i " -At. ' ,-( r -v X, -1 jji.' '','!( V.MJ .. . . ,' . r? ,' "H .i. Vf'S2 . :s h .': ' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-HILADlDLPHiA, WEDNESDAY, IsfkY 20," 1020 '" i ' ' i ' i- i - t el 3 K Immediate Delivery Berlin 4 Hamburg 4a Bremen 4yi Hamburg 4'jt . Cologne 4k Leipsic 4yja Dresden 4s Leipsic 5s Dutieldorf 4i Munich 4 Compute information on request Fairman & Company Drexel Bide;., Phtla. Established 1902 FIWNCIAI. , rporoaU COMMO.VWHALTM OF I'KNN- SYLVANIA Slfl.ooo.noo imuie of 9t.in.onn.ooo Herlea n. 4H'i. ft?.ooo.onn. .-i-mnr. tin .lulr 1. 1018. 1.000,000. ft.trnr. line .liilr 1. 1050. ' 2,000,000. 10-tmr, Dili" Jul 1. IDS"- 1,000,000. tt-.irnr, Due Julv 1, IPSl 2,000,000, l.Vjrnr, l"r July 1. It3. 1,000,0011 lfl-M-nr. Hue Julv t. 1038. 2,000,000, 20-jrnr, uo July 1. ) 1,000,000. 21-eur. Hue July 1. 2,000,000. 3.1-ur, liu '' J"' ml unit mm .in........ llu .llllv 1. 1U4U, '3,000.000, ao-jrur, lue Julv I. iwju. ISTIN'l LAWS omcc o tin- Aud.tor General. Panishurg M-iv '" l9-' Sealed proposals will be J by the uiiderslgned ul the ""5?.irc the Auditor Uwieinl h burg until 12 o-clock noon. N "Jo jloo -23. 1920 fnr elghteni million )'"u"'h 000) dollars loan of the ; of Pennsylvania on tho following con dltlona: . . , r a loan " .MlillM'SI ... "" --. ..I Issued une'er the authnritv kf-h.- The bonds now offe red ymoo" tlnR In Uie ngKrcRate to Il?.0on0no. , II he dated Julv 1. 132". and will beP M The rhllartelphia Xatlonnl Hank : or Philadelphia Fl-cal , Agent of lh ( Com monwealth. in lawful monrv on their re-, epectlve maturt dates as follows. 2.000.000. July 1, 1023. I 1 000.000. July 1, 10'.'". 2,000.000. July 1, io:to. 1,000.000. July 1. IBS'- 2,oootooo. July i. loss. l.ooo.ono. July 1. ios. 2,000,000. July I. 1040. 1,000,000. July I. 1941. 2,000,000. July 1 104S. 2,000,000. July 1. 1040. t:,otJi ooo. Jul) i, lo.iu. Interest the rate of four and one half (4'-. Pr centum per annum will be paid senil-innu.ill. un .Unuary I and July 1. at the olltce uf the Fiscal Agent of the Conimoiiwealth In Phila delphia , All bonds issued under ih- provisions of this Act shall bo exempt from taxa tion for State and local purposes Certltlcates In reglsturec form will be Issued In such amounts aa the purchasers may requlro In the um of olie thousand fl.000) dollars. tte thousand (u.oOO) dollars, ten thousand (10.000) dollars, fifty thousand (50.000) dollars, and one hundred thousand (100.000) dollars; and tn coupon form In the sum of one thou sand (1.000) dollars. Said certificates will be Interchangeable as to form. Negotiable Interim Certltlcates will be Issued. If desired, pend'ng the en graving of definitive certificates, and may be obtained from the Fiscal Agent on tho day that payment Is made for, the loan, or thereafter. Proposals must be made upon the pre. scribec form of blanks, copies of which may he obtained upon application .it the ofllce of the Auditor General, or from the Klecal gent No lid will be tons. ilt red unlew ac companied b a cert.fled check or cer tificate of d)ostt drawn to the order of the Commonwealth of Pennsylama for an amount equal to two (2) per centum of the principal of the loan for which the bid Is made. Checks or certificates accompanying , bids not accepted will be etunec, by mall to the bidders w'thin fort -eight (48) hours from the time of opening of the bids. Deposits of successful bidders will be applied In partial payment of the amount of the loan awarded to them No allowance wll' be made '"or Interest on an advance payment fr"m the tlmo a bid Is submitted to the time of set tlement. Settl-ment fir the loan awarded must b rnm'i with The Philadelphia Xatlonnl Bank. Flsral Agent for the Common wealth of Pent svhnnla in the follow ing manner to w-lt It will be optional with bidder to mnko settlement In full on or before Thursday Julv 1 1120, three P M. or make six partial parents, to wit: 3,000,000. Thursday, July 1, 1920. Three P. M. 3,000,000. Monday, Au(tit 2, 1920. Three P. M. S3.000.000. rilnrsduy. September 1. 1920. Three P. M. S.000,000. Frlda) . October I, 1010, Three P. M. 3.000.000, Moiiiltt.i, Vnvrmlier I, 1950. Three P. M. 3,000.000. WrilneHdny, Detemlirr 1 1920. Three P. M The undersigned reseive the rlzht to reject anv and all proposals, or to award all or any portion of the !"an for which bU?B shall be received as mn be deemed for the bent Interests of the Common wealth of P nnsylvtnla With the exception of the 112 000.000 Issue of 191H lm referred to. tho Ktate Is free of all bonded indebtedness I not now provided for b monevs In the Rlnklnir Fund Of the aforesaid i-isiip o $12,000,000 the State has repurchased bonds to the ainourt of $1 50n umi These bonds are a legal Investment for trust funds and mintitipe one of -he safest nnd most desirable 'nvesiments that can be obtained The wealth of the sovereign Ftate of Pennss Kan'a gii.nnnteii ab solute swurltv of principal Certainty of Income, as we'l ns a reudy sa for the bonds at all times. WII.I.I .M c sPRnrr, iioverrtAr. HARMOV SI KHFliART State Treasurer. HAP.I.KS A .VYIi;it. Am'ltor jener.il. II It hie nils Till: l.KIIK.II I (Ml. M) NK,riO COMI'AN). PICII DKi.PHI .Mt I9SII 1 lii-i.il S, 1 ..II Th Puj'.l f Murif " th.s 'h ,i. elared h ,uiirn r lii'lei. ,,t Un r Cent ll "'n i r ! nr. i ,,n tli nri' , ,r of the romper phmiI.u Mat 2!. Ill in, i stockholders t rirUti r.it nn ti. k- . r tho L'ompun hi 1 i im k t m r un 1020 flieika till v.- m.il'i I . .'.,. ,c ,,, who bate tiled peimai.eni , v i r I, m HEMIV II PKl-l, Ofl'K i; Ul IIIK (. II. I.KIir III, l.imd Title llullilliir riiiiiniriihiii, Pa., Jr.i' .'. i.i.H rtif dir c Hi' "f I'liepu t I, . in havt- th ji 'Ui ij.'iinn.l h i.'irmir ii ii. r '-t dividend "f i i snil i'ii' I ilf in r n l In jier ahflii-i hi M- nref t r. ., k nf Ine runirttn i'iit'i'i'lii i'.is' I i . I ij(, to holdprn -md i'" i "f ie( i j .,. .i elole nt '-un n " i 'ii lui' ' h k n 1m irml.nl II Ul AK ,.. ' 'IIIK AMIIKK N (i- ( OMl'ANt 10 1 AUrli-t trr-l L'mdn, S'. J May 1 lO.'O A quarterly diwd. nit of lr'r. nr S1.00 per mlimre, timm neon de I tred on the i up tal itock of tlito oumpmny, vmyjtil June 1, llr'O. to Ih mtueknolderit of record a 3 o eloi k p m. limy 10 ll'-'ii Chiks will b maM'd J H TOIVN.IKN'LI 3d Tr..ur.r F11EH FROM THIS V V..1?,. .T-i its PHOIM'UTY TAX Ul',lrivil THK STATK OF PUNNSM-) AM A EXEMPT FROM Tilt. NO"5'.. I'llOFITS TAXI'S OF 1 "1-. .''I? KRAI. I.NTOMi: TAX VNPLR E- Tl .aolle Is .1 !a" ' tBO.000.000 authorized by n t ao proved the ISth dav of P' 19,.;; together with the I'V'Tt-n 000 000 SK1UKS A makes a total of $" OOO.oou lerlill tlertlnc "" IIIK lilllKI KlUr- MI MMtINK INsfllAM t: ( O. A mpet'lal meetlna if iht i . kh iHieia of The (Jlrard Klre nnd Murine limi u ri e i ni Pay will be held m the prim lul .,ff. . .f the companv nt n rtl . ui ..rni- of ChCBtnut and "etenth m I'lniudrlphla Jm.. on Tliurnduy. Hie 24th d;i nf June. 1020, at II oMiiek In (hi f irenuon enBtern (milliard time to tske iteiliMi on approval or ill4t'froval of Ihi inunnaeil llirreane of th rapliml itoi It nf 'bin mniran fiom IAOU.000.011 to II 00(1. 000 Oil. nnd in rain of lh mpproval of the proposed lncre of rmpttnl mtork, to take .irtlon on the ful low ne rtsolullnn "HIS IT HKSOIATP That the Hoard of Jilrmclur be mulhorUed to ibu auch ad Itlanal stock from tune til lime at such prlca mud upon such arm aa It dmi md gamble. , jtv ordtr uf the. Foard of Directors. 1 AP..I ,rfM9. Qi VAtTf;AN , Secralary, ' r Lower Prices for commodities will permit large sums of money lo he Invested In Mirlous channels, heretofore tied up In working oopltal due to high prices. Well-secured Honds of un questloneri security me sell Iiik ul extremely low 1pcIi nnd present nil unusual op portunity to lncstors ul Hie piesent time. Baker, Ayling & Young J. W. SUMS. .Ir., Mmiaiter Land Title Bldg. Botton Philadelphia Securities for Investment JosepKW.Gross aCo. 1421 Chcatnut St. Corrttpondtnt Aldrad & Company MERCANTILE BANK OF THE AMERICAS , riVF. 9TWVT vnr Vcmn An Amrrlcan Hank for TorrtBti Tradu w Orlfjiw l'urls JlnJrld Hrcflen AFKIMATKD HANKS In Colombia l'eru VenuI BrM N"ii!arrua Cuba Cota Hlca Honduras SALESMEN Well-Unowii local concern sellliiK it new Utile of utoek reuulres the servlres if two lilgli-grnde stork siilesnien. I.entN furnUlieil, Op portunlt.t for rlghl innii to earn from 3(100 to 10,000 per annum. Reply, slHtlua; nunlltlcallons. ( r.os. i.r.iMir.u oitk i; BATTLES 8c CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS EtTABLISHIO ISSO INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, EAST Pnrlliintl Uwj l.lsht A Power .", 1'hllntlrlphlii Western Kullwiis s lliirrllnir (Iiih ( ettinpn.t lt Mtee. . Inillun irwilU Niirlhertl Tr.irtlon ."it 1012 III00 III2S 1113! Xiinditrd this A Kleetrle Coittian H' Ifl.'O rennitanj t'onian 1st .Mice. 4S"i 101 ,- . --r T, o fy bamuel K. Phillips i: LO. Members Philadelphia sioek Ktrhanse .107 CIIK.sTXt"T ST. Railroad Equipment Itue To Yiold 7 or Better REED A. MORGAN & CO. WKST I1NI TRl'.ST HflI.lINc i M. mliert nf the I"llta stork f' h riNXNCIXI T(l IIIH.IIKIts OF l'.MPIUi; lll'.ll.MMi (IPIPAST I'lr-I Mnrtvutfe und Collnternl Trut Ten enr lnklne I'und Sl IVr lent, (mid ltnnd. Il.ttrd Krliru ir) 1st. 101. Notice It lierh Kltrn that propi'ii.n.ii nr invited to lie ui.tde tu Ou.irantt Trust t'oni panv of Ni'it York, 1 in llroitd'tdt Nett York rut for tho sftjo to the ainmne rn tided fur in Ihn inrti-niurM N ttti-i-ti th orn pany nnd i-iuarant Ti u-t i omn.int of . Wit York, as Tru-l. dated Ki-liru.tr 1 st lit!" of Flint MVirtcaue nnd rnlutiitl Tru-t Ten Year flnklnK Kund Slv Ir Cent Hold Hondu of Kmplre HllnlnK I'mn pan), datnl l'Vbruort lei l'MT and s cured bt said Indenture at prli es not tn .xi md lnl tir i ent of the print lpul of tui Ii (Hindu flat ttlthout inierat nn or l".fme Auirust 1st 10-u this ('"mpany itlll dpo- i ullh ihi Truiitiii jiutlli eni funda to rM'Irn on that ''ali at a IT'- not In 'Xif-Hf .f ili prlmipnl amoutn ilnreof plun a pr inluP' 'f four vr r-'t of -aid tirii . i il liondt 1-o.u.il n aSKrocatM fate talue to Kite Hundred Thousand Dollars it.'ioll.OOn) and said funl is lo li apt.i d t" thi purrhawe nr redenifitinn of tiondt of naid lisue at not in nxc'i-1 the prli-i" ar.t nifiitloned All P-otios.tla ahould la- -c-uri-lj staled and markfd ' Proponal for nale of l-mds tu S.nkinc I'und uid. r lud-nture of Kmplro Hi'linn-- I'omiMtit dttd Februnr 1st I'll" must l fni "II or an part of the Imndi offeri-d and nnim n1 rteeittd bt the Tru-tee at nr prior to thret o'clock I'. il on June l,th. I3. Vdtlrt a- tn bond nrrepted w' 1 br tn.illi-d on or t-fori- June 10th t'.UO. bt the Trin".. .nn n 'J tusu-' 1" i!:n th uld I. ,1 ra h. i 'r in i .rri'l bond at"! p-. n i.d n ihi uii'iii manni-r ai nii otl - i -n,f i .f ih" meant On Wa'l s.I)L N. t 1 r. i l.MI'llii: lil.FIMNb KIMI'IM. lit- I'ltXMt . I'Kl 1I1 IT. Vlte I'renldrnt. Ontf-d Mai L'O'h. I'll'" AssOClArUl) SIMMONS IIAIinUARE roSH'ANIKii Tn the holder of narlml "ir Seeurrd Gold Notes inaturlnE .lulf I. 11)21. and Isaum undr nnd secured by lndtiiture duled July 1 llilU Notiep is hrbt Blt.cn (hit. In ai-eordancs trith the prntlajon of Article ronrth of tho snld indenturt. dated Jul) 1 lOlil ard pur Huant to the dlr' tlon therund r nf Aim. -ated SlmmonM H&rdtturi i 'o-r i irl-s, the aboti.-mntioned iierial 'r Se urt-d Gold Not' wi.l be r-dem-d July 1. 10.0. Sh d ri.tnF will le paid r n ar1 after .Inly I, lOIO. .! Ill- oltlce of Pl.i a !.!. nu Trillt i" n i an S. 411 Chestnu' t in -be rjty of PI. i id'dpbla upon p-eair'atj n tr. I sur ret d r f tald nntea with ull fnip.ni matur ln on ai I sjbtcnuen' (o Jult I. 1020, at par top 'tii-i ttith a prein.um nf i, of 1. of ihn par talus with interest accrued to eald duly 1. 11)111. rial"! M.n I 1020 ASSOCIATED FIMMDV HArtDWAnK COMPANin WAI.UCi: ti SIMMONS. I.KVI I. Rt'i: and LI.WIS H HASLAM Truttees Lpwts s HA-il.AM Se retary OOO Spru- i et St I.fijf M1""" 'ri POtAHON f AS "CONSOLIDATED C0U LIERIES C0MPANV, INCORPORATED Flltr-Ymr Fltn Per Cent. Oold Ilonda. Notice le hereby ! en. pursuant to th lrm of (be JIortuiBe dated July let. 16T. that the underelgned aa Trust trill r- eelie nealed proponala up to 3 00 p. m on (he 6th dav of June. lOSO for the tail to It of tonda aa above dtarrlbed aufllctent to urn tho aum of 154,104 81. The under- ilirrrd reaervta the rlcbt to relect any or ail Under T1IF NFW TOPK TntTflT fOMPANT, T"iH' nr n O ft'nTrt Rucratarr vw Vi'in ii tn mio T A SOUND INVESTMENT Yielding 10 Sugar, Railroad and Public Utility Property Haytian American Corporation 7 NOTES July 1st, 1922 Maturing Serially ' July lit, 1923 'July l.t, 1924 On October lit, 1919, the company's Net Assets at cost were $12,250,700 against $3,000,000 7' Notes this issue. No Funded Debt. Net earnings for year ending December 31st, 1919, $756,525 85, being over three times interest requirements. Present Net Earnings are running at the rate of over $1,250,000, or about six times interest requirements. Full Particulars Furnished on Application WARNER & F1TZHARRIS 421 Chestnut Street )) Said Bernstorff Cnntlnnnl from l'n One rn.binrt would not ontv lie undesirable but liable to prove fiitnl to Ocrmany " Colonel House n nlloRpd to hnve told Doctor Solf there tvn n strotiff nntl American feellnc in Knglnnd nt that time nnd that "(Icrinniiy wn not nwnro of thf extent to which unfriendly notes were beinc oxcluuuteil between Wnsh- iiiKtoti nnd London." He wna ipinted as expressing regret that "no arbiter i was nvimnuie, since r.ngimiu nun nun- cntiyl Iicr lack of faith in Americn's hit- pnitinlity. Knglish Sentiment Cliiiuged Sentiment in l'ticlaiiil then under went a (omplete ievcrnl. il wns said. and it was out of the question to luinglof up tne I-Mir or a revision or the doctrine of the fiecdom of the sens. A luenior.indum of a conversation Coliuii'l House Inul with Dr. Theobald I Iletlmiaiiii-Hollweg. at thnt time im-I nerinl cimncellor. also has been published ' by the commUslmi. The cimncellor de- plored the fart that Count on Hern- ' Hot: neri "liirlT nnd Doctor Dernburg hnd ex ploited the issue of the freedom of the sens, winch, he said, "hns injured Oer miitij's cause in the United Stales." Colonel House wns said to have given the chancellor the impression thnt Karl (iii'i lino .n;!!jat"! the matter could be divci.sseil. l.nt thnt Premier l.lovrl ,- . , . ., , . . .'. I IS, " l'-"'Ptor,.y .ejected mo h I Whitlocli Kefused Bribe I A letter from Hnron von der I.anikeu, termini coveinor. l'rii.els. I to ( omit Montei:liis. then in clinrze of the American division of the foreign office, briefly reported n conversation the former hnd with Hrnnd Wliitlock. American minister to Ilelgium. in .Ian tinry. 11)1(1. in HrimoN after Mr. Whit lock's return from the I'nited States. The American minister was reported to have said President Wilson had as sured him in n confidential talk lie wns "no sworn foe of (iennnu)." and that nu tiic contrary the iiestriictlon or political weakening nf Onnnny wnttld ' not be to the interest of the United I otitic-, it unit; t-lllt'l ptilllicill HUH WIlSj irceciom. Mr. Whitlrs'I: was niioted as linking told Hnron ton Her l.nnckcn he wns 'offered 5t.l)0.000 in the I uitul States In retire fnm the lrus.iel ioi nud devote liims-H to n lecture four in bt half of (icnnnn rule in Uelgitiin.' Ouring the ipring of 101(1. Count ton Bernstorff Implored the Foreign Otii c not to udilrc s any "sparring"' notes to the American (iovcrnment until "'pend ing negotiations had Ikmi tn'tsfuctorlly concluded." He also urgcii that nu end he put to pence lii-cussions in ihe (!cf- mnii prexs so thnt the linpies'ion tnnt the i nilci of (lerilllll IrooK on ;i,c';ub,arine M'lTl't i war, now published, include nu nc- nint of th conference held nt Ples .Innunrv K nnd !l 11117 1- Vil,l Mnr. i si.i ,.'.. iii.ini r'.." ,i r ...i..: "" "ii iinii" ii,. 'nu' un t.iiinil- ,iorff and Admiral von HolUendorff ' House" Useful and other tiovnl officers. oionei houm- sum m- ............. ." .. Admiral von lIoltemlorfT advocated , serve nn formal statement on nflnirs unrestricted C-boat war, about which, I in connection with Ccrmsitiy until the however, he asserted, the ('crman cm- I piirliiimentnry committee closed its 111 peror nnd Chancellor von Itetlimnnn- j vestigntion. Ilollweg seemed to be lukewarm. He ' - Every Man . With $500 Should Know Tho Genrrnl Rules of Trading. How to Give a Broker Instructions.. , Brokers' Commission ' Charges. How to Indorse a Stock Certificate. How to Use Collateral in trading. How to Group Incst- ments. The Deposit Requirements for Carrying Stocks on Account. The Rights of Stock and Bond Holders, etc. Our free booklet "Tiic Investors and Traders Guide" explains these clearly. Edition limited. Call, phone or write at once. Ask for No. T. U.-899 JONES & BAKER Sptciamts in New fork Curt Marie' Securitie Widener BIdp;., Philadelphia Phones Dell, Locust 4730 Keystone, Race 2290 OflieeH in 9 Principal Cities Direct Private Wires nniiul Mrrltnun Cs" nn. -il l"a- IJTII A.N.NL'.I. MHJ.'T- uf 'I. ' otltrtbutoiH to tho Home fur llmtltute ( olorrd ( blldren will be htld at ir..' H 'nu '.lib aid Herka ta en Tourth d.i. Sixth Month 2d, IDJO, at 3 p m. I.L' AHD R LONOSTItKTlI, Secretary. ntldod that Von Itetlimnnn wanted dip loinntie preliminaries In order to keep the I'nltcil Htfttes out of the war, nlid thnt tho opinion prevailed In tho For eign Office thnt If the United States rnme In South America was bound to follow. During the course of the conversa tions, Von Holtzondorff Raid: "What shall we do If the. chancellor refuses?" Von Hindcnburg That's wlint Is bothering me, too. Von HoltzcndorfC Then you must become chancellor. tint Von Hindcnburg repeatedly re fined, saying he could not talk in the Itelchstag. Filially, the lleld marshal said! Y ell. then wc will st kk to gether. It must be. We reckon with war with Ihe Vnited Sfates, and have made nil preparations. Things cnunot get worse. The war must be shortened by every possible mentis." Another document gives nu nccnuut the conversation among Von Hlndcn burg, l.iidcndorft nnd Chancellor von Iiethmnnii-Hollweg nt Pless on .Tnnunry S). at which Von Hethmnnn said: "I'-boot war Is the last card. It is a very grnve decision. If the military authorities regard it as lndispeuublc I am not in n position to deny It." Von Hlndenburg replied: "We nre armed against all eventualities, against the rnlted States, Denmark. Holland and Switzerland. Cruiser warfare is unprofitable enonph. Wo need the most nithless and energetic action, and there fore unrestricted U-boat wor from February 1. The war must end quickly. We could hold ou. but our allies could nnt " ,;,,,,,.. IPn further oxplainetl how unrestricted U-bont warfare would benefit the army, which, lie ndded. "Mustt bu spared unother Soinino battle." "GERARD WILL LIKE ITr SAYS HOUSE New Yorlt. Mn 'JC (Hy A. P.) "(iernrd will like that." Colonel House tmninented ben- today when shown Merlin ilisnntchrs to the effect that Count von llernstorff at Washington in 0t(.niber, lilli". had recommended House's presidential mission to (cr- ninny ns "desirable, especially as the I'nited States is so poorly represented in Ilerlin." lie referred to former Ambassador .lames W. Cernrd, then nt the kaiser's court. The- colonel's only other comment on I correspondence made public before the I (icnnnn parliamentary investigation lioininittee inquiring into the war ic- lalcil to the letter from Huron vim ier I.nucken. (icrmnn governor of Brus sels, alleging thnt Hrnnd Wliitlock. then American in n Wtcr to Ilelgium. stilted !''' ".". "" -" ""y f j think Hint i soinething they can never nccuvc mc 01 .uouni, tut- .iw iilent nt anytime. Colonel House rc- , , marked. Committee Fails to Speed Transit (ontlnurd Irom 1'iiKe One tinned when it was realized that it would take more than two .tears for the nppriiisal alone, and the experts report would consume another .tear or more "So it is apparent tluil no plan which micht be adopted now could be formulated and carried out under four J earn. "Tlien there is the matter of legis lation to be considered. It would un doilbtedlv result from the valuation plnn. The plnns for the new legisln Hon could not conic up before the Legis lature until completed, and might hate tn go over to another session, which would be two tears Inter. .Made Own Valuation "The coiupnn.t lifts made its own tnl tint inn which will ho put across on the I'ublic Service Commissi, n in the Clive den case now under consideration "I'lider this taluuHoii, neccssanlt prejudiced, it cannot lie expected that there will be, nt best, much cust from the capitalization of the comprint. "Tlic light of the I'liited Iiiisiness Men's Association before the tominis sion is not suftii ientlt backed to make it amount to nn.whtug "The success nf the tight in I'llts burgh in n i in t in i- situation was acliieteil onl.t because the cit.t had good fighters. In thnt his' a valuation of )8IIU,(MrO,000 wn hoi opted, when, if the company had innile Hie appraii-ul, one of ns high as MUMMMUIOO might hate been expected "The situation here is hnzv and com plicated by pretioiis compromises No beneficial results can be obtoined ex cept by a tight in which some one is going to be hurt . The definition b tlic Mu.wir of the policy lie intends to pursue on behalf "f the citj should settle the question of whether or not the i it y will get belter tuuisit " In milking its report to ihe Major, the committee lepmteil thnt no increased fare seemed imperatite and reconi mended thai a omplete sorter of the transit "ituininn be made to iliscmer Jl AiA .-& jw'Btr- l z- s si m rH No Wonder the Stearns Is Such a Value Tt is the combination of superior mechanical units, better con struction nnd unexcelled beauty that makes the Steams-Knight such a elue a "100 per centor"' from radiator to rear. Take, for instance: The powerful Silent Knight motor that is recognized today as the supremo' achievement in motor building. The mechanical and electrical parts that stand for reliability under nil conditions. The superior construction that nssures more riding comfort. The ten distinct and unique hotly designs. And you can readily realize why the Stenrns-Knight offers such dollnr-for-dollar value. We will gladly demonstrate tho Stearns-Knight when you desire. Scott Motor Company, Inc. 908'North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pa. the exact financial position of the com pany. . The elimination of the underlying companies and the suspension of present extension plnns, with tho exception of the Frankford "L" also was recom mended. .Joseph (Jlllillan, counsel for the Hal four estate, largest holder of underlying stockholders, and other extensive under lying stockholders, said today his clients would stand on their legal rights to re sist any attempt innilo to force them to relinquish their holdings. WILL LAUNCH GOFF Destroyer to Be Sont Down Ways, nt Camden Yard Next Wednesday The I'nltcd Htatc torpedoboat de stroyer ?off. nnnied after the Into Judge Nullum (loff, n former secretory of the nav.x, will be launched nt the New York shipyaid, Camden, Wednesday after noon nt - :!() o'clock. Tho sponsor will be .Mrs. Catherine (off, of Clarksburg, . a., widow of tlic Judge. There '" '" l,, ,n,,otlr1 """trover luuiiclied ten ' ''0s 1InV,r' lllt'-'J n,r,, bolh "nr to J1'!' destroyers of tho present series, being built at the ( nniden shipyard. There nre still right destroyers on the wo)s. nnd when four of them nro launched in nbout two months they will be nlniost entirely finished. All of the machinery and other parts nre being installed. WILL HOLD "CONVENT ION" High School Boys to "Nominate" Republican Candidate Students of the Wcsl Philndelphln High School for Hoys wll hold a lie publican' "nnllonnl convention' nt the high school tomorrow and Frldnv. The convention will open at !J:li: n clock both afternoons. , well-known s enker will address the convention nt (odi session. Tlieio will be balloting for favorite coniliilntes. nnd the nomination of u Itepublicnii candidate for President. The "convention" is being held to stim iilnlc the students' interest in national political affairs. Rail Head Hits Signalmen's Demands Chir.igo. May -(!. Increnhos in tiie cost of living during the last live ycais should not be considered as grounds for grunting higher wnges to railrond signalmen nnd their helpers. bcciiuc the already have been given raises mine than iiiuple to cover the higher living costs. K. T. Whiter, representing tlic rnilriuids, told the labor board jes toriliij . Quality First Boston Garter J&fTi&jiA Worn the World Over For mora than 40 years Botton Cartar liae beana friend to man Ibe world oyer. It not only keepe tho old but makce many new oneeeach year. Most man ailc (or Boiton Carter aa a matter of couraa the two wordt go ao wall together. CEORQC FROST CO., Makcro, Boston iMMnf9Hnt9wmtttf3Bnrwfgf vTMUJST S Market and fourth Sts. a PHILADELPHIA a Forget Worry This Company, acting ns ti'ustee or agent, pays taxes, invests funds, col lects incomes, reinvests principal, in fact, as sumes the genernl man agement of property. By using this service you can save time, elimi nate worry and assure efficient and economical management. Consult) Our Officers CAPITAL & SURPLUS SI.AQO.OUU.OO )n T o I Knight Penrose Not Going to Chicago Convention Continued from Pane One tor Penrose n rather dellcntc proceed ing. The same can be said for flovernor Hproul, who will be the tltulnr bend of the delegation. He Is not only more Ihnn n possibility, hut is leading tho piooosslon as tho conspicuous dark horse upon whom the presidential blanket mny fall. The absence of Senator Penrose from Chicago will icsult in n number of complications, the result of which can only be conjectured. Its effect upon the adoption of the unit rule alone Is An issin thnt Is un certain nnd full of dynamite Already there has been n chnnge in the plans for the meeting of the state committee nnd a getting together of the entire state delegation in Philndelphln prior lo their departure for Chicngo. Caucus nl Chicago It Is now proposed to hold n rations of the delegation in Chicago and ihe annual meeting of Hie state committee after the return from the convention. There is practical wisdom In, the lat ter suggestion. Conditions mnv arise in Chicago which will completely alter the plans of state lenders. It Is In line with good Judgment to nwait testilts nnd then formulate plnns nnd orgnniie the com mittee Intel' In dune. In past years It hns been customary for the stnte delegnlion to national con ventions to proceed thither in style. T'snnllv ttvn or three Piilluinns were utilized and the members traveled com- ' pnctly and In considerable state. Has AT LEAST one-half of the A light utilized in interiors is A received by reflection from ceilings and walls. The reflecting power of ceilings and walls, however, depends to a great extent upon the paint with which they are covered. Covered with flat finish paints, ceilings and walls collect dirt in stead of repelling it. When soiled they cannot be washed clean. In a short time, therefore, their re flecting power is greatly dimin ished. Yet the same ceilings and walls covered with Barreled Sunlight Warehouse Stock in Philadelphia, W. H. Price & Co.. 206-11 South 10th E. F. Hooner A Co.. Trenton. N. J. Elmer E Cox, Camden, N, J. T. Crane A Co., 115 N. Mass. Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. George C. Felker, ill ill III HI WAR SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Buys engine for $600 less than cost of repair parts Paper mill gets much needed machinery from Du Pont Surplus at great saving Some time ago a large Eastern paper mill was forced to shut'down when its main power engine was wrecked. The makers of the engine could not promise repair parts sooner than thirty days. Then the paper people appealed to us. We offered a com plete engine to take the place of their wrecked one for $600 less than repair parts would have cost. At this rate it paid them to order two 350 H. P. Allis-Chalmers engines recom mended by our engineers. Within four days the engines were at the plant and in ten days installed and in operation. The saving in actual cash is negligible compared to the saving of weeks of production time and perhaps a great deal of future business. This instance is not the unusual. Our sales records con tain many more. But we can serve you not only in emergen cies. You can find among our stocks materials and equipment for your eycry day factory uses. No matter what industry you arc in, no matter what equipment or material you need, call on us. But act quickly if you want to be sure to get your share. Our supply is fast diminishing. Phone, wire or write today, or come personally to any of our plants listed below. Sales Department Du Pon-i: Chemical Company Incorporated Wilmington Delaware Brksdle, Wi. Carney' Point, N, J L SI This year, however, they appnrcnlly will straggle Into Chicago In almost any fashion. It Is possible that Secretary linker, of tho state committee, will be able to arrange transportation ns in the old days. Otherwise It will b6. every man for himself. Ilendqunrlcrs Mile from Unit Headquarters pt the Pennsylvania delegation will be nt Congress Hall, which is n good mile distant from tlic convention hall. When Senator .Tohtisou comes lo Phil ndelphln to present his claim ns a presi dential 'candidate in the Academy ot Music .Mayor Moore will preside. He has been Invited to do so by .Seno- liiraiFiiiiiniirjiiiaiffiiioiiiiiiiiiraiaiiiiraiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiisffiraia!! "A Very Unusual Booh?' An Imperfect Mother By . D. Beresford The story of a woman of middle age wjio leaves her family to elope with a fascinating but characterless lover and of her later meeting with her son. Here is a novel of vital and comDellincr interest. VtniH- I around an increasingly frequent problem in human" rela- uuiibiniJb ana oouna xo siir inemosr. wiaespread comment and discussion. Now at All Bookstores, $2.00 THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, Publishers, New York saEi li CfiL 1'Bi , V IHSiV LiaatwT.f?7?T,'J5,T5!WeaaeaaaaaBWBBj 1 THE RICE PROCESS MILL WHITE increased daylight in over 6000 plants ;illlllMIMIMIIIIIIMIIMMIMIIIUIIIIIIIIIMItlMllll; I FOR THE HOME I ! Thrrr are three roontt ii'ncri- ti 'ilto ! erlHuas. uols ami uooiiunrk are I I vceuttarlu Attttw the hltchen. j imrtcn and bathroom, liarreted S : timho'it ulnars looms hrinht, chcerut and sunltnry. It It I oritr titan enamel and easier to npiili. Hold tn unllons, hnl-aal- lout, ouaits, pluls and hall-vtnls. : : l,tllMMIMIllllllllMllMMIMIllMMf,MMIIfl,,t,a? will increase daylight in the plant 19'e to 369t. Actual tests assure this. Barreled Sunlight the ORIG INAL Mill White is made by a U. S. GUTTA PERCHA PAINT CO., SOLD AT RETAIL BY St. Slmes Drug Co.. 13 South 13th St. Sees & Faber Co.. 2008-10 N. Front Si. Chat. A. Cllllngham, 12th A Morris Sts. Hopewell, Va. Haskell, N. J. Purlin, N, J. -Efc-wJiTTOSfc: , W jffgftf"ll "'-tr -! , WJ '-- IM J Tt .... tor iionnson trienrio i tt. . . curourngement tor the California iJr r toynd an Implied fnvorlngTnls: ' Such will scarcely be lnstlfle,i i. ..' 1 "-v" ,; iiivuu lormer Conrret. . mnn Moore. Ho Is n ,iiaHn-.i.i:. ?' 'i mlAuP&wi. 'i and f pleasure, to preside'. " M' dr Senator Johnson, "will tatcethW' ntor. 'V IMIIM1MI1M1IIBP3 process which we control. Its high slots surface resists dirt and may bt washed clean like white tile. Its durable, elastic composi tion expands and contracts with temperature changes.' It with stands the shock and jar of the heaviest machinery. It cannot crack. It is germ-proof, dirt proof. Absolutely sanitary. Used in more than 6000 plants. Applied by brush or spray method. Write today for our booklet, "More Light." U. S. GUTTA PERCHA PAINT COMPANY Providence, R. I. 1003 Bailey Bldg., 1218 Chestnut St. Chaa. Bond Co.. 617-010 Arch St. The O. F. Zurn Co.. 2738 N. Broad St. G. P. Qarrow Co., B821 Cermantown Ave. 0 S. Kentucky Ave., Atlantic City, N. ), Just a few of the several thousand items offered FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Air Compressors Condensers Corliss Engines Engines direct con nected to genera tors Hydraulic Presses Locomotives (gas and electric) Machine Shop Tools Pumps (all kinds) Rectification Units Searchlights Transformers Transmission Equip ment Trucks (rail and hand ) ta J& !?,, 2iiMikiyiMi:tviL'lL . &kvi.'h-.VA: