EVENING PUBLIC IGmGE: 29,, ' 1520 1 ' ' ii i i 1 1 i 1 1 , i i.i ii ' 'I'' jul, SOM OiVE SAD T WS 4 SHEA-M THE CHAMPION WAS SHUT OUT OF THE QUARTER MILBi w. h it.' i'' K A'S MAKE THINGS EASY FOR FANS B Y LOSING GAME IN FIRST PERIOD, INSTEAD OF IN THE FINAL FRAME By KOBI'MIT W. MAXWKLIj Sportu Alitor Evening l'ublle Ledger OUIl Athletics played some nice lmscbnll jetrrlny and innnaRod to lose the koiiip in tlio first Inning. This is much bettor tlinn strugllnc nlonu for f-rvon or elfiiit framrs, Retting tlio Minlisli in the blcnrliors nil bet tip over the roiitrxt. nllnwltis their liopiH to rUc only to send them honicwnnl nt the end of the ninth dowu-henrted nnd morose utter being nosed out nt the finish. Yesterday there was no doubt nbotit tlio conflict nfter the initial frnme. which is n way of referring to tho opening paragraph. Itollie Nnylor was in tho box nnd he looked like n million dollars to tho Washington play ers, who, by the way, happened to be nt Shlbe Park at the time. Hollie had the nicest way of placing bis pitches against the nlien bats, nnd while ho was on the job the other members of the club Imagined they were lost In n blizzard of baxobalN. The outfielders ran hither and thither, to say nothing of back nnd forth, lotidly. calling for help and begging Itollie to have n heart. Five bingles bounced to various parts of the play ground nnd four tallies oozed over the platter without opposition. Connie looked worried as he watched the carnage, but after it was all over he breathed n sigh of relief. From then on he did not have to wonder who vrould win the game. The eight innings were n vacation to him and a pleasant time was had. However, he allowed Nnylor to get ncrpinintcd with every person in tho Washington line-up. because the entire nine men faced him before the side was put out and another pitcher was warmed up. After tipping his bat to all of the boys and receiving congratulations for fattening thpir batting averages, Itollie donned his, new two-buttoned suit nnd wutched the game with the othei spectators in the upper pavilion. Tho Senators stepped out lively and made a great im pression in the first game. Griff's men are whaling the daylights out of the ball and are playing n high-class game. Yesterday they were good enough to trim nny club, fpr their attack and defense were all that could be de aired. Erickson, the tall Swede, pitched well nnd man aged to avoid serious trouble in the nine Innings. JOE JUDGE, the flashy first baseman, iras the slugging hero of the afternoon. This young man has been pickling the pill with much test and fervor of late. Against Cleveland on Thursday he got five hits in a row, and yesterday he singled his first true up, drew a base on balls the serond and hit safely on his third and fourth trips. Therefore he w credited with eight hits in eight times at bat, tchich is pretty good work in any league. Senators Greatly Improved WASHINGTON has improved considerably since its last visit here. Tho infield plays together in better stle and outfield looks like tho speediest in the league. Milan. Rice nnd Roth can get 'em from any spot in tho garden and several swell catches were made. For instance, in the fifth inning, with runners on first and third and two out, Welsh hit a line drive to left, a couple of feet Inside the foul line. Ordinarily this would have been good for two or three bases, but Milan, who started when the ball xvas hit. managed to get both hands on the ball nfter u hard run. Thnt really was the turning poiut of tho game, for had the ball fallen safely two runs would have scored, and no one could tell what would have happened after that. Tim iniinM. m-Mi .liwtiro nn first. Hnrris second. Shan non short nud Kllerbc third, covered lots of ground and mnde but one foozle n wild throw by Harris In the second. Kllerbc looks like u weak sister in th.0 Inner works, but he Is Improving evry day nud toon will hit his stride. At present he plays In too close. Shnnnou, who was traded to Boston by the A's last year and from there went to Washington, hns nlmost worked Jim O'Ncll out of n job. The sorrel-topped in fielder Is hitting well and has driven Iiv moro runs than nny other man on the club. Grift is perfectly satisfied with his work. The A's got two tallies in tho second on Dugan's triple and Harris's wild throw, another In the fifth nnd tho last one In the eighth. Fred Thomas got n hit, which inised his record to eight consecutive games. Tilly Walker also connected safely once. riro first games will be played today, this m the first doublcheader here this year, and the first battle will begin at 1:30 p. m. Close -Races On in Majors AGLANCI-2 over the won nnd lost column In both leagues this morning showed n stnrtllng change In the line-up. Cleveland went back into first place In the American, tho Bed Sox to secoud. Now York third nnd Chicago fourth. To show how close the race is, only six gunios separate tho first nnd fifth clubs. The Yankees, now that Babe Ruth is hitting, have taken on n new lease of life nud nre winning lots of ball games. Tho Bnbc has all of the opposing pitchers buf faloed. Yesterday, with two on base and two out In the game against the Red Sox in Boston, Bussel passed Ruth, filling the bags. Then thcn Pratt enme up the Boston fllnger wns unable to find the plate nnd tho winning run was forced over the plate. And Ruth wns the cause of it till. But the big noise today Is in the National. The Chi cago Cubs arc roosting In first place, It being their turn, to take the lead. Thus far six clubs have topped the league Cincinnati. Brooklyn, Pittsburgh, Boston, the Phillies nnd the Cubs. Only St. Looie and New York have not had the honor, but the season still is young. This shows that the race in tho senior circuit Is mighty close nnd should remain that way all season. Therefore we will have some great pastlming this summer. The Cubs have been playing up to their advance no tices of late nnd are n big surprise. They started off in Inst place and remained there until the pitchers started to go good. Alexander yesterday won his tenth straight game and Hippo Vaughn annexed his sixth (straight in n double-header with tho Cards. With two hurlors like Alex and Vaughn. Mitchell cart chalk up fifty victories for tho t-eason and not give himself nny the best of it. Those twirling nees will keep the Cubs near the top, if they retain their health. The Phils lost to New York yesterday. Eppa Rixey getting trimmed in a' hard-luck battle. Cravath's men have been playing in hard luck and it is hoped they will get together in the long home stay which begins' next Monday. VV DECOKATIOX DAY the rhils will play two games iciti the Boston Urates, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Covvrioht. tout, by Public Ledger Co. NEW LOCAL GOLF QUEEN REAL LINKS SENSATION P. M. C'S Star Mtss May Bell Likely to Prove Important Factor in A- I tional Championship: Finds a Gallery 'Very Stimulating By SANB-Y MrMBLICK A NEW champion has been crowned in women's Philadelphia golf, and the Impressive play of Miss May Tingley Bell, titlehnlder, during tho last work over tiio oast courso at Morion well desprved to win the InureK for her. The young Cricket Club plnver had to beat two such national stars as Mrs, Ronald H Barlow, eastern champion, and Mrs. Caleb F. Fox. who was at the very top of her game this week. Both were notable triumphs for Miss Bell, shooting a -14 against Mrs. JJnr low and a !." in tho match with Mrs. Fox. "Championship golf." wore the words in eerj one's mouth. And now the question is whether his tory w ill repeat. The lour Miss Frances Grixcom won her first Philadelphia championship she won the women's championship of the I ni ted States also. The j ear Miss Mildred Caverlv won the local title she plujed memorable finals at Belmont Springs, only to lose on the seventeenth green to M.- Aloxn Stirling. Mis Bell hns won her first tourna ment in Philadelphia nnd the chain- iimusnip. mii win iiniiiuihtcrii) pinv nt .MOMieiu Today's Golf Tourneys on Local Links Schedule Mrrlon n. Mill School, at Mrrion. ornrll I'nltrrslty . I'enn. at Merlon. I.Ightcen-linle qualifying round for K. Clnrrnre Mlllrr Trophy. (Mil ork mud. Msronil round match pluv I'nrilitent's ( ni" rlub cliuinplonahlu. at Huntingdon alley. Ilct lill medal play. eighteen holes. It nltrmurttli. Two-club tourney handicap. Woodhnrr. ...SI"T'I eent. Lansdownr Country Club. Old ..Home, Day. eighteen holes medul liandlrHD. .Snrliirhaven c r. Olrnlnc of rlxhtrra-hnle course. Iireol.. lrrslilrnt's handicap. Four-hall foursome, eighteen medal pla. lluta (iolf Club, Rain. Iron only handicap. Llanerrh irj. Orer- holes. I'n. Coun- rap-' ' J. ' W xsd&NtMistc<o&Rto? ?oi Tt . -f 1 V 'f'v ' y 3 'mi ?,V TAKING THE SHOWERS HXBOToT t Co". OO OUTH D'DJ BOiMC. AsjV J ( I ' , 1 sf " CBT US WOUJ AMWOOtM rM,(i lAJ'TM VtJO J, fQW'OO 7"VS I?.- .? 'so-e f AUOTVies Ktf pv ' y -0Mll hot! J I ( 'H's ,s tee md I C(GmTCgm .s-r Vs I K. rue 86S1 fTTf my fnl ,1 . I . - ' 1 - llllllllllllllllllfllll f '' ' ' ' llillilllllllJ 4& ALEX EQUALS OWN HURLING MARK; JIMMY DYKES IN LIMELIGHT AGAIN Grover Repeats His 1913 Feat of Winning Ten Games in a Row ( ri ROVER CLEVELAND ALEXAN DER Is well on his way toward bettering his own record. Tho burly westerner lias won ten straight games, which equals his own mark of ten con secutive victories. His ten straight streak came in 101.1 when ho was with the Phils. The records show nine vie tories for Alex, but they include only games up to last Wednesday. "The Great" pitched his tenth straight win over St. Louis jestcrday. Alex started this season like n good loser. He dropped his first two games and then began his winning streak, one of his triumphs being n shut-out win over Cravath's club. Alex is tho real leader of the Nntionnl League hurlors, nlthough Leo R. Meadows has four wins and no defeats nccredited to him! Rogers Homsby is the bntting pace setter of Heydler's circuit, with n mark of .40.'!. Gavvy Cravnth in a few games, heads tho list with .4-0. Heine (5roh is becond with Jake Paubort third. Cy Williams tops tho Cravath batters with an average of .tt'JO. De Witt Lebourvcau lias taken a terrific drop in his hitting. The Frenchman has slipped from among the live lending hitters to nn even .300. Davy Bun croft is the only other Phil in the select division. Ho also is whaling at the gait of nn even .300. The nvernges which include gnmes played last Wednesday follow : National League Batting n. An. n. ered a good golfer. She was first a pupil of Alec Duncan, who renllv de veloped all the many Cricket Club stars j a lew years ago. Last Bummer Miss Bell played n great deal at Buck Hill and her game begun to rise to the stardom it gained yes terday. She played in Florida in the winter Tho diminutive Louis Tellier, pro of national reputation, played with her and announced that here was a woman golfer who would bo heard from this seaon. So far Miss Bell has not been beaten in a single match this jear. 'hnrlie Hoffner, local topnotchcr, ngrps. and then some, with Tellier. So do all the rest who saw that game jestcrday "PAT" REILY Who has won seven games and fanned ninety-one batters this sea bun for the Pennsjlvanla Military College SMITH TACKLES MILKMEN WOOL TEAM PLAYS UPLAND national championship. Id in the Sceral Points No discussion us to the p'lnthi' merits of the games of M, Stirling and Miss Bell is about to follow But mnnv things can happen in golf and it is our opinion that Mss Hell ought to make a deep improssiou at the national. For one thiup . is plajing a guini'. If not better, then surelj equnl to the game of the stnis who sot the pure in the national eni h jenr. Next, sln hns an hIpiiI temperament for the garni', which on nlwns have to figure in the penentnge column Then, too, she i. not in ti e bus' flustered Iiv a gallrn Those who feiin-1 she would lie were assured ir that yesterday. "It doesn't bother me a lot." sinteel the new champion "Indetd. I find a gallery verj stimulating " Lastlj, Miss Pell is a fear c -s player Ask nearly nnv star befor." a int'r,nai match. "dooniel"Mo meet a Mis, Stii ling. Mrs. Gavin. Mis But low. or plajers of like leputation. what II n expect to do. unci the answer's ihe saun cvort tune "(Hi, she'll beat mo. ' ti reph "1 cinlv hope It won '... loi l.lell " We don't believe is I :. I hud anj inch idea 111 tlic -ei ii and liunl inatciii -tun week She Knew tl.e k.n-i, of golf it would take to win and lend ntl to plnv it. Yesteidav her work on the greens was superb. Mutiv times she figured theie was no percentage in a half ami weut for the vmii. the eighth, for instance, vhere she weut for the gieen with u biassic Her putts were iiIhujs up, Hliil it was around the grei u that tho match was decided. Airs Fox wici dctitulli iinuueiL litem all with this length she gut off the tees on the out - wnri''jiiiriij unci tlirougii tlio green Big Sunday Attraction at New Downtown Athletic Field Fddie Liisk and his Fleisher team lime one of the strongest attractions of the season there tomorrow afternoon when they play Frank Baker's Upland team on their home grounds nt Twenty i Sixth and Reed streets. I Owing to a mutual agreement the game will not start until after Sunday hool which is about 3:3(1 p. m. The Woolmen will uso the following line-up against the isiting team: ri.KIMIKR'S scauffer. If, I IISKCtt. HI. O'llrlrn. 31.. Iliif.-. 111. xpnuldlne. cf VditniK, rf. Malnlon, b. Tieren, e, lurk or Ilowns, rlsh or (iluck, rf. IPI.tM) nil. i.h. Muck. ;ii. C.islimun. lh. linker, ,1b. Ilerry, rf. Ilnnnehou'er. rf. Nelson. If. Illley. r. Johnson, p. TO RUN GOLFERS' TRAIN Edwin L. Lewis, of the Reading, Arranges Trenton-Phlla. Special Edwin L. Lewis, general passenger agent of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway, lias nrranged to run n golfers' special every Saturday from the Read ing Terminal, here, to Trenton nnd re turn The special will leave Twelfth ' unci Mnrket streets ut 12 :-5 p. in., he- I ginning todnj, and arrive in Trenton ut 1 :3." p. m. It will leave Trenton ut (1:3)1 p. in. and arrive at tho Terminal ut S:()l p. m. The stations that will be served bj this special include: Columbia avenue, Wnjne Junction. Ouk Luue, ElMns , Park, .icnkintown. Mible, I'liilmont. McKenty Will Pitch for Store Team This Afternoon . The Marshall E. Smith & Bro. base i ball team will have as he attraction on I their home grounds this afternoon the Scott-Powell tossers. Mnnager Frank I Carroll will send in McKenty and Gault as his battery, while the milkmen will use Hare and O'Brien. 1 The Smith team will tackle Doyles- town, from the Montgomery County League, on Suudaj, ut the same grounds. , Erskine Major will twirl for the I Smith team, with Scott, from the Jer I soy City team of the International Leogue, holding tho big mitt. Decoration Daj will find the boys playing a double-header. The morning . game will be with the Rex A. C., of I Washington, nnd tho afternoon contest i with the strong I. C. B. U. team from I Ardmore. REX TEAM HERE TODAY Washington Ball Tossers to Oppose Strawbrldge & Clothier At the Strawbridge & Clothier park 1 this afternoon, the Rex Athletic Club, of Washington, D. C, considered ono of the strongest teams of .the Southern i States, will try to take the scalp of their northern brothers. They are coming to Philadelphia with a big leputation and have a well bal anced team, composed of men from the southern colleges and minor leagues. Following is the line-up of the teams: 7 I 1211 2ft KS I'll 4.1 4 27 n IIS 22 111) In 24 i Cravnth, Phlln. H ltornsby. St.I.. 32 Oroh. Cln ... 32 Nicholson. Pts. 20 Alexander, cm 11 Oaubert, Cln. 31 Tournler. flt.li 32 Itlter. Phlln... 10 Duncan. Cln. 33 124 miliums, rhlt 32 12H stock. Ht. l... 32 nn Ilob'tBon. Chi. an ill Ncale. Cln .. 33 ins .lanvrln. Bt. L. 21 rt4 Ilouoh. Cln... 33 12,1 I.avan. St. I,, 20 ill Kluhee. Pitta.. 24 Mi Z. Wheat, Bkn 29 123 Konetchy. Dkn 20 123 Flack. Chi .. 34 137 lloneroft. rhll 32 130 Youn. N. V. 20 110 I.rltourT'x.IJhll 23 8(1 Paiikert, Chi.. 33 120 M-er. Ilkln... 20 no Burna. N. T 20 114 llollocher. Chi 34 124 Rath, Cln .... 32 12 Man. noton.. 2 113 Terrv, Chi. . . 17 SI a. sIer. Phil .12 121 Wlnco, Cln 21 7ft Kelly. .N. Y 20111 Johniton. rikn 2" 127 CrulB. nontoii 20 71 noyle. N. Y . 2!) 12 rtenirl. Phlla 3i 12H Carey. Plttii 20 lin Fletcher. N T 20 114 Caton. Pitts 31 110 Deil. Chi . 31 120 Harber. Chi 33 120 Klllefer. Chi 2S S7 Boeckel. Hn 2S lit I'aulrtte. 1'hlt. HO 10.1 demons St L. 24 74 Korf. Cln . 33 122 Orlmm Pitia. 31 114 Kauff. N. Y 23 72 SouthWh Pitta 11 lift Pick. Bonten 2H 121 MaranVe Bl,n 2S 112 Mou.rl. Phlln, 20 an II. Mlirrr.rhlla 3i 122 Shotton St 1. 24 7U Holke. Momon 2" 114 Whltted Plt't 2rt 10S Haines Si I. 13 27 Schmidt l"iiri IS K9 Mcllenn. ht I, St IIS Ilnathcoie Si I, ud HO Olson. Ilkln.. 29 188 18 22 24 1.1 20 n 17 7 i.i 13 10 24 17 "7 20 13 20 IR in 12 N 1.1 7 H 12 12 14 H 13 IX 0 1.1 14 0 14 a i n n 12 it 7 n 7 11 in it in a 13 13 10 11. 3 52 4!) in 10 40 40 H 40 41 ns .i.i 3.1 20 30 ill 30 .17 37 41 3l .13 21 3.1 32 .12 3H 87 .12' 1.1 .13 ID. 30 31 10 27 32 .in 30 an 31 S3 n 2R 2 18 20 27 17 27 20 2n in 28 18 211 21 n i.i 211 21 2'J Hit, SH. 1 0 I 4 II 2 n i o o n 2 o .1 o n 0 2 4 1 n n 3 n o n o o i n 0 2 1 o t o 0 n l PC. .4211 .40.1 S!2 ISO 370 ..1311 ..13lt .33.1 .323 ,:wo .311) 31.1 .314 .313 .312 .311 .303 .301 .3111 .300 .300 300 .300 .202 .2(11 .2S0 .2SR .287 .2R.1 .278 .273 .271 .270 .2ns .2flS .2n,i .2fi0 .2.10 .230 .2.111 .2.18 2.m 2.1.1 "."' I2IK 243 .2.1S .237 ,2.in .23.1 .2.14 .232 .211 .230 228 228 Vaiit P!(aaH SOLI) TO CLEVELAND George Uurns, of tho Athletics, was sold today-by Connie Alack to the Cleveland club. There were no players involved in tlio transac tion, which was purely a financial oiro. C. MACK SELLS BURNS 10 INDIANS Youthful Mackian Breaks in Select Class as Run-Getter A's Infieldor-Outfielder Pur chased by Speaker Camo Here in 1918 T AST week Jimmy Dykes, of our A's, JU broke into select company as to run getting. lie tied with Eddie Col lins, Joe Judge ond Eddlo Murphy in making four tallies In n single contest. Murphy nlso had four hits In one con test, but he wasn't alone In that, cither. Buck Weaver, Sam Rice, George Slsler and Tim Hendryx also swatted the pellet safely four times In one game. "Doc" Johnson, of Cleveland, is the leading artilleryman of the American League. lie has been poking away at an averaga of .375. Tris Speaker, man ager of the same club, is the foremost run getter. He hits scored twenty-nine times. Ruck Weaver heads the list of those who have amassed many base blows. His forty-seven is the best in Ran Johnson's circuit. "Rabe" Ruth, of course, is leading the league In round-trip clouts. Harry Hooper, Joe Judge and Wally Pipp are tied for the triple record, with four each, and Joe Jackson has nil the best of if in doubles, with thirteen. After n poor start, Ty Cobb started a hitting streak. He hit safely in ten consecutive contests before he wus stopped by Allan Russell. Here are the figures: vimerican League Batting eorge Rums, who has been with the A's for three seasons, hns been sold to the, Cleveland Indians nud will be given orders to report to the Cleveland Club tomorrow. This announcement was made by Con nie Muck tiiis morning, who added that he believed Rurns would be glad to join Speaker's club. "I hnvc not vet told Rurns." said Mack this morning, "but I feel that he will bo glad to join tho Cleveland Club. He was not satisfied here because he could not play regularly. I do not blatno him for that stand, for hn is too good a hitter to remain on the bench. How ever, there wns no place for him to play regularly on my club. Rums Is n splen did chap pr rsonally, nnd I wish hiin the best of luclt. I thought Chicago would make an offer for Burns, but there was nothing doing." Rurns has been dissatisfied with Ills position on the A's since lust year when ho gave up his job nt first base and went to the outlield. Rurns dfles not like the outfield. It is not known what position he will play with the Indians. Doc Johnston, the Cleveland first saeker, is now leading the league in hitting so that there's no chance of him being dis placed. Rurns, who is n Philadelphia bov. started his big league career at Detroit in 1011. At the end of the 1017 cam paign he was sold to Mack nnd tho fol lowing beason had his best year. He finished second to Cobb in batting with nn average of 35'-. National League Pitching ai.. ATiii.irnc rf.ui Horhe, 2b ) toward lh McCarthy. 3b. Fitzgerald, cf. .Stener. rf. I.imerlc. If Hernhardt. ss. rjlnanette, c Owen or nrant n 8TRAwnrunai3 CLcOTIIIEK Dlemer. as H-aumont 2b I'asnuarella, lb. Mana;u. ff. Martin, If. 11a rol, ,1b nroomfleld, rf. Ollmnro or Wilson, Dodds. p. PENN NET MEN WIN l.angliornc, i'ardlcy and Trenton Junc tion. Wind llrUlol, Stretches Resolute's Sails It wus only near the green that she was , siu.,rtnii. Veshnminv Fnlls Pnrklnn.l' . ' -.. 7: . ... ' - , UCUU'II The rest of her game was a triumph o? patient effort to recover from a com- Iuiviitlve slump last beason. "ew Years All hull. Miss Hell! A few vears ago she took up the game in the winter and emerged to a springtime with Miss Marlon S'njhir as two new comers to the game who surprised them ull. Miss Hell entered Ihe national nt Kn snu ii. but failed to iuilify. Outside of a handicap trophy won. I.i, fatttu klin Ims iicvpl Willi u Iiiin1 vM : I l,M rnifra tuUI'IIIUUCIIt piuiip'a performance tu far coimiared favor- Jfiiuu, Uiu first clio lias been eojiild- tiy ulto. btx work u isitt and itii. t It, I.. May 20 In another tunlne- up tet in isarraranami nay. in prepara tion for the Anurlut'a Cup defenae trlala with th Vanltle, the malnaall of thn loop Ileauluti waa conHlderublv stretched by the twent-rmlH aouthMmt wind It waa un b'i't after ahe had returned to her anchorage) anil will b cm and refitted Another aall will be aubatltuted for tomorrow' unln Itotwrt V tlmmona, 2d managlnt? owner a.ild thnt there would b dallv trlala until the Iteaulute went to Newport on June 1 far wun inn vuniiiv jiu sam ine Pitcher MrjidonN, Phlla. , Mitchell llklyn. ., Joni h Tloaton . . Alexander, Chi. . Ituether. Cln. .. Vaughn. Chi Ilud ilph. Hnaton . roncl,-r. I'ltta Orim Ilkiyn. . t'oopr I'itta. Isherdll. St I... tMamaux. Tlklyn. . I arlson. Pitta. .. I adore llklyn. . I oak Ht. I. ... i Toncv. Jf T Jacob. St I Adama. Ittta .. ' ltlnf Cln ..... srnllli. i'hlla. . . McQuillan Hoaton Schupn Ht li . . Hendrix, ''hi . Sallee Cln . . . Hamilton Pitta raniuard llkln i:,ivr lloston iJouzlaa N Y bcott. Hnaton ttarnea. N V Nehf. N V . Uller. Cln naihKer Hoaton HUey. riilla. Martin. Chl .. Causey, riilla, , liallln. , l'lilla. .. ('tntwcll. I'hlla. . Trim Cornell Racquet Wlelders. Meet Johns Hopkins Today The I 'Diversity of Pennsylvania lawn tennis team defeated Cornell yes terday afternoon on the turf courts of the Philadelphia Cricket Club at St. Martins. I The fenture match of the day was I between Carl Fischer, captain of the! Red mid Rlue teum. and Kirk Reed, the Ithaenns' Nn. 1 player. Fischer won out after u gruelling match, 7-0,: ti t. (I ::. Thin - afternoon Pennsylvania w ill I pUlfilJ? play the Johns Hopkins team on tho, New York Merlon Cricket Club'n courts at Hav-' u'f,uD1urngh VAiyiu. ., pMonoa, vr. . 4 . .1 . 1 . n . T . . a I, PC o 1.000 o l.ono o i ono 2 sis 2 .77R ,7nl) .7.10 7.10 71 I ,112", .1107 .l7 .iinn ,nno ,r.7l .R71 .n7l .(inn .r,:.n T,aat 3hut W. I,, out .R00 .f.00 son . r.on .son . lino ann noo soo Mill .W4 .12(1 . 1211 .100 .37.1 .avj .12. .000 .000 National League Club Batting Cluba Cincinnati Nt IOUlS o aii. n. ir. 8.1 1100 UK S22 .12 mi HR an t i tixn ins sin .1 1101 109.28" 211 IO0U lid 2D HIST ai mia 2i SWk Bii.23a Hit HII .13 irj uni jot 217 4 a i" so SI in 1H IS ni re 2n.i 2SII 2HI ,SM 2 III 13 .IT What May Happen in Baseball Today . Plajer. Club. fl. AH. Mjntt. I'hlla... U liT Jnhnvon, Clev.20 101 Hendrjx. lloa.31 118 Jackaon. Chi.. 81 125 Jncobnon, St.L.at 111 Weaer. Chi.. 31 1.11 Judge, Wuah..3l 1.10 Speaker. Clev.81 111 Hlaler. St I.,31 12tl Mfelnnla. Hob. .20 117 (ledcon, St I,. .10 Its lluBun, I'hUa..2a 100 Oerber, St. L..31 101 Walker. I'hlla. 32 130 nice, Waah...31 120 Hooper. Hon.. Ill mil Felach. Chi. ..27 101 Chapman. Clev.31 125 O'Neill, Cleve.31 100 llodle. N. Y. ..20 R7 Kinney, Phllu.U ' Milan. W'aeh. .31 1,17 llellman, net.. 31 114 McNally. Hoa..31 122 Hoth. Waah.,,31 ion Ii Collins. Chi. 31 127 Huth, N. y 20 87 l))ke, riillu.,32 122 Pratt. N. Y. . .32 11.1 drnney, Cleve.30 112 Pechl'p'h. N Y 20 102 Shannon Waa.sn llo Smith. Clove.. 24 78 Menoskey. Hoa.23 85 (irlllln. I'hlla. .SI 115 Veach. Det . ..31 110 Williams, St I..81 KiO Htnink, I'hllu.28 80 Auatin, St. U.2I) 117 Ward. N. Y. ..2R 10.1 Oaidner. Clev.,11 121 Harrla, IVash 31 118 Hecreld. St. 1..20 70 Walters. Una. 23 ill) Tobln. St I., . ..11 120 Young-, Det... 31 117 Scott, lloa. .. ai 114 Cobb, Det. . 31 1 IS Jourdau. ('hi. 81 115 PIpp. N. Y 32 124 Perkins, Plilla.32 lot Thomas, I'hlla. 20 43 llurns. I'hlla. .31 R8 I.ewlJ, N Y. .82 121 Ghairlty, Waa.23 70 HIsberiT. Chi... 2.1 70 Knaler, Boa . .81 110 Wilt, I'hlla in 42 Welsh, l'hllu..23 83 f luh Chlcuiro I'lnclnnutl I'ltlsburcb Hrookljn . llostcin . . M. Louis New York I'hllllra .. .national uaorr Won Ixist l'.(.. 21 1.1 ..1H.1 30 ,. 18 In 12 .U1EKICAN" 15 14 II IS 111 1M it Win ,505 .583 .570 .MS .51(1 455 371 Club fleirlund Hoaton New York I'lilcnao Wuclilnirton ..., M. IhiU . . Alhli-tlra Detroit lloulile he.ider, Ixse. ,5118 .5511 .545 ,510 .184 .444 .124 .313 Iose. .$047 .030 .543 t.514 .171 .804 .301 .IOO i.313 3 .281 .303 .273 n, 41xt two. 571 .50.1 .513 .500 .457 .137 .353 1.K.UJI E Won I-o.t P.C. Win , 2i 10 .088 .700 .21 II .050 .007 ,11) 15 .530 .571 18 15 ,515 .571 .III 10 .500 t.520 . 13 III .100 .421 . 12 21 II lll lu SCHEDULE FOR TODAY NATIONAL Li:.(,lK 1'hlllles nt New York -Clntri 3. Iloolon ut Ilrookuu Clean 2 names, 1:30 and 3:30. ht 1-ouls nt C'hlcaxo (.lean 3. I'lttaburcli ut Clnclnniill Cloudyi 3, AMERICAN I.IIAIIL'i: M'aahlnicton ut I'lillnilrliiliU Clean 2 enmes. Ii30 mul 3:30. New York ut Huston- (Iniri 2 giiinrs. I:3U und 3i30. I'lilruL-u nt Clorlund (Iriir: 2 tames, ISO und 3:30. Detroit ut Nt. Loul ( Iruri 3, RESULTS OF YESTERDAY AJIKR1CAN I,K.Ul)K Waslilnrton, Oi AUiIrtlrs, I. New aork, 4 I to. ton, .1, tietrlancl, I3 Chlrarn, A. Detroit,, 3 hi. Jxuls, 1, NATIONAL LKACll K Ncnv York. 41 I'hllllea, 0. Ilnsinn, fll llrookhn, .1. ChlraKo, Hi hi, Louis, 2 (1st name). Clilraso, 7i 1st. Mul. 0 (2d came). Cincinnati, Oi I'ltlsburgli, 1, At J International League rrcy C'lt llaltlmore. Jiiia Jtruy CturA It. II o o n n n n o i 2. 3 12 H0D3HD i0 1& H. 30 44 40 40 47 4R 88 43 .10 88 30 33 12 41 40 33 3!l 3t 27 0 42 .15 .17 8.1 38 20 30 .13 30 211 .11 22 25 32. 03 30 32 28 32 31 20 18 83 20 20 20 20 81 28 11 14 20 18 18 20 10 18 im. o 0 (I 1 :i n l .1 i n n l n o : n sn. re. 0 .402 2 .375 .373 ..IBS .300 .3.11 .3411 .342 .341 .333 .330 .330 .327 .823 .318 .317 .317 .312 .310 .310 ,310 .307 .307 .303 ,308 HII 3 LEVINSKY MAY PROVE TEST FOR CARPENTIER ' ' ' ' ' 4 French Champion Won't Fill Battler's, Soul With Dread, as Did Dempsey, and Weights Will Be About Equal "Aleck9' Going Strong ' By GRANTLAND R.ICE Along n Krlcndly Road Driftwood, dreamer, tagabbml, And all your motley crew, I hereby yield my humble oif To all the drift of you Tho friendly hail, the grip of hand, That frame the rover's code, And all the lucli dmalc might have Along a friendly road. It maybe wc shall meet but once, Or maybe not at all; And yet I .think we'll understand Where open borders call; And at each resting place we'll find A roadside dwelling waits, Where Kindliness and friendliness Shall open wide tho paUc. And if by chance there comes a time When you might wish for me' A proper share of pleasant fate Across the years, to be What is there more to ask than this Within this brief abode, A pal or two a dream or Swo Along a friendly roadt Tho Levinshy Test WHEN Battling Levlnsky fought .Tack Dempsey tlic Rattler was tolling under n melancholy spell that hampered his effectiveness quite a bit. He knew that Dempsey would knock him cold wltli.thc-flrst wallop thnt. got home and that he had no chance to out point a man who could tear his dome away with one punch. Knowing he was a doomed man, Lcvinsky's interest in the subsequent' proceedings were not particularly vivid, except to stay out of reach its' long as possible. "Dcmpsey's best defense against me," said Levinsky, "was my knowing thnt if I ever got in too close it would be all over that If I ever swung nnd missed It was the finish." "And when I did get too close or when he got close enough I don't even remember seeing the punch start." Against Carncntler CARPENTIER wo 't bring the same amount of dread into the Rattler's soul. I.ovinsky is as heavy as the Frenchman, where ugainjt Dempsey he was giving nway twenty pounds, Carpcntier enn hit, but he haj to prove that he has the samn amount of uiftii i-Aiiii3ivu ju ma riKiil. IISl, So Levlnsky will have it ehnnr. . make better showing against Carpentlfr than ho made against Dempsey. Tho weight situation wjll bo better adjusted and there will bo less certalnt, of a quick doom. ' Tho Rattler should provide a firsu class test under these conditions and at tho end of the carnival those present will ut least have a first-class lino upon ths ring nblllty of tho eminent vlsitor-! whlch is tho next point in order. Is Ho BacJl? GC. ALEXANDER, 0f Philadelphia nnd Chicago, had three great sc. sons in succession through 1015, '10 and Xtti In thoso three years ho won closi upon ninety-five ball games, thirty or more each year. In 1018 the war took him from Chi- .1 curii io me inline, no started the 1010 season In poor pitching condition and won but sixteen games. Rut 1020 is another yarn. The Cub star 'Is on his way to another string of thirty of more, showimr more stuff ti,.- nny pitcher in baseball. Ills tenth joar may easily be his best. Ono Difference PAT MORAN has fully as good a bill - club this season as he had at am (. 1....4. ........ ' unit: lUBb jcai , Rut there is this difference: Last Tear he had only the Giants to beat. Chi cago and Pittsburgh were over twenty games behind. This season lie has thret husky contenders in Pittsburgh, Brook lyn nnd Chicago, all very much stronger than they wcro a year ago. He still has the best chance to win; but it will be a harder iltrht with n. placo nlong the highway to pause for Dream. AMONG types required t., make up a world nro those who arc willing to be umpires or to run for President of .Mexico. rpHE home run' revolutionary move- ment started by Hap Felsch has Uaue llutli all stirred up. The Babe had considered the homo run throne a habitation for life beforo the White Sox slugger reaencu for the fuse. Covvrioht. 1010. All rights rcttrvii. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS 3 0 0 O 4 1 8 HI 0 , I II i ii i - i .200 .205 202 .280 .2H4 .282 .282 .270 .270 .277 .275 .275 .274 .207 .204 203 203 201 .26(1 LT.fl .251 .252 252 .2.10 .250 .244 .211 210 .287 .237 23(1 .228 .217 TJTRANKIE CALLAHAN, former -T .Rrooklyn lightweight, who is now making his home in Roston, is being touted by critics nnd fnns in Beantown as the next lightweight champion. An offer has been mode Callahan for n titular tilt with Benny Leounrd nt Portland, Ore., .Tunc '21. As yet Cal lahan hns not accepted because of a difference in weight. Unless the pound nge is settled nt 13U pounds, or at the moit 135 pounds, ringside, it is said Callahan will not ngreo to meet Leon ard. A Boston promoter has conceived nn idea of deciding tlic champion 133 pounder of the world, nnd negotiations already have been started for such nn event. An offer has been made Lew Tendler to meet Callahan nt 133 pounds, ringside, twelve rounds to n referee's decision, tlio winner of which bout will be presented with n gold belt. This belt, in the eyes of Boston fans nnd newspapermen, is to be symbolic of the world's 133-pound championship. Socletr note Mr. and Mrs. Israel Clold stiln are to Icavo todav for Atlantic City, where they will honeymoon for Beeral months. Willi" nt tho ahore they will atop at the New Unaland Hotel. Boforo tholr matrliiKH ycstriday Mrs Goldstein was Mlsa Hay YounE. Mr. Goldstein will be remem licrecl lv many of tho fana as Uobby Hey. nolrts one-time, featherweluht and llaht u eight star, and now munaccr of boxers. Tommy Murray has come out with a, dial Icnse to Patay Wallace. Willie Edwarda 'ijn Murray will make any weight suitable to Wallace. Tommy la a brother of Battllns Murray. Teddy Leonard, an Atlantic City fly- weleht. Is seeking; competition In local bouti. jjtonaru, a loriner I'nuaaeipnian. Is no resldlnir at ths seashore and he Is belni handled by Ralph Jannatty. He weighs 111 ywuitu,. Kddle Mullen. from Matchmaker Bccordlnc to n wl . ecelnl icnmiKer rj. j. nuestcd to call Trenton J. Kltzzeri! .! rf- 0387 relaliw to i bout for May 31. Kid Wmtner, who la helm? trained by N'i Hayes, made a ble hit by defeating Johuu Morgan nt thn Cambria' last night, WanM welRhed 123 pounds. He Is still a youncitit and promises to develop" Into a topnotel lightweight In a year or so. A welterweight hoot will be the heidllnti at the Auditorium Tuesday night, wtui rtalph Tlaymond. of Wilmington, takes ot George Median, of the Eighteenth ward, Tbli will be nn claht-rounder, as will thn mate! letween Joe Wright and Jimmy Austin. Tin six-round bouts are: Leo Reyonldn s. Jlmn Myson. Johnny Drown s. Billy Donovan an! Joe Kelly vs. Patsy Wilde. Spider Allen, of Southwark. will meal Charley Hauber, of Falrmount. In one of thl prelims at tha opening of the Madison Par) open-air show June 3. Willie Clark, of Southwark, was a wlnjii of a three. round exhibition at a smoju given by the Prince-Forbes American Lerttl Post, Clark boxed Krankle Smith, of Vti Philadelphia. fJeorge. Tawllng. of the Ice Palace. Ui decided on another Innovation In flstlc elrelti Kana may order tickets for boxing shows a. tho West Philadelphia arena by phone aw have them delivered by messengers. American League Pitching Pitchers Tiagby. Clee Hnyder, Wush . . . Harper, Boston . . Maunders, St I.. . Moore. Aths llurwell. St. U ... Qulnn, N. Y. ... i'oeleskle, Clove. . Williams Chi. . . Jones, Boston Thormahlen, N.Y . Russell, Boston . . . Wellman St. I. . . Ilojt, Boston ... 1'rnnock, Boston . . Shocker. St L. .. Scliacht. Wash Paber. Chi . .. Krlrkson, Wash Hush, Boston .... Najlor. Aths. . . Zarhary, Wash . . Caldwell. Clee. . Kerr, Chicago .... Morton, Clove Shawkev. J Y . . ra s, N Y I'erry, Aths Myers, C'leve Clcotte. Chi . . Oldham. Detroit . . Johnson, Wash. . . Hnthoron, St. I.. . . Klnner, Alhs, Martin. Alhs. Courtnev, Wash Dnuas, Detroit . . . Ehmke. Detroit .. Mogrldge. N. Y Shaw. Wash. Vun Glider, St.h. Wilkinson. Chi .. eonard Detroit , Davis St. 1. Illgbco, A th W I P C. o l.ono o l.noo o i noil o 1.000 O 1,000 o l.ono I.aat Shut 1 .857 .MlO ,koo ,R00 .750 .750 .750 .750 .714 .007 .007 .025 .(Kill .571 .MX) .50(1 .500 .500 .500 .144 .4211 .400 .400 .400 .400 .375 .833 .333 .333 .333 .8110 .280 .250 .250 .200 .1(17 .14.1 .lino .000 I., out American League Club Batting Clubs Washington. St l,oul Cleveland Chlcagu HciKtim Athlet Ira New York ., UtUOU, n. 31 ai .'II 31 31 32 32 aii it. h mi IIIS7 101 318 3 II I... I l.'N Hill' 10 11 1118 '.'fill I OHO 158 2118 Ifl HI 130 2K0 1103 120 204 HKS 122 203 Ooi iUl 211 7 7 5 IS Sll 45 21 III 17 27 I.I 10 Xi PC 2113 287 284 274 273 .2011 .254 n.j 3P mt?- aaiaa1rBuTuTiTOiXii7sa CA USED CAR SALE A 1,1. TIIIH WEEK MANY HAROAINS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Sold on "Lexington .Ranking rian," rnrrlnc 12 monthly pamrnts. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. OI PENNA. W. A. UUHICK. President Lexington Illdg.. 851.853 X. Broad SI. Intercollegiate Championships Finals in 44th Annual Track and Field Meet 2:00 P. M. TODAY AT FRANKLIN FIELD 33d & Locust Ms. Itrsrrved Seats. SI. 00 lo S2.50. Central Ad mission, SI. 00 (tux free) Meet over nt 1 10 Special trolley cars leave Franklin Field Immediately after meet for American Henley Course, POI ( TODAY S. KJLaXJ 3:30 p M Phila. Country Club Bala Take l'arj Trailer to Woodtlde Park Phila. C. C. vs. Point Judith (IENERAI, ADMISSION, 65c A SI. 10 SHIBE PARK i)orni.r-iiai)i:u today. i;30 p. jr. Athletics vs. Washington Rewericd Seals nt lllm1eln and hmldlnca BOXING ICE PALACE 45th and Market Tho air-c6oling equipment has been completed and is now in operation. Capacity, 12,000 Persons Wednesday, June 2, 1920 Jimmy Murray ArtU Root Iiorrr H?" clw Greb Turner Light Heavrwelght Champion Pal Moran Eddie Fitzsimmons Conqueror of Lew Tendler Jack YouncJjf Britton Borrell Weltcrw etcht Champion Johnny Kilbane Vounc (Anil) Chaney featherweight Champion (Jreateat bill eyer In tlila rllr Tickets nt tbe club Spruce B 1M Tickets t the II ngham-Walnut 1150 Prices, ft. -.. 13, w PHILA. JACK O'BRIEN Flesh Reducing Body Btrildinj Boxing Leaaona. I'rlvatei No i;yn''JB' Klectrlo Cabinet Hatha and MamM H. K. COR. 1BTH niKTui. ni..-.. I Am Offering Every One of My 100 Worsted SUITS fbr $45 a"fltl 1 ' M S . m TaaBBfe m m-t i Made to Your Measure WITH EXTRA TROUSERS of Same 55 Miucrini. Never Before Sold for Less Than $65 & $75 Vour unrestricted solcctlon from my eniu: lino of Mnuy hIIK. striped 100 wnricdBono huh iiroof rn'rucB. Jn all shades und mixtures. IV &J8mjw& '" St. r) J ffijg -$, '''.' UAtdL