,-?' vm ; --SBC '$KyW,'TS -v ' y - - j , rv,sFr , (i vv T " ri-,r A y.-VT o ' ;l EVteNING BUBLIC LEDaER-PHIIiADBLPH, WEDNESDAY, jNIAY 26, 1920 26 i X i ? IV- t. rv V fa at sr 1 A . "14! Tip V J 1 k J v - , r S fMM AND FOUND .-Lost, deed, for Holy Cross Cme- y tit n.me Michael Quare.lmoi reward. Tin h. win st. ND Lost, snuare-clllt diamond. f wnunt n ns Karat. Tne atone was inn .aatt-rd.y. May 1, between Haverford nnd Ih '.rFM.ttiut Street Opera House Liberal le t ... I . t ci r 1.1.. .11 - ,. kru 11 iriuiii., i u .. vamnni k 1.11 r at nut and .tujlper ats black Pomeranian with u little IMh chest t reward. MSB N. HELP WANTED FEMALE ACCOUNTANT'S ASSISTANT Aerountln Department of the Publla r Co. deiWi the services of n youn prom in with nun ecnooi tratntnx or Its Utttvatantf must hava KnowlfdiK nf at. le.r.phy and boofckeenln and bo able to urs. accounts inieiii.siiiij wiiu customers. Kelt for Mr. Welti. PUBLIC LEDOEIt CO. 8th and Chestnut sts. AMERICAN CAN CO. omi6 and women wanted POIl L.IOIIT. STEADT work SOo TEn HOUR PAID WHILE LEARNING AND CAN EARN MUCH HIOHER RATES WHEN EXPERIENCED CLOSED 11 15 ON SATLTtDAT .EAN AND r-LEASANT SURROUNDINGS REST ROOM IN CHARGE OP COMPETENT REGISTERED NURSE 1 : t APPI.T AT CORNER OF fcALLBN. PALMER AND BEACH STS. t A On b reached hr car lines 15, IS and 59 Get off at Palmer t. r take ear No. g. get off at Richmond st. a I , I I27rt o J BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING . An Ideal occupation r for young women MANT UNUSUAL COMFORTS AND CONVENIENCES T ATTP-VCTIVE DINrNG ROOM BEST FOOD SERVED AT COST ASSOCIATION WITH OTHER WORTH-WHILE TOUNG WOMEN 114 A WEEK TO START MISS STEVENSON 1031 ARCH ST. r any of the following If more conenlnt: nirss SMITH 40 Market St. MISS ORR 28 W Cheltn ave. MRS- BAXTER Open Ham. 120 S fi2d at. to 9 D. m. r t BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. CAMPBELL'S SOUPS ESTABLISHED IMP fc OfRLS AND WO.rEN I MCST BE OVER 1 TEARS OF AGE arRL8 MUST FURNISH PROOF OF AGE j 1 FOR KITCHEN WORK ' V PREPARING VEOETVnLE . MEATS ETC I. ALSO GENERAL FACTORY WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT MINIMUM STARTING RATE t JIB AND ll FOR 4t HOURS t TIME AND HALF TIME tw OVER 48 HOURS INCREASED AUTOMATIC M.I. Y TLENTY OF OVERTIME l V JOSEPH CAMPBELL COMPXNY SECOND ANO MARKET ST. B CAMDEN. N J CHILDNURSE, experienced entire rr of XAChlld 2 jears old Apply between 1 and 2 m. Mrs Bell 1127 spruce st CHILD'SVNURSE. exn white, for entlr care of two children 3 and B years old r't yiO Glenn rd Ardmnre Phone Ardmore 1 7 2 CLERKS Usuall Its first LEARN then EARN W are giving GIRL with at lat J .years' High School education a chance to EARN while LEsRMM, t business methods iThe posl'ions are oten TODVY so t, don't Mil for the Monday rush c I'll look for YOU h Mrs Lindas Paunn CURTIS PUBLISHING CO C 7th and Sansom st8 I a ' If xou take a 1o Keep it i CLERK Young woman for file clerk in gen- ' eral Insurance office mutt ha good du cVtlon and b Intelligent, quirk and alert APrly iltT II m Har i. fnae 3U'I ajnut st OLERKS for general office ork Xperleneed on checking bills I ; I emplnmeni department 21 N 2Jd st COOK, white, umporir moiun of July and TAugust In mountains best reference Ad- riTress Ean Randolph, tr Chstnui Hill QOOK wanted also waitress chnmbermjld two adults good wagea Phone llrjn jlswr 4B3 after 4pm COOK warrted whlt seashore summer months. Call Tues and Fr I . ,'IOA Icust COST CLERK waned experienced In tah'u latlng manufacturing onus on who has operated cost setern in pr ntlng establish roent preferred In answering staM xpri pe and salarv expted p an p n u,, jl3 DIMIWA'HKIH FOn REsTAl'IIANT WORK APPLY RUREM' OF EMPI.OYMENT WANAMAKER'S DRRSSMAKHR KXPERIKM'KD APPLY ni'REAl OK F.MPI.OYMENT J WANAMAKKR S jilLB CLr.K " XDerieneed one vvllllnr to do general office work F P WaM A i'o Ohurch and Paeons me Frankf'id J FINISHERS J ON HF.Gt'I.VllOS WORIC J APPLY PIRKM' OF KMPIiVMFVT J WANAMAKKR 3 nrrKRS tlV LVrilK- IHlK'X.r ATPLV fl RKAI" OF KMPIAIV VIFVT W VAMKhR S rniNOD knotter id Lindley .Mrg in,. A ,and Cambria sts 4thJloor U1RL over ttt veers nf sg to awslst in operation of Hdilressodrrfrh ms h n, l deess P 32 P n lb' men ITIRL colord cooking and downstairs vvnrk, for seashore reference required Phone Diamond 2160 J OJIll., Protestant for linusewnrk In small family 21"" en' nn., et ! C.IRI.S- tnn wvv TKri j OVKR IH YKARS til" VOK i IN CKIXRETIE DKPARTMENT J NO KXPKIlll.NCK NIJCBSSXRY ! LltlHT. IRY FACTORY I DKsinviit.i: stp.ady work I 32 WI1F.KS A YKAR HUT ll'NCIIKS SKIIVKD , AT I.KHh THAN Ci mT coon vw i:cni. i.u.sT trlaijilm1 "iJtlOrrri' t MVKIIS TOIIPmi io . 3D AND ONI Ulio ST Dtni-4 over HI v,ars s'eady iiosiuui sn.i.l wages. H-hour week Krledbtr. i at.w Hfx, Co,, 4tltH) N IMh st neat Wavne Junltlotl Hill,;, vaiinien 101- iwiii num. I'lwiiriiis i.oi necsii.aryi aood vrures lo .tart. Con so I lltl,a wanted for lllit work, t!pr)ein not npoa ii. S ( I MrM,t on HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS AND YOl NO WOMEN for light work PAl'KINO, ICING ANO MISCELLANEOUS Experience not nrrarv Pleaxant urrnundlnits, rnnlil ailtanccment Lunch served at cost APPLY NATIONAL niSCUIT CO., 1.101 Glenwood ave. lilHI. we are In need of our help If ou are nmbltlnua to succeed and mnko aood n'RKea. call for an tnterle isianed) II K ("one iif the alrls"). Keebler-VI Ilak inB Co . SS N 2i'd si GIRLS and women We are starting another new department and need additional help for asembllnB small electrle deMces: ex perience Is not necessary, and the work la not only Interesting, but has mans advan tages our factory Is light clean and up-to-date, our foremen are courteous and will Assist vou In eery way poswble to become expert In our work Apply II T Palste Co . 3201 Arch st and Inquire for Miss Ollmore our eanPlnMnenl manager. GIRLS Girls U to Ifl ears of age. for messenger ventre stork nr office position AddIv De- partrnent of Personnel Floor 4W Filbert st STRAWHRIDGE t CLOTHIER GinLS for pleasant light work in several departments of our baker. such as pack ing, boxing and wrapping cakes, clean, well entllated workrooms, hours. 7:1.1 to S 10. Saturdn 12 lit salarv to start ML'. tcr I manent position Apply .1 F I Ins Son, Ire 1127 N Rroad Ask for Mr Rogers I GIRLS wanted for silk mill experience!! 1 hands and learnera needed, steady work, good wages and bonus, dinner sered t treasonable price tike car Route No 11, Vo 12 or No 13 ppl Grlswolil Worsted I Co , Darhi Pa GIRLS on light machinery, learners paid well I and a good opportunity for permanent po ' sltlon Oehrle Hro Co . 421 N M GIRLS wanted to work In coll winding Oe- partrnent General Electric Co 122,1 Wnshlngton ne HOUSEWORK - Girl white, wanted for housework and cooking no laundn . nu country surroundings Call a IS E Gren wood ae Irfinsdowne or phone Lansdowne . JOB TRESS FEEDERS Toung ladles with or without experience a splendid onportunln l offered In our print ing department to careful and Industrious feeders, unexcelled working conditions. 44 hour week with rest periods Apply Emplomnt DeDartment A M COLLINS MFG CO 221 Columbia ae KNITTERS, experienced on Eppler machines Oehrle Bros. Co 42.1 N 3d l.ADY'h MAID Permanent position out of own. mut be pood enmtiese and natr- dresser M 3.1.V Ledger OfTtr LADY'S .MAID, settled white, willing exp , , In sewing city ref . Protestant pref Call Thiirsdsv after " a m . iim --isi s- LM'NDRESS. white temporar months of luly and August In mountains best rufei. mcr Address Evan Randolph .Ir i"h nut Hill UtNG-DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATING IS THE MOST INTERESTING WORK IN THE CITY FOR YOUNG WOMEN 11 I PER WEEK TO START FINE OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT APPLY AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ROOM 7M. BOURSE RUILDING FOURTH T BF.I1W MARKET A. M. TO .-. T M SEE MISS JENNINGS I MAID and light chambermaid wnra country and seashore, must h fond of older rhjl- drn and good ewer Phone Ardmor l'tl Mrs S B Lloyd MARCEL WWER EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT ANAMAKER S MULTIORAPH operator Applv Chjrl-s ' Palste Co !'27 Arch t id floor .... t.Mn.k n Vm.Hi nn Protestant experienced tl3M City Itn- Overhrnok :nn vv NURSERY GOVERNESS white; ,: children. it 10 venrs o.d reference required K. 1U1I. Mount Holl, N J s OPERATORS ON MIDDY BLOUSES ANO BLOOMER"! , APPLY BUREXU OP EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEK S npfjl TORS on all parts of high grade hirt l"o learners tn be paid a nor, I alii while learning Treedman Roedei h.im i , lentli floor I'll Walnut st T'Pi:R Hi FOR v-TVYIM PHLV PAPKR KXPKRIKN'CBD C,ini MAi'HINK PIULADKI BOX '" 1 T Til VMl HIDtiF. AVK SI KN URAPHKR tor lni offite must t . ..r,r,,l hours S 30 to 1 oturrla" H 'lit to 1 good opportunltv for advan.ern.nt cood Hmry to -ight pnrt Arpiv t t- rardington. Amerlcjn Mores Co tth nd Noli,' SrKS'oORAPHBR -Toung lady for treasurv nd ac-ountlni: department of le-u- ma chinery tnnufai-turlng stabllhm " mut b- MUlilt nd an urate in rP', ',""" exp cilniv d-slredeti i 1,11 I- leer Off -I KMC.RPHi:il anustonted legs . ..!, ..r... anl n,.ltlfin CTl,. d nHllirV O eptnble p Viinres1. J r,iii-i -iimhi v I m nctr 1 II. I STEVtxSR PHIIR xprincl. permanent pnsitmn In clothing manufaetur'ng house Drv fou Lang Mulford Rldn Hroad and WhIIh e SIS . m-l cj-et- v ,,, r nil I--I1 V-Aunir nt IV th -on! ex'perlem'e pe-manent posmn manufoe turei s fp'-e Ortlt cim Mui'i"' P (t Hov l"l jlhMttJRAPMIIR vnuni ladv experienced 'or large office in central n-clmcr In reply I've see experience and hh a- ctxpetted J!VTjJ4e jgerjOff lce TKNOORAPHKR nt" r nced on fehnlenl .ml cninmerci.ll dlt'.'n I . I em i ment department .1 s 2Jd t .TTiSlXJItAPlfKIt expj-letl eil fill ee.reHi lal position 1 c, r .tnplovment depirt m.'nt J I .N 2-'dsl - I F.NmlKAPIIlfR Dictaphotre operatoi per. manent position stte experience ecluca t , on andeMaj-yR! .J"J -1 JlU'S -2 '1 "" b I i:oiiRAPIirit xpenen ed nernianent position give nge experl. nee and al.ir expected I' Iia: '-rfMiger nine. TKN'Of!RAPIinR In l-ivv office state et- i.enenie and salarv ' ' J 1 H Ledger Qfni IFACHERU v.perl,ilits one for spelling etc iinother for business jrltlitnetl. Htme see educa'mn upe-linre W hen dlsetlC.lgecl s. arv r. oulred for 33 hours w.eklv 1. n,.,mhst.rnl PJ1S J .dg.r Orfce T;LKPIIiisK UPKRATISU- Previous ex perleme Is not r. iiulrc-d 411 opportunity to .rnrL in u centra nPlce nesr i.iiir ir hours are shori iittniitive surroundings dm ng aid rest r oin 11 1 snd rpid idvancemini -'' villi vith si The Re 1 1 T wreU to StHlt Mtss Stevenson enhone Cn rr.l.KPIIoNF OI'F.RA TORv- tfrlM evpr, ,ncd cm teleph in. I" s. licit ltd V en lll. ml pav nlrv hii.i Imnus -' ,,'"r, V" ' Pirker Classin.d llcnrfrlniini Pllblli l.edll r , iltn and I'h'stnui ' IVPHT- u rip. I n.iuin e TYPIST .an step ahead t. a huhlv PK'd nosiiii.n i niiTXPHMNB OPKRA TOR Well teach vou and tw ou wniie lesrn Jll ner week for first month 117 Per week fi sec mid month lis per vek for third month rome and m nidav Mrs Lndas Ps'ion i I KTIH PI'IILIHI.MI I Till and Hansom st f will Hike Job keep It 1 v7MSTAN!i i'IERK Young ladv fur cost department of Urge machinery ma'-ufar. turlnr establishment must be good at figures hiii I iiulrk nd an ui ate on the tviM-w it r nil'. ." ..... . ........m .. .rv He n reoiy Slrtie nr -,.-, ,-..- - ...., v 132 LedSe llffiie I YPIKT periiiaii' "1 position -ooii rname for silvalicetiient IhI. . xperirri. e cdui , ti .n indH.ilHr nnt P 121 1 , llBerorfl, e 1 vT'le-T whi fid li I 'r.e Imnk lie bi.us one ,i is familiar with iiilmi'ii.r.iph tnultl p4ih Mini f 1 1 1 1 k also t 'J li'l i; owriit. tele n , s.l!tchlK.MrdP!22! LiKer ortlcer TYPIHT Ilxperlenred on follow inr up or , Urrs I 11 I eniployinent department 21 N 22d si i rpjKT w.ni-,i. nn who cart c 1 ITPIhr wfnien. ".-"-. who riinj operate tl' HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESSES WHITE ' FOR TEA ROOM ArrLT BUREAU OF BMrLOTMENT WANAMAKER'S WAITRESS -and chambermaids two ejp. white girls. In restaurant nd hotel. Ap Ply Friends' Arch St. Center. 804 Arch St. WAITRESS experience, for htgh-elasi res taurant, good wages and meals. Applt to Mr" c'order. 1004 Chestnut st. Com ready to work. . WAlTnESH and cook, nrhnta place. . In mountains. In Philadelphia In winter; Protestants .1.1H 3 Unmd st , WEAVERS experienced on narrow ribbon! Aaron Mfg Co . 4000 N 18th st . near Wanc Junction. WINDERS and doublers, with an opportunity to learn on Eppler knlttlnr machines Oehrle Bros Co 42,1 N. 3d WIWHV penernl work. In family of adults' modern home In Oermantown, near Oermantown ae . work compara'Uely Hunt . wages i to rigni person, iim-.i iiw.- uin-j ence a mod place and an excellent home for some one Telephone todax Oermantown t 4427 WOMEN EXPERIENCED IN THE MAKING OF WAISTS AND FINE LINOERIE APPLY BUREAU, OF EMPLOYMENT ' WANAMAKER'S WOMEN AS CLEANERS FOR DAY AND NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S WOMEN to inspect and 'repair fringe ex nerlenred needlewomen can make goon wages Oehrlo Bros Co 423N 3d YOl'NO girl, tplst for gcnrai Insurance office. gool education mut b rapid ana accurate ApoU after 11 a m Hare ft Chase 300 Walnut st i General BUSINESS SERVICE CO. 1114 Land; Title Clerks Tptta, Bkprs . Slenns tlR-X-'fi HELP WANTED MALE AGENT A profitable public utility corporn tlon. lecnted In a splendid field Is contem Plating a capital and operating expansion n considerable proportions, and would like to get In touch with a reliable fleial agent compe'ent to handle the proposition promptly and effectual! nil communications will of .-mini, ! treated connoennau -' -i course '" ' Ledger Office AwT,ir.l.T maitl. snrcnders wanted s'cad work Appl 11 St Johns ManMlle second i , fer"J fi.ir rear am N Urnart st n"rr irruvt('S hsuffsur and cene ntllttt men fsmlllar with Ford and Bulrk I cars r U 1 Kmpioymem urimriiiinn 21 N 22d st ' U'TO MECHANIC for private garage mut b thoroughly cxr-rlenced on all mak's 'of trucks steady position and good iMn Xrrly 122" N '-"th st i BOILERMAKERS XVD MACHINISTS Out-of lown wik aood pay Applj: to CAPTAIN IAMES TATE BOOKKEEPER A large printing plant In renter of cIM Is In need of a bookkeeper goo! oppnrtunln for the right man. Pelrce graduite t,referrd state age experience nd salary expected address in own handwriting. ( am Ledger Ofllce llfVlRKEKPER double entry for wholesale grocers house. on who can prepare sta tistical statment monthly, stnte previous exp-rlcm-p P 12nn ledger Office BOOKKEEPER Wanted an -xprlenced man for indlldunl ldger lookkeper In a nntlonal hank Repl with references i C 2jyL;dgerOfflcje BO Y wanted-for gneral olTlce work must ! rT l'l ears of age prefernbl on, with g.ammir school education ppl Mid rfle Steel nnd Ordnance Cn Room lain Wldener Building between the houis of II and 12 HOY oer 10 active. Intelligent and ambl-. I tlous, to team advertising and selling: ex ee'llent chance for advancement In pay snd position Apply after 2 3D p m to Mr. I Vstcott Jdtei '""a depar'ment. Tub! c ledger lh and Chestnut HOY Office of manufacturing company In the enter of th c!1 wants a bo . must be oer Id esis nf age and have had grjim mar s' hool education gooil opportunity for arhancement '3'G .edge- Office BOY wnnteil in stoikrooi. good permanent position Applv 33d at entrance Electro- ' Dntal Bldg fifth floor 33d and Arch st. H T Pante I.Q 3J01 Arch st , iny wanteil Bright neat bo wanted In I office of fnctorv to make himself gener al useful chance for advancement Brown A llallev IlliX Pranklln t ROY to work m cord room with opnortumtv lo learii i. good trade ttehrle Broe i tjl V .11 st imS 1'1 venrs of ase experienced In tvlng In warps vppi itusn a. uiamorm. jasper i nnd Ontario Us RRA.KEMEN $ WANTED FOR OUT OF TIIF CITY PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 16J3 FILBERT ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. RRAKCMKV IHUKK11EX Hit VKK.MKN" IIRAKIIMKV RRAKHMKN HRAKBMBV RRAKKMIIS' IIRAKKMKV HRAKKMIIV -xienelif -ft nnd Inexpertenreil 21 to tn unntd for Pittsburgh free transnorlHtlon nc, fees Applv at once 20S V I nth st hrakh.mkn iirakbmkn rraki:mi:n Y.ird lirskeniu "ip-rlened mn pief rre.l for Jersev t'liv and vlclnltv good wag-s and full board For full paitiruUrs see ,-om-panv s representative after 7 a in all day 221 N 13th st R' RnT (CIM ORKDl FOR RBTVI'RANT APPI V RCltKVI OF LMPI.OYMLNT WANAMAKKR S ( R III ILDBIIS ihnroushlv expernnce.l bhikI working conditions steaih cmplnv menr Applv emplovmeni depnrtment p R T t'o York i-oad and Lucerne si CKAirNT FI.Mt-IIKRS wantei) union men: II pi r linu. long lob steadv ivorl, Vpnlv emplovment department ears Roebuck op eration Irwin v I ighton nntrmtors. Rookevelt bouleVnrd unci A"ilum pike Take r i iioKiiiru -I land Cemelerv irnnsfer tn Oh k- CLKRKS Yniins men .ih Keneral and Junior i lerUs t ft I i;mtniivment iiepartineni l V jjcl t - -- IillAFTeMA.N ixpeneiiie.i in rallwav ion stiuiiliKi and maintenance vvnrk also thi. clesiun and call u la tlon uf street rallwav spe - e hi w.'i U A "Plvr J l-'i I eoee r c mice i:i.i; ATtlR llPIIft V rult mlnrel pply C II ltld Hllil ' hi smut st L.MilM.llll i-teadv work pil 1.' II llecd ll'Ml I heslnut st i i:rtllN'H l'Y wanted Vpplv shlppine1 depHrllpent rrannlhi ' llrnvvn t llallev c o llll N K.VWllMiRS on mens suns .spply third flooi. Snellenburir Clolliinit o . Ilroad and VV illace sts KVi TORY SCPKRISTKMIRVT f. r well known cnocoiate iiciniifaclurliiK pisn' Inrpe iipportimitv for inpible mnn n.aiiriani fiat apilb.in' should have h.d experlen, . in he same ur HinulHr line, must bav ahilln to mnnc.e ill answer, ticnl, I 'ii strbt icinflilenre Mdress 1 n.) Ledger i Ifflce HILI.IN't, i LKRK iilutiibliiic upnl business I fi Iohni"iC" lnc III N 7th i riNlSIIKRS All around hardwood llnlslu rs furniture unlsher nlfers rubbers spraieie ind PHlnters t d work, iome rcadv for work t.0r PLR HOUR nEonut: W h.MITH CO. 8 4Uth st belowOra. ave. FOINDRY " HELPERS w.nTed nn brass work Apply Bchoen. Jackson & .Co , VX'nle- nnH Vlirflln Sts. I .V HELP WANTED MALE FIREMEN FIREMEN FIREMEN FtllHMEN FIREMEN FIREMEN FIREVEN FIREMEN FIREMEN experienced, wanted for ntlsburglti frca transportations no lees. Apply at oncei 208 N. 10th at. FREIGHT ELEVATOR OPERATORS EXPERIENCED TO HANDLE HEAVY MERCHANDISE ArrLT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S j FREIGHT HANDLERS wanted: wages !W rents per hour regular' time. 75 cents per hour nlenls Sundajs nnd holidays; plenty of work Apply Sleedor, Pier 2". S. Dclawsre b? Merchant and Miners' Transportation L'ompan). GRINDERS and polishers wanted on light brass work. Apply Schoen, Jackson A Co , Wa t e r and Mifflin sts. LARORERS LABORERS LABORERS For track work: high wwges: full time, rain or shine, hoarding accommodations on the Job. For full particulars call at 221 N. 15th at LMIORERS wanted, white or colored long Job. stesdv work, plenty of overtime. M cents per hour. Sears, Roebuck & Co oper stlon, Irwin & Lelghton. contractors, Roose elt boulevard and Asvlum pike Take Frnnkford ne car. transfer to No .. Oakland Cemetery. LABORERS, IS pr dav. ard and construc tion work. V O I Co.. Tioga st . east rr Richmond, or employment department. 24 N 22d st LABORERS, colored. Chestnut st. Apply Mr. Haas. OOfJ LATHE HANDS Experienced In handling gun work on large lathes 11et of pay and permanent position Apply MIDVALi: STEEL AND ORDNANCE CO. 4301 Wlssshlckon axe. LATHE HANDS, rough work. Apply M. Dougherty Co . 1020 Wo ahlngton ave. MACIIINVT. EXPERIENCED ON WILCOX , alWS OVERLOOK AND SINGER'S (.IMP) STYLE MENDING AND EDGING MA('IMNES oOOD WAGES AND STEADY n-ORK. NORTH AMKIlli A.N liAtK CO , sTH ST AND ALLEGHENY AVE. MAN Experienced man, assistant foreman In mllkhouse: give experience age and salary wanted C 21.1. le'daer Office. MEN TO WORK IN MATTRESS TACTORY . APPLY WANAMAKKR FURNITURE WAREHOUSE N E COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE MEN WANTED TO DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONEY APPLY 7AM TOMORROW THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. WAREHOUSE DELAWARE VE AND TINE ST. MEN :,nn for out-of-town work, good ri . V tt'.Tfl t-o vurn iPT ITIOV! tv'h m i !" . 't'., ' '' ,.".- '.v-'' ROWtD, NO STRIKi; APPLY F VV . L'Olt BROAD AND VINE STS MEN foloreil. wanted ic, help l pressroom hniidllng stock nnd washing prssei Brown a Bnllev Co nn N Franklin st MEN wanted for wurU In shipping ilepjrt . -till N Ur.ink- ment Ilrown I Hail, v i I ii st MEN wanted, steadv -irong and active work In feed stor. i II 11 iieioier nier o - - i xtlantlo 2211 Germnntovvn ave xtt'trtfinAi'ir oPIMilolt Tn. Refining Co hns a deirthle opening for en experienced oprrat i replv. sitting age experience, etc.. to R I Campbell, ,1111 Pt-svunk ave . MI'LTIflRAPII oprt(. Pite Co l'.'7 Vich t Vpplv Chsrles MHcnnd Mnnr VIOIIT 1VATCIIMW "bite age an SO nights a week nnie ele.mlng to do ref and fldelltv bond mi H V Il-wees " " Chestnut st PMNTIIRS wfnted on w,igon work Appls Sunnlee-Wllls- lones J123 Ridge ave papkr iioxni i:pi;rii:nci:i) man COR HOItll I'VniM! MVCIIINK ALL SMALL WORK PHILV PVPF.R HOX CO I7TII AND RII'Ci: Vl. PORTRRS coloreo pplv A Ilias DOS Chestnut r.t PRINTINC. h'-TIMvron Philadelihla plant requires nn csMniatnr nnint be evnerlenced In estimating on li ah grade ctitalogue and booklet work vt in fiii stnttnu experlenie k and Sftlnrv cxpertel r 3n2 Ledger Off SALESMAN Vt i nee , xperlenred whnlemle grocery salesman who can deliver the , goods and mak. S'nnn per vear or more on 1 commission In a irn d territory, quick action necessarv wire nge nmount of sales last I vear. date on ,sn visit u no beginners LETTS FLF.TCIIER CO s V irshnlltown la SA .ESMK.S W vv mt men of cx.eptlonal abilltv to ..ill cn phislrlans and druggists with a product f ,rurlt don t snsner unless nu hh nnnort h In our nlillltv nnd iMi M' mlitlon w hir iilillitv lt rcnun.-'"i aj ir Hni xTnRii in our npinit mittii - v e- r i ir-ii' mill iriri nit rs I' llh I I Cifflre ''"'ce SAI.KM!.S h " i ,m utieiilni; for a man wlih i i IHv nere and rfmbltlnn one who aspires i, I "r bin condition In life snd Is villlniR t. r. p rt for work at li and worl. at Irn 7 louts m .Uv must quslifv as i icbllitv iinrl haiHcter Call Walnut .lull for hhiicilnini. KAI.C-MPN COR LOCAL INVKTMBNT ! sKcrrtiriKv. lkadi ki'iinihiied to RnPCIVHI.C APPLICANTS II nor, i.r)tjRH nFPICFj. - AI Li-Mr N -We urn pnvlnir our salesmen from ll'i" to f .1011 per week an extensive advertlsink iHlutialKn oo an Issue of merit llHCee.l t, ihaln stor, ipcn of Igiin experi en, inske1 it possible I1il t ommonweHlth lUdy 4 M.KVII.N An hoiii st. ambitious clean- ,. "ur. jS-'n "V-Me'Tu,hVrademm, any.M buine Pnr particulars hppIv OHIiHln Urns 1 Up UiamOnd -IIOD mil, h Vi .. t. . 1 l'i t milt st :. - vtsrkit 5Ai i:kmi:n antld Fnl It r.XPKRIKNt KD STOCK SALKS. MFS 1 1 Kill (III A OR SECURITY LO CAI. I NTKRI'ltlSr? ADDRLSS P O HOX I "H PHILADELPHIA SAI. I MBV-(lood men to sell first preferred sin, k nf well known local business eood pr iposltion Klve experience and terms. t 'II Ledger Office Hul.li'lTOR fur t niiiden Hnd Otouiestb, must lie oxperlrnc 'd t7 per month and oinuiisslou Appl Eastern Telephone Co .til nliove Federal st Camden v-OLH'ITOIl to solicit membership Walton Vuto Leamie 7.i4 H iirniiii st rESVKIRAPIIERH exjier'enced for en r.i I office work (' 0 I Employee in i nai hiii nt 21 N '2d st viiii'K SVI.I.H MANAOElt new Imnlilni: mil (InHnclnir lompunv arc ready to sill i heir pr, ferred stock issue and want llle seniles of an exceptionally lilKh-crmle etui i NHiesman to handle t lit Issue vvllli a for. 'of salesmen this is nn ittrar'Lc propose ' Hon nnd an excellent opportunltv for a hlir . Lrade man state pnsi cii'enrne..' nu i.-iuhi tlon a. well as njaklnif statement of past sn oinpllsliment.. P 1220, Ledger Off lev STOCK HALKSMKN wanted, with or without experience. n. .,ijn", -,, ." rnlonlal Trua- win, BTRAYKR on steel furniture. Apply II. p, IMuihertr, iiin iw ,nQi.n) I ", ? HELP WANTED MALE TYriST Young man. 10 ambitious, nulck. accurntw. to learn employment workl stato salary wanted and, full particulars. Post offlco Box 1404. Philadelphia. WANTKD. bv new truit company, tha fnl lowing: Tltlo officer, teller, watchman ann stenographer. Apply Thursday, between 12 and a. 201 Fuller Bldg., In fl, 1lh at, f vnuWjy.'KP. AND rOLISIIERS rArKR!N,.,W,.'v HUVATE MOTO - A! ' ,,.Y.,,WAV.A'MAK,:'a GAltAOE S W. COR. 23D AND WALNUT ST .MOTORS tAOE UT STS, WATCHMAN, experienced on hollers; 2 nights off n month. Apply if. D. Dough ertv. 17th St. and Indiana ave iwu.i .man In olTlce of large wholesale furniture house, one with some experlenco with stork books and handling hrders pre ferred, permanent positions good opportunity rr bright loung man, ndancrment nssuicds state age. experlenco and salary expected P O Hox 5102. YOUNG .MAN ns assistant to shipping clerk In large wholesale furniture house: one with some experlenco In shipping preferred, permanent position, good opportunity for right man. state age, experience and salary desired, p. O, Box BI02 YOU NO MAN full of pep, who Is seeking big proposition, can secure n permanent connection by applying to 404 Shubert Bldg, between 1 nnd 4 p. tn. General OREKNEWALirs SPECIALIZED EMPLOYMENT SERVICE sl'P'T building const. Job carpentry etc, SCPT'S asst drills, presses. Jigs, tools. FOREMAN milling machine, setter tip SUPT. familiar with soup making. $3000. FOREMAN worsted . cotton yarn exp. STOREKEEPER Install practical storekeep Ing svstem for 11,000.000 stock.good wages FCTORl aystemntlier. oersee stores dept MATERIAL nnd supplies man. mfg. exp. I1KPR handle, control nccts. BKI'RS . beach front hotel (permanent). HKPH , handle frrelgn exchange .!'ERlv.2 !rn' 1frj claims, ratings, etc. CLERKS Juniors with mfg exp. CHiy.'MR ""! 'fel1nt large corp. (fem.1 r.'i',-,A.Ti;,!J.c,y ,pre"Ltl'nt '" orp (fem.) EXECUTIVE office & factory positions. N'o enrollment charges. No ch'arge unless position Is actually accepted Applications frnm local and suburban residents ONLY m.S,!2.E ?K1VICU CO. Ill LamfTltle A CCTS Highest, tvpe, traveling, unnon, ,.r.A fl Supervise, coat and gen.. $7200. "ft' 5' Coal manufacturing, gen.. 12100, 'J,1 JJfJJS".1 i lron and ir1 Products. $.1S U'.'rSrr.1?1' tpit. bin gen 120.130 Rl,.Ai,irS?.'EN iMfchanlcal lines, 12100 up. I.NOLNEERS Industrial, efficiency IBOOn, MR Lmplojment coal mining 12,1-140 SALLff Llec prod , familiar with auto ac- ,,0,';n.1.vloc',l lrrltory $3000. STATISTICIAN Soft-coal lines STEVOORAPHERS PRI 8RCY . 1"VJ30 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE GOVERNESS Engllshw-oma n or arled ex perlenre In child tralnlngiand care, assume entire responsibility feeding, hygiene, etc rno ..iin v. . ,n, irHKe mng . Kaston. I 'a NI'RSi: Oraduate nurse. Protestant, wlshe's position with Invalid lady or gentleman, will assist with housekeeping. C 124, Led. Off SITUATIONS WANTED MABE ACCOUNTANT, high grade. estemntlzer anl tax specialist open for permanent Connec- I tlon with I'hlla corn June 1.1 o 22.1. Led Off I ARTIST Younc man years' art training I veil advertising. desires position with I -irilst or art department chance to learn business c 221 Ledger Office BUTLER-VALET Englishman, desires posl mimi i i-iviriitra I'llonn rt.lll j Kenslnc ton for Interview H 2.132 N, Mascher st CHAI FFLUR and cook, white, man and wlf desire positions together, man tlmr nughly experienced on high-grade cars, woman good ponk. best references C 22d, Led O ff E. ECUTIVE Efficient man capable 7ni alert experietued accountant nml nnhli,,,.. uirci-nti . iirmiFB 1'iiwninn r 11.14, l.,ed 'Iff " '" h HOUSEMAN or butler colored desire. nn.' iltv seashore or suburbs, ref, ., X 37th M VN 1 there some one that can use a good mitt for the nfternnon hours' Light dutv messencer lollectnr errands, etc , small re muneration liest references Address W A 22'i S 3d st REAL ESTATE Ft.sui inie Young mnn tie sires part time position until 1 p m . nn nooKKeeper. ,'ieru'ni rei -v L'l l.ed Mlth HARVEY llllll Rlttonhnii-e square Wanted reliable help for every capacl t v WXNTeTi at office 312 S 12th. first-class cooks laundresses waitresses, clumber'ds. STORAGE AND MOVING CLEAN AS YOUR HOME GLENWOOD STOB t!': AMi CARPET CLEANING fill RIDGE A E Separate lotked rooms 'o ;il mid long-dls tanci moving tru, k service Phnn" mond HI"!' Park 1 ISI evenings nnd " I dovs Wyoming TERMINAL WAREHOUSE AND TRANSFER CO i olumhln ave west of lSih st. local and innw-ii!Hni-e iii",'"n u i-f.uiirous expert- eni.d men ilean dustproof rooms for furnl- turf lei us Mniinifn, jiiiiii,' uiainonq 4472 Phone evenings Wyoming .'ilS3 J Dougherty & Sons Storage i . ii .... - . . l,el our aii-i-mi i i,t iui wiuviiiK U our rell- . able nnd caieful men tail Poplar litis Key. I M'OOe i wie. , i., iiikmi imumi, iim lllOOU H7J VICTORY STORAGE 3200 rilbert. for estimate Phone Belmont in;n Plerce-Arroiv vans Miller, North Broad Storage Co. i Itroad abovo L,enign I'nnne Diamond 74IV Moving hrlck and fireproof stotage packing' i fm packing 4 shlnrlng nf household oTi.i. employ THE JOHN nilOAOS I'd StSage Moving Carpt Cleanliuc 4137 Lnntaster av riDBLITY FIRHPROfiF W V IlKIIOf.SEa 1811 TO ISlIt MARIvKT T r"-'a MONARCH STORAI1K CO n"1 (.a war i l r. iv ,.i. ,.m,.t t-i,j,,.i, r. r.iinfAnTe PACKINtl LOS'Q.DISTANCB ii)Vtsci 20TH CENTCRY storage Warehouse sbT lutelv fireproof; speo. piano plnt g t, ru ni..,..l.Min trans mA ,1'in .-.'. rm i'-i" - ," ,,,, amrK-t. I jiAPKORD 3310 N' Water f lean separilt", j rooms for storage joining 2.'!'i3 J i WANTED DON'T SELL YOUR DIAMONDS : ... . ... ... ll' n Until VOU evn un y" . - urtiiRK I fie in rrease.l price for dlamciiiil l-or m.,r. ihn I BO years w have been buvlng diamonds and other precious Ktoncs from th Ijtge iweirv and deiMrtmcnt stores nnd ftoni then pub tomcrs recommended to us W, .. i - , i,v ,M cold nnd sllvei Slav we be f s. rvlce to )0.i?Our transai tloiw ijre "... inficf. i,. 1IipsR LJ'1T '1- Wiliiut t WE Rl'Y wotnei's. men's and children s worn clotlilnis and shoes best price, Prti our nutos call nt your convcnleine in , in or loimtrv tiostal or phone viern Rftrcnin Hoiis. M7 N 4th st Mniket J4 "rL,i,n WE WANT at once, household furniture, store fixtures office furniture pJ4 epot cash, honest value: phone us nboui it locust 4214 Old Church Co ,.12lh mul fheiry tts Ml-NS OLD CLOTH I W. HOI fun Ms prll es oeei iii'-n "" " ' 1 cior, hiiv ' one else v.. Cell unywnere , i"' r.i ,l,, V!lJ!l ! ... '""'N -1LN "th st . ! HAHY CAUliiAiir. or gomrc or good an- peaiance and nrsi-ciass lonuiimn Address , i KIJ lllRT IIIIUIVC- Jn-'i''' "".-'i'r- .ij.i,m coins, . , ,.A,,i ..i, nrlre 1 Nil Inn a, 1 -... , ..' ...rk I....I.U ahllftll.. ,,u...i.. ti,..u il'eonle'a Store), 2(111 S 11th W.ii'iiw.i' i ..tiuVp furniture til ti i s li, , ,,i,. I A ' jw ,,,-. hl.hi'nt pin,. ., L '! " ,,iT,ri. Antiques ltl.Ti Pin , ,, Vii'iu rare nieces aim iuji . n i ,st jm.ii 1 PAY hlahest price. lor oiii clothes snd snoes ejHi i""-'e -" "--j i -Hiiownin PAST l'V CLOTH INO - HUhest" prices rmj,l1Islpern 2I1 N luh st Jjn n2jlftw l.lill.v men i clntlilntf. hluh m i,n,0s tuf ' , I- tuns Krledmicn s I 1 1 1 s. utb t I'LOIIIKS Cast-off shiiea Imuu i Write or nbone iJneldmiin -'-' Poplar Pi r 70111 W BUSINESS PEIIS0NA3 DIAMONDS BOUGHT "'" Positively hlanest rasn jirn s rr vniir dla DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS noi-oii r t'ltOM I'ltiv rt i i.,n,t tx TIIAN1CTION'H CONFIDEMIVi fU'l.l. VALFK PAID (OI.ONIM, IJtl -tr RANK "tit HOI Rh 113Alei ( . ., ""DIAMONDS BOUGHT NY HlZlli '."".i- M "HIEi'l Pawn Tickets for Olainonds HoiikIiI KP.LI Y t 0,I32 CIII.STNI'T ST. tejil 220 'J!L1 "'luriint jvivata Bull - DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY V SMITH 717 RANSOM ST HAVi: o''r o''l h',,,', "Vf1'!" remodeled Ilk. "new Standard Ilaby Carriage, 2310 V 7th st PhonaMaln Bill I A ' A81IP.S retnoved from cellars all "klndsTTf haullnif j!one813l)uttonvvoodMkt- 440 ilRASS HEDS made equal lo new, estimate, "'tvee .1 L KeetlHIl 31(11 Ludlow .',"""1" ELVfcTRIc' r.'''1n'.'n!l,,1l-nlcurlnV Room 105, Heed Hldg . 1316 Fllbsrt t, Ixie.jggj' ELECTRIC TllKATMENT also m.nlcurln., Office, 4142 Mirket st second floor. Carpenter ' JobWnir. alteration atlel repair., imii inpnipaon hill) RE II aOOOS of ,ll descriptions -se paired. Andrew T. Ulrchit;. BOS S, 324 .t. nw 1 " Jenera office furniture, store tlxtures. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES I rfeW SSTt-iST'ES: MIS- HARKINS 2001 Ilainbrldge-Ei-- I OCUST 1070 1'.-' "' " ILZLli. cook, butlers Prot nnd Cath . wanted. aTr" SYSTEM for snial K,r"R"'n lnf 'u.',''n.K conks X7.1 to Sinn kltrhm mold. iuh. i '"'i.j.k.n tiumn. tank and nil nttltigs, maid" parlor maids etc, -i, (r $:it) a leal bargain Box l.li. .niw- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ... ......,. i.nw,i,i inn iwumjlllllJJJllUUHl IHIIIIllllWlllimntnJlllllUlllH.lltiiiMiiiiiiiiiiill ON LANCASTER AVE. and In U busiest block, a 3-storv brlok build lng modern In every particular! con dition A-ls buslnsa BcGvf. "d growing! owner wishes to rIIr on sco5unt of ill hcaltht price. Including Iroth property and business as well na terms of sale, will bo made most Ihterestlngs lhl l a real opportunity. H. D. Archibald (U,tMSl, iiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM EXCELLENT openlnaTIn reTlablc, "fnl"' Dusiness ror a inrisnan ninn, -nu .., cash-, must tako attlo Interest at once! busl ress Is one of merit nnd essential to all rrtn lalllo and Industrial plants! attractUe re turnss exp.unnxcessary. mechanically Inclined man preferred Estate age. former occupation, pnone number, etc in nrsi inni, "u" ;..,"' ; ply unless ou mean business and can ruin li all above reoulrementB II II IB. ledger Off. FAIRFIELD HYDRATUD UIlAIsut. MACHINE , Makes, drink from fresh oranges: i thj W sensatfon among soft .Irlnke". every bodJ atops to look nt machine "tt"Jlifn. ih.ir because the drink' Is made right "'oro their ees from real nrangess only a fow of .ypo No, I machine for Immediate delivery! i.i...n.n xnirt on hi nroducts; no aents. Fairfield Mfg Co.. 1721 Ranslcad st . fhlla- delphla, Vn SALESMEN Men's wear organization, with llnesT especial rToo.ls--cdnslder only manufacturers producing . luH-cu : unrt well, made garments, established "' '" TJ Enalfckd. New York, Pennsylvania, unto Indi9K New. Jersey and New Jork c.tys commission basis .Address D K . Public Ledger Co .1(10 Madison ave . N Y city i-OR SALE-Coal and ."'."'VooVlI In crowing suburb of Philadelphia. $ trestle lime tanks, warehouses, lumber shed and ' oitiw nec..ry ."h'io'Iiock" nd S". men'.s houses, pjlce ''.".i' A? tt?if In r. irrVBonn,Vre?.?in;UPAV7.0-redrr,0f,1co,: Ledger, FIRST-CLASS connection for i"anrct,JJl? rl..r' ... ifi,.i.,i in exporting their product, only manufacturers need apply. C 307. Ledger Office, -. and Ukrainian section J. R. Miller, -mi Orthodox st.. . ; BROOlJ-TCTORYs excellent nvtmcnt. 3 per cent mieresi. ; "Mnier "337 ...1.1, kinr. Investigate J. R Miner, -mi i AiU4n at' X&tf'AlRM&'tXte .1 R Miller am urtnoonx rt Miinv m Atlantic City, doing mouu 'Vo'sl'nesakk'sale HMO. cM.ir r(.t Head A C-nsklev. IIS Race. , "AUKANT ndo.ng j.O.v; FOB SALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED Factory Rebuilt Typewriters 'See Our New Machine, 'the Century American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT ST. Walnut 24B0. 'i:2'- I ..,, a.i.F.rony H vears old. plebad brown xtreinelv gentle and absolutely J"Vr children also foal nf the above, Mf". !! !.. Uirt not thoroughlv broken. nearly 3 ve?rs ou nt" .""."' eyre J,v : --...:,..'. n i ... ,-entle nnd oulet ann Will mime " ""'- but gentle ann n uiei harness nnd nonv aa.her mntlier """". . ..imo,t Farm. Doylestnwti Th , sac' flUcree. 'nheP!,hrourse 'atA '!?. iU",1 .'".:.; .;. i;ie nnd an rugs lolTrn?o,.Ts have been o,,,-f riu desire a hrgartim firs?. ?ai. furnishings call as soon a's "sslldat 33in N l.-,thsl Nn dearers Office Partition, Kailing & rum. Partition. II Per foot nd up r-lllng 5 IZ selection "'Penna rMrnlture Co. PI 1 Walnut st PhotjoValnuljnj " r.,i,7i7rii,iniiTiiitn "! '."-"..,.: HI.. .ehlneta snd ctl field N r I'll MR CANI SsS rushes, reeds woven ;. gen DINING-ROOM SUIT fumed oak. ft pieces: buffet dlnlng-rm extension table. 4 chain: big bargain 21H Wavne ave . Narherth. Pa. jy o HOX ili, ill' ..iiu'-uu .,,, i P1PELESS HEATERS steam and hot-water boilers, radiators valve; pipes and fit tings ttlo Stelnacker. SOSR N fith St. Tng.l m-.7 Park ini'J A REFRIOERATOUS u id fixture; for groceries ami m, ' "i"""!! tcrina If desired RANDALL & t O . 311 N .'d at. ..vri.vsrTAHI.ISHED well-euulpped carnen. ' tcr shop to be sai rlliced. good nelhhhorhood .n.l lurge trade C '.'III Ledger Office, TTtUNKr! bags, suitcases reasonable buy i i'"" ",' . ' o, , v irnl, ., pairing '1"!'Q 311 .v lytn st from inaiiuiati"" 'f. n."'Ya "u i"j . re- OOL TAIILES siconu niinu nought, sold. rented, exenanceo ivcmcr. .i. uiiHrn ave, SAFES, ilreiironf closing out 100 slightly used, modern manes, cneap iz .n i.ourtn; BICYCLE, coaster brake, $m, vnlue, X2." IlletlerB' Lin Office. 2200 South st 1'.VN1)H. mlltnetS CtC big bargains I'hliu. delphla Printer' Supply, U.1 S r.th hi ! PHuNOURAPHS rep'd records ft ononorhf MACHINERY AND TOOLS 1IACIITNRRY F.NGINES Corliss Automatic. and Slide Valve. ROlLERS. PCMPS Hoisting Rnglnes . Air i oinpressors all kinds MACHINK TOOLS Lathes. Planes Shapers Drill Presres, etc WOODWORKINO. Planers. Molders. Ikvnd Saws, etc. ..LBCTIMC Machlnerj, Dynamos and Motors. ANli BUTPLIES OF ALL KIND- FRANK TOOMKT. INC. 127-129 N 3D ST. PELSTRING'S Government Supply House sll ICATI I) v-IIIP PMM $2.50 Per Gallon m mi, cud'k with omi It Will IftNt "i pjir Innspr nn Mmr linar. than un other pnln rn.rr ckdI nn n-qupt .''tx olio, in ii) iui Silicatcd Ship Enamel WHITH $3 .'in A 1 M.LOX- W HI IK ix Rtillnni In (ii 1 1 th & Fitzwater DIILIVKIIY KRO.I STOCK 111 to 2- In New Steptoe Shapers 11 to 2n In and ail In New Sldnejs Ithes All lengths of beds Sllnhtlv uaed -3(1 In x'J'J ft lrlilcfnrd Oinied Head 3d In xld ft Tilple tienred New Haven 1 n tlisholt Turret Lathe PRANK TOOMHY INC 127 31 N ad st . Philadelphia Pa Tlell Mnrket 2H1 .Jv"'."'1":"" l'l S72II Gas Engine, Used-6 Years, in Good Condition for sile 14 h p Whlti Mlildleton. cim be seen nt 2H1 N'. nth st e, ond rtimr lte llrst floni Phone 1(71 Jos Ivorv, eei mil flciio ills Chestnut l i.Aiinr" Hmcu- - Rebuilt and unrHiittt.il nulties pumps, air end f, lSn UCKIDWORKIVU tnnihlliCH of dlfferel I kind. In Rood runnlnu older J Nuttiil I I74e N fith st 100 OHO FEET sltiKle nnd double leather beltlntr. 3 t 1" Inches wide J Nuttall, HilN fithjjt " PULLEYS" HANtlERS SIIAlTINtJ 1 ALL KINDS-ALL SIZES MOTOR EXCIIANtlE 327 N 3D ELECTRIC MOTORS MACHINE TOOLS POWER KOl'IPMBNT (V H R 1 E N MACH1NKRY CO llll N" 3 D ST DYNAMOS mutnr. and maciilnervbouilii sold we buj plunls YcarsleytCn 221 N 3d O-P G OLD OLD nufd. silver, platinum plated war., old. stylo Jewelry, teeth plate, boustit for cash. Est 11)17 J I Clark retlnei mi7 Hiinsmn CASH PAID for old mild silver and anilnue clods Iob r 4 S 17 li Lo ust I'RI D0GSL BIRDS, ETC. FOR SALE HelBluii iwllie doit I year finest brecdlne u hhovv clot. In every (lien Echu I'urin, Doylestown P.i i'i, ... ri.aU, RHirDi 11,.. od"i way STAMPS AND COINS STAMPS PACKETS) DIME SETS Album, and supplies fpr stamp rollscton flULA, STAMP CO,, 31 H. r17tb et, used automobiles The Price Tag-On a Car Isn't All the Story! , What the used car will DO is the big thing! If it won't give you satisfactory, dependable service, it s dear nt any price. Hero you can dcp6nd on two things: First, tho car we sell you can be relied on thoroughly; fiecond, vc absolutely guarantee you the lowest price in the United J3tatcs! Dependability and low'prlces have mado U3 tho largest dealers in used autos in the country! IQ70 Ffv Sednn, run less' iyzu csscx lhRn ,000 mlleiIf very low prlca for this week only. Cadillac Limousine ,0hlll,n; good, fine tire and upholstery, very special price, 19118-17 Stutetf; Cars, four and alx-pasaenger and Roadsters, soma with wire wheels nnd some with wooden wheels, In splendid condition, from 1030 up to J3ir,0. 1919-18 Hayncs.-ara"5.; Coupe; vvlro wheels; Ilk new; special price. , 1920-19-18 Hudson ocyberl; Touring Cars, Speedsters and Road sters, Limousines, Sedans j wire wheels; from 00 to $1B.",0. 9l9Hupmobile7-l?y,h.C,": practically new; very low price, Packard Twin Six j"- 7" pass Touring, also other models, Coupes, Chutnmv Roadsters and Touring, MTW) up 1919-18-17 Cadillac four-pas-nger nnd seven-pssanger, Roadsters. Victoria suburban mod iel, tin-top condition: a large va riety lo select from, llf0 up to 191 9-1 8-1 7 Chandler 77; Cars, TMiummy Roadsters, Llmous Ines. Dispatch Model, Sedans nnd Coupes. In first-class condition, rrnm IRf.n to $ ir.no 1919-18-17 Buick Tourings, R o a d -sters, Sdans and Coupes. In excel lent condition. From Lino up to 12.10 1918 Locomobile "r3S !'lmo,u- sine, benutl ft" eerj b'g sacrifice 1919-18-17 Maxwells Tour" I n g. Ill f 300 un 1919-18-17 Dodge Tourlnitj. It o a d- i .r-! fie1ans and Coupes. Llmoti e"n i v.t condition From J100 im to tin", 1919-18 Scripps-Booth rnur passenrer eleht - cvllnder Touring- nnd fnur-rv Under Rnnd- - nnd Coupes .From Hfifl up tn 1 91 9-18-17 Paige Tl",r,n' nve nii seven nnssenger lso Siiort Model and Larrhmnnt Model, like new. From 600 to I1R00. Many othorBaiRains not listcl. Terms can bo arranged to suit Send for catalog. AmMM Mmt m&pmZTf iz?. THE DIFFERENT KIND OF A USED CAR HOUSE 231 North Broad Street OPEN TODAY 9 TO 2 lHIllAIELEiSEIClS b . HUH t'MtS TO CHOOSH KltOM pi:i:iu.ns8 nun 'lourini;. i-)i run 3IUIII miles shows nn wear wlmtever excellent equipment Will sacrifice 1S1:N llllll Touring ucd I months exi client c oudltlon. fullv ciiiipnil, also lloadster In A-l coudltloii. STl'TZ lliin TourliiB I p.iss enunl to new. equipped with cord tires, wlr wheels, 2 extra vv heals nnd tires Will sacrlllcc CMll,lC 10ll Tourlns ,17 M M nractlcally brand new, equipped with slip invers. bumper. Lin.eL ourlnBs'f' absorbers, also WIH-17 and speedsters VAir mill 'Tourltur. .i-psss A-l mechanical coiulitlpn, shows iws. Jin faasllv wear whatever, splendid car A bnriralii PCKAIID lltllt Tnurlmr Twin Six. Ilp-top ahnpe. equipped with lord tins, 2 extm tires, bumper and spot IlKht At a savln-r. u ULDHMOIIILK 1H Hedan. lt.ht Six excellent mechanical ccindl tlon used verj little nlwi llllll-IS TnurlnK Cars nnd lloadslers. tl and Kol, at low prices WTIONAL HUH TourinK. ll-cvl.. very powcrfu1, used p. very short time, splendid equipment iil.o 1U1K t lub Ilnndsti-r l-pais III P.Miillll.K mill Tourinn small I A 1 tonditlnn. fullv eiiulpped. shows nn wear snap RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY I v.1.1. 'I MAT 1 249-251 NORTH Auents Wanted Open Hund'ivs. I II I Used Thi' ItinCitiK quality nnd the well-known performnnce of the Twin Six rue facts established. In addition there is that buying confidence when you deal with tho House of Packard, the "safest Used Car market in the world." Used Packards Painted, Overhauled, Warranted I'ACKAUP 1-15 "TVIN-HI." NKVION-PAKHKNOKIt TOlTIUNlS I'ACKA UI -1 X "TWIN SIX" skvi:n.tas.si:noek to ij it- I'A.MAHn ' . - IR "TWIN-HIX' HK'i:.v.PA8SHNOi:rt t u ii ti- V.lrK.U?' cf - 25 "TWIN - SIX SUDAN. CARS OF cAnii.LAr, modi:l n7, tolmhno lll'DSON TOUHlNd MOIJIII. II. 1918 t'llAIAJKUK HUVKN-PAS. SliNOKIt TOUIUNC. Any tif tlio nlifvo cum cun lio inirclmacd Uiiouelt nur lttauch olIk-PH nt AtlHiitlc ntv, tiQtlileheni. Camden, HarrlBburtf, Lunouslei, Itedtllmr, Trenton, Wllllms)ort, WllmliiKl"" r unci Ynrli. USED CAR DEPARTMENT Packard Motor Car Co. of Philadelphia locust SOOO 319 N, USED AUTOMOBILES 1919-18-17 Chalmers Touring Cars, five nnd seven-pat-eepgerj nlso Redans. lloAdstors and Coupes, In perfect condition. From jr.00 up to $1150. PiV rri - Arrow Umbuslne In shapnj fine body; good tires, low price. ,1919-18 Chevrolet " Ings, Roadsters, $400 to $000. 1918-17 Franklin "SSSS5? Roadsters nl Sedans. Limousines, wire wheels, In first-class condition, From $14(10 up to $1800. 1919-18-17 Oldsmobile Tourings, six nnd eight cylinder; nlso Roadsters and Sedans, me. chanlcally perfect. From $030 to $1100. 1919 Oakland ;,.. dan. also Touring and Roadster types 1918-17 Peerless rtn-. Roadsters and Sedans! rpalnted; good tires; like new. From $073 up to $1800. Fords A" mft,"a ni styles. $130 1919-18-17 Reo Tourings, 4 "" lo " rvcoand tl-cylln-der Roadsters, Sedans; good condi tion From $300 up to $030, 1919-18-17 Studebaker Tourings, 4 and 11 cylinder, also Roadsters. Coupes and Sedans, In A-1 condition. From $400 up to $730 1919-18-17 Cole ,f,n condition! fully equipped 730 pp to $1400, Also Cole Aero light 4 pnssenger speedster 1919-18-17 National Tmr; Chummy Roadsters, verv nowerful, slightly used. Trom $030 up to $1330 1 9 1 8 - 17 Saxon Tlnrl: M-r: wlri nnd woortn whpln, ullp rntf-l From $17R up to $0.10 1920 Briscoe T'rUar,n,dpC;rw also earlier models, very little nsel $473 up. Slmnlev 4'i Limousine In won impicx tJ derful shape, can hi be bought cheap 1000 used cnrs.from $250 up. purchaser. Agents wanted. !ma$ (gM Tho nnittn tlmt protects tho buyer of a ilMd car nRdlnst every possllilllty of dlssatls fartion Our lonir pittabllsliefl rcnutatlnn rf fairness In all transactions Una mailu our iianio most foremost nmoriR automobile lillVflS , f'OXVK.N'inNT TEHMS ARBAVaKD I CIIANDLKISS lUtl-IN-17 Touring ' Cars, Mpiedstera. l-pa Hedan" nnd Cabriolets, larae variety to choose front, mechanically excel lent. At low prices WILLY.S-KNKJHT 101!) Tourlnc 4 cj I ! equal to new, run only -llne miles, perfect equipment tord HrcH and extras At a sn.ip DOHOKH inill-lS-17 Roadsters Tourlnsr Cars and Hedans, mechan ically excellent, fully equipped, lares vurlely. At Intcroatlnc prices IIAYNKS 10in Sport Tourlnc 4 iihss veiy snapp; ecjulppcd with slip covers, bumper and shock ah aorhers. nlso 7-pans Tourlnf; I'llANKLIN mm Roadster, shows no wear, mechanically excellent , a 'so Sedan and Tourlnsr Cur. at 11 sacrifice. mW'KS 1019-18-17 noadslers, Se dans, TouVlnit Cnra and Coupes: larncst variety In the city everv car mechanically excellent. Low prices VIILIl". l!im-is Roadster Rnd Tour lnr Cars A-1 condition small Sixes, fully equipped as low .as 1-30 ifl'DHONS UHI1-18-I7 hiweditTi TourliiK Cars, Sedans snd Coupes- j A 1 cuiidllinn. lanro vaneiy iwi euuipiieu hiii Kniun, IIK ,NAMK 1MPLIP.HI BROAD STREET Send for Kree Catalog Pacards PACKARD 3-35 "TWIN-'- MMnrHINK. Special ctnlom Inillt Ddi'luini Ixxly I'ACKAim .'-25 "TWIN-SIX" SIX PAS.SIJNGKn T.IMOL'SINL PACKAHD 1-35 "TWIN, SIX" i.rr PACKAHI) 1-35 "TWIN-SIX" TOlU.NO CAR. OTHER MAKES lan-wiLLYH-ovKui.ANP snv- UN PASSKNGnii TOUnlN" CAIl. nace 3500 Broad Street s " r h dlt.dX'lr Cp 107 M. Sih, i, ' P"n - j .. , ' '! . i .s,A&.r- ..pfu . -ir.A.:..., c.i ';j.i