sr j V ,C ;V ''&' n .V7 "' '"V ? j. i. -j EVEKQCGr PtTBLIC LBBiGfEliilJADlULPHrA, -WEDNESDAY MAY' ?6; 10201 o From the NEW YORK TIMES Tuesday, May 1 1, 1920 GASOLINE UP AGAIN; 37 mm PRICE Garages to Advance Retail Rate Two Cents, Following ln- crease by Standard Oil. , ,., ' ,r( A. X t gar-agMfe. x .tagav VIBMngnBLi kJKq jtSmWmm ib1h TO BE 30 CENTS WHOLESALE- Railed from 28 Centi The'Total Incrtato It Six Cenu Since Jan. 1. Motor" car' ownera win expTlence"'an other ahoe thU week when thy find thai, their nrap tain bu added 2 cenu extra on the cost of gaiollne. No tlee to mny of the leading garage hu gene forth from the fitartdird Oil Com panr that the whoteaale price will bo adraaced from C8 to 30 cents gallon. The new rate will be effect.YO at mid night tonltht T meet thia Increase the manager of one of the large upper Broadway garagei aald yeiterday that after that time the prevailing re'lall price fer motor oar fuel will b 17 cenU. The New Tork garage jrrlee It now 33 centi. TJ Automobile Cffib of Amer ica ha bwa charging- tta menlbcYt 34 e-raU and It ha been uolble to bay t-tootlno at wort eftheiwar(,jation3 for 21 of 23 cefcU. Th present rata wentr Into effect "two' mentfea ago. It followed an inerea .of S otnta aiaco the flrit of the v rate effective idranca of centy Teaiv J I I l--CS,u" new rate effective tn,"J'V-4 -jrrt"ayanco of cent""' jr and" a half yr FRANKLIN TOURING CAR 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline 12,500 miles to the set of tires 50 slower yearly depreciation. (National Averages) What other car can match these results or so fit in with the times? mmwMSsmKnKSISslKSBBmmt Maim lflMk aL ' mm. t i, I rlniillXB Iha M if fjmm m$J Tm B IgltatH' aV-; iftV BllPSgaitlW .Klri fs IHIl aTmT? I ISMl imJ .HPfip IF Jar 1 Ih' Jam 'ISMiiw JV 5-5 JWMHwjy --4 ePairSWaggW jgW!y;'lillll!gg3Jfcy nfew AiCm$ MiflH t wlSmMn WBmMimmm 0-mWmwm L i-iSfM ?K , -ggggggggggiggggg9Hg miRGgaHlil iIrv P-,1f?iSgBQgi3gSiv(ifii ,A MiM-n-i ji j i tS --iB mw9''''"'"KMmmWHBBmw rirtegSrJ"i - I tU--BgigkS Sglif jfj yyfSpC-1',.- ' - iJg-BM (CStCScBSBflBHSaiM -f1gyfp--I-,B!?rBHigWHggBPii Wa it-;l!tSSMiitfftrff jfWnnRM99slM9HBE wgpggiaiHF?fTigaBgMgMBjgh.jj?.ji.i lESQBV t-" i ' ' san! ,f C65 ii r UfiSMiMitS?0wtS3TQS3fS8S W11 in mvuiitiii ' iriT W .,KSiiJSBiP 'Siilliiiilm aaBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBiBBigaBBgaBgaBWga BgaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEaEwSpffi mSBSmWSSSm9mSSsmmmmwmmWL VgaaaaaaaBaaaaaaVgaaaaaaaaaigaagBugaB VgaaaaaaaaaVgaaaaaalgata&rTit H XSixWKtmKflKSlStMSBBSmtKBKBmmWBm9mmWr gaaaaWgllgrgaawWfffflrM T I lSt(ySiBPHMIWH HtHt'lki i lrnr t11" IlTriwliaglgiggHBHHgtPi- -HH gggggggggggggggHP mWmmmmmmwfmvS$!ti vSmrTBmMmWmmm BNmm1mmmBEre&mMM FRANKLIN MOTORCAR CO. 9 1 1 -9 1 3 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, Pa. Immediate Deliveries Bell Phone Poplar 4056-4057 4. r 1 .V v)l 1 , y. wtt AA-agAfe"f. i,r, v(;AiA,,, j'.n.- t - . . ' ',,,' 't J-Ki- -.. . , ja .it iLi..-? '--'"'