W5 ?! fr .Mi fi1'Tl .'V i itt vi V'VftKW. "' ' ' X, .. U ' Kft PS & V. L 'T . r A n " .nm l 'Mll KING'S WEDDING NULL EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, S&TURBAYj itJST 20, 1926. - & : LOST AND FOUND Alexander Failed to Comply With Greek Legal Formalities London, May 20. (Hy A. P.) The faarrlago of King Alexander of Greece to Mademoiselle Kanos not only Is morganatic and unrecognized by the constitution, but la considered null by Greek civil law became the ceremony wan performed without a license from tho metroplltan and without other legal formalities required for royal weddlugs, according to an Athens dispatch to the London Times. . Little Interest In this nspect of the marriage Is being shown by the Greek public, perhaps because the future of 'royalty Is somewhat uncertain. During the recent visit of King Alex ander to Salonlca. It U declared, his wife insisted upon remnlning with him. The government, however, according to report, compelled her to leave Greece. Hold "First Aid" Contest The final "first aid' contest of the Philadelphia division of the Mell Tele phone Co. was held last night In Lu Lu Temple, the honors going to the branch from Wilmington, by n nurrow margin. This Is an annual affair, held under the auspices of the company and the Itcd Cross. The contest is the climax to the first aid instruction of the employes during the year. Judacs of the contest were surgeons of the city. Awards $40,000 Main Contract Mayor Moore awarded a contract to Joseph Mcllugh today for the laying Of a cast iron wnter pipe line on Adams avenue, Frankford. The amount of the contract Is $40,000. Due to the in creased building operations in this sec tion of the city the present line was found to be inadequate. This addi tional line will supply the new Sears -Roebuck plnnt on the Itoosevelt boule vard and private dwellings in this vi cinity. Rev. Dr. Robert Freeman to Preach The Rev Dr. Robert Freeman, of i Pasadena. Calif., will be the special preacher at the Second Presbyterian Church, Twenty-first and Walnut streets, tomorrow morning. Doctor Freeman spent two years in service in , France and was tlie ttrst choice oi me committee, chosen to select a successor to the Rev. Dr. .iowett in the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. New ork city. He has been in attendance at tho Presbyterian General Assembly here. Building Workers Given Advance Pittsburgh, May 20. (By A. IV ) E. M. Tate, secretary of the Building Construction Employers Association, today announced new wage agreements effective June 1. as follows: Structural Iron workers, $1.25 an hour, advance of twenty-five cents: cement finishers, $t.l2Vi an hour, advance of thirty cents; hoisting engineers. $1,124 an hour, advance of 22Vj cents. DIAMOND Lo't, square-cull diamond, weight R.M karats. The stone v lost Saturday, May I, between Haverford and tn Chestnut Street Opera House. Liberal ie ward I r returned to J. K. Caldwell A Cr Chestnut and Juniper sts. DOG Lost, from Ardmore. about May 10. one black shepherd dogi license number on collar. Reward. Notify by telephone Ilpruce 3329 or Malvern 3t It 6. Family no longer at Ardmore. ORIENTAL nun, large size, dropped from auto on way In town from 3Rth and 1.0 cusl ta to Baltimore ave. to 37lh at., to South at , to 13th at and Ijombard t i liberal reward If returned or Information leading to It. P 1313, Ledger Otn.ce vaNITY CASH tvst. about 11 n-cioci j-r day evening, probably HItx-Cnrlton Hotel, gold vanity rase Initials "M R "' reward. M. Butler, rtnth at and City Une, Ovorbrook. Phone Overhrook 3'ion PERSONALS NOTICE la hereby Riven thai on and after' May 29, 1020. we, tho undersigned, re linquish nil claims to business conducted under the name of Guarantee Oarage, lo cated at 1123-2f Melon st . to John H Mor ris. Jr . who will assume proprietorship at abov address. LILLIAN REITER. JOSErit M. FORD. HELP WANTED FEMALE ACCOUNTANT'S ASSISTANT The Accounting Department of the Tublle ledger Co desires the lervlces of a young woi.ian with a high school training or Its ecflvalent. must have knowledge of ate nozraphv and bookkeeping and be able to discuss accounts Intelligently with customers Ask for Mr. Waist. public ledger ro. 6th and Chestnut ata. HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEWORK Cllrl. white, wanted for housework and cooking: no laundry) nlcw country surroundings. Call a HE. V'J!' wood ave. Lansdowne. or phono Lansdowne 270 - LAUNDRY WOMEN TO SHAKE OUT FANCY IR0NER3 WANAMAKER'S1 LAUNDRY 1308 FILBERT ST. HELP WANTED MALE uui, tor onico worKi on who can operate macnine; typewriter nr tilllln- rrontn to start) state age r 122S. Ledger Office. and too ctr experience. AMERICAN CAN CO. OirtLS AND WOMEN WANTED FOR LIGHT. STEADY WORK SOo PER HOUR PAID WHILE LEARNING AND CAN EARN MUCH HIOHER RATES WHEN EXPERIENCED CLOSED ll;tS ON SATURDAY CLEAN AND PLEASANT SURROUNDINOS REST ROOM IN CHARGE OF COMPETENT REGISTERED NURSB LONG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATING IS THE MOST INTERESTING WORK IN THE CITY FOR YOUNG WOMEN 111 PER WEEK TO START RAPID INCREASES FINE OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT APPLY AT ONCE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. HELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ROOM 7S4. BOURSE RUILD1NG FOURTH ST. BEI.OW MARKET 8 A. M. TO B P. M. SEE MISS JENNINGS lioy Office of manufacturing company In tho center of tlio city wants a boy) must be over lfl vein of age nnd hnve had gram mar school education; good opportunity for advancement. C 3Ut. Ledger Office. BRAKEMCN WANTED FOIl OUT OF THE CtTT PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1023 FILBERT ST. PHILADELPHIA. TA. nRAKnMrcr- I1RAKKMEN' HHAKEMEN Yard hrakemen. experienced men preferred, for Jersey City and vicinity: good wagea and full board. For full particulars see com pany'" representative after 7 a. m., all day. 221 N. tfith st. BRUSH MAKER who la accustomed to re. pairing brushes on Noble combs one who nan had some experience In plnsettlng pro ferred. P 1S0.1, Ledger Office. UUIUIOUOHS MACHINE OPERATOR to handle ledger In a trust company; state Qualifications and sal. P. O Dog 1M4. Phlla. HELP WANTED MALE MSN MEN MEN Central Railroad Co. of N. J.t best ages; straight time: rain or shlnet time and rait for overtime, and Sunday work; nrat-ctaaa boarding iircnminodatlona; no money required: free shipment. Apply all day at company'a frco employment bureau, 221 N. 15th street. For wa NIGHT WATCHMAN Trhlrwit man aa night watchman; references 'required from two last employers; must bo thoroughly trust- worthy, n 834. ledger orrice. NIGHT WATCHMAN, white: ago 850; 0 nUhta a week; aomo cleaning to do; ref. or Fidelity bond rcq. II. F, Dewees. 1122 Cheatput St. OPTICIAN First, class surface grinder un- deratnndlng Kryptck and Ultex lenses. K S2. OTxette Oftlcs. Atlantic City. UlTICIAN Flrst-clasa. all-round bench man. K inT.'Uatette office. Atlantlo City. PANT11Y MEN wanted. Apply timekeeper's office, llellevue.Stratford Hotel. PAPER UOXKS EXPERIENCED MAN for nouns1 ending machine: all SMALL WORK PHILADELPHIA PAPER POX CO.. 1TTH AND-RIDGE AVE. , TTSED AUTOMOBILES IE YOU WANT Axles ) Housings) Frames j Welding j SPRINGS QUICK AMERICAN MADE REPAIRED, . BTRAIOHTENED WELDEDM gTHAIOHTENED , RIVETED, new tubes BTnAiCIHTHNBD LENGTHENED REPAIRED ELECTRIC. ACETYLENE . HAtrMERSMITH REPAIRED SERVICE AXLE WORKS 12th Btrect and Montgomery Avenu BUSINESS EERB0NAL3 GEcJeRAL REPAIR MAN f H" kinds of woodwork, . restorers, antique furniture, wbod carvings, Inlaid work, also of ebony, Ivory. hrnwn glaas, china, mother of pearl, mnsato and all art goods. Call or send postal CHARLES J, .NAOY, 810 N. Marshall street Philadelphia, Pa. . DIAMONDS BOUGHT . Positively highest cash Prices for your dia monds) any sl. from M to 10 carats; none &ay higher; also old gold. .platinum A silver aught. Estates bought (prlv.) Est. 10 yeari. The Diamond Shop lokMU'e, FURNISHED APAHTMENTH NEA'nTifroad.anrt Walnut sts.l etegAntly i apts.l hotel service) 8 rooms, a bsihii summer rates. O 301, 9 tt.ti.1'. Irfdr.r nWl. ""'I WKHT rillLAnKLPHIA BACHEIOR ArT., dearie, cool nnd""eom. fortabte; every convenience; living r dlnlrig rm 2 bedrms., bath and kllch.' sleeping .Porch) facing parkr car serviSi can not It beaten; rent 103, rhono Woo? UARINO ST., 3000 Ideally ner hatn hardwood .floors, electrlo light, NO ST., 3000 Ideally furnished co7 housekeeping apartment, 4 rooms sanitary kitchen, electrlo laindrV ni laundry. PHOTO salesman understanding amateur cameras and supplies. Frcund Pros., Maryland and Unardwalk. Atlantic City. PIPEFITTERS and helpera wanted for power plant work; long Job at good wages. Apply STONE & WERRTER, Reach and Palmer ate,, Philadelphia, Pa. MARCEL WAVER EXPERIENCED APPLY RURBAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKERS ArrLY AT CORNER OF ALLEN. PALMER AND REACH ST9. Can be reached bv car lines 15. uei on- at l'aimer st. or take car No. 8, get off at Richmond IS and S3 st. RELir.lOVS OTICE.H Mlwellaneona REYIVAL MEETING Full Gospel Mission. 1031 W. Tioga st.. May 21-Jun 0 All day Sundays and Monday. 31 Memorial Day. Elder R. Russell In charge and Elder R. A. Martin, of Cleveland. Tenn . one of th greatest full Gospel preachers (col ored). Do not fall to hear him PresbTtrrlan ARCH ST. CHURCH. lUth and Arcn Dr. Macartney will preach at 8 o'clock on the mvstery of human character, how In scrutable one man is to anothsr. and how very man reaches the nour when ho txiglns to catch the mesnlng of the Wise Man's words, that the. hart knoueth Its own bit terness anl a stranger Intermeddleth not with Its Joy. The sermon will relate this paradox the Isngtng cf thn soul for full understanding and sympathy, and the im possibility of It tn the reflation of Jesus Christ as the Searcher and eternal Com- ? anion of the soul. 0:43 the Old anniversary of the Sabbath Bchool. BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING An Ideal occupation for young women A SPLENDID TRAINING THAT WILL FIT YOU FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT (14 A WEEK TO START HOT LUNCHES AT COST MOST INTERESTING WORK IN ATTRACTTVE 8URR0UND1N0S COZY RECREATION ROOMS See MISS STEVENSON. 1031 ARCH ST. or any of the following If more convenient. NURSERY GOVERNESS, white; 3 children. 0 S, 10 ve.ira old: reference required. A. Hall. Mount Holly. N. J. OPERATORS ON CUSHION WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKERS PAPER HOXEf EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR STAVING MACHINE. PHILADEL PHIA PAPIVR BOX CO.. 1TTH ST AND R1DCIB AVE ' CABINETMAKERS ALL-ROUND MACHINE HANDS GLUE HANDS HARDWARE FITTERS Wages up tn 84c per hour: best shop condi tions; permanent emploment guaranteed to good mechanics; tnestlgnt the opportunity; npply ready for norlt. T;t3 a. m Tuesday morning. Employment office open noon, Sunday and Monday. Saturday after- UNIT CONSTRUCTION CO.. INfith and Gray's ave". CABINETMAKERS wanted. fiO men at 84c per hour; $40.32 weekly for 48 hours; best working conditions: stcadv employment Kramer Woodworking Co , 3d and Cumber la nilsls , POM L'KM. Praf1iit colored. Apply A. Haas. DOS PRES9ER. nrst class, on men's coats: good wnnee. Drevfnus & Lang, Broad and Wal- Inre ate,. Mulford Bldg. PRINTING ESTIMATOR Philadelphia plnnt requires an estimator) must be experienced In estimating on high-grade catalogue and booklet work; write fully, stating experience, age nnd salary expected. C 802, Ledger Off. SALESMAN Wanted, experienced dyesturf salesman to travel out of Chicago, western territory; old-established house; good opoor- tnnltv tn right man. M 821. Ledger Office, SALESMEN Hlgh-grado aecurlty aalesmen named bv a local brokeraga concern specializing In dividend-paying oil Issues; op portunity afforded producers of permanent connection as manngera of branch offices; extensle Advertising and clrcularlzatlon cam paign tn assist our salea organization. Phone Sales Manager. Walnut 1238, for appointment. SALESMEN WANTED Can uso four sulesmen at once; those having had road experience preferred. Apply 10 a. m.. June 1, Rooms 3-4. 711 Walnut at. STENOGRAPHER EXPERIENCED AND CAPABLE OF DOING GOOD WORK ArrLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S STENOGRAPHER The Atlantic Refining Co is looking for an experienced stenm rApher to Mil a permanent position with pleudld opportunities for adancement Ad dress R L. Campbell, care of Atlantic Re fill Inc Co 3144 Passvunk ae. CEMENT FINISHERS wanted; union men! 1 per hour, long Job steady work. Apply employment department. Sears-Roebuck op eration. Irwin A Lelghton contractors. Roosevelt boulevard and Aslum Pike. Take Kninltford at car. tranftr to 75, Oak- I a n d Cemetery. CLERK Billing clerk, plumbing supply busl- ness J. D. Johnson Co. Inc., 141 N, 7th. CI. EIIK-STENCKJRAI'HER Desirable open . Inc for a oung man to (111 clerical position Imolving some shorthand Reply atatlng age. experience, etc.. to R I.. Campbell, care of Atlantic Refining Co . 3141 Passyunk ae SALESMEN Local Inveatment banklnv house reoulres the services of 2 aentle- men In Its stock department; liberal compen sation offered to those who present proper credentlsls. Call Spruce 143(1 for appoint. SALESMEN FOR LOCAL INVESTMENT SECURITIES; LEADS TURNISHED TO REPUTABLE APPLICANTS. U 003, LEDGER OFFICE. t . SALESMEN Any honest, ambitious, clean cut, young man may become a hlgh-grsd salesman under our Plan and make big money while learning the Investment banking business. For particulars apply Gilliam Bros. Co.. 130 S. loth st BARGAIN 1917 Oldsmobllo Roadster, overhauled in April, new cord tires, splendid condition. Owner leaving this part of country. Must bo, sold by Juno 6. Can be seen at Ambler Garage, Ambler, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED rOTTR EXPERIENCED STOCK 8ALKS MEN: HIGH-GRADE 9 SECURITY: LO CAL ENTERPRISE. ADDRESS I'. O. BOX Hint PHILADELPHIA. STENOGRAPHER In offlco of large manu facturing company near Broad and Chest I nut. permanent position, state age. experi ence and salary desired. P 1301. Ledger Office StTSS SMITH. 409 Market st. MISS CRR. 20 W. Chelten ave MRS BAXTER. 128 S B2D Open S a. m. to 0 p. m. ST. SECOND rRESBYTEBLVN 21st and Walnut sts. Rer. ALEXANDER MacCOLL, Minister. Rer. ALVIN B. OURLEY. Assistant lster. 11 a. m Rev Robert Freeman, D. D Paaadena. California, win preach, 8 p. m. Rev. Alexander MacColl. D will preach a Memorial Day Tin sin or Korgetting. VISITORS WELCOME TO ALL SERV. ICES, CHURCH D. D.. Mln- of D. sermon on TIDS BETHLEHEM FRESBYT'X CHTOCn Broad and Diamond ats. Rev. WILLIAM L. McCORMICK. Pastor. 10 JO a m Morning Worship. Subject of sermon: "OUR BLOOD-BOUGHT HER ITAGE." 2:30 p, m. Sabbath School. fl:4rt p. m Young People's Soc of C E 7'45 P. m Evening service Subject of sermon: "A TRAGIC DEATH". "THE GOSPEL OF THE ENEMIES OF CHRIST. NO. 2." Memorial Day services. Organ recital Song service. Sermon. Everybody welcome. Bapttot THE TEMPLE Broad and Berks sts. (1000 north). 3000 SEATS RUSSELL H CONWELL. Pastor. William Dyra McCurdy, Associate Pastor. Dr. J. Marvin Hanna. Musical Director. Frederick E. Stsrke Organist. RUSSELL H. CONWELL preaches at 10 30 a. m. and 7-45 p. m Organ Recital. 7 15 to 7:43 p m. Temple Chorus sings both sen-Ices Grand Spring Festival. "The Spirit of ths Day." will b given Tuesday night by Temple Chorus, under the direction of Dr J. Marvin Hanna. Phone Diamond 637 for reservations. Assisting artists Mrs Mae Ebrev Hots, soprano, Elwood J Debhart baritone, Jamea A. Manning, reader. Frederick B Starke, organist. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST The Pnblle Ledger Co desires tin services of a bookkeeper and typist ArrLY 8TH AND CHESTNUT STS. ASK FOR MR. WIEST. STENOGRAPHER Protestant: must be ac curate: permanent position with large man ufacturing concern, central office. Address E , P. O BOX 3500. STENOGRAPHER, joung lady, experienced. for large office In central section; Ih reply give age. experience and salary expected. M 803 Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHLTl General stenographic work In corporation office centrally located; state exp and salary desired P O Pox 110 STENOGRAPHER for substitute work during Julv and Au it P 130, r.edger Office TELEPHONE OPERATING Previous ex perience Is not required; an opportunity to work In a central office near your home) hours are short, attractive surroundings, dining and rest rooms; 14 a week to start and rapid advancement. See Miss Stevenson, 1881 Arch st. The Bell Telephone Co. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Girls, experi enced an teleohone. tn solicit aavertlslnc will Tiiv salary and bonus. Ask for Miss Parker. Classified Department. Public Ledger Co.. 0th and Chestnut sts. TYPIST wanted In building department of manufacturing concern, one Using down town or P. W. Philadelphia preferred. P 1304 ledger Office CONCRETE' LATORERS wanted for con struction work: steadv work at good wages Apply to STONE 4 WEBSTER. Beach and Palmer sts . Philadelphia. Pa. fTENOORAPHER with knowledge of book keeping. Apply A Palus & Sons. S. E, corner 13th end South sts COPYHOLDER There Is a vacancy In proofreading department of Pub lic Ledger for young man who la Intelligent and a good reader: night work. 48-hour week, salary 118. Apply today, after A p. m., at 008 Chestnut st.. Fifth floor. ELECTRICIANS and helpers wanted for tower plant work, long Job at good wagea Apply to STONE & WEBSTER. Reach and Palmer ats,. Philadelphia, Pa. ELEVATOR OPERATOR wanted, position permanent: good opportunity to the right party Apply to Thresher Bros., 13J2 Chest nut st. TEACHERS, specialists, one for spelling, rtc . another for buelnras arithmetic: state a" education, experience, when dlseng.ised Mlnry required for S3 hours weekly, 12 menths' term. P 1214, Ledger Office. YOt'NO MAN fo- position as shipper; experi ence not necessary but must be a careful, active worker Answer bv letter onlv stat ing aue previous emplovment and salary ex pected Quaker City Iron Works. Richmond and Tlnra sts ; Automobile Painting While our facilities for slrlctlv high-grade rennlshlngs are perhaps the most complete and largest to bo found the atrain In keep ing delivery promises Is great; It will prov; of great assistance If patrona who Intend having their cara reflnlahed will Inform us nt their earliest convenience. Then dates can bo arranged, so that cara will not be m't f use for anv length of lime. Wo bake each coat of finish as applied: this Insures longer vear. and far handsomer finish. Come and see for yourself. Martin-Alexander Co. AUTOMOBILE REFINISHER3 128-128-130 Reed street Dickinson 2201 Main 1T0 DIAMONDS BOUGHT ANY SIZE PRICE NO OBJECT Pawn Tickets for Dlamonda Bought KELLY ft CO.. 832 CHESTNUT ST. Suite 21-22. Over Chllds' Restaurant. Private BENJAMIN GOLDSTEIN has bought the grocery store from Mr. Kalaerman, sit uated B801 Osage ave. All account must be presented at 6801 Osago ave. up to May 81. 1020. v.:-"" ' heat) yearly, lease; 1115 month. Call ainl Baring at... or Phone Baring 7348 J for iS. spectlon. ete. r' ltt NHW JKRHF.V SlUHHDItK """ ATLANTIC! CITV CARPENTERS making aneelal nrl Inclosed porches, Dutch halls, colonnades, change of stairs, alterations of particular work) reasonable. C 381. Ledger Office. DIAMONDS BOUGHT JtARnT W. SMITH. 717 8ANS0M HT. HAVE your old baby carriage remodeled like new. Standard Baby Carriage. 231 S. Tin ax. riimm ...mi, umi j . NOTARY PUnfTC PUBLIC 8TEN00RAPHER Continental Hotel ASHES removed from cellars! all klnda of naming uunp. p.u Jununwooqf mm. 4421 ELECTRIC treatment nd manicuring. Room 103. Heed Bldg.. 1215 Filbert st, Lnc.nfl nrtAflS BEDS rcflnlshed like new. call ni, mnnd B778 for estimate. Art Metal Bed Co. THREE largo rooms, bath. 8400. Connecticut ave.i -nungaiow Park. "sTiT APARTMENT HOTELS HOTEL COLONIAL AT8'" ft?. Xrat'o'n n,n.,1c' BUfCt."plTMAlNPlBVKB,R? ffS ' THE GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINK 8T8, M ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE LINCOLN LOCUST BELOW 1STH ST, u J, HAS DESIRABLE VACANCIES WARREN FRIAR ELECTRIC TREATMENT, nl so msnlcurln. Office. 4142 MtrVet st.. second floor. RUBBER GOODS of .all descriptions . paired. Andre- T Pirchett. 808 S, ?JM st MACHINERY AND TOOM LARGE STOCK. Rebuilt and guaranteed engines, pumps, compressors and machine tools; send complete cavaioaun ni biock. HERMAN L WINTERER. 033 N. air for Front at. LECTniC MOTORS MAnMNB TOOLS POWER EQUIPMENT O'BRIEN MACHINERY CO.. 110 N. 3D ST. Wanted PUNCH PRESS wanted; aultable for blank ing brass dlsra lVt Inches thick nnd up to 4-Inch diameter; must havo clear hole In bed about 7x0. Tnwing Instrument Co., 3330 Lancaster ave. Cars & Trucks Buy Direct From FINANCE COMPANY on extremelv cnay and our own terms; avoid exorbitant chargi-a; stake, dump nr express bodies Installed to suit your business requirements. Owners' Auto Finance Co. WRITE 43" CHESTNUT ST. FOR SALE A Wlnton (1 touring car: aa good aa new: run less thsn 8000 miles; equipped with U. 8. silver oord tires: patnteu In light colors, upholstered tn brown leather: selling because we have no use for It. Apply to Harry Katea, York rd. , Lahaska, Pa. AUTOPARTS SCHOBER, Sith & MARKET STS. ROOMS FOR RENT BPTOAlfST. below. Erie ave. Attractive va ranclas: reasonable rate. Call Tioga 8.132 J. CHESTNUT ST. floupia rooms. 2007 Desirable single and THE DEUMR-MOIxRiT"""- American plan. CHELTENVEANDMOnms ST, BARTRAM APARTMENTS J3RD AND CirESTNUT STS. A few large, cool apartments Rh bath fa rent: dining room service, unexcelled. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ,in,i.,nv it,,,, ...... . : 7 '"v" 'I"L "u'c'. . Jurnisned. until ..Oct,ob?r ,' l houMheepIng apartment a! 1 180; 1 single apartment at IP.0, WHITEStnn I McLANAHAN, 13th and Pine, '""""I CENTRALLY located housekeeping im,', modern corner apt. bldg.. n rooms an4 bath: nlcelv furn.) refs. MA8TBAUM linos b FLEISHER 1424 H, Penn square. ' GREEN ST . 2029 Housekeeping apartm'tr private bath: 140 and Mp Sea lanltne. REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE rrrr 1820 COLUMBtA, store and dwelling. 1713 Columbia, store and dwelling... iln son LOCUST. 1(133 Attractive rooms, single or en suite, tile baths, electricity. WALNUT ST.. 8003 Two rooms, private bath) 2 or 3 men; exceptional board. 11TH ST.. . S.. 322 (Tho Carlton Apart. menta Single and double vacancies, with or without prlvato bath; attractively fur nished. Walnut 7140. 11TH ST.. 8.. 303 Cent. front housekeeping apts. large cool furn. : aiimmer rates 16TH. N 1811. HOTEL KURIC Beautifully furn.: single and double rooms: electric: dally., weekly rates: conv. to stations; best accommodation for traveling peoplo; mod 11TH ST.. S . 318 (The PerrmKbelow Spruce) Large front room, newly furnished, rar hath. Walnut 7303, General MEN AND LADIEW LEARN IURHER1NG Make 'big money; big demand, quickly learned: da or nlnht class Write TRI-CITT BARBER SCHOOL 228 N 0th tit. Philadelphia. Pa INCREASE YOl'll SALARY Eurnll Now Nev HUlomnMIe- dsv clas Martn 'Loe t N E cor Broad and Sp-ln Oird"n " Phlla Overland and Studebaker Parts SCHOBER 34TFI ND MARKET FOR SALE One Packard motor 3'4-ton truck, one Packard motor 4-ton chassis Applv Ontario Dyeing Co., Ontario and D streets. TRUCKS. 14 to 3V4 tone, all models, to re duce stock, open Sunday and evenings 1430 Kalrnioimt ave. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored. B, Reed. 806 Chestnut st. Apply C. Friends THE OLD FBIF.D' MEETING noi'SE. Montgomery pike. Merlon, was established 1882 Here William ienn worshiped, as well ss many other noted Friends. Ona of the historical spots of America, Is open for worship every First day (Sunday) momlng at 11 o'clock Visitors cordially Invited HwcdcfOorgtan TJNITABIAN CIlVRCH OF OERMANTOWN Oreone at and Weet Chelten ave Sunday. May 30 1020 11a m Rev. Walter M Howlett of Brooklyn. N Y.. will preach Classes for children 11 m. ALL ARE 1VVITED CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED 1889 GIRLS AND WOMEN MUST BE OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE GIRLS MUST FURNISH PROOF OF AGE FOR KITCHEN WORK PREPARING VEGETABLES. MEATS ETC ALSO GENERAL FACT6RT WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT MINIMUM STARTING RATES J1R AND $HI FOR 48 HOURS TIME AND HALF TIME OVER 48 HOURS INCREASED AUTOMATICALLY PLENTY OF OVERTIME JOSEPH CAilPBELL COMPANY SECOND AND MARKET STS. CAMDEN N. J. WAITRESSES WHITE FOR COUNTER AND FLOOR WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S ENGINEER wanted to take care of building. Apply A M. Granfletd, northeast corner ISth and Chestnut sts . second floor. '.-Tt-ATIONS WANTED MALE AUDITOR benl'r public accountant desires position as auditor aystemst'zer or office inanarer. f 312 I.cdcr Office REAL FSTATK-lrsurince Young man ile slrei rart-tlm pus'tlon until 1pm. "m bookkeeper clerical . lef C 221 Led Off BUlCK. 1020, 3-passenger touring; guaran teed perfect condition: bumpers, extra tires nnd tubes: run 1000 miles; part cish. balanco time If dejlred Add, owner. C 323. I,ed. Off CADILLAC tourllic model 33. like, new; Weetlnehouse shocks, a real bargain. Stanley Automobile Co., Olli N Brnid st CHEVROLET. 490 sedan. 1020 model, run onlv 1300 miles; excellent value, par ticularly for any one contemplating the pur chnao of a Chevrolet car. Phone Filbert 3823 nr Nirbertll 1,13 43D ST. 8 448 Business men wanted, single room: also double room; board up- Uncial THOROUGHLY furnished front room, ndjoln Ing bath and ahower: modern corner house, In refined neighborhood: alngle or double; splendid for business man: electric lights nbundance of hot water. Phone Wyoming !4H4. 170J N. 18th. 13 rooms, possession.. 1037 If. 20th, store and dwelling.,.. 1210 N. 28th. store and dwelling.... 2130 N. 7th. 0 rooms? H. E. cor Uratz, & Somerset, st.tdwg. 2840 Woodstock 2044 Nicholas, 8 rooms. 2003 Turner. 8 rooms. 1232 Sartnln. 7 rooms, possession... . Judson at,. 1800 block, easy torms. Ingeraoll east of 23th. 0 rnnm nPh Wm. L. Craven's Sons, gull) Columbia ave. n.onf) 8,000 4.000 3 000 3,200 !M i.soo 2110 N laundry 18TH Nino rooms, brownstons tubs. GLENN. 1517 Columbia ' VUll lNVUSTSIE.VT Aiaer 1410 N, 122S Nectarine 1330 Cabot 873 N. Warnock Kill N. Clarion . 012 N. Percy .. na.l N. Perth 1012 Olive OSli N. Warnock . SITE BS & HAUill. rent 114; price JI4M 18 " 18(10 14 " 1RO0 V" :; 2:00 " 13 " 1R0O . 13 " 14(10 " 18 Ridge ave and 14(10 moo 2400 1900 10th. WALNUT near Mat Large, airy. 2d Ooor room: owner, quiet, ref. home. Bel. 1233 J. RACE. 3024 Two large 3d fl rras.: suitable hskpg, : run'g water: owner: cor, house WEST PHILADELPHIA 43TH, S. 428 S'cond-tloor room, private home: semlprlwt bath: elec: nnrri PENNSYLVANIA Sl'Bt'RHAN WISSIXOMIXO I TWO large betutlf'ly fur. alt'nu. rm A l""l- rm . piano, urieniui rujs, i'n nnDn .u:j. IHEVROLET roiditer. termss open Sunday 1 ;.'0 Tnlrn-onnt ave $130 balance easy nnd Memorial Day. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES CHEVROLET. $400. excellent ahape; rare bargain; 3123, balance easv terms; open evenings and Sunday 1430 Falrmount ave. ENGINEER Steady work. need. 608 Chestnut st. Apply C. CASHIERS EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED APPLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CLERK Young girl to cper-ite private I branch exchange Quaker Lace Co 4th I st ard I.ehi.-h ave CLERICAL Olrl over 18 ears of age. good opportunity, ateady position Hyglenlo Fleeced Underwear Co . 2413 N Howard. WOMEN EXPERIENCED IN THE MAKING OF WAISTS AND FINE LINGERIE APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN AS CLEANERS FOR DAY AND NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN white. 2 wanted In Germantown: 3 adults. 4 children. 1 for cooking and downstairs work. 1 for upetalrs work slid washing baby clothes dally no othr wash ing every other Saturday and Sunday off. 1 1 r. en ch M 20. Ledger Office . FINISHERS All-around hardwood finishers, furniture finisher, fillers, rubbers, sprayer and painters; steady work; come ready for work, 80c. PER HOUR GEORGE W. SMITH A CO. 8. 40th tt. below Grays ave. MRS KANE. Ml S 10th st . supplies first-class white help. wants nnd STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS PACKET8. DIME SETS Albums and supplies for stamp collectors PHILA. STAMP CO.. 21 S. 17lh St. Ford Sedan. 1920 Model DemounMble rims. spedomoter bumper 1 ex'fv tires and tubes, lock handles, blue i body, yellow wheels, clock, special horn, run i 8rton miles; perfect condition: must be sold before June 1: Iinoo cash. Hennont 7Uf3 vv or Mr Plouch. Walnut :'000. FOR SALE FREIGHT ELEVATOR OPERATORS EXPERIENCED TO HANDLE HLAVY MERCHANDISE APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONV1S1BI.E 3 MONTHS. IS. VISIBLE. 3 MONTHS, 17.30. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters 'See Our New MachiRe, the Century" American Writing Machine Co. 8P5 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 2480. Main 328 DEMOLISHING Hog Islands famous hotel of over 2000 rooms 04th and Tlnlcum ave ; building materliil: millions tie) Inm'wt and plaster board thouainds of windows. FORI) truiks nil models stake, platform. express, panel or l-pot bodies sacrifice quick sale: cash or terms, open rmnday and evenlnts 1430 Fnlrmo'int aye FORD lots touring car wlih 81x1 ilica mid Uemnuntnhle rlmri pH'c f423 E I Illii bon. Brvn Mawr ave.. Brvn Mawr. Ta. LEX Sedan. 1020, 7 passenger, cord tires absolutely new never run, no dialers Phone Wvom ng 2832. MURRAY. 1010, sport model; the prettiest -a in Phllailelrhla , Just overhauled end painted; new top, fix, Rudge-Whllconib wire wheels, cold tires. Phone Kllbcrt 3(123 Narberth 1713. BOARDING srRUCE.-1032 Desirable single rooms and table board. i'ir,sssYi.v.M 'I'nruin.x OTN The Oretnor. 102 E. Walnut lane De lightful accommodations; excellent table, Individual service; gardens, rhade, other com. forts, dining accommodations for nonresi. dents, rates reasonable: Gentiles only. Gr nisntown S237 Mrs Franklin Comly. (IWYNTDD VALLEY OWTNKHLT.ST INN dlrcclly st slatton: opened under new maiuiBcment special ratca to fimllles for June. Phone llur 81 IS. BOARD WANTED MyV.lj:RNEV r'MIO!tn ATl.ANTir f ' 1 T BOARD WANTED at Atlantic" City bv couple with one child. 4 years old and maid; prlvat cottage, rood neighborhood; good accommodations. Including pleisant rooms and pi Ivate bith. from about ,luh ! to Sept. 7. best of ref. given and expected: state price. P 1233, Ledger Office IMMEDIATE POSSESSION N. K COR. MARSHALL AND GREEN STS . THOROUGHLY RENOVATLD if. room brick house; PHOTOGRAPHIC SKT LIGHT, roomy HIDE YARD on GREEN ST : SUITABLE FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES site of lot about 23x38. Reduced price. Ap. y.otpp;vtn,dt;4g,NciJ?idv.t?ctory' m T" FOR SALE 415 SO. 15THST. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY E. C. von HELFENSTEIN 1734 REAL ESTATE 1 TRUST BLDG. 212-11 N. 18TH ST. Two modern 11-room dwellings, central; Improvlns location 2131 Vln st (near Parkway) Thlrtesn. room dwellings; bargain. Store and dwelling. N. E. corner Stb Brown sts Good business location. and 2120 Race st. Nine-room dwelling; Improv. Ing location. 0337 Norwood' st . Germantown Store snj dwelling; business neighborhood. .1 EDWARD LUTZ . 240 N. 17th st. Member Philadelphia Real Estate Board. . 1010 ARCH ST. 1023 Wallaco st 1333 Diamond si 2000 Mt Vernon st 1013 Fltiwater st 217 St. Mark's square 2023-2O31 Cuthbert St. 1717 Msrvlne st. W. ALEXANDER ROBINSON 812 Liberty Bldg. NATIONALLY popular 'new car extremely easv terms Cell person, 2113 N Marshall. OLDSMOBILE 1018 EDUCATIONAL Both Mexes Our graduates are In constant demand for good-paying positions Gregg shorthand. the essy. speedy system. Complete business and aecretarltl courses Day and Night Classes Intensive training Enroll any time. ( all or write for full particulars and catalogue nULA. m'SINKS" COLLEGE and College of Commerce 1017 Chestnut Ht. Philadelphia 'UOK Lady opening her Atlantic f'lty cot tage, wishes a good cook and a second girl for 4 or 3 weeks, must be rompient and wel rcommended best wags paid nnd car fare from Philadelphia or othfr nearbv point and return If they remain as ion as needed Write giving references, to Mrs A K White 139 N Harrlsburg ave . Atlantic i-lty N J WOMEN Three white. Protestant preferr-M cook, assistant and waitress for country. Phone Preston 4432 or call 3H1T ypnue WAITRESS experienced for hUn-cla-, res taurant, good wages snd mals. Apply to Mr Corder 1801 Chestnut st Corns ready tn work GASMAKER A competent gasmakrr to oper. ate. 8' 8" U. O I aet. state age. experi ence and salarj desired: plant located In northern New Jersey M 830, Ledger Office, HARDENER Experienced fll hardener; steaay worn, -vitpu d, iiouman. st . r rar 433(1 Orchard ankford. LABORER8 wanted for construction work: li-hour day, 30- p-r hour, good working conditions. AppW o STONE i WEBSTER. Beach and Palmer sts. Philadelphia Pa screens and floors porcenan riumniug m,i fits, hot-water radiation: salesman on prem les Take Southwestern trolley or No eubwav-aurfsce cars. car In first-class running order, price tt jnu -. L Blalain urvn .Mawr avo , m eniivlvonla l-pastenoer sportster rjn Mawr. Office Partition, Railing & Furn. Partition. JS a foot and up. railing. J3 n foot and up: both In atock furniture big selection, we buy sell nnd exchange Penna Office Furniture Co 011 Wnlnut st Phone Walnut 4134 or Main ,1830 A. 37 I OVERLANDSJ. all models. 5 and 7-pass. touring. ana a pais, roausiers 4pass. rhummy roadster' nil other makes and models: special basement bargains every day. time paymenta: open evenings. Over land Harper Co.. 1829 Arch at. OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot desks safes, files, cabinets and general office furniture, store fixtures. We Buv. Sell and Exchange PATTEN FURNITURE CO. f.orilST 4070 1127 ARCH HT. Race 2S.ru PIPELESS HEATER8. steam and hot-water boilers radiators, valve", pipes and fit tings Olto RtelnscVer. 31158 N nth St. Tlota 4837. Prk 4012 A. r OOK Wanted, tnnroughly experienced white cook for a temporary place for abmt a month wasea J14 Mrs J 8 Clarke, firm Mawr YOUNG GIRL over 10 sears to operate small branch telephone exchange and as. slot with clerical work In office of suburban silk mill near Philadelphia Apply in own handwriting, slating uge. experience and salary deslrd P 1228 Ledger Off lie YOUNG WOMEN ' AS CASHIERS AND 1NSPECTRESSES APPLY BUREAU op EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S I.ABORKR8 wanted white or colored, lung Job. steady work pUnty of overtime; Ml cents per hour, tcirs Roebuck ft Co. oper ation. Irwin & LeUhton. contractors. Roose velt boulevard and Asvlum rlke Take Frankford ave ur, transfer to No. 73. Oakland cemetery NYE & TREDICK knitting machines all slses from 12 in. to 22 In complete with Crawford stop motion- machines i.re 8 and 10 out will sell cheap. Write The William Carter Co Springfield. Masrnchijstttii LABORERS wanted in machine shop Apply C 11. Wheelei fo 18'h and Sedgley ave. Strayer's Business College ' Philadelphia's Greatest Bnslne School 807 Chestnut St. Thone Walnut 38t THE TAYLOR SCHOOL MV arses Uhorthand. Touch Typewriting, kaiplDg, secretarial Couraea. Day CORRECTLY Private given In English 1EARN TO SPEAK lJI4tMal IfllAtll French by rxiwrieivred woman teacher. 881 ft. 1 3d st. rhone Poplar 4408 W HIGH and Grammar School atuden's why flunk In arithmetic when an expert teacjjir can maka you an expert? After sth ol and evening classes E L. Leonard off r, jM Salle Extension University. 80S i hestnut street. Young Men ond Boy a FOR YOUNGER BOYS POLE BRIDGE CAMP Offers an Unusually Wholesome and Attractive Summer TWENTY BOYS, 8 TO 14 Address. Tala Station, New Itaven, Cona Summer School, June 18 Preparation for any college or professional irSSSl. BrownllW. Broad A Cherry. Phlla. COST CIXRK wanted experienced In tabu lating manufacturing costs one who hs operated cost system In printing establish ment preferred: In answering state expert, enre and salary expected. P 08. P. O. Box 3443 DRE8SMAKER EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S FI ITERS ON LADIES' DRESSES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S GIRL over 18 vears of ags to assist In ontrstlon of addresnograph machine. Ad- dress P 32 P O Box 330O GIRL, colored: cooking and downstairs worki for seashore, references required. Phone Diamond 2131) J. GIRLS MANY GIRLS WHO WILL P1V ISH THEIR EDUCATION IN jcnr WILL BE LOOKING FUR FUTURE EM PIXIYMENT Tt) THOSE GIRLS WE SUG GEST THEY INVESTIGATE Ol'R LINE Of WORK A.VD WORKING CONDITIONS THEY WILL FIND THAT THIS IS ALL YEAR ND NOT SEASONAL EMPLOY MENT IN A WHLI-LR1HTi:D MODERN MANUFACTURING BUILDING CALL ANY DAY OR SATURDAY MORNING AND MISS OILMORE. OUR EMPUIYMBNT MANAOBR. WILL GIVE YOU FURTHER DETAILS. II P PAISTK CO.. 3201 ARCH HT. General PHILA rallwiy mall clrk examinations. June 18 women wanted Write for list positions IVanklln InsMtute. Deot. 710 E. Rochester N T HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER Man with Hbllltv take charge of full set of hooks, nu'tk and accurate at flgurea and good pen man stnte salarv and previous experience. P 1223. Ledger Office AGENT A profitable public utility corpo-a-tlon. lceated in a splendid field. Is content plating a capital and operating expansion n. considerable proportions, and would like to get In touch with a reliable fiscal ngent eompe'ent to handle the proposition promptly and effectually, all ommiinleat oris will, of "nurte he treated ronfldentljlly. M 813. Ledger Ofll" ASPHALT mastic spreaders wanted, steadv work T AppIv H si Johns Manvllle. second floor rear 210 N Broad st LABORERS, colored Cncsmui ai. Apply Mr. Haas, 0t) LABORERS want, i Letterly and Gaul Is. a's. T. Cattle Bros IJvUNDRY MAN TO OPERATE TUMBLER APPLY MARKET ST. LAUNDRY 130S FILBERT ST. BEDS bureaus, cabinet gas range, ward robe antique tables oriental rugs car nets upright piano and other household goods, no dealers 407 Market st OVERLAND roadster J130, balance easy terms: good paint and rubber: open Sun day and evenings 1430 Falrmount nve OVERLAND touring, J1S0. balance e.isy terms, open evenings nnd Sunday H3I) Falrmount ave. COUNTRY BOARD WANTEO BOARD wanted for summor with family n country near Thtla. for 3-5 ear-old heultby boy; state terms and full details. M 73 Ledger Office. APARTMENTS WILL SUBLET desirable apartment nt the Glndstonc. lith nnd Tine, 4 rooms and bath; fur., unfur. . southern exposure, belt service, lease can be had If desired, Applv tin Gladstone. FURNISHED APTS.. will sublet from M.iy 13 to Aug. 15; 3 moa ; 8 rooms 2 baths, H J Johnson. Agent. 1218 Chestnut st APAR'IMENTS and professional offices IMS V.' Erie aw., possession purchasers tonvenlence; first floor. .1 professional offlcn and" apartments; second floor. B-room apart ment, third flor. 3-rm apartment, an excel lent opportunity to secure a thoroughlv nnd . rn vvell-p.iylnc corner property havln. a nunt excellent exposure nnd location con venient to IrollevH nnd Tioga station, can be Inspicted on Sunday from 3 to (1 p, m f II vpt,v ttnNSON. 142(1 Chestnut s' Spruce 4JO(MI2 t Race20I S. W. Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. Three-story dwelling; lot 24x103; clois W Parka. p',i salon H'ptcmber L I JM'i:SD. WINCHELL 17TH AM a,J" "i--1 . T8f2-14Mt. Vernon St. roof 2 roims. possession will PAIGE 7-passenger touring; J200. balance easv terms; new palm and rubber. 1430 ralrmonnt ave STI'.'ARNS-KNIOHT. wonderful condition 3 extra khoea. 1200. balance easy termi 143'i Falrmount ave NEW STUTS5. 4-rassener equipped with " Westlnghouse shock absorber. 0 cord tires. 11 no cftftti PETERSON MOTORS Inc . 010 N. Broad at I.ATHE HANDS Experienced In handling gun work on large Uthes Best of pay and permanent poiltlon Apply MIDVALE STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. 4301 Wtssahlckon ave, fitvTNC. ROOM SUIT. 0 pieces fumed oak extension ninin"""11 .,..,.- ,nire nna buffet barriln 218 Wayne ave Narberth, rti Phone 1273 R. f30 CORDS flrewood chiefl oak nt n r,( per turd f o li. Svyan 1 reek Md Ad dress A PH. "04 N 20th st (or phon Poplnrr.'.'2Jl) i-t FCTRlc im lllat'n'r far n' ' e,,- gm,. snteed 10". 3150 12" 127 30. 10". 18ti0 stuml make. Electrl; Sties. 1104 N. lfithrt N AUTOMOBILE top ilr.-x.ing mjnufac ' 'tured and sold by Twrni, Hawkins Paints vnrrlsh and wlnd'hlrld slnss Phone as'1.1 3J.VJ (lermantowrr nv-f (Tonn PIE'cKH wallpaptr must i. gng Bt satrlflie Grocery store mm Spring Garden st. I ONG-KKTABLISHED vvel.rr,ulpperi enrpen ' ter shop to he ai rlfleeil g nd neighborhood and lre trad. C "10 L-H Vrjnttjpm. piKIL TABLES, second hand bought, sold. rented exchanged Kenfr -HJI) (llrard ave. SAFES fireproof, closing mil mo slightly used mod rn makes rh e.n P7 'J.NJf o u r ill, MTANDS cillnetji etc big harcalns Phl7a. tinhii Printers' Supply 14 S ,1th st nixViH M'HS "P'd '.rn': "honog hs "gM exch Werschnff nor. Walnut v. WINTON 33-H. P touring car: run about 10.000 miles; thoroughly overhauled, re painted and guaranteed- price $1800 The Wlnton Co . 1404 N Broad St.. Phlla . p.i STORAGE AND MOVING CLEAN AS YOUR HOME -LENW00D cAPiA.-G 2814 RIDGE AVE. Separate locked rooms, local an1 long-distance moving truck service. Phono Dla- TERMINAL andrYfco. Columbia ave. west of 13th st. ; local and Ions-distance moving by courteous, expert, inced men. clean, dustprogf room, f"or furn . ,,,r' let us est mate Phone Diamond 4472 iilr..'.vnlnga Wyoming 3183 J. "" "" 400 S. 1BTH ST Cool, tenth-floor apt . 8 rooms and bath, furnished; available June 13-St-Pt !.- Ph locust 8878 W for np'ment. 2018 CIIH3TNUT HT. Hncleior aiiartitient. 2 rooms nrd hntli attractively furnished elevatnr WILL SUBLET for summer months 2 fiiT nlshed upartments, separately or to gether, of 2 rooms and bith and I, room and Path phone any morning before P ,n Three story and mansard I 4 baths, side ya.d: early I !" aiJ?"r,'---,.,. a. co s.M J. 17th Illllltl.IVU it. wv. v.. .. " ".-- -- -- ' 1(1111.1323-1327 FRENCH ST 2911 RELOHADK HT !f 1000 MYRTLE ST J 1013 EUCLID AVE .. MO 1812 HARLAN ST " ALFRED 11. WILLIAMS. 322 WalnutJ ' 28311 N. FRANKLIN " 2008 N. MARVINE T.TI7 BPOOMAI.I, AVE 1327 HOWARD ST 1311 EARL ST HARRY G C WILLIAMS, 322 WALXtT, Miss Blakemnn. Germantown 27(10 -.- AUTO MECHANIC for private garage; must . .. Ki- . lAHak.41 r9 alt snei am l as si he thnrougniv rjwriciticv w.. w.. ,nnv. of trucks steady position and good salary. Annlv 12JH N 28th st m.ACKSMITH. Wrst ilass, on wagon and automohlli work. Darlen Body Work, 140, S Ijarlen, St. BOOKKEEPER A largo printing Plant In center of city Is In need of a bookkeeper- .V J,..iitv fnr thi, rrht man: Pelrse grsduato preferred state age, experience and I salarv expected- address In own handwriting, n 8(13 l(ler Office , BoY wanted fur general office work: must l over 10 years of age preferably one with grammar school oducatlon. Apply Mid. I ".li Htel and Ordnance Co , Room 1034 Wldener Building, between tho hourg ef 11 and 1: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES LMU1B COMPANY HAS OPENING ItJIl INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND GOOD live going nuto-repalr Hnd storage battery bulness on the most prominent street In Logan room for ovr 12 cars, entire equipment of dynamos, motors re.il estate Included, ground will be worth the price of tla .nH.. ulunt .L.lthln 8 eiirn finances ar. I ranged Inspection nnd parti' ulnrs furnished unnn request to uaiiLam s. hahii.i. i. INC 4701' N. Broad st Wi omlng 871-872. WELFARE MAN. GIVE FULL DE TAILS SALAHY EXPECTED. IN FIRST LETTER. ADDRESS M 817, LEDGER OFriCE MUSIC ai iim iinr illRTlVl5tvmnhnnT ochsi(r& .Z?j? -. a nursi cnriiltiff nr 1 Vfirnl1. nnarAllA I BtotfalUon. planu. Studio. U3i S. Brpad Bt. ' GIRLS tur pleasant i.ulit work in aeve ni departments of our bakery, such as park Ing. boxing and wrapping cakes, clean, well. ventilated workrooms, hours. 7:15 to 0:30; baturdoy. l'.'.lfti salary to start. 112- per. manent position, Applv J F. Ivlns Son. ire .827 N. Broad. Ask for Mr, Rogsrs. UlRl.H wantsd for light work, experience not u necessaryi ?",,"', "" ConaolP uairu v-ism -, '-- ... ,., iifiY over Id. active. Intelligent ano sraoi, tlous. to learn advertising and selling; ex cellent chance for advancemsnt In pay and position Apply after 2:80 p m. to Mr. Wtstcott adver-bing department, I'ubl'e ledger 8th and Chestnut , lieiY over 18 with fair education. Iir sales nffi.e of inanufJtturlng company, one who la amhltlixie t learn nnd make for himself a desirable position can earn good pay at start " gre rapidly C 4U4. ledger Office, ED FOR NIGHT WORK: OVER 18: CHANCBFOR Ar 1 fjii n riinw JIOY8 WANTKD a nifuyiirififMT AWl.T v. f uk i ii ! d'E 11 OFFKCK, 1 FLOOR. MACHINE HANDS wanted 23. at 84e per hour, 140 3J weekly for 18 hours, must be general all-round men, rteadv employment Krnmir Woodworking Co 3d and Cumber- latal sts in- vniT nvi INVEST $30 today and 130 month for three months m, ran hecome ossncintrd with a company that "Ur banker or lawyer can O, K. . this In an opportunity with a proven business lo ,1 and III opera tion C 813, Ledger Office Dougherty & Sons Storage n: . :iii nt Get our speclil rnt for moving by our re. VICTORY STORAGE FURNISHED apt . 3 rooms, kitchen, hith: location central: 3 mouths from June, Tel Locust J1B87 J. APARTMENT. 2037 Tioga rt.. "W Five rooma and bath, $30. electric llaht and heat Included. Phone Tioga 4022 W. THE WELLINGTON 10th and Walnut sts. Two large furnished rooms and bath for summer months, c 31U. Ledger Office EXCLUSIVE bachelor upt 440V chetlnut ft Inrrmptlon cti'l Spruce 4738 12 m to 0 MT VERNON. 18073 rooma and bath, fur njrhed or unfurnished, hot water. ARTISTIC furn apta , with porch. Junf. July Aug.. no children Ph. Bar 7330 W CHESTNUT ST store, suitable for women 1 and men s appurt-i ui mr ,r..rr ---- modern building, vv-th back entrance on Ranstead at . all Improvement! hardwood floors, price, and terms idvnntageoui" to im medjatfpurrhaser. C 400 Ledger Oniee iT'SO 2I87""N. COLLEGE AVE. 11 roomi; 18300, 1743 N. Sth St.. 12 large roomi. 22x811. $10,000 store and dwelling, N cor Frankford nvo ond York (2400) AppI 1413 W YorK at. Phone Diamond 238 PIIYHICIAN'H "no Fltawater St., suitable lochllon for rfr su-lan 3 Btory, 11 rooms, otTIco nnd waltim ""HAS I. BROWN I- CO. '"7 S nm.d JUST COMPLETED. HANDSOME I10MKS. visner uve.. -,-!, hubuiu,.,, ...-,.,r,.,. IVINT PIIIImMiRI.PIIIA nono Filbert. for estimate. Fhone Belmont 4870 Plerce-Arrow vans TO.mpo?Em'Rll5A.h?SU.r8,J MoWng Carpet Cleaning, 4137 Lancasier vtidELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUH-o F,U 1811 TO 1810 MARKET hx; El MONARCH STORAGE CO . 8S70 LANCAa. p-ilCit '- .-. VICII ATTRACTIVELY furnished apartments: 2 bedrooms dining room, kitchenette and bath, sun parlor: modern, etc: June, July nnd August, reasonable. Robinson, 3U03 Pnwelton ave: HANDSOMELY furnished corner arts In West Phlla . 7 rooms, 2 baths: 13 mln from City Hall, $123 per month; ref eseen tlol Phone Preston 15413 or write P 1231. Ledger Office. flflTH ST. N. 208 Two roomi furnished, housekeeping, front, owner Phone Baring PE.NNsyLVANIA m'Hl'HHAN OERMANTOWN " BEAUTIFUL" APART MENTS Consisting cf silting room 2 large bedrnnms, bath. etond floor modern house, finest location privilege breakfast, reference,, uwnei P 1302 Ledger Off ce HKillLAM) PARK 2(18 CEDAR LANE --Furnished. 3 uatn, apis for summer month: montn rnr.ne l.lanerch. 323 il -(,. - - T - " . . . . Immediate POsieaiion . vyia. iiraei. ncalton. aij.iv. , , .." location. KI.1NGEL. 2724 N Bth convenient Chtntnut; I rnv s, (73 nnd per rohi:mont APT for rent, charmingly furn. on Mont gomery nve 1 3 rms , kitchenette, bath, enrage Applv Mrs. Hnbson, Huverford Inn. llaverford. Pa. xkw .ii:iisev sUAHiioiii; ATLANTIC CITY BROAD GARAGE 1730 to 1748 N. Broad s;r modern and best locate, street business for .il William T Clark. 1742 N WITH $1000 you run J, MACHINI", OI'LRATORH and laborers; best 1,,.,, lMrlw Atinlv nmnlowneilt Dent . Abeal,e Co Tmon" and Fraley sts , Hdsbg I MAN to tako" ordeti for shipbuilding dl- I rectory liberal commission; leads fur. nlshed, Marine Publishing Bureau, Hun Building. Detroit Mich MAN. middle aired. paper eoiioriai onica Hlrkey, after 0 p. in.. looser iiuuoing. for light dutlei In .new. ni nignv. third See Mr. floor, Publis MKCHANICB. 3. 11 ard wages, Erwl ton ave,. Buitletoti, ret olai ln' 0 1. rH .ass. wanted; rage, 05S3 stand. Bustle- tet largest, most guragc on Broad prkn la right. Broad. , few well-known parties In purchase of large tract of land and subllvlslnn or same Into building lots, Investment safe, prospect 1 very large re turns. C 407. ledger office. SALESMEN, partners two or three men with experience In lumber business as salvsmen In lumber commission business, small capital requlied Address A. P. B., P, o. Box 2808 WANTED WE HL'Y womeie. men's nnd children'! worn clothing and shoes, best prices paid; nur auloa call nt yiur convenience In city or country. PO""4' or rh0.n" . Stern's Ilugaln ??""" 837 N 4th st Market 2448. ""'" CAST-OFF CWTHINO Hlshest paid Halpern 243 N lull et rtlbert : ..P.r.lce :ui 18 W WATCHES AND CLOCKS EXPERT Swiss watch repairing, "repeaters. ,p,.t seconds tc IUgers watch Inspe.-tnr for B, O. " " B "th locust 1218 ONE room and bath, furnished, beach front apt house electricity, gas telephone, 4 tnontha or longer Address (Mrs ) E, Dahl nian General Post Officii Delivery. Atlantic City N J PRINTING PARTNER with $10,000 for mfg. small tool and Instruments; estab, bus.; person with am, mach. shop serv. pref Ad. A. O. Bla- tter, Colllngawood, N. J, It, F. P. RUnnlmede, lAnArttCR. renafr sbona and showrooms. Call and set my Hit, GwlrU. 1337 Chest' t. P.llnrt c,ot"' wn.rlf1 reasonable prices; riniing prompt delivery sind for eail mate. MtOINLEY BROS. 1120 W. Mova menslng ave Thlla Bell, Dickinson 278U W. OLD GOLD OLD gold. atvla jaw KlL lUTJ. ewelry, tlh plates bought for caaa.' 1, tutu, reoner, out uansom. ATLANTIC CITY Attractively furnished 4-room np rtment. overlooking ocean, salt water baths available June 1. Address nn-iis csre or notei notnwen COMPLETELY furnished, linen and sliver; 0 Urge rooms, kitchen, pantry and bath; cor, all outside, southern exposure; summer months or longer. Lombard 3787. 312 ORAMMKRCY PLACE, tl rooms, 2 squares from beach. $478 for aeaaoie II M Butler, sergeant of police, Atlantic City OP KAN JTITY 7-HOO.T APARTMENTS, furnlaherirfnr sum mer season locust 27011, or apply Colonial apartments, Otli and Atlantlo ave., Ocean city fTTTlhE STORY, brick, 2(183 N 0th st with garage in me rtrn, j v.. ., ., ....... ihia property can be arranged for 8 apsrt mint?. APPly P ,W Klefaber. 410 New M.Vket st Philadelphia . S.M. m 11TH ST . 8 rooms and Path lids vird. 708 W. Allegheny ave . rorch i roo'm. and bath HAMMEltE 811 W Cam- brla st Tioga 31170 nut HANS ST 2143 to (II- Six rooms tisth nl shed: best buy In N E section, .Tanofsky & ilrnnat. 1414 H Penn So Sprue. 8J41 ; - "7110 BLOCK TAYLOR ST . mode n plumb " Ing 2'r,0 . . , inniiv York at , 7 rooms, j-.-iuif uiviMl'.Kll 811 W .Cambria st ni.H IWIMr: L'MOII DOCK . '"II t Tioga SOT, 8th t ,-..... .M.ii n rooms. II llll lJ,,l r.... ii.hi 1 hnt.wMsr heat, beautiful condition. light. . hOt.VVaier liei ... ,..,,, IltA r. """"" -:--M- -- - SI, WIV." niost anv I I.'- IltA r, i.w........ :- . - - s'iisiiii GOOD business property .)-t and dwell ng. fine location for nio husks,.? tailor now Particular. II nt-nil 717 Walnut si 'lliS?Ver,,ra,.hbu'.' ftT,iBHYVB3fe -V t3.h .t matitnwnave ---, ...iLMralTTci. Four storr siness 10- VROPmVl'V f'llK"ffir. "doing good b.l """". ":'in "cirrscom 2111" retiring; ,.." "of. vvell-e.'ab. Catharine, $100 ,7STWsESn?mrSALK. all .ecll.n. lon balance. ame. re,,, ( ivi-i.-M.-Mi-.if - f...- ....l O.room possession . P" ,. ".""-.. 11. 1 4 ,i:i Estate pfrmo.iu,Liir---.-7Dj ia h ltTH Eleven rooms . " heat. modVrn. eajy terms . f Jf liMrrVn.riiulld.n. in Win ,. niniiKiiAit f , .- .i,,i "037 OXFORD HT -dwelling; Imrneillale HINru 308 APARTMENTS WANTED OENTLEMAN and wife desire (mall fur nlshed housekeeping apartment for sum. msn rent about $100 a mouth; only high, class central house considered. P 12:11 Jdir Offlee. ' ""' 'HAS i5y'.i:i'',A,"?.iiat r"1V 'JARbBJJ. i'B7n"N7FI-:LTON ttl.l rooms A ." ' 2131 I.anl TMtleJUdg Nu iBT,"-O,0Ecml,j82HbT-' esston. I J, .a ,t aA i'i fctv, 1 4 e, 1 jifte)i:mt,., 1-J.V.i i't'J-V ! .