a v v 1 i, iii-jt ft. .. ,.yp,i 1 j FimMMm,mwrwmmu it w .' 1 K jj Mr - ' tr, t APARTMENTS P tf nlnTfCULAnLY ' DEaiRAnLtt BiV'. . -Im 1VAllfllrn1ah1 hntiilbAanU. lum "2 """ ":": in."vjzry'"1 f) iiqii-iuilti.iiou., KUUBOKCCPini affrin. .- -,-,, , ,,;;,-, U,iVi :' . n rnArni inrl ltnfh jiw . . USeiS P'k' 12. minutes from City Hall! v.Sitor service! Ions or ahort lease. 1250 if itlh it Phono Woodland lObO W. rnKSIIEIM VALLEY ArTB.. opposite Allen 'fiii . S iariro rooms,. bath and maid' quar ittfi (exclusive house: Mlect section of tier '51V.U?. "0 mln. in llroad St. Htat nns aCnii. Ki. tune 1. Useehnu, 1420 Chestnut at. !WH.I ublft .deslrnblo apartment at the ( Gladstone. 11th and Pine; 4 rooms and itiths furnished or unfurnished! southern ex. rSsures rest, service! Iw can be had If Apply the Gladstone. ueincui ISftAllDWAMe ArARTMENT. very deslr- blei will rent for summer season: 4 turn. iffrlrtlon! porch. Apply Apt. 3 O Vermont vi rmnl. Atlantlo tilty. I eMltt ' : 13th nd Chestnut sts. iffTH AND CHESTNUT 8TH. Cor, in . "' apt. from li cation! lmmcd. possess.: monthly or jearly ,IIC. II"M" -.... UT VER-NON, 1107 Throi rooms and bath, furnished or unfurnished, hot water. 018 CHESTNUT ST. Rachflor Apartment, 2 rooms ard bath attractively furnished. ir.or. No. 1035 CHESTNUT STREET I, Three rooms and bath, $03 per month; In- ..'..... iim. heat and hot water. Annlv nn OU'jrn .... --.-... -.. rrmli- i'lNE ST., 4321 Attractively furnished first and second floors, ft rooms and hath, to rtflned folks! porch nwnlnir. modern In every rMDMt. Juno 1 to" November 1, or longer; isfl pt month. t THE WAYNE ArT. (Wayne. Pa.), huuse keepln apartment for rent. June 16, ft rooms, bath and storeroom; nlso a small houtelteeplne apartment in private homo. Applv bv phone. Wayne li.i. TWO ROOM and bath apartment In the Swarilimorci furnished or unfurnished; ,1 months or loneor. Phone Locust 4009 W, Punosy momiin. HAVEnronn, fine furn, apt., 7 rooms. 2 baths, piano and shower! June to Oct.. )4.1 per month. 4U3 Lancaster ave. Phone Arilmnr DM. 0t)EHN fi-room.and-bath apartment up town secuoni iuiiy luiiiiriicu; moaerato .-n inMiiriinir hent and llffht. Finr,ii je. LMiln'n. lnih and Cherrv. CAREFUL, refined business man and mother dtpire iurnii"i-i nvntMnm ivr Bummer months! Aesi l-nuaueipnia; must D bo reason. .m.. C 134, Ledger omce. Ft'nN. APT.. 1527 Bpruce at.! 2 bedrooms, 2 bsths, dlnlnir room, slttlns room, kitchen nd pantry, Telerhono aionday afternoon or n-enlnic hpruce 4002, H24 clinSTMl'T ST Will sublet until Sept. 15, attractive iurn. uwuriincnt, i larse rooms, kitchenette and private bath: second flnorjrtiuthern exposure! t75 I er month. Fl'RNISIIKD 7.room housekfeplnit npart m.tit. (-0ntral. venrlv Ipaba! nnmitlnn June IS: tgOO monthly. C lag, Lmlter Office. Jl'D AND WALNUT STH. Kurnlshcd nnart mnt. 2 rooms nnd bath! June to Octohr. PboneFllbert0378; g E. COIl Venango nnd 2id sts High-class G-room arartment all large outslda rooms; modern conienlences. NICELY furnished It-room housekeeping npArtmni. wiin rrivaio uain. I'hnnn Ecruce 1101. brRL'CII ST . 11)12 (Ilolmehurstl 1 and 2 rm anti wun pains: neautiiuny turn., lctrlr lights. phon-.t. mild's service. WF.LlrFl'ttNlSHnD apt., 3 rooms and bath! Jul 1 to Honl. la. lllaustnnrt Ant. Htl. 11 tn and Pin" eta, 133 S i.'ID. furnished housekeeping apt.; li single rooms. WALMT lus Kntlro llrit ttmir. $10(1, 4th floor .i rooniT, liuth and kltrhnette, tc. IWO M'Tn - Jt K. rr.fl. r, rooms, bath. nnvlv papered Al'N'OST. 1211 H H2d. wkmt piiif.ADr.i.riii.v 5102 SPRUCE STREET Third floor, 0 rooms; newly papered nnd flint" nw eloctrlc fixtures; possession. JOS. ALLEN POTTS n.,tr.3ra.v.. BIX ROOMS stationary tubs, electricity, con- tlnuous hot water- handsomely furnished; r'irlv li'ose. iiosseslon Juno 1. PLOOD & Ol'INX HUh and Cherry. t AND 4 ItOOM APATiTMENTS. OPDOIlte csth st. Terminal: onn Sunday. 1'. .1 l.A . l.f.It. 4210 I'AnKSIIJE AVE. Threo rooms nnd tilh .',!) M0 Oils Hldg. I'KNNSYl.VAXIA HUHfKH.y n.wi:Rnwi IUVEHKliItl) flne furnished apartment: 7 riWrflB (tin h.ilha nlnnn Vm... i.aM pet 114,1 p.r month. 403 Lancaster ave. MVAKTHMOIti; TIURDlI.Oult APAHTMCNT, f, room and Dnt wnnmore rHi si. . xi'.w .ir.RHicy si:,MKirti: ..T1-XTIC1 CITY DLsIRVBLF. furnishi-d apartment. 4 largo .room i nd hath. Inlet section. 3 months. ioo i,v aprolntnifnt or after .1:30 p m. ONI! second-floor Hpartmcm. 312 'cas- pun r ATLANlFc riTV Attractively furnished 1-0 ,n oirtnipnt nvrlnnlttn nAan, t. uI '",h', tOVB,!,bl". Juno I" Adlr? Hollls p i of Hole llothwcll. FURWISHr.P ArARTMEWTfl if'.ilLN?, iPlrt 0 Prtment, conslstlne sn iCm. "'K"'0"! with open nrepi"S J?.i tiZ$room- ,0 one flr two ladles; een '"' I0Q Per month, n 014, Ledger 6fflr" "'VIS"K APAllTMnNT for rent Tm . voiiw uiiu irnini juno jti to Sept. 10. 1001 "" " I'hone Locust n28 W. MINT PIIILADnLPlIIA "JJOWnp AVK-Three story, Porch7elee trie ieh end house; abundance of llKht "1 ir Jnn 1.1 to September 15. JUS. ALLEN POTTS 400,1 llaltlinore avo. iuums ILD apt . I rms . bath. Kitchenette J "' Jno 1 to October . at blc "Jl Ivtlon I, tone. .ut fl. muiT ri... ...... ro APAKTMENTS AVANTED GENTI.I 1IA.V and wlfo deslro smi.il hnT.iT. .. i'. a,','lr"'ent. "HI tak, furnished pirlmfnt for summer month. . ,,V...a s;i7iffrf''. imK.1! -SZ '!,n'"1' ""'.'hborhod 42d and pin .,- L Vil'J- ,J "Kt"ornon 42d and rino n no children, H 030. Ledger Office. APARTMENT HOTELS THE DELMAR-M0RRLS, GERMANTOWN "'i"!!? 7 "ROAD ST.J STATION . l"'yM am unfurnled I suite" "uitL LULUNIAL invert Men .,.. . AT 11TH 8' 11TH 8T "the T.v n7 " !S$ Wl I" the center mt law, in ;" "!i n r ibi iu nie.,.. oa, ,Tni American plan: "iin HA KEIt .th" MnV"J5' ne .na awa., THE,GlADST0iIE SjXUJInREPROOF THE LINCOLN yjfg--. ! WAllUnNFKIAIt ' tlllfi,.A! v Silih and Chesiiiut To sublet M MORRIS H0TIRpvt"t.t.t,- fARM - - APARTMENTS ..Oetob'r'i Vi, ,,.u,!la, furnlshe.r'u'ntll iM. ' "net ,, ,'" . '.'"."'i'S, Pnmont at .i"lh shhCIN" mAPAnTMENT l.Tfl N" J iii. ...!? .".'J" "a'n H, )0HHC3Hun , r "iit in i i i i' " mn st wnsif vnium:uiiL hmn NEWLY FURNISHED JLEAL ESTATE FOR SALE cm; 1'W N INTII-Ti kiwi.1 ,.;"--.1.1 ruoma, m hHth, Bl tllii.i ".V"v - "". ail conv : '"TN-iiiTr "222 I-m!iolu,nl,la UlCh I,., I 23x I a "nr" 'k',;n.:-yf- V . iiu N l,r,lJ. i"! 0 rOOma liimHrv .... L . ffArsruv-iuaia? rJ-.1-. One' Z. ,"."". -i!rtiii r. tnii. r... . - on". 1017 ColurnhV ' nuihi ... i. . 'jTSTiTni -rUi-l-U:!i"ii. ii.io wimmn v?Ar&hi T 38 rt. DrJt; nrniinrtv n. HEA1V ESTATE FOB SALE ClTV WIUIlliMUHiWI MANUFACTURING BUILDING 625 ARCH STREET LOT 3' 10" x 173' J" nEAK ENTRANOn S-STOUY AND 11A8EMENT ELEVATOH ELECTniC WELL FINANCED POSSESSION LOU M. HINDIN 1118 CHESTNUT STREET PHONE WALNUT "Xi-tt MwiiiiBaaMii FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE 4034 SPRUCE STREET Four Story 18 roomsr-2 btitha Porch Electric Light Lot 26x150 ft. to rear street FORRENT FLOORS 822-24 North Broad St. 2nd nnd 3rd Floors 40x60 each 812 North Broad Street 2nd nnd 3rd Floors 20x130 and 20x80 We also have two floors in loft . buildings 14,200 square feet and 10,000 square feet For Information Apply HEYMANN & BROTHER Widcner Bldg. ioeust finer. Ilaco moil Hace 807 Hibberd B. Worrell & Co. j fi.15 X. 17th Cor. 20th & Green &" electric, light. 1524-26 N. 19th S Six apart- i a modern heat, heat. 2041 Sp. Garden $ Solid brown- ne, lu rooms, baths, luoa em hent, electric lights. nnn t in. I Three story. 11 rooms: ) y centrnl: near Parkway. , Tour story nnd hase- IO.O1 P mnt: a mtlne rooms, VZO Ureen 18x83. v Kour apart ments, etc. 201 3 Mt. Vernon 14 rooms. 2 baths. side yard: possession. r,07 V. 10th, 11 rms. 2128 ir,30 Oreen, 1 1 rms. SIS 1002 Oreen. 12 rms. 832 18(1.1 (Ireen, 12 rms. 1200 Wallace. 10 rail, Taney. 2 story N. 20th. 0 rms. Newklrk, 2 sty. 2210 Wallace. 10 rms, znnn 2.1.12 Mont'y av.. 5 sty 2220 14.1!) Watts. H rooms 1220 Arch st. N. 20th: corner Thompson, fir. 1420-28 Kerb'UEh, Dr. 2240 :v. tiouvier, . sty 2916 RIDGE AVE. STORE AND DWELL1NO Modern; 11 roms: cheap; possession: see It EMEnsON CONRAD. 63 N. 10th. 2-STOHY brick home. haVlnir B rooms ond bath, with outside shed; assessed SHOO; 1st mortiraao 8O0 at 5 4-10: Prlco f 1 130. Located 1931 Mutter st. J. C. FULLER Ppruce 4130. 10 S. ISth si. Ti:N HOUSES lot sale In 2000 block H. Darlen st.: O rooms and a bath: electric; Dutch hall, stone porch, laundry; Kuaranteed 3300 first and second mortgages; will give 0(1 daya settlement. Write owner, give phons number. H 028. Ledger Office. liOOS N. 33D ST. 37B3 N. HOUVlEn ST. citner properties ERIE REALTY CO. Tioga R42R 1422 Erl e ave. TO CLOSK AN ESTATE, valuable property 72x123 feet, extending to rear street. Two fine houses, large lot. aarago Capacity 100 cars. Must be seen to be p. predated Call or address. 1023 N. 21st street. Philadelphia. KOIl BALE 17th st. at Market 40x70! oi excellent quality: gooa cclimga and easy to auer. 101 luxiua; Between 2 8tr""-J. A. TATTEngON. 130 8. 13th ' nanriAlN TO SETTLE estatk N. 13. cor. 2d and Dickinson ats.i entire tri angle. 2d t.. Dickinson nnd Wilder sts.: dwellings nnd stores: will sacrifice. TAULANB. 000 Walnut st. J42.10 24S7 N. COLLEQE AVE.. 11 rooms! 10.100. 1743 N. 8th at.. 12 largo room. 2x80. 110.000. storo anu dwelling. N. W. Cor. Frankford ave. find York (2400). Apply 1 113 W. York st. Phone Dla. 280, sale; 8 largo roomn and bath; hot-water heat, electricity. te. Thone Wyoming 1014 W for appointment. OEHMANTOWN- Modern house, 7 rms. and tllo nam, uinn nrfiumuc, iioi w.irr neai, dec . good location; li" loiiatlon: 10000. Phono Manhelm. 3040 1W fl PHYSICIANS 2200 Pltzwater St., suitable location for phjsjclan. 3 atory. 11 rooms: office and waging room. , 111A. I.. LilyJ- u. v... e J. ...uwu CENTUAL FOU . SALE "5 8. 17th st., cor. St. James: lot 30x00: dwellings iiiltabln ror Business. mvuiii'." ,-.. tin u inn. poil SALE 100-108-110-112-114 B. 11th, near rorner 11th and Chestnut. 100 anu ib" a 11th: practically new buildings. J. A. PATTEnSON. 180 8. IBth St. o QTOllY semldetnched. brick residence; " hot-water heat. el'C lights, up-to-date: on main St.; ,aH'..ll",Hnive,dL Possession ono w'-k. APPly inj7JJJ7tijt. vnEuif desirable wluahle rorner, facing llroad st.. nar City Hall; lot 02x01. light nn 'l Bides! old buildings. AUTll'ilt HOSWIll.L. 233 N 13tli iFiiii HA1.K 1800 Chestnut St., Including 104 and 100 S. 18th St.; early possession If deslredj A rATTEItSON 130 8 13th i.-nit 8AL13 8. IV. cor. Hlh and Chestnut! practically new 3-slory building, with SOU "VgwinBOW. 130 8 lMh .! rirsiltAHL13 apartment-houso site, facing on ' important streets, cvin be bought at tho iJhi irlco It 'or detelopment purposes, right, rrit" ' -n7 Walnut st 1.HV1CK "vi"11lJ - .7 -' ''l I'll I ST U 1 5 t" "li""1 '" uniuu, ""t iinrv bul'.dinB. corner property, choap for .,uTck sal- APPly 10 S. Delaware ave. '" mL inl till .f mmfultfi t a nai tfealnrt . i.nninarn " nTiTwi HiAiflC Maseher ft. Six rorniM and ' hatrf l"M0: 3100 block Ella rt 0 room... bam, -'" .J1,,M irm n npiwiriiv hnlh nnu poreii. ..-.. - ....., 323H N. Front St.. . is'7 CHltiSTIAN 8T, and building In rear; J,,ri ',.--. imm.il ii n nomiesfllan. xkuiii or' '',v. .i v.. ,.." T. .. mimii.i.i 1.131 Christian st ,1 11- JAIII'l."'" Citii-m nillrond I'ennu nnd Heading; S20A0 per'acre and up. according tc i loettlon: In- i.. for terms. Dleterlch. 737 Walnut nu'N'Elt will sacrince. invmmtnt nouses near Strawberry Mansion; ery reaeonable nnures. Phone Tioga 3180. ;,,. v iliTH Two-story 7-room house; " Drlre $2000! easy terms. S. S. Caspar & r.nvr'.i..aillKVei-frd nve rvTs RTH 8lx rooms And bath; laundry; " elec It., Imidwood doors h.-w. heati act nuiJkljDi.i-2i--Jl1; mV"N T7TH ST Modem 2-story home. ae'"ra'ip.-tTl.ANll. 00U Walnut st. TTTVavTf. I UPP UTU I n.t 'rn'toryi possession 'shortly. ' SKIIjEl'a P'PyjffnTl't'allowhlll sts .". . u cviw HAI.R. hII florflnna . t a 300 HOunrjB.. ---- --,- -. ..uu ilQWll. '".'! .kn a " 400 8 Van Pelt st li f?w.w "0OXpOKD ST. ;, 3-sty. n-roorn dwelling ; S. P.?"."!mM Wa'inu't3500- n"" CENTHALLY loc MxYft: $25,000 ocated corner, 3 houses, lot ".'iL:.'...!." ifriMwnr.i,. MS N. inn. .. Aintm "" . " 5n" 11T1I 11 rooms, 2 bathsj steam heat; 8 modern! easy terms. .. r'HAH t. iiituwn m -., -n n. jiroan sisToo n. an aw st.-2 story. 7 rooms, -'convenience.; T 03ff g4 1 N. gln ... m- UAT1CAHINI1 Modern. 0 rooms and i,.ih-will soil cheap to close estate. HAM. KNUB.' jo.-L-i' L""'-d 2104. "" Kit N, 30TH r. D"lrahle dwelllngj va. "nti 1.,)?ACNKeilQ,05"lnut St. , -no tlEAt ESTATE FOR SALE CITY GROUND Ground for Every Purpose BENJ. GINSBURG 1101 Pennsylvania Bldg. N.W.Cor. 16th & Chestnut Sts. Phones Spmco 920030 3I09E. Nprris'Strcct (ri.nL"nd NTl") One store and dwell r? .7loone 3"ory house on rear: rented JUL.'512 fr yeari Pf'c 14200: blc re Elevated1 r enhancement: close to KERSHAW & CROWL 5215 Chestnut St. 1812-14 Mt. Vernon St. Ihba1hSl0 nd man"r.A' roof. 28 rooms. ll .Vpar.'t.ty "dl "W "O""""1' "' iwapEnp h. wonrtELL k co., sas v. 17th "iiiiftsF-rPKOPBRTIES IN A GOOD LO. ClATtnsi rv? VATED ItCvb LINE WITH NEW BLE- CAMERON 2811 eKnstpgton avenue 130 N. 71 h O rnnn.. 2804?wood?troack,, f.8.om"- "". S2Si NIcl.olRs. A rooms. ' ;J03 Turner. 8 rooms. 1232 Sartaln. 7 rooms, possession.... Judson St.. 180O block. tas5 term; 3,000 3.200 200 (S "u ;a,t of. 2S,n' 0 rooms each. 1.800 Wm. L. Craven's Sons. 20in Columbia ave, 213"14..1N 10T,t ST. Two modern U-room dwellings; central Improving location. 21?nVbnaergairi.near Parkwajr- " dwell- SilT,5 ,a"dJwf" ,N B. cor. 8th and Brown sts.; good business Ideation. 2120 Race st.. 0-room dwelling; Improving location. M!17 ?f,orwoo.'l Qermantownt storo and dwelling, business neighborhood, Jy.ED.WASD..LUTZ' i0 N- "th et. Member fhlla. RcnJ Estate Board. i SPECULATORS & HOME BUYERS ACT QUICK NINE H0U8ES 2000 DLOCK S. Norwood St., west side, 8 larare rooms and bath, white plumbln: Ideal loca tlon: Incratslng value: well financed. P. CURRERI & CO. 741 S. 7TH ST. NEW OPERATION 15' p,y. deposit and move Ins onlv 18001X " rejulre(li prlce 230 and SILBER & RIFSEN 2123 N. 11th st. Phono Diamond 0845 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION N. E COR. MARSHALL AND OIIEEN STS, ..1n..Tl house: PHOTOOrtAPHIC BKvI . u " t. r oo m y 8JDB YAItD on oreen At nuilAlil.tJ tJlt UUSINE8S PUIlPO'irq. size of lot ahout, 23xfl. Heduced price? Ap p y t W underle'a Candv Factory. ISO Pegir st. (opposite 440 N. 2d si.) " S. W Cor. 19th & Cherry Sts. ?.Tw.VO:rynoUVon'JsJnem2b;r0?i "" ' JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND SAN1QM FT ii'Miv, inin st is rooms. 227 N, ISthst., storo ond dug'. tn re.. .. iJ5?o?h1'.t.-t"i8atroroV.nd ' - 1312 Hutchinson St., 0 rooms Wm. Sadler's Sonslg.n $ mbla ave. llulldlng Lota. Factory Sites. Ete. FOR SALE City lots and "acreage: Haver'l ford ave. near Cobbs Creek Park 7 acres Eastwlck ave.. fl Bcres: railroad In re"; Trankford and Ulenwood aves.; triangular lot; Elmwood nve. rind Islond road- " 7.1: Market near Both: 42x123: Irregular Olney and Rising Sun acs.: 415x112; Old York road ror. Tabor road. " ula J. A. PATTERSON 130 B. IBth at. FACTOHIE8. HUILDINO SITES Ground with siding MAR0NEY & DILLON T'cii't 2018 Flanders Hulldlnr. 1328-30 RIDQE AVE . extending to Watts and Lemon sts. 20.000 square feot 8 blocks from City Hall, only 175 feet from rorner llroad and Mt, Vernon; a splendid alto for factory, garage or other hualness low price. WORRELL A CO . B53 N. 17t", ONE DESIRABLE LOT, with railroad front age: northeast comer N, P. R, n, and In. dlana St., 22.B00 square feet: sultnblo fur stoneyard. coalyard. storage or Ice plant J. H. RHOADS. 18.1 B. Bth St. CORNER store and dwg , 3-tty. property nr Olrard ave .on 10th. Smith. 1.138 Pt Ilre.re' UnMness Propertlra nnd Stores UAIIKET, fill Flve-sty. bldg., I7xl3. Oeo W. Miller. Inc 1001 Chestnut Wal. Ooeol 112 N. 3D Four-sty. bldg.: early noes. Oeo, W. Miller. Inc.. 1001 Chestnut. Wal 0B0. 322 MAniCET Poss. August 1. UAUBER. IIAUTVN CO.. Commonwealth Hldg. Faeterle 22.000 BQUAnH FEET Factory, dyehouse and finishing works, engine boiler, elevators, tiro tower; best location In Philadelphia, 73,000 square foot; central location; pos session; engine, boiler, elevators. 10.000 sq, ft.. N, E. section: light on all Ides: steam ht., elec, elevator: Im. poss. JAMES L. STEVENSON & SON 822 Land Title Dldc. FACTOHIES AND WAREHOUSES 5000 TO 20O.OU0 SQUARE FEET POSSESSION: RAILROAD DIETERICH 7.17 WALNUT FACTORY. 8700 sq. ft ; Immediate posses. slon: bargain, good toe. C 110, Led. Off. MODERN fsctory and storo building, 1413. 1 7 Oermantown ave.i lot 24x200. niftorlea.lVureliousen, ManiifqcturlngJIiwir. 65.000 Sq. Ft. of Floors A3, O0O feet of land, with railroad siding 30th and Master: possession: easy terms WORRELL & CO , B.Vi N. 1TTH Onrntew 1010 I1RANDYWINE Three stories; 10,76 to street: built over entire lot. WORRELL & CO.. 6B3 N. 17th st Store ond Dwelllnts 2 STORES and dwellings, South I'hlla.: good loc : will finance M A. Fox. 1202 H. jiith WEST riULAnKLWIIA LAROE 8-story residence on llelmont ave.. 12 rooms. 2 bathsi price 16700, EMPIRE TRUiT CO., 44th A I.ancaater tu. 231 S, 85TH HT 2 sly.. 7 r h.-w. heat. elec. It.. Inclosed porch: early possession BMPinli TlillHT CO.. 44th A Lancast."'Q ". . "1 """c".oua .St.: o rooms and bathivory desirable properiv RAKER A KON, B201 llaltlmore ave! Y' SALE at a sacrifice, a story, porch, open residential s0. Owner. 441a Chestnut t WKHTPIULA. homes bot. I80OO a ,4 nin .,rj- -. i-. -. .eve a, .oin. ?n?. olum.ytt'.-,,or' ana dwelllnr...J10,n00 ffig1 ISlh. 13 rooms, possession... 0,000 nyZ-' S2i&- at0r9 on1 dwelling.... B.000 i?;!;. 2.8.th. store and dwelling.... 4,000 REATj ESTATE FOB SALE iwt rHiLAnia.riiiA WIIT PAY exorbitant apartment rsnts7 We have one at the finest 2-story apartment buildings In West Phlln.. containing 7 rooms, with every modern appointment: lot lO.flx 117 feet: the rent from one of these npart menta would almost pay carrying charges for entire building. Thin proposition lit well financed and little cash will make ynu owner of an apartment house In the best located section of West Philadelphia, F T Dmitri Hr Cn 10 a- 82D BT C. 1 . OmiUl (X V.O. nelmnnt 733H . 1 4 Houses, 9 Rooms & Bath Elthty-ft. st.l 1 st. to I double car lines: price 15300 ea, Ynu can spend $001) each on the- and they will readily sell for 17000. Will only bo old as a whole. Kershaw & Crowl C213 CHL'STNUT 8T. 8038 ELLSWORTH BT. Vacant: excellent location: restricted neighborhood; hot water heat, parquetry floors, electrlo light, tile bath, built-in shower; plastered storeroom In basement: better than any new houvo sell ing today at JIB, (ion: price $10,000, JOHN M. C. ENBURG ,.,''.... CASH REQUiriED $2000 Open .for Inspec tion all day Saturday and Sunday! Imme diate possession! twin; 23 Marlborough road, 08th and Chestnut sts.; 3 story, hardwood Soora. electric, hot-water heat, tile bath, ullt-ln tub with shower: cash $2000: 2 blocks from L station: 1 fare to City Hall: 14 minutes; come out and look at this house today) cash required $2000, balance mort gages placed by owner: price $0,100, J. HOWARD MECKE. Jr. B20.1 Race st, . CASH REQUIRED; $800.00 Five blocks north Market st, 1 block east: 4 bedrooms, large porch, living room, dining room, kitchen and out-shed, large bath: good condition: can be seen any time: key at office; price $3000 : Immediate possession. J. HOWARD MECKE, JR. B20.1 ItACE ST. MOVE IN NOW ' Beautiful home in trie most desirable section ot West Philadelphia: 0 rooms, bath, KAPLAN & ROSENBERG C448 .Spruce ft. Delmont 8203. SPECULATORS VT have 12 rows of moderate priced homes, apartments, also single houses; West Phila delphia: well financed. LOCKWO0D AND COMPANY 030.1 WOODLAND AVE. Open evenings Keystone phone 100 DLOCK N. Robinson st. $8000 $30.10 0 rooms 13500 1UU 1IIOCK i. 1CKies St. ,. 400 Block N. Wanamaker at, ana Dam: end nousa LINSLEY and ADAMS 03d and Arch sts. Belmont 0280. FACTS We are agents for 80 houses In Southwest Philadelphia: the most moderately priced In this locality: an Inspection of our Hat will prove this statement. L0CKW00D and COMPANY Open Evenings 0303 Woodland ave. 628 N. 64TH ST. Semidetached 2-story home, modern, 4 bed rooms: lot 2.1x100: possession. Lambert & McDermott Vt" MOST ATTRACTIVE HOUSES IjJ A CKAIUHNQ NEIOHDORHOOD. Wlllowi avo. between 38th st. and tho Parkway these am 3-story, porch-front houses. 10 rooms each, gas and electrlo light, modern plumbing: near stores, schools, churches park, tennis cluh, etc : terms of sale are easy. PEMBERTON ESTATES, owners. Har rlson Bldg.. IBth and Market sts WHY LOOK AT $0000 HOUSES? When splendidly built. 3-bedroom and 4-bed-room houses entirely renovated, can bo bought at R7th and Haddington sts. (1 block from Market ft . car 31). for $3000 tn $3030. Open 10:SO to B. l0 CROWLEY. 1237 N. 00th. 32 S. 59TH ST. Modern main, street home: practically new 3 bedrooms. Inclosed porch, possession Lambert & McDermntr i' fls.d He!. 3777 We have several desirable three story properties, modern in every respect. Lambert & McDermott i0jj ?. a LOOK! PRICE REDUCED PASCHALL AVE.. 4700 Block 7 rO?tentP$.:ih,nndO,,'2r2n30Tu7snlCni',!S EMERSON CONRAD. B3 N. loth 6210 WALNUT ST. Itlpo for Improvement; make otter. D. F. McCONNELL Bpruce B725 4 S. 13th st. 51ST&SANS0MSTS. Northwest Modem O-rOOm house, tn eler-ant ..nlltnn. J specially suited for doctor or dentist, price' i-.iiiu. ureenweu k uurnam. 4X2 H. B2d St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION CATHARINE ST. 0100 block Modern, por'eh-front dwelling: large lot: this house In iTS'JLenl condition, K LAURENCE WEB STER. Abbott D dg.. Hroad nnd Race. 622 SO. 45TH ST. Two and one-half story, lVei;..A"nee,V...V;.',---Jv:"J. .?."'."? ' 8 rooms, 2 baths !!!... m.w..- ...,vaa, .vuu 1.U11UU101) uii- 1 anion, o oeuruoma; possession at once if 111 medlato possession. J sired. Stethem. Agent at 8431 ; daturday M MAk A MA T1MLV 1021Bj60Tir STj 433 PINK ST. Three-story. detached real, dence. 10 rooms, 2 baths; lot 23x1 nn ft electrlo llBhts: most substantial construc tion: excellent condition nnd surrouncllnKs. convenient location: price IIS. 000, EUGENE, L. T0WNSEND S K. cor. 40th and nMtlmpreave. 52i7 IllNEHAnD ST. Two-story residence. .. 1 rooms and bath, living hall, elertrlc lights, hardwood floors, cabinet gas range; owner moved to another city, must sell: prlco 151B0. t EUGENE L. T0WNSEND 3. E. cor. 40th and naltlmora ave. N. B. COn. 82D AND HACI7 STS Two story store and dwelling; good opportunity for Improvement: price low. D. F. McCONNELL Spruce B725 1207 Harrison Dldg OWNER will sell a 3-story corner house, located In the best section of West Phlla delph a. south of Market st. convenient to schools, car lines and stores; satisfactory terms can be orranged and the property Is now vacant. C 105. Ledger Office OWNER desires to sell a 2-storv corner house, located In thn he.. ..,i- '.,,." ; Phlla. south of Market st . convenient to schools, car lines and stores- satisfactory terms can do armnird nnii th imne... t. ns t.ln.n n irtrt "r " ,;-.' '' 4B s.w.s Titfc, v u, i. runer umce. ,1J,00rT.Mucl?.rn "ro,,n house, hot-ater heat, ljutcn nail. ' 17800 Nine room, side jard. electric light, newly papered, "n WEST PHILA. REAL ESTATE CO Kmm nniii . ' " ' B000 Haltlmore qe BARGAIN 731 to 740 N. .tune st. ; rents S14 monthly; lat mortgage 1000; 2d morteae 1S00 each: price J127B. LAOROSS V sui Liberty IUdg. Rhone Walnut 70211. ' ' 8. BtST ST., nbovo Baltimore ave Three atory. 0 chambers; excellent location financed: possession: 17300. bargain """ ummt imminorB avw. 8ai!? ai!FZi!Xi UTi y.!am- thoroughly mod. , 18 rms,. 3 baths, showers, excellent S sty gar.; lot to Sansom st' IJS.OOO r Harris. 20.". Haverford hv , K'ariieriii oona,, : Wm. T u.N niuu oi., porcn-iront dwelling ti- r00W.Sn( ba,n.:- modern conienlcnces- price 13700; possession. ' Yocum & Powers Co. 01140 Woodland Ays. 20 fl. j,u 0, LDiir.iniwwi', svnuii, nail Abnianu ave 1 li...,llfl ,. mtnrti ..... ... ",y. -,...,l.t'.Ar. a&h.Ih O , - . . 4,cu..u. .--.,. vyi Lii-.ruui (livening hot water heat, electrlo light, tile bath, built-in shower, a real home bargain: owner molng from city. TAULANE. lino Walnut at. S. 48T1I ST., near Hazel ave. Moderate sized. 3 sty., twin. 10 rms . 1 bath, faun dry tuts, e eo. lights, hot-ivater heat, etc CIIAH 1 RHOWN r CO.. 217 S. llroad .," 420 8. B7T1I ST Large living ball, steam heat electrlo light 4 bedrooms; excellent condition. "' JOHN H. MArnrin Real Estata Trust nida- TOR BALE Main St.. aermantoivn. cholcS tot. isa104. irregular; also garage nrnn! parage prop- erty. No. oiuu. l'ATTERSON. J. A 130 B IBth t. IV TOU LIVE Jn an mov and will buy" a rine new'Wn." iui? .ht for family of 3 or 4. p 1201. LedJ right Office. 10wla,Vh?ai. Bc$? ffl.' ani "57- D, i', iwttwria. ipaj i-t. nr.... BV, 637 S, CONE8TOOA. ST. Seven Urge roomT. bat. modern : one bloc,k from schools ocl winleil hy owner! quick possession. ' c 0303 MARKET store, aeven-room upaTt. menti all modorn Improvements, Immedl ate possession. Apply 0243 Market " 440 K. TULIMIHOCKEIN HTTwln. 3TlS77, p rooms. 2 baths laundry, electricity! norch and terrace front. Owner, 'fltn "tsTi 1,' 4838 WALTUjM Avi;. Three and one-half story, semidetached. 11 rooms, ilia bath el.ctrlo llaht) llli.OUU. Woodland 'Van i "' NEAR Katrmount J-arki H.rm. house, porch: will finance.. OR18COM. alOO Catharine, I BEAIi ESTATE FOR SALE west piin.APKi.niiA.. Buy a Home That Pays Its Own Up-Keep Why pay rent or buy a homo with heavy, dragging expenscs? One of these splendid two-story "Apartment Homes" can bo ar ranged so that you will be able to rent ono apnrtmcnt for enough to pay carrying expenses of the whole. ' ONE OF THE MOST EXCLUSIVE RESIDENTIAL SECTIONS OF WEST PHILADELPHIA 52d and Spruce Sts. GUth and Walnut Sts. 40th and Walnut Sts. C5th and Chestnut Sts. 54th and Wnlnut Sts. 54th to G5th, Sansom St. All these apartments contain S rooms and bath on ear.h floor, hot-water heat, electric llrht, tile baths, and the rooms are exceptionally large, .... This Is the greatest home-buyer's opportunity ever offered In Philadelphia. nnWTRT DATDTriT n,s heal estate trust ijldo. lUt5Lrl rAlKILN THONES, WALNUT 2031 nnd 2701. nraoinaiiiiBinraiwiiipn 3935 CHESTNUT STREET Located In one of the most exclusive res.dentlsl nelahlorhoods of West Philadelphia: the lot la 80x214 to street In rear, giving opportunity for garage! narlor, dining room, break fast room nnd kitchen on first floor: ,1 rooms, bath an 1 porch on second ftcor: 4 rooms and bath op third floor; tho rooms are particularly spacious: In excellent condition, fireplaces, prlco is reasonable. Wm.H.W.Quick&Bro..Inc. 8 8. I0TH ST. 5iiiifmKsraTffliiEiiiiirjHiHmiiiraiiiira!i!Kiira!i3iMi; Tho houses wo are offering this year were partly constructed In 1010 with prices and contracts made In 1018 and early In 1010. a saving ot 30 per cent In material, together with natural de posits of atone quarried on premises, we are able to offer our purchases our semi sub. homes on Marlyn road and 01th st, at a distinct advantage of prices. MOSS & TAYLOR 68TH AND QIRARD AVE. jmiiiEiiMnamitffifflii 4034 WALNUT STREET A 20-foot house, particularly well lo cated: lot extends to rear street, ga. rage possibility: 13 rooms and 2 baths; further particulars on application. Wm.H.W.Quick&Bro.,Inc. 8 3 40TH ST. gunBraiimfflnnnnsTKiiioiuiimnmuiinrniimnrinnmnninnfflminHniBmijm SOME HOME 00th and Market sts ; Colonial finish: built-in tub shower; suburban with city transit facilities, l'rlco and terms are right. Call, phone, wire. Carl Wolf Miller. ,,.'$?, 8t. Room 510 Perry ISIdg. Race 70 Spruco 1103 li.jioiiMiiiieiiiiiiraiJiMiirjira'jEiinitiKjiBrffliPJiiiix'iiffli'insi waiiiDiiffiaaiiJBmiiiiiiiiiiiiaraiiiimrjiircmiiiiiiiraiiitiiL'iiHini-mra . SEMI-SUBURBAN HOME The most beautiful street In West rhlladclphla (blierwood section), ulth unobstnicted vlow, overlooking Cobbs Creek Park; 3 story, twin; terrace front; 111 rooms, bath: In .-. quiet and restricted r-ldentlal sectloi.; prlcj 113.000. C 210. Ledger Office. MITCHELL BUILT HOMES 4023 Chestnut st. Three story. 10 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, elec trlo light, $10,000. 000 Marlyn road. Seven rooms and bath, up to date: Immedlato posses sion; price ISKOO. JAS. N. MITCHELL 40TH AND MARKET A RESIDENCE that anticipates every wish and desire located In the most beautiful block In West Phils: No. 4207 Walnut st.; having a frontage of 8 ft. on Wnlnut St., with a depth of 210 ft. to Sansom St.; IS large, spacious rooms: electric light, hardwood floors, marble baths Ideal as a home, or readily con vertible Into apartments, with practically no uuemuons. J. C. FULLER Snniee 4130 lOHlRth st LOOK! PRICES REDUCED 5431-33 WHITBY AVENUE ROOM FOIt OAIIAOE 917 SO. 54TH STREET Your chance for a cozy home m best section Jf..?"?,-S"".-"' " . ""'. .' "'" Of C.in- " """"'' - " PEACH STREET West aide, between Springfield an J Warrington aves. Two-story porch-front houses Good condition 1214 S. Peach Street Price $3200 WM. If. LOWER A SON 2510 Columbia ave. 5137 PINE SL FACING BLACK OAK PARK wah'ffloTgria'inrpro ments; possession. ' JOHN C. KNOX 1 114 S. 62D ST. $4500 2020-24-30 South Frazier St. i S?.'ffiUllo.2;:lSK S?aryh2d0el"n,ri at,r""vt JOHN C. KNOX LLU,5?d?tJeet. McClatchy Built Homes We have several very desirable homes tn he McClatchy tract at 00th at.: nYn.f.e2 In even' respect, stone nnd brlek V," M ruction, fcemldetached garage; price i.,iim. Apply D. F. RYAN BOOS MARKET ST. 6000 BLK. CARPENTER ST. Strictly modern- semldetnched! a well S Mioo"' -ictlonYL'r D. F. RYAN. 5908 Market St. STRICTLY modern 0-room home nn I,.-- 1 block from 00th st L! pradlSJlly n.w1. hordwood noori throughout. Dut.'n hln' white and muhogany; llreplace. tile bath. ocm electricity, hot-wnter mat laundry In basement, terrace front 23-foot drlvewJS leading to garage; Identical homes on S street selling for 1700 more, can prove "t" 'm w"' ' " y to lnovo '" 'mont BARGAIN yaKx.: A2,X?? a'ger 'for private usa ur business; pre-uar price ni. Ject to existing mtg. , terms to suit. Rossi,." slon. Inspection, particulars, rail 410 N 40th OWNER H-FAMILY Ar.VRT.MENT N. W. COHftiaT,lKAN&,jow?I.TON AVB. This la a S-sto.-y remodeled building, con. ,ft,1.lne. "1""" of 8 roe nn' bath each, and 4 private garages In rear: nos. session of 1 apartment can bo had If di de aitvu, . w. ...,,..., iniiii. rviuai, ply JAMES D. WINCHELL 17th and Sansom sta. ap. OI'ES FOR INSPECTION all day Saturdav - ?uiV?uy.L f-(,.th-."tw"ct'n! Immediate m Jtarket). 3 Btoryt garage heated; hardwood hX.ke,fub7w,l.Peri,'epttrlce,11rncS screens. VlEE.'ir:000' u iiwrtj . 5981 CHANCELLOR RT . rliht off 00th and Walnut sti.. modern 6-rooin house, hot. water heat. hardwnn,1 fl.n,. iahia i,..V. Dutch halt! baraln to home hujer If sold oulcklyi vacant. W. iL MILLER. 631 DreiVj Wld, ivy -fvtnumtrjMf, BEAL 2 STATE FOB, BALE 1VKST l'Hlf..MIF.f.rillA MODERN HOMES Buy In the restricted Overbrook dls. trlct direct from home owners through an agent and broker exclusively No speculation .. MODERATE TOICEf? FROM I3S00 TO $15,000 5440 Merion Ave. Convenient to B2d St. Sta.. 1. n. R. 1615 N. Edgewood St. Modern, substantially built. 2 story 1720N. RcdficldSt. Two story, hot-water heat, electricity, parquetry floors 1 738 N. Edgewood St. Owner leaving city: 7 per cent dis count to quick purchaser 6028 Nassau Road Thoroughly modern '1 story, Hli garacs 1625 N. 59th St. Larre, modern, 2 atory, semidetached. 4 rooms and bath on second floor, 1100O reduction for Immediate sale. 59th & Haddington Sts. Modern corner, with garage: suitable for physician Adolph B. Caspar, Realtor 00TH AND LANSDOWNE AVE. 7Overbrook Homesi NpW SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN MARLYN ROAD Si'ffi1.?.' (South of Jefferson st ) THE MOST OOMPI.KTE AND COM- TA9Z 2.;?Tiyj.X. HOM'B OFFERED TO HOME BUYERS. 20-ft. stone fronts, private garages, Inclosed and heated cement porches. Central Plant Heat (that Insures plenty of heat nnd hot water). Trunk room nnd maid's room In basement. An all-tile bath with stall ahower. Moss & Taylor ipiiiiniiii FINANCED I BRAND NEW j OVERBROOK SECTION 1 Cash required. 12000, electric light, H hot-water heat, garage heated; hard- H wood floors. 2 Works from trolls ; B . ,r.? Porch, living room, dining room, H kitchen, outihed. 3 bedrooms, tllo H bath, built-in tub. shower over tub K tfOR A 11RAND.NEW HOUSE ON THESE TERMS NOTIIINfJ CAN B TODAY. 1N P"ILAUELP1I1A J. HOWARD MECKE, JR. 0203 PACE ST. H IfflMl APARTMENT HOUSE 1 NEAR 44TH & WALNUT STS. 1 wIlonstructed modern apirtmcnt house, icoritanlnsr suites, each hnWns 8 larse I outside rooms and 2 baths. The bulldlnir rroUde-i all the desirable fea ,Vres. f.or n cheerful, roomy homo for the I discriminating fumlly. 1 ?T-n,nnnP,r. """"'". 1 00: the price Is -req'ured I13."00 In cash will be JOHN C KNOX. 141 S. T2d s MA 5T5.1 HAZEL AVE One of W Philadelphia s most desirable 2 "tory homes modern In everv par ticular; ll rooms and bath- hnrdnnod floors: hot-water hent electric and gas; perfect condition attractive price 0222 PINE ST A location second to none; n room and hath, hardwood floors throughout, glass - Inclosed porch; tile bath and shower, hot water heat; electric and gas Imme diate possession, prlre win t,a mado most attracthe H. D. 3-Family Apartment N. W. Cor. 36th & Powelton Ave. Size of Lot, 50x178 This Is a 3-story remodeled building, containing 3 apartments of B rooms and bath each, nnd 4 private garage In rear, possession of 1 npnrtment an b had if desired, for price, terms, rental, etc.. apply JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TH AND SANSOM STS SI2 N I'RESTON ST. between 40th ond 41st north or Broun st. Three stor. 1 slone front, 0 nedrooms. nowly papered and painted, electrlo and gas, extra largo w rooms the kind ou can move around In, ' VAiANT. posiesslon at once; key S19 Ii.. 1.11 st . prlee 17000 JAMES 1- I'O.V A I'll I 1SIIS Real Estate Trust Rid Walnut 1(101 Evening call l'reston 290 V. 40 Richfield Road Close to 69th St. Terminal 2j Ktorv MOIie ami wtiinro (Iwclllne lartio llvlna' room i bdrooma untl tMth. iiot atr hent Plfftrlr h inl- od floor. 35-f l fronlnK" parawo. .ii(m'lltno joHiealon, open fur in Hpei Jon by appointment oady tt-rnr, ry rumcnlecit to tho U " Maslbaum Bros. & Fleishcr 11.M t rcxN sqlahj: lll'V KRO.M IiriLHER UNEQUALIiDNH0MES WINDSOR AVENUE AND FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET $6300 With Garage $6800 CANNOT RE 1)1 PLICATED JAS. C. ENBURG, Builder Car 1.1 on Walnut to 50th & Chester or 00th i to Belli i. Warrington One square east I AM NOT TI WI OH3 TER KEY TO ANY HOME I IIAVI LIHTED, THE EITDRE WILL n KULI. 6v QOOD THINQS I-'OR vow ARH IUI' UUI.VU Til STAND KOIl HOMETHINO' REMEMRER CROSM STANDS, FOR ALL THAT'S IJOOIl llm i.0.4,, I'u.u ..1J i.Alfl l r,irl A.. ... l 1 1 V.Nk. . . M, 201 18 VPHAL HT .- Two story. porelT Arrhihalrl ':2M Marli' ' Ej SB M NOT A TORTCNE TELLER1 RfT IE REST KIND OI' CAPITAL WITH IL'It TO START TO HE 1H()MIM-ii! AND HAPPY IS OWN Till: l 1 rooms, iiot-water heat, electricity' sraraaa fi3SKSK.W ,N.psTh,e.kt.",,,tm"u m- 11,. 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 1..1 ., ' fli:itlANT01VN , mWMANTOWN .. II I SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED HOUSES WITH 7 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS AND GARAGE FOR 2 CARS ; OR PERHAPS ONE OF. OUR OTHER PROPERTIES WILL MEET WITH YOUR REQUIRE MENTS. S. C. T0URIS0N 7014 BOYER ST., GERMANTOWN P w j i' f '(.'"tlw j "m-ajuo am .mtv r (r.! tjiw C0NLYN & LAMBERT STS. Opposite Belfield Country Club Near Wister Station, Germantown TROLLEYS ALSO CONVENIENT. PORCH, C ROOMS AND BATH. $5000 New 2-story dwellings. Gas range, gas and electric light, hardwood floors. North of Thorpe's Lane, EJast of Wister Street. RAINSFORD, Crozer Building Arjcnt on Premises. Immediate Possession. uir nan miiniin ivum wsm cnimiiimi iihui mmx mm unm inni iffliH) NEW COLONIAL HOMES LOCUST AVE. below CHEW STREET THE MOST lir.AUTIKL'L SMALL HOME IN PHILADELPHIA 7 mnrai, garagi. hot-water heat, elertrlc llchllnc. open fireplaces, laundry, outside shed, parquetry flooring, marblo-tlled baths with built-in tub and shower, pedestal washstHnil. linen closet. Sample houio open dally and Tuesdnv, Thursday and Saturday evenings from fl to 11 I' M I'hono (Jernmntown lotiO, Chestnut Hill 2100. or Germantown 1008 J after 7 P M. Car Itnutei No 21. 33, C." to York road and Olney.avenue, transfer west to Chew and l.o ust avenue nr Nos. 6.1. 32 40. 75 to Chclten avenue and Chew, Wlncohockinv Stution is four MUarea distant, CARSON BROS., Builders, Locust Ave. below Chew St. 11 ii rciiKi mini limine isn rnni:n;tm The Most Beautiful Spot in Germantown Colonial Home With Large Lot and Garden If you desire a homo havlnir all U10 features of tho old colonial home, tho wonderful old open fireplace, etc., and combining It with the modern improvements electric light, hot-water heat and plumbing this Is tho place you want. Itcom for enrage. Prlco $20,000. SAMUEL 907-OS FINANCE BUILDING 1 Iawle I We offr a rnre, chance to huv a really d-iiihtfiil jrnjert In School Ian. .'n ui-r. i 1" .iui ful I nl ,ule and shrubbeo klt !" n irit. n II 'u in .xielent "on illticin 1 r-i I' j' r i.iitalna i-ntranco hull 1iik' rt iu llrir- r ueptun ronm. bu llaril rum i"nln- nrnm rntry, J kit' h- iiK .in I 1 iu-i.ir -, .i d ft"' r. ." In troonm mil 3 ti.it t r, n.- tllrl lln ir ." lw In. ,m nn I 1 I ttli t.l i .in.I giirai.-, garters tur niati gar I ii h houi:. tli. An ldr.il 'eni in. n pl.u - Midvale Ave. & Stokley St. Q'j.'.'ll I in- M i ror ii. rm in'.iw u ,li;n JAWLEV 1 IAWLE I Tor Falo, JJo pp tf v.u.i." i.ivno, tut mxiii". t ' nl (lour ooni'i.i h J M Air mono h it-u lit r h. i' . b lr iiih UmiM- uato Rnd lull , pi b. ulttTt vi to miiki er U- iTdbiu Jvvul- IliK, VlU ? SIL'.UUU. Midvale Ave. & Slokley St. POSSESSION JUNE 1ST I 1HII h'nt ( WPHt IrfUpl. n Bt (H illMi -I 11 t tl -lr il h. mid t . ii .1 r i 1- in " i ru ins .irl 1 alh pnrrh ht- Alt h at ! tr )Uln Putrh ball i v oil , un J lititiii pi i i inrmblo ,nt at cm J. RUSSELL WINDER ' i ( w ,ym: avi; rr- LINCOLN DRIVE IIMH Tin un Pn nriir i iprt I.'njh-h hT le mt tit on. I misp t on ? itiihis.' lt me rnfini i nt r Phi ,i ti intf rutin puiti ntjfj kit. h u hm--nntl It. r .1 l'-lioonii an. I bath thir-1 floor J I" lruiiiis itu.I bitth intnitM.I ntf puns H-icn op n for inHD. i i uu Suiulav i ill Hi. 'lira Jl.-y i Sun, In. Mann Mink 1'2 iiritiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiniiiriiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMi'iiin GERMANTOWN I If this piupeiiy U in i wurili hat ask. .lull l I'm 2 itun ln',1, li,, h, , 1ml wuier hint niv .k-iirii wiring and OxtUH-i, 4 li.linnliu, 1 blm Ii from WashlnKUm Lano htutlun. Uniar.. r.t7 E 'ruHielioikui il! CORNER iroH-tv nil sum. teinlileiaehed l'J rooms un luuiiiK . vatnn, steam heat I I southwestern xiosure i,i, m for vurave ,tn. mediate possession. 110 000 .1 W. Oiaham Jr . M3T Land 'lliln llldg Mmjih noilL I , IMMEDIATE POSfSEisSION B022 Che ftreei, H rouius nnd bath aemlde- i luviiiu, ..,........ uwm . ui'iii.iuii. excellent i locution, f 10U0. VU.LIAMrjtSLK!l aiWl Cheiv at. WE CAN still oft. r sou" ti few" ilesFKillo hamra loinplrtely furnish, d In Ihla rieaoi tlful auhurb, larife nr muall C A lIl'NKIIERllER HOOO Germantown ave chestnut Hill 'L 4-1.1 E TCLI'EIIUCKEN hT -Tln 3-ityT 0 rooms, Ufbaiha, Iiiuiidry, Wectrlejtv. jirch V f hT -Twin a-ity . ry. electrlejtv. imrc nr, ann, y.io 'a. Mi !$$ ; i .i&L&j"Mva:t 'fi 1 mi! isiii lain imm nn usm COLDER Locwrt 4027 SOMETHING NEW Immediately " '$$&& stating price nnd kind of house ou want, we will send you a com plete printed description of each property that may fill your re tirements. Wp now have more than one hundred attractive houses for sale, seeral of which are ready for occupancy. Here are a few suggestions. Furnished Houses 'rI. r'he summer. 530 to $500 per month. Pclham A brand-new house Just 1 milium .omr,Pt,lI st tt reduced price for aulck sale. Two-Story Modern oVw' Washington lane: R rooms, twin: hut-ajr heat, electric light; ready to move Into Detach. All-Stone Corner l,, use on est side, with 2 hatha ler-trlc usnt. tnoroughly reno- uted. Large Single House " freet. ' on W psal Mod. Two-Story House lth cement porch; hot-water JI500 r'"clrl llEnt- 7 rooms, only Church Line r TlTr7T- 1(1000. Mt. Airv Two vory deslrsble ""' 'J house., one $!inot. the other S20 OnO. Rtoth modorn md for Immediate occupancy. Glyndon Priestma e r m a n t o w j l Mfmbfr Phlla. R E. Roard Offl." nn07 OKHMANTOW.V AV, c-riitti'iit- uiTinuiiiomi io CiRELNE ST NEAR WALNUT LartB siniile stone house; lot 120 ' hall purlor library, dtnlnat room pantry kitchen and laundry? . bednioipa a baths, electrlo light, hnrdwoud floors Immediate Possession rinest residential section In Oer. tiianlnn-n t.rleu tor. n.iii This la one of th'. few remalnfn!-j Germantown Trust ' Company Chclten and Qeriiiantown aves. iiii-iiiirjtiiLJjiiiMiJiiii'tiiiiaiiiicitiiiiSraiMffliiiiiiiijiiiiiao L'PSAL hot-nter hent, elevator, saras; prlvlleail Ssil" N'? V" ""'mc,u' 000. Mall" P'?1' "AI.E MalrPit. iTermantowu; cholna ioi liainn, irrcruiar. also ran. it nrnn. ert No H1UO. J A PArrERSON: 14)X ISth IMMEDIATE POHMMUUK-iM Store and dwelling, satB Chew slre.'i, . r-O'ima ana path! Oaonctdi excellsnt laifAl ( flaonctdi excellent loeal( 1A700 f Zrf . Km "18k I ' 'Tm Mm ' I r i i :l I 'A 1 fl I i t t i. S e t' 1 U.li. ,l.(i,S ..,. wiiiii rr.t AVILLJ, ) t, tiSaliSl I . - (4. I J-, 1 'j . WJJi-Wi ... imij.vj i W'fli-ii n ,.