',-v v H i i, r , :$riOYTv -f. ' EVBNIM PUBEIO IS&EPHIADELShIA, STUKdAY, MAY' 2df 1020 . r- H , : ttl IS I hllEAMLAND ADVENTURES i STRANGE TRACKS ttf DADDY ......i nn.i nilUi. walkinn barefooted ttcg v . .- unott glronoc (racfcs. ' mZnlng birds say they uet.e made m faint plants. Judge' Owl says they ' r'e made Hi howling monkeys. Lone. ' fSn Bear says they were mads by ' VfiS ffobUM.hnd Old Timer Turtle fays they were made by horrible f r- j, CHAPTER, VI ' i ' The End of the Mystery 55 tirriHIS surety Is a deep, deep mys- , 1 tery." oald Billy, looking down at ' th strange trac'8 B'ter 0,d Timer t Turtt had said they were made by two ftKwihle ogTOS. "If the tracks were made y 6rea' thev couldn't hav bn mule by Jolly goblins, a Lorjesomo Biar says- And ,f they wero mado by felly goblins they couldn't have been nude by howling monkeys, os Judge Owl nys. And if they wero made by howl- DEATHS foil tm.. frlnJ Invited to funoral ssrv. rani IK ,,l2t',,nm" Iat0 '"'donee. BRIO dl Ins may bo vt.ned Mon. evo. Ilcmains of D8Vrah1, Dafe Vn'.l'WA" A """" i.r.VHhnSSVr lP.e.?ll and tha lata vlted"'io funeral. Mon Tan a ,T,rSn mother's reslds'nce. ' 3032 MelvJlV 'Si: 'SSK ;SedfQ; C.WJrVrfc.Va,un 10 m. int. M.w 13. widow Chestnut ticiui sprvicea prr ti,Et3l?y l .renolloM. Died in V 'MfiSa,f2S,: Sl! A".TO P?.n?r. copy. TueJ 7130 am lnv,U'!!. t0 Btt.'nd 'uneral, SlfllS?l?ffdB.SS?ili .-m--" "'"villa. N.r X W monkeys they couldn't have been mide by big. bofd, beautiful fairy giants, it the humming birds say." TttKY agreed with everything Billy uli She was as much punled as he "Let's follow the tracks just a little krthr," she suggested. "But let's go nry carefully for I don't want to bo lobbied up by Tiny horrible ogre." The tracks turned back Into the woods m4 after much turning and twisting, led it last to the very sand brook where if children had been wading when tho trawflih nipped Peggy's toe. It was plain that the tracks had gone In a tie circle. Looking Into " water they saw the crawfish with all her little ones. "Perhaps the crawfish can tell us rhit animals made the tracks," said Billy, and at once he sang a little song; "Crwfln, Crawfish. In the brook, Tell us, tell us, where to look, To find the beasts, bad or good, That mado the tracks In the wood." 1 The crawfl6h. crept partly out of the mtr to she could talk to the children. , "Don't you know who made the traeksT' she asked In a queer, watery ' !? .... ..... ,. "NO. j'leaao ion ub, saia reKgy. "They were not made by boasts," said tho crawfish. "They were made by queer wingless, wading birds, whose wier nearly slew me, but whose hearts saved me. Look In the deep pool be tide the stump and you will see them." Peggy and Billy bent oer th deep jool, but they didn't sen what they expected to see. They saw only their em faces thrown back as by a looking fins. 'There are the big. bold, beautiful fairy slants," hummed the humming birds flitting overhead. "There are the howlinir monkeys who Hoke me up," hooted Judge Owl. look ing down at them through his goggles. "There are the Jolly goblins who saved my life and tall," growled Lonesome Bear, poking his head through tho bushes. , "There are the "horrible ogres who hurled rocks at my grandchildren and who wanted to eat me In soup." hissed Old Timer Turtle, poking his head out Of the water. Persy and Billy looked hard into the pool, but they couldn't see any of these creatures. "We see nothing but ourselves,'' cried Billy. "Hoo' Hoo! Ha! Ha! Hee! Hec! Elsi! Hiss I Whom did you expect to ? Who made the tracks?" sang all the creatures, grinning broadly. Peggy and Billy ran to the tracks and looked at them again. To their surprise they found four sets of tracks Instead cf two. And as they looked back, they saw that their own tracks were Just Ilka the strange tracks. "Why they,aro our Own tracks, made jwlth our bare feet," cried Peggy. "We didn't know 'em because we've been uied to seeing our tracks made with hoes But why did everv one tell KU such stories?" Billy laughed. i e u an now, Tney just told us now we looked to them. We were big, boU. beautiful fairy giants to the hum ming birds after saving the male bird from the weasel. We were howling monkeys to Judge Owl when we awaken ed him from his nap. We were Jolly robllits to Lonesome Bear when we got him out of the rabbit trap. We were horrible ogres to Old Timer Turtle when we threw rocks at his grand children and Joked about turning him mto turtle soup. And we were wing tea, wading birds to the crawfish." Hoo! Hoo! Ha! Ha! Hee Heo! Hiss HUi! Now you see yourselves as others you," chuckled and giggled the creatures, and they fled away Into the pods and water. And Peggy ami Billy giggled and chuckled, too, and then they laughed and laugheu nnd laughed. The Joke was on them. Kext week will be told the story of Magio Hug.) TO GIVE "FETE MOPEBNE" Varied Program of Events at Home of Mrs. Q. A. Van Lennep A etc Moderne with n Lombard! umited fashion show, ponies to ride, .iruiui aesincuc dancing nnd a num "Jl 01 aumvjiia papers pieaio tnnv. .--.-. Fi-liilt7llll?'t6iiAa p- "sunn land ave n" U ' m- 4012 Vl'00i- baKT-M.irVtyi0' PTu1fe,ASn,.V.t-i ISS frlenda nvlted to runeral Man ? ! ?M.eldnac,n'thadr5r1Kmn)' ChUrch 10 "' m' ii?IJf.ni"?rir?.mlly n"h nt 10 o'clock. Ini.'.lrnJ?!lt..yolj'. Croaa Cemetery. OILMOUn. May 2(1, OEOHOB, huaband o. Vainyif'rJi'fiJSJX?- ,cn0.f HebertR. and late Frankrora Lodge. N'o. 292 F and A M ' JiI,vi!!r T?,i'."t'o lnvltei1 to a"""1 funeral vi. SI'JUiL'"?? ' Int' Oreenmount Cem. view remains Mon eAe. ,QOODMAN. In Atlantic City N. J . Ma 27. 1020. HENRIETTA? widow of En'.. !? Ooodman, aged 6t years. Service Sunday monring, eleven o'clock, at tho Oliver If. Hair Building. 1820 Chestnut at.. Phlladal. p'1.'"Lntrj'ment at Me Slnal Cemetery. T.Hr.FIl0&M.aJ' 'n- 12. ANNIE HEF FRON (nea MeHale), wife of the late Tbomaa lleffron. Relatives and frlenda are lnvletd to attend funeral. Mon. 8 30 a. m., lata residence. tMOlrorrla at. Solemn requiem mass at thy Church of the Annunciation, 19 IRWIN. --May 20. KATUERINE V., daughter of Ellen A. and late Patrick Irwin, aged 18. Funeral Mon . 8-ao am. f-omher parent's retldence. 1020 W. Schiller at. Sol emn requiem high nun St. Stephen'a ChurcM- -JSOD,;M1y.22' FLORENCE MAT. wlfa ??innrrJ?,' Jai0b Service Wed.. 2 p. m.. 1710 N. B2d at. Int. private. Fernwood Cera. MAiKTHA II. JOHNSON In her Mat vear Funeral will ba held at heAonte. Im's d at., on Seenthny. 20th Inat.. at It o'clock. ..n f i.;Sll,'ldnl'i Ma M- PETER J.. ,i0..J.atr ,Peier a.nd Bridget Kelly. Rela. Uvea and frlenda, also ill societies of which he, WM a member. Invited to funeral, Tucs.. S 30 a. m . residence. 3124 Cedar st Solemn requiem maea Church of Nativity 10 a. m. lnUH2vv.P.,,)ulc,,r' c'm' WA8H1NOTON KESSLER. Relate ea and friends Invited to funeral services. Sun , i P. m from his lata residence. 816 Clnamln aon KNEEDLER-BROADHEAD. May 28. IDA V., widow of Simon Kneedler and daughter of William T and Marv V. Broad head. Funeral service Tuea.. 10.30 a m., residence, 308 E. Snedaker St.. Qnt. Int. private. Remalna miv be Iewed Mon ee. LANOTON. Suddenly. May 27. WILLIAM A., husband of Clara M Langton Rela tives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Mon. 8:30 a. m . from daughter's residence. 1017 N. Ettlng at. Hlch mass of requiem Church of tho Most Precious Wood 10 a, m Int. private LAUTERWASSER Suddenly. May 27. ANNA M widow of William O Lauter wasser. Funeral aervlcea at her late resi dence. 2902 Rosehlll at.. Sun., 2 p. m. Int. Oreenmount. LEET May 28. THOMAS LEET. Rela tlvea and frlenda Invited to services, Tues . 2 P, m., residence of brother, John Leet, 2145 N. Howard st. Int private. North Cedar Hill Cem. Friends may call Mon. eve. LOCHNER May 27. GEORGE W.. hus band of Loulaa R. Lochner. Relatives and friends, also 72d Reg , Pa. Vol., Invited to attend funeral services, Tuea.. 2 p. m pre cisely, late residence, 1S31 H. 2d st Int. private, Frlenda may call Mon , 8 to lw , "' ta'cLAREN Princeton. N J., on the I 27th Instant. DONALD MacLAREN. D D.. chaplain United States navy, retired. In elghty-saventh ear to date Funeral serv Ices will be held from his late residence. 2k Mercer st , Princeton. N. J on May 80, at 4 o-'clock MAHER. May 27. MARY Q.. daughter of the lat. John and Caroline F Maher. Fu neral Mon., 7 a. m . from the residence of her brother. Jerome- A. Maher. 5374 Chew st.. Oermantown. High requiem man Oesu Church 9 a. m.Int. Old Cathedral Cem. McCARTNET-May 28. JOHN J., husband of Mary McCartney (nee Winn). Funeral Mon.. 8.30 a. ra.. late residence. 2424 S. Bou vler at. Mass of requiem Church of St. Monica 10 a m Int. private. ' McFADDEN. May 27. HANNAH ANN. widow of Samuel McFadden. aged 85 Fu neral services Tues . 2 p. m precisely, at late residence. 275 Lemonte st.. Roxborough. Int. private. . . McKAY May 27. CHARLES, huaband o' Ma-y A. McKay (nee Lamb). Relatives an" frlenda Invited to funeral. Mnn . 8.30 a. m. from late resld-nce. 2329 Oaul st Solemn requiem mass St. Ann's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem .. . MILLER. May 27. BERTHA, wlfa of Jamea M. Miller. Funeral Mon , 2 P m.. from her late residence, Newtown Squarr, PaMULCIlONE?-On May 27. MARGARET JANE MULCRONE. Relatives and friend' are invited to the services on Tuesday, nt 2 p m.. st the residence of her son. Jamea P McLaughlin. 2123 S 15th st. Interment PrpKNNOCK. At hla residence, nunellen, N. J., on May 27. EDWARD PENNOCK aged B0 years. Servlcea nnd Interment nt Oxford. Chester county. I'a . on Monday a,QUINN-Mav 27. MAP.OAIltT DEP.R INa. widow of John J Qulnn Relative, and friends Inv ted to funoral. Mon. U.du a m. fniM her lata residence 6010 GreenoJ St.. Oermantown. Solemn requiem mass St vinewt's fhurch 10 a m. Int. Holy SVtHOADSCMay25. SAMUEL D RHOAD9 I p-iinprol Monday. IP m . resldenco of brother AVm 111 ioads 4508 Ogden St. Int. Ml. Arlington Com. RoUtlves and friends j '"ilnniNSON May 27, JOHN M.., son of rfobert an." lite Jane E Robinson (n Ma lone) aced 48 Relatives and frlenda Invited Jnfuneral Tuea . 8 30 a. m . from Into reel "J 2958 norcr ,t. Solemn requ ra mass I Church of Visitation 10 a. m, at 8 A. Wt, and Oloisa at B.3cj T. M. Btor Opens DaUy Int. Holy Sep- oilier features will hn.eivpn hv I uicnre .... ,.o. TiTJTim. son tie Modern Club at the home of Mrs. I rISS?nei Ru" in .-.! " "f ..nS" g; A. Van Lenno In Mcrlou on I nnd friend. InvUrf I to funjrn . on Sunday. Wednesday. .Iune-2. at a P. mfrom 51.11 Nor font at. Aft. imiiumant n,l HAt.v.HHA .. til ' 'u-"".ui, uuu uuijuuri i u win ""? equally in the fete, the proceeds I wnlch are to bo given to the Sottle 0(nt Music School, tho -Modem Club wnWInj fund add welfare fund. Miss Elizabeth Lntta will sing French Mis in costume and MrH. Johu Hnbe Mr. and pupils 0f Miss Loulfre Clifford w dance. jlheru w111 ke n pnlmist, Puncli nnd Judy show, a duck and puppy Mile and J cafeteria, in addition to u bazuur of '"7 articles nnd food. The Hoard of Mnnngcrs for tho fete re Mrd. Harold do h. Downs. Mrs. I Brooke llland ami Mrs. Hnrold Bcltlcr. "e chairninn is MrH. Aubrey .Tonos 7, nhsisted by MIhs Violette iialncn, Miss Irene niscnberB, Mrs. Ernest T. Tries, Mrs. .Tnmcs II. Mof tt, Mrs. Alfred McVitty, Mrs. F. Dinwiddle M'nlker. Mrs, T. Mason Thompson, Mr Willinm T. Toiiuer. - 0. Dunbar Shew ell, Mrs. A. Heed Jjclntiro, Mrs. H. Mnxwell Lanndnn, Jlrs. Hcrbvrt Vox nnd Mrs, Frank A. vraij. Confirmation at Three Churches Blbhop Ithinelnnder Cill cdiitlrin a tomorrow nlgjit nt the C'liiiifh of He Messluh. Owynedd. Ulshop Cnr m will ronflrm nt Ht. rnul'H Church, neat Whltclnnd, in the niornliiK, nnd St. IV-ter's Church, CJu-nt Valley, a toe tvenluB. and frT:-VT011!10 Aiiisnn. Mien VI llclalivei Hilt lMi Invltwl to funeriil aervpe. Tues Mv'iJ '" ,T4 Seville st. Uoxboroush. Int JiW'- May 2", U'll.t.IAM H , hus. ld f-ii-V"011."0 Alllsnn. ugert 7'l Uclallves SHUile "I ruu. I nr ;,r..'ilcr nPHrimeuttf. ian r. mm l'(l""" - AIAUY IJM.AniJTH. widow fUi -ri"n ,lr111 rirlc mid Interment BUI i-KlWi.. on Tuesday ahtTeBrfiWN.-May 27, DOROTIIV A., 1..J?1" of the late Aucust nnd Ancela Ilui- hnlh?r.'.,',. ' .Relatlvea nnd friends, also ,...-.- ii nt funei Henry's bMdallty Invited In Jroth.r i.1!"" s-30 m . residence of her Uli il!n'lV,vt Joseph Kemme, BIO Sommer . m. i-.,IIXh ,na" 8t. Henry's Church 10 ntrrrLW,, .&'." Cathedrnl Cem EWAryll,Ti.,l.T,, '' -s- MAHUA irOTT",?T,T1';,t' wlfe "f Owrse W Hul; o atii?- 'telatlvrs and friends ur Invlterl tt "nit fvnernl nervlrea. Tile. 10.311 a X inl.e'y.- 1' h" ll residence. J8I1 tlom i1'" fue Map ' VTA iTil 11IWT - wlfn .-,-'. T". ...-.-.... ... ".IV u vwrfy ana aauaiuer or lino r.U' CARipv .. ,n' "rival .1 A"ET -May 28. MAIM." o i.nrey nl d and Catharine s R.30 h in , eqaelm maea Ho Pn$AW. i'.P.nll J n,., V and Catharine Cnx. ecetl Sfl. 1'U UD. May 27. ANNIH CRAW- hli '. 8.30 h in , 2J4 MrClellnn st a If,a',lm mR" fiaered Heart Church rV..?!- Int. I olY Cross Cem r tvT.Vivyv1lllll !;. .it iMin nnaw. f Wi i.lwatlvea nnd" 'friends Invlteil to ecs nf.V."c"'' us"3 ii. m , at me resi WstSi ..'J. r""nd,on. Vllltan VT, UB05I , l;BTr st. r int. lt, Worlab Cem 2.P:..n.'u." N 'HWALKC .i. - ', .--!-, BCiiWACkK Due notice or tunerai, num la,HMmjde-Ma"2SN-ANi1)KRSON SMrril, aged 70 JMneVal .erilcos Mon.. 2 V. rn ffaldence. M41 Chew at Oermantown. Int Pr80I'EIt May 2S, HEI.KN D.. daughter I deitce Mrs J Kenny. "' - - Old Cathedral Cem. ... ,, j.., . lainnii C bTlirilKNB. RUatlves 27 . IBAn !-I'I-A..3 ,JV,; ill .prvlcea Mon . ?M Main si int Morris Cem. nnd frlenda find friends 1 1 n m it nmnnlll I' IllCUHUl i !. Till...!. .... James. A "'. ""Ti.,. rn4 3d ave may view remain "ft, -- , 0 p m Uneral a'c'rU, 1330 Kalrioount avc . ri.ua . imiVlNTudn,, R.t 400 Par TALOU Mny '".. Due not,co 0f I1D IV II.I.IH.II g 4 '"tYio'm! -wfcAi: JMAnah-ua? THOMAH. l.hnio5f,ll0,2Tth: Relative, and S?ernnd.'.nvUe?.rhr'U'',"1i' leirth.montli 31t 2 M P. nt Westlleld Mj'VlS m. Int. private, !, it mon. pam. VANin;iiiiww-1'",1, f ,ii c Vnnder nV&eneH 'feVnd'Si rSnnloe?riV2kor.MTrrlo8- uvV. Melrose Park "VlS S5N.-Of lOM Afjh .... on eJTI"rnon'Un"'ul've.dffrU m Arcli ais, J,lwACifivvnimiT -i:mzaijf.th munii WAINM' ., f ,, Wnlnu right widow of Chanu " ' , Thon,as 0 jiausnier ii i " --- j..unHri .ervke on May 27. hushanu m friend, and memljr of. llio i'n m 'n'-rHday. 10'JO a, Invited to tho 'c Church Hrtfll am in at Arch ni .ll. .r,. .,a , w--, i.unrni iniern.' t. i MUNROK. anu and en at her i .. . ii,. .. nn AiiiiiiiJiv. ato resldente.l!"-' '" ."'nrTiiie. ' ''tti? "iJli -Al "I" K JinVr. -t . on ,i MUinAUrlT WAI-H1I (nee Young), w, of' John' lWW. Announcement of ft. neral Inter .,, ,vn-v 11 . wife of late WAii'"" ', , ..rry) miatlvea and i Owen J ".V'inn SndaliW. ,y "',"" ' lr" 'rlen,'1uVf!''lSf A inv" id to funeral. Mon I cle. Lady CI of A ' '" r(.,J(.npU, JPRI V. K 30 a in . from her ;,,' mns, o,urcti Albert tt s,;,.lcin,, i. fit Mark's Com . Visitation R. " "" I "'.Wl'V.-ten Mav 27 MARTHA, widow iviih i "".;.. i,i SI Relative, ami or joiiii v. , ,V rnneral Tuce , a n m friend Invited o '.'fi vnrilTlrlc st Sviasl from late '" J$ 'J ,, "'iu'f, ', 7 to U n iJMIKnTAKKB Store Closed All Day Monday, Memorial Day Our Annual June Sales Begin Tuesday, June 1 Lowest' Prices in Philadelphia Rule Here As Always for Nearly Thirty Years. Summer Wearing Apparel for Men, Women nnd Children at the Lowest Prices to bo found in tho city Bummor Homefurnlshings thousands of dollars under regular prices. :AH These Goods on Sale Tuesday :xail and Phone ordtra rilled: 35ft HAT S TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Wt Bf'otiieis Market Eighth OneYellowTradingStampWithETerylOcPurchaseAUDay Filbert Seventh :&MB Tuesday 62c Eight-Ounce ) QQ .l-ialr. rnir. s F Five hundred yards; Government standard; 28 Inches wide. Suitablo for avnings, tents, boats, etc. No mail or 'phone orders filled. Lit Brothers Third Floor These Phenomenally Low Prices on Fine Furniture Will Voice an Irresistible Appeal to the Hundreds of Philadelphia Folks Ready to Fit up City Homes, Seaside Villas, Bungalows, and Restful Porches for the Summer. The figures on the tags total thousands of dollars ttr mmKmo .lv ittfe ' wjgWBIl linunilmHiii luffiaucAv'r1' xiriyj-1 'jjpr an(&ti--4-. On Sale Tuesday less than such worthy qualities should rightfully bring. This well-timed event is another evidence that you can trust this store, which for almost thirty years has safeguarded the welfare of a great majority of Philadelphia's homes. We are alert to every oppor tunity to serve this great community and go furthest to be of help in keeping costs down. Avail Yourself of the Convenience of Our Club Piatt if You Wish. Here are actual factt and figures that bear eloquent testimony to the practical helpfulness of our great fair price policy e 1 14Q.75 This $225 Bed Room Suite, American walnut dresser, roll end bed, chiffonier with glass. in Colonial design. Large triplicate toilet table and This$650BedtCn -A Room Suite, rfOivU American walnut in Adam design. Large dresser, chiffowardrobe, swell end bed, triplicate toilet table, cane bench, rocker, chair and night table. 8 pieces. (EHM X i This '650 Dining 1 $ Room Suite 399 .75 Antique English oak. Ten pieces 66-inch buffet, large china closet, enclosed side table, 46x60 oblong table, five cane back chairs with tapestry seat and one arm chair. This $22.50 Chair or Rocker,eaci, $14.98 ' Japa nese cane woven seat and back, broad arms. Threa patterns. $25 Three-Piece Bed, $18.95 Enamel In mahogany, walnut and some gray. 86 size. High rlso spring complete. fittiX! (Ci&h PJH'.Wt. hu This $31.50 Reed Fiber Chair, $21.75 Ivory finish, upholstered In pink and black cretonno. Ad justable cush ions, spring seat, broad arms. Medium size $35 Value, $23.75 Frosted brown, green or bluo finish. Larger size. lVSBAaTllRI Jp-Prt1 . This $325 Living Room Suite, Tirncxrrr- LiS&MJ. ' tWl Upholstered in tapestry or English cloth. Three pieces large settee with separate cushions, chair and arm chair or high back fireside chair This $6.50 Porch Rocker $4.99 ,, Maple frame,' doublo reed seat. Low back, broad arms. iLwskIO tr? Thb $22.50 Chinese Grass Rocker, $13.85 Natural brown finish, close ly woven. Oval or square back. This $250 Dining Room Suite, $187.50 Oak walnut finish. Ten pieces GO-inch buffet, largo china closet, enclosed serving table, 6-48 extension table, and sK genuina leather seat side chairs. This $55 Reed Fiber Suite, $42.50 Brown finish, upholstered Chair, rocker and small settee. in cretonne. Independent cushions. n tis&y W mlWi .1aW This $135 Living Room Suite, $87.50 Cano and wood backs, leather or tapestry seats. Six pattenn. t Jfl III nrfi- 'l fl I 1 1 n?" i I m " i This $400 Dining Room Suite, S319.75 American walnut in William and Mary design. Ten pieces 62-incn buffet, large china closet, serving table, 6-48 exten sion tuble, five genuine leather seat chairs and one arm chair. This $13.50 Enaijicl Bed, $10.95 i 33ts iB W W l. mix? ' kT ll l II U M i I 1 J U. Two-inch continuous post, 10 -quarter men iiucra unu el in head and foot. Regular pane sizes This $7.00 Porch Swing $4.98 Fumed oak. 60-inch slat back, curved seat. Complete with chains. This $35 Library Table $24.98 Colonial design, highly polish ed quartered oak. 42-inch. This $75 Davenport Bed, $55 Golden oak or mahogany fin ish, upholstered in brown Span ish leatherette. Opens into three quarter bed . Bedding Made 'fSaiiitaryFacfory This $18.50 Sliding Iron Couch, $ 13.85 Groy finished frame. Nation al fabric spring. Opens into three-quarter size. Complete with good thick pad. This $50 All Brass Bed $36.75 $12 Mattress, $9.65 I Combination pine fibre. Soft top and bottom. Striped ticking. All regular sizes. ,$18.50 All Felt Mattress, $11.95 Roll edge, art ticking. All regular sizes. $22.50 Hair-and-Felt Mattress, $16.85 Fancy ticking. All regular sizes. $35 Pure Hair Mattress, $26.75 Full 40 lbs.; 8-ounce ticking; roll edge. $50 Mattress, $39.75 Pure South American drawing mattress with your selection of ticking. 8-ounco fancy striped tickings.. ...... .......s.ai t.. ........ ...... S $25 Box Spring, $18.95 Made to order. Fancy ticking. Regular sizes. All Feather Pillows each 87c Blue-and-whito stripe ticking also art ticking. $6.50 Pillow & Bolster Set, $5 ACA ticking, guaranteed odorless feathers. Pil lows sold separately, each $1.39. $12.50 Pillow & Bolster Set, $7.50 All duck feathers. ACA ticking, guaranteed odorless feathers. Pillows sold separately, each $1.08. Lit Brothers Fourth Floor Bright finish. "Two-inch con tinuous posts, ornamented with husks; six lVj-inch fillers and panel. r I I This $32.50 All Brass Bed, 'Zi.ib Ribbon finish. Full size. Two inch post, l'i-inch top rod, eight one inch fillers in head and foot. This $8.50 Link Fabric Spring, $4.65 IIIJI I . I ... I. 1.' il. I m Gray enamel. All sizes for metal beds. Sf. regular This $22.50 High Side Enamel Crib, $16.50 (IBW3 4 l i d Automatic sliding s National fabric spring. ! 145 SS0SXBB8; Visit Oar BltfSTow Ksstanriwt Bsst ot Bvsrjrtolsp nt Xowsst Vtibtg flsvsnth Tloo'r or Our Ktw BiaiiUng,l 7ti ft Marks 8ts.: ;XJ 3IKOTKJBKS: fA 4 X-1 4i ij .1 : ,tf ,A friynJ? r .&?? . j ,& '