Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, May 28, 1920, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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    " "' ... ...... !' I
"Wwfpr!7X(T WYTT" - fT-U -,'y ivi T ,,.'.' ' - w"" "ftmvmwmr ? 'PW"fW$
" X ; ? .Eiffi: gpflPiiMME
I III II II , . r , M,,. , , -. . -7 - rTrr - - --jT-, - -
I rnnnnr nn I ft lMu'fcmo ed il m.' Mrl, capo delta uii'fcMoluU enGabMdf'aitWiU't'li1Ukeeittrtl m
I ! Iilllllllll III I I n nolle ii. n' atntn tvtntn 4n ' noiieltfltlva. latlvtt (VI II lavnrn 11 FarHameato I flnftllin fll dcsole. ft ft
d a, -. B . . . r , . . T - - . -- -- . - .- . -wV
Ilia lin min I III I I U necolido auanta annutiEla il dornaie vieno rlmnuiuto con decreti rtall. I
, Lloyd Ooorgo to Confer With
krnssln This Wook, Says
London Times
Wk. J t. 4 HAtnlAil ti'aut
hi. "t " ''"
t',v-i Yinrfnti Aifir !!. I'rriiiHT
. ,. .. ...111 ...; ri ..- Iv'rnualli IllIK
-Ulan BolMiovlk minlKtcr of trauV mid
commerce, this week. a tho T mri.
i which also mentions n rumor circu
lated through channel notoriously in
f touch with the premier''" nitoiirHRP,
thiii tinth itm nlilnrl of nccotliitlnns
Mid the persons cnKiiRocI in them "would
bc'moro widely extended than at treeut
ackortwIcdRpd." It in said that Lar!
Ctirr-on of Kcdlenton. ecntarvnf state
for fnroisn nITiiirH. will, ill addition to
Mr. Mojd ticorgp, confer with M f
M. Krainln will propose. nmonK' other j
tningH. mjs the newspaper, to put in
jtota of Russian gold, Htiunpeil with the
eeal of the old UiiMsiun (tovertiincnt. on ,
tho English maYket, and it ia believed i
tho main object of his visit here I to
Obtain a grueral license to kcihI tmeu j
old' to England nnd sell it here. The j
'imes adds : ' i
"By receiving Ituinti gold, stolen bf
the iioviet, c would be iituall rceng-
xilzlni? the tiovict government It W im-
possible to iliiioriatp the two ideas of
trade relations nnd official recognition.
It is absurd to imagine tlin' two coun
tries can trade with each other and not
have diplomatic relations "
The. newspaper, which is equally hos
tiliv against the premii r and the Hoi-1
hcvlki, denounces the "pitiful and ills-
honest pretense that negotiations arc not j
between the soviet and British Govern
ments" and ironically congratulates
Klkolal Ieninc and Mr. l.lod (Jcorgo
upon the success with which they have i
at last carried their point.
Deputy Accused of Treat on Like
Bolo's Acquitted With 7 Others
Rome, May IK.fHy A. I.) Seven
persona accused with former deputy
Fllippo Cavalllnl, of communicating
"Intcligcnce to the enemy" duriug the
war, have been acquitted here. This
case has been going on for the last tJirec
carn and at times seemed to have n
close relation with the prosecutions of
Holo Pasha and Joseph Calllaux in
Four former deputies were among
those placed ou trial. It was found the
proof of guilt adduced by the govern
went was not sufliclent to justify con
viction, The acquittal of the former Italian
deputy Fllippo Cavalllnl of the charge
of treason In Italy will make no dif
ference with his status iu France, it
! is declared here. He is still under sen
tence of death in this countrv, having
j been condemned at thu same timo as
Bolo l'aslia.
I Man Instantly Killed by Train
William Laugston, of 1711 Oienwood
avenue, wajc instantly kuicu ycsier
fteruoon when struck by a I tend lug
hrst street nnd
Kailwav train at Thirt
(J Irani avenue.
Indignaziono e Provvedlmonti
per I'lllegalo Arrosto dei
Dalmati o Fiumani
ruMIMiH and Diotrlbuted Under
l'UU.MIT NO 311
Authorized by the net c.f Oclobor 6.
101T on tllo ut the rostoltlce of 1'hlU
delphln la
I'ostinaHer Urneral
Roma, 'Si magglo. La responsabilita'
della pollzla per gll arresti c la riccrcn
di tutti I nativi della Dalmazin c ill
Fiuine ora in Roma, avvenuti lunedi',
verra' stabillta in una investigaziono
iniziatn dal I'rocuratore Oeneralc prcsho
In Cortc d'Appello. SI asserlsce rho la
polizia agl' senza alcun ordiuc dell'aut
nriln' clucllzlnria.
Come risculato degll incident I II
prefetto dlpolizla slg. Zoccollttl e' statoj
1'Epoca. Ii'etlono delta pollzla ha
creato una crando indlgnazionc, poiche'
nou vl era bisogno dl procedere ad ar
rcstl. 81 dice cho vecchle donno c
ragazze prese in custodia dalla polizia
c trattate con moltd sevcrita', II
glorualo predetto parla dl una madrc
cho fit dfvlsa da un euo bambino lat
lante o cho, invano, chlcso le fosse rcstl
tultofl II glornale rlfcrcfidosl it qucsta
tnadro lo dice: "D'Anuunzio dara II
latte al tuo bambino." Anchc due vec
diie, una dl 74 o l'altra di 87 anul di
eta', furono nrrcstato c poste In una
cella dello prlglonl. Tutti gll arrcstatl
sono statl rilasclatl perebe' ncssuua ac
cusa fu potuto elevare coutro dl loro.
Roma, 27, magglo. L'ltajla asptta
dal buo nuovo.Oablnctto un programroa
di vera ricostruzlone, secondo 1'ex
presldente del Consigllo On. Cllollttl, in
una intcrvista pubbllcata oggl dalla
Tribuna, Egll ha diehlarato chc vl bono
due pcricoli chc minaecinno la nazlone:
11 dlscrcdlto del I'arlamento e lc dl
sastrose condizionl finanzlarlc.
"II prcstlgio del I'arlamento c'
ccosso ha detto l'On. Glolittl. VI c'
vieno rlmnlaiiato con
ciuall aono incostltuzional.
"Negl ultlml dodlcl mesl 1 deflct
dell'Itala ha raigiunto I dlclotto mill
nrdl di lire, mentro In 52 nnnl, dal 1802
nl 1014, non fu superlorc al quattordlci
rotllardl. Cio' e' etato posslblo poicbts'
THE Vim Leather
Shop makes VIM
Leather products
for every mechani
cal purpose.
240 W. Somer.et Street Philadelphl'
Wedding Rings
With or Without Diamonds
S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st.
That pretty home
yours that ou want
the suburbs here It
for you and ready when
you are! At Melrose.
Elkins Park, Oak Lane
pretty, dainty and up-to-the-minute
homes that
measure up to every
thing; you want a home
to be. And not only the
price is right, but the
terms ot pajment are
made to fty your pocket
book. May we take up
the matter with jou?
Slrtnhrm I'hlla. Real Estate Hoard
CUv OMct, Chestnut at tttli
BouUvard OCtct. Cor. Klsinu Sun. Ave
Oak Lane Once Opposite Station
t I
i j?i w Hii (iiiiL'lii I r
Si(a (jJrtrijwTVii t
i 'v. ji
Even though we do not, like Diogenes, pace the streets with a
lantern looking: for an honest man, in the last analysis, the quality
which we most appreciate in an individual or a firm is honesty of
intention and purpose. The Chestnut Street Shops endeavor in their
advertising to represent their merchandise exactly as it is. That !s"
one reason why satisfied patrons return to purchase a second timo.
should not fail to pay a visit to
Robinson 8C Cleaver, Ltd.
There ycu will find n most amaz
ing display of true Irish Linens,
nothing similar to be found in
This display, for those who seek cor
rect furnbhin&s, includes exquisitely
designed pure Irish Damask Table
Linens, snewy white Bed Linens,
dainty Handkerchiefs, Laces, Lingerie
and Towels of beautiful design.
Every courtesy is given American
visitors for a thorough inspection
without any obligation to buy,
This Great Linen Display is an exhib
ition in London you should not miss.
ftegent Street London, England
UST the thing for the motor
trip or picnic is the Hawkeye
refrigerator basket which I
saw at the store of J. tranklin
Miller, 1612 ehrriyjt Street. It is
a reed basket, lined with tin, and
there arc layers of metal wool be
tween the reed and tin. There is a
I compartment to hold ice. The bas
ket comes in three sizes. One is
high nnd narrow and specially made
' to take up as little space as possible
1 in the machine. They call it the
tonneau basket. Think of the joy
of having ice-cold fruits and salads
on a warm day, when you are pic
nicking on the other side of no
where! Then, too, you have your
ice for lemonade or iced tea right
in the basket. Altogether, it seems
a most practical device. Why not
try it out on Decoration Day?
nrHE correctly uniformed chauf-
UnPRINGTIME is ringtime,"
they say, and the girl who
is very lucky is going to be
the possessor of a ring set with a .
Polished Girdle Diamond if the in
terest which various and sundry
young men are evincing in them is !
-, i- ruL. T1;.l I -!!)!
any inuicauon. ine ruuauvu uuu.c
Diamond, you know, is a gem of
wonderful brilliancy, cut and pol
ished according to a special process
which brings out the hidden beauties
of the stone. This diamond is ex
clusive with Bailey, Banks t Biddle
Company. An exquisite ring of
platinum with fine traceries on
either side of the stone makes an
engagement ring that is worthy of
the fairest hand. Some of these
stones are set in green gold and
look particularly well with the
chased green gold wedding bands.
rinHE difference between a good
I feur not only looks efficient, but ' I baby and a "better baby" is, in
- -ten-Ac atttar fny Tin Vina fVtnt i -- morn- no one Ain Irt frVtp Vrinrffi OT
lVIJ ,lttl.tbtlV W4 fc I 4IIM11J lMVI UV VW
sense of satisfaction that goes witn cribs which they occupy.
C-VrinTinwr. niiTU
Open Kt'kh. No Chare for Altcmllont
44 SOUTH 8th ST.&W
No First
required be
fore delivering
right into your
home the
plion ograph
without a peer.
Vl f I L U Company
Come In ThU Krcnlnc
clothes that are neat, well tailored
and up-to-the-minute. MacDonald
& Campbell, 1334-36 Chestnut
Street, have established a , reputa
tion for their service in the depart
ment which thev devote to the out
fitting of chauffeurs, and it gives
one a real sense of relief to
know that one can send one's
chauffeur to this store to be
outfitted with the assurance that his
uniform will be correct in every de
tail. There are a number of models
from which to choose, and the ma
terials used in them arc serviceable.
The chauffeur will find in this de
partment all those accessories which
he needs to complete his outfit.
ERY springlike in color are
tho hand-painted Gift-Baskets
of Fruit at the store of
Henry R. Hallowell & Son, Broad
Street below Chestnut It is just
the thing to take with you on a
Decoration Day motor trip, and, if
you are spending the week-end out
of town, one of these gift-baskets
makes a delightful gift for your
hostess. The California Cherries
are growing larger and finer with
each shipment, and the first ship
ment of Cantaloupes has just ar
rived from the Imperial Valley,
California. The Strawberries from
New Jersey are wonderfully large
and deliciously sweet. Hallo
well's guarantee safe delivery of
these fruits and of the Gift-Baskets
of Fruit to any point within 1000
miles of Philadelphia.
DESIRABLElor all kinds of
outdoor wear is the Polo
Shirt, which I saw recently at
the store of Jacob Reed',i Sons,
1424-26 Chestnut Street. It is made
either in plain, closely woven Oxford
cloth or in mercerized Oxford cloth
of slightly heavier weight. The col
lar, which is of a particularly in
teresting shape, has fairly long
points which button to the shirt. It
is both comortable and smart look
ing. The shirt has a convenient
pocket on the left side with buttoned
flap. A feature which many men
will appreciate is the round cuff with
buttons sewed on. This enables
you to roll up your sleeves without
any thought of lost cuff links.
Many men like a shirt such as this
for everyday wear during the sum-met.
Really, it
is quite important tnat a criD oe
scientifically made and that the
mattress be the most comfortable
that it is possible to procure. I was
looking at cribs and bassinets at
the store of H. D. Dougherty &
Company, 1632 Chestnut Street, not
long ago. You know, of course, that
they have a long-established repu
tation for the quality of their beds
nnd bedding. I have visited the fac
tory and can assure you that you
may expect perfect workmanship
when you buy Dougherty's furniture.
Their mattresses of curled horsehair
are most sanitary and comfortable.
They well deserve the characteriza
tion of "Faultless."
HAT would a championship
game be without a Spalding
Official National League
Baseball? We've come to think of
it as part of the game, for it has
been the regulation ball for the past
forty years. It has a patent cork
center and is stitched in red and
black. A. G. Spalding & Bros.. 1210
Chestnut Street, carry a full line of
athletic goods, and are particularly
well known as headquarters for all
things needful during the baseball
seaBqn. Catchers' mitts, basemen's
mitts, infielders' gloves, body pro
tectors, bases, catchers' masks,
bearing the Spalding trademark are
all of the finest quality made. I
saw some natty uniforms, too, at
Spaldmgs'. One was of gray with
blue stripes, and the other was plain
STRAWBERRY and pineapple
wafers made with the pure
juices of the fresh fruital
Really, you have no idea how deli
cious they are until you have tasted
them. I discovered them at the
store of Edounrd D. Kruse Company,
at 100 South Eleventh Street. There
is another Kruse store, too, at 4003
Baltimore Avenue. Another deli
cious confection for which the
Kruse stores are well known Is their
butter cream, with either a choco
late or vanilla center. They simply
"melt in your mouth' I've made a
mental resolve to say "Butter
Creams" next time anv one asks
me what kind of candy I like. An.
other thing about these candies,
which is, of course, part of the rea
son why they are delicious, is that
they contain only the purest and
most wholesome of ingredients.
AeJptclaltif JJxop ofOrttjinatbnp
Announcement for Saturday
Misses' DepartmentFourth Floor
Offers Exceptional Values in
Fromerly 13S.00
14 TO 18
A very special group of high grade
wraps developed in fine silk duvetjhn.. Col
ors are: Navy, tan, Mordura, Maroon,
chestnut, Taupe and black.
Forty-four ' Misses' Suits
Of Poiret twill and serge; Eton, box and
tailored models. Formerly to 65.00
Sixty-eight Misses' Suits
Pony, Eton and tailored styles. Cable
stitching and patent leather trimming.
Formerly to 75.00
Misses' Costume SUITS
Tricotine and Poiret twill; plain and side
pleated skirts. In navy, rookie and black.
Formerly to 95.00
Tomorrow There's Choice From
Vast Assemblages of
Their attractiveness and adaptability for Summer
wearing emphasized by their timely groupings at
44.00 58.00
Formerly Priced 69. SO to 110.00
Equally practical for utility or dressy wear, the
swathed wrap, with its graceful classic lines, is the
approved preference for Summer's varied demands.
Sale : New Midsummer-
Extraordinary Values
This wonderful collection comprises
every new and desirable effect and style;
for dress, formal occasion or for sports
wear. Goergettes, organdies, taffetas and
ribbon hats.
Store Closed All Day Monday
Memorial Day
ifc j
FarkniMite wtHrW'
un moMO cno
potra' conduno alia bancarotta so lo
sptse non saranno tmmcaiaiamcnio
fcrmatc." '
... a i a I. i'"
'V '
,ii .a.
K .
Uif XiSMUfe AHlrftr strliW
iWlsMajr 38. Paiiloracnt and tho
gorcrnment will bo asked by ihc union
of French peasants to pnpt legislation
' 1 I '-!
. : I i V
and put flu end to strlk.0' S0? 1
tlons to that elect were ad'tSfJ19? VI
in a general meeting of thVT, i1
dolesates representing!, mi,... VJ'oa.
42.KHH farnnir briar In ntK.P A
5 Charge Accounts OpenedimsmgMsaaMaU Orders FillediX5iS
Matfspn & DeMarvy
izi5 Chestnut Street
Fr5 and Millinery
Fur Repairing, Storage and Remodeling
The Last Day!!
the Investment Fur Sale
The Final Opportunity to Secure Your
Next Winter's Furs at J4 to J4 Off Last
Winter's Old Prices Save 60 to 90 per Cent
Tomorrow is the Last Great Day! The Fur Investment Sale will
close finally tomorrow at 5.30 p: m. The"e-remaining assortments of last winter's
stocks are today tremendous values at thsso old prices. Remember that we will
sell these at M to M off these old prices, and that with the wholesale skin in
creases and the increases in cost of making, of trimmings, and of linings, etc.,
the savings actually mount up to 60 to 90 per cent.
Take advantage of our Deposit Service !
A Small Deposit
will Reserve your purchase. We will Store your purchase in our Dry-Air Vaults
free until you order delivery in the Fall payments to be continued throughout
the Summer.
Special Tomorrow
French Seal
Reduced from 225.00
and 4 5. 00
Smart full flaro model
with French 8eal collar
and cuffs. In tho desirable
sport length.
. Fur Coats
Xltt. Bale
Leopard Cat 190.00 98.50
Taupe Coney f 06.00 97.50
Canadian Seal ....250.00 124.50
Taupe Nutria 200.00 145.00
Natural Muskrat . .310.00 155.00
French Seal 295.00 195.00
Jap Mink 490.00 245.00
Hudson Seal 450.00 295.00
Natural Squirrel.. .526.00 345.00
Hudson Seal G75.00 445.00
Baby 'Caracul 1100.00 550.00
Scarfs and Chokers
For Tomorrow
Silky Wolf
Reduced from 25.00
and 30.00
Silk lined large animal ef
fects or the dcnibln fur
solid choker. Taupe, Drown
and niaclc.
Black Lynx ,.30.00
Australian Opossum 33.00.
Taupe Fox 49.00
Japanese Kolinsky... 39.60
Brown Fox . . 40.00
Black Fox 45.00
Cross Fox 46.00
Red Fox 67.60
2 Moleskin 105.00
3 Hudson Seal ....136.00
3Mink 130.00
2 Skunk 145.00
4 Nat. Squirrel . . .160.00
2 Jap. Kolinsky ...180.00
Special Tomorrow
French Seal
Reduced from 275.00
and 295.00
Three-quarter lonuth mod
1h with collar and cuffs of
Seal, Squirrel or Australian
For Tomorrow
Large Seal
Reduced from 55.00
and 65.00
I,arge wide "Australian
Seal Stoles with pockets.
13 to 14 Inches wide, 68 to
72 Inches loner.
etossiSsavPurchaging Agents' Orders Acceptedauraxr
This is Shoe Style Week in Our Store
If you want lo know what the very latest styles in Men's footwear
are, come in and see our display.
EJV1ERSON Shoes have been known as style leaders for 40 years. No
I matter what type of last you prefer, from the broad comfortable
toe to the flat English last, we can give you a model that will be dressy
and good looking. It is no longer necessary to sacrifice style for comfort.
You will be surprised to find how reasonably priced our shoes are.
Correct style doesn't add to the cost. It's simply a matter of Jcnowing
how to design shoes, a knowledge that the Emerson Company has ac
quired through two generations of fine shoemaking.
Accepting'our invitation to lookover our new styles places you under
no obligation to buy. We are always glad to show our line. -
in t n e
' .