'?( ' W' , ."' 'ft 1 .K ''- " I - 7gF ,4? SHEA BROKEN-HEARTED BY DEFEAT IN "440" Great Panther Runner Sobs After Being Shut Out in 1 Heat of Title Trials lly KMVIN .1. POLLOCK f a nnoi ....... itn 4 ttmnn ,t.i.- i Hllulri'iiriwxw uiiiipic Bflt A In tlic corner of the dressing room ,t franklin Field late yesterday after He was crumbled In n heap. HOOD. JJ Rliotllticrs were ui'ui jur iiuvrn, up teld two flaming check in the heels of M hands while pcrsplrntion trlnkletl down from his forehead over his twitch - Into the palms of the trembling hands Bnc could easily imagine tenrs stream inr The lifts of his shoulders, perhaps ctuwl by short, Jerky breaths, might tare been sobs. Fellow nthletes ofTered srmpntlij", but he would have none of it He paid not the slightest heed to he words of comfort spoken to him, tor to the sympathetic pats which often Ml on his broad back, "It was Frarik Shea, the remnrkablc auarter-tiiltc champion, of the, Univer sity of Pittsburgh, n mnn who two renr ago enme within one-fifth -of n Mcond of equaling Ted Meredith's world's record of 47 2-Q seconds. ' ghut Out In 440 Two years ago .Shea could have given my man entered in the quarter-mile rice at the annual intercollegiate games cn Franklin, Field today five yards and beat htm to the tape, but yesterday he ts 'hut out in n 40-second hent and was the twelfth man to qualify for tire wmlfinaN of the 220-yard ilnsh. Shea ran blame no. one but himself for the position in which ho hns been tilared. Here is the story of his failure In the 440-yo'rd trial : The runners came out of the chute nith'Rhca setting the pace like the Shea of 11)18. His lengthy strides ate up the spare to the tape nnd he rounded Into the straightaway still in the lead. Bob Maxam, of Pcnn, wus on his How the Tiger Athletes Qualified for .Finals lOO-yard dash Tlrown Clark. s;o-yaril dash Drown. Clark. 410-yard run Stevenson. gun.yard run Murrey. 120-ard hurdles Krdman. , Trow triage, Massey. 2jn.ard hurdles Erdman. Trow-brIOre- Masaey. Shot-put Halsey. Hammer throw Spears. FIRST POLO CONTEST FOR WOODQREST CUP Philadelphia Country Club Four Clashes With Point Judith Today This fiftcrnoon the Philadelphia Country Club polo team nnd the Polut Judith quartet will open the Woodcrest run. series at Halo. The game today will begin at 3:30 o'clock. As the weather conditions arc idenl 'for the , fame, it is expected that a big crowd of polo enthuslnsts will turn out for the contest. The polo field at Bala can be reached by taking the park trolley to Woodsidc Park. The winner of today's game will meet the Hryn Mnwr four on- Monday afternoon in the second round. The Bryn Mnwr tenmiis particularly strong with Hobcrt E. Strnwbridge, Hobert E. Straw-bridge, Jr., Hodman 'Wana naker, 2d, and George II. Earle. 3d. The prizes for the winners this year are bigger and better than ever. Be idn the cup which Is donated by Mrs. Mill there will be individual cups to the victors. FOUR SMITH GAMES Plays Scott-Powell Today at Home; McKenty to Pitch Marshall E. Smith & Hro. baseball team plays Scott-Powell this nfternoon it home. Mnnnger Frank Caroll will Mad In McKenty and Gault ns his bat try, while the Milkmen will use Hare f md OTtrlen. Following this gome the Smith team IH tackle Doylestown, of tho Mont ornery County League. In n Sabbath dav game on the some grounds. Krsklno Mayer will twirl for the , epith team, with Scott, of tho Jcr y City team of the International wawe. holding the big mitt. .Memorial Day finds the boys playing ''""Die-header. Tho morning game. "l be with the Rex A. C. of Wash "Won, D. C and tho afternoon con test with tho ICBU tenm, of Ardmorc. Breaks Golf Record Normn Maxwell, the former North and Wh champion, and Mrs J V Turnbull, "winning the mixed foursomes jesterday at "nott made the lowest stois ,. .. .Sucnt B" event, returning a grosa iki. . wnicn ry low men Player : J f "core over the phamplonsblp wie, The. cardi: ftf J'-??11 -ml Mrs. Turnbull fit K??,r' Stuckey fir S."."pa nA M. Justice.. fij Ktmblt and Mil. Taylor. ! .' 8r fclJf ni1 M1" Dell ' "tt and lire. Smith )f HlMr- M"hn Mr .J'fon nd Mra. Klelaher J i l and Mra. Il.ti. f V?kr!!on ,nd " Tenney , 1)3 Mr .nAnT.n nM "" Klllott . IIH Mr .B,ir.,a,'r. nd Mrs, Olenn 101 itr ii&a"- oia.. .... .. 11 Mr ?! !. Haratow .112 " i' 'arrow and Ml o.i inn xxA ii.."?L"m " .,. Lnupman. . K. 0. Feature of Camden Bouts .At the ..' ."roadwwy , . n laat nlslit Kid i llMUnln In h am .? "locked out '- t Hdaie Pete Lawrenm iittrt1 .Tn. tf.ron all over the rlnw, when hla aerond !" In the .h.V. j X.?P"."' .in iw nrai, joe uor- BronV. .' '"". i'onoey In x rounda, SI??,:! drew with Sam Kati In alx i r""linff AlaCk (1rUf tulth Unmmu MuhU In ,, , ' .in. ,i. ... iuuiiu turn S,.1"" arew with Sammy Nable ---, leading Hitters in Major Leagues AMERICAN LKAOCE, J.U.'.55' ' u'. Q. A.H. R MSX7-I," .30 ..13 100 letiilo 121) 12A 113 131 Host, St. i. 33 .33 32 ;"on ie, U'llhli NATIONAL I.K.aUK, ."?' ,5?,1j; Rt. L. . 38 141 20 ItSSPf- .Clnn....S 17 21 Sii'V'in ....... 35 182 20 'on. Cnl. ' M 11a 1A I 4A .Sit 40 ,M NEIGHBORLY LOT OUT AT DEVON YOU AUTO TELL 'EM, I'M A LITTLE HORSE ,v" FItANK SHEA Pittsburgh's champion, who was shut out of tho Intercolleglato quarter-mile yesterday shoulder, but the famous Panther held the picture of today's test in Ills mind's eye nnd he eased up. He let Maxam pass mm. Uriscoll, of Boston College, came nnd pnssed him. Shea was satis fied to qualify In third position. Then enmc the big mistake. Instead of keeping on Driscoll's heels he slowed up more. Glancing over his right; snouiuer, lie saw no one near him and npjmrcntly there was no reason to in crease 'his speed nnd spend Ills energy. Hut 'on his left side sped nn ambitious youth Dcmmlng, from State College. Hemming Victor Hemming breezed by the Panther ten yards from the tape. Shea gave n starred leap, but ho was rnught fiat footed. Too Into he lenll.cd that lining on his oars Is expensive. He put all his effort Into his nttempt to catch his state rival, but time and distance were to,o short. His spirit broke and his sticngthl gone by tlint one Inst cuort, Shea hail little left for the 220 trials. He was third in his heat and that qualified him to compete in the hent for third men. Ho was beaten In the latter heat, but two men qualified so that he will run In the semifinals of the furlong today Frnuk Shen could give Dcmmlng ten yards, yes, fifteen yards, and beat him in a quarter nnd, oh, what he would give for the chance. Hut tho Inst chance is gone. Shea graduates in .Tunc. It was his Inst intercolleglato 440 championship race. Frank Shea, one of the greatest quarter-milers America ever has pro duced, has no chance to race for title. He lost to a mnn far inferior. Frnnk Shea lost, but who will say he was beaten? Collegiate Qualifiers in Track Classic Today lOO-vnnl iliih I'enn. It. Hmlthi I'rlnre tnn, Clnrk nnd Ilrowni I.nfnsette, I.eeone.vi nuta-ers, lie Mlltt Cnrnell, Mlnur: Stunford, Klrknry ami Wrllsi lliirinril, (lourdlni Yale, Jonrsj Columbia, (iriirbt Dartmouth, hhrl liurne. 220-)iird ri.iRli I'enn, Dim la. It. HmltJi nnd Mnxiimt rrlnrrton, Chirk unci llrimni Itul cir". lip Witt: fnllfnrnln. Ilrndrlnoni or nrll. Ilmiaon nnd IVItrri Ijifnjrtlr, l.ernncyi I'enn Stute, Drmmlnci ritlluircli. Mien. 410-ynnl run I'enn. iiitiifon. Kliy nnd Mnxumi t'ornrll. John: llolnn Collrse, DrlH- rolli Irnn Mute. HenimlnK: iTiiirew,., Stetrnaan: frurune, Soudrr: (,'allfornla, Ilendrlaon. 8RO-juril run I'enn. Ilrnnn nnd Kbr: Cornell, Mayer: rrlnrrton, Murresi Ijifny etlr, Crwfordi I'enn Mute, HIileldMj t'oliim Mn, Hchreiker: Ciillfornln, .Hprott: Yule, Beed. 120-jnrd hurdlea I'enn, Hmnlley nnd I'. Smith: Cornell. Hmlth: I'rlnrelon. Krilmnn. TroMlirlilEP nnd Mnaney: Dartmouth. Thorn- aom Myrnruae, Kllla: Ntnnroru, tteuai luie, IlrtTellincer. 290-yard hurdle I'rlneetn. l.nlmnn, Mitaarjr and Trow brldise: Cornell. Smith. Wntt nnd Illrkfnnl: Ilirinioulh, Thnmaoni KutKera, Meyer; (Stanford. Welli; Hyraeuae, I'.IIIM. I'ole viiuU I'enn. I.ander: Dartmouth, Meyers nnd Jourdani Yule, Webber: Ilar iiird. Hnrwnml: Culirornlav I'rterMin. Ilroad Jump Venn. I.nnilrrn and Dnvla; Ilnnnrd, Onurdln: Slote. Way; Stanford, Templeton: Cullfornlar Merrlinnt. Hlfh Jump I'enn, Ilnmptnm Ynle. I.nn doni Stanford, Templeton: Cornell, Itamaey nnd Lathropt Clark, Amher;t. Khotpnt New Vork Unlreraltr, Conn: Dartmouth, Shelbuma: I'rlnreton, nnlaey; Cnllfornln. Majorat Holy Croaa, Dlrnoni Ilrnwn, Nlchola. Hummer throw Calirornla. Mrrrhant; M. I. T., Danilrowi Dartmouth. .Weldi I'rlneeton. Speera: I'enn M.ite. CubbiiKe: Ynle, Arnat.i. ,. . Number oualllled renn, Iffi Trlnreton, 14: Cornell. Ill Dartmouth. 7: California, 7i Stanford, (1: Ynle, Oi Stole, St Iliirtanl, 3: Rutnera, 3i Lafayette. 3i Sjraeuse, 3; Columbia, Si Ainherat. Iloiton Collrcr, N. Y. V.. Ilrown, Holy Croa, M. I. T. and l'ltCiburgli, 1 each. BAN JOHNSON HERE Will Make Effort to Prevent Players Jumping to Independent Clubs President Han II. .Tohn&on, of the American League, Is here today for the purpose of mnklng plans that will pre vent players in his circuit from jumping to independent hncbnll leagues. Han stated this morning that he wns ex pecting .John Ilcydler to come over some time today and that thoy probably would formulate a ruling thnt would suspend every man for three years who jumps from cither major league. LEADS COLLEGE ""'.- . -. ...i.... Bh w "-"M,ra bVoad - uWIWMH"'nT WMmmmwm7&&xiz xz: . : i t r K i r j,.. s . 2W .rt-Ltir 5 " Wt V rr-A . .'&'&.' i&Kdf S Stt 'VA0P IKflilllllllB' Hh tjjTmC ti iTf v y &s "gWfciv atC f S v a a. H.Net lfm.Jtrl Wr ,-&&mtLmk' 3& -SHItaa, m-kpm. iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip .jik itiiw ms . Km m i U7 ilHMHHiiiiHiMHHJLBrKRmkl ii. r.o, MrKtt3a52ra 4" .372 Wn5BS,(V5j&iiaw3!55!s i in .sn" dJiiitWii'ii Hi'if ' nt'i i'hi lir ' ' i wjii '", ii n1 1 lUyiiiBiii nielli Vtiiiilii h W IWTPTrvrTiafnviK 48 .358 I JKlBEMMJlitTjSSK oi i!kt nnimiKff ii i iTi 1 1 lliVpBWliWBPWBnlwHKiw no ,870 miii jHu1uCmB8bwWHIiii I IMwlTwriwirHiwTrrTT mrrmnr-"i jk flu i1MMMWMJJBJfiiaeK"" EVENING' PUBLIC PRINCETON CUP FOR FRANK Pioneers Capture Their First , Baseball Title Beat R, C. n, S, Scholastic Athletic Schedule for Today INTEIWCHOLA.STIC I.KAOlin YKSTERDAY'H UE9UI.T8 Innkforil, 18 mtliolle llltli, 13. Central, ti olllea.at. 3. CATHOUC IIIOH SCHOOL MIVOUE Vlllnnota, 13 West Catholic, 0. OTjIKlt (IAMI-,S LanMlnmir, Oi Kndnor, 1, Ulclley I'urk Illilr, 12 t WllmlnRtan Irlendu, 3, SCHEDULK FOR TODAY" QermanlowTi Illitli nl Olrnril Colleae. lllanotu at I.u Sallr. V. I. I. 2d nt (llrnrd 2il. rtorrliitonn at Coalenvllle, TRACK Radnor ut Louer Merlon. TENNIS. Central nt Hnterford I'rep. Radnor nt Northeast. I ruunford nt Ylllanoia. (ienniinlonn nt (lermantoun Acndrmr. Ciimdrn at Cheltenham. INTERSCIini.ASTin IJ5,OUK ST.VDINO rrannforcl lo 3 .833 llermantmtn 0 3 ,7ftO rteat I'lilludelphln 7 .S8T Joutliern 7 r .H83 Sorllieait fi 7 .417 Centrtil 4 H .333 lathollfl 0.13 .000 CATHOLIC lllflll I.IUOUr. .. . . . STANDING (. Jokeph'a 4 2 .r,n7 llllannvu 4 3 .007 A et Catholic 4 4 .300 atholle 3 .420 La Salle 3 A .285 Frankford High School players won their first Interscholastic League base ball championship this season. The final game with Catholic High decided tho winners of the Princeton cup, the Frankford nine making n ninth -inning rally for four runs nnd winning by a score of IS to 12. Catholic High had the lead. 112 to 1). in the eighth, nud for u time tilings looked gloomy for i rnnitiorti. In tho ninth inning Bingham started the ball rolling with n home run. Itelnlckc singled. Grensbnch singled. Roinioko and ('ransbach scored on Whin ton's double. Whartoivscored tho winning run on Ford h error of Wot tor s croundPi' and tne I'rlneeton cun hoonied up before the Frankford fans mill plaers. (icrmuntowu High students naturally took much interest in the contest as a victory for tho Purple and Gold would hove given Gennautown a chnneo for the title. Tho entire student body at tended the game and rooted for emb olic High. This was one of the best series in mnny years, nnd Frankford hns Southern nnd West Philadelphia to thank to n great extent for tho victory, for these two teams upset Germnntown High, lenders for n long time. Then Frankford spurted forward and by playing consistently succeeded in reaching tho top. Central High defeated Northeast High, 4 to .'!. This was the last league gulne of the season, Germnntown High finished second, while West. Philadel phia and Southern nro tied for third place. Upsets were numerous, ns few of the league followers expected Frank ford to come through, nnd Catholic High, ns yesterday's game with Frank ford indicated, was much stroncer than tho result of tho Purple nud Gold's league season would suggest. St. Joseph's Preparatory School won tho Catholic School track and field championship with a score of 4.1 points. Oakes. Devine nud Uradley proved a trio of star performers and they f.0011 put tne Crimson and tiray in tno lend. Onkes won tho 220-yard dash, the nuarter-mllc nnd tied in the hnlf-mile. He was clicked at 52 2-Ti wconds for tho qunrter, which is fast time for nuy of the high school lads. Thou he ran n neck-and-neck moo. with Devine. of St Joe. in tho bSO. which wns also fast time. 2 minute 1 1 second). McGovern. who won both tho shotput and tho high jump, wns Catholic High's star performer. Carton nlso made nn excellent Knowing. Ln Salle and ilia nova did not have strong teams entered in tho meet nnd were outclassed. Vlllnnova I'rcrw defeated West Cath nlio Hleh. 12 to 5. in the Catholic League ganio jesterdoy, and ns n result are now tied with St. Joseph's for first place. The game furnished a hurprlse lv reason of the one-sided score. Alln- nick's wlldnees wns responsible for tho (lofent, ns ho wolkeil twelve men, nnd Vlllnnnvn lilt him nil over the lot. Lnnsdowne High walloped Iladnor High in 11 good game nt Lnnsdowne, Pprrv. tho Itndiior twirlcr. was off form, Ho wns knocked out of tho box in tho third iuniug. when the homo tenm scored four ruus. .Milllken. Dickinson, Lyster and Livingston excelled for Lausdowuc High. BROAD JUMPERS J- , ' -. -" ' Six ',' iJ-V 'F$M WV TV. S&H& to. - , nt "3 feet R Inches was the best S tAi. 'ifSurthy ttDdlPmilAiBfiPitlA', &OTURDAT, MLA.Y 29; 1920 NAVY OARSMEN WIN GEORGE W. rnpn' PS The Annapolis eight, coached by IMcIianl Glendon, Invited for tho first time Clillds cup race, took adftintago of the kind Imitation and won the cup on the photograph shows tho Princeton eight coming along in second CROTHERS LEADS I Chestnut Hill Wizard Runs 112 Before He Registers Miss. Donnelly Stars Lakcwnod, NT J., Mny 20. Steve Crothers, the Chestnut Hill trnpshoot ing wizard, wns high over nil com petitors on tho second day of the Lake- wood tournament. Crothers car ricd a run of fifty-five over from yes terday and continued it to 112 before he registered his only miss, leaving ninety-three to carry into the final 100 tomorrow. Hen Donnelly, of Chicago, continued his phenomenal shooting with only two misses. He is still leading the field five down on tno 300. Senntor Gooro" Gray, of Philadel phia. wns right after the living leaders today with n loss of two in l.'O. Ho had sixty straight and did not miss ugnln until enrly in the last event, this mnKos prospects briclir for n thrilling three-cornered race over the finnl 100 In tho morning. This compe tition will represent the Lakcwood championship nnd the Maplewood 100. Klins Ilall.of Torresdale. was a con tender for Class A honors, hut 140 wns only good tor fourth place. (. S. Hunt. of Hoston. redeenyd his low score of yesterday by loading tho Class It shoot ers with 147, and for runner-up L. II, Davis. Hoston. nnd E. U. Woodward of Westfield. N. J., tied. John Fon. tnino, the popular Philadelphia gunner, was u close contender. P. II. P. Randolph, Jr., tho home stnr, again shot into a tie for first hon ors in Class C after losing in the second event. The snoot witli W. A. Lindsay carried over from lostprdnv. will decide tho ownership of today's trophy in the nrst event tomorrow with .1. It. Iinnner, of Chicago. Kach had 144 breaks. The low-class winner was It. W. lingers of Itiverton, N. J., with 142. Second place was nlso tied with Dr. F. K. Hris tol, of Philadelphia, and C. A. Urown New ork city, the honor men. with 138. John Philip Sousa, tho march king, who is nenr tho closo of his Das time season, displayed far better form toaay ana excelled in tno uiymnic event, wnicn Closed the program for tno day. PIAZZI FRACTURES WRISr Is Forced to Quit Bout With Gannon at Cambria Although Johnny Plnzzl, of the Seventeenth ward, had all the better of four rounds of hi scheduled eight round bout against Billy Gannon nt the Cambria last night, the latter gets credit for n technical knockout because Piazzi was forced to ictlro owing to n frneturcd wrist. Tho nccident oc curred when Plnz.i hit Gannon on the bend. Gannon weighed 130 pounds and Piazzi was five pounds lighter. George Wurd, ISO, was defeated by Frank Harson, 1SH : Freddy Turuu', I'M, stopped Tony Daniels, 1.10, in tlio fourth ; Kid Wagner. l'J.'i. won all the way from Johnny Morgan, 120, nnti Hnrry Kid Kruo, 1.12, stopped Larry Williams, 1C4, first. Binglcs and Bungles Sow that Tu Cobb has ailed o lar to lead Die tmerlcaii I.cauuc hit! rj. (t ts rumor'd In Ditroit that h a stated to lead the Tioers ni manauer. There's iiothinw u strong at naWf. Jimmy I.kea waa there all the. while e.i- terday BCRlnst Vt aahlnKion in ire mick .hi- Fr? artment he registered a slnKle nnd a double journey to tne Kuitaiiercna. Tno spnaniR tndny at Shlbo rnrk, Viral mime ut HSO p. ni. The Sorthtoeat Protesiioxala want n name for tomorrow ulti a Irjt clan club away from home, Till nfternoon tho rennajltnnla nlno meet Cornell nt Itliocn. Our poor Phlla irot It asraln yeaterday right nt tho Adnm'a apple line. And -the Giants did It. 4-0. Jaitnocr (Invvv went I" to vinch hit, bin rtrii thie vilphtv club uuj harmless aaalnsr llubc Helton's thoots. Tliiiu far lh nniplirt hate miide no rullni on the shimmy bull. Vm, the Kanka rtaUu won without a homer 11 Jiufh. The lied Box were- the victims, 4-, S3MfKZ32l5S I tCTUOll UVINIIIU UUiniiKS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT Open Ev'is. No Cham for Alterations M SOUTH 8th -ST.gs LAKEWOOD SHOO How Pcnris Athletes Qualified for Finals ino.vard dash It. Smith 2'JO-yard dash It. Smith. .Maxam, Davis 14ii-ynrd run Mnxam. Guntafson, Eby. Sfln.yard run Eby. Ilrown. l'JO-yard hurdles Smalley. V. Smith. Polo ault Lenders. Ilroad Jump banders, Davis. i Hleh Jump Hampton. Tennis at Plymouth Club Sixteen of th bt tennl playera nf thla vicinity arn playing In tho Invitation doubles tennis tournament ot the ri mouth Country Club at Norrlstoun. The mitchea besan yesterday and "111 continue through Memorial bay O 13. PflnKat and J A Merrltt. ot Huntingdon Valley. weroVho victors over A. Plccolet and K. It. Finn, of Onvod. In straleht aets. the scores bolnic fl-n. 0-4 Dr. P. Ii. Hawk nnd O. C. Shafer. Cnwvd. won from P V. Olbbona and O. It. Powell, Cyn wyd. In stralsht sets by srores of 0-1. 8.(1. B. M. and I,. II. Edwards, of Merlon, and N. Swayne and P. Osborne have" a lea; on tho cup. Pittsburgh, 4; West Virginia, 2 MorrantowTi. W. V''... Mny 20. The Uni versity of nttaburBh beat went Virginia v. finrHnv 4.? ln it noorly rlaved came Pllt rot three runs In tho seventh on three scratch single nnd errors by I.jtle and Lcmley. thereby sewlnc up tne came, Subject to Chang MONDAY AI.IIA3IDRA 12th. Morris (s) Passyunk Ave. Blanche Sweet In The Hushed Hour I,I,KflIIENY tsl Frankford and AlleBheny Avs. Marv Plckford In Pollyanna M'OI.I.O ,. (,) 52d and Thompson Sta. AKCADIA ' Choatnut below 10th St. BALTIMORE ,., . ' vBlt St. and Baltimore Ave, Leah Balrd In The Window Opposite !'rnnt Washburn ln Mrs Templo"a TeleaTum Violet Hcmlns Tho Cost BELMONT B2d above Market St. () Mabel Normand Mlckev BI.UEUIHD . . Broad ft &uo.uehanna Ave. BIWAmVAY ) Broad bt. and Snya- Ave. Lucv Cotton In Blind I. tne Marv Plrkfdrd In Polbanna CAPITOL 722 Market St. ') Cecil I) Chance CIU1AIC eoth st. (s) V S The and Cedar Ave. -- CENTURY Erie Ave. at 6th. (a) Constance Blnney In Erstwhile Susan COLISEUM (s) Market Bet. 89th and OOth. Olive Tell In ri Without Queatlon COLONIAL , . A Otn. and Maplewood Ave. (s) Oeraldlne Woman ami EMPRESS . Main St.. (s) Mark Twain's Huckleberry rinn Manayunk FAMILY 1311 Market St. () Charles The SAIRMOUNT , . . 2flth St. arid Olrnrd Ave. (a) Seue HoNnkawa In The I)oll's Claim FltANKFORD -1715 Frankford Ave. (s) Man- Plekford Polljnnna J6TII 8T. THEATRE Below Spruce St. (s) Harrj The GREAT NORTHERN Broad St. at Erie Ave. (s) Oeraldlne Farrar. The Woman and thn Puppet IMPERIAI. 60th and Walnut Sta. (s) Marv Plekford Pollyanna IRIS () Kenslntton & Allegheny Aves. A"nette Kellermann In A Daughter of the Hods JL'MHO Front tt. (s) Charles Hay In Alarm Clock Andv and Olrsrd Ave. LAFAYETTE Kenslniton Av. . . ') William l.ea ft camoria at LE.IER 41st St (s, and Lancaster Ave. Walla' e nld In The Hindu' Fool llroiiTst. and Columbia Avs! Julian l'ntlnge In Tho Adventuress LOCUST K (I2d erd Locust fHs. (s) Boy Stenart In The Sauobrusher MARKET ST. THEATRE SS3 Mirket Bt (s) Wallace Held In The Danrln' Fool tlODEf, , 425 South St. (s) Tom Mix Tha (.olone NIXON , . . B'.'d and Market Sta. (a) William I.eao OVERBROOK .. . . . '' Aid St and Haverforfl Av. Duatln Fai A Man's PAIACE 1214 Market St. (s) Marv Plekford In Poll anna ntlNCESS 1018 Market St. () Clara Klmn.ill Young In The Forbidden Woman BEOENT Market ft. (s) Enid Rennet! In The False Fioad below 17th. BIALTO Qtn. Ave. Robert Warwick In Thou Art the Man at Tulpehocken BIVOLI 62d and Sansom (s) Merle Doro In Twelve Ten Sts UUHY Market St. bslow 7th () Will nosers In Water Everywhere SAVOY 12H Market St. (1 W. 3 Hart In The Toll Qate SHERWOOD (s) S4th St and Baltimore Ave. Violet Hemlng In The Cost STANLEY Market above 16th St. (a) Norma Talmadgo In The Woman Ulves HTAR () Constance Two jenainaiun I Lehigh Aves, STRAND , Oermantown Ave. Murv Plekford In 1'nllsannn at Venango VICTORIA Maritot 8t. (a) Tom Mix in The Daredevil above Ninth ITE8X ALLEGHENY () 20th Ut. and Allegheny Ave. Mark Twain' Huckleberry Finn theatraa marked fsl obtain Dlctuxea MvlvwM before ro4MUaa. CHILDS CUP Ledger l'hoto Service to participate In the George W. Schuylkill river last evening. The position at tho finish ASCENSION IN PLAY-OFF Meets St. Carthage for Soccer Cham pionship Third Time Tomorrow Never before in the history of the old Knglish game of soceer has It been necessary to pitch two teams against each other three times to decide who is the better team, but such is tlic ease in the Third division of the Allied League, where the Ascension soccer eleven nre in n deadlock with the St. Carthage squad. To determine the winner these two tenms will meet ngoiu tomorrow on the Wolfdcn Shore grounds nt Cardington. to piny ofT the tie. On both previous orensions they have played the full time, then extra periods and finished still in n deadlock, the firht score being 1 to 1. while on Inst Saturday they battled n gnme with the extra periods to a 3-to-3 finish. Matty Ryan, the Ascension conch, feels he will come through the victor, although tho West Philadelphia eleven hnve the same confidence. The kick-off will take place at It n. m., with Jimmy Wnldern or George Young holding the Indicator, and two neutral linesmen. PHOTOPLAY PRESENTATIONS FOR WEEK OF MAY 31 TO JUNE 5 SEE ANNOUNCEMENT DAILY IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER AND EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER TUESDAY nianche Sweet In The Hushed Hour Marv Plekford In Pollyanna J Warren Kerrlean In Tho Dream Cheater Brjant Washburn in Mrs Temple's TeleRrnm In Violet Iteming The Cost In ln Mabel Normand In Mickey Mabel OIIe Thomas Out Yonder OIIe Out Mur Plekford In Polls anna Mlllc's Why Ynur Wife? Cell r Mllle s Why Chuime Your Wife" Hart In Tollffote W S Hart in The Tollgate W The She The Elaine Hammerateln In Oreater Than Fame Olive Tell In I.ove Without Question Farrar In the Puppet Oeraldlne rnrrar in Woman arrl the Puppet Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn Chanlln Blnlt Houdlnl In Terror Island Boy The Violet Hemlng In Tho Coit Man Plekford In Pollyanna 1 Harry Morev In The Sea Blder Oeraldlne Farrar The Woman and thn Puppet Morev In Sea Blder Luck ln Marv Plekford Pollyanna In Annette Kellermann In Daughter of the Oods Dnrothv Clth In Mary F.llen Cornea to Town Ilusell In It to Me William Russell In Leave It to Me Oladvs Mother Wallace Bclrt In Wallace Red In The Daneln' Fool The Daneln' Fool Hope Hamrton In Clnlre Whltnev In A Modern Salome Mothers of Men Boy Stewart In Hoy Stevv.irt In The Sugebrusher The Sigebrusher Wnllaco Beld In Wallace Beld In The Daneln" Fool The Daneln' Fool Tom Mix Elaine Haminersteln The Oclone The Woman Game William Bused! In William Busell In !,eave It to M Leave It to Me Murk Twain s Mark Twain's Hueklebrry Finn Huckleberty Finn Man- Plekford In Marv Plekford In Poll) anna Pollyanna Clara Kimball Young In Violet Hemlng In 'ihn Forbidden Woman The Cost Enid lnnett In Knlrt Dennett In The False Boad The Falao Itnad Tourneur'a Olive Thomas In My Lad's Oarter Out Yonder Marie Doro In Marie Doro In Twelve Ten Twelve Ten Mollle King In Olive Tell In Women Men Forget Love Without Question W. fl Hart In Olive Thomas ln The Toll Gate Out Yonder Violet Iteming In Nazlmova In The Cost Stronger Than Death Norma Talmadca In Norma Talmadge In Tha Woman Gives Tha Woman Hives Constance Talmadge In Marie Doro in Two Weeks Twelve Ten Marv Plekford In Marv Plekford In Pollyanna Pollyanna Tom Mix in Tom Mix in The Daredevil The Daredevil iMark Twaln'a Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn Huckleberry Finn nuB! In It to Me mm In I'lsht Talmadge In Weeka throurh the BTANLST COUPAITT OS AMERICA which la CHILDS CUP DEVELOPS Middies and Priticeton Leave Pennsylvania and Columbia Oarsmen Far Behind NAVY WINNER OF CUP lly SPICK HALL fTIIIK Childs cup race, which went A into the custody nf the United States Naval Academy crew for the first time when they shot two lengths nhend of Princeton nt the finish Just nbore the Columbia avenue brjdge over the Schuyl kill nt nn enrly period resolved Itself into two races. Although tho I'niverslty of Pennsyl vania eight got n fine stnrt, it soon be came npparent that the speedier strokes of Princeton nnd the Nnvy would carry them through in one, two order, nnd that the Ked and Ulue was destined to fight it out with Jim Itice's Columbin octet. This proved to be the case. At the finish Princeton broke so badly, after putting up a good race against tlic navy, the interest centered in the Pcnn Columbin tilt. It required the voice of the officials to inform the crowd which crew won. so clote? was the finish. Not only thnt, but as the finish Is nt nn nngle to make up for the starting angle, which is necessary because of the bend in the river, nearly all of the spectators were certain that Columbia had won. , Hut the offleinls ruled thnt the Ited and Ulue had the better of the race by about two feet. DJslnnt Champion According to mutual friends the Penn-Coluinbln struggle was verv im portant to Joe Wright, coocli of Penn- sylvanin, and Jim Itiee, Columbin. Iloth arc from Toronto and whenever one of their crews beats the other, the winiipr gets a big boost in social prestige. So now It's Joe's turn and, in n manner oi speaking, you might hny that Penn wou tiie championship of Toronto. This is what Is known ns winning titles by "long distance." Udnt House Ttow was alive with fol lowers of the four crbws early In the nfternoon. Kvery one who had a machine nssembled nt ." o'clock nt the starting line on both the Knst nnd West Iliver duvs. When the crews lined up for tlm gun. there wus n slight win 1 blowing d.agonnlly across the Schuvlkill from tut southwest. This cuiwd n slight delay, because the Nnvy had trouble In getting position. Finally wh'n every thing wns nil t-ct. tho Navv ccupitd the position near the enst shore, with Pennsylvania next. I riin-roj third nnd Columbin well in nu Ntrenm. 1'innejl vania nnd the X.uy got off to ircod starts. Princeton was slightly behind nnd Columbia got a very pour start, trailing n length before the ilr.-it hundred yards had been rowed. Autos Also Start As poon as tho crews shot ahead the procession of automobiles tartnd nlong the drives, ench endeavoring lo Keep abreast of the leading boats nnd each trying to hold n position nearest the river. Luckily there were no Kinnh ups luckily, because the chauffeurs WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Blanche Sweet ln The Hushed Hour Charles Bay' In Parla Green Marv Plekford In P.illyanna Marv Plekford ln Pollyanna Tom Ml In Das of Daring Lew Cody In Tho Beloved Cheater Brant Washburn In Mrs Temple's Telegram Bryant Washburn In Mra Tcmple'a Telegram Wllllim Farnum Heart Strings in William rnrntim Heart Strings ln Normand In Mickey Mitchell Tywls In King Spruce Thomas In Yonder Constance Talmadge in i wo weeks Marv Plekford In Tollyanna Wallace Held In The Daneln' Fool Cecil De Mllle s Why Chnnue Tour Wife" Cecil De Mine's Why I hange Your Wife" S Hart In Tollgate Tiger and Lost City Mark Twain s Huckleberry Finn A Gun-Flahtlns Gentleman Wallace nld In The Daneln' Fool ""allace Bold In The Daneln' Fool Oeraldlne Farrar In Woman ard the Puppet m Bex Beach's The Silver Horde Blanche Sweet In The Hushed Hour Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn Stewart in Sagebrusher Clara K Tounir In Tn. Forbidden Woman Houdlnl In Terror Island Constance Blnney n The Stolen Kiss .Marv Plekford In Poll) anna Katherlne MacDonold ln the Thunderbolt Marv Plekford Pollyanna in of the Irish Oeraldlno Farrar. The Woman and the Puppet r..neS.. Beach's The silver Horde Marv Plekford Pollyanna In .Marv Plekford Poll) anna In Star Cast In The Blindnrsa of Youth Th T?,',"r. c,t In ne Blindness of Youth Elsie Ferguson In Ills Houso in Order Marlon Davie In April Foil) Brnekxell In of His Children Oladvs rirnrKn , Mothir of His Children Ji?rry Morev in The Sen nini- Ollvo Thomas n Out Tonder Boy Stewart in file Sagehruaher Mark Twain's Huckleberrv Finn fTr1?u,V Hnvakaw, The Devil's CUim Juanlta Hansen In The Lost City Water Water Everywhere Mbi nit'kfnr'1 I" Pollyanna Bejsle Oarrlscale In Notorious .Mrs Sands Enid Bennett in The False Boad r ',I.!5,LT,,I " Love Without question !!ra s nn Clata Kimball Young In The Forbidden Woman The Jack Plekford in Shep. herd of Kingdom Come Special Cast In The V . . . " . - .Miracle of Money Nailmova In Stronger Than Death Norma Talmadgo In The Woman Gives JIacIean ami Ma) In Mary'a Ankle The Marv Plekford In Pollyanna Tom Mlx in The Daredevil Violet Hemlng In The Cost SvvrnU ot early shovrlng da EVENT TWO RACES Union B. C. Orders English Shells for Henley Regatta Camlirll:e, Mass. May 21). That the Union Boat Club wonld havo n erm In (he Kndlsh Henley was Indicated when Ilobert 1', Ilerrlrks, hend roach ot the crow, cabled lo Kmtlaml orderlnc two shells. Ho nlso made nrrnmrementa for transportation of rlrrlnc and two set of oars neit week. One of theKnr llh shells will he bnllt lir Itomh, while the other will come from the Mm nrk shops. The finis boat ln which Har vard broke the four-mile record on the Thames In 1016 will be taken across. were followclng the race as eagerly ns the cars' occupants. Princeton closed in on Pennsylvania about 100 ynrtln above the Strawberry bridge, with the Navy oarsmen leading by half a length and Columbin still trailing. When the shells pnHscd under the bridge the Nnvy crew wns hitting it up nt n .TT-strokc pnee nnd Princeton 32. Shortly nfter they parsed under the bridge Princejon got n slight lead nnd Columbia speeded up Its stroke nnd passed the Itcd and Ulue. All of the erews were apparently rowing strong, but the Navy was pull ing just n little nhend. One hundred yards above the island the Nnvy was leading Princeton utmost u length. Princeton Urcahs It appeared then thnt the Navy might row clear away from i'rlneeton, but the Tigers stuck doggedly on the job until theXlnst fifty yards, when they broke badly and finished nhnut two lengths back of the Navy. More than five lengths behind the winner came Pennsylvania autl Columbia, both giving nil they had. and it wns the Itcd und nine mat got the close verdict. The Navy's time was 7:032-5; Princeton. 7:00 3-5; Pennsylvania, 7:21. The official time of Columbia wns not kept, but it wns only n frac tion of n second behind Joe Wright's crew. The rncc was one mile and five-sixteenths. The Navy's victory and Princeton's second plnce gave these crews the right to compete with the winners of this morning's trials for the StewardsCup, the thiol event on the program this afternoon. The sea'ins of the boats was: Nav Bow. v. v Jaromlm; 2. E r. Graves: 3. William C. Jordan; 4. A. D. P. Moore; 5. A R. Sankorn: II. D. H. Johnston: V,. A Wleflman: stroke. C. W. King: coxswain. 8. B 'Clark I'rlneeton Bow, F. L. Sago: 2. A. Terry: S. If. F. Brlgham; 4. O. .1 Cooke; S, j, Sinclair: fl. II. Chlsholm. 7. S. W. Milne: stroke. H C Cusslnel; coxswain, F. F. Bosenbeum. Penn Bow Ames: 2. ICUar: 3. flevalr: 4. Copeland; fi. Ellison; fl. Hinckley; 7. Oun ther. stroke. Thomas, coxswain, Gillette Columbia Bow D. Keys; 2, L. 8. Van Houten; 8. S. Wnldecker 4. R E. Swlri--burno; ... B. A. C'urrv fl. C. W. Haacke; 7 A Tarktr, stroke, v P. Fist: coxswain. Brush. 08burn Leads In Plfle Trials Ouantlro, Vn May 20 Commander C. T. psburn. a former aklpper of the MaWlower. .,n,r,r."ndnt," y?ht . '" 'P the 'a(1 In the tryouts here for the American Olympic rins team with a score of 787, He Jumped today frpm ninth place. Lieutenant E. L Mul laley and Ounnery Sergeant O. M. Hchrlver. both marines, are tied for second place with a score of 785. Captain A. U. Bothrook. army, rank fourth with 783, while Sergeant II L. Adams, vrho was llrst nt the end lf Mi. flrst day, slumped to llfth place with 781 FRIDAY SATURDAY Charles nay ln Paris Green Charles Bay In Parla Green Marv Plekford In Pollyanna Marv Plekford In Pollyanna I.evv Cody In The Beloved Cheater Blanche Sweet In The Deadlier Sex Bryant Waihburn In Mrs Temple's Telegram Br) art Washburn In Mrs Temple's Telegram Earle Williams in Captain Swift Earle Williams In Captain Swift Mitchell Lewis in King Spruce Mitchell Low la In King Spruce Constance Talmadge In Two Weeks Wallace Beld In The Daneln' Fool Saue Havakiwa In The Devil's Claim Wallace neld In The Daneln' Fool Cecil De Mine's Why Change Your Ife? Cecil De Mlllo'aeTVhy Change Your Wife? .'"rk Twaln'a Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn ,, Tourneur'a My Lady's Garter Marie Doro In Twelve Ten BMDnilfh1, The Silver HorJa Blanche Sweet n The Hushed Hour w-en Moore In Sooner or Later Olive Thomas In Out Yonder Marlon Davlss In April Folly Marie Doro In Twelve Ten Rex Beach's The silver Horde Clair" Whitney In Mothers of Men Wallace Held In The Daneln' Fool Harry The T Morey In Sea Rider Marv Plekford Polbanna Marv Plekford Pollyanna In C,,r" K'mhall Young In The Forbidden Woman . Hex Beach's The Sliver Horde Clara Kimball Young In The Forbidden Woman Rex Beach's The Sliver Horde Marv Plekford In .Marv Plekford Poll) anna In ' ouyanna v'ol' HemlnB In Tie Cost Marguerite Clark In Lasv to Get Blanc,,, 8w7e77n rns Hushed Hour sV'"Ur""akavva In The Devil's Claim Violet Hemlng In The Cost Naxlinnva In Stronger Than Death Blanche Sweet in The Hushed Hour fleu,. Hsvaknwa In Hie Devil's Claim O Biockvvell in The Mother of Ills Children Hnuillnl In Terror Island rtoy Stewart In Die Sagebrusher .."''k Twain's Uucldeh-rry Finn " .Stars Blind Iaivq Juanlta Hansen In The Lost city Boy Stewart In The Sagebrusher Mark Twaln'a Huckleberrv Finn All Stars Blind Love Juanlti Tho Hansen la Ijst City William Farnum in Tha Spollera Marv Plekford In Pollvanna W fc' Hurt In The Toll Qate Enid Dennett In The False Boad Love Wlihout Question -Marv Plekford In Pollianna Anna Lehr In The Veiled Marriage Enid lnnett In '1 he False Boad Kimball Young In Houdlnl In Terror Island ,-urujuuen vvonu-in ra Klmhnll V'nimi In Clara Kimball Ynunr In The Forbidden Woman Forbidden Woman Blchanl Travers In Man Trail , Besil He no Harrlscala A k.Noto us Mrs Bam Annette Kellerman In A Daughter of the Gods Tom Mix In The Cyclone Allan Dwan's Soldiers of Fortune Allan Dwan's Soldiers of Fortune Norma Talmadge In The Woman Olvea Norma Talmadge In Tho Woman Uivsa Buck Jones In Fin bidden Trails Marguerite Clark In MI-of-a-3udd.il Teggy Mar' Plekford In Pollyanna Marv Plekford In I'nllyamia Tom Mix in The Daredevil Tom Mix in The Daredevil Violet Hemlng In Tho Coat Violet Hemlng; U The Cost cf Uw tnu prtluctlou. AH atotwM &2 i-l i .i .! Jl H 8 '1 'I II nl i VI . L'A. .v"V.t'l1." i wJJ.tBjy, a,, ffljm . n-i.'fiJtj I V -f J 'I, ti 'f - jg-j .. VS. 4 , V., . ri