A .... - AS th . "t f 'I &j)i j f i -4' V w '"&! . IIMIMEBBE HSOLM CHS? L'AnnUnilo Delia Formazionodel , " Nuovo Gablnetto Vorrebbo , Dato Domani Gloved!' Published and Dlstnunted Under 1 PBHMIT NO. 841. Authored by th net of OctoW 6. ,517 on nia nt the I'ostortlce of ThlU d.lphli I'. A 8 BURLr.floN, . 1'oatmaster denornl. .noma. 30 mngglo. SI nttctido clip l'On. NHtl nnnuuid per domani, glove i' la formnzionc del uuovo MlniNtcro t 't credo cho l'On. Vlttorlo Selnlola rimnriga nl mio posto como Mlnlstro per git Affnrl Estcrl. Ii On. iuu uvuiu uuu lungn rou ferenzn con illSovrnno, durante II pomerlfiglo dl icr .-.. 1.Q tnntrirlfv Ti'Inpnrlei tiitn- Tamciite' dato nll'On.'NItti per In for- ;EViWGrV WEDKEgMY; MlY itf ' 1920 mnzlono del nuovo Sablnctto lnscla ndlto a credere cho la soltizlono della crisl non rapprescntcrn' nltro cho un profondo rlmpasto inliilst6rlnle. Sccondo lo Yocl cho corrono 11 nuovo cnblnctto Bl bnncrebbe mil qundrlnomlo Nlttl-Luzzatti-Uonoml-Mcdn. Nulla dl concrcto nl puo' dire rlgunrdo nl glollt tlnnl cho pnrtcclpcrobbcro nl nuovo Minlstoro. I plu' proboblll per tin portnfogllo snrfbbero Pcnno c De Nicola. Circa i radlcnll nl fa 11 uonio dl Fern. In quanto nl cattoltct, oltrc n Mcdn, cntrcrcbbcro n far t pnrte del nuovo Qablnctto ell oporcvoll Mlchell, Berlin! o Itodlno. Sompre Btnndo nllo vocl cho corrono ncl circoli pnrlamcn tnrl, l'On. Meda nssumerebbe 11 portn fogllo della Orazlo o tilustlzla, racutro l'On. IJcrtlnl qucllo dcll'Istruzlone I'ubbllrn. Lo mlrc del pnrtlto popolarc, ossla cattollco, verrebboro cosl' soddls fattc. nolche' 11 pnrtlto cattollco vuolo nssodntc lc qucstlonl, relative nl Culto o rn'slcurnzlone die dalle neuolc non pengn CBcluca l'lstrtizlonp rcligliAa. Hccomio qunnto ptibbiicn 11 glomnio ''II Hecolo" 11 Vntlcnno si snrebbe proniinzlato In favoro dqlln combine zlonc Nlttl cd avrebbo imnnrtlto istru- zlnnl nl deputati cnttollci dl decordarc tutto it loro appoggto. ' IOn. Turntl, lender del soclnllstl rlformlstl, durante una intcrvlstn ha dlcblnrato cho lc pole nersouo cnnncl dl riRolvcrc l'odlcrnn crisl inlnl8tcrInlo sono rslttl n.ujolitti c dl esRerc pcrclo glunto 11 momento dl unn IntetiRii colla' borazlonc trn 1 due uomlnl politicly Here It Is The best lock on the market for FORD CARS Pcnn Combination Lock offers the same protection to your car against theft that the Hafe docs to your valuables. It has been highly com mended by the Underwriters' Lab oratories. Ak your dciiltr. Acenli unntrd crrrru here PENN PRESSED METAL CO.,, Newton Ave. & Line St., Camden, N. J, Sen Ice Htullont 2003 Market Ht., 1'hlld. WA N T E-D Experienced HEAD MOLD CUTTER; also EXPERT PORCELAIN MAN who un derstands tooth porcelain and shades. Splendid opportunity for the right men to connect with fast growing strong cqmpany. Communications will be kept strictly confi dential. ' BOX B 836, LEDGER OFFICE This fact alone is BOtoWijS3Ej j splendid recommen- jsafllgllm F $$'&& Larson-Oldsmobile Co. fli M PUBLIC cfiftb LEDGER SHIP BY TRUCK-GOOD ROADS PRIZE ESSAY r For the best essay on tho subject of SHIP BY TRUCK GOOD ROADS limited to BOO words, and received hero not later tliun May 29th, accompanied by a thrco months' subscription to tho Public Ledger onu remlttanco of $3.25, a Four -Year Scholarship at tho University of Pennsylvania will bo awarded. to ttohSatestofi iS llmitcd t0 IIi8h Sch.o1 students, boys and girls, PENNSYLVANIA DELAWARE NEW JERSEY MARYLAND of a'coile" aPdunufs,ual 0PPortunity for you to becuro tho advantages PuhH?? n,amo of Iho successful student will bo published in tho a mJ,dFi8r Su"d.y Jn 20th, with his or her photograph, and 0 "Production of tho essay. tido rnii8tnts nouIt, Bcn(l t"01" CBsays by mail, written on ono nddrrV, elelai0n,j;' c,,thor tyPcd or Penned, with, their namq and "QareBs, school and principal, to GOOD ROAMQ rnNTFQT PiittCJl5CULATION DEPARTMENT, "PPHIIADEIJPHIA "" '" II III I I I II HI! 1 1 Mil i I ill I UMI ! Bill II lllal w. r t .. "' i"im r , , , ll"',.:m , . ' ' , n it . .J. L' l- -Mt ."- IS -,n IfIND MISSING CUBAN GIUL Da'uahter of Wealthy Cigar, Manu facturer Discovered In LosAngeles Ncw York, May , 10. -r Henrietta Bultkc, -flftccn-ybnr-old daughter M u wcAltby'Gubnn clgnr mnuufneturer, who disappeared front her homo here April llhns been found In ros 'Angeles after , ' !-" y. a nationwide- search, according to in formation received yesterday rtt pollcif headquarters. 'Jhe girl's father will lenvc nt once for tbo Pnciflc const to bring her home. , Tm Anv1. Affix 10. TTnr!pftn PBultkc. of ,NpW York, wns brought to Juvenile Hall hero Monuny by Cap tain AVIlllniiiR, of the Chicago police de partment. Hho was held for snfo keep ing only, It wns said. FLOWER MARKET TO OPEN lllttenhouso 8qUare'a Seventh An nual ete 8et for Torriorrow Society folk of Phllndelphin wilf gather tomorrow mornlnjr nt Kitten house Square for tho seventh annual Dower mnrkct, which begins nt 30 o'clock and lnsts until 0 o'plock in the cyenlng. , Kverythfng In ready for the opening, but in event of rain the nffulr will be postponed until Friday. Flowers, vegetables, garden ncce sorlcs, toys, ice o renin, butter nnd eggs will be' on nulc. There will be ponjSrldes for children on South Itlttenhouso Square, to be in charge of Mrs. William Ashton. ... The executive committee in clinrge of the event Includes Mrs. Vl Kirk Trice, chnlrmnn', Mrs. Thomntt Xu Ul wynf Mrs. Hownrd W. Punconst and Mrs. Andrew Wright Crawford. An all-day luncheon and ten will bo in clinrge of Mrs. Chnrlcs T. Crcsswcll. There will bo a number of flower decked booths in clinrgcv, of prominent society matrons, assisted by groups of society girls. i Among those who will hnvc flower booths will bo Mrs. Henry Itrlnton Coxe, Mrs. Theodore W. JDrainp nnd Mrs. Joseph Loidy. WILLS PROBATED TOOAy, l' Wills were filed for probate today m: -follows: Nina Croohclra, 1820 Ndrth''," Thirty-second street, $15,006 Jae'ob Qlascr, C021 North Thirteenth siret-i , .$3700; Mngdatena Leldmnn, a8f Dickinson street, $3500; Mary ItooMi" v 17(11) North Mnscher Rtroct. X4noS4 K I Thpodnro W. Walker. 21 2 N2Sfc "IM Twentieth street, $11,873. Tfm m 1 : t 7 .r sj4 iitdiday that means mtich 1 p: f ;- to childretv ; ' . .; i.i' n itf ii riJinix ;wirr m rum rrrssf rtjif itii -.v m v wvw muuk bibct yccbk l mJi miwMtw irn iiii.w 1 vrry . . 0 m mmm j. j .i..v. h jiv .r " -. EJ&m Win Hii:'..'i 111 iffir lift 1 ik; Mm mmmmmmmm tar:ortyirjyi-v! ' f pill A million Philadelphiamt are celebrating this week as Kolb's Bond Bread Birthday Week. K m "WHAT of bread do yu and your children like the "test?" we asked the' housewives of this vicinity three years ago this week. Two thousand of the best home cooks of 'this vicinity answered by submitting their own best home-made loaves of bread. From that mountain of bread, women judges selected the best loaves. And from these prize-loaves Kolb Bakery Company's' experts designed Kolb's Bond Bread, copying the flavor, the close-knit texture, the crisp brown crust and the high nutritive value of ,those best home-made loaves. Three years ago thqse prominent women selected the best loaves from thousands oT home-made loaves of bread Miss Lucy Aiken, Department of Household Arts, Friends' Cen tral School. MIsi Dorothea Allen. Mrs. i:. S. Allen, Philadelphia. Miss Anne Balderston, Intructor nf Domestic Science, Friends' Select School. , Miss Nellie K. Bigelow, Dietitian, ' Alington Memorial Hospital. Miss Helen Dradthaw, Instructor of Cookery, Trenton Public Schools. Mrs. Wtn, M. Cameron, TtesU dent Women's Club, Narbcrlb, I'a. Miss Ethel Campbell, Assistant to Mrs. Scott. Mils Ella J. Day,, Instructor of Cookery aid Dietetics, Temple University. Miss Bertha B. Deakyne, Superb visor of Domestic Art and Science, Chester Public Schools. Miss Nellie M. Delaney. Mrs. Nana Foster Dubbel, Sec retary Women'a Civic Associa tion, Merlon, Pa. Mrs. Wharton Harrison Tsher ick. Instructor of Home Econ omics, Malvern Club. Mrs. B. R. Godshall, Philadelphia. Mrs. Wm, HIndman, Oak Lane, Pa. Miss Alice Johnson, Supervisor Department of Home Econom ics, Board of Public Education Miss Katherine Lawrence, Direct or Household Science, Temple University. Mrs. I.. Jf. Ludlum, Chief In structor, U. G. I. . Miss Louise' Lysje, Domestic Science Instructor, Wldener School, Mrs. C. R. Munro, Philadelphia. Miss Ellrabeth Naylor, Logan.' Miss Claribel Nye. Bread Soecial. Experts duplicated those Prize home-baked loavtt For weeks the Kqlfp Bakery Com pany's experts worked to duplicate the flavor, texture and appearance of the best home-made bread. In our clean, sunlit bakeries, expert bakers finally perfected the Bond Bread process under conditions so scientifically exact that every batch of Kolb's Bond Bread must be of the same uniform goodness. Philadelphia celebrates Bond Bread's Third Birthday In thousands upon thousands of homes Kolb's Bond Bread has come to be an institution. The women who selected the prize loaves in the Bond Bread Baking contest and the thousands who submitted their own home-made loaves, will want to join the cele bration, for they did much to bring better bread to Philadelphia. What Kolb's Bond Bread Means to Children "' It isn't only that little children lifte Kolb's Bond Bread, for the same reason that they used to welcome "baking day" but Bond Bread's absolute purity, its complete and easy digestibility have built sturdy bodies and rounded out rosy cheeks for many thousand children yes hundreds of thousands. .tiss Claribel Nye, Bread 1st, Cornell University; Miss Iner Pore, Dietitian. North western General Hospital. Miss Margaret Pott,, Domestic Science Instructor, Brown Pub lic School. Mrs. Anna B. Scott, Pure Foci Economist, The North American. Miss Anna K Sein. Instructor nf lis, Anna K Seip, Tnst Cookery, Philadelphia, Miss Gertrude H. Shearer. Chirf Instructor, Philadelphia Electrio Company, Miss L. F. SIdwell, Dietitian. Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia. j&m Miss Emma Dept. of School Luncheons Smedley, Director Board of Education. Mrs. Edith E, Snovel, Dietitian, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadel phia. Miss Margaret Tullldge, Domestic Science Instructor, Board of Public Education. Miss Antoinette p. Williams. Dietitian of Dry" Mawr Hospital. mt$rt4i& m m m y m . , km m m . m . - - . M.BT 4ta J-a. ,M (ttB W ,. T Of n m V ULiiLlP ilAi Tid MA4I A J,i 1 m a 4 Jlv if V . & A ... - i . w .. .a vMiaiivm , - w, MMJ TI X W VkikMAll UUTJLMMIM lATUJTllM 1T ' VL immmufm&mto X$tiirtktoMtiiM"y''' 'rmifii'mi ' ' vVs-'r, 'j! -fir' '-'v'il"-V"v-' v ,-v iWm,41'-!,,,-" "-oj ." j ; - 1 - i 'n.. A . -.'v Jt . '-mr K.y. ' .,;:ry ' iv ' ' ' V- MMJr u':t JUU l Kd I 1I1 i j 'pi