wimr," &:? v IMV :,1 W-V rllt'S ( -'it; ,i'ww.' . J, " "",, t ji f.r'.iF tv . .1 i ' . J'r' A'. ' f -V 7 j,;. ' ' ' V i ' -i " I A' -V Ji J ' I '. $VENItfGr PtJBMC (LEDGER-PmEADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, 1 ' V MAY 26, 1920 r, IP 7S SECOND WIFE , By ERNEST POOLE Author of "The Harbor," "Mb Famllu" Copyright, 1B10, by PubUo Ledger Cto. ft ibccIoI Arrfinofmntt tvlth the McCluro Bp, Sewtpaptr Syndicate) TIIIH HTAItTB TUB HTOIIY Kthil Kntght and Amu Lanier are ' &w "or toll her husband. Bhe in M"" ,j .nnmnn. Mfifcinn (he moat ri0ik;r eeraonal accomplishments and ZLtarance to pel the mtt out of KM! i to oeemMMl natural!, counJrv M S. Their alnir's elenf otcm mil td mnfce ner ftomc tulfh Amy. The journey to new iotk, no ncto .";' onrf hor sister's elaborate man. l. : . .- ,...... f 4 0 1 JO lie' niin I.J 1. le iilace in Wow 1'orfc l'ou'ro Hug here l" Amu llttlstartlcd at .. nf l'J" M a ft v r- . . . mil Htt wk'8 KA'S i!v. .i.trrfe uleius oZ-marrtooe I AND HlJUrt IT CONTINUK3 LtTS money, my dear, It's monoy. -Tney"" ...- ,...... acllj just llko nil tho rest of us ily they nro richer. That'H nit but It everything. Put mo In a big houao it th'ere, and my friends wouldn't know ,. In k few years." a cloud caino on her fftoo an sho oUa In tho elass. "But tliatfl just tno irounie. a row ,r. more and I'll bo too late. You've ot to ect there whllo you'ro youn?. nd thcro's bo little time. You loso our lcoks. it h an very won ror Homo omen to t""1 nbout Ideas nnd things nd travel and and children. I did, ,o, I talked a lot oh, how I wonted .. i nl.i ...... I...- .... cri iniiiB ou- u,,u ,lw lu iin ruw ovrti. Thank Heaven, istnel, you vo H-ars ahead. I'vo pot only a fow more I ft I'm already thlrty-ono. And my do oges fast In this town, If you do tho I--. kaiiVa Yn('tFrl tn tin. Hilt vnlt R Ethel, I want you to marry well 1 l't n millionaire that'H rnther hard. Ijil besides, he'd probably be too fat . it., tflnrl ivlm will n a mil If ntin ltn .. .. It wrfttmi fill nvpr Vil fnrn nml (Id una t akes you 11 joursel ) rUnnillK ttuuui. nun men nnu II ncv.i . Mr for tho rent of your davs. dcy talk so well some of them do : i,i it sounds so fine Idean und books id pictures and I knew ono who was i architect. And It's all voy well for ter on, but what you've got to do right .... .(fir, ti.hllA vill linvn tlm lrmla id youth Is to llnd tho man who can ve you a houso whero all those other oplc will be tumbling to KCt In bo use )OUIl imu lliu lliwiicjr juu uu le to entertain and rIvo them what cy really want In spite of nil their klngi" ... i i i Once more, with a weary nigh, sho oDDed the religious Intensity, and nlleri ns she wistfully added, "Thats wlinro some man can put you. iey do, you know, they -do It. Soma in Ant It nverv dav. You cun seo his ime In the papers. Dozens of wIvcb t to Xevvport each year. And what I... tn I tn fnniiu 1 "That's romance enough for me, my ar. And if you want worn ana u recr, the most fascinating kind 1 know IU B1UUJ HIT lll,l jrwu.v (,l.l ll id whats holding him bacK and taKe away wnat's pushing him on nnd 'p It grow I You've got to narrow. rrow down ' You may want a lot or lldren. Thcy'ro loves, of course, to ive around. But you run a big risk In at. I could give you so many caBes iUicrs who have just dropped out. IT in-want to really get on in this town, niVe got to stick to your husbnnd and aKc jour nunimnu mii'ii iu juui muie t things about that you will loarn on enough It comes so naturally ice you aro In It married, I mean. .1 .,...' ..... hKl.l U IHUl Ulil IIU1U. -inA If VAX lrvA film oa T Invn Tnn " added almost In a whisper, "you il it so easy tnai oucn you iorgei hW It la vnllVn tY'ltifr tn ,l,i WMnl .i.Va rnfllt,, Hnlnr It fm VniiVfl llint ippy uiui i'u auui um vjun. uui m jou wake up and use It all every Ing to drive him on. You can do at while you are still young and have Hal lie Hrtiuo lilt? luuivn, i iiiciui id can make him seo that any iiumber cither men would bo slnrl to ston Into 3 shoes. But you give them only just ough to keep your husband from feel t too safe You hold them off, you ike him feel that he's overythlng to m a ne ii worn ana. give you wnai u ought to have ! And unless you're fool sou don't listen to this talk of omen's rights and women doing the 3ik of men. You keep on your own yuuu uiiu imx) Kiixs H vim jwu fp making him get what you need 1V1C ItH IUU IcllC i JMl Ul UlltC DltU Bharp little laugh. "It's a kind rnvv, jou neu, une buiu. The night after thla talk Kthel lay her bed, nnd tried to remember and laic It out How new and queer and TTltnc Cn innnii lllatrii. uha M fl l earned of had been closed on every i!1U Th matter was that her old Ideals dstandaida were belnfc torn up by the 45, rooia mat went ueop nown iiuo rovnui mo in ine Kiwu in uuiu. But Kthel did not think of that. She ''eu ana Higneu Well, thla lu rnul T wan rlre.anilnir ! 'd aftr nit thla la in ii nh tU( Snmr. t different In the way you KCt It This N'Pll Vnrtf Cinn tUintr a altr ulir u. "Amy needs every dollar Joe i make and she must not have me wr nanus I vo pot io una wnai i ill V Until n 4nK no n man inrl lut rL iKnni u f It threw a tingo of uneasiness Into wt breathlesH shopping tours. And ucr atuiuuu iu Willi i .iur. im J not counted for much at first; he """ii n mere man or Dusiness; nnci siness men had had little place tn her io ui intnus in tno city, mil Ljnlnr? Mm n.n.i ! Ai. . rn.i im. , iun niio uiuiihcu itu Tin Jo Lanier was what Is called "a miue nuiidor" He wns atr archl- If UU 1 1 fl I n CT ..nt.trnnlnn .iti.l mm 1 aa , .. ,V"f "" t-l Will il,,i . i- nmbler nil In one. Ho ftut up utment buildings "on spec." build- r: . inc.ipor sort, most or tnem In Ihn Ti. ...... .. ii . ... Jl-I Or lOQW uu tl,A nnue. ,,-ilrrhl a ' d"'' I" the rapidly shifting values ;,'nDrhoodH In tho changing town ifi.3. .. .'" ,l ,s ll"' run,' no le- .? . I',,1,el one evening. Joe was the Kind of a man, as Amy had ' Jr !'"ler, to malco a big sudden ,,.',' f his work. L'nfortunatelv he i iJ , ,". i''ir, .nurHO oy name, niv Ji n,111'!1 baclt- This man Amy ii a w,lke1 Sho 8al(l that Nourne hiiTm . l nno. a heavy llresomo eriiM'ho. thought business was Vn,..r '" "le woriu, , fc? 1 e? l reall' helievo ho forgets lc. Jl',"s lll0ncy," Amy declared. Bt-m.an,B u Hteady as a cow. He ; MinL.8? ' tIo,hlin. He haH stop. .ffi1 h". thank heaven. And ik ia. - "". s? .far way when I'll .; '"at he's got to loso his ' ofe.Rlllwi steadily In Impor ra ls nwaljenlne eyes. Of his -mora "1!J"' n hm shoysaw tnai o i rithf i moro certain that Amy , to miarf iV8,,"'6 'ln "ho was i , hj cci1' He not otly woraed Ion Vnm, ,Nvns a passion. At night kour.11'15; 'nornlngs ho could sit 'a ini " m t,le "resomc pages ,ot?o?,;i"f1WH1 '", "Is Piper' Ho fh' he MkV,i01 ?..ln.,he 0VP"'"Bh: one 1 IU" talk "J'1'61 l? rome nlonB: " tr,.?IK .,0 .her about bulldlnirs. .? nw In l.?.0.,il.LJ,.t,en'w an.a bu .V" ,1(,r Imag nat on at num.. N felt .'! 18a "vln lh,W- as " .this mtuflr1t nlBht' ni(t"--VMM. in u.Was business. J5ut oven 'M I, h ourprise. us Joo miw no ',. ,la" a Htruncn thriuino- .... lij ' own " B jUrtw her?" ,"otlco',, something clso f he would P. , A'01" every ovo- i'ft Dlavi..8Jl .' f'wn . ftt ,,la J"0"'-' '.' 1anSa, , "5 U"y. . An h rule lie t"y B S l'"Puinr Hongs rrotu ?uiil driri 1?.mot,,.ne leunlng IJ.iok V" Ms haiM .. ,.lnor muBlu.- And cl1 It fa tn 1VUl ,,,unPlo "nd only 5','MivIlmr L?iSi,.cnkln Ills black k"i' 'war n1Ti,uy over "10 smo to ,t,r' WOUlll COIllB R lnnlr tulilnl. ? "'l not iLya?.ue,y Hho fo't that flr- For n!,VJ.t. l ev?n '""'I0 ll(,r r ';, Amj- S-o ?,il ,nvrlaUlv at Midi Sn(ift0i,Mll? "'I i would ;. ', "earil ono vwilne tliat i.i i. ... iu'Ayu.-' S:,..iK Uthel was "mad to learn to nlmr" i,n took her by tho arm at on"?' and marched her over to the piano. An they had quite a session togother til Amy suggested going out to a now Scrsou8hdftedh,'h'urrJt ilL fe rnrionsinag"'8 C" ' Her curiosity deepened toward this city love affair, tho husband nnd wife who apparently had left ao many thlnn out of their lives, th ngs vital In tfin Ohio town. Tho sober woe giVi In tho Often tthel opened that door nnd went In and tried to make friends with Its grave shy llttlo Innmto and tho heat S nurse. And returning to her room "he would frown and wonder for a time Hut 'ho Pretty things piling In fVom tho Sr,P8i'n"d. ilno Bay nntTclpatlona. soon crowded biicIi questions out of her mind Swlfflv fhiu hA,,u,.i.i.i ...:. V iiiiiiu. l.. I.i r .J. -""""" ..viiH growing u mil, uniiwiina tarn uar, ntmate: he day's routine with Its small events were becoming parts of her life. Her own room waB familiar now, for by And tho dining room nnd tho living room, where sho grew acquainted with ;'. , iiT uoauiiiiu an uuimnto a r. ... .... ..... ......... o , uwiii K1UW moro nnd morn vlv ,t In I.-- n.. ... ...' r." this was stlilfaffrom famlTlar? iTeld too mucn, u mennt too much. that?"'" ' V01' "V0 "Uh a mnn UUt Tho way thev looked at each other at times! The way they seemed keeping watch on each other. If j0P wero out vprv lnln nl n irlii a ..i. ".": ...tf ,"" - ,., Mmy uiiiii a muni Invariably grow uneasy and absent- ......ut.. o,,u inciu nuuiu oe a cnaueng- !i? iLnfJ" Vi8 wny 8he. Bfeled him on his return. On one such occasion Kthel was In Amy's room. Sho went out when 'nBi.?lB.,J. Vf,n,IJd Bay. her a stnrt and a Rwlft thrill frtf n1ll.A..nu ,.. ,. r . r..jir v . . "'"'vuku tinH tiiu not turn around she know they wero In each I v ......... 'j again, lata one afternoon u hen the SEiY, ...K'i.'"" .'?ri0-nnH '"""d Joe at ..w., nun n iircu iinxious iook on h 8 fvf'.illl8i wlfo SI"10 u" behlnd him. And the picture of her Bmull gloved hand upon .loss heavy shoulder remained In iithel s memory. It seemed so soft and yet so strong. ' iii,'I2l10 ic",n d0. "lythlng with him sho will It bor" marry Bomebody how .,t.y.pon the Hvlnfe room mantel was a ii.?rn"h of Am'' And on the SiT-Afi1.1. nnd.. ,rctly faco w"'' "10 Hi's Rllirhtllf nnrllti n..l I.. i.. it, ... v., .... "'" '"'" '" ",B ""iiiine vio let eyes, thero was. tho expression of feometh ne which i7ihM .11.1' .... iTi ?hT!i.,hensc'fTlor.'J?ns.hadJ.'-?'' .i.r. . 1 vt .. " ,,t;r ins" Bcnooi club when they had sturdily tnckled the fi.o i... , ' .a w.nal " meant. Uut fi?ei,pJcl.uro Pr?w f'lmlHar and real, filled in bj the living presence here of this beautiful body, hor g ossv hair, her cheeks and lips: this sister with so many moods, now intent nnd watch- fill. nOW lfn.w1.hll..n...l I ,".. ."". KV .ni.nl ---, .uicu, 1I1UU1LM11, POW fMiecJit, i u,1Br' nw smilingly con- v-..-. 11..IU bV, waArmd C. l LPJTS6 .V2X ? M!f.d.&r "BS?l ' inVsVeou's foe'e i .V .. u,u ,eel on every side, dr v n.B.. .thi? throns of humanity In this S'irjfV s0 mnny tl,lnKS he hac once deemed Important wero fading 'rnpldlv away. That hungry hope of a singer's n,e.6n,;. tha.t ,cravlnB for work and gsc'f f110";, f"P to Paris. London, Rome. hJnhnnf'i1. """ .clcvcr "eo"Ic- "salons." n l"ant discussions of life: and deeper hn!inth0.SiM mysterious dreams about having children and making a home 2 ainJ d"' b'in,d' so quletlv and change. ly notlocd the P'pr this wns hnppenlng In a few Wreethnln ",Vst wI,lrl and excitement V.,,.nthoso ,dazzl'ng streets and shops. ihSS ?,'n:Is' Fow,ns- nats" Blovcs and shoo. Its not what you sav that In terests men-It's how you look and what you have on." The Imago of her 8nfr,w,ylvld '" lcihel'H t'aKt'r mind. And with It came the question, now ardSnt .JhofB'i still a llttlo confused. 'S'lttH J over bo llko that?" h.thol had been about four weeks In town, nnd now sho was to meet Amy's .,'w ds; A,ny. wnn Blvl,,R a dinner tho next oenlng In her honor; and to let the cook and tho waitress have a rest on ,l "e, Preceding night. Joe took Amy and Kthel out to dlno In a cafe. His business had gone well that week and Joo wns a genial husband. Thoy had a sen-food Bupper nnd later ho took ft0"! to a play. When they camo home. wVi? ieint ? Il?r room' for aho feIt was asFeep. W"8 "0t '0"e befre Sh8 She wns awakened by Joe, half dressed. "A"iy Is sick !" ho said sharply, "do a doctor"'" ' W yU7 r" try t0 Bet On Amv'n hnrl a lltA !.,,.- i.ml.i saw n face so chanced from the one cf a ,., "","' uetore, mat sne reit her heart Tir-IT ,, "". '"J",'"L "".". was spasms of pain. But worso was tho ter ror in her eyes. nmtilv,linLtl,Tnlc.1'm.dylnB'" sl, crleI. T?eHB I ate It poisoned mo!;' n.?r was a v'olent catch In her breath lln.rmyT.'.i.hy,i ,you ,nocr '"tlo dar ling! Lthel held her sister tight, asked quick anxious questions and did things to relieve her. but with little or no sue- back With him was a doctor, who made an examination nnd then took Joo Into the hall Kthel followed anxlouslj. hho heard the doctor questioning Joe und she heard him sav. c' "I'm afraid It's ptomaine" hat does that mean''" Joe (lercelv nqulred. Dut before Kthel could hear th reply she was called back Into the bedioom whero on her bed with both hands clenched Anny was saying. "I can't bear this' JInko him glyo 1110 something quick'" Tho rest of tho night was a blur nnd a haze, of which Joe was the center Joe hair crazed and Impatient, making Impossible demands. "Vou enn't get .1 nurse In a minute, my friend, at B a. m ." the doctor cried I m doing my best, if you'll glo me u chance !" The fight went on. Tho nurse arrived, and turning to Kthel the doctor said. ,Ht him out of this." And sho took Joe into tho living room Hut there with a sudden curso and a groan he be gan to walk the floor. "This doctor what do we know of him? He was all I could find' We hnen't been to a doctor In years! Ah that's It '" And he went to tho telephone, whero In a few moments bIio heard him saying tent.elv. "Bin, old man, I'm In trouble " And sho thought, "It's his partner " "What liavo jou done?" sho asked him. ' "Got Bill N'ourse. on the 'phone. He's bringing nnother doctor." "Illlt .InA ! Vnil ulinlllil hava nul.A.l tins one nrst : "Should I?" was his distracted reply. The Becond physician soon arrived und was as surprised and distracted as the first ono when he found how ho had been summoned. In a moment with an gry apologies ho was backing out of tho door. But Joo caught his arm. "You two and your etiquette bo damned' Oo In and look nt thnt wom an I" he cried. And with a glance Into Joe's eyes, the second doctor turned to the first, muttered, "Hold this mnn. He's crnzy" and went lino the bedroom. It was long before Kthel fcrgot the look that appeared on Joe's faco when tho second physician came out nnd said, "I'm sorry, (There's nothing I can do." She went In with Joo tn Amv. And her sister looked so relieved, the lines of pain all smoothed away. Heavily drugged, ho was nearly asleep. Her hand felt for Joe's and closed on It, and with a llttlo nestling movement of her soft lovely body sho murmured smiling. "Oh, so tired nnd sleepy now." Again, In splto of her grlof nnd fright. Kthel noticed how her sister's hand closed cn that of her husband. In tho months and years that followed Bhe re called It vividly ho mnny times Joe snt thero long nfter Amy was dead, The doctor sighed to Kthel to come Into the living room "Aro you to he In charge"" ho naked. Hho looked nt him and shivered. She taM n nnni, nt ottM, lrtnnlllinno AH nhn hrwl never known before. 1 Know nououy noiiuug 1 uon 1 know how you urrnnge," she said. "I've only been a month In tow 11 " Tho doctor gave her a curious look of pity und tiucnslnrss It was as though 110 had told her "I'm sorry, hut don't cuuiii uu 1111? (or lieu'. 1 in uuoy, 111a is Now York, you know" Ho, said, "I'll eco'to the undertaker." 8no Hilvered again, and ho added. ''Don't you know jionio elder veomari herot ' 1 ' ., ...?,-,. , . . .,..Ff .!AL THE GUMPS Ding-A-Ling-Ling By Sidney Smith LISTEN NooJ- VA.NT QRANT 300 Xou'fcE: CfivNC rWe TH VNRQKQ &ECAUSG NO ON ANSVRS A.NP THev WAITNO PoRMYCAl, I s r ovi! HAve PATIENCE -Av? PATIENCE - VES-VES- rA.S TELE-PHONE COVTS NE TV)ICE AS NVUCH ANB I'rA QETTNC, M(kL the service - GIMP NE- YHtf AAANACaeR- I'WANf'' T6 RGPORT VpO- Ab LISTEN bEARIE- HAUE PATIENT LfiT fAE TFO TOGrET THAT NUVABER THESE POORGrRLIE SITTING THERE AU bM UOKIfa -AN5vJERIrArf CAUS- THE MOST TPE50ME J0&IN THE WORi-D THEY AAAV MAKE rAlS7AKE nueev RObY NAkP5 rviTAES - WAVE SOrAE PATIENCE - IUG-T IT FOR XOU T . v r-iwr- uc niini.nMi. 1 . an X V IKl A. UTHftftlVV I VT B - Y ' J& A .Ii It) "f" s It m l r."J Cy- -?r A 4y ' jn m ' rif JSfftF' f$h ' Tv f heli.o HCUOj htztt : VWOULb Y00 PlEASEQlVt IVvE- GRKHT 300-? YS- pJCEAE- ITrAT'SA CTool CrlfiL WeLL-WElL-OH.'NO HURRY-DEfVR- IWOH rAX V AC ATON -NOTHING TO DO TIU NBlpT slULS -I MA5 OMUV CAUINfy UP TMI2 NUNSQE FORA KlO-AIE,RE ONUS CAUIMG THE bOCTOfX-WVWIPE A. MO RUKH IN BC-t VJlTH THE SMMLPOX poRTHeUVEOP- KAROLD- 'WAME- VOU COrAE-BAXk? VAHER.E HAVEXQUSEENf WHO PAGEP VOOf IM NOT INTRUONCt.ON , 0URTfrAE? 0U5T LAX DtWN YOUR MOR AND 5RUSW AMD TRV TO eE-T NH bocrqR THS PAAILYS DViNa U SIDNEY 1 3HIYH ' PETEYOh, What a Life! By C. A. Voight 0 nantncsswpMa - ?eTeV DEARDo "Pirr duow? iress CC0THfC3 Foi?Pwe. Wow ScusTvri VsTVIE .SCTRVVlTS ,T ,WC Muh KIoToWYook. Life- just ttVTCAUSE Vou Got a Mmiokj Douxbs Mo 'Rcasou Gotta . Melt' V.. 2cvr vi , km CiN. 00 -j. 1 1 - If'" ' ' ' f -VpitY SWELL I ) . AV ,n T - IU HAVWS ( VALET ?) ODy T To WESS tf KgWf ( AWD UtaOAM L 0U UP-4jv ' 'NElE:.,YouHAVEy y ANKIW3. y The Young Lady Across the Way The yoiinu lady across the wny snys our Rovcrunient H divided Into three sepurnte nnd distinct branches, the executive,! the legislative nnd thn judicious. The Desperate Attempt to Re Allowed to Go Barefoot Bl Fontaine Fox NO YOU CAS MOT CO BARfi&OOT.. W -3f I V . ' 11 t WOZ BAREFOOT J3L 1j, 1 COULD CO RIGHT IM lv SCHOOL DAYS By DWIG AW RATS, HK! VbO MA tA6 TUtto! . ttoMT TrtftOW A f IT I Ht'S Mi R1CKT-. HM f OUE 0M6'S C00t FRAUDS. ft cBAr He Uh6t To , sex Ttftt ,M THE: SWCt j P0HTN0OKMrt JAR VM0H . . Of BWC VOUVONT STEP OH Ton WrtTiMKC. ue- Jirtt M CtBTll n von. Ah '1 Sj ?!MziZJm:'iiv& MiSmmi:' " 1 If UJBk s& NWW't MOWEH SH0U10 NOT QE JURORS r-u. SOMEBODY'S STENOGWhen Does This Rich Guy Arrive? i opyrlsln I!).'" i,v rul.U.- ..'Jeer iv I VOAIDER WHEH THIS BILL BAfivi Sou iVAMO WAS LEFT A FORTuwE IS r'uiMd To WORK. (Ti F?ME OPHIMTC WAMT J lOWUKRj .OH ftiEE.T BET HE'S HAKOSOME tOO i I J1 -I " ' V2AVV 77 t " i7 i; g. 1 T s MOOlf ..-. !".l' 11 VI rs G A1I55 0'FLASE I Told You, BUT-ER-IT I5A1T AJECESSARY FOR THE REST OF THE OFFICE To KHOW THE AltW CLERK HAS MOA1ET. HE boESi'T Qj:Pl 3. VWAMT IT KMOWJ y m IT MIGHT CMOAKKAbS HIM, ? Hayward ii fll ! W . A .cZb -W- V - a lt 0 1 Q I ssjmmAi . iWZh NOSBfc. ""'!''' ftoj TvW illii !, i,i,ii,i,r 1 vn c v.tym Mi ir 1 ii, 1 1 l y '." flilifliiPi'l i& .p EE-A1AGWE Givil' ME That ADWICE! MIX. I'M SOIAJG To N look This little ( f'N y MiLLioAi Dollar V&T -n ADOAilS OVER QfTljf ALL BY AWSELf. J WHAT THE REST S-.'v .. - - ... -..' OONT innowwoaii HURT 'EM ! AAEBBE H LCVcSrL0VELoLLYPaP5 Ml HcPc I a j. S . j .,1 VThcSame Bocks ' a' L'Mvziwci-jjhd has' 7 y.'HEw KSl ST Do jr ' ' OH BOV WorTfl eOV'.LV ' ( )05c, HE.i Mi OJ K ' - -.1 LIFE ' Pi Eres.fV ( VCOW&'v J K HURT 'EM ! U i V-fin 7L ? PW JS a To Be CortT'o j "CP" STUBBSHe Thought the Hands Stood Still By Edwina -- l . . II 1 ? II T , e L HUrfH.T. T'i . v , HOW rUICHVlrAC . . L, ' J"' --y I gr?rr VMnj'-rtv! jrAsO!:- hvJaM !Z5fi5 -- "" 1 11 in inn ' . 1 '-' - JS.WM LaasiiiitLtvyJ4 'iL?Ltii.t.l ,!'i.i?'i iytMiLjm!LKaMt.i. .-. . i..vAKa. v.iaiv.t.'WNAx.nx .Hv.i,.. ... .ftvyj.fltJa.'. je.-- -vk- !."' t&& l4 '.VI '.;,$ m i, ':' m J :,&& tdriM V-Ai 1 tn JJ 31 Tl-J 4 4 i I 1 J v.J f 1 1 vl M f4 !fl