W lX V iXr '-'5V , '4. fi;- i4 n " : ; .V 1 l.r m H. ' . II ' It?-."''.! S 1SARRAN V jEVENTNG PUBLIC LEDaER-PmLADiELiA; DNESdAjY, ai&Tf 26, 3,b2b j. ffl AIDES HELD PRISONER Doath of Mexican Prosident at Mountain Hut Detailed in Formal Report .'SUICIDE STORY IS DENIED i By the Associated Prrss Mexico City. May an. Mllltnrv of ficer, and civilian wlvn wore t.nkon can tire at Ttaxrnlantonso following tlic death of PiTsItlont Onrrvima will bo hold In the prison here until Adolfo ! la JIncrta. the provisional president, takes office. Disposition of tlie men thru will be decided upon by him. It in uuder Btood. Several who were bronglrt from the Rtntc of Puebla on the tntiii hearing Carrnnza's body to this rity June been ' released, Thnsi still in the prison are Ge,neral .Tuan ltnrrngnii, Fraurlsco l'r ,qilirx, FrancUun Murguin. Fran cisco do r. Mariel, Manuel A?tiirre llerliingn, Ycuacio Boulllas and I. ills Cabrera. Mexican officials and milltnrv of" fleers who iicrompanled Prldent Car ranza in his rlisht Into the mountain of Puebla again were censurod by Grn eral Obregnn yesterday. Akfd to nx press his opiuiou ri'sanllus the death of the lnte chief executive, he sm.id : ''Among the general and noted civil ians accompanying Carrauzn, to whom they owed iurlnite favors und couslder 'atlou. tliere was not even oue Pima and oiie CtestaH who wanted to die at his Tslde." Referred to Two Thleies , Tn speaking of "one Pinuis and oue Gestas." fSenernl Obregnn referred to the two thieves who were ( ruirltied viti the Saviour. , Formal investigation for the purpose 'of clarifying the part taken in the death of President Caranza. both by Colonel Itodolfo Herrpro anil members, of the Carranza party, is recommended by the commission of four named by Generals JObrcj;pn and tionzale to inquire into tHe tragedy at Tlaxcalantongo. The commission submitted its report last night and cited ten points which the members had agreed had been proven from stories of witnesses. .The commission's report, which is the first authoritative story of the death of Carrauza, nm. be summarized as fol lows r ".Colonel Herrero joined the Cnrranza party at Putla. state of Puebla, on (May 30. following a eonferenee with iGencral Francrro de P. Mariel. to fathom he surrendered last March, ller jTero pledged allegiaueo anew and prom 1. Used to defenil Carranza. which promise Jwas accepted by (teneral Mariel. who ;told the fugitive president that Herrero was willing to tight for him. General (Mariel then left the Carranza party iuiiI fdld not go to Tlaxcaltantongo. "When Carranza reached llaxeal- self, but was answered by n volley which ended his life instantly." "The other occupants of the hut fled, ns did those In the other shelters, nnd there was great confjislon In the vil lage. Herrero, at the head of his men, captured many of the .party, who were taken twelve miles away while others were left in Tlnxcnlajitymgo. Four or live of these prisoners were forced to sign n statement that Cnrrnnza had committed suicide. This ptatement was dictated by Manuel Aguirre Uerlanga nnd written by Paulino FontA. director of Mexican national railways." Captain Amador declared that when Herrero liberated his prisoners he blamed Colonel Marques Ceron for shooting the president. FOR U. S. MONEY IN MEXICO American Chamber of Commerce Favors Financial Plan Mexico City. May 3(1. (Uy A. P.) Proposal for the hnortation of United States paper and metaj currency for the purpose of solving MVxIeo's monetary problem have been njiproved by the American Chamber of Commerce, ac cording to announcement last night. They are being considered by the Con federation of Chambers trf Commerce of Mexico, which has forty-two chambers affiliated with it. The short stock of currency has for more than a year beeu restricting busi ness and commerce and bnmpering de velopment of the eouutry. Speculators have been reaping a harvest bv export ing silver at the expense of legitimate business. The provisional government has proposed that the confederation finance a new issue of paper currency, but the confederation is unwilling to do so. Should the new government nccept American paper currency it is believed the Mexican monetary problem can be solved in short order. FATAL CLASHES IN ITALY POINCAREISRIGHT SAYS CLEMENGEAU Indemnity Question Settled in Versailles Troaty, Declares Former French Premier "OPEN ACCOUNT" SYSTEM At Least Six Killed During Celebra tion of War Anniversary , Home. May St!. (By A. P. I At least six persons were killed nnd more tlian thirty wounded In the clash be tween royal guard and stude.nts which marked the close of Monday V celebra tion of the fifth anniversary of Italy's entry into the world war. according to reports from reliable sources. Other re ports place the number of dead at n still higher figure. As a consequence of the disturbance, the police today took into custody all residents of Dnlmatia nnd Finnic who were in Rome, with the view of repa triating them or sending them t.i pities where It would be Impossible to in-ti-gate disorders by urging their claim. Clnshes between strikers and police have occurred in Palermo, where one peron has been killed and seven wound ed, according to newspaper dispatches. Ortona and Mnro have also been the scene of encounters, two persons being killed and three wounded in the latter cit. A general strike has beeu de clared in Palermo. Prince of Wales at Melbourne jantongo he was led by Herrero to the Melbourne, May '('.. I Uy A. P.) hut where he was to sleep. Herrero j The Prince of Wales, who sailed from 'was with Carranza when bed in this I Cpw Zealand on board the battle cruiser Shelter were assigned to the president, i Kenown May 21, arrived in Melbourne sJIanuel Agtnrre uerlanga. minister of today itbe .interior: Mario Mencicz. chief (ill r arias, tne president of tod of' By the Associated Press P.irl. May 2(1. Light is thrown on the financial side of the Versailles Treaty with Germany In an interview with Georges Clemenceau. former French premier, secured by Alfred Capus. editor of the Gaulols, und pub lished in that newspaper today, "Several persons know," said the former premier, "that In the Peace Con ference discussion of n fixed Indemnity lasted for three weeks, W'c should not forget that a fixed sum for indemnity was the Anglo-American idea from the very beginning, and that our Allies never abandoned this viewpoint. They even made a most enreful valuation of the suni Germany could pay, which was exactly T.'.OOO.OOO.OflO marks In all. "Out of our share we would have to pay for the reconstruction of devastated regions, and I need not tell you we could not agree to such n solution. "Discussion was long and ardent, because the Anglo-American idea as to Germany's power of paying was firmly rooted, but finally an agreement was effected, and that solution was embodied in the Treaty of Versailles." "Isn't that solution one that might be called an 'open account system.' " M. Clcniraccan was asked. " by which it is proposed to exact from Germany everything she owes us, but by succes sive installments, ns we are in a posi tion to fix the Indebtedness?" "Quite right." the former premier re plied, "nnd with the occupation of the Khineland as a guarantee, both of the amount of the debt nnd thegood faith of the debtor, and with the reparations commission and the permanent control organization. I was in complete agree ment wtih President Poincare on this plan. When I saw hint accept the presi dency of the reparations commission I thought his acceptance the logical conse quence of our mutual conception." When the interviewer interjected that M. Poincare had resigned from that position. M. Clemenceau declared: "I approved, as he could do nothing else, since our system hnd been thrown over." M. Clemenceau spoke nt some length on the immense difficulties of peace making, saying: "These were much greater than the most sincere detractors of the treatv I imagined. I said in the Chamber of Deputies that to preserve union among the Allies I would make every sacrifice. Well, I didn't make every one. I made only some, nnd those principally in form, otherwise an agreement would have been impossible." DISORDINIINVARIE CITTOELL'ITALIA CM Elomonti Turbolenti Provo cano Conflitti in Roma, Pa lermo od Ortona a Maro rubllhj1 nnd nintrlbntod Under , ,. , TEIIMIT NO. Sit. AuthorlrM by the net or Otobr n, l".1 V " flt nt the rostnfflee of mila dtlphla, Pa, A. H. nUHLESON, rostmaster clenrral. Koma. 24 Magglo (rltardato). Vn grande eccltamenta si c' notnto fino n tarda orn, ierl notte, in segulto al con, tlltto die nel pomcrlgglo era oecorso trn sovverslvl e guardle regie, quando queste tentarono dl sclogllere una dlmo strazione dl stiidentl Nelconflltto furono ucclse quattro guardle ed lino studente e molte altre personb rlmasero ferite. Trn I feriti vi sono due donne. Nessun altro Incidente si verifico' dopo die 1 ordlnc fu rlstablllto e !a folia posta in fugn. Gil stiidcntl avevano organlzzato una dimostrazionc per celcbrarc II qulnto nnniversarlo dell'Italla in guerra c ten tarono rhgglilngcre la Piazza del Qulrl' nale cd acclnmaro 11 Re, ma ttnvarono gli shocchl chlusl do cordool dl- truppc. I.e guardle regie tentarono disperdero i dlmoslranti 6 mentre clo' facevnno furno sparatl nlcunl colpl dl tlvoltella da elementl tiirlmlenti e non student!, e vnrle guardle furoto colpite. Gil ngculi dclla forza rlspoerro al fuoeo, ferendo varlc persons c poneudo la folb In fugn. Sembra chn mentre g"ll studentl or- ganlzzavnno la diroostrbzlouc In una dclle univcrslta', i soclallstl tentarono lmpedlrla e si dice chc un glovane, die vestlva la Ulvltda dl ufflcials dcll'cserclto crldasse: "Viva it bolsccvlsmo, lo sono tin bolsccvlca." Fu attaccato c gettato fuori del locale ovc st teneva la rlunionc. Plu' tardl fu arrestato. Ttlsulta the iiessuno del studentl che. partccipavano alia dimostrazionc era armajo. Conflitti trn scloperantl e la pollzla sono nvvenutl In Palermo, durante 1 quali una persona fu ucciso e sette ferite, sccondo dlspaccl gluntl ni glornnll dl qiiesta clttn'. Ad Ortona a Mare, audio, sono nvvenutl conflitti trn la forza pub hlica c dimostrautl, o due pcrsone furono ucelsc o Ire ferite. A Palermo c' stato dlchiarntn lo sclopero generalc. Londra, 2(1 magglo. Dlspaccl gluntl da Durazzo dlpiugono In sltuazlonc in Albania come in prcdn alia guerra civile, c chc c' imposslbilc urcdlrc lc conseguenzc. II governo provvtsorlo sembrn sin incapace di dominare la sltuazlonc. SI dice chc nessuno nbbla rispnsto alia chiamata nlle arml per formarc la guardia nazlonalc c far fronto al grave momento. telegraphs ; 'jprlvate secretary nnd Captains Amu- dor and Euarez. his aides, deneral jMurguia nnd other members of tlie 'party were taken to different houses in !the village. Before retiring Carranza Ordered Captain Smvez to nssist in placing sentinenls, all of whom were ilerrero's men. t "Herrero later told Carranza that a imessenger had itiformeil him his brother, iwas injured, whereupon Herrero left 'the village, promising to return. At ." o'clock on the morning of May 21, three i ,of Herrero 's men entered the presi- Ment's hut. stnting they had been or- ! "der"ed to report to him what the situa- ! jtion was, adding that nothing new Im.i feceurrcd. Carranza Instenecl to the re- ' fport, and then told the men to have. I Details or Idling (The report ny tin niovo was prob ably for the purpose of ascertaining if 11 in the hut were in bed and whether fcarranza had changed hi position.) I J "Half an hour later, the hut was at- ! taCked from all side. President Car ranza was heard to cry : 'I can't get up ; ' my leg i broken.' He then begged for in carbine so that he could defend liim- ONE HOUR! That's all we need to deliver your V1CTROLA COMPLETE STOCK ALL STYLES ALL FINISHES Tlie J. R. WILSON CO., 929 N. Broad Street (Itrnnd nnd Olrard) VICTROLAS and VICTOR RECORDS EXCLUSIVELY Ca7 Terma Opfn Erralan Mil MATtkrB VOICE Our tervhe it next door to you no matter where you live. IF1 in ArslMFOTANDARtTSHOE m Driving a Wedge in Children's Shoe Prices . Dalsimer Has On Sale Tomorrow JF k 1000 Pairs Children's & Mlsses'Oxfords at 331 Off Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Tan Elk, superior p quality Footwear at Prices no other JW store can offer or follow y r Extra ! 7W Play Oxfords j .95 W m Sizes 5 to 2 JL JP s Tlnrnnin Tnhlo mW Short Lines fi K5 AWW 72 if Price JW Your Child Will Have the Same Careful and Capable Attention Dalsimer is Noted For Bring the Child ren in the Morning if Possible. No Charges, C. O. D.'s or Mail Orders 'TIS A FEAT TO FIT FEET Jdzlumez Children 'sDept. Downstairs THE BIG SHOE STORE 1204-06-08 Market St. mmrr . .-,,..mH, ......,.KM,JaJHfc.Ea.. ... ,..,, -,-rr.. Gifts for Bridesmaids S. Kind & Sons, mo chestnut st. DIAMOND MERCHANTS JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS STCOTT jcp (Ljcsff wstm mLm$g!?EM Westcott combines with long life all the riding quality, luxury and distinction in appearance that one could ask lor in a car. STENERSEN MOTORS CO., Distributors 2330 Market St., Phila. Dealers wanted In open territory In EaBtern rcnnsylvunln. Southern Ne.w Jersey and Dela. fhonfH : Lorimt 2600 Ilaro 2703 Economy Run Bulletin 4 289 Miles per Gallon miles to the gallon of gas averaged, yesterday by the Overland 4 in great economy test. Covered 449 miles on 151-. gallons. TOTALS TQ DATE: , 2987 miles on'lll'i gallons of gasoline Average of 26.78 miles per gallon in 140 hours of continuous driving. You can get more miles on less 'gas' with more genuine riding comfort in the new Overland than any car ever produced. Stop in and see it. Time Payments OVERLAND HARPER COMPANY 1629 Arch Street Open Evenings Founded in 1865 The House that Heppe built Inaugurated the One-Prico System in 1881 Downtown 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown 6th and Thompson Streets 25 all used Pianos Luxurious Box Springs Hair Mattresses Dougherty's Faultless Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET You Will Be At Fault If your summer homo is not out fitted with Faultless bedding this season. Dougherty's Box Springs' and Hair Mattrcss.es are the cool est, most luxurious and refreshing that can be had. Give yourself and .family this perfect comfort, and take advantage of the econ omy of this perfect bedding. W'a alone produce "Faultless" bed ding. It is time to order it at once. I.nxurloan Itox Snrlnic. Ttrllnble Hair Mattrcnn, Mnlmcrnny lird tfut, Tlrao Urdu. KiucIInIi Dciuii Furniture, Lump. Dainty IllankrtH and Comfortable, White Knamel Numery Arceinorles, etc., etc. Our special sale of Used Pianos which started Monday has been going with a rush. It is seldom that one is offered a reduction on such fine pianos as -- are in this group. nvfrfr am 0ur snoPs are Oil Oil working night and day finish ing pianos for this sale. There are still many excellent pianos available. There are such makes as Steinway, Weber, Chickering, Schomacker, Heppe, Lester, Ludwig, Steck, Hardman, Marcellus, etc. Remember, every piano in this sale is guaranteed' for five years and a free ex change privilege is allowed for one year. Settlement may be by cash, 'charge ac count or by our three-year-rental-payment plan which applies all rent toward the purchase price. This is an unusual oppor tunity. We will gladly send particulars if you cannot call. Heppe Pianolas Just Received! .Owing to the freight embargoes to far distant points we have received a large number of our famous Heppe Pianola Pianos. For a limited time we can make prompt deliveries. Call, 'phone or write for catalogues' and full particulars. Price, $820 C. J. Heppe & Son Downtown 111T-10 Chettnut fit. Uptown Oth and Tbompaoa SU. iMiiiMittiiiiijiii; iCITlTrVf TJTP -''"-. ,',L' '-' ''' .' i '.'i ..'! .?''..- . '."'''ii'Ii .'; ''.'.'!'.' i . v.'-i; .'.V.l i'.'.'i'i'..'.' ...i.V''.. '?. "On A Rock" means something different from "on the rocks". One signifies solidity and safety, the other instability and danger. Is your business founded on the rock of exact and careful knowledge of its fundamental conditions in this time of high rolling seas of inflation when men arc inclined to build carelessly? Now is the time of all times for an investigation of your business foundations. Our Valuation and Report Department is for this purpose. It gets at the facts. It drills into and tests the foundations of your business. US BROADWAY NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS SAN FRANCISCO Vacuum Vacuum i. Cup Cup V.HIDKI vinia iunira Fabric I Cord Cord 30x3 30x3 32x3H 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4H 33x4H 34x4K 35x4H 36x4H 33x5 35x5 37x5 18.45 23.70 27.90 37.30 37.95 40.05 40.85 52.75 54.90 55.35 57.60 58.20 67.40 70.95 74.60 38.551 a 42.95 1 ', 54.45 56.00 57.40 61.35 63.00 64.65 66.15 67.80 76.60 80.35 84.05 Channal Traad 35.851 a 39.95 H 49.05 50.45 51.65 53.75 55.20 58.20 59.60 61.00 'Ton T.l.d" Tubal Reaular 3.00 3.50 3.80 5.20 5.25 5.50 5.65 6.80 6.95 7.00 7.10 7.30 "Ton Tatted' Tubas Extra. heavy Cord Type 3.75 4.40 4.75 6.50 6.55 6.90 7.05 8.50 8.70 8.75 8.90 9.15 Economy Prices prevail on Vacuum CupTires and "Ton Tested" Tubes, as proved by a comparison of these stand" ardized net prices with those asked for ordinary makes. The present moderate schedule is . madepossiblebygreatlyincreased production by a thoroughly com petent organization, an up-to-the-minute factory using every im provement and labor saving device, and a zone selling system which markets, with approxi mately the same selling facilities, an ever-increasing production. These prices are s tan dardizedn e t, uniform throughout the United States. Pay no more do not expect Pennsylvania products for losa. Adjustment btls par warranty Ug tache-d to etch casing! Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires, fi.OOO Mll Vacuum Cup Cord Tlraa, 9,000 Miles Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,600 Miles PENNSYLVANIA BUBBER COMPANY Jeannette, Pa. rtt-!-?i!' aaaaaaaaaaaal aaaiaaBBfeih teaJtok i I Wthftifr 68.95 8.05 10.05 72.35 8.50 10.65 75.70 8.85 i 11.05 1 . - I "" I ,wm" h,ism .Wii .rfltal. iiAJatt m '