"Vflnpi " T .P . . My IKn.HF'. arv i - . rk ' r tw i-V"tV I - J '" I t , p f m V At i-i If m m 01 i II 3s tr i-"-' ',,";-, r , -,Jjt',rf. '' v v'i, '- - r-v , -v. PHIIiADELPmA, tfUESDAt;, MAY 25, s1920 6Baiiiafess!a.is2a 11 u mmim.TMrki.!hi mSSSSSESSSSSSSSim u - k . vR.? r vYmuviMm( ii n nirrfifrr 1 if- -T f 1ft U'wbUiL i wwvvwjtwyM "v"";s5T.'!jr.j..P'i.J. ti xt-. . :"twt.c:- - 3: ici fcBr.i .",( r. w . rrv. CteJAi&tIWMJ..t.''--J "" niiii1nitv"'r"""-''ii ' ' " -mi-.-.M rm ( 'Z..V.ij Tills ELBARODA, owned by A. C. Woodman, snapped in tho Dclnware at Essington. Tho craft is a member f the Corinthian Yacht Club fleet CI Ldsrer Photo Service. w Id(Tr Phntft R0Tvt. MORE THAN FORTY WOMEN who have figured in golf in this section for several yeara contested yesterday at the Merion Golf A. C. WOODMAN, wcll-krfbwn yachts Club for the 1920 Championship of Philadelphia. In tho photograph at the left are Miss Marjorle Taylor, Philadelphia Cricket man and member of tho Corinthian Club (left) and Miss Kathcrinc Tenney, Merion Golf Cub: M. H C. Smith, of North Hills (center). At tho right are Mrs. Walter YachtvClub. His boat is, shown at tho Page, Wilmington; Mrs. E. H. Fitler, Merion Golf Club; Mrs. Irene Richardson, Mrs. C. L. MacCain, Philadelphia Cricket Club rlght of this page BBw -,r -ww " jt win niimiifiniiiiipiMn.Bw.Tw i ii, ; n hi n,.i.i..y '!jiaiMl'T'm' "" " ?"" V?'9B Ij i r wm' "' pnmi'Wrt-1!" W,"'"" "' . , . , I : illlllllllllllllllllllllllHIHHBVIWVfflT Ladior Thoto Hfnlce. V GIRLS OF THE BLAINE SCHOOL, Thirtieth and Norris streets, drill In tho school yard. Tho marching if1 done to tho strains of music from a talking mnchino Central News Thoto IntrtiAtlnnal BISHOP J. HENRY DARLINGTON, of Harrisburg, on the Maurctunia, bound for Constantinople and Athens Thoto by Bachrach MRS. B. K. WILBUR, of Haverford, with her interesting family of ten children. Mrs. Wilbur is a graduate of Bryn Mawr and is one of the women who are working hard to make the $2,000,000 Bryn Mawr endowment a success. Her children are helping CAPTAIN W. P. BURTON (right) who has arrived to command Sir Thomas Lip ton's Shamrock IV. He has been in 999 races. Claude A. Hickman, his navigator, at the left . mn, i'""i "'"" '"""- ( "- """ "" THHWs? KHMBnHnHMmHBT, IMHHHIHKMHHBHMMHM ... scujKKar iBk'u-TrjBHUf ks iibp- ii mii im aaKTr . . -.rifc.. i-w 7 . . i2j?mm rUy a A ,,wv, ,'wW. yv iv- v.sw'.y'' M -v A A ' '"V.A ',,A'' JBjBJBB S ' . v VBDHVAHHHBHlSWBHBltzfBHHK W'UHHHHHH '' aBBBBBBBKlBB9lQBBBBBBwlpBBl 'i kBBBBBBBBBKBfiKraHBBBBBKiBBBl ,"L. flVAVAVM I ''I - ,BVBBBBBVIiTwaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' SkrtfXtkLf .aBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi M. CiflWJBBM-Viv' ' J9flBaPI9ABBBBBBBaVABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl JBa V'yTrBBBK Jf . BBBKiaVJVABJVJBBBBBBBBBBBBVflBJVJVJVJVJVJVJVJVJI HL$tV'':'KattiflB&AB j)tfBBBBBIBBBBBBBaf1M &BBaB3BBB9BflWSBBBBBBBBKSSalP BBBW?Pf?!rTJBBKfflWWPyH!SaB MPPgSatkaBMgTlil x aBBBBBBfiPwP"- " tntitltfl'fM'BBWTB HBVBVVpwr JABBBBBBBBBBBaMBBBBBBBBBBB4,W"R?,S?TT I.IMM ila.MlBBBBBBBBBFffJHWP ? ?T .l' -'WHi'SV ITBliBBB HmIHbbbHbb P9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE3Ky?'U !3BBHIH!bbbbbbbEbbbbbbb?'' ' . AaJssstsasMsmKtmmmMt -i. .' ,ft2-vw fr i t f.A. mi. Yni.rv I' - - "l-J ......... ..i . . a UVUUUI 1 IIUIU Pll. WATER WATER-5-SHOUTS BOATHOUSE ROW. The photograph shows how the Schuylkill river has filled" up with mud along the river wall in front ot the boat clubs. The houses pictured, from right to left,1 aro Colleco Boat Club, West Philadelphia and Undine. Normally tho river should reach the wall. Lowering of tho dam six teen inches resulted In tho mud flats, which will handicap the oarsmen in tho Childs Cud and American Henley regattas this week wmm; ffirigsp:?? iiisnr rhoio scree- WILL APPEAR IN A CONCERT to be given tomorrow night at the Academy SERGEANT CARL WETTENGEL, of Cincinnati, and Corporal W. B. Boswell, Troy, N. Y., 0f Music. Harry Rhcin, soprano (left), and Louis Schrocdcr, contralto going over the fence at the P. M. C. training grounds, Chester Ilcirrla i. Ewlntr. CARL SMITH JOSLYN, a Har- vardUniversity student, winner of $6000, the first prize, for tho bcstRepublican party platform International Universal Film. A WATER CARRIER IN EGYPT, similar to tho typo of Pharaoh's day Central Now Thoto. MAX HOLZ, tho Communist who with three hundred Red guard revolutionists is bald to have headed the unrest in Plauen, Saxony OUR CITY'S WORKERS AND WHAT THEY DO THE BEAUTY CORNER Sp ,vm. AbsdkCv, fc-iftftt XL IK t h bS?9?s9bbbbbbbbbbvk 8BbBhH SBhH r-TS ''", te jfff HI BjjF WB&(Bb9b9bBBcVbBB9BB SBBBBBB HHHHHHHHh rfflSBBBVMBHHHBnBHHNKMlffliBHHBl BV ) lOryMuKLdB M3mfeWMBBHi HIbB BHHHHHHHHhH f Blr K I Bj3 HBBHBiUtvnJB V1. BB J$fiT BiaBBBBBjVr B' 4jnrt HPIw vfl 9 'vBBbI Bv vl I ' wj BBBBBBBB9HBiBKti ''ft sBK EtVBBBBm BBBBBBw BBBBbI Vi H ''f3B S BBCBHBSBflHBBBBEBtttBI Z jA)AlwW4 '2'...1X&&& 9 '.v jtf3QHH Ir'BBBBHBl NtVU. & ft bBB JHBHBrlB JHBHBBBBHhE bP y tt 1 h-i MjjjaBjgaMBjMtwBjMjjBMMjBajBjaMamBjiifta wbsVHPbPHbbw BBBv' i , . 3yAyAyAakwMMwM' d&& MBlfcjtB6fti I) jftjj iwix. - '"' - j AHBylBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn k JT BBv i, T""if AV: ' vT rrFrrj'UBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiBK tmmrnmntm 11L WILLIAMS, 1C20 South Yewdall street, operating a multiple drill at tho Ace Motorcycle Corporation, Eno avenuo and Sepviva street. Twenty-two holes are drilled at the same time in cranlc cases. Seventy-five of the crank cases are finished daily j: mS2aBBO itWnUKKM SilllBBiBBMBBVBlllllllH - , fTtM -.,-: ,vvj I BBBBVit v f vjl YbBBBH laBBBBBv 3V 'fv Jt -flln Hv& BBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBTbBBBh BjTJcWHyJcLittflBbcS3tt:TSHjHHSBW v 7 rTis qBjKtMMBtf BHBPff iT T :. :. ' . ' i ' - --A" 'v,rb3Uc.in.l JlTA.TA. WI.1 U'lV JUTTfjJfc J. JiVjJ Ml IM.JIV M 1 I Wfirrrrw niwm,-""'. ,.v.MVWJSV. -rsvrivl k l,iMTMlwniim T(ni V HK (K..illlllllllHiilllllllllBilllllllHilV '"BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJKaBBWBBs . iw. -" "JS' rtJ7o.--5---i!!L-.' iiitwM'br.JyW-yiW,'2 !.-r"4TffllLsi'','S!,r.,!v?! S'f ?"' eyi:'-""Svc . w', TWi'W "-r! ".".-.,. . g n:y-.jj3Ki- m;; j.lMKM..-.aj.ii, m.i tjiau.-JLi-"'"' r ?"".' ii ' '"" - " " International. , ,,.,. ot PhllV iioedt. MRS. G. JASOH WATERS, pf MISS ROSE PALERMO, 1110 S. Twelfth bW'. MISS HELEN WAGNER (1 nitrht in the annual musical i Ayor left) and Miss Wannotto Miedel, who will appear to. Philadelphia, has returned from Photographs for thia feature should be " extravaganza to be given by tho employfca of N. W.- Europo, accompanied by Princess through the mail, addressed to the Beauty er & Son, at Lu Lu Tempw Ludovico PJgnatclll d'Aragon, btr Bvenino Tubuo Idoer Ji , riaughtar , t A A .-J AiH v v .,, MrtJip-i t'tNffi.-r4.. 'tMhW . . Ji