War , .' 5 ",1-V r ' fiV in I B? te I' V ''TTJfTFiflf W'(T "XT' . 7 . i "."- i St t f - lip III Jl -TW I EVeWWbUO lfr-grtAI -'-"jW Southern California Edison Company 6 Gold Bonds, Due 1944 TO YIELD 7 t The history of the Com pany's success, its earning power, management and credit standing recom mend thcs6 bonds as ii highly desirable invest ment. Circular on request for PE-301 TheNationalCity Company Correspondent Offices In over SO Cities Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. Atlantic City Chalfonte Block 1ZZ3 uoardwalK P E MOVEMEN T AGAIN DOWNWARD i . . . Market for Both Stocks and Bonds Thin Under Increas ing Liquidation if ! lull nf Confidence it is the efficient meth ods and modern facilities of the Continental-Equitable that Philadelphia's builders of business like. They havo shown their appreciation of these services and the con fidence that they have in this bank by depositing more thnn eleven million dollars. We offer you the same accommodations. C07NTTrrrAITJ'QtnrAJI Title .i-iTHysx Company Twelfth Above Chestnut Philadelphia Capital $1,000,000 Surplus $1,000,000 , Over $11,000,000 Deposit !llllliill!i;l!liiilllil HiPtlt WANTED SUPERVISING ACCOUNTANT A specialized cor poration, located in Philadelphia, needs the services of a Proficient Ac countant to super vise the work of bookkeeping, com puting tax returns, closing books, etc. State experience, connec references, A perma- high-grade Phila- New York. Mny 10. It whs another day nf molting valtirs. The market for hotli bonili nml Ftorki wan thin nml tin der Hip wr-lght of the Inoroiiilnc volume of liquidation prier brnkr badly in nil directions. The lifshly .ppotllntivr- spec Inltics of the industrial rilvUinn proved" the moit vulnerable but the entire list wn foft nnd before midday reactions extending from one to over nine points were registered In various divisions. The downward swing wos orderly with a conspicuous nbsence of any demor alization or evidence of hysteria, which would have boon reasonably expected in view of the semi.co11ap.-e of the entire market structure. 1 ti ilrlrltllnti f rt tn n t,ntn1, Anbtnn (inn. M strued from ('ovnrnor Ilardlng'H state--" . incut of attitude of the Federal TU-rser'P Hoard In regard to the country h credit situation, sentiment was adversely nf- footed by the further alarming depre ciation of Liberty bonds. The growing ramifications of price cutting in all j sections of the country also created more or less uneasiness in that served to further emphasize the ncute singe of the strained credit situation. Tlio apparent determined effort of the Fed eral Reserve Hoard to apply still further drastic policies to thaw out the so-called frozen credits revealed the imperative needs for such action. While there is a utrong belief on the street thnt Wall street loans have been thoroughly liqui dated, it was recognized under the con tious prevailing it would be little short of ludicrous to look for easier money conditions in so far as stock market accommodations were concerned. In I consequence n good many who have Iteen i living in n fool's paradise found it a better part of wisdom today to llghteu the load as much as possible in order to have decks cleared in the event of more severe squalls appearing on the financial horizon. The trading during the day was more .active than any of the preceding ses sions, but the quickening of dealings was v holly at the expense of values. There was considerable pressure ngainst the motor group which was directly ' traceable to the reports of restricted I production and suspended deliveries. i The downward or selling movement, however, also embraced the oils, steel, equipments and food shares at losxcs of 1 to fi poluts. Mexican Petroleum, Studebaker, Pierce-Arrow, Atlantic (tiulf. Republic Iron nnd Steel and American Woolen comprised the weak I est Issues. U. S. Steel and some of the I other high-grade industrials offered some I resistance to pressure, but the) like j wise later gave ground. , In the meantime the steady offerings I of Liberty bonds at new minimum quo j lotions nnd an advance in discounts by the local Federal Reserve Hunk directed renewed attention to the strained credit situation and influenced still further liquidation. LOCAL STOCKS AT NEW LOW LEVELS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS J. - Dlv, Hnle In. t High 118 .. Advance Ttumely .... 3214 o Advance numely'pL. i 8 AJax Rubber ........ OS .. Alaska Cold Mined .. H5 .. Alaska Junea O M... 2 7 Am Agrlo Chem .... Bltt . . Allls-ChalmerH ...... 33 Ji 3 Am Dank Nolo 40 8 Am Dart Sueur SH 10 Am lio-ch Megncto ,.10 . . Am Can 40 IB Am Car & I'dy 130W 7 Am Car Fdy pf....U0W 80 Am Drug Syn 7 Am Express t?7li .. Am Hide & Leather.. IHVi s Am Hide & Leather pf MM 6 Am Internat Corp ... 80 1 Am-La Franco Eng ., II H 3 Am Linseed 83 7 Am Linseed pf 97 0 Am Locomotive M!4 .. Am Safety Razor ... I .. Am Hhlp & Com 20J. 4 Am Smelt & Ref .... ( 7 Am Smelt & Ref pf.. H0J4 3 Am Steel Foundries.. 391-4 7 Am Sugar Hef tJ7H 10 Am Sumatra Tob .... 00 8 Am Tel & Tel 03 H 20 Am Tobacco ...874 6 Am Tobacco pf now.. 80 0 Am Tob Seo temp cfta 877 7 Am Woolen 10814 7 Am Woolen pt 88 .. Am Kino Lead & Stn. 149; rt Am Zinc Lead & Sm pf. 10 4 Anaconda Copper .... SB It .. Assets Realization ... 3?4 4 Asso Dry Gcods 34 Vi o Associated Oil 06 6 Atch Top & Santa Fe. 78 ' 0 Atch Top & S Fo pf.. 73 .. Atlantic Illrni At Atl.. fl!4 10 Atl Gulf & W I S S..103 8.S0 Baldwin Locomotive.. 11834 .. Baltimore & Ohio.... ViVi 4 Baltimore, & Olilc pf.. 43 2:30 Net Low (NTtm) Che. Heavy Pressure Against Lake Superior, but Whole List Gave Ground former tions, salary, nent, connection. delphia P. 1589. O. Bo Service and Stability When the Urge of Necessity sends you to bank, how much moro pleasant the banker can make the interview. We like to discuss mut ters in a constructive way with our customers, and where the situation warrants it, we extend our assistance willingly and cheerfully. JIV particularly solicit commercial accounts. Integrity Trust Company Fourth nnd Green Streets The movement of prices was again mainly downward in the local market. Recurrent liquidation, some of it. of a decided urgent character, developed in different quarters of the list and in f , consequence of the still limited bujiug ' power most nil tronsactions were made fif I ut further price concessious. . The sume Influences causing the other S prominent markets to totter were re- g sponsible for the sinking values in the p , local market. There verms fo be a j general appreciation the current market I is o liquidating market, nnd every one B ' it endeavoring to get the bottom prices g,This has completely reversed the mnr g ket conditions only recently prevailing, P ' in that now thp nuyers have the whip 3 , hand, where as only a short time the '3 sellers did the dictating, S I Liquidating pressure was the most severe iu Lake Superior Corporation, inniwiimTkS i reflecting a further elimination of spec-mMm- I ulntlve accounts. As a result the stock r-lwas easllv forced down to n new low i level nt l.'IVl. an overnight loss of $1.75. I New bottom prices, however, were ulso i registered by I'nited flas Improvement 'at -l'JV.. and Philadelphia Rapid Tran sit at "Jl. Philadelphia Electric at 1M equaled its recent low water mark. , The selling movement extended to all parts of the list nnd with it came loner prices. Electric Storage Mattery' dropped .?3 to 11f. Pennsylvania Railroad yield ed to 'M)v. Small sales of Philadelphia 'Co. knocked off IV. points ut ,'i."V.. ,ElMwheie there was fractionol shading. Philadelphia Stoclcs HlKl! s.. -ililk Capital Surplus & Profit . $500,000 .$1, 700,000 A Company Founded in 1863 Without Funded Debt Ii Issuing An 8 Preferred Stock at Par Its carnlnss hno averaged 6 times these dividends for tlio labi. 18 years. 10 Retired Annually at Prices up to 115 Battles & Co. INVESTMENT BANKERS EtTABlUHKO 1000 MflMPeNDtNCE SQUARK, KAST i.i ,m mrs.. i.g 1.-, do pf. . !1 10 Am (ins 10 1.T0EI Stor..1U5 110 Key Tel. 10 1420 Lake Sup H34 .'ill Loh Nnv (10 Vt IM Leh Val. 41 h; UK) tXV X II & II .. 27 t.-.O Pa R R.. WH 100 Phil & W pref . . . . 2S lOPhila Co :i.-ii... :tr. pbiiu c cum pf. .TI 20.-, Phil Klec 24',, 1.10 Phil It T lil'-j 711 Phil True fil 101 tReadlng fi.'i 40. Tono Mel 1K 25Tono.Min 1!'i 40lTn Trnc 32 rmv c, i... 43 ,"ll do wur. 'm 447 tr S Stl. mu. 20 W Cramp & Sous. 140 1 York Rwy pref . . , 31 Low 43 01 40 111 0", 00 41 i 1 30 p m - Nt chee. 27-li 30 W. 2S 3.-.U 31 24 21 ',3 r4 S3 32 42,L. 02 01 v, 40 4-1 II., 3 10 .. i;iu,li' no . . " Hi.. vi 27 "4 28 ., :i,-,4itf, 83 2VI Hi Vi 1.. 32 ,. .121 i.'. 02 J 110 140 S! 31 2u. U, 8 Vt rsj nsL.- -r "j si chant" mdo by comparUon with last suln on Nhw York Stock Kxchintf. Bx illvidfnri iody Amer Oa, 1 pr rnit. saks In nON'n.1 t 30 Net $10110 HlEh Low ii. m. chge. . Am I Jns & Klec f,s. . 70 70 70 2 1 ! A. Peo I Tr 4s . . . i ."i Lib Monds I 3.. ... oo.oo no.fio oo.oo 10 I I2 3-.1 Ah -JUa 82.80 82.C,(1 82.80 . 18 4 Vic X 4fts 05.00 05.00 05.00. . I 34 Pa tern ctf.101 10tj. 10Jt... '. ! 1 Phila Co ' cons fim. .78 78 78 I 1 Read'g g Is 711 s 70i2 7IH.. . DIVIDENDS DECLARED I Notional Tranilt To . extra B0 cents and ' Kciiitiinnuiil SO cert Iwth (Myablu June 1,1 to tocl of record May 0 I Meruenthiler Linotype Co quarterly 2V per rent payaulu June .TO to mock of rec ord June B. . Cuban-Aiuerlcan' Hujrar Co., quarterly of 1. per rant each on preferred, payable July I In atock of rerord June 10 and September 39 to itocK of record Seplember If. 200 300 200 too 700 1400 100 2300 300 1400 800 200 3100 100 300 400 2400 300 700 too 2100 1800 1070 4710 200 100 800 000 1000 too 100 2300 1700 100 600 200 4100 100 iono too 700 400 sno 3700 42200 1200 300 100 600 too 2300 600 1301)0 600 1100 100 100 100 100 300 90 300 '10 200 800 100 100 3100 000 8600 100 300 300 too 200 8000 too 800 00 2700 too 100 3900 600 300 1000 401U 300' 100 100 600 00 1300 too 300 7000 10C 400 4000 soo 400 13103 100 800 100 100 200 2100 too 300 400 300 ion .100 300 200 0300 303 noi) 200 100 200 900 2100 23000 300 12011 200 1000 IU0 . t00 700 700 100 600 1000 300 2300 100 100 too 1S00 100 200 200 600 800 1300 Barnct Leather' 60 8 Barrett 124 V .. Batopllas Mining .... 1 ' ,.. Bethlehem Motors ... 70 H 5 Bethlehem Steel 84 R Bethlehem S'eel B... 01 V .. Uooth Fisheries 8yi .. Bklyn Rapid Transit, lilt .. Bklyn rt T ctf.i of dep 8! .. Bklyn Union Oas .... 31 10 Burns Bros tit .. Bruns Term P V 9'A .. Butto Copper & Zinc'. H't .. Butte & Superior Cop. 22yi .. Caddo Central O ft R. 18 4 Calumet & Arizona... 57H .. California Petroleum.. 303 10 Canadian Pacific 115 It 7 Case J 1 Three M pf 04 .. Central Foundry 20Va II Central Leather 07 li 4 Cerro do Pasco Cop. . 4 10 Chandler Motors ....133 4 Chesapeake & Ohio... 81 li .. Chi Mil & St Paul 321& .. Chi Mil & St Paul pf. 40 7 Chi & Northwestern.. 78 8 Chi Pneumatic Tool.. 80 .. Chi R I & Pao 3fi . Chi It I& Pac 6 pf.. 60!i 0 Chi B I & Pao 7 pf. 73 .. Chile Copper 13 1.B0 Chlno Copper 31 1 n Cle Cln Chi & St L pf . 62 8 Cluett Penbody 80 1 Coca-Cola .. 32 3 Colorado Fuel & Iron. 30 . Col & Southern 22 5 Cclumb Gas & Klec... 36 1 Col Grapl'taphonc 1054 4 Comb-Tab Record ... 40 . . Comb-Tab Itccord rla Vt 6 Consolidated Cigar .. 60 7 Consolidated Gas .... 80?; 2 Con Intcrstato Cat M. 13J4 3 Consolidated Tcxlllos. 34' 7 Continental Can 85 1 Continental Candy ... ll'4 4 Corn Products Itef... 93 7 Corn Prod Bef pf. . . .104!' .. Cosdcn & Co 38 12 Crucibla Steel 130ya .. Cuba Cane Sugar.... 53 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pf . . 81 li .. Cbn Am SugConew... 60H D Delaware & Hudson.. 0o' .. Denver & Bio O pf... KK 1 Domo Mines Oyz 7 Durham Hosiery .... 50 .. Elk Horn Coal "0 5 Kndlcott-Johnson ....100 7 Kndlcott-Johnson pf . . 94 .. Erlo Hi .. Erie 1st pf 13 .. 1la 2d pf 1354- 8 Famous Playere-L ... 70 .. Federal Mia & Smelt. 11 7 Federal Mln & Smlt pf 3734 10 Fisher Body 1234 3 Flsk Rubber 30y . Frccport Texas 21 .. Gaston Wma & Wig.. 12J' . Gen Amn T Car Cor.. 51 6 General Cigar 63 7 General Cigar deb pf 81 8 General Electrlo ....Ho'5 . General Electrlo rts.. IH 1 General Motors ctfs.. 2754 0 General Motors pf.... 75 0 General Motors deb... 70 7 Gen Motors deb 7 . 81 6 Goodrich B F til U 7 Goodrich B F pf 0OJ4 7 Great Northern pf.... 7354 .. Green Cunapca Cop.. 3054 .. Oulf Mobile & Nor... 1354 . . Gulf Mo & Nor pf . , . . 30 .. Gulf State Steel 63 4 Haskell & Barker Car 62 . . Jlendee ctfa 30 1 Hupp Motor Car .... IB 54 .. Homestaka Mining ... (5 7 Illinois Central 83 54 .. Indlahoma Ret 7 54 a Inspiration Con Cop.. 61!a .. Interboro Con Corp.. 3 54 ., Inter Con Corp pf.... 1154 .. Int Agrlcul Com " .. Int Harvester 13 .. Int Mer Marina 31 6 Int Mer Marine pf.... 8 3114 63 H 68 114 83 33 y 40 to 103 3814 12814 10634 13 13754 18 91 H 83H H 80 (2 0014 1314 lJ4 87 55 0054 3054 120 87 3K 22054 80 5554 133 54 .18 1454 50 SS 334 33 90 7754 72H 6 158 10954 33 42 V, 60 13354 1 1034 84 8054 8 1134 854 51 111 654 854 22 18 57 H 3054 11354 94 2014 65 54 43 126 5154 :?. 48H 78 86 371. CO 5, 7054 143i 29 V 62 80 31 30 32 (3S4 2834 4034 54 60 ' 8054 13 H 3254 ' 1154 9054 1054 35 13154 30 54 80 J4 54 S054 1054 54 40 10H 97 94 1154 .18 1354 10 1114 3654 125 29 H 20J4 12 50 63 81 138 154 2534 75 6034 81 5914 90J4 7 154 30 , 1254 30 SB 60 54 34 1554 53 8354 7 54 51 3!4 II 10 119 30 8034 3114- 1 3H- 68 34 1J4 .. 9 - A 83 3354 46 - 114 - H IM - 3 38K- 134 12914- 114 109H- lii 13 12714- 1J 1854- 14 IH- V 88 J 1134- 34 80 3(4 92 54- 434 1354- 54 1J4- 14 48 - 134 014 r y 314- 14 1I - 434 873 354- 54 27054- OH 86-4 54- 14 103 554 J9 - 1 1414- 14 53 1,8 334- 54 33 2 0-4 7754- 154 7354- 34 0 - Vi 158 734 10J4 534 "32 - 34 43 - 54 605 12334- 154 1 "34- 34 84 - fi 6634- H 8-J4 1134- 54 854- 54 51 -f- 1 .111 - 35S 0(4 .. 8K ... 23 18 -' U 5734- 334 3y&- 34 11314- U4 4 20544- 54 6554- 334 4354- IK 136 - 754 5154 Vt 3234- 154 834- IH 78 - J4 86-1 32J4- 134 6054- 1 7014- 254 1434- 54 29J4- IH 62 - 154 80-4 31-1 3 - 1 23 5314- 2'e 2834- in 4rt- 54 54- 54 60 8054- 34 13H- ?4 3354- 2H 83 - 154 1154 01 - 34 10454 35 - 1 132 - 454 3054- 24 80J4- H 54 - 5H It- 54 1014- 54 54- ' 50-8 lyi- 34 7-3 4 54 UJ4- 54 18-1 1354 70-3 Sales 790 500 1900 4200 200 200 8(0 100 100 230 2300 3409 Dlv, in High Internat Motortruck.. 5114 .. Int Mo Truck rt8..., 3 .. International Nlckc.. 18 . . International Paper. 71 .. Iron Product Corp.. 47 4 Kansas Cltv Southern 1454 4 Kelly-Rpe Tire ,k..,,1H .. Kelly-Spg T 6 pf..., 85 .. Kelscy Wheel ....... 8754 3 Kennrcott Copper ... 234 3 Key-toneTlr & Rub. 26 54 0 Lackawanna Steol ... 74 400 3.8O LehlRh Valley 41 tan Net Low (NTlm) CM, U54- 354 1 37 -125 - 29-254-12' -50 - 63 -81 138 -54-2534-73 70 81 -8954-9014-7153- .30 - 1354- 1 30 - 114 49-2 6054- 254 34 - 354 I514- 154 45-3 S3!4- 7 54- ' 51 - 54 355 . II - 1 19 - 1 119 - 254 30 - 2 8034- 3J4 3 5i 1 54 m 6 Liggett & Myers pf. .10014 . . Llgg-ctt & Myers rts. . . 13 2 Loewn Co 2(J4 .. Loft C'crp ... 16 .. Looso-Wllc- B 2d nf..lM 12 Lorlllard Tob 135 10 Manatt Sugar 181 7 Manhattan Kiev guar. 4434 3 Manhattan Shirt .... 2)4 .. Martin Parry 2314 , . Maxwetl Motor 23 8 May Dept Stores 118V4 10 Mexican Petroleum ..17854- 2 Miami Ocppcr 31 17 99 98 290 160 1200 loto 100 300 100 100 100 100 403 400 10200 600 2600 1.60 Middle States Corp... 3134 2300 4 Mldvale Steel ft Ord.. 4234 400 . . Minn & St I. new 1354 60 .. Mo Kan & Tex 714 220 .. Missouri Paclfto 2314 400 .. Missouri Pacific pt .. 334 400 3 Montana Power 6014 700 .. Montgomery Ward .. 3254 100 3 National Acmo 3454 700 .. Nat Aniline ft Chem.. 61 601 .. Nat Conduit in Cable. 014 300 a Nat Cnam & Stamp.. 6714 300 6 National Lead 7654 1600 1 Nevada Con Copper., 13J4 290 10 New oYrk Air Brake 91 2100 5 New York Central.... 684 800 .. New York N II & H.. 28 100 1 New York Ont & W.. 17 100 7 Norfolk & Wcatern... S8H 290 .. Norfolk & Southern.. 22J4 1000 7 Northern Paclfto .... 73 200 ., Nova Scotia S & C... 5314 100 .. Nunally Co 16 2900 4 Ohio Cities Gas 3934 700 .. Okla Prod & Ref 454 100 .. Ontario Silver Mlnln. 734 8 OtlM Elevator 117 80t .. otls Steel 24 1000 3 Owens Bottling Mach. 51 300 8 Pacific Gas & Elcc ... 43 24t00 0 Pan-Amer Petrpl 10254 2200 1 Pan-Amer B 96J4 400 .. Penn Seaboard Steel.. 2554 1600 3 Pennsylvania R R. ... 354 600 ,. Peoples Oas Chicago. 3314 1200 .. Pcre Marquette 2454 100 is Pere Marq prior pf.. 60 700 3 Philadelphia Co ..:.. 3534 100 ,. Fierce-Arrow MotT.. 5334 2300 .. Pierce Oil 16 300 8 Pierce Oil pf 8354 100 4 Pitt C C & St L 6 1100 .. Pittsburgh & W Va... S0J4 300 1 Pond Creek Coal... 00O s Pressed Steel Car... 100 7 Pressed Steel Car pf 100 . . Tub Serv Corp of N J 63 300 8 Pullman 11154 3400 s Punta Alcgre Sugar. . 1054 400 8 Railway Steel Spring-. 93 1300 1 Ray Con Cop 1754 10800 4 Reading . .., 8514 100 2 Reading 2d pf 43 1100 ., Remington Typewriter 88 7700 .. Replo Steel 87 13100 6 Rcpublla Iron & Steel. 92 0000 0.20 Royal Dutch Ainer... 11434 300 1 St Joseph Lead 15 3500 .. St Louis San Fran... 234 900 .. Saxon Motor 1154 100 .. Seaboard Air Line pf. 1S4 200 6 Searo-Rcebuck 210 100 .. Shattuck Arizona .... 'A 2200 ,70 Shell Transport 70 12900 .. Sinclair Oil 3454 300 e Sloss Shcff 6654 9100 6 Southern Pacing 9414 6300 .. Southern Rail 2134 35 20 Standard Oil of N J.. 670 600 7 Stan Oil of N J pf.... 194 3000 . . Standard Oil N J rts. 154 900 4 Stewart Warner Sp... 3914 1200 .. Stromberg Carb 66 26600 7 Studebaker 6954 400 3 Superior Steel 4714 300 .. Tcnn Cop ft Chem.... 1054 14400 2.00 Toxaa Co 4754 6900 .. Texas & Pacific 4334 100 . . Texas Pac Land TrustSSO 100 .. Third Avenue 1154 600 0 Tobacco Products ... 6314 1700 .. Transcontinental OIL 1514 200 2.50 Twin City R T JOyi 200 4 United Alloy Steel.... 4154 500 12 United Fruit 20554 300 .. United Rwy Invest... 0 300 . . Unl Rwy Invest pf . . . 1054 10000 3 United Retail Stores. 7334 100 6 Union Bag & Paper.. 116 2100 .. Union Oil 2834 1600 10 Union Paclflo 11654 100 4 Union Pacific pf 62 200 3.50 United Drug 1st pf... 4954 6400 U S Food Products 3200 8 U S Ind Alcohol .. 1100 ..US Realty & Imp. 12300 8 U S Rubber 200 US Rubber 1st pf... 10734 200 A U S Smelt & Ref 6054 53300 6 U S Steel 94 700 7 U 8 Steol pf 10534 B 7 Utah Copper 68 2100 6 Vanudlum Corp 75 400 4 Va-Carollnn Chem ... 7354 no 8 Vu-Car Chem pf 10634 100 e Va Iron Coal & Coke. 101 7200 .. V.iudbu Ino 18 1010 .. Wabash 734 900 .. Wabash pf A 23 1200 .. Western Paclflo 27 400 7 Western Union Tel... 85J4 2100 7 Westlnghousa A BrakelOS 200 4 Wcstlnghcuse E & M. 4754 100 .. Wheeling & L E 034 100 Wheel & I. K pfd 10 100 4 White Motor 50 34 5800 1 Willys-Overland 17 Ji '00 7 Willys-Overland pf . . 79 400 s Wilson & Co 6514 100 . . Wisconsin Central ... 25 700 6 Wcrthlngton Pump .. 67 Kx-dlvldend. 62 80 4354 Wt4 034 3 in 67 47 15 100 85 4754 20 21 14 1 4154 100 13 2854 1414 1M 133 131 44 2454 33 23yi 113 17054 -31 3014 43 12 754 3314 31 60 58 54 6614 7SJ4 13 08 1.714 2714 17 88 33 73 63 16 374 734 115 23 50 4354 15 154 2514 t!4 3334 2354 60 3554 4954 It 82 61 28 17 03 8 63 110 104J4 91 1634 82 42 65 84 80' -11354 1554 2354 10 13 307 154 74 yS 33 65 334 20 631 103 37 62 0334 46 1054 45 3854 330 1154 0254 it 30 4154 20154 8 10 7154 110 38 11354 03 49 6854 83 49 V9034 10034 60 1 10414 6654 7054 7014 10J34 101 17 7 23 1 25 !! 84y4 108 45 ft 034 16 CO 54 1714 79 65 25 65 S034- H 2 17-1 67 - 4 47 14 1854- H 101 - 8 801 5754- 354 26- a54 24 J4- 1 70-4 4114- 54 100 13 3 2854- 1 14 54- 105- 634 133 - 54 131 - 3 4434- 5i 2514- 3314- 54 2354- 254 113 - 354 170 J4 -10 21 - 54 30J4- IH 42 - 13 -.1 '- K 3354 34 3 - 80-1 33 - 1J4 3154- 58 - 314 W- 14 6654- 2 75J4- 154 12-1 83 6714- 1 27J4- 1J4 17-1 88- 23 - 1 luniinuiDTpriDnc I mm W V mV F tr MmW tw TOUCHED ON CURB 72 S3 - Ii 10-3 38-3 4-54 734- 54 US - 5 24 SO - 1 4214- 2 S- 614 154- S14 354- -54 314- 54 3354- 14 2354- 114 601 - 1 3554- 414- 434 16-54 82-1 69 2834- Hi 17 114 93 - 554 8-3 63-1 110 - 154 10414- 3 1 - 154 16- H 83- 254 43 - 54 65 414 84-3 86- 5 11254- 2J4 1514 .. 2314- Mi 10- 13- 14 207 -14 14- y 74- 34 - 54 65-4 3- .. 20- 1J4 651 -23 16334- - M 38-3 6354- 414 6454- B 14 46-3 1014- 54 4S - 214 354-3 330 -2214 1154 14 6354- 354 It - 30 - 'A 4115 .. 20154- 5 8- 114 10-1 7114- 4H 116 - 1 28 . 14 li4J4- IH 02-J4 49 14 58 J4- I 4 84 - --J4, 49 - 414 UI14- 3 10634- 1 60 01 - 354 105 - 134 66 J4- 1 7034- 3 mx- 54 10C34 ..M 101 - us 17!4- 134 7- 54 "i4- 34 2554- 114 S41- 154 108 - 3 45!i- 1J4 ? 14 ic . . 501S- 1 17J4- 34 79 - U 63 25 65 - 254 Commodity Markets POTTO N MARKET Xew York, May 10. The board of managers of the Xew York cotton ex change has passed the following reso lution: "Under the authority conferred by Rule 30, the board of managers hereby suspend, from May 10 to May 21 in clusive, on Slay contracts only, the trading limit of two cents per pound. A jump of 87 points in Mny contracts was tlio feature attending tho open ng. Later months started 7 to 21 points lower, being affected by adverse out side conditions, notnbly the credit situa tion, which seemed to offset continued unfavorable weather news. There were heavy rains reported from Athens. Ga., nnd -bowers were pre dicted for eastern states. Temperatures, however, were said to be getting more normal, particularly at the (,outhwct. Liverpool's weoknehs was attributed to tight money nud less favorable Man chester news. During the first halt hour's trade May contracts were down 20 points from the top and uew crops ubout 25 points under last nlghtn,close. .fl.IlOU at the close esterday. nnd fell to $1.78.i. then rallied to $1.84. July was quoted at $1,118',$ to Sl.flS at the. outset, compared with $1,UI)34, yesterday's last prlrc, and later hold at .$1.07. September sturted at $1.58 to $1.(57 'j, against $1.00 at the close yesterday. Oats nho were weak on general soil ing nnd lack of support ut the outset. On the decline, a leading elevator in terest bought. Tho receipts here today were 82 oar. Muy opened r lower at $1.034, July started at 80e to 8840, against 801,0 at the end jes'crday, September opened at 74!)hc to 74c, compared with "!" at the end yesterday. Receipts of wheat here today were 8 cars. Leading futurea ranged aa follnwe: Corn (new delivery) Chloago time Mas Julv Oat Mv Jul l.ard Juli Itlba Julv Hid Open High t 87 ti l.ffd 1.6S'i 1.88'4 1 ft.t'i 1.04 SO SO 20 7S 20.02 '. If n 18 45 tAaked. Ixiw KliSO 1.78U1I H'.' l.3 l.flU', 1 03 SS Tea, close t.OOti 1.80'i Market Acutely Unsettled and at Times Approaches Demoralization New Yorit. Mny 10. The Brood street curb market today wob acutely unsettled with trading at , times approaching n condition of demorallsat Hon. Many issues wero offered in un usually largo blocks it now low record and there was a inrge amount of the offerings that remained unsold because of the absence of bids, even nt ma. tcrlally lower fletires. General Asphalt was one of the cut' flr fnlllnir from 0091' to 08 Vi diirlnit the forenoon. Texas Pacific Coal nnd Oil, which started IU dechne n fen. .lorn nen on announcement of n new stock issue, sustained a further loss, ranging from (50 to 53. There was heavy trading in tho subscription rights from 12 to 10. Slmms Petroleum sold down from 15 to 144, making a new low record. Other oil stocks generally Bold down from fractions to over A points, uens In nH. however, won exceptionally firm, and was one of the few stocks that did not show a loss during the forenoon trading. , Tlini-e were large transactions In American Woolen (rights) which sold down to the new low record 01 LV4 Indian Packing ranged from 84 to 7. Aetna Explosive was steady ut 0. INDUSTMALH High Acme Coal '-' Aetna Explosives 0 Amer Woolen rta IVi 214 2 aa on uu 3K aH 8H a" a 40' a m in ioi los lov 4K 44 42 Eft 2tt 1M4 aft 8t4 fttt flty RH 8H a au iim 7R 76 76V4 asff 8514 I7 B -i j. 'i 'J . 1 Ti 1 . 27 27 27 . 1AV4 1.1H 10 . 4V4 ( . as as ni . 3H 84 a . si 33 as in it: 1 a; . "rt (,... .11 a 9K am 85v s.vZ '.'.'.'.'. i"S 14$ in loft 10W 1044 2014 20H 1 1 bo no llli U'4 194 1B lit 14 1t aft a, ftu 214 21 2L .V 20 70 '20.112 1S.32 US 40 00 20.80 18 45 My . July October rie'-nmber January March . . Trev clone , 42.10 an 'j . nct.'iH . a.i an 34 no 34.38 in. y. Open 42.08 an, 41 an as as 40 34.7.1 34.20 time) 1'.' m 3D 112 Ifi.ltl 31 13 GRAIN MARKET Chicago. May 10. There was enor mous liquidation of corn this morn ng, with Muv demoralised. That position dropped '12 cents early. Many stop loss orders were reached all around and support was lacking. . The belief that priority will be given to groin and coal and that receipts will he larger had n pronounced inhiicnce on sentiment, whllo tho wove of price ciittlug being experienced in many lines of merchandise throughout tho United States wos not without its effect. The rceelpts hero today wwe pO'cars. May started t l,8T, compared wtb NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New York, Moy 10. A little stendler undertone prevailed at the opening of the coffee market this morning, first prices being unchanged to 0 points higher. The volume of business con tinued very small. Toward midday, the market broke sharply, with longs liquidating freely, influenced by unsettled gcucral condi tions, which were reflected in the weak stock market nnd lower cotton market, July sold down to IB, 20c j September to 14.75c und December to 14.05c, or 2G to 28 points below the high point of the morning. Teat, clou lMftttlo 15.40A41 14.04098 December ,1, 14.70 OH Slarrh 4. 14.7080 um. j May July .... HeptemMr S. T. time) .Qr-en. 11 a.m. 18.10020 lo.iunin 14,0407 uu M.M 85 ii.'o'l It.W FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York. Muy 19 The forelcrn v. change market opening was slightly Ir regular. French, Belgian nnd Italian exchanges were very Btrong In the early iiiuuiii uiiu irciiuuii mams wer4 AI80 un to a new high on this ninv.m.m Sterling was off slightly, demand sell ing for 3.80 nnd ethics 3.8H4, Franc cables sold at 13,20 and checks at 13,12 Lire was 19.10 for cables and checks lii.i., a kuiii ui ,.1 points. Other quotations were Belgian cables 13.00. cheHi. iin Swiss cables 6.67, checks 5.6" ; guilder cables 364. checkH 3634 ; peKetas cables 16.80. checks 10.75. Stockholm cabes 20.96. Checks 20.86; Chrlstlanla cables iS'SS' Swi'S I'lsr? ! "Ph-B'n cables 16.60. checks 16.60. Marks wero up to Tho official pointed to the manner In which tho French Government had met the May Day strike.- and the ensulnir crisis as markedly helping French credit In foreign markets. In general tho official gave It as his view that the production of the world was relatively In a better position to ward consumption than It had been since 1914. He noted that there had bean general tendency toward lower prices In cotton and wool.and that silk prices were declining, and he thought that similar Improvement might be expected within a year In steel Iron nnd cou In tho first hour of tho afternoon franc cables were quoted at 13 80 And checks ut 13.82, a drop of over 76 cents from the early bidding. London o5o"a" lions were received lower on Paris ex change and the heavy short Interest tlmt had been built up brought the quotation ot r?estearr(fay. l th CioMng lov'f- Mre alno wer6 wejk, offering down to 19.60 fcr cables and 15,62 for checks 11 drop of over 13 cents. Sterling was n shade easier, but steady at 3.8u",i for rf.nl.,1.1 fin. O fl, f.. .I..! -T .' -iii miu u.pi ,ur wero strong, advancing jieriiu cnecKS, Cleveland Auto 08 Columbia Emerald n General Asphalt 00U Drape Ota l', Hercules Fapor 23 Indian Packing Vi I.lgmar Coal 14 North Amor Paper r." Perfection Tire '. 3 ft Radio Com 2., nadlo Com pref 214 Iteoubllo Tire Rubber .. . KH nanler 4114 Singer Mfg 124 Sweets Co .... 114 Times Square Atrto 3714 U 8 (Ueamahlp X'.l United Picture Prod V4 United Profit Sharing .... 14 INDEPENDENT 01X8 Allen Oil 24 Allied Oil Iloons Oil Ronton Wyoming Cities Service "B" ctfa Coaden & Co Cuahlng Pete Dominion OH Duqueano Federal Oil Feneland Qlenrock Oil Home Petroleum Houston Oil Hudson Oil . Inter Petroleum an island Oil Kay County Oas Livingston Lone mar uas . Merrllt .Oil .... MatrODolltan Pet Morten Pet .... North Amer oil Phillips Pet ... TMllln Pet rlR Red Ilock Oil ,.... 'i nyan oil Bait ureex l-roa Sequoyah Oil . . Slmms Pet . . . Kkellv Oil Spencer Pet 20ft Stanton Oil R Texas Ranger 1 Texas Pacific Coal "0 Texaa Pacific Coal rta .... 12 Tropical Oil int. Un Texas Oil . victoria Oil new Vvlcan Oil White OH MININO Alaeka, Br Columbia Amer Tin Tung Atlanta 2 Belcher Divide 2 Belcher Extension ...... 7 Rig Ledga 7i Booth .5 Iloaton k Montana SO Caledonia Mining 28 Candelarla Mining H Cortex Sliver 69 Crei.'on Gold 1 Divide Ext 2S El Salvador - Eureka Croesus 1 Eureka Holly lis 40 Mining l'i Ootden Qste Exp H Oold Cons u Gold Devel 0 Oold Kewanas - Gold Merger - oold Silver Pick 7 Oold Zone 1" Kmma silver v Hecla Mining 4ft Jumbo Extension Knox Divide U Ixiulslana Co II McNamara Magma Copper " Marsh Mining IS Mason Valley 2 Mother I-ode "IS Murray Mog 70., Nlplsalng H1i North Star . Ophlr Silver Prince Con Rex Cona . RnoA Qrouo Kan Tnv ............... h Silver King ot Arls .... Vi K silver Lend U Success Mining 4 Tonopah-Helmont 1 U Tonopah Cash Hoy 7 Tono Divide lis Tonopah Extension 1 ft Tonopah Midway 11 Tonopnh Mining 1ft Tonopah Mlipah 1S U S Cont. 7U United Eastern ti victory 12 West End C Hi White Caps X White Caps Ext 2 Wllbert 6 KONDH Allied Pack As 00 A T T lis of '22 04'i Anxlo-Amn OH 71i ...,1(I0V4 A C I, 7h onu. Chao Un Sta. 014 a 00Vd I It T 7 72 I, A N 7a 0K Southwest Hell 7a 07 Low 21, 6a (1 ! 22H' a l'i ? 1 2H S 41U 2 n iw I J St 2H 0 IK . It S3 H l OH 2H r 2U n 4m 124 li Sfl. "4 8 a H s 80 67 1W 27 ? IU n"4 n 7 in 8 4U II A 6 i 3214 18 r." 7H iiii 4 A a 4 i 7 11 IS 18 ail 12 i'i 8 2 8 60 IH It 100 Ui tlflla 72 004 U1i R 7 i n 80 28 u 69 111 28 . ' 1 IU (1 ti 7 10 8 4!i n 11 0 H a2ii 18 o as 78 ? 8 4 IS 7 ift , 3'2 12 8 o 6 0B -i : ror cahics. Marks to 2.18 bid for YESTERDAY'S I'INAI. QUOTATIONS aternng rranca nd . a.HPs 18.82 a . . 3.82U la.Hd Dema Cables I.lre riiilM... 10.07 ann 19, llli 3fll TODAY'S OPEN1NO QUOTATIONS - "'I'iiTJ Vla.n.c" 'JrA Oulldera wc-iiiu 1 -I 7 in.ia IH... Kill Cable ,,,! 3. 8 Hi 13,20 10.10 88 S CHICAGO BUTTER AND EQQ8 Chicago, May IB, nUTTEIl Uns.llled, Creamery 47 W 88 He. , ' 003 undiangcd. Kecilpts, 31,199 Ct 1 v -fjL mm msw Simple Expedient t FIFTEEN minutes was time enough for . us to arrange for the care of $18,000 in securities which a man entering military service wished to put in our charge. WHEN he was discharged and wished to undertake the man agement of his property again, it took only ten minutes to. terminate the agreement. Promptness and service are our aim. Commercial Trust Company CfcyHall Square W Member Federal Reserve SjnUMB 1 V n CHARTERED by CONGRESS If-i Jt NATIONAL BANK IBM Gte BANK of North America 36rChestnut Street OFFICERS E. PUSET f ASSM0RE, rmHsat It S. McKlNLET, Vice Prsi. E. S. U0MER, Cstliir W. J. MURPHT, Ant CuVitr C. v(. PRINCE, Aiit CuUtr J. W. THITJNG, Ant CMil.r DIRECTORS LINCOLN K. PASSH0RE JOHN W. PEARCE JOHN P. CREEN GEORGE PALES BAKER, M. 0. N. MTERS FITLER CHRISTIAN C. FEB1GER J. HOWELL CUMMINGS W. PERCT SIMPSON WAITER H. ROSSMASSLER CHARLES B. DUNN HORACE E. SMITH HARRY 1 EHRET EDWARD P. HENS0N THER0N I. CRANE GRAHAME WOOD W. KIRKLAND DWIER WILLIAM F. READ, JR. CHARLES O. ALEXANDER LEONARD T. BEALE MARVIN A. NEfLAND JAMES D. C HENDERSON WAITER ERBEN E. PUSET PAS8M0RK A Market Opportunity lOli 72 tllHi DROP U EXCHANGE RATES Decline Believed to Mean Return to Old Equilibrium rurls. Mav 19. Another marked da cllne In foreign currency occurred In the Paris market this morning-. The pound sterling opened nt 48 francs and tho American dollar at 12 francs SO centimes. Yesterday's closlnc quota. tions wero oj irancs tor tne pouna una 13 rrancs 74 centimes ror tne uouar. A lilKh official of the Bank of Com merce of Franco expressed the view to. day that the sharp decline, of cxchiuigo rates meant the beginning of a roturn to the old equilibrium ruled by the l.w of supply nnd demand. He considered that tho French Government decree, prohlbltlnir Importations of luxuries from England and the United States, was the starting point. Other reasons were the results of the Ilytlia conference, where the settlement of the German Indemnity question be gan to take doflntln shape, the French business world becoming, for the first time, confident that Germany would pay something of her debt. LONDON STOCK MARKET Undertono Firmer Olio Improve. Industrials Confident Iendon. Mlfy lfl. While the tinder, tone of securities on the stock exchange Kojicruiiy wuti iiriu.r luuuy, lucre was no cxpansiun 111 uiiHinfn, The oil croup uhowed an Improvement, althouEh best quotations were not mnln. iftinea. ueu Transport som at y and Mexican Eagles nt 8V4. Changes In the gilt-edged section mostly consisted of small gains. Home rails wero dull, but there was light buying of Canadians und Argen tines. Sentiment In Industrials was more confident. Trade Active an Paris Bourae Ptrls. May 19, Trading Vas, active and prices closed firm on the Doursa to day. Three per cent rentes were quoted at 6"f Hoc; cxcl'nngo on London, SIC I'd, Ptr cent loan, 87f, T'c, The dol lar was quotcu at lar lie. t " i Existing conditions nnean low bond prices. An out standing example is the op portunity to purchase a First Mortgage Hydro Electric bond at a price to yield 8. For further particulars ask for Circular No. 2421 Bonbright & Company 437Chestnut Street. Philadelphia New York Boston Chicago Detroit Reading Company First Preferred ' Stoond Preferred Common In view of the recent decWon of Utittd States Supreme Court, a circular which we will send on request is of interest to holders of above securities MacMeekin &,WiIliim$on IAN K KB! MAD SKNSOM STREETS I NORTIIIUHT rjOBNKR JUM-BERfJ rHIDRIifHU BMCIC, ;?ffA?t- . . ' Jl ' '. . '.. A . - VA mjMm .'' V ' - 1 1 - "..!. ; vn. tn "., -ta-f.gr wJ&tei j-'-fji