f iv S -& - lV v" i j I'Jt . 'it H" ty' ? y EVEitiftG PUBLIC LDGERr-PHILDELPHIA', WEDNESDAY, MAY- 26, 1020 , ' i i . OARTED fly CONGRESS tffl J7 NATIONAL BANK IB64 fceBANK NorthAmerica - 30r Chestnut Street r OFFICERS i . E.-PUSEY PASSMORE, Preiid.nt R. SJMcKINLET.-VIc Prw. E. S. KROMER, CatMir . W. J.;MURPHT, Ant CtiMw C. M. PRINCE, Am. Culler J. W. WHITING, Ant Culler DIRECTORS DISTANT VIEW ON OUTLOOK NEEDED LINCOLN K. PASSMORE JOHN W. PEARCE JOHN P. GREEN GEORGE FALES BAKER, M. 0. N. MYERS FITLER CHRISTIAN C. FEBIGER J. HOWELL CUMMINGS W. PERCY SIMPSON WALTER H. ROSSMASSLER CHARLES B. DUNK HORACE E. SMITH HARRY S. EURET it EDWARD P. HENSON THERON I. CRANE GRAHAME WOOD W. KIRKLAND DWIER WILLIAM F. READ, JR. CHARLES 0. ALEXANDER LEONARD T. BEALE MARVIN A. NEELAND JAMES D. C. HENDERSON WALTER ERBEN Z. PUSEY PASSMORE New York Bonds tSAI.RH IK S100A From Orw nln Until 2 p. tn. IN. Y. Time) Opposite Broad St. Station Hundreds of people commute daily from the suburban districts to Philadelphia on the Pennsylvania lines into Broad Street Station. Directly opposite this great terminal stands the Third National Bank ready to serve these people, as well as all Philadelphians, in any banking capacity. The service rendered here is efficient, modern and courteous. M'e Solicit Your Account Third National Bank In the Center of Things Opposite Broad Street Station - AMERICAN KARDEXCOMPANY (Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of New York) TONAWANDA, N. Y. 8 Cumulative Preferred Stock NEW ISSUE $500,000 Price $100 Per Share Callable as a whole or in part on any dUidcud date at $120 and accrued dividends. Dividends Payable Quarterly: January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 t Current earnings and running at the rate of approximately fl2 per share. Tho charter of the company provides for a Kinking Fund to retire the Preferred Stock at $120 per share and accrued dividends. Kardex Common Stock is paying dividends at the rate of 16 per annum. Ono share of Common may be purchased with four shares of Preferred, to yield 9.G7e on tho investment. For Circular and Subscription Blank Address P. B. PORTER, Treasurer AMERICAN KARDEXCOMPANY Tonawanda, N. Y. ' Branches in Thirty Principal Cities W ' Roliof for Monoy Situation Lies In Speeding Up of Transportation Ono of the partners of n nell-knnwn blinking nml lirokerace house located In the renter n tin- city, who hn recently returned from n trip through the West and South, snid (lint he has no sympa thy with the RcnreinnUKers and the enlnmlty howlers, who nrc just yjnw busily cngngeri In sprendlnc semlpnnie tnlk and predicting nil borts of things tlint mny happen. The trouble with these people, he mid, 1h Hint their outlook Is too rlr cumserlbed, (heir perspective of the. country Is bounded In- tbe slock citiutn liens on the board In tiroKers oiiiees or In the newspnpet columns. If they would only get far enough from New York or Philadelphia or Chlcngo, vlit tho humlrc'dH of prosperous pmnllcr rltles, where few know ofitho existence of n stock market, where the Importa tion of a quantity of gold from Europe menns no morn to tliein tlinn the Im portation of a cargo of bricks, they would conclude that the prosperity of the united States is it renllty, inde pendent of the stock market. Thev would find that these prosper ous little cities and towns arc growing, that new building is going on. bnildliiK of homes, not skyscrapers, as a rule: that the prices which the Industries o these places aro getting aro very satis factory, thnt labor Is fully employed and nppnroutly satisfied, outside of a sporadic strike; and that any com plaints thnt are made is of the failure of the railroads to deliver raw material and take away finished merchandise. People here at home find a complaint for everything, he snid. One would think to hear some bankers and brokers talk these dnj that stocks (should alwnjs keep going up, thnt there never din. .1.1 lui n tlllin nf flpnTPSHlOIl. WllCU 1ipv itnmv tlm lilstorv of the past is nnt Inno rt.7nr HlIP nf rlsCS lUIll dC prrssions In prices. The stock market iiPPiloil n tost nml It Is getting it just as it has done before, he said, and as it will do again nud again. He remarked that the amount of now building going on over the country is much more exetnsive thnn is generally hiipposed, notwithstanding the high cost of labor mid materials, kven in the oiitlvlng suburbs of Philadelphin it to remarkable under the circumstances. Ho said ono of tho complaints he first beard oil his return to this city wiii from a friend who was not satis fied thnt there was not more money available for real estote mortgages. "Who." ho nsked. "wants to invest moncv in ronl estate mortgages with their'low ield. when almost every day a new issue of undoubted security is offered to yield 7 or 7'. per cent? Vo are too provincial, lie said, and it would do bunkers, brokers and customers good to travel uway from home a little more thnn they do. and keep their eyes open for the tilings which mean the prosperity of the coun try, for they are ninny nnd our pros pe'rity Is assured. It is the opinion of a mnjority lu tbe financial district that the relief for the present money situatiou lies in tbe speeding up of transportation and, ac cording to those best informed on the ciibject, the Improvement along this lino during the Inst few dajs is distinctly noticeable. It is said, however, thnt it will take at lenst thirty days to show much progress. Now that tho Interstnto Commerce Commission hns undertaken to givo tho rouds every assistance in raising the blockade, it is believed tho much dis cussed frozen credits will shortly be come liquid and thnt better conditions will shortly prevail. It is also the opinion of those who have given the subject considerable study that higher freight rates, instend of being a handicap on tho business of the couutry. will have the reverse effect, as freight will move more rapidly nnd this, it is suid, is the crux of the situatiou at present. There were some brokers who were disappointed in not seeing some nctiiu iu rail stocks us the result of the Inter state Commerce Commission rule hear ing. Some acknowledged thnt so far as the henrini: bus gone its tone Is con structive rnther thnn otherwise. There is a strong belief thnt lis the hearing progresses tho ofrret will soon bo re flected in bicker prices nnd grenter ac tivity in mils, and mnny nro culling the attention nf tlieir oiitomiTs nml the public to this phase of the situation. The slocks to which particular attention is being called nro the old lino divt- dend-pnyiug isues. A well-known broker said yesterday that, in his opinion, tho rails will move up quicker thnn any other stocks on the board when they begin, and lie expected that to occur at any time, provided the money situutioh remnins fnvornblo. Some boues, it wns snid, were send ing out messiiges to tlieir clients hold ing industrlnl slocks advising that it might lie bettor to sell them nnd buy rails, which they claim nro on the bnr gain counter nud are likely to bo fa vorably nffected by any change for the better in transportation. There wns a good denl of speculation ns to tho outcome of tho convention of bunkers in Washington Inst week, espe cially as to wlint notion wns decided upoii in reference to ossontiul and tion csseutinl loans. Speaking of the meeting, .Inmes Tl. Forgnn, the Chlcngo bunker, snid: "Feeling among Now York bunkers is that the credit strain has pnssed the peak in the East nnd 1 believe it is pass ing here in the West. Federal Keservn IJonFil in considering reduction of biiuk loans did not make any deiinlto distinc tion between essential ami nonessentinl lonns. mid it did not order or ask bank ers to reduce on any fixed percentage bnsls. Hunkers who attended conference ngroell credit lullatlon bus not been re duced, ns is customary at this time of year, nnd there must be n reduction if additional need for credit for new crop requirements is to bo met. Otherwise u serious situatiou would l uifrontod. "It was agreed bunks should decide for themselves how to limit tlieir louns. but tliut this will depend considerably on tho section of the country. It may well bo thot louns lie reduced iu the agricultural districts. Hunks must take euro of their customers. For example, the automobile industry In Detroit must be cared for, otherwise ninny people would be thrown out of work und the in dustry seriously crippled. Hut loaning mono to peoplo who want to buy cars is deoldedlj uuother matter. Thus it is incumbent on tho banks to exercise Indi vidual judgment in making loans." Masonic Lodge Observes Birthday Ocean City, N. -.. May 2ll. Mem ben. of Ocean City Lodge, No. 171, F. nud A. M . and their wives lust night observed the twenty -third anniversary of the orgnnlzution with n dinner nt the i Hisouyne Hotel 'lhe spenker was K. J. fatten, city statistician qi muuiiei phhi. The banquet committed comprised II, B. Adnms, Dr. M. 11. fjtnndnrd, A. M. Plummer, Lewis flnndy, Howard T. Johnson, Husscll II. Nulty.nnd Homers C, Young. Amrfn Asr 4CB ' s..... !'; 1 .... SDH Amcr Smelt's 1 ia . . . 7flW A TI&TI elt 2.. .. 7"j A Tl A; Tl ft 4 ... 74i 8 74 t 74 A Tel & Tel OS n ns 1 OS 8 03 n ns Anit-Krcnch lis 2. 14.. 7.. 40.. 1.. 1.. 4.. I.. n.. IB.. 2.1.. nsw nsv ns'i 08 s 08'4 )8'i oss lV4 08 i nsn 08 V, 08Mi 08 V4 08 , 08 08 tl 08 V4 08 0 08 'J 08 A . 100.. 10. 10.. r. . ft . 1.. Ann Arbor 4i .1 40 11 08 0 ArltntiR Si 2 .... 00 A T ft B V In 10 70 !l... . 71 '4 10 714 10 . .. 71 10 . . 7214 1 71'4 A T . 8 T AJ 1 . .. 03 U Atlantic Coant Unn clt 1 02V Atlantic Coast Line 4s 1 71 At'a KtC 49 ft 03 n et Unit & Ohio cv 2 f.8'4 1 Ml 2 r.n 1 r.o 13.. . ftSl 11 ft Ohio :ih 2... . 70j ior.... so n so 2 so 2 70"; a. . so Halt ft Ohio 4s 4.. .. ri8t Unit & Ohio .'.n 7 r.04 2. .. ftO, 3 .... OOii 7.. 0OA. nalt ftOhto 0i Del ft Hurt cv ft. ... 7414 Dlmlll'a Securl Corp 5 1. .. 77T4 D Can Attn 21 ft.. .. 00't i .. . om 2... . 01 i 3 . . 01 tJrlo lilt cv A 1... . 33 Krlo II rt cv n 7 33 Hrle ItR cv D 2 .... 3W Krlo II n 4a 1 .... 484 3 48 !..... 48 Clfn'l Kleo 0 .. 001 . . 00V4 .. 0044 Hock'B V 4'4 4 01 i llus ft Tex C II R lata 1 04 Itudft Man f.l 4 (loft a ftT llu.l A Man In 18 50 1 10 ft 10 r. io til Central M 1 . . . . 0014 III Cent 4a 'B3 T an' Imp J Uv lat 1 7IHi Imp J Uv 2nd 1 .... 7i 3 .'... 74U, Imp J Uvt 4a ft.. 4. 2 3. 1... 2 .. 10... 3. . 10... 1... 1.. ft.. 3 101 S 101 14 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 I'eo'a ft I! lat 1.. BO Per. Marti fts 1 78 rhll Coun'y cv 1 SOU 2 WHj 2 80W I'ubllc Pervlro f'n N J ft Charge Association With Lack of Co-operation Thoy Put Up Ticket TO HOLD .ELECTION FRIDAY 00 00U 00 tt II 4a 78 78 77'4 77 WOMEN TEACHERS URGE AN DA ft8 ft8 38 ft8i r.s ftS'i fi8 ft 8 ft8 7t4 ns l 8 . 8.. 12.! 13.. 8ft . 84 . 8ft . Rft . 81 . sft . Sli . s. . 8ft S4 . 85 P I. V. 4 .. 3. ft.. D ft O ft W Va H 4a 10.. .. S3' II Steel fia Mil 1.. .. 78 Brart'n Cop Ok 1 M4 Brk U'n E lat 1... . 00 Cent Leat'r 5 1... . OOi Cent l'ac lal 1 .... H0'4 1 07 14 2 . . . . 07 '1 7 07'-i Cht-a & O 4Hiii 1 73 C ft O cv 4ja 10 BiTi I O814 1 ... 03', C'k ft O cv ft 0 71 4 2 . . 7 1 ft. . . 71 Chi ft Alton 3i 10 42H 10. ... 42', 40 . . 42 , C i Alton 3V4 4 33 10. .. 42'4 Chicago n'n & Uulucy 4i 1. 20 .. 4 .. 10 .. 1 ft... 1... 1.. 30... 3... 1 . . 2... 1... 0. . . 10... ft. . . Intra Steel 0 1 84 Int'n Met 4a 10 lftU 10 1.M4 In Met ct 4'4b 10 14'4 In'o Rap T M 0 M-. 1 .... M' 1... . ft2" 3 . . . ft2 ft. ... BS t M Marine Oa 4.. .. 8ft '. Kan U Ft U t Memp 4a 1 B04 Knn C ft S 3a I. ... ftl 1 ftO t .... ftO 2 fit K C ft S'n 4a Mi' Kan C i H fts 18 ... 0,-114 1. .. (10 ft Oft n mi ICInFa County Novated 4a 1 .... Oft Lack. Steel '23 1 02 11 02'4 t. FJ M S 4a 31 10 70 3 704 ijenlLti V'y '. 1 .... 04 1., I. ft MjCTH .. 1 78', . & Myera 7a 103 r.uuis 0 ft... . 7'i 3 71 '4 2 .. . 7ft Louis ft Nash Mono 4a 3 43 Mill 3 & O Si 2 70 3.. .. 781 M K O ft T 4a 3 ft t , a . . ft.-. 2 . .-,t4 1 . . . r3 M" I'uu Kin 4s 45 4S 454 40 4I 43 4R 4bt; 43 4 3. ... 3 Rending 14 10 1. ... 1ft. . , Republic nf C fta ot '04 1 00 1 0IH4 Rep Cuba 4H 1 73V Rock I el A ft I, 414a 1 OH! St I & H V aj 3 SS'4 2 R8 1 BO 10 .... BOU St 4. ft S K In 4;Mi 1.. -1.. 10 . t.. 10 . 10.. 18.. I.. ft.. Stl. ft B Kran Serlea A 13 ft4 1.:... r.4 1 B4'i 2 ft4 ni'i r,4 r. 'i. niu . ... 65 r.4 Stl. ft S Fran Serlea D 10 04 I 04 4 2... . 04 St Li ft South Woat'n lat 4 004 St L, ft South Wcat'n Ba 1 B2 1 B3 St Paul M ft 8 Sto M 41 10 71 Seab'd A I, iJ 1 33't Eeab Air Mne 4 k ata 1 ... B0 1. . r,o 8'n PaclOo cv 10 . . 74 S'n Paclflo fa ft.. .. 00 4.. .. 00'i S'n Paclflo 4 1 ... 03 S'n Tac cv If 2. .. 74 ..a . 74 10 .... 74 2 . 74 3.. 1.. 2.. n 1'.! Is ft N 4a 74 ncy 4a ... '01 04 f!4'i 04 03 '4 04 04 04 1. 1. 3. Chicago IVn & Oulney II 4a l .. 7B'4 Chicago ft U't Weat 4a I 52 Chicago Mil ft St P fd 4 00 Chicago Mil ft ft P 4a 1 . . 01 Chicago Mil ft St V cv 44a 1 02 1 02',a 3 . . . . 03 2 . 03 Chicago Kill A St P fd. 4Ha 1 .... fta 1 B3 4 ... 53'4 Chicago Mil ft St P (in 44b I .. 71U Chicago Mil ft Kt P cv fta 20 .... 02 Chicago ft Nth West Kb 1... . 85 Chicago Kock I ft Pao fd 4 024 13 .... 02', 3 .... 0214 k ft ... 03 Chicago St 1' M ft Oma fta 1 84 2 Nlh Chicago St P M ft Oma Oa 2 08 Chicago & W Ind'a 4s 1,0 2 Chlln Cop'r Os 1 75 10 . 7ft City Bord'x Os 2 . . 80 City Lyons fla 1 80 City Paris Os 5 .... H4 1 .... 01 '4 1 .... 01 1ft. ... 01(4 15 ... 01 '4 15 .... 01 V 2il .. 01 3. .. 01 1 .. on, III. ... 0114 1 .. om L'lov Oln Cbl ft St Vt gm 4s I ... 01 Col K'l ft 5a 1 . 78 Col ft 8'n 4V4a 1 ... 07 2 .. 07 Cmnp Tab ft Record's Os 1 ..82 Cons'd Oa 7a 3 110 1 . . 00 Cuban C H cv 07 3 :i t 1 ;t 10 UT 07 07 07 07 Y Cum T ft T Ba ft 70 .VI v . . r.s 1.!'. '. '. r.2 1 . .. r.2' 1 52T 2... 53 3 ... R3 Mou'a Pow Ss 1 71 New (1 Tex ft Mexico 4 2 00 U New O Tex ft Mexico Ss 2 . 17 2 .. 17 N V C ft II tt II 11 3VJB 3. . 03 n r C A il It n II 4V4s 3 ... 70 n v c ft a n n n as S'l 87' 871 S7' N7 87' 87' 87 C'l 10 1 . t V. 7. 35 1. 1 N'cw Vork I.k Sh 3h 1.. . 52 n v i;ni i. at I.oula 4a 10 . . fl-: New Y N H ft llart'd Oa 1 . 20 . 1 . 1.. N V I . Tel HO 14 00 .It -j ISO'!, 4', 73 . . 73', 73' Tele's Us . . 85 , . . SK . . 80 . . . 85 85 v Os OIIV (Mil, Laek of harmony in the Tenehers' Association Is said to lie responsible for falluro of the pulilii' school tearliers to make detinue progress in obtaining nu Inerease In salaries. As a step toward brliiRinK about a more harmonious con dition the women teachers will endeavor to elect officers who. thev believe, will give them more recognition In. the nf fairs of the asocintinn. The election will take plnce next Friday. The slate framed by the women's or ganization follows: Kdward Wlldman. president; Sara 11. Calllnan, first vice president; Lora It. Scott, second vice president; Kdlth A. Hprowles. corre sponding secretary; Harriet Tdnk, re cording secretnry ; Anastnsln Vauglmn, treasurer, and Sara Hunting. .1. Ij. Hnuauer. P. A. Moore. K. It. Hnnna, .T. K. 'Weidemiinn. P. Miller nnd M. P. Irvin, representatives. These candidates have nil pledged themselves to moke the Teachers' Asso ciation more democratic and to shift the control from the board of directors to the teaching bodv. to nrotect. and fur ther the Interests of class-room teachers and to provide for hnrmonlous co operation between the two bodies. Officers of the Teachers' Association are confident the mass of teachers ap prove their actions nud express them selves ns certain ot electing their ticket. The association nominees are : Dr. Iiiicy 1j. W. Wilson, president ; Thomas Groctzlugcr, llrst vice president: Helen H. Iiovett, second rice president: Knilly M. Itcnshaw and Elizabeth Sievin, cor responding secretaries; Mary Haydock and Elizabeth Sievin, recording secre taries; Annn "Walker, treasurer, and Charlton Rabb, Annn Wilkinson, Sam uel D. Parry, Louise Tlrinkmnun and Robert Morris, representatives. "BABY" HAD THE "MILK" Police Find Man Had Whisky In Hot Water Bottles Attracted by thp iins-ual appearance and net inns of Christian Yurketc. wlillp that person .stood at Eighteenth and Master streets for more than an hour last night. Jesse Smith, n patrolman of the Nineteenth and Oxford streets station, watched the man. Several men are said to itnve ap proached Yurkercz and declnred "baby wants a little milk," handed him a sum of money and deiinrleil. After I'cach transaction Yurkercz appeared to grow thinner. JMiiitli arrested him for intoxicntion and suspHon of boot- i1 1 legging nnd at the station house found ten hot-water bottles Mlleti with whisky suspended from 11 strap around the prisoner's waist, according to police. He will be given a henring today be fore Magistrate Oswald. SENTENCE COTHRON COUPLE 8layers of Negro In Maryland Given Life Terms . Roclnllle. Mil.. May !!. CHy A. Y.) Sentences of life Imprisonment In the Maryland Penitentiary were given Clarence Cothrou and his eighteen year -old wife, (irnce Cothron. both for merly of Miami. Fla., In Circuit Court here csterdav for the killing Inst June near here of Homer Jones. 11 negro chauffeur. Cothron now Is serving a life sentence in the Maryland Peni tentiary for killing John T. Welden. of Philadelphia, also a negro chauffeur, und Mrs. Cothron is serving n four car term In the same prkon for kld liatuiing a Halllmore elrl. Two of the three judges composing the court recommended capital punishment for t otliron. Testimony presented nt the trial of the pair showed that l;otli ron and his wife killed Jones after they had been foiled in their nttempt to rob the First National Rank at Highland, Md. GROUP BARGAINING SCORES OF WOMEN IN IP. MEETING 26 Delegates, 129 Alternates Choserj by Suffrage States for Chicago Convention WYOMING IS FOR PERSHING Chicago, Mny 20, Women's share in the Republican convention this year will be larger than ever before, accord ing to n check of the delegates so fur elected. There will be twenty-six women delegates and 1-1) women alter nates with seats in tho Chicago Coll scum, when the the business California heads tlvo states with women delegates, hating named five out of the total of tuenly-stx. Tender the California state law. the delegates are all chosen at Inree. Illinois lias three alternates who ore i women. Kentuckj led iff its list of delegates-of -large with n woman. Mrs. Christine Rrndle South, of Frankfort. ' In addition to those ineutioued. the. METHODIST POLICY Method of Dealing With Labor in Cincinnati Plant Is Ex plained to Conforeco DR. ELLIOTT CHOSEN EDITOR By (lie AsMiemtcd Press , Dcs Moines, In,. May 'JO. Dr. flrorge Elliott, of Detroit, yesterday wns elected editor of the Methodist Review, a publication of the Methodist Episcopal Church, following announce ment several clays ago nt the general conference here tlint he had been elfctcd nnd later that examination f the first ballot iliiclo'rd he had not received u majority. xneninl committee nsked the con ference to npprote the policy of the Methodist Rook Concrn ns-fo organized labor at the Cincinnati publishing house. A form of collective bargaiuiug. culled bv the nullioritlese of the book loncem "group linrgalniug. nut in trnlitv II fnriil nf pollcftivn hlircaitliug as to the wnge scale and hours of rm- nlojment. ns well as other Items, hns ' been worked out there, nnd has been copied b mnny industrial institutions 1 throughout the country. The report further asks that the book .concern continue to encournge friendly , relations with organized Inbor in every possible manner which does not infringe upon the rights ot iincirganizpu moor. The committee on episcopacy lias recommended the creation of n com mission to study Into the advisability of substituting what ifi known nt Hie conference as "the area" for the gen eral conference district as a unit of ad tlie ns " l . . ' 21 - i j 5 J,, ': lifrPROFnsuJ r i.Ui- r i the C. O. P. gets down to I ministration in the church. In tl , i .. it i i l opening ot the conference there w s of nominating a candidate. ,,',.,,,. Plltmrnt in favor of the nrc nc sentiment in nivor 01 tne area plan, delegates said, but various com plications have arisen in connection with the foreign fields. The commis sion will bo asked to make its report lit the general conference of 10-4. There is an indication that an attack will be made today upon the Sunday school publications. f j, (nimcil bv some delegutes that man statements nrc contained in these publications nnd piirtictilarlv in the material provided lid ou if ., ttn...u. i.i.c hich utii i piirticuiiiriv in me ol.nnrro.l u1l.1,1r lien (lie notllestR nrfi . lor MinflOJ SCllOOl H'SUOIH. Wllit'll lire settled shows the following states have sent women as delegates nnd alternates: What Makes Millionaires? Roger W. Babson studied the hundred leadersofourcommercial world and thebusincssesthey built. He found some very interesting facts on the effect of heredity, en vironment and training. Butmoro important he discovered a princi ple of doing business the principle) that has built every great business in America. It is 6implc, for it can be clearly stated in a single sen tence. It is unusual, for it will practically double the net profits of any business large or small. You will find the whole story fact9, figures and principle in. the new Babson booklet, "IncrcasJ iiig Net Profits." Write Today A copy of this Booklet will be sent to interested executives, gratis. Send for it today. Tear out the Memo now and hand it to your secretary when you dictate the morning's mall. Merely Ath for Booklet 34-R 3 A 2i ; S'n l'ac cv Ri in. ... otn 7 05 - .... n.v 1 tiflVi 3 BO'j 10 BO'i T .... t)(i S Railway 4s ftl'j 1 M 1 M S 6.1 K ltitllMaH ,,3 22... . . 1 ... Til So my M & O CtfH 4a io ... on riiini Av it aj i Germany. Austria. Itnly. Belgium, Ho " . . -. llnml nnd StuMtynrlnit.l hnltitr liresenf. 'The purpose of the meeting is to re organize the international pacifist move ment, after the interruption occasioned by the wnr and to consider the League of Notions question. Addresses at the opening session Sun da developed severe criticism of tho Versailles treaty and the scheme of or ganization adopted by the League of Nations. More adequate pro ision against the outbreak of new wars was demanded. Miss Emiij (Ireene Hatch, of Wollc.slcy College, is an Americau delegate. PACIFISTS AGAIN ACTIVE International Peace Societies Meet In Switzerland and Criticize Treaty Berne, May 20. Delegates of the In ternational 1'nion of Pence Societies ore in session at Haste for the first time since 1014. representatives of societies In r.nglnnii. France, the I nltcd Mutes l .. . SS' 1. . 24i Third A RK 4 .1 . . 41."-4 10 . . I2' Union Tac cv 7. ... 70V Unlon I'ao fd 3 . . .. (IS 10 . .. (114 ft . (IS f,. . C.R'i lft iW-j (1 ' (!S Union Pic 4s 1 .... 7M ft T.Mi ft. . . 7.V, 7(li IT .. 70 ft 7(1 I' I'MClllr 4 4 Union I'ar 1 1 PS' I' K (I II I '-'I 1. . III'. 1 . H4 , 1. . 04", 1 114 ', 4 . . S4 :i n i .. . 4, a . . 04& in . IU', HI . .. 04 , 7 (M't 1 H t 34 IM14 ISO . 114 i-i U K O H A ret 1. n y 1... 1... 1 1 1 N A W 4... 1.. N'n PariH. :u Ml". ftl N'n l'ac I fie Is 10 70H. .1 70', ft 7!. II .. . 71', B.. . 71'. Orrcon H I. 4a 4.. . 70 Orrgon S I. ftl 1 . . S2 4 . Ml 14 Prc T ft T Ba 10 70 B. ..SO Pac 0 ft 11 fta .1 7.1', S.. .. 73 ij t. ... 73 2 T3') Pii RK en Hi. 4 S4 0 . . M I'h It Kill I '10 1 T3ij I.. .. T.'l'j a t .1 1 IT K t II rem .'l 3 . . f!3 H3 n3t 113 HO 03 4 MILLIONAIRE INCOMPETENT John W. O'Bannon Is Adjudged Un able to Handle Property New York. May '(.. .tolm AV O'llnnuon. fifty jenrs old. who boasted before a sheriff's jury ycMenlm that lie had built up his business, from n shoe string to corporations iu which he bus $15,000,000 interest, was found incom petent to ninnuge bin property. A won derful mind and memory, said the alien ists who examined him, but too dieneil to continue without n committer Mr. O'Bannon is head of the O'lmn nop Corporation, which manufactures n substitute for leather, and also head of the Motim Munition 1 orporatlon The O'BBiinon (orporatlon .",05,2711 of assets in Hllll. d s.v 8P sn sni.j sn no noU 1 1 t- k 11 11 1 :u j 1 1 a r. n. 1 1 B.. 3. 8 . 1 1.. 10 . 1.. .:ii T3i, :;p, 7:1 1, 7:1 ' -31, t:m, 731. S3S S3T f.4 t.4 At U S Mexico Ba 3 . . 33 U S Realty fts ft Tin, 1 . . 70 ft . .711 a . . . 711 U tf'Rub'r 5s lfl4 7IHi . 7fli, .. 70S . .. "f" . TH'j . TO'. Wtetl fti . . f0 .. fim. . fill . IIIH4 . lilt '3 . HO I . 111)1, . Illl' .. iioi; . no IIOi I'tah Power Light Ba 1 .... 74 4 1 ... 74', 3 . I.. U 8 I . I . 4 . II 10 1 ft I ft IVnna It R Bs 73IVIr'B Carolina A ft.. x.! 1.. n . 82 'j "i'4 s." S3', S'.'lj 1 S3 10 . . 83 IVnna R R 7s 1. 10 in 0. 101 4 101'. mi. 1014 Chun Co lat 2 02 Vb Rall'ya 6j 3 ... 74 Wntn UlfO Ba 1 .. . 0314 Vt I'ao 1st 1 T7', Weat Bbore 4a 1. . . OH', 3 . . . . (IT 1 . .. (KH4 WIU011 Co rv High 01. SO 85.02 85.00 Liberty .I'ds . Liberty 1st Is Liberty 2d Is Liberty 1st 411r.. Sli.Ol I 4'i8.. V:.m 00 ao 48 ttff.OO Liberty WM 4'i8.. K."i. Liberty 3d l., 00; Liberty 4th -His.. 8. Victory Not.. ay, K l. Victory Not Ji B. 1-ow 01. no S5.02 81 10 80.01 84.7(1 80.20 85.00 00.20 1)0.20 81', 1.15 r m. tll.ilO 85.02 84.50 80.01 85.20 80.00 80.08 0(1.28 oa.yo Prisoner Has Joy Ride, Returns Ions, N. Y., May 20. - George He Luc. seventeen jears old, the oulv pris oner in the Wn.wio county jail, iiere. sawed his way out of his cell nnd diote away in the sheriff's automobile. At 0 o'clock last night lie dnne the 1111 toniobile back to the jail yard and nnd. himself un. lie bronchi buck sir of the sheriff's revolvers, which he took before he left. Colorado, one ilelecnte. two niter nates; Idaho, one alternate; ?nilinnn. six alternates; Iowa, four delegates and ten alternates; Kansas, six alternates; Kentuckj. one delegute and one alter nate; Louisiana, one delegate on con tested delegation ; Michigan, one dele gate, eight alternates; Minnesota, "nc delegate, six alternates; Missouri, three delegates, twenty - eight alternate); Montana, one delegate; Nevada. f one delegate, two alternates: New York, two delegates, eighteen alternates; North Dakota, one delegate ; Oklahoma, one alternate, two delegates on con tested ticket; South Dakota, one dele gate: Teniicss-ce one delegate, one al ternate; Texas, one nlternnte on con tested delegation: Utah, one delegate, two alternates ; Virginia, one alternate; Washington, five alternates; Wisconsin, sixteen alternates; Wyoming, one alter nate. Wyoming's six votes in the Republi can national convention will oe cast 1 for ficncrnl John J. rershing on the first ballot, as a compliment to Senator 1 Warren, of Wvoming. the fieneinl's father-in-law, should (fenernl Pcrsh-, ing's name lie put before the conven- , tion I Delaware and New Jersej delegates. will be within walking distance of the uttnftltnltv Last night the general confercn'i' reached the report of the loinmittce on education regarding the course of study 1 for ministers, which him been under fire ftoni nutnetoiis sounes fur two or 1 three j ears. The majority report meirly recmn 1 mends the enlargement f the comints ' sion on education, but .loes mil limit j (heir powers. A minority report wjs I presented, which prescribed that all books used in the study course shall be 1 1 in hcartj accord with the church doc- 1 trine. All of the report was adopted 'except the single paragraph mi this,! point, which will be acted upon today . J j The conference authorized the otgnti- 1 i.ation of u new benevolo.) board, to j I l.n 1 .. n.. ,1.. l.n.....l ..t I !.. 1. I I I,.- ui...,ii ur II-,' im'.ii.j 1,1 ll(,siii;, iioil wmm I homes, the duty of which shall hi to - -1 render advisory service to tiie hospitals. ' children's homes nnd homes for tin .igcil 1 which are maintained In the clciiomnia tion. mwm Wellealey Hills, 02. Boston, Mass. Largest Organttatifn oBuunus Advisor) tn the World TEAR OFF HERE For Your Secretary Write Roger W. Babson, President of The Babson Statistical Organiza tion, Wellesley Hills, 82, Boston, Mass., as follows: Please send me a copy of Booklet, :4-R3 "In creasing Net Profits" gratis. Memo Arm Broken, but Girl Drives Auto' After her arm had been broken ns ' the result of 11 fall from an automobile Miss Miriam Cat II. a Camden fligli School girl, drove a number of tier schoolmate from Anglcsen to Wild wood. N J . yesterday The accident . Mnppenrd while Miss Curll was driting SJUSy 'u.p"in,.,v .:rv?r:T.'.i''1 "- w.t.seeiB tnP' ",' "" .".'. . " ;-. " 1 , game of liaseha in ivici Mtss Caill Congress nnd Maryland at the LaSalle. W( ,o ,)(lw, mrtil.ip,r(1 ,,. ' y been called off because no girl inn lie ARREST ARMED BOYS ' found to take lu-r position on the Cam- ' den scliool team. Policemen Answering Alarm of Thieves Find Boys In Neighborhood SrSSMSJSISSJaJSISiaBaiSfaaiSiariMSfajaf'i'i r . 4 .! .. .. .1 T,.. . I f!ll i 1 Soreennt Attle and Pntrolmnn Miller answering a telephone message at 1 :U0 a o'clock this morning thnt thieves were 3 trvlng to brenk into the home of T. J JS Qiiinn. LU North Sixty-third street, gj caught two boys, each armed with a re- . jd olver, who were lurking in the neigh f3 horhood. g The boys said thev wete .lofeph Cn S vetti, twelve ears old. 210 North Tel- 1 g ton street, and Anthony Mnrano, fifteen 1 years old, O'--".! Race street. They were Ej arrested after 11 chafe, and taken to the ' g Sixty-first and Tlu'inpson streets ta-lg tion. Later tliey were scut to the House ijjj of Detention for a hearing this morn-I S '"Rj 1 fa Did you clean up and "Paint Up" with Phoenix Paint? Thousands are tloinp; it now and doing it better than eer they did before because ilicy are usinu Phoenix Paint! i At All Progressive Dcalera Phoenix Paint and Varnish Co. jl STUDENTS TO GIVE PAGEANTjl 121 aiaVkTsMmdeiphi. J Biblical Story to Be Enacted by South Philadelphia High Girls "Kings and Men," a pageant based on a Itiblical tory, will be presented tonight by students of the South Phila delphia ' High School for (lirls at the scliool. The pageant was planned bv Miss Olive Kly Hart Miss Mabel Rock ar , ranged the instrumental music and Mi Kdlth Rrowi taught the dances. Costumes in keeping with the period represented will be worn. An orches tut composed of the students will play appropriate music. W L OFKR New York, Chicago nnd p St. Louis Railroad First 4s "Tax Free" in Penna. Welsh Brothers 028 Chrstnut Struct . .. . . rhllnilelDhli. tyomharrt 1543 nmnxHi-uiuitt Canada Bear this thouabt In mind: Canada's Indus trial possibilities to-day equal those of the Uni ted States immediately following the Civil War. That explains the American Industrial invasion of Canada and the Dominion's favor able Investment oppor tunities. Placing Investment funds In Canada with exchange rates no ad vantageous to you, au gurs Voll for large In comcandfuturcproflts. We will recommend you desirable securities with excellent income yield if you will write to us. Address: S3 Acewcv of Royal Securities ! i v.nrnAun 1 W1. (CANADA) K LIMITED i rl 165 Broadway, New York jj A Test of Our Service MANY of our customers have ap pointed this Company executor under their wills after they have tested our service thoroughly by putting their property in our charge in agency accounts or "Living Trusts". Wc invite you to discuss with the officers of our Trust Department this modern method of caring for your estate. Commercial Trust Company City Hall Square West Member Federal Reserve System Recommended for the Attention of Discriminating Investors is the preferred and common stock of a large rubber com pany, at a price to yield a very satisfactory return. I3 an es tablished company, with plants working to full en pacity, and managed by rub ber men of national rcputa tion. Development pending which will make the common stock extremely valuable. The preferred stock has assets of over $600 a share, and is cumulative and convertible. Price on the preferred stock to yield 10' , and on the com mon stock lo yield over 15. Full details upon request lo C 309, Ledger Office. Ksiz. - ---& JU1I IIIM" mil III mmj . -J General Manager or Sales Manager ilpslrrn inmwtlnn utlh rMnhlUlifd lMilnr. of mmiiiiI rriHitutlnn or urll HimniKl iirciiiiiriifliui nf irnrnu.i6 mm. Miii riiV rirrli"iir In ul mil Rrnrrnl 111 iiwprini-nt ntiil tlnjiire. Ilrt rrfrrrmrH frmn irritiit fin tttuArrM hiiiI ntlifri.. 1'rri.rMt rurn Iiiki. f7.V)D irurli. DrliilU at lntr- iki 1 ?at. 11 iii.k i,i:ii(ii:it firrTiTrrriTrrTTri"rrrrrfrirTrfiv Frederick Peirce IIONIIH JO IJfVKKT FOB CSc VO. MUNT 141 Chut nut Htrtt. VUtUiitlatiim H " 1 ,, 1 in 1 Vjfkn 1 , ' 1 Vi U X " T7 ,-. f U..J-...- - .. m I . i" I & V,'. I .ki; a ui ,1 f'fl ...'.J&t Xt ,... ,v. .AaHi'li aJJAJB-?