitM -. t '.-.", ...i&,'-:?AiM. . t-tv. 4i.-f-yT.it.. ''APAKTMXNTS TIinjIOTKL SUBSEK lata WAr-Mirr bt. Juxt opened, A- most charming and per fectly . appointed, small hotel: Inspection Is cordially. Invited, and a visit will convince you that you have discovered a most sstis- laciory answer to tne question or "wnere u iivehwnen stopping in. fnuaqeippia.y WILL SURLET desirable apartment at the itinastone, utn ana Pine; 4 rooms and bath; fur., unfur.i southern exposure! best service; lease can be had. it desired. Apply tb.1 Gladstone-. . ." LOCUST,, near, BOTH Apts, 2 rooms and balbi attractively furnished; June lti-Sep- Umber It $30 per month. Ph, baring 1780 J. bMween 3. and. Op,; m, (APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS Central aoartrnents a snecfatty. Sherwood Apti Agency,, 225 B. jlroad St. , Some very attractive icrn, npts.; somenoutrKecping. 'APARTMENTS, five rooms, oil conveniences; rent, $140 per month. 314 8. Rroad st. Apply to Janitor on premises or Chan, 1). ireuyman, iiua ivana Titio iioiiaing, WALNUT ST., 2108 Entire, first floor! suit able for apartment, physician or studio; very, oesirnniei select location. 4nn n lis-ri? uv '. nnt i.nii 400 8. 1BTII ST. Cool, tsnth.floer apti. 8 rooms nnd bath;, furnished; available June Ati-oppt. in, i'n, incuse iitm i mr np win. FURNISHED apt,, 3 rooms, kitchen. balhV location .central! s month! from June, Tel. Locust 0037 J. , FOR. RENT Apartment. 3 rooms and bath; modern; porch front. Apply at apartment, (A40 Walnut St., nr Ixicust 2941, APART1MENT, 2037 Tioga at., Vf. - Five rooms and bath; 150: electric light and heat Included, Phone Tioga 4822 W. S. E.i COR. VENANGO AND 22d ST. High class, 0-room apartment, 3d floor; mod ern, 1B03 LOCUST ST. 3 rooms and' private) hath; furnished or unfurnisneti. An-pftif rr ftipn unfa with norchi June, July. Aug.: no' children. Ph. liar, 7338 W, wbst rmr.AnrxrinA , HANDSOMELY furnished corner opts. In XVest mils.: I rooms. mz Dams; in mm, from City Hall: $120 per month! ref.essen- tlal. PI none Preston ofia or write r i-ji, Ledger unice. SIX ROOMS, stationary tubs, electricity, con tinuous hot water; handsomely furnished: .yearly leasst possession June 1. FLOOD ft OU1NN. 18th and Cherry. . . 30TH ST.. N , 208 Two rooms furnished! housekeeping, front, owner. Phone Raring 72711 xv. 3 AND 4 ROOM APARTMENTS; opposite 00th St. Terfnlnal; open Sunday. P- J, LAXVIiKll 208 N. O0TII Two rooms, furn., hnueekeep Ingj front! owner. Phone liar. 7270 x. . PENNSYLVANIA-siinnnnAN OEHMANTOXVN. REAUTIFUL APART MENTS Consisting of sitting room, 2 large bedrooms, bath, second floor; modern house; flneit location; prlvlltge breakfast! reference; owner. P 1882. Ledner Office. . nORKMONT APARTMENT for rent, charmingly furn., on Montgomery ave,; 3 rooms, kitchenette. bath, garage. Apply Mrs. Hobson, llaverford Inn, Haverford. Pa. . NOV JKWKKtf-SKASlIOEn ATLANTIC CITY FURNISHED housekeeping apt.; also at tractively furn. rooms and nultes: 11X4 8. Now Jersey ave.; June 1 to Sept In. Open forMnspectlon or telephone Spruce 0331. OCK.AN CITY 7-ROOM1 APARTMENTS, furnished; for sum mer season. Ixicust 2700. or apply Colonial apartments, 0th and Atlantlo ave,. Ocean City. FURNISHED APARTMENTS CRESHEIM Valley Ants.. . Allen Lane Sta tlon, Oormantown, will sublet from June to October very desirable furnished house keeping apartment: a large rooms, oatn ana maid's quarters; reasonable. Chestnut Hill 333 J. . . mvE rtnoMS and bath, tirlvate noreh. fur, nlshed apartment located at 4Bth and Cnostnui sis.. Close to eieva:ea. win suoiei from Juno IB to October 1; reference re quired. Phone Raring 380 J or write C C13, Ledger Office. NEW B-room 'apartment J with bath, sun par lor and back porch; choice location; ocean and park view; near beach: $1800 for four months. Jordan, m a. l-roxiuence ave. SOVEREION AVE. at Boardwalk, small apartment for montn June: oeautirui loca tion; newly built and furnished! reasonable. rhono Market 1444, 1010 N. 0th St., Phlla. WILL RENT part f apt. to one or two Ind'es; apt. consists of 2 bedrooms, living nnd dining room combined and lurge kitchen; rent re I, iiuo per montn. v -nu. i.ruKPr vm, FURNISHED upartment, 2 rooms, kitchen, June 13 to September 1: lUUi at. Apnly superintendent or locust 2003 W. Inth. 237 S. phono FOR RENT Immediate possession: furnish ed npartmenl. center city; 3 rooms, bath. SRO, Call Locust 2011. 1414 s. Penn square. FURN. APTS, cent Inc.! bv "week If des, Sherwnnd Apt. Agency. 22.. S, Rroad st. SPRUCE ST., 1010 Extremely des. rooms a nil B'JUfi; niiim. lurn.j priYAin ,ina CHESTNUT ST.. 4104 Excl. bachelor apt. Information coll Spruce 4.30. 12 p m. to n, WEST PHILADELPHIA BACHELOR APT,, clean, cool and com fortable; every convenience: living rm , .tinimr rm.. 2 bedrms.. bath and kitchen. sleeping porch: facing park; car service can not be beuten; rent $05. Phone Wood. 1080 W. NEW JERSEY "KAHIWnB ATLANTIC CITY ORAMMERCY PLACE. 312 0 rooms: 2 square from Deacn; mo per season. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY A REAL HOME 2H00 block N 20th t (east side): 8 rooms, bath, porch, electric light, hot-water heat, beautiful condition. IRA F. THOMAS. 2313 W. Lehigh ave! NORTH SIDE Arch, aboxe 18th Four-story stone-front property: central business lo cation, Increasing In value. ARTHUR HOBXVELL. 233 N 13th st 1727 GIRARD AVE. 4-sty. brownstone front. 10 rms., 2 bsths, h.-xv. ht tlcc light, hardwood floors: lot 19x187 to Flira st. ; sult able for apts,; poss. rasy, 18th & Stiles. $21.000 Store, N. B. cor. Front and Vine, 3 fronts: $16,300, store, N XX' cor. rln at, and York road. A frnnta T. P. JTwlblll. 312 Liberty Illdg. XvalJIOJ, FOUR-STORY BUILDINQ, Arch near Broad: running in rear iirri, lot zu it, a in. oy 123 ft., to be .sold very reasonable; Improv ing dallyJosFhlinan;200 Lincoln Bldg. A COZY HOME, with all conveniences: hot water heat, stationary waahtubs: can va cate to sutt buyer. or particulars calls earners aurnanKg, en Avonsington ave. 227-2211 ZBRALDA ST. Trvo-story houseT. nnrch front. 2 in. from XVivha ii,..,i::' VI sq. from Wayne -ave.! $3800 each. Owner Frank V. Potter. 820 Arch, Ph, Walnut lain j in liKnt!K. near Ih1h.o eA... t.irrL ... ,,...... --. -, - ".,,-. r, "-v.. uricK, convenisnti-.-i.iA.ui ii. ioiipi anu bath: n nnancp. LLOYD. 714 Walnut. IMMEDIATE pots., 2115 8. 20th st ; further particulars upon appllcatloa to Burton C. Kimon ii. iv. cr. -win I'assyunk ave, 3100 HLOCIi N. BHERIDAN ST. Six room, and bath. NEWMAN A BALL. 8230 aSr" matitown ave. PROPERTY and business or well-estab IcZ cream bus.; fully equip.; doing good bus retiring: bargain. OrNcom. 210(1 Catharin.' ' 2037 OXFORIJ ST. Three-story, p.room dwelling. Immediate possession! price a.inuu ."lam .' ,,..,.. .,, ii-Wiiiui VV alnill 303 S. 1ITH Eleven rooms. 2 baths, steam heat: moaorn: easy terms. CHAS. 1, BROWNj, CO . 217 B. Broad 1027 CHRISTIAN" ST and'bulldmTTrTrear. $8000 clear. Immediate iioseesslun. Ji. iL. JARDELLA, 1333 ChrlsUsiiA THREE STOItl., To rooms; 2217 N. eth'V Call 1 Uj 8 Indiana aye. " "' OERR1TT" ST above 2!d 0 rooms; under. drained. SMITH 1388 Pt Breeze ive 1018 N. 13TH Hot-water heat: 28x172 10 Dutch hall. QLENN. 1317 Columbia. l80?..? . W,Ur-'1A'r,,r.5n.,..V:?B. ?d io- t:iwmi. $ ua.44.itii tun LOlUmDH. 1812 SEYUERTST. 2-sty.. 3 rms A bath.: conv,: possession. Fasy. lth Stiles sts 2110 N. 18TH Nine rooms, brownstone. l.xnApv fnHa fll.PMV 1KIT P-l.. It -., ' - .m ........... .., wwtMiiiiiia., 1713 BUTLER 3 1 An elegant three-story home. Owner gives possession. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. $2300 R. II. FOSTER, 0008 N. Broad st. MODERN factory and store building, 1418-17 Germantown ave.i lot 24x200, Window JfAt 31, Mztf ' u, '-. RKAIi X8TATK jTOR SAIL!; crnf LEWIS 'COHEN, 2d 1 113-14 UNC0LNBLDG, 3342-44-48 'lit Phillips St.. 0 rooms, bath) ce ment and stone porch, 3738-80-4 1-37 .Cedar are., i bedrooms, porch fronts; well financed. For Quick Action List Your Properties With Us. 241V N. 33D ST, FOR SXLE Strawberry Mansion boulevard: 12-room resi dence; good 'condition; exceptional location! hardwood floors; immediate possession; at tractive price for quick sale. For particulars apply to nAnnnn, hautman a co. 1201 Chestnut at. BROAD STREET FRONTAGE, 8, W. cor. jiroau ana uiser sts,; opportu nity for SDeeulatlnn 112.000 8, E. cor, 4th and, Thompson sts., 334 and 330 Thompson St., subject tn ground rent of $70.00... S.000 8330 N. 10th et., comfortable dwell ing , , .,,,,, ,,. u.uu 1042 N. Clarion at.: bargain 3.000 1013 Bristol st.! always oceuoled.. 2,300 1017 Darlen St.; colorod neighborhood 2,000 JNU11TII PHILADELPHIA TRUST UU. Hroad st., Germantown and 'Erie aves. SALE SALE 1013 N. Rroad st. 1707 Sp, Garden St. 040 N. luh i. iiTa m ir.ih ! 1723 V- lath kf on'in u.in a. 1708 Francis at. 809-11 Perklomen st. il.L "aiiaco st. 2232 Rrandywlne st IB" Pin e st, 300 N. 0th St. Z. i'j J i in si. una rairmouni tv. 204O Wallace st. ' 118 N. 10th st. iiii ?" xernon st, iois r, mnst. iii. i'rown st, 18H1 Diamond st. 14" N, 13th st. 1182 Pine and rear. GEO. L. PARKER fairmount ave. Hibberd B. Worrell & Co. it 803 N, 10. a rooms 2041 S. Garden. 10 r 1330 Green. 14 rooms B20 N. 18th, 0 rooms 2013 Mt. Vernon, IS r. 2003 Arch. 17 rooms 823 N. 10, 11 rooms 9128 N, 17. 12 rooms 2039 Orkney, a' story 1220 Thompson, 11 r 3831 Aspen. 2 story 2220 N. 20. cor.. 0 r, 1303 Green, 10 rooms 1812-14 Mt. Vn, 28 r. 2128 Wallace, 10 r 2118 Rrandywlne. Or. 1311.13 Thompson, r. 1820 Diamond, 12 r. 803-803 N. 24, 10 r. 2210 Wnllaco. 10 r. 1618-20 Swain. 11 r. 2832 Montg'y. 2 atory 1707 Norrls, 14 rooms 2410CalIowhlll 2131 Vine. 13 rooms 003-007 N. 18 11 r. FOR SALE 121-3-5 NO. 8TH STREET 729-31 APPLETREE STREET BO FT. FRONT ON 8TH ST. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WILLIAM C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT 8T. IT 1H VRTIV ritPin R0SINE HOME PROPERTY i.a.rJL.arm:!Uown nve' nd Westmore land st right at Junction with York road: spacious bulldlnr and about X4 acre gr.anV.Tu'a.ofe.o'nT'1'0'"' JOHN P. ADAMS 2740 QERMANTOXX'N AVE. 212-14 N. 10TH ST. two mo-iern 11-rocm dwellings; central: Improving location. 2131 Vine st (near Parkway) Thirteen room dwellings, bargain. Store and dwelling. N. E corner 8th and Brown sts Good business location. 2120 Race at. Nine-room dwelling, improv ing location. 0337 Norwood st . Germantown Storo and dwelling; bmlness neighborhood. J. EDWARD Ll'TZ 240 N 17th st. Memt.pr Philadelphia Real Eetati- Hoard. IMMEDIATE PQSSESSI0N N. E COR. MARSHALL AND GREEN STS,: THOROUGHLY HKNOVATMl 11-ro-im brick house. PHOTOGRAPHIC SKY LIGHT, roomy SIDE YARD on GREEN ST ; SU1TARLU FOR BUSINESS PURPOSE'S; size of lot about 23x30. Rpduced price. Ap ply at XXunderle's Candv" Tactory, ISO Pegg St. (oppnslt 44 N 2d st.) S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. Three-story dwelllny. lot 21x103: close to 1'arltwuy, noiHpsi,lon September 1 JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND SANgOM STS. BARGAIN Drug store In a very high-class residential section of North Phlla.: to gether with a fully equipped doctor's office; good paying store now; business can bo doubled In a short time; quick action; Im portant. Inquire. Glass-Goldberg, 1414 8. Penn Square. Loo. 2041. 1418 MASTER ST . corner suite aparT 10th nnd Thompson, corner. 37000. 1023 N. 18th St., 12 rooms. $0000. 227 N. 13th St.. atore and dwg. to rear st. iuv- Ann ov., siuro anu uwg ; uus. IOC. Wm. Sadler's Sons 1320 coiumft bla ave 20,000 SQ. FT. $3 a square foot! 7 blocks from City Hall, 173 feet from the cor. Brojd and Mt. Vernon' right In the automobile section, HIHBERD n XX'ORRBLL A CO. 333 N. 17ih 2339 N, FRANKLIN 2008 N. MARVINE. 3717 HROOMALL AVE. 1327 HOWARD ST. 1341 EARL ST. HARRY O. C. WILUAMB. 322 WALNUT FOR BALE PROPERTIES IN A GOOD LO CATION ON LINE WITH NEW ELE VATED ROAD. CAMERON "" KEffffQTo. CHESTNUT ST. store, suitable for womeiVs and man's apparel of the better grade: mod'irn building with back entrance on Ransttad st ; all Improvements; hardwood floors: price and terms advantegeous to Im medlste purchaser. C 403. Iedger Office. $4230 2437 N, COLLEGE AVE.. 11 roornT $0300. 1743 N. 8th St.. 12 large rooSs' 22x80! $10,000 store and dwelling. N. W. cor Frenkford ave. nnd York (2400). ApdIv 1413 XV. Yore, st. Phone Diamond 288 r PHYSICIANS ?20n Fltxwater ct.: suitable lorntlnn rA. nv, slclan 3 story, 11 rooms, offlco and waiting CHAS L RROXX'N t CO . 217 8 Brnsd IMJIEDIATE puss. -2113 S 20th st . further particulars upon application to Diirton C. Blinou. N XX cor 2Qth Pssayunk ax'e llulldjng fxitu, raetory Sites, Etp. 20,000 SQ. FT. $3 a square foot; 7 blocks from Cltv Hall 173 feet from the corner Hrod and Mt. Vernon: right In the automobile section HiRBERD II WORRELL O CO . SS3 N, 17th ONE DESIRA1ILE LOT. with raliroad front' ah! northeast corner N. 1. It. Tt. nmi tn. dlana st., 22.E0O square feet! suitable for etoneyara. coaieru, utoregs or ice plant. J. JA. 1VI1VAJA,C. AOO O. OIH St. HTH AND INDIANA AVE Vost desirable tlte In North Phlla for factory or ware house; 18.300 square fet, Penna. It. R, sid ing, irvin. ii tvainui st. bITES. railroad Ponna. and Reading; $2000 per acre and up, according to location; In quire for terms, DIETERICH, 787 Walnut. By KING -fi--..issr'-iii.if!-i WVER MINP Bill. IVE FOOHD'EMl AND I LOOKED IH THAT POOcET seven Times BeFoeeU I -- " REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MTY FOR HALM Litr Wftlnut,20l8 - LEWIS COHEN. 2nd - DlcWnson ITS 1113-ll'l4 Lincoln Bldg., 8. CITT 200 1 Ridge ave. Store and dwelling. H, E. cor. Rlh and I'arrlsh Store and dwelling, H,E, cor. 24th 'and Mountain Store nnd dyslllng. , 1820 South st. Btore and, dwelling nnd rear. 1823 South st.T-Stora nnd dwelling, B21 B, 17th St. iltore and dwelling, 98St.,.Dii1 t. Store and dwelling, cor, 122 hf,,,,tl" . t' 3-tory dwelling. 1728 S, Broad St. Bargain, BEST LOCATION IN WEST PHILA. FOR RENT 45 S B2d Street, 3-Story Store and Dwelling. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US aiitjiTriirnn:i!iniirAiACErjirfflinTJ CENTRAL BUILDING 625 ARCH STREET Lot 34' 10" x 173' 3" v 30,000 nqunro feet of floor space. Rear entrance. C-Blory and' bftae ment. ,nio-attip; electric; for mantifncturinir bulldlnjc or warehouse. Direct from title owner to purchiser, Kxpellcntlnvcstmcnt. Welt financed. POSSESSION LOU M. HINDIN II 18 CHESTNUT STREET PIIONR WAIaNUT 44-38 araBMii WKtT PHILADELPHIA Buy a Home That Pays Its Own Up-Keep mteXrtV..? J.ef.li nr . "y n .hrAm" .?"" heavy, dmBglng expensesT One of these rlrSI HiSf A."r"n,h' Homes" can bo arronged so that you will be able to rent ono apartment for enough to pay carrying expenses of the wliole. MOST EXCLUSIVE RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS OP WEST PHILA. 62d nnd Spruce Sts. 55th and Walnut Sts. 49th and Walnut Sts. 55th and Chestnut Sts. 54th and Walnut Sts. 54th to' 65th, Sansom St. SAMPLE APARTMENTS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT . ,A." ,hW W'tTP'" corJu!.n 6 rooms and bath on' each floor, hot-water heat, electric light, tile baths, and the rooms are exceptionally large w LN nUjDElpiIIA"EA,ri53T "0ME-U'irER's OPPORTXTNITY EVEn OFFERED RORFRT PATRTPk" IUDCrv.l rniIMx-rv CITY Business Properties nnd Store 200 S. 3D ST. FOR SALE Lot 19,8x100! occupied as wholesale grocery warehouse; possession January 1, 1031; elevator; electric lights, hot-water heating system. For further particulars apply to BARBER, HARTMAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut at. 260 South 17th St. 2 Stores and Apts., 29x75 Here Is n real bargain for tho person desiring tn make few Improvements, only $3000 rash required KOEIILER CO., 1420 Chestnut St.. or F. X. DELANY, XVest End Hid. Phone. Snrure 3K. FOR SALE 1328 N. BROAD ST., LOT 20 FT HY 200 rT. TO CARLISLE ST. APPLY TO ALFRED S. MILLER.. 1420 CHESTNUT ST. N.W. cor. Amber & Serj'nt .itoie & ilire 12- I. st. lit., elec $i:i 0(0 (jultui. mm Columbia STORE A dwir . 200ti't,tharlne, l'l rmms: low nrlce. $7000 ijuinn HUH Columbia :0.'2 COLt'MRIA AVE. 11 root.ia lent $75, p-lce thOOO. Qiilnn. 111111 Co'umbla, MARKET. Sll Five-sty. blux., Ilxl3i.. il-o W. Miller. Inc. II ill Ches'rut XX'il, OtlO'J 112 N. 3D Four-sty. bldg,: early ooss, Geo. W. Miller. Inc.. 1001 Chestnut. XX'al. 88H. Faetorlesi FOR SALE TW0-ST0RY FACTORY Near NVrth Philadelphia Station 10,000 Sq. Ft. Space ALL IMPROVEMENTS WILLIAM C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST 22 000 SQUARE FEET Factory dyehouse and flnlahlng works, engine, bol era pin- vators. ilru tower. best location In Phlla- deipnia. 73.000 square feet: central location; pos session; engine, boiler, elevators, 10,000 square feet. N. E. section, light on all sides: steam ht.. elec. elevator- Im pom JAMES L. STEVENSON SUN 822 Land Title Hldir Lot for Garage or Machine Shop 37x304 XX'ejmouth nnd TUsa ets $111,000 43x282 Rorer and Tinga sts ., ,,vu ULMER. FOX CHASE. PHILA. FACTORIES. Ill IJ iJINO SITES Ground wl-'i Mdlng MAR0NEY 5c DILLON Locust 201 H Flnnders tluljd'ng FOR SALE, for about Oile a square foot. tl-atory. brick, fartory building, facing 3 , streets; plenty of light; puwer ulant and i elexator, about 33.000 square feet, building ran be seen any time at 1033-41 Front St., rnuaaeipnis FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES OUI'll TO X 110 HUCAltl. FEET POSSESSION: RAILROAD DIETERICH 737 WALNUT 18 000 SQ. FT. on 2 "floors" fsctory bldg. for sale. C 827. Ledger Office Giragee) Combination Garage & Stable CORNER, CENTRAL 57x100 WILLIAM C. BENKERT 1421 CHESTNUT ST. TXX'O GARAX1ES o, good for manufacturing site, easy tprms Fox 1 dJ.sNlih Stored Kensington Avenue Stores Wo are In a position to offer a few store that remain fur rale on Kensington axi Quick action Is neceAsar JOHN T. D0YLEKen.,n.iU ave. Stiye and 10-Room Dwelling H23 COLUMBIA AVE. All ronvnin,'H I mm oil into i'9t"i(on Htorrrt Hiu) Dufllinrr- VUntinik ' " tj -"W 1 '!'' 1 It'll 1 Olrard av . on lUth Smith ISSa Pt lirPA iintAt7n -emae nnrl flu ! I.eittj prop., near Ji'07 OIRARD AVE Store und dwelling. jtAltRY O C. WILLIAMS. 622 XX'alnut WEST PIIII.ADEl.PIII V 6810 SPRl'CE ST 2-story, I) looms nnd bath, tilec light, hot-water heat, ilrst class condition, VACANT NOW SISS De l.nncev 0 rooms. and 3030 Arch. It rooms po.rh fronis. ver good. Ilnanced XX'rlte Urav. BlSsi'hestnut IMMED. POSSESSION 231 " H. 33lh 'st.,' 2 sty, 7r, h.-w. ht . elec Unlit, tncl porch. irxtPlllE TRUST CO 41th & Lancaster uvp. jlAROE a-STORY" RESIDENCE" 011 lielmont Kve . 12 looms. 2 baths, urlco 30700. EMPiltr. j jvuri i " , a .IM iwvncasier ave. B.VJ1 I.ARX'HXXOOD AVE. Porch. .' t,; ,1 p.wtmM e ec. llshts One home iiuhi., umIoii QLENN. 1317 Columbia u ir JMnvnA HV lOO HLOCK N. Il.-id si Itiriro story, lut 21x11-' room fir i,niHu A-l condition LfNSl.l.Y fc ADXMS iUdnml .irh 01ST 23 N. Six moms nnd luith. excellent condition. $0Q0 oasli. poutsloni lifrgo lot. L1N3LI1Y A MoADAMS 03d and Arch ' 3314 ADDISON Six ronmi and bath, ste'ari't neat, viecirni iifiii, norcn if oat; bargain, APidy Sl'SSMAN 13 Nf 31th st XVEST PHIIaA homes Ixit. $30()0 nnd 8 1000) will help finance. M. A, . FuX. U'flS 20t h I'RlV. dwgs , immeillat ruse, t salnpla house llJau I'.iKunia itvr. ,Ai:ain nn premises, 12UO0 3(l t). 47th st J 3800. 4(130 Psschsll are,, financed. Pft, Woodland 5037 4, A 1 iYArtyfv " - ' i '2f :" . i-1 REAL ESTATE FOX flALS " CITY W. Cor. 17th &, B(vtnbr.dge 1800 Balnbrlflge St. Rurgafn itun n. Jiouvier st iiargain. 1322 H. Capitol at. 2412 Turner st. 3-atory dwllln. , 0537 Upland st. 2-story dwelling, porch, electrlo light. WEST PHILADELPHIA , 22 H. Conestogn st 2-story,, porch. a4t xvanaco at, 8-stnryi porcn, 321 Addison st, 2-story, porch. B73'J Cedar nve, Porch, 4 bedrooi rooms. TtWlA 8810 N, Smedley.st. 4 rooms, porch. 3903-03 N. Smedley st. Modern, vacant. j WEST PHILADELPHIA ,5n.nAl' estate trust bldo, PHONES, XX'ALNUT 2034 and 37B1 J PfflsaiLraiBraiiaraciirmKB 3935 CHESTNUT STREET Locsted In one of the most exclusive CW.ae.n,.laI. neighborhoods ot West Philadelphia, the lot li 80x214 to street in rear giving opportunity for garagei- parlor, dining room, break fust room and kitchen on first floor; ii rooms, bath and porch on second floor; I rooms and bath on third floor; the rooms ore particularly nnacious; in excellent condition! llreplacos;-prlco Is reasonable. j Wm.HAV. Quick &Bro.,Inc. &lMlinBiMI,ffi . .SAMPLE HOUSE 407 SO. 5 1ST ST. Three stories, semidetached. 100-ft. lot, facing Park, exclusive location: restricted rection; renovated through out; 2 bathf electric nxtures. OPEN TODAY ARTHUR J. LEUP0LD 52D AND LAItCHWOOD AVE. 014 SO. YEWDELL STREET Two-story residence, 7 rooms r.nd bath, steam hpt, .Icctrlc light, living hall; excel lent res'dentlal section; convenient location. EUGENE L T0WNSEND ' S. E. COR. 40TH AND BALTIMORE XVTeV 5020 CEHAR AVENUE om Three storv. in rooms and 2 baths; newly papered and pointed throughout: new electrlo' fixtures: side yard, 80-ft,-wido street; Imme. dlatj possesilon, 't JOS. ALLEN POnS nMJ0v.. - $30(1 CASH; vacant, financed; papered and , .Painted! make a deposit and move In: BOO b ork Paschall ave. 0 rooms and tathi white plumbing; JSIiki CARPENTER & WILSON B220 Market st Belmont 1087 5000 CEDAR AVE. Corner 2 main streets; room for caragei electric lights; open hall; possession, JOS. ALLEN POnS BtliimZv.. CORNER 301 S. 40th st.. 3-story resldtneel Hi rooms, 2 baths, marble shower, hot vvnter heat, electric light, parquetry rtoors. Ilvlnt, hall: restricted r elh(,nrii,rt EUGENE L T0WNSEND S E cor 4iuh and Paltlmorn ave. ' 0023 PASCHALL AVE. Eight rooms; va- i-iuii jiricw a,iiu 7712-14 Hulst nv 2S-storv dwelling; let 30x127'! ft i vucant: price $4000. G. A. GAUL, 7028 Woodland Av. 3210 WALNUT ST Ripe for Impiovemsntl iiitinu fii-i I. D. F. McCONNELL I Spruce 372.1 4 S. IBth st. 628 N. 64TH ST. Semidetached 2-story home, modern. 4 bed rooms, pussesslon. bargain for quick sale. Lambert & McDermott K.yg.ft 532 S. 59TH ST. Modern xanant; practically new: 3 bedrooms. Inclosed porch; will sacrifice to quick buyer. Lambert & McDermott $?$ 3777 1207 WALNIT ST IS rooms. 3 baths, hardwood floors, electrlo lights: lot RRc I 213 reet to b'insom st., nne old shado and I.nil UV.A nVVilUI ,,V.l A (tl'UMCI I'illM , iuc.i location and readily ronvsrtlbla Intu high class apxrtmentn J C 1TLLBR 10 S Ifith st N E COR. tlJD AND RACE STfi. Two story st-re ami duelling, good opportunity lor impri'em'"i --, inp D. F. McCONNELL Sprues, 372.1 12H7 Harrison Ridg. ! WHY l.uoK AT Illmm HOUSES, when 3-bed. loom i tort-room and bath houses can be t.miKlu .it 3(i30. 4 bedroom and $3UB0? One I block fium Market St. car No, 81 reprcutn- I tlillve on premises 10 30 tn 3. OKU XX. UltUXVLKr IS SON, 1237 N. 001b. lle'-nonr 11341 XX'. 3501-03-OB CHESTER AVE.: all stone, 3 etorv dwelling, 3 baths 13 rooms, else, lights, gas, Rudd heater, hardwood floor, hot-vvster heat, suitable for apartment houses; on business corner! price $33,000) terms owner on premises. 222 S 57TH ST. Located nn widest st. of XX Phlla , large living room, dining room, kltt hen. pantry. I bedrooms, bath, hot-water furnace 'lee light, gas, rango; terrace f ront fair side yard HOME Hl'YERS ATTENTION , Modern house n rooms, bath, hardwood floors ulrctrlc. lint water heat; vacant! COS chancellnr st rlyht of doth and Walnut. XV. II M1M.ER 031 I'rexel Rldg. Ph. Lorn. 3(109. r- iAf'AVr 10.1S S Paxon st. I imth t'utch hnll. price attract HEU A ROECKI.E, 72B U A rMmi. ctlve. 02d St. ii Til I'UiSI) ESTATE 0 1 cat bargain; 0l40 Vine At and 0214 CAllowhlll St.! I atory, porch fiunt. 10 rooms nil conveniences) sx cellnii condition pi.sesslon 30 days.. KELLY .Jl" 1 ll"'1 rol'""bla ave Dlameiid lt. 3347 ADDISON ST - Twa story. 'porch front, 11 rms and bath, bay windows, Dutch ball! nnlv J.ir.ou Delany, West Endlliug., or KOtflMrr fjl l.o (l-vi'r,iH'Jir,l, 1X1Q, Uiyj. '.JIM 1 CHESTNUT Vrieafit Jthnriiughly mod. ru. IH rms J ii.i 1 no snawtrsi excel ent ond 2 sty, gar lot ta Sansiim , $38,000. -Wm T 11-i.rr1."' -'"3 llaxrfonljiy.. Narbertli N E 1 iiiisi.ii iiiin Kiogsessinc aX'e.i largo 0-rnvm huuee Immediate possession; Tpnovated throughout $8300i ilnanced. Pbdne XVoodland 831l"xy Qivner, 027 S. MUjit t?G50 CASH. 52,13 REINflAIlT ST. 80, of Chestnr ave.i S rooms, 6- btdrpcmsf 84 iou i Itiini, ) pes Apply, on premises. T 87TH ST., hear Catharine Two tory,,7 r., urnishedt hot-water neat, eleci porch front 1 luriiivuiv Biiuyet. nop, Aifiri. vompiste, $10.0110, JniKl Jlopiers, 20th apiyifivsrsve' .i.,uo,..A . ... -.. -.--'. r -i ..rt E-- IT I .4 Wi V 1 Sv ' ' I'j.l1 ,1 - I -vw: rl.uV jet. iti't - l".1fa4i" - . VOSSESHIONp13 renins, rp for ant 1 810 i, ; 7g 8d st t side yard, electric, h -ty,. ImsmV' ijffl hardwood W VVV A, "ctr,y( K.afmF 3flk Sl.t and Lvfu.l t;i 'T-hesi . J'- j, ' J,fl .4: ;; r.r ; m ,'f'tt V '"fin :i 'a m tv ,Hh4 1 r '4 tt 'm i .'i? M$ i 'VaJI v 'T '-J4, f '.- "Si ' 1 ' M V J ' w .9 (I -J Asxtr1 fl$