Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 31, 1920, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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    ' .
' JivBOTrfQ' yuBLro, LED(Eiffl:iMi)EJLPHXA:, mohpay; ma? h flat, - -
if ii
many flame of "ye olds days." Hose
carriages, with their four-coil spring
bells on the front nnd their glass rollers
for tho hose, n hand-power engine,
bearing tho motto "Semper Paratus,"
or "always prepared," firemen' hats
of the old typo. Leather belts with the
names of tho companies form a border
for the room.
Tho old-fashioned coal stoves still
stand in their places.
On tho second floor is tho meeting
room of the prcseTSt association, where
company by tho Ladles' Auxiliary in
1843, i It pictures two beautiful women
Symbollzlng'fldollty and duty. This tho
painter" declared to be his masterpiece.
Hero also aro more old-fashioned
colorful Heliographs and old leather
enpes which fire fighters of thoso days
wore. There is nlso a framed, set of
resolutions, done on the old-tlmo black
paper and gilt lirint, expressing regret
at the death of Abraham Lincoln. Over
tho door Is hung two of the nozzol used
by the Heart and Heart Flro Co. of
1730. OldMImo fire axes stand in tho
k The third floor contains much the
same things ns the second, with onc
exception. Arranged around the room
Is a tow of chnlrst on which aro the
bate- of the deceased members. They
are covered with dtist.and falling apart
with age.
Police Busy on White Horse Pike
Magnolia, N. J., May 81. Tbcro
havo been quite a number of robberies
In the towns along the White Horso pike
nnd strangers are bcVng closely watched,
On Saturday night a stranger entered a
vacant house on tho plko to est. Jus
tice Jackson made him proceed on
his journey. Every town has special of
ficers on duty.
1b by Justice of the Teace Jaclcson at
Magnolia. s
.Ralph Lackey, of Hddonfleld. was
fined $25 nnd costs for reckless drlrv
lug by Justice of tho Peace Jackson.
Durned Whl Fighting Fire n
Whllo fighting a fire 'which sllghlly
damaged' tho plant of the Arnholt
Schaeffcr Brewing Co., Thirty-second
nnd Thompson streets, yesterday ofteA
noon. Christian Gauss, 3031 Cambridge
street, an engineer cmployo nt the br.aw-'
cry, wns burned severely on tho handri
and arms. Ho was taken to tho LanJ
kenati Hospital.
Building, Furnishings and Equipment of Veteran Organize
tion to Be Sold Under1 Auctioneer's Hammer T(uirsday
Five Phlladelphlans Are Caught In
Now Jersey Net
State Inspectors Pcdlgreo nnd Rob
hips' arrested five Phlladelphlans on the
Whlto Horse pike In New Jersey yes
terday on charges of reckless driving,
Harry Welnmann, Walter Frallng,
Gcorgo T. Reich nnd Joseph RufTolo
wcro fined $25 nnd costs by Justice
of tho 1'cn eo Strouso at Hammontou.
McKlnloy Palmer, the other Phlladcl
phian, was fined .$25 for having nn im
proper licenso tog and $20 for speed-
r M
.Resolutions Demanding Investi
gation Will Bo Acted on by
"County Committee
T?hc Active Volunteer Flro Co., suc
cessors to the old United States IIoso
Co., nt 423 Buttonwood street, nnd the
last of tho volunteer companies in this
city, will pass out of exlstcnco Tliurs-'
day. when tho bulldlng( furnishings nnd
equipment will go under tho auctioneer's
In this famous old building ore
housed the Implements (hat extinguished
the. original members sicnt wniio wait-
n call to duty. In this room there
Inrv. allk liaM
large silk banner, naintcd by John
Woodstde and presented to the fire
Resolutions demanding nn Investiga
tion Into tlio facts surrounding the
edcnpo of the notorious slacker Grovcr
Porgdoll and tlio punishment of nil
ptrsons In or out of the military or
ganisation responsible for lijs cscnpu
will ba presented at the meeting of the
Philadelphia county committee of the
American Legion In the City Club, 313
South Drond street, Wednesday evening.
When the Bcrgdoll court-martial was
being conducted, nnd again when the
sentence wns pronounced, the Igion
here refused to take cognlwinco of the
matter. But there Is no such feeling
now. Virtually cyery post in the city
has Indicated nn unmistakable interest
In the events which led up to the tsenpo
of the notorious pro-German drnft
dodger. A bulletin has been sent out from
state headquarters of the Legion to the
R41 posts throughout the state, request
ing all members to join in the bcarch
for the escaped military convict.
"Posts nrc Instructed, " declares the
bulletin, "to inform every garage or
place where gasoline or oil may bo ob
talntJ of the following description of the
sutombbllo in which ho (Bcrgdoll), is
believed to be escaping.
"His automobile is n Hudson super
six car with n black touring body. Its
manufacturer's number Is 102210 nnd
its engine number is 218-10. The enr
Js either showing a 1020 Pennsylvania
license tag No. 85,478 or a New Jer
sey license.
"Immediately upon the discovery of
Bcrgdoll or of tho oar the nearest po
lice office should be notlfledv Howards
are offered both for his nrrcst nnd for
Information leading to his nrrcst."
Tho business of tho next state can
tonment, to be held in Allcntown, June
38 nnd 10, will rccclvo considcrntion nt
tho county committee gathering. Phil
adelphia will havo tho largest delega
tion in tho cantonment nnd will pre
sent n number of suggestions, one of
which It is understood will bo the con
tinued maintenance of tho state head
quarters imthis city.
Post No. 80 of tho Legion, which
meets nt Seventeenth nnd South streets,
and is comprised of colored vcternns,
hns been nnmed the Lincoln Post, Its
delegate to tho cantonment will bo W.
II. Thompson, who is the post com
mander, and tho nltcrnntc will bo Ben
jamin E. Amnions.
Post 300, in the northeast, which has
a largo number of Polish veterans in
Its membership, has reached the 200
mnrK. this post will send three dele
gates to tho cantonment.
Raymond Ei Grccly Post No. 01 will
launch nn intensive building fund drive
early next week. Plans formed by the
post building committee, in conjunction
with tho Lancaster Avenuo Business
Men s Association committee, map out
a very efficient and business-like cam
paign which tho post will follow in at
taining its objective. The goal was ten
tatively net at $25,000. Tho Twenty
fourth ward will bo covered thoroughly
In this drive for bubscriptions. A cap
tain and a team will be appointed to
operato in each division of the ward.
Prince-Forbes Post 7 at its wnokcr
on Thursday, Mav 27, elected the (oU,
lowing representatives to go to tho state
convention in addition to I. Baylvon,
commander, nnd William A. Klaus, ad
jutant: Delegates, G. C. Guest, John
B. Becker, George G. Stranahan, John
Gilchrist and K. A. Davics : alternates,
J. J. McFottcrs, B. W. Lockwood, WII-
HnnUc",nr.l, Jr-' T- lr- Morris and
H. O. indisb.
Valley Forge Society Seeks $10,
000.C00 for National Museum
"Wo saved civilization for tho world;
let us save America for Americans."
This Is tho slogan of tho Valley
Jorge Historical Society, which todav
opens its campaign to raise 250.000
n Philadelphia's quota in a $10,000,
000 fund to ranko Valley Forgo the
greatest museum of national history in
tho world.
Interest of the school children is be
ing enlisted in tho project. Through
the co-operation of Superintendent of
Schools Garber, they will observo on
Juno 21 "Valley Forgo Day," when a
patriotic message, written by tho Iter.
Dr. W. Herbert Burk, rector of Valley
Forge Memorial Chapel and president
of the society, will bo read to tho pupils.
A Quaker
Tin Roof.
I WHEN your grandfath-
er was n small boy, E
there was a Quaker tin-
smith in Philadelphia
5 named James Truman,
I the sort of man who E
s doesn't deal in substi-
tutes, or "something else S
5 just as, good." When a E
5 new roof was wanted on
the old Horace Binney E
5 residence on Fourth
S street, they got James to
put an old-fashioned tin E
j roof over the shingles
E for those old mossbacks,
S as we roverently call
S them, liked to have roofs E
S that last. E
5 Well, that tin roof is there
yet 1835 to 1920; that's
E eighty-five years so fur! E
Quaker styles in hats and E
s roofs change wcry slowly, be- E
S cause tho .stuff they use takes
S bo long to wear out!
S T(n mnkes tho best roof but E
you want the best tin. Ask any E
s roofer to name the best brands
5 of roofing-tin. You'ro safo if
S hesaysNU-DURA-TIN.
833-35 Market Street
Blauners Great June Sales
Begin Tomorrow An Annual Wonder Value -Giving Event
This June Sale, which is a yearly event, begins
Tuesday, June 1st, and continues throughout the
entire week. It will surpass all former sales in
the tremendous variety and size of stocks offered
and the value given.
June Clearance of Entire
Stock of Coats & Wraps
Our complete stock of fine Coats, Capes and Wraps
marked 3Wo to 50 off for the Great June Sale.
And these were originally priced lower than else
where. Not shopworn -merchandise but clean,
perfectly tailored models of finest fabrics.
The chance of the season!
80 Jersey Coats Formerly 22.50 Now 12.00
170 Coats Formerly 29.75 Now. . : , 1 3.00
1 26 Coats Formerly 35.()0-49.75 Now 21.00
18 Coats Formerly 59.75 Now , 32.50
46 Coats Formerly 49.75-55.00 Now 35-00
42 Wraps Formerly 45.00 Now .......; 26-00
9 Wraps Formerly 79.75 Now 55.00
1 1 Wraps Formerly 55.00 Now 39.00
7 Wraps Formerly 175.00-225.00 Now ... 100.00
Many other Wraps included
These June Sales are the most important events in
our Great Low Price Campaign to lower the cost of
Apparel. Wonderful stocks of new goods for Summer
at great reductions and below Cost Pricings. Bargains
in every department for children and women.
June Sale of 600 Foulard
Voile Dresses
Every Dress
valued consep
vativ elyat
IfXA OTfooa
All the lovely
summery col-
ors. All sizes.
This is the loveliest lot of Dresses ever offered at this price. A host of
styles feature organdie vestees, crocheted buttons, sash low at back;
surplice, ruffles, etc. uompieie your summer waruroue uuw mud oic.
200 Voile Dresses
Worth double this price Summer house and va
cation Dresses in gay colors and styles. Straight
line and bouffant styles.
Other Lovely Voiles, All 3-50
New, fresh Dresses, that- are wonderful bargains.
Tunic, ripple, straightline and high waisted effects.
Buttons, piping and pockets.
June Sale Reductions
on Silk Dresses
These fine Dresses, worth up to 22J50; one of the greatest bargain features, of this Sale Week. Dir'inctive models like these
of Taffeta, Satin and Serge, cannot be duplicated in stock at twice the price.
Lace collars and cuffs, embroidery, braiding, buttons. Tunics, Ripples. Ruffles, Straightline and Coat Effects.
Dow tint car m Store
11 i v j 1 l
4.95 to 6.50 Mercerized Gabardine Skirts
Best oualltv white mer- A P" Pearl buttons, patch and
cerized gabardine in
gports and dress models.
slit pockets, novelty
belts, etc. Waist sizes
25.00-35.00 Summer Dress Skirts
Baronette satin, dew-klst, kumsi-kumsa, tricolette, fantasia,
paulettc, Georgette and crepe do chine In many stunning
modes. Wonder Savings Provided.
Blauner'i Third Floor
. Values 6.007.00
Ilandsomo Georgette and Tricolette Blouses at half price and
lessl All the new colorings contrasted with beading, embroid
ery, lace, etc. One of tho Best Bargains of the season.
8.00-12.00 Silk Tricolettes
Many sample Blouses are included in this
group of exclusively designed Tricolettes
and Georgettes. Over -blouse, button
back, collarless models, etc.
Voiles & Organdies Specially Priced
New crisp summer organdies and flowered or checked Q
voiles self or contrasting collars. A wonder bargain, )0
Bltcanns Main Floor
2.00 Boys' Wash Suits 1.69 Infants' Long Dresses
1m x 1 Nalneook Dresses daintily . .
flfl 1 trimmed with laco and fi
UU t vsssssjssr ar8 " 1 .UU
Galatea, llnene, crash and
poplin In Norfolk, two
pleco and Oliver Twist
BtlfS. I
Kiddies 'New Summer Dresses Special!
Fins merceriz
ed r o p 1 1 n
Dresses In slip
over and em
pire models.
1.69-1. 4.
2.94-3.94 GMt
R e a u 1 a t Ion
Dresses of blua
llnene feature
white braid
and red tlos
Pastel organ
dies In surplice,
empire, and
ruffled models
Bioap tlonal
Gingham Drtifi, priced. .... ... 2.25
2.94-3.94C7rfV Regulation Drm.tt,,, priced 2.48
3.94 CMt' OrgandU ft Voile Dreue; pried 2.25
2,94 Girt' J.an MiddUt, priced 2.69
2.94 CM.' Colored Smock,, priced 2.69
Formerly 17.94 to 37. SO
Practically our entire remaining; Btook of Olrla' Coats marked
at on very low price ior clearance. Biivenonea, veiouru,
polo cloths, Mrges, trlcotlnea. 6-1S.
Blauner'e Fourth Floor
nfl ' l h ul '
1.90 MXuLP
f '
ca t
, t - "i
t I'
tu'J'i'iktaJr. . Li! tiKi
lis Bf 1 ii --" - : -. . -rrt:
JVfc- .V ..t
t ,
,rt J 1 ll