I -' . , '. v- a- p ' ', .JK. "' ' , ' " i f V1M 5 v& HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER HWMtPa TT fuk luib, y CLOTHIER Reeves Stovo 38 & Foundry Co. So. 2d fCREDIT CLOTHING ' f , , , , ,. ::, ,, , . , -', , . , STRAWBRIDGE fiVllor alio. Th.r. J. noth i.. lust (rood. S"r book. JfrataatwV Clothes (or Ihs Fntira Family We Solicit Your Account Hy-Gratla ClotfiingCo, 827 CHESTNUT ST. 2rf Floor. Open - 'WR HCV DIAMONDS GOLP& SILVER ntflrr of All Klndm Illglint rrlcn pnld Penn Smelting & Refining Works "The Old (loid Blwb" 906 Filbert St., Phlla., Pa rt. Jon 18. 1912. No plash or drln. N Ink complete without . them. l'oiltlrt imfcoff.."""" water. Ak your vlumbtr for SutIH'h Swnn-nk fnticfti. THOS. SAVILL'S SONS 1310 WALLACE SIBEKT kWMUTliMlTtlB USED CAR SALE ait. Tltfa lrrrif MANY IIAltflAINN AT ATTUACT1VK l'lUCKM Sold on "I.rtliixton llunklne rian," rovtrlnr 13 monthly payment. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. , . OK ITNNA. . XV. A. KUHKIt. President Leilnnton lllilg., H81 833 N. Ilroiid Bt. t 4420 LOCUST ST. Modern home, in exclusive neighborhood, at pre-war prico of $11,000. WILLIAM E. BORING , 909 Real Estate Trust Buildinff ' UNEQUALEDIN PURITy Alleviates disorder of advancing years and good for tho young TAIIADISE SPHING COMPANY Brumwick, Mino Cincinnati, Okio Mitchell Flbtciibsi Get Virtue AsKzm Go- MANY PEOPLE Tnko a few steps oil Chestnut Street on 12th Street simply to see tha BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS We shall be glad po have you come in. Please don't feci obliged to purchase. TH': CENTURY FLOWER SHOP 12lh St. below Chestnut St. ' 2SH foiirteeiif.ast Sixtieth Street A luxurloui residential hotel opposlto tho Metropolitan Club snei Fifth aVcnuo entrance to Central l'arlf. Kasy access to the theatres, cluua ana hIiod. plus centers. EAGER & BABCOCK NEW YOIUC OIXV ADELPHIA ROOF GARDEN Opens Today at Noon you wifffifo?it aftoy iko first sip 'EXTRA DRY" GINGER ALE Tfiomas' CFfu&Q Co. commend it . J :-.;;y.V,r:,r. 1868 ANNIVERSARY: SALE 19 2 O ANNOUNCEMENT FOft TUESDAY, JUNE FIRST STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY, MEMORIAL DAY J qoo 0 y -9, Q n at re T SlIl k; . The fifty-bvo years that have passed since the Founders of HJ . this business, with their small force of "clerks," served their customers in the little dry goods "store on this good old corner, have been years of great achievement. The confidence so strongly established in the early days was the price less'heritage upon which the Sons of the Founders builded. That confidence has been strengthened each year, and. each year has added thousands to the hosts of customers we have the honor to regard a.s lifelong friends : : : It is the most nat ural impulse in the world that prompts us to give expression to our feeling toward our customers, and we make acknowledgment of our appreciation of the confidence you have in our goods and our service, by planning for each year, the ANNIVERSARY SALE, which has become widely known as the MOST IMPORTANT ECONOMY EVENT in this city And This Year Our Anniversary Sale Comes as the Climax to Various Price-Reducing Movements, Proving It to Be as Much Greater Thctn All Sales Elsewhere, as it has Been in Past Years A PLAIN STATEMENT HOW THE PRICE LOWERING MOVEMENT WAS STARTED mHE LAST five days of April were Clover Days here. The Store was crowded. Some stores were not. During those five days a movement was debated elsewhere and action decided upon Saturday night, May 1st, AFTER 'THE PUBLISH ING OF OUR FULL-PAGE STATEMENT of conditions and our promise to continue to help relieve the situation as we had done in those five days, by reducing prices on apparel and many kinds of merchandise most needed, sacrificing to a very considerable extent, our fair, legitimate profit. Tlie chairman of the FAIR PRICE COMMITTEE endorsed our statement in a letter dated May 1st, from which we quote: "You have, by cheerfully complying with every request of the Committee nnd by your assurances to use the great resources of your firm to cut down profits to the narrowest margin, taken the lead In the kind of patriotic co-operation that this Committee has endeavored to secure." What followed all about town has benefited the public. Some stores helped in one way, some in another. It Is pretty widely known that pur regular prices average lower than prices, elsewhere for the same class of goods. And in stores where higher prices are the rule, an- inspiration actuating an all around reduction would appear quite creditable, what ever the motive. But all movements were only prelim inary to THE ONE GREAT ANNUAL ECONOMY EVENT that Philadelphia looks forward to the Strawbfidge & Clothier ANNTVERSARY SALE the one Sale that tens of thousands know STANDS ALONE and is never approached by other special sales of any kind whatsoever. mN OUR statement of May ls.t we showed that we are paying more than twice as much as we paid five years ago for most kinds of goods. We also stated that our average net percentage of profit, after deducting Government taxes, was less In 1919 than in many of the former years in the history of this Store. We raid that the retailer of established character and reputation had "no power to reduce prices, except in no far as he is willing to help relieve the situation by sacrificing profits to which he is legitimately entitled." rT'L : S' .- "Si rL n. JkTfcT l m B-HHIM4 ' I ww Jy ffiEffF . ". Xil Kirl ni r -i n r-i,n i -s IMigSSifmrnir " 1 Vl r r i mi i i i fr-L 1 ill "t. J -Sk-STJ i itTTrtJaV I U SsMnfflt Uf f nfl"'"1' ""Poriant in the long run, however the 4 rll fact that will be remembered Inner . i.- E But we are very glad to say that many of our MANUFACTURERS ARE CO-OPERATING with us to make this ANNIVERSARY SALE a great success this year, as they have in former years, by coming to us with substantial lots of desirable merchandise at a considerable concession in price; sacrificing a part of their profit as we are doing, sharing losses with us giving to us in preference to some others, what ever advantages it is possible to grant. VERYBODY has an ' opportunity just now to save on purchases of apparel and other needed goods. Each year at this time there are re duction sales, chieflv of sm-incr nnnnrrl: hut special sales are somewhat more numerous than usual this season, much to the present advantage of the public. Some kinds of goods will coat merchants more than they paid for what they now own, and the lower prices prevailing may not be available later on. Therefore, our advice is, shop around and BUY WHAT YOU NEED now, and BUY WHERE YOU CAN BUY MOST ADVANTAGEOUSLY. N THIS STORE there are thousands of articles at reduced prices many at no profit, some at less than we paid for them for we have taken it upon ourselves to make our ANNIVERSARY SALE the greatest money-saving event in this city. ORE important in the long run, however the fact that will be remembered longest after the special sales Is the fact so frequently nroven in the past month, that OUR REGULAR PRICES ARE LOWER than prices elsewhere-often ower than reduced prices elsewhere. We have found this to be true in hundreds of instances in almost every line of goods, including hosiery and under wear, millinery, dresses, musjin underwear, men's and boys' clothing and hats, domestics, dress fabrics, linens, upholstery goods, glassware, china, house furnishings. lamps, trunks and other lines. To cite a typical case: A wide Roman-Btrine ribbon Mnt w lden"cal wWth quality-at $2.25 a yard, at which price we had been selling it since January. H 2sTa lK 0ffca !iUn 8tandard "on domestic was i clsewh8" th nrrt week of May; the same grade was 81.00 in our stock. In the second week of May it wa. $1.50 in the other store, and still being sold by us at S100 Wo have been told of many other Blmilar cases. But the year's yONE GREAT EVENT is now uppermost in the minds of the public, and tens of thousands of people are saving money in the Strawbridge & Clothier Anniversary Sale. if i i ii ii i ii 111 In M Ml III III II II II llll I 4BB' 1 fiii " I 9 I I The Store will be closed on Monday, and the great Sale will continue Tues day morning, with even greater enthusiasm than at the beginning of the wonderful week just closed. Read our announcements in Monday's Bulletin and Tuesday morning's papers. They will be crowded with news of many of the thousands of extraordinary values in the Sale. ' Some exceptional new features will be announced. You will be given stronger evidence than ever before of this Store's position of leadership. Mean while, make your plans to be here bright and early Tuesday morning. This is assuredly the GREATEST SALE IN FIFTY-TWO YEARS. STRAWBRIDGE &. CLOTHIER J. V , a m ttt.ii'ft!. jl. tV. t hy i V.3tM'V. " tiA ip ftW m. ! '.iUlM & Xk .. . ....,. v., .j ui, '....&&., .-.. ."'. '" JM I tM if .t A A " w i i