r -. it v. t 'Sf it' ', - frr ,'.. ' IW ty ilh i "BkltT "WANTED VEMAXfr ' DrtKBBMAKER t rxPEntEKCED aitly DimEAU op bmtlotment '' WANAMAKEIVB ' ...... .......... aw. In naslst In o5h-JKJr of J2mAt aphmichine. Ap- .iramp Shipyard, Kmntorrrtenl Depart fint rtlrhmnnfl t. p"v norn- CI. I i i '." " - ' OintyS 100 WANTED ' ovEn.ia'TEAns or aob ,TnnrTT A'MTEna TonArco co. " Ua 3D Arlfe ONTARIO BTH. I curls wAKtbp n..irW position ar open In our packing Vt.'iltZ.t.ftar atlrfa over 18yNirs of. age; 111) "reikis '' elen' ,um "'"' p" Tnt hour. rMlroomiBtf TTRANKUM BUOArt REF1NINO CO. root'of nd t. ",., a nd women Wo ar tartlng another 0,Vr .Prtm?nt .nd need .dattlanl help f0r"...rnblln m.ll electric devtc.. tex- iirUnc-J l not neceniary ond the work l KJ only lnlert n. bul haa many ad; r.nUief bur factory la llcht. clean and M date: our foremen ir courteoua and. SSiI a"? Vpu " "" ?y P""'V' i? SJS. VxpcrV In your work. Apply II. T. PaTito Co . 3M1 Arch at- and Inquire for 51" nilmore- our employment maniaer OIRLB AND YOUNO WOMEN" for Ilaht work. turKtSO ICINO AND MISCELLANEOUS rACKI Experience no, necenary. pi.aeant aurroundln5 rapid advancement j-jeaiam L)Jnch Mtved acott ArrLY NATIONAL nlflCUK1 CO. 1301 Qlenwood v, OIRLS OVER 1 YEARS ff'.hl lioura a day continuation eclipol orlvl. jilei: ioe "' P'nt aurroundlnaa. KEEBLER-WYL2DAKINO CO. mnLS over 1 years; steady poslllonat rood iixes: 4-hour -. Frledberr;Aaron lift Co. J00 N. 18th at. near Vayno junction. CIRLS Sit rellabla alrts for our pscklna- iiioartmentt ateady work and aood waxes start, with advancement! rest and lunch room. American storea Co.. 4.4 N. loth it sna sin ma ..uuiw nmS wanted In textile mill! learner and V";.rt.nctd handa needed I SO-hour week. experienced handa needed! SO-hour week. Array on ipoly Orlswold worsten t.o . iiarpy Fa, GIRLS to learn tassel flnlshlnaj tl2 per wwk to start. F. W. Maurer & Bona Co., 4811 ITsyne nve . near wayne Junction, OIRLS. a 10. lor office position. Apply em ployment department. U. O. I.. s( if, aid atreet : OIRLS Ae IS. for offlco position. Apply IT. O 1 . employment dept.. 24 N. 22d n. HOUSEWORK Jlrl for ehamberwork and waiting , to go to Atantlo City. Phone Dlsmcnd 4SIS 322S Diamond st. LAUNDRY WORK MARKERS AND SORTERS AND COLLAR -TRONERS MARKET STREET LAUNDRT 180S FILBERT STREET ' HOUSEKEEPER wanted for small Inltltu- ftin naai- PhllarfAlnhla Mnlarnnatlan nr. in pre1 8d st nrren Aooress Mr. Ammone, zzo t. ,.-.. ..r - . ,...-r....-. -Tr.-,-.-,.. .. ,- LONO-DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATINO IB THE MOST INTERESTING- WORK IN THE CITY FOR TOUNO WOMEN $14 PER WEEK TO START SOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCE MENT t APPLT AT ONCE TO ROOM T84 T BOURSE BU1LDINO 4TH BELOW MARKET BT. 8 A. M. TP 0 P. M. WRITE IF UNABLE TO SEB MISS JENNINGS itAlD wanted, competent, white; wait on one lidy; go to Maine In summer. Apply Thursday, between 10 and 3 o'clock, 1B20 Spruce Apt 703. PRE8SERS ON LADIES' DRES8ES APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S Turrmvau-M-pAf ivm wANxr.n The Investment Banking business offer PiMlbty the most attractive field for -women today; the work la dignified nd highly ro- muneraiiva an im.iim.nl nanuinr nntiaa Ive: an Ir ef unassailable Integrity would consider ad ding to Its organlxatlon 2 or 8 refined, well educated women of nersonallty. Full de J,"!!., requested In first communlcxtlon, B 827 Ledger Ofnc. SALAD MAKER EXPERIENCED. FOR RE8TAURANT . APPLY BUREAU OF EMPU3YMENT WANAMAKER'S SALESLADIES wanted, rood salary to n,u....,n9ur ' tno s- w- Woolworth V . null Oermantown ae BAI.ESWOMAN. aged 28. experienced, for InildA Ml.. Oaah Miitl.n U, O. I. em- tloyment dept . 24 N. 22d.-' liS9LEIls " cotton and merterlted yarn: pig wages: worth while to Investigate; i.Mv-S.orkl,48 hour week Frledberger. Junction ' " J8th n'r wyna STENOQRAPHERB EXPERIENCED AND CAPABLE OF DOING GOOD WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S , Bl-E.N.0ORAPHER Refined young lady of ex. mff..,"1? ,n'1 -blllty In office ol automobile SfH'-ctory in northern-central lection. Ap Erie a ,0n' Wln0,l 8- '. 20th apd NOORAPIIBR 'or large office! must be f.;xpf."needi short hours: good opportunity Am..in?m'nt- appIv ?r, Partington, Jlrlcan Stores 4th and 'Noble sts a JfOORAPHBR A very rood opening for i.."e,t and accurate person; should hsve at of'iL'tff' experlenc. The Palmollva ". inag widntr maj Philadelphia. chi'.(i?,lA.p,,Bn' male. wanted tn ,pur-raiif.-.T1 "Partmentt pleasant conditions; WfliiWW .aiLVU -?!" avncment. - ii lirtigpr tlHUTi ex?.H.-up,l?R r lrto erftlcei must be gjjp,"1fn:l hour' 8 30 to 6; Saturday, EJ514 Led0 SSP0r'un"r 0' advancement. fcTENfinn . ,,.. A Sj-r- ' " .... ' In mik" Jiaii xoung iaay tor position cnernrcih.,n,r.?,Blrlmnt In manufacturing Pox"?4in northeast ,ectlon of city, P. O. tlen.WP n" J,n1 V.'ry 4alrdt central looa. . -, ' '.u ii lift- TbULPiinMm !,..... . :..-; .! rr work ac,.u no.1 rQUtreJi an opportunity to hear. V e!nt! ofnc n,r your home) lnln snS .,h?rtl ttractlv surrounding. nHaiR. IVA "?!." ." to' .tart. ' .M.VNS ,?DVRA0RB ,r:.6rl.. experl- . I Sl& .&&' &! tfVlil'lMl ' terTciTtfiKa'rg- ag?ii lfc.Xt g .'"' irM .3PELP WAiira'BP--ll1!KA.i TBWBlONB, OPRRATOnB airl expert' n?fd on telephone to. lallclt advertising; lry And hnniiat ! ATnerftncii and Httlit ry ,,ljd: telephone number if Any. C 488 Ledger Office TTPI8T EXPERIENCED APPLY BUnEAU OB' EMPLOYMENT WAtfAMAkBR'S TTPI8T Tounc lady, to relievo n't ewltelv board; llv Bt Institution: state tMrtlcutari In n.rit letter... Children' ttomeopathlo Ho PJUI. , FtonVtlln nd Thompson i- nun. w flw r umce. - TTPIBT Accural young woman, high school graduate, for teachers' bureau) salary 118 to IZQ. AppI- ni2 wllherspoon nldg. , WAITnE98EB WHITE FOn TEA llOOlt AtrLT BUREAU OT EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKEIVB WAITRESS, experienced, for hllh-claoi rea- lauranii anoa vaaei and rnoalf, Aooly to Mr. COrder. 1004 Chmtmit at Com ready to work. WINDERS on cotton and mercerized yarn! bt waiea; worth while to Inveetlfatai eteady .work. 4.hour week. Frledbera-er Aaron Mf. Co., 4000 N. 18th, near Wyn Junction WOMEN AS CLEANERS FOR DAY AND NIOHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF BMPLOTMENT WANAMAKERlS TOUNO LADT Elllott-Fliher btlllnr ma china operator- aood coaltlon with' laraa manqfttcturln concern. located In Nlctownt ajate a;e. axterlence and aalary deairad. y Bat, Iedaer Office TOUNO WOMEN FOR CASHIERING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT .WANAMAKER'8 General BUSINES3 ST5RVICB CO., 1114 Land Title Clerks, typists, bknra . stenns . tlS-tSO. HELP WANTEDlkALB ASPHALT mastic spreaders wanted; Heady . work. Apply II. St. John Manvtlle, second floor rear. 210 N, Broad at. I AUTO CLEANERS, experienced on tilth class work Apply STIh and Filbert t AITTOMORILE MECHANICS MEN EXPERIENCED IN AUTOMOBILE . REPAIRINO APPLY THORNTON.FULLBR AUTOMO BILB COMPANY 2TH AND BAINBR1DOE 8TS. AUTO MECHANICi for private garage; must bo thoroughly experienced on all makes of trucks! steady position and good salary. Apnll- l'.'2S N 2Hlh St. BAKER Fancy cake baker. Appir D. II. Jones Co . 041 Market St., Wilmington Del. BECKEt. SMITH A PAGE, INC., WATER AND 8NYDKR AVE., require the services of boys and young men to learn the wallpaper manufacturing business: good wages, ateady work, good opportunity; also have openings for men for factory work; laborers excepted. BOOKKEEPER Steady position for man 88 year of ago or over: furnish reference with application P 1010. Iy-der Office BOOKKEEPER Permanent poaltlon; must have A-l references. p 1020. Ledger Office BOY, over If), active, Intelligent and ambl tlous, to learn advertising and selling; ex cellent chance for advancement In pay and position. Apply after 2:30 p m. to Mr, estcott. JdvertlelliB department, Publ'c Ledger. th and Chestnut. BOY wanted Bright boy., acquainted with city, to run errands and help in hlppln department. Brown b. Bailey Co., 410 if. Franklin st BOYS for mesengera between 14 and IS years of age, Apply Employment Depart ment. Cramps' Shipyard. Richmond above Norrls st. BOYS, age IS, for office positions Apply U. O. I. Employment Department. 24 N. 22d at BOYS 3YS. age 10. for office position. Apply u O. I employment department, 24 N. 2Jd u. street BRAKEMEN WANTED FOR OUT OF THE CITY PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1623 FILBERT BT. PHILADELPHIA. PA. BRAKEMEN nRAKEMEN BRAKEMEN Yard brakemen, experienced men preferred, for Jersey City and vicinity. Good wage and full board For full par ticular see company's reprsentatr a after T a. m. all day, 221 N. 15th. muKEUEN AND FIREMEN Men, for Fittsburan! rare paia. good Doaraing c- eommodatlon: ship today, isytt Arch st. BUSHELMEN FOR MEN'S CLOTHING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S lis BOYS (COLORED) FOR RESTAURANT APPLY BUREAU or EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S BUTTONHOLE MAKER EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT' WANAMAKER'S CABINETMAKERS EXPERIENCE!? ON REPAIRINO FURNI- TURB APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S CLOTHINO SALESMEN Salesmen and stock men wanted Immediately ?or ."rac'lye PosUlons. Apply Department of Personnel. Floor 4H. Filbert (t, BTRAWBRlDqB & CLOTIHER MERCHANT SIItPBUILDINO CORP.., AG ii tt B D? B. F. C Harrlman, 'Paw ACT, CARPENTERS CARPENTERS SHIP CARPENTERS SHIP CARPENTEKU BTAOE BUILDERS OTAOB BUII-DER9 JOINERS JOINEJV? PIPEFITTERS PIPEFITTERS ELI EL niCIANg MARINE IUCIAN8 HA(UniI ,BSt Awh .tVKlT.d.ra.1.. 1-fc BtiU Bmployrn'nt I 1 , -. k 1. m2 JJ. l- J tnOJB WANTEDA-KAT.il TO , i , I j K CARrENTEJlB , M STAQB BUILDERS ' SHIP JOINERS . k IIOUBD CARPENTERS HELPERS OF ALL KINDS HANDY MEN TOJV.",fiTAa5S (PLENTY far OVBBTIMW TO WORK IN ONE OF THE FINEST BHIPYARDB IN THE COUNTRT. TRANSPORT ATION ADVANCED I BOARD ARRANOED FORI COl MIBHARY ON TUB JOB! THE FJNEHT SLBKriNUWUAlili''"q' APPLY AT I'Pilu, WOIIK. nEADY FOR IMfjf M rVQf)AY 23 N. 12TII BT.. PHILADELPHIA, OR i BUN BHIPBUILDINO CO. CHESTER, PA. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE J'1 CLERKS Tounr men ;neral tlmekeep . in and Junior clerk: central and. uptown location, U. O. I. employment dept.. 24 N. iwenty-secong. r.1 vntr .....l.nn- In l.rM teyttle DUnt In northeast nectlon!vood openint! atate ae. experience, reference. Address In own Jiandwrltlnr. V 11128, Ledger Office. DOORMEN TALL. COURTEOUS AND D1QNJF1ED ADDRESS B S02, LEDOER OFFICE DRAFTSMEN. .,. . ., We need 'a few OOOD MECHANICAL drafts men aa LAYOUT MEN. CHECKERS and DETAILER8 for our South Philadelphia Plant; prefer those having had previous ex perience on transformers, circuit breaker ana large motors ana generuiura. uui w,t. bo glad to consider application from men with at least 8 years' experience a ong gen eral mechanical lines: pest oi worHinn con dltlons; pay on hourlv basts: perrnanent ork guaranteed those who qualify, Call at the offln s of the WESTINOHOU8E KLXKTKH AND MFG. CO., WIDENER BUILDING, be tween 10 a m and 1 p. m .or 2 and 8 p. nt . on May 21, 22. 24 and 25. Inquire for D. L, pawhlll DRAFTSMAN W want a draftsman with 2 or 3 years- experience in aesigning tele phone apparatus ', or electrical Instrument; doe this Interest youT Leeds and Northrop Co . 4BQI stenton sue DRAFTSMAN wanted; structural steel. Pennsylvania Bldg. 810 ENGINEER Steady work, need (101 Cheatnut st. Apply C. B, FINISHERS , All-around hardwood flnlshsra, fillers, rubbers, sprayer and painter; ateady work. 80a PER HOUR GEORGE W. SMITH. X. CO. S. 49th t. below Gray ave. FURNITURE FINISHERS EXPERIENCED APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WARE HOUSE N. E. COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE FURNITURE FINISHER EXPERIENCED APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT1 WANAMAKER'S LABORERS LABORERS LABORERS For track work, high wages, full time, rain or ehlne: boarding accommodation on tha lob For full particulars call at 221 N. 15 th t. LABORERS WANTED ON CONSTRUCTION WORK nA1 STONE WEBSTER BEACH AND PALMER STS. t- LABORERS wanted white or colored- long, steadv work: plenty of oertlme: 50c per hour. Sears-Roebuck operation Jrwln h Lelghton. contractors, Roosevelt Boulevard 71 A.vium olke. Take Frankford car. transfer to 71. Oakland Cewetery. LABORERS. 40c! -overtime. Sunday. 69c; about 135 weekly: very good boarding ao- rSmSdiInns. for du Pont' 12."l Arch t. LABORERS wanted, lumber yrd, 0th and Tioga ts. LABORERS, colored. Apply Mr. Haa. 008 Chestnut st. MAN. single, e derly. for lawn and garden; small 5rH ate pace, references E M. Cook 118 Darby road, Llanerch. Pa. Phone Llanercn Q" man AND WIFE wanted, woman a cook, man a. houseman and butler: 3 In family; nermanent poslllo (ton Telephone Merlon BOS. MEN WANTED I TO DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD MONEY ' APPLY 7 A. M. TODAY THE BELL TELEPHONE CO, OF PENNA. WAREHOUSE k i DELAWARB AVE. SAND PNB BT. MEN i HU8KY MEN. VnilTB OR COLORED TO DO MpVJNO AND PORTER WORKN GOODWAOES , AWW JtURBAU OF EMPLOYMENT , WANAMAKBR' . r ' I ' . '- t , WANAIUKER'B : ii -( - ' I ' fcEEP WANTEB KAia MEN t FOR TUB IIANDLINO OF RUOS AND FURNITURE ' 1 MEN DISTRIBUTE DULKT MERCHANDISE , IN SHIPPtNO DEPARTMENT MEN .AS PARCEL COLLECTORS 1 APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT ' ' WANAMAKER'8 bert havo u. MEN AND BOT8 wanted for both day and nlaht work In textile mill. Apply on- wold Wonted Co. Darny. f MEN wanted aa truckera. Brown Ualler. 4Ki rt, rranKnn et. MUSICIANS Clarinet, play-ro and oiner muelclana for band at larjte.lnduetrlal riant In south Jry. Write M 7B4. roxer vt NOTICE la hereby lven that the CItII Serv; Tee. CommUlon of Ph ladflPhU w II hold examlnatlona for the follow nB WlJiSJatlSn the datea named: for detailed Information apply at the ortleo of tha.commlailon, Room May'.lJ.'oJo-Attendant (in Ip" Bureau of Hoepltaia. aalary U000 Pf,"r,', June 2, 1J0 Oenerol foreman. Bureau of Water, anUry.flS.10 per v"' . June, 2, 1020 Aaalatant entlneer, Bureau of Burveya. aaUry 18300 per '!...,., Clinton Rogera Woodruff. Trealdent. cnarioa w. necin, Becrirj'. Lewis H. Van Dusen CommUslonera. V Issued May 19 1920. OFFICE HOYS Desirable op.enln lor sey; eral clean-cut. ambltioua boye: trammer school, frtuciitlon es-ntlal. Adr'.Bhiii rampfiell, care of Atlantlo Reflnlns Co.. 8144 Passvunk nve PAINTERS WANTED PAINTERS BRUBH HANDS (IlED LEADERS) THE AROVE TRADES ARE WANTED AT ONCE! LONfl STEADY JOBI- PLENTY OP OVERTIME; TRANSPOR TATION ADVANCED- BOARD, AR RANGED FOR: COMMISSARY ON JOPI THE FINEST SLEEPING QUARTERS, , APPLT AT ONCE READY FOR WORK. APPLT TODAY . 21(1 N. 12TH ST. PHILADELPHIA. OR ' SUN SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, CHESTER. TA. iV I EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, PACKERS EXPERIENCED CHINA AND EXPRESS PACKERS ALSO RUBBERS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PACKERS EXPERIENCED CHINA PACKBRB ALSO CRATERS AND BOXERS FOR EVENINO HOURS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER'S PACKERS EXPERIENCED APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WAREHOUSB 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE. PORTERS BTRONO, ACTIVE MEN APPLY WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE WARE- HOUSE K. E. COR. 22D AND WASHINGTON AVE. PORTERS DAT AND NIGHT WORK APPLY BUREAU OF EUPLOYME"T WANAMAKER'S PRESB HELPER8 Fine .ipportunlty for good workers. Apply superintendent, OOS cneetnut st. PRINTING ESTIMATOR FRANKLIN PRINTING CO. S-OaU t-UOlO' Pblladelphli requires an addltloual estimator: man must be thoroughly experienced on high-grade catalogue and booklet work. Write fully, elating ex perience, age and salary expected. PORTERS, colored. Chestnut st Apply A. Haa. 006 REPAIR MAN EXPERIENCED ON TOYS APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAMAKER S RULER wanted First-class poper ruler: . hour day; steady situation, wages, 140 per week. Tho II. C. Cook Co. printer and binders. Steubenvlll Ohio, SALESMEN , ,. This advertisement I addressed to three particular men. They are wanted by a great nnanclal ale brganlxatlon. The Local Sale Manager 1 personally making this call for, men. . lie will "select the one who show poesl blllty. They will be placed In offices where Immediate commission Income Is assured. They will receive special assistance In nranarlnv for tha hllllr lob They will have constant association with men who have dona and are doing big things In big pusiness. 44iey win u hiycii iiiuuipi u, portunlty In executive position, with unusual scope for growth and Income. This I the, serious effort of a atrang, reputatbl house to secure new blood with which to build. It means real success for those men who get with us. It Is worth censlderatlon by the highest type men aa to character and determination Experlenc In our line I not essential. Call Walnut 3014. Saleh.i .EHMEN WANTED FOUR, expe: RlENOED STOCK SALES. MEN: HIGH-ORaDe 84 SECURITY. LO. OAL BNTEKFniBB A 1001. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS P. O BOX SALESMAN Local banking Inveatinent house, handling hlgnly attractive. and most unusual partlol patlon, can use the service of 2 or 3 repre srnUtWesi nnanclal experlenca not entirely necessary: to qualify applicant must.hava JSUiKn.r,'!..' Va.?'"JC.g &" ! Pterfty t 'astabllsh'S Sermsiient Vifli "fJKH '' lWrl personality, initiative ana education; this ' i.,.., I HELP VTANTOfr-J&LA.I.lS SALESMEN AND STOCK MEN for our men b elol Department of 1'a totlilnr department. , Apply raonnei, noor 4Vi " at. BTRAWBRIDQE & CLOTHER CALEBMEN HlRh-crada aalesmen to veil on co nmtaelon alnrHT In a trust company. twattlvlnv ...Ma .ksH i A. npntnltiant trlnft aubacrlbed Call txt'ween 0 and 10 8a t m. itoom am, runer Hioa , to h. ibmi . SALESMAN Tounc man. nt 2S. expert. enced 'for inside aalea floor poiltlon. u. i. employment epi.. a4 w. aao, RAI.KfOIEN wanted n aalt tna a'ock of "Shoe Repalrara, Inc."; blar chain atoro men atrlctly intereated: oommlaalon only. 1101 Commonwealth man, SAW FILER and repair man for woodwork- In plant In Western Maeaachueetta. P B2. Ledter Omce . BTENOORAPIIEIl Youn man. about 20 yeara old. In contract office of wholesale house; sood aalary and excellent opportunity for advancement to position of salesman. yppiy in person g h. ntn st 8TOCK SALESMEN Men to sell first pre- ferred Issue of a well known corporation. State rate, ability and references, P. '1010, Ledter office, WANTED WANTED CARPENTERS BTAOE BUILDERS SHIP JOINERS HOUSE CARPENTERS HELPERS OF ALL KINDS J!.A'J?Tin5rT TO BUILD STAGES: F.kpN1 OF OVERTIME. TO WORK IN ONE OF THE KINF.ST LQ.UIPPED SHIPYARDS IN TUB COUNTRY. t i T7UN8PORTATIOV ADVANCED. .2P.AnJ? ARRANGED TOR -,SPMM,',ARY ON THE JOB THE FINEST HLKKPINO QUAR TERS. APPPLT AT ONCE READY FOR WORK APPLT TODAY 281 N. 12TH BT PHILADELPHIA, .OR SUN SHIPBUILDING COMPANY CHESTER, TA. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE l 1 TOUNO MAN to work In newspsoer library Bn.lhJ,"!.mu8t h hlh "hool education 2r.blc1., f wrate a tjpjwrlter, an unusual eppnrtunlty for an ambitious oun man of a tudlous nsture to take un a highly Interest ing ocatlen, with ability shown aoancemm commensurate wn Ledger Office. (UUnU MAN. Chpitlin ar.A... .a 77 -i.'fil'l .om xorlence on' typewriter, for as. ?Jj ifii t0 "flxnJ-nt; applv In own haSd wrltinv, gllng age, education, experience "n2,"'rn5l with good opporfunttle." T- (leneral rn:mnTAiM' '"f w Control acct. CREDIT MAN, take charge, good wage. (5t7s"GUSTASi .d offlo" nVr.Tnfg. c"p. SRAJScIl.ilnn" familiar with atctg work. 55 FSES-. hln'1,,' ilt,,,", bu,' "rtlclal. 5AIi5SyAN 'team and electrical specialties, STENOO and corresp. employment service. BOOKKEEPER, beach-front hotel. 'rvrcs AH8T. In purchasing dept. large corn DRAFTSMEN, tracer, designers, detaller. FOREMAN and aast. foreman mfg exi 'w?.' juj-j inmnur wiin noun mfg., LABOR foreman with mfg. exp. Other attrootlve openings for exnd. men and women with good business exp. No oinrrs Applications iron iocs; ami suburban residents only. No enrollment charge. 2BH 8 11th BUSINESS SERVICE CO , 1114 Land Titto Arcts. Highest typo (traellng). tonon C P. A.'a (sunemse). Cost and Oen . $7200. Rkprs Country club; Genersl; t25-$40 Buyer Ast . Iron and Steel products. 133. Clerks Stock- Typist: Bill: Cn . I20-3'I Credit Mgr Large concern. 11000 Draftsmen Mechanical lines 12400 up. Engineers Industrial: Efficiency 11000, De sign nnd Erection, Str, Iron nnrt Steel Sales Electrical Prod : Specialties, taono Superintendent Mfg. Mschlne Works 13000 Stenographers A Prl Secy., 121 to t30 CLERKS Men women for rwy mall serv.; age 18 up: 1110 mo : exfr unnec. exams Juno 16, For free part write J. Ionard. former civil service examiner, 002 Equitable Hide.. Washington. D. C. SITTJATIONS WAITBD-FEMALE COOK White, vounr woman desires po- . altlon private famUv B824 Lena St am boVEHNEHS or mother'a helper Exp English woman seek pos B 024. Led Off. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CAPABLE fourth year lollege man deeirei position a tutor for. boys tn private fain I Ity during the summer months B 814 , i-eoger otnee. CHAUFFEUR and gardener Sober exper! enceq man: neat rers n intt ledger Off CHEMIST who haa had 1-Jear graduate I work wishes poiltlon In or near Phllidel i pnia . m w-ii, jigger tmice MAN AND 3 WIFE lEiiBllsh. exr an. wantpoeltlons B XECUTrVE. highly tl p cook butler housema 7n. Led on BALES EXECUTIVE, highly trolned. Am-rt- can, an, convincing personality, initiate with successful record of 18 years' sales ev mechanical and electrical service systems conveying apparatus, etc.. desires position of responsibility with established and progres siva organlxatlon having opening with future for real producer, qualified to manage ssl s organization and production M 72.' Led Oft YOUNO MAN BRIGHT AND AMBITIOUS SEEKS POSITION WITH FUTURE HAS AN OFFICE EXPERIENCE. AT PRESENT EMPLOYED AT NIGHT. BUT DESIRES DAY WORK ADDRESS BOX B 831 LEDOER OFFICE. AGENTS MANUFACTURER S reoresentntli . with showroom on Fifth avenue New York, da sires connections with manufacturers of articles for the lighting fixture trade and electrical houses B 717 Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED, competent lady' maid. Protestant kitchen maid, $83: econd cook for Chel. ea, cook, kitchen maid and waitress for Southampton. 2 competent butlers, .1 ,(c ond men, single, chtuffeur, couple, butler and maid Mrs Rogers, 818 S 20th. MIHS HARKNESS 2A04 Balnbridge cooks parlormaids, waitresses correspond. em, cnamoermaiii" imunia nurses, laun-' rVSKlfy. C'phonn.U"pruc,,'P8flJ7an,ed '" '"" COOKS, waitresses. chambermaldT Srst cUn. wanted at office 112 H lath ' ' s WA.NTED at office 312 H lith. lir.t-class cook, waltresnt chambermaids 3TQBAQE AND MOVING TERMINAL AJSSro Columbia and Sydenham sts . local and long, distance moving by courteous, experienced men: clean, Uustproof room, tfor furniture, let ua estimate. Phone DKimond 4472 ' Dougherty & Sons, Storage Get our special rate for moving by our rel. able and careful men Call poplar 4583, Keystone, Park 1127: night phone Dig nayi' VICTORY STORAGE B20fl Filbert, Thone Belmont 4070 to estimate Plerce-Arrow vans. ' FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811 to 1810 MARKET SJ Miller, North Broad Storage Co! Hrn.il above Lehlth Phone TtlamnnJ idA Moving brick and fireproof storage, packing' 20TH CENTURY Storage Warehouse. a.t,. lutely fireproof; spec, piano p.lnt'e ft r u rmsl Plerce-Arrow vans used ai2n xlorlrai STRAND STORAGE, and long distance. Frank F Ooeli, local 3819 N 12lht.rhon Tioga 89, FOR packing and shipping of household goods 'imnlovTHE JOHN RHOADB CO. RtrTr... MylwQgrpat Cleaning, 41BT LancaaiVr .v: MOAltflt tsTORAQB CO , 8R70 lNrJn, TER AVE. AUTO SERVICE, HTORAOEf nlTl. I FOR SALE PELSTRING'S (jovernrhcnt Supply House HILICATED SHIP PAINT . $2.50 Per Gallon VAIL CHECK WITH ORDER Will It B yeara lornrer on .your houw than any olher paint. Color card on requeat. Blx sallonsln ca. SlHcatcd Ship Enamel WKtTB 18 110 A OALI)N WHITE Six callona In case, 11th &Fitzwater CLEARANCE SALE OF BLANKETS rOR rOTTAGE, CAMP AND BtJNaALOW. fnttiarn nft-n a ttrifr.T.irUA t.V7Ilrf STOCK Xt REMARICAIILY LOW TRICES FROM iz oo ur, Early selection ad (sable. No mall or phone ordera, W. H. SMITH & SONS Dry Goods at a Saving 914 tyalnut Street, Phila. TYPEWRITERS RENTED NONVIHIBLE. 8 MONTHS. IS. VISIBLE. 3 MONTHS, 47.80. Factory Rebuilt Typewriters 'See, Our New Machine; the Century American Writing Machine Co. 802 CHESTNUT ST. , ... Walnut 24119, Main 828. . Office Partition, Railing & Furn Partition, on. S8 per foot & up! railing, 15 He up: both In stock; furniture, big elec 'ENNA. OFFICE FURNITURE CO root & (ton. P 011 Walndt st Phone Walnut 4134 OFFICE FURNITURE Large lot desks safes, file, cabinet and general offlco furniture, store fixtures. We Buv, sell and Exchange PATTEN . FURNITURE t'O LOCUST 4070. 1127 ARCH ST. Rare 2111 BTEINWAY Parlor grand piano In excellent condition, I3M): alio handsome old-fashioned wainut bureau, badstead mid ward robe with beveled glass dnors 140 W Wal nut lsneOfrTOnt02vnPhoneOtn321J PIPELESS IIBrTERB, stewin and hot-water boiler radiators, vnhes plp- and Tit- tings Otto Stelnacker. 30.18 N Sth at. Tioga. 4117, Park 4H12 A . DRY GOODS Pult email stores and sewing nrlatlas. mill ends, remnants and run pieces: all kinds cotton materials, lower than piesent job! era tiricas v W H SMITH A SONS 0 14 Walnut DININO-ROOM SUIT, fumed oak. n pieces! buffet, dlnlnr-rm extension table 4 chairs: big bargain. 211 Wayne ave., Nrbrth. Pa. p O flox' ft-. Phone Narberth 1275 R. SHOWCA8E8 A Urge Motk of p-ises l-i all sixes ready 'for Immediate delivery. Kap- nek 117 N. 12th st TRUNKS, bag, suitcases; reasonable: buy from manufacturer, save you money; re pairing don 814 N Kith st REFRIGERATORS and fixtures for groceries AuQ jn-al iiiwr--i. irma u urnirea. RANDALL A CO 3B1 N. 2d st CHAIR CANE, rushes, reeds woen cane. H-lnch flat nltch ovals, trv Brenn's liquid genuine glue. 3Tia half nlnt. 11011 Marshall st. POOL TABLES, 'ennd hand houeht, sold, rented ' exrhenaed Kcafer.J32n Olrard av. BAPES, fireproof closing out inn 'slightly liseo. mooern maura I'lirp u r rounn, PIANO, upright: excellent condition: barraln for cash. W. F Bchrader. BS31 Vine st. STANDS, cabinets. Me., big bargains Phlla rtelnhla Printers' Supply. 14 H Bth st. PHONOGRAPHS rep'd. rerords 4b nhonog'h b'ght . etch Werschnff nnr Walnut at. BICYCLE, coaster brake. JIB value $25. Rleder's Loan Office, 2200 South st. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Thousands are bringing their dlnmonda to us to turn Into cash WHY NOT YOU? Thav know we pav me tun mnrKei aiue tor them.' We hae tiro trade, therefore we pay 10 to 20 per cent more IVE NEED ALL SIZES AT ONCE See us nnd be convinced. We buy pawn ticket for diamonds. Suite 21-22. over Child' Restaurant (pri vate), tVITI IV. PCI M2 CHESTNUT ST NbLLI OC UU. PHONE WAIaNUT 7314. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Positively highest cash prices for our dia monds: any slie. from H tn 10 carats, none pay higher: also old. gold, platinum A silver houcht. Estates bought (prlv.) Est. 10 jesrs The Diamond Shop ifh-v.b,03l,.rSrt DIAMONDS PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT FROM PRIVATE PEOPLE: TRANSACTIONS CONFIDENTIAL FULL VALUE PAID COLONIAL TRUST BANK m.DG . 11TH AND .MARKET STS ROOM 01 HOURS, tl SO A M TO 4 30 P M LAWN MOWERS sharpened to n raxor edge and repaired, railed for and delivered. tl BO: drop postal card W H Franklin. 1315 W Olrard a Phlla . Pa. COMPOSE a wing poem, we correct wrfte music and guarantee publication, Informa tion free The 'Key". Mmlc Co. 1033 N Calvert st Dalllmore. Md DIAMONDS BOUGHT HARRY W SMITH. 717 SANSOif K-r HAVE jour old bribv carriage remodeled like new. Standard Baby Carriage, 2310 s 7th st Phone Main 1141 A. lu M ABHE8 remed from ,.il,. kinds f rmUlipK uuur w. . ........ .,m, jiki 441 ELECTRIC treatment and manlcurlnir. Room Ilia Heed Bldg 1213 Filbert st. Loo Bill ELECTRIl' TREA fMENT, also manlcurlnil i.inirp hi ,'iit-fc e -rvmiu iioor. RUBBER GOODS of ' all descriptions paired Andrew T Rlrchett. 803 S 2id t. MACHINERY AND TOOLS MACHINERY ENGINES. Corliss Automatlo. ST1T1 HIIUO BIYB BOILERS. FUMPS Hoisting Engine Air Cnmpreor Ml kinds MACHINE TOOLS, ''""nes 1'lanes -anipn irnii i-resses, etc. WOODIVimrwiNu i-ianers .-tioiaers. Band Saws, etc, ILECTRIC Machinery. Dinamos and . Motors. AND SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS FRANK TOOMEY. INC. 127-129 N 8D ST. DELIVERY FROM STOCK 10 to 21 In New Steptoe Shapers 14 to 23 In and 3 In. New' Sldnejs Lathe AH lengths of beds stishtly usd '31 In x2J ft Drldgefnrd Geared Heed an In xio it irnuc u;.im ,a listen "4 in Olsholt Turret Latha "' FRANK TOOMEY INC 127 II N sd ' Philadelphia Pa n, Market 201 Ke stone Main 3720 MOTORS atvd DYNAMOS A,rscMNERTC0.STOCK' 121 21 N 3D ST LATHE 2 b 8 foot bed (wa machine ilathel for auto wheel world 34-Inch awlfir. n- eludes counjer and main shaft, pulleis. lung- era belling, 4 t cone and turning tools. AddrVill...'-r Offlce. I . a r-.-11-t e-ia..MB UAi.Ub DiULh. Kebullt and guaranteed engines pumos nlr comrre.sore and machine tools send fof Iwtrnnlete cila nsue of stock PaVi, WlNTEllEn, in J N Front;e mi ECTTtlC MOTORS ' MACHINE TOOI.q ELlSt. l",vr0v Ell EQUIPMENT lvxJ' n'milPS MA nilNKKIKg, 118. N 3D ST. KXHAVST FANH blowers entllatlng fan furnace cupola blowers J Nuttall 1748 Nthl! l...rlian IHFIIUID Wlimrin A II1F ri(t4 tl - m DTNAMOS motor apd machinery bought & sold, wejauy V' Yearley4Co .224 N 3d FARI"TRA'TO'., Y-& r ttang plow 15 MftHtICK nr.fc )g,irr, l-W UOUtQ g DYNAMOH motors and marhlnrn bought sold we bu plants YeajeleyACo ,22N 3j MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LESTEIwiAi'i, i,iir, iimnvKnnv case, eg cellentcondltlon used demonstrating 4no terms t-m u "M.n.rii r A t F A North Co.. 1818 E Allegheny ivensington nai LKSTEIl 1M-A Fit 1'IANO brought back to .lock I1S0 paid on It ll allow all VHa tn new purchaser F A North Co , isis E, Allehcn ne Kensington O.'l OLD GOLD OLD gold. llver. platinum, plated ware. old. atyle jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1817. J. I Clark refiner KI17 Hansom CASH PAID for old roW allver and antique CIOCK. perw " " iiii. icuit tin. STAMPS AND COINS "??-" - ,. BTAMP8. ALBUMS AND BUPPLIEB .... tor.,.mPj00"?or IdM.- Jl ' TJBED AUTOMOBILES fROMAN AUTO CO. T ake Off When Buying, Every car in our stock has 20 per cent taken from it and this, the second week of the sale,1 sees many cars added cars that have come in during the week to take the place of those Bold. For we were almost swamped last week and even an added salesforce could not take care of our custom ers. The sale is genuine the reductions bona fide and every car worth-while and dependable, or it wouldn't be here. It is best to come in the morning, and avoid the afternoon crush ! 1919-18-17 Stutz .d;B'0IDr"E four and six passenger and no8j ter, tome with wire ."' ft! some with wooden wheels. Hi PJ"" did condition, from 10.00 up to I2.1BO. 1919-18 Haynes . JV- coupe; wire wheel! like new; special price. 1920-19-18 Hudson ft Car. Sneedater and Roadstera; Limousines, Sedan, wlro wneeis, from I00O up to 11650. 1919 Hupmobile 'JK'";. practically new; very low price. Packard Twin-Sijc ,urpi lso other model. Coupes. Chummy Roadster ond Tourlnr. $1200 up. 1919-18-17 Cadillac n... senger and seven passenger. Rod ler, Victoria, Suburban model, tip top condition, a large variety w aelect from. SU&O up to 13200. 1919-18-17 Chandler '";." Chummy Roadster. Limousine Dis patch model, Sedan and Coupes, in llrst-claas condition. From $850 to $1300. 1919-18-17 Buick 'JI.VJSS Sedan and Coupe. In excellent con. dltlon. From $BB0 up to $1220. 1915 Locomobile u$5iu,S?. big sacrifice. 1919-18-17 Maxwells ,Tun: $800 up. 1919-.18-17 Dodge Tn0; Sedan and Coupes Limousine, tn A-l condition. From 3UU up to S107B. 1919-18 Scripps-Booth r8u" pa aenger. eight-cylinder Touring and four-cylinder Roadsters and Coupea. From $450 up to $875, 1919-18-17 Paige c. passenger. Also Sport Model and Larchmont Model, Ilk new. From $nno to $lsno 1918 MARMON Tw7r.,nthfea..: wonderful shape, low price. Many other Bargains not S250 up. Terms can be Send for catalog. ROMAN COMPANY, INC. 'ERENT KIND OF A USED THE DIFFERENT KIND 231 NORTH OPEN TODAY 9 TO 2 WANTED D0NT SELL YOUR DIAMONDS Until ou see us , We are P;Un the ln rreased Price for diamonds For more than r.n vears we hae been buying diamonds and other precloL tons from the large Jewelry ind department stores, and from their cus tomers recommended to us e also buy old rcilil and silver Ma e be of service to Inn' Our transactlona are atnajs confidential. T" uns It LEE fc CO 712 Walnut t vTr, IH.T women's men' and children's worn clothing and shoes, best prices paid our autos call at our conenlence In city or rountn postal or phone Stern's Uargaln House 817 V 4th st. .Market 2448 OLD CLOTHING ilOUOHT Jlj prices beat 'hem nil, try ine before any nn. .ls Arlte or phor Filbert S.70 W. " M 1IMON 241 N DTH BT. CLOTHINO NO jast-off gentlemen's, bougnt, t prices paid will go anywhere: one or write Filbert 2U18 ( H': mental i .bii nnnne nam 241 N 1th st VB WANT at once nousenoia lurnlture. tore fixtures office furniture, pay spot cash, honest value phone us about It Loi ust 4 214 Old Church Co 12th and Cherry st s OLD CLOTHES Ladles gentlemen's suits! oeruoat shoes, hats pay V more than other Drop postal call ph Dick R18S Call Save'1 clt r r rrlednniiBros Ull oatn ANTIQL'K furniture .htn sIlM-r old war ana snip pk iMl."!.. "'V" i""Q w rare nieces antiques 1H21 Tlnn Ixnuit tlrtrtt BROKEN Jewelry antiques, pistols, oolns. coin book with price I pay mailed 13c J.U Boss (IVopte's Storel 2d b UthV.nl n ANTIQUE furniture chlm.. Broken Jewelry false ieen iMaia ui ..""a suver p Hums ni2 inut Phony Walnut 27.111 VWll 1 PAY highest prices for old clothes and shoes wend pn.nl Perlnws H04 rallowhlll I CLOTHES Cast-off ehoas Dourht Write or nhon Hneldinjn "2J Poplar Pop 7fl80 W rKATHUR I1EDS antiques false teeth hi prices rhone Poplar 3003 1027 Olrard ave BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES rORPOnVTION with a fine showroom Mies mom and dealers' agreement on a very popular automobile with a good going busi ness desire to fell from lift oon to UO.ono of Its treasury stock aJi party knowing the automobile business can also be emplujed as an officer of tho corporation B 803 Ledger Of! tec CENEltAL merchandise store prnpert and business old-established stand 1 acre land modern stcne dwelling and store at tactied iucessar outbuilding owner do ing $2J 000 earlv 45 yeats st the buelnes wants to retire real estate $0000 stock at Imotce HEALT & SON West Chesfr Pa. MAN wanted with thorough business eperl-en-e having unquestionable record willing to invest capital and services In an estab lished manufacturing business making men' wear personam of owner and status of business will stand closest Investlsatlon H III P O Hox 8484 ,. YOl R MONEY will earn more when u n vest In the Philadelphia .ha In storea which have proen a auccess and are now resuming nutlonal proportion the most nut ....rut rhaln.storA men In the United Ststes nctltel Interested In It $100 or more inn Coinmonweaun tiiog - MACHINE SHOP Wanted to renT or pur- chHSe ruin equipi-u uini:niiin enop Philadelphia, or near rnnaoei lphla prefer one that is now in operation glw full details I! Hih i enser unice. imaT-sM-.HS MAN lateh arrived from P!n. rope who has very Mornble connections on'the other side desires a partner with prominent business man to enter Into ex. porting and Importing business. Address 11 8UerOfflre , CAPITAL wanted on leased factory build" Inns, name amount inu can furnish rat of Interest and bonua wanted P 1. Ledger Office WILL nibPOHR ol part Interest in light manufacturing concern this Is a splendid opportunlti with slight Investment, service optional Address II 714 ledger Office niRNlSIinD ROOM IIOUHK 14 rooms. 2 bnths electric phone always tilled, bar gfiln to quick buyer Toplnr 2Min' USED AUTOMOBILES MARMON 1'120 model 31. 4-passenger, used only u few weeks will be (old at a re duction Franklin Motor Car Co.Aoil.lS N. Ilroad at NATIONALLY popular new car on extremely easy terms. Call personally 2113 N, Mar shall! i QLU8M0UILE, ,8-cyl., 7-P tourlnari run 2800 miles; bargain; demonstration any afternoon or eve Phone Manhelm 8819 W. t'lhRCARRQW lm.u.ln.. JDJO wiiL run . W 4 mopth. V 081, Ledger Offy ' HARRJ6LB ,of .Viouum oU phtap V.Ml TJBED ATJXOMOMMB ilfcaU aM Hi 3 a Fifth ; I'M a Car Hert :'"Cl 1919-18-17 Chalmers rt flvei and seven pengerl alio Bedana, Roidsten and Coupe, In parfjj condition. From $800 up te $11W., 1919Apperson l' S& even passenger, slightly . wW" wheel, very exclusive looking;. 1919-18-17 Chevrolet&S: ' Roadster. $400 to $300. into -iiTTn l.li.t nurlnie, Aiij.o-xi r runKii,,m nkd. l ter and Sedans. Limousine. JJlrj wheel. In first-class condition. Fob -$1460 up to $1800, , 1919-18-17 Oldsmobile 2t i alx and eight cylinder, lo ItoevJj , ater ana Beaans. inecnanicytr v fect. From $860 up tn $1100. . 1919 Oakland I'XZ-WZ. i Ing- and Roadster typo. , 1918-17 PeerleSBeJVSa ater and Bedana! repainted! go tire: Ilk now. From $!& up $ $1800. Fords A" nukk" ni1 t3,lt 1' 1919-18-17 Reo ' J JJK der Roadster. Bedana, good oonde ton. From IU0O up to $0B0. 1919-18-17 Studebaker four and alx cylinder. alo Iload tera Coupe and Sedan. In condition. From $400 up to $7B0. 1919-18-17 Cole XSSlS5S jit., full oniilnTWK.. S7&0 UD tO up to'inoo. aIko Cote Aero llsht-4 DMienicr nifruittc.. 1919-18-17 National T Roadster, very powerful. illhUr used. Frtm $080 up to $1850. 1918-17 Saxon .r.1" wooden wheel, allp eovr. From 8478 UP tu $850. 1920 Briscoe ".,c.0rV.ru,e? ft model ery little uea. io up. TATorrnr '''J-73 Tounn BedanriUtg lYxeruci. ,Wi m, moai, low price. Also 4,-pusenctr Touring. listed. 1000 used cars from arranged to suit purchaser. Agents wanted. auto: OF A USED CAR HOUSE BROAD ST. COL&i Aero Eight 1 Where quality predominateg! .service must prove a valu-! able factor. Rebuilt Cole) Automobiles covered withl our guarantee assures the; buyer of Service and Satis- faction. Visit our Used Carl Department and see the re-H markable values offered in; many standard make auto- mobiles, priced for quick! sale. MARMON CADILLAC PAIGE ROSS 8 HUDSON OLDSMOBILE 6 CHALMERS CHANDLER LIBERTY I .1 i j i 1 1 ) ) Easy puyments arranged if dort sired. L. S. Bowers Co. Distributors of Cole Aero Eight , 245 N. Broad Street ' B. L. P. Motor Co. ; Used-Car Dept. 1 Special Offerings Rebuilt Premiers Four and 7-passenger. All late moaejs. uuaranteed equal tp new. Also a few other makes, "it 1910 -1-pasB. King, sport rnodeli j 1'11R Premlgi- KA?.,i .J.,.5 party. i 1918 Chalmers, Special Touring.' ivia oieums pa88. louring:, . 1916 Stearns 7-pass. Both tpp. 1917 Oldsmpbile Touring", vrire wheels. - 1918 Chnndler Touring, looks like) new. 7 - Deferred Daymetitn can b nr- ronged Open Mondny. WdnB4tyr aim rnaay evcniiiirti until v, Premier Agency 502-4-6-8 N. Broad St, ,3 Ak tor Mr, Jlfumnitn 1 2 Poplar 346--Dhoiie-Uo ,? m WtJr n5Ver..rJM w sk m , ,fl Vfiri W -Ml Tl ,- l .4 - c v 7!.. n 1 . '.4,' a n - 1 I V. iVli m 'i K V, '. ;J J ri M - ft WN M t'i it" 1 1 s5sl