"isr '4 j w u, V,,. ,', ;'-' jr ' & '(i v.7 . v V CI,.1 v it St.- ) v; a SS ., t EVENaPUBLiql3Bb,aEIFyi MAY 28; 1920 'HEINIE' GROH GIVING HORNSBY A BATTLE . 9 jReds Third-Sacker Looks Like Novice at Bat, but J He Can . Wallop die Ball ' Ily (lIlAXTIiAKD IUCE HKIin is the way tiio two leading lmttorH In the ftntlotittt T.cngup fin Ishcil lniit scgdon, nftcr one of the closest iliifJs "i record : ' Uousli ,.b. r. In 2b. .",!.. Ii.r. r.b. Acr. eo4 -; ion io in a mo .:ini Hornshj CJU (IS 10.1 15 0 8 220 .1118 Hcrnsbr, for three yours now, )mn been mnklnR a. desperate effort to lend tlie Nntlonnl League nt bat, and while fio was beaten by n whisper In 1JMK, his 1(120 (tart la a reminder of Warner at IiIh best. The St. Louis Infiolder lios not only been leniHnc his old rival Itoush by more than 100 polntH. but In the Inst official lintcli of avornRCH published he Jmil fought IiIh way nboe .400, with nn aeraK floc upon two hits a riimp. Alnnji rnnltet! as a flue hitter. Hnrnnby bns sonc Aell bejond any past mark this season by consistently rapping iprv nitdicr he ban fared. Htnrtlni? the present week, he ban totaled moreJ unse iiiih mini any mini in me gaine, vlth Johnson, .Inrkson, Weaver and Ornli presslilj lilm ploevt. but Still trnilinc. (ircat Hall 1'lajcr Tim St. Louis star Is Jt great ball nlajer. He Is not only n handy In fielder wherever plared, but he Is a riisced tjpe of batsman who Is always rintiReroiiK, a free huIiikIiik rlouter. who bis ii natural batting ee, well adjusted to almost nny tjjie of pitching. He has both grace and power, which in the esFence of form. While Housh Is tralllng"JiiFt at this time, strangely enough. Ifnrnbj'H two main rhals are on the Hod train. They are .Taki- Daubert and Heinle Ornti. D.iubert has already led the" National League more than once, arid this season he N hatting well above an past f((rm. Jake is no youngster, as we recall villi bin; linn naste the nill well oer ten cars ago In the Southern. League, but he Is htfll fast "hud still poiscusos Keen eje and a wcn-timeii swing. Most D.ingcrous Kival H' ruitXanY'S mist dangerous rival' looks to be Heinle (iroh. The lied! third baseman was only eight points i hnek of the Texan last.season anil so far firoli has'been lacing the ball to i en noou Hi the park. .No ohe would ecr take (Jroli for a firvt class hitter after Hatching his form at that. lie looks like a nolco at the plate, with his bat held stiffly well in front1 or Ins shoulders, his hands lieing about nock high. Hut this doesn't alter the fact that Groh can hit. He also is fust on his n to first, arul if be wero a left hander with that two yards start' from the nearer side of the plate his innrls tinuld be many points higher. When a right -hamlcr. can lead the Vague he lias to have something. For he is spotting his left-hanileft opponents at least a full stride. If not two strides. Small wonder that a right-hander sel dom reaches the top in either league. Johnston and Jackson JOHNSTON, of Cleveland, and Jack son, of Chicago, bine been setting the pace in the American, each one with a father eje focused upon Cobb, who lms 'icii slowlj winking ills way for ward after a ragged utart. Cobb has been stopped only once In the last thirteen years. Hut lie needed wanner weather than the present bprlng has afToided, and now lias -a good POLOTonSwP.M. t !M,i.!a 9,,,.?,r' W'lb Bala Take Turk Trolln- to WomMde I'nrk Phila. C. C. vs. Point Judith (.I-.MCIUI, ADMISSION, 3q a 8(l CTq Dunhill Pipes Arriitr, run n IT trr till fo mn wlin fTonl the hrU iiirh in nre. 50 OTHER SHAPES (he famous London -made Alfred Dunhill Pipes, for which wc arc the hole Phil ad c 1 p h agents. Coates Coleman Co. . 1211 Commercial Truiit Hid. Train lioor Locust 2566 rlt's so Easy to Own i , A BICYCLE Join the Club Tomorrow Own a Bicycle at Once BOYS . Oct busy! Talk it over with the family. Tl them how happy and healthy a 'bike Jill make you. KP you out of mischief. Make ou strong and well. tint.1 .1. . . bin.... .' ."' nr '" t once tnniorrowl Th.y .r. the eaole.t In 51.00 Deposit Secures It. $1.00 Weekly Pays for It. LARGEST VAIUETY OF , BICYCLES . 'I!"". ,rom We don't eel I ny ne bleyeje, hut let you rtiooie from 12 Famoui Maltcs "KW 1M0 MODKr-R. ALT. BTTI.M BROADWAY CYCLE CO., Inc. l Market t., Phila., Pa. .yjwaf XTO.T iVEilliJ rntrnil HlhhJl - I mewM I 0 VmmiX Jr MMWr mv r VWttt'&i&.JSr of KBH1 t - ' '2l 1: - 4 k mv "IIEINIK" (JK01I Mho appears to bo Vlogcrs Horns, by's most dangerous batting rival stretch of ground to make up through the warmer months ahead. He in nt his best In steamy weather, :M. & H. SELL W1111I1Bmiiii)i11 Just Arrived Four 'Carloads of Famous Carleton Indian Canoes Good news to tho ennoe enthusiast, because Canoes nnd Cnnoo Accessories nrc mighty scarce. Carleton Canoes nre reproductions of the biich bark canoes of the Penobscot Indians, perfected by them after centuries of trial. They combine speed, steadiness, carrying capacity. Health, exercise, pleasure, glorious days in the open on hike and stream that will make your vacation joys complete are yours with one of these. Better order today. Carleton Canoes, $70 Canoe Paddles Single, $1.25--Doublc, $5 Ilrnt Biruc ntrpiiBtli t)lt!i lightness. Canoe Back Rests Single, S1.25; Double, $1.75 Oars, 20c a Foot If It's Sporting Goods, We Have It 1 emv y Toflkftr x MTMSssm tsrx ss AtDoc or us Tilt KfcUAY and it ion, ntAu l TflMsVUIlk Avt Alhambra jfit 'niiiv m j. zea. u.ts ii v itnuniMf in "TCKUOH ISLAND" ALLEGHENY rn.WR?,4,BniS;S:."i t.ouisi: C11.AUM In ., "TUB I.ONU WOlrS DAUOHTnR" APm I O 02U AND TJlOMI'hON T8. OI.AHA KIMHAI.T. TOl'NO In "T1IK FOtUUDDUN WOMAN" ARCADIA eSWy. Wm! MART M1I.KS riNTna In Nunsu .MAn.ibitiE" BALTIMORE VnSWl$0 oiAiniA swansov 111 "YOU CAN'T llCLinVB nVRltYTHINQ" Ol T ICDIDn nnOAD RTRECT AND DL.UllDlrv.L' i'fii'HnvA .we MAl'RICR TOl'nNJMrrt'S "MY lADY'H GARTER" BROADWAY Hroail A Snjiier Ae. MARSHAt.I, NR1T,AN"? TUB KIVUR'S END" CAPITOL "roMCT j?;pcrs ROY STEW'IXT In "THE SAOEIIRUbHER" CENTURY BIUC,W!vfS IRENR CA8TI.E In "THE AMATEUR WIFE" (ITir DUI.T ,-,1 -M1AT ati Mnplewood Avee. COLUiNlAL. in 7 nnrt 0 P. M. I1ERT I.TTEUj In "THE RIOUT 01' WAY" TflDDCGQiSTTiATJAYUNK LMrKtjJ MATIVEF! DAILY CONSTAVrETA.nOE.n FAIRMOUNT $AZTSAVi. Ot.lVE TELT In mwvE AVITHOUT QUESTION" fAIVJIll V THI-VTIl 1-13 11 Market 8t. I AIVllLiI n A M " MldnUht T.OtTI!E OI.AUM In "THE LONE W'OLK 3 DAUOHTER" rtru CT TIIE.VTnE Relnw Spruce jolt! Ol. WTlNKn DAILY NORMA TAUMAiiun in "SHE LOVED AND LIED" FRANKFORD 471S rnANKWMUl VENUB "HU8I1ANDS AND WIVES GREAT NORTHERN ttT$ &? OWEN MOORE In "SOONER OR LATER" .. -r-.T-i-iT A I HiiTH . WALNUT STB IMrLlMrtL fi- ! 3il EtM. 7? nimv MOORE In "SOONER OR LATER" IRIS KEN8INOTON AND Al LEOIIENY AVENUES ROREIIT WARWICK in 'THOU A RT TIIE MAN" i a 1- A vrTTC KENSINGTON AVE. LAFAYfc.1 It AND CAMBUIA ST. ROY STEWART In "THE SAaERRUSHEn" 1 FADER 41ST A. LNCASTEIl AVE MATINUQ DAILY VIOLET HEMING In "THE COST i infOTV BROAD t. COLUMTHA AV. L1BLKI MTINEB DAILY CONSTANCE RINNEY In 'TIIE ! STOLEN KISS" 333 MARKET CTffSSffffi TOM MIX In tJoma-lete chart (bswlDS procrima (or Ui week rilOTOI'LAVrt PHOTO PIAYSV THRU X ( &i&7itev, ) r COMPANY r I Maxwell Will Referee Harvard'Princelon Game TUtbnt W, Maxwell, sports edlUn- of .the X" rhniK lrattr, its J) Htl hr Ihil i,i,nlra1 Iwinrfl nf fnnfh oirirjftlg to Tttfrcn tlio llBtvari-rrliifftnii rldlron rontmt nrat fnll In the ttullum &V VmtnhTidK nn ntMnhfi A. i mnnotc Arooiuc th Amoiur lhMnlhf innnrint HmM In which Mr. .Maxwell will oltlclote rei Col atr-HjTciie. at SjTacnse, Notembw f, ana I'rnnitjivnniH-i'rnn SUIe, at Franklin lleld, Ortobrr 30. and it is almost a certainty that by August be will be up around .370 again. He is generally nt his best In August and September, and Is still the best bet In his league, with 120 games left. Fnlr Enough MfTIHn best batting I ever did?" an- swered lluth, using the prelimi nary query as a starter. "That's easy. It was against Haiti -more, two years ago when I got bIx home runs hi six successive trips to the plate four one day and two the next." Which is about the best batting any one ever did so far as wc can scrape any rebuttal out of the printed records. ATU WUXDIHC Carpcntlcr pauses the difference between boxing Bat tling Lolnsky for $25,000 and Jack Delnpsey for $L"0,000 is precisely $22.",000. Wouldu't you? Or, wouldn't jou? "ITTOOD and Johnson, who will mct '' in Chicago at catch weights shortly for the Itepubllcan hcavj weight honors, now report the pink exuding from every pore. The wlnncf will be matched against the ultimate bunvlvor at San. Francisco to sec who will be cussed out for the next four jenrs. Conrlaht, 1911. AH rights reacrvtit. IT FOR LESS: $1.75 Kapoc Life Pre server Cushions, $1.25 I'or Cnnoe, Motorboat. Yorlit nndornpil by the U. H Oovt. Kour time bunjimcv cork. Will euppnrt nrtult In inir IH houm. Coered bout pnnlh artlflcml Itnther. Sanitary, comfuyablc. Canoe Rugs, $5 Woveif felt. OUes excluaho appearance. Rubber Drip Cups, 50c &n . mm HATviiu.w i:vi:nin(i; rilOTOI'LAV. LiOnlr th The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of Amer ica, which is a guarantee, of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for tho theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. MODEL 4:'0 SOUTH ST. Orchestra. Pnntinunuy 1 1 I I ALL-STAH OABT In "OTHUR .MEN'S SHOES" OVERBROOKfflfvA iirono avu. OLIVI3 THOMAS In "OUT YO.VUKri" PALACE L'H MARKET STREET 10 A M tj. 1 1 tr. u i .. priscii.ua DEAN In "THE MROIN OP STAMUOUL" PRINCFSS ,018 StAIlKET STREET 1 milCJO N.;hi A, M to H:16 P. M. J.TAR CAST In 'lu' M- "BLINDNESS or YOUTH" REGENT SIAn4A.BIi.M 17TH P. M. HOPE IIAMFTOV In A MODERN SALOME" RIAI TO "ERMANTOWN AVE. llL- 1W AT TIT PEHOCKEN ST. "Little Shepherd of jfttiv i'luivrijuu In Klimdom Come" RUBY MARKET HT. I1ELOW 7TH 1" A M. to 11H3 p. M MME SYLVA In ' THE HONEY REE" SAVO IaU MARKET STREET Jf V J I N , At TO MIDMOllT WILLIAAr RTTS8ELI, In1,u;sluT "SLAM-RANO JIM" SHERWOOD M,,V,nd""';'i" 30 "SHOULD A WOMAN TELL?" STANI FY "nKCT AROVE lOTlt J I -ML.U. 1 n.tr, a M tn ifis t Vr CECIL R DE MILLE'S M "WHY CHANGE YOUR WIKEJ" OTAR KENSINGTON AND " l vl LEHICH AVENUEq McLE.'.N ND MAT In 3 "WHAT'S YOUR HU8HAND DOINQ7" VICTORIA "nStfiJ-p0?,1 CI.EMENCEAU'S ' M' "THE STRONQEST" cr n NIXON-NIRDLINGER THEATRES . vr BELMONT 6JD AU0VD majw Star Caet In "The Huah.d Hour" Clurlle Chaplin Comedy. "Ry tho Sea" CEDAR 0TH CUDAU AVENUE Hnudlnl In "Terror Iiliind" Harold Lloyd. "An Eetern Westerner" COLISEUM MA,utnT HBTWEEN Violet Hemln In "The Co.t" Added, Edsar (Joined). "Teacher' Pet" IUMRO ,rn?NT BT: & 'ard avu t .'- iiuiiiuu urn-nun nn I THnKtori! Dourlae MacLean, Dorle Mi May, In "Mary'a Loal Clt," No. a AtiKie Aaaea, LOCUST (ISD AND LOCUST STREETS MATH 1 XI) B'HO. II n . . . CHARLES RAT In "I'ARIS QREEN" NIXON a.nd ngnfBxai JUANJTA HANSEN In na U "THE LOST CITY." NO. a RIVOLI 62D AND SANSOM 8TS. Mfltln Ti..it.. ii R. Walthal In ."The Confeealon" Added. Edgar'a "Hamlet" STRAND aE1,MANA? KNANGO WALLACE nEID In "TUB DANCIN' inOOL" WEST ALLEGHENY 2-ith . AlteiirliAnu I MtrKUTltft PUrk In "7bv to Qt' Aimcu, 'ijoeii uuy, no, apptari Baturday evenlag and Sunday. SWEET REVENGE FORGERMANTOWN Victory Ovor Frankford Hailod With Dolight Up to Catholic High They have n plucky little bond of bfclf toBsfcrs up nt Ocnnnntown IIIrIi and they nrc fighting to the Inst tlltch for the Intcrscholnnllc Lcngiie chnmplon ship, and .the chnncc to retain the Princeton cup rests now entirely wltnM Catholic High School. If the Purple and (Sold enn trim Frankford in tlmt final game, then Gcrmnntown High will be happy. Gcrmnntown nnd Catholic High have been friendly rivals for yearn. These two school1) got together In nil Branches of sport seasons ngo when Doc Lewis was hnndlltig n flairs for (tcrmnntown. Now that Catholic Hitch. lnnt In tho league and presumably n team iot tn be feared, has a chaucc to da something real. well, the Ocrmantowu bovs say it'siall In a lifetime and Mint Catholic. High has the goods. Catholic HIeIi'h record, to be sure. would not suggest that the tall-endcrs utRSBii USED CAR SALE AM. TH1H WI'.r.K MN nWlOAINN AT -ATTRACT! E I'llirLN Hold on "Leilngton llnnklnir Plnn," rnerlnc 12 monthly payment. LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. or rr.NNA. W. A. KL'HKR. President Lexington Hide.. S31 833 N. Ili-ond St. MEN! xejcnaon lllllllllllllllllirT!Tm""iiiiiimmiiiminrTi SflBPF '"5 "6 '" bfir V jmuelSellsohn BUY FROM THE FACTORY! Hundreds of MEN Find Out Every Week That Mr. Seligsohn's Prices are still 20 and 30 fc lower than any other store no. matter what reductions they make. 1 ,000 New Suits Ready for Tomorrow 17 And', Men, tomorrow will be a good day to get acquainted with Mr. Seligsohn. Thousands of men will want their new suit for the Decoration Day holi day and, men, you can't afford to pay the high prices other stores are still charging you, when you can buy at Seligsohn's. Remember, when others take off 20 and 25 per cent, they are still making a profit and paying tho manufacturer his profit, too! Nobody makes any profits out here, for Mr. Seligsohn buys his own wool ens, makes up his own clothes and sells them to you direct. That is why you can save 50 per cent and more on regular prices always at Seligsohn's. It surely will pay you to come out here. Just three minutes from the center of tho city. SELIGSOHN'S Manufacturer and Retailer S. W: Cor. 8th & Spring Garden Sts. Open Evenings had much chance to overthrow the top nolehcrs, HowcTcr, tho fans point to Catholic High's rcmarknblc comeback in the last few games and, think that Frankfort! will have n tnsk to win this last league game. Gcrmnntown got re venge ia the league game with Frank ford yesterday, Oansz pitched n fine game and the home run by SchnefTer scored Hatbcrstndt and Simmons, net ting three runs in the ninth Inning. It is A light to the finish and the Gcr mnntown High fans linve not given up hope. They think Cntholic High has an even break for a victory. It will wnc the Purple and Gold from n string of defeats, and they will certainly make every effort to win from the Frankford nine, for Catholic High has a much better record in tho league tlinn the position this team holds would indi cate. St. Joseph's Preparatory School took tho lead in the Catholic League by trimming the La Snlle Frcpi, C to 4, in the game at the St. Joe field. La Hullc nlavcd a fine same, nnd luid It not boon for one bad inning, the sixth, the result I Am Offering Every One of My 100 Worsted SUITS Made to Your Measure H i Til n inmjmwitsi i Mr. Seligsohn Will Prove to You That You Save 40 & 50 On Your New SUIT! ,'aHsi m&mwEsiM&WMmmm ,;v mmt . Ww$?wmQMiimBm I m m iW$& mWMW.m , -The oJ fflf ' tore Mould have been different It appears poor judgment was used In this inning in allowing 1110 lja nnnc twiner v tuu tinuc his work. Murphy collided with the first base man nnd hurt his knee. He was allowed to twirl the early part of tho sixth. The St. Joe team linminerod him for four runs before he was taken out and Dougherty sent in. ' Dougherty held the St. Joe players safe. It Is feared that Murphy dislocated his knee and will be out of tho remaining gomes. SHAWKBY USES FISTS Yank Hurler Attacks Umpire Hllde brand. Who Retaliates With Mask ltosfon, May 28. The gumo-between the lloston Jted Sox nnd the New lork Yankees nt Fenway Park yesterday wiih marred by nn assault by Ilobcrt J. Shawkcy. pitcher of the Yankees, on Umpire George Hlldcbrand. The as rault occurred In tho fourth Inning nt the home plate. Shawkey attempted to for $43 WITH EXTRA TROUSERS of Same $EE Material Never Before Sold for Less Than $65 & $75 Vour unrestricted selection from my cntlro lino of fancy silk striped 100 worsteds and nun proof serges, In all shades and mlxtuica. 10 ,Sn r(yHcsiCyi6th St. Orders Accepted l&t ?&. I I 4 . a j '" - .' i iilk i s A il mm Jsm'm-iShtm (.:-, zn i . Hi 1H UrW&imWk i ' ' ' J - laud with .his bnro fists, while the Um pire, in retaliation, swung bis mask with telling effect, cutting Shaw key's scalp In several place? beforo the jilnjcrs finally restored order. , Tho attack upon Hlldcbrand, In the opinion of the fans, was flagrant nnd without Justification, Shawkey com plained sevcrnh times that Hlldcbrand erred in calling balls And strikes, The I Event and f c - A r K r Mm of Famous r H Jm m Clothes for H JrW Men and ( B r " Young Men ASwccping,Smashing Our Entire Stock A! 4 Prices 11,000 Suits and Top Coat? for Men and Young Men, Two-Score Nationally Advertised Brands For Suits and Priced $42:50, . - For Suits and Topcoats Formerly Priced $55, $50, $47.50 and $45 For Suits and Topcoats Formerly Priced $65, $62.50, $60 and $57.50 Also 212 Suits made by 5 of the most celebrated makers in America formerly priced $100, $85, and $75 all at $57. upset in wholesale where as a result of abnormal conditions, coupled with a late season, are responsible for this unheard-of action, which offers you the entire stock of this stQrc at much lower prices, than we ordinarily would mark them atin our Clearance Sale in August! These Suits and Top Coats the product of 40 nation ally famous makers, are strictly regular stock and include our entire range at these four amazingly low prices, with out reservation. Despite the original closely-marked prices which we made on these garments, we are offering you reductions on these prices that are nothing short of astounding. Here is your opportunity to buy clothes of the finest quality at a tremendous saving. Palm Beach Suits Reduced to. a $10 and $12 These garments are tremendous values at these prices, and when warm weather arrivea they will cost more. All sizes, regulars, longs, shorts, stouts and extra sizes. All colors. m i . ' I I L i All Separate Trousers Open Daily Till 6 P. iiYmy?Lea7uajicr?1iOJt3Lif(. climax came, when, with the count f Schang standing nt thrco and two,',' Hlldcbrand 'called ft ball, forcing home i.'t Tltn TTpmlrvT- llti llirt f1rt Ttnatnn riiM 'JJ of the game. . y - lf.1.lt.-Af .... fin).. h.M. M... .!. O. Bojer. HardwIck-'Mnnee Co., Lohlch . ' 511 nue and Mnrahall and Huntlncdon atreeta. iv H !i Price-Breaking In Which We Offer Without Reserve Topcoats Formerly $40, $37.50 and $35 and retail businesses every and Raincoats Reduced 15th and Chestnut M. Saturday Till 10 P. M. : -a l T H t " :.r A' .J, fcWS 4aui$Ul&'!,-i &J?Jl&<&iAi HJufciVsij $$ 4. , wSj